Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Crossing the Threshold ……Activating the Infinity Codes The Energies for August 2007

Crossing the Threshold ……Activating the Infinity Codes The Energies forAugust 2007 Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn[image: newearth]image by Fons Koopmans of the NetherlandsDearest Lightworkers, the Lion's Gate has opened and you are crossing thethreshold. You are crossing over into a new energy, a new perceptualreality, a New Earth. All is changing – the Earth is changing, you arechanging. The radiance increases and the energy of change restores balanceand brings great healing and love to all.Dearest ones, it is a time of great miracles and wonderful transformations.Whatever is the desire of your Heart and Soul, it will find you now in someway. But, be aware also, dearest Lightworkers, that many will complete theirwork and leave now. They came to prepare the Earth for the great changes,and now they will cross over into the Light to continue their service fromthe Higher Dimensions of Light. They have done their work well, and theycross over with Joy and Love.And now, dearest ones, let us speak first of the powerful transformative"fires" of the month of August. For, as the sun transits through the "royal"house of the Lion, or Leo, the Cosmic fire pours through the Lion's Gate inorder to transform and transmute as the Earth moves to a higher level ofSpiritual Evolution. This year, 2007, is a time of great transformativepower. The Beings of Light who watch over your evolution on Earth havereleased the full power of the Cosmic Fire to you in order to activate the"Infinity Codes" that you carry within your cells and within your DNA. Thesecodes are the Light Sequences that activate the blueprint for PhysicalHealth, Perfection and Longevity, and a new relationship with thetransformative process that you call "death".At this time, dearest Lightworkers, many will choose to activate theirInfinity Codes, and will step fully into their Diamond Solar Light Bodies.At this time, they will know themselves to be "Diamond Light", Infinite andEternal and yet existing within Human form as Divine Human or Human Angel.And, dear Lightworkers, as you make this physical transition, you willactivate a radiant burst of cosmic light in every cell in your body thatwill transform your very being on a deep level. And, you will be the wayshowers who will point the way forward to the next step in the evolution ofHumanity.So, we will speak briefly of the important moments in August, that willaccelerate this process. The Lion's Gate Stargate opens on the 26th July andcloses on the 12th of August. Powerful Light energies and codes from theCosmic and Galactic Heart Centers pour through to the Earth via the Siriusstargate. Then, on the 12th of August, at New Moon, the Earth willrecalibrate its Lunar Codes to bring the Lunar and Solar Divine Feminineenergies into perfect balance with the Diamond Christed Masculine energiesthat were balanced in April and May of 2007.Then, on the 13th and 14th of August, Venus and Saturn will be exactlyconjunct at 27 degrees of Leo. Venus is the Goddess planet of Beauty, Loveand Erotic energy; Saturn is the "father" energy of maturity, and is alsoassociated with Time and Death. At this moment, Venus and Saturn will"recalibrate" their relationship as Humanity enters into a new perceptualawareness of the nature of Love and Beauty and Life and Death. As theInfinity Codes activate and the Blueprint for Perfect Health is "fired"within the cells, humanity will move forward and accept a new relationshipwith physical existence in which perfect health and longevity will becomenormal and accepted. Dear ones, this will not occur overnight, as it were,but you are planting the seeds for a new awareness in all humanity when youactivate this awareness within your own consciousness and within theintelligence of every cell in your body.Then, on the 15th of August, Venus in Leo at 26 degrees will align withGalactic Center at 26 degrees of Sagittarius, and Pluto on the GalacticCenter. In this fiery and transformative connection, Venus will relay theseNew Earth energies back to the Great Central Sun at the Galactic Center, sothat this Choice and Acceptance of the Infinity Codes and PhysicalTransformation for Humanity on Earth will be registered in the Great Akashaor DNA record bank held in the Great Central Sun by the Keepers of theGalactic Light Codes. At that point, dearest ones, your transformations willbe registered and Humanity will make the Great Shift forward. It will beinevitable, and nothing will be able to stop or hinder this process as theEarth transitions into the Dimensions of Light, and the New Earth willbecome manifest rapidly as you move towards 2012.At the end of August, there will be a total Lunar Eclipse on the 28th, whenthe sun will be in Virgo and the Full Moon will be in Pisces. At this time,Earth and Spirit will experience total Harmony and Balance and Peace willPrevail. It is your Choice, dearest ones, and you have chosen well!Celebrate, as you cross the Threshold, for you are entering the New and itis a great adventure of Light!The Diamond Paradise Grid and the Opalescent Flame of Healing andBalancingDearestLightworkers, we would also speak now of some of the deep changes that havemanifested in July as preparation for these wonderful changes in your Earthreality.Firstly, in order to "anchor" these changes and the increased radiance, theParadise Grid was "upgraded" by the infusion of Cosmic Diamond Light. TheParadise Grid or Matrix was established in 2005 to be the CrystallineGeometric Matrix for the New Earth. It is a perfect Icosa-Dodecahedron thatencircles the Earth and carries the Paradise Codes. In July it was upgradedby the transfusion of this powerful Dianmond Light or Fire, and we now callit the "Diamond Paradise Grid". It is ready to receive your manifestationsas you create the Paradise that will be the New Earth.A similar process has occurred in your own bodies, dearest Lightworkers.Those of you who have made the choice have activated your own crystallineDiamond Grid or Matrix within your Solar Light Bodies, and you are ready totransform and re-create yourselves as Human Angels or Divine Humans within aParadise Earth. And so, after the great choices, the great work begins. For,the new Diamond grids are coded only to accept manifestations and creationsin absolute truth and balance. Anything that exists in fear and illusionwill find no "anchor" within the Golden Perfection of the New Grids ofCrystalline Light.And, at this time, you will begin to experience what we have called the"Opalescent Flame" of Balance and Healing. The Opalescent Flame is under theguardianship of the Divine Feminine Lotus Keeper or Goddess, Kwan Yin. It isthe energy of the bodhisattva or ascended ones, transmuted into pureCompassion and Unconditional Love. It contains all the colors of the rays insoft opalescent form, and it contains also the sparkles of Golden HealingFire. The Opalescent Flame, with its Fire of Absolute Truth and Compassion,of Higher Love, activates the Cosmic Fire within and brings a person orsituation into perfect balance. It is indeed a powerful energy.In this time of "crossing over" to the New Earth and the New Earth Grids,there will be those who will carry the Opalescent Flame within their LightBodies, and they will be catalysts for Healing and Balancing in others. Forindeed, where the Opalescent Flame is felt, there will be powerful healingand balancing, sometimes immediate and instantaneous, if the being permits.This will change the nature of "Healing" as you know it, and acceleratechange and transformation as so many of you have requested.For, what will happen is that the Opalescent Flame will activate theself-healing and balancing mechanisms within the DNA in a powerful way, andeach being will balance and heal in a way that will be in alignment with thehighest good for that person and situation. Sometimes, these processes willbe shocking in their intensity and immediacy, but they will always be forthe highest good and you will learn to trust the Compassion and Love withinthe Opalescent Flame and its blessed keeper, Kwan Yin, who represents thehighest expression of the Divine Feminine energy at this time.After a while, you will find that the Opalescent Flame will hold All inBalance, and you will move into your Golden Age of Love and Peace.Indeed, dearest ones, you have made your choices, and you have chosen well!We celebrate with you. May August 2007 be the month that you remember as aPowerful and Blessed time for your Earth and all who live on her

Friday, July 27, 2007

Bending Light and the Great Re-Boot

Bending Light and the Great Re-Boot Aluna Joy Yaxk'in===============================This summer's shift has not disappointed and has not been the least bit boring. If life was a great roller coaster ride, then we are on the best roller coaster in the universe, and it is a whopper! We are loving it and hating it all at once. It is clearing us out, and like a giant cosmic twister, it is ripping open doorways to greater awareness and expansion. Are you as confused by all this as many of us are?On June 2nd, we rebooted the Yucatan Maya Calendar count, and on July 21st, the Kiche Maya Calendar count followed suit by also rebooting. By the time we culminate with the Perseid meteor shower on August 14th, we will be in a triple pressure cooker of transformation. It is cooking our old programs to a crisp! Nothing goes as status quo any more. We can feel deep inside of us that the only way out of this cosmic heat wave is to REBOOT! And this is exactly what we are doing. You may feel like quitting your job, moving to a new area, leaving your partner and even dumping all your material possessions into a huge give-away pile. So if you feeling like screaming and dumping it all (and I mean IT ALL), and running for high country, don't panic . . . you are in good company. : )Living and working in a linearly manner is not happening at all right now. You find that you are scattered at your work. You are a butterfly skipping between one focus and another. You feel compelled to do things that are not necessary or practical. You think you are wasting time and then feel guilty for it. You think you are going in circles. You just can't seem to get any thing done. I am surprised that I have finished this article!If you happen to finally get something done, you find that you have to do it again. Your missing appointments, re-scheduling, re-working, re-ordering, and re-organizing . . . because we are needing re-covery and re-vitalization (I would like to be re-scued - HA!). We need to re-focus and are screaming our for re-assignment. We are about to get re-structured, re-visioned, re-programmed and get re-cruited into new job descriptions.We are finding ourselves cleaning house over and over, re-modeling, re-storing, re-organizing and re-gifting . . . it is a time of re-flippen-everything. We are SO BUSY while feeling like we are doing nothing, and nothing seems right to do. We have been there . . . and done that . . . one to many times. Sometimes we just want to sit down and cry like a baby. The long days of summer have whizzed by like a lightening flash while we find ourselves standing at the same point when the sun rose. Yes . . . this is the space between what was, and what will be, and it is twisting us out.We are finding that we are being attacked once again by old enemies which we had long forgotten . . . and yet old riffs, which we have given up on to heal, have done just that! I am seeing a wave of healings happen between families and friends and also between cultures. I sit here shaking my head at all the crazy shifts in near disbelief. I am surprised that we are still holding on and yet overwhelmed with excitement!It is a convoluted twisted up amazing summer that forecasts an amazing new future that we only have vague clues about. The clues even seem twisted. We can feel the excitement all the way down to our soul, yet our bodies are reeling with all kinds of issues. Some are saying that they feel a pressure in the head with heat radiating off the top. Once again many are feeling waves of nausea but this time around it is more intense. Many say that they are having ringing in the ears now in multiple frequencies.Lung issues are on the rise, like choking and hoarseness, which are creating oxygen level drops in our bodies. Don't hold your breath - BREATHE - BREATHE - BREATHE! Lower back issues and all over aches and pains have come back with a vengeance. Feeling dizzy? . . . . like some one shoved you sideways and you can't stand up straight? Plus we can't seem to stop yawning! What is with that I ask?Weird sudden issues with the thyroid are also on the rise. Maldek, Atlantis, Hiroshima . . . and the misuse of atom splitting technologies have echoed into many of our thyroids from our present and past lives. So we might have a huge increase of thyroid issues. Empaths . . . take care of your glandular systems.At the extreme, there is a rise in many choosing not to stay here any longer, and many are in the process of saying "good bye" to parents, and other loved ones. Many people, who never get depressed for any reason, are feeling like quitting life. And quitting life is just what we need to do in order to make this shift. If we hang on to what we have known, we close doors to what is out ahead of us. I am not saying to end your life. NO WAY. You came here to see this shift and all the amazing things that we will experience together. What I am saying here is that we are loosing our attachment to things and this world. This is why you are becoming bored and want to quit. This really is a good thing!Right now we don't know if we are coming or going! We want to LET GO, to GIVE UP, and RE-BOOT. And WE ARE! This is the great re-booting. HOLD ON . . . your divine destiny is being downloaded as you read this. Hang on . . . the roller coaster ride, of which you have no control over, is about to coast to a gentle stop at a new destination. Soon we will enter this new world, hand in hand, and we will say "WOW! . . . what a ride that was." We have placed our power and focus towards a wonderful future. Don't give up now . . . just close your eyes and don't look back. There is nothing else to see . . . now jump!This ride IS you and I entering a new dimensional density. When you enter a new dimensional density, you have to BEND . . . And bending we are. Our LIGHT is bending. Yea, it is causing some weird stuff to happen in and around our consciousness and bodies, but you know . . . deep down . . . you know the ride will be well worth it!The Star Elders asked me to explain . . . Light travels in a straight line. But when Light, your Light, enters a different density or dimension, it BENDS as it enters the new density or dimension! Like when a ray of light traveling through air enters a heavier density like water, you can actually see the light bend. Light bends because it travels at different speeds through mediums of differing densities. The denser the dimension the light is traveling through, the slower the speed will be. The lighter the dimension the light is traveling through, the faster the speed. Yep you guessed it! We are speeding up aren't we?Another example . . . If you are riding a bicycle on a paved road and it turns to a gravel road, you will slow down, and the new surface will also bend/shift your direction before you can re-correct your path. The opposite is true also. Your bicycle will re-correct its course once all of its tires are on the same density or in this case, the same road or dimension. Depending on which side of the bicycle you were putting the most weight on, as you hit the gravel, is the way your bicycle will bend toward. The same is true for the light that is bending within you. If are you putting your weight, power, and focus on the positive, you will self correct into a lighter and higher place. If you place your power and focus on what is wrong with this world and with your life, you will bend toward more of the same. I don't suggest that you do this. : ) The universe listens to ALL of you. It listens to your actions as well as your intentions and wishes. The Star Elders say "If you want to bend your light to enter into the higher dimensions, you better start acting like it!"Waves and vacillations of bending light is unplugging and re-plugging, un-grounding and re-grounding us back and forth from this dimension to a slight higher frequency over and over. Bit by bit we learn to adapt to the higher frequencies. I think this is one reason many of us are called to sacred sites. This is exactly what sacred sites do. This planetary pulsing used to happen to us only every once in a while. Now we are pulsing every few minutes, and in sometimes cases, every few seconds. This gives us little glimpses of a new orientation point of a new and higher dimension. The Star Elders say that we are not feeling oriented yet, but this IS all part of the process. Bending light causes temporary mirages (illusions) and distortions as it bends, thus the reason for the distortions that we are seeing in our lives and the world. So remember . . . don't water the weeds . . . water the flowers. Be a good gardener of the spirit.So the bottom line is simply that me/you/we are bending, changing course . . . shifting. It is not so comfortable and I know that you know this already. But it helps for me to rant on about it, and get it off my chest, because I am SO READY to let it go. and get on with it, for this is a great and amazing adventure that we are embarking on! It is about time! YAHOO! It is a wild ride for sure.**Excerpted from: CENTER OF THE SUN NEWS Aluna Joy Yaxk'in is an internationally known author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic who inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to God.Aluna Joy Yaxk'in PO Box 1988 Sedona, AZ 86339 Website: www.1spirit.com/alunajoy E-MAIL alunajoy@kachina.net Ph:928-282-MAYA (6292) *

Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Sacred Higher Brain Teleclass

The Sacred Higher Brain
Kerrie O'Connor
Michael Pierce, MD

July 29th, 2007
7:00 PM EST / 6:00 PM CST / 4:00 PM PST

"Michael and I are honored to present this empowering, life-changing Tele-class on Sunday. We will be discussing the changes that are happening right now, changes that have a direct effect within our brains. We are evolving "back to" Whole/Holy brained people. This sacred re-wiring and re-connecting allows us to release from old, limiting belief patterns that are deeply engrained in our psyche. This re-patterning releases us from the illusions of separation by widening our perceptions and removes any filters that block us from fully stepping into our Divinity.

As we become the Whole/Holy Brain-evolved beings, we increase access to our Akashic Records, our soul's code. We are more able to "download" our angelic records and "erase" our old belief systems which allow us to attract and hold higher frequency energy. It comes down to LOVE ATTRACTS LOVE. Clear filters create clean clear "drawing boards" to co-create from an empowered perception of life.

We ask that you have paper, pen and water readily available. If it resonates with you, light a candle. Create a sacred space for yourself. I am asking people to either print the symbolic image of Infinity below or redraw it and have it close, as it will be used during the attunement process.

Thank you and we look forward to "gathering together" on Sunday. "

The class will last for one hour and will begin promptly at the scheduled time. The lines will be muted for the entire class.

You can enter or re-enter the class at anytime just by following the instructions below.

Instructions: Dial the call-in number (712) 580-0380
You will be prompted to enter the passcode (547948# )

The class will be recorded and accessible for up to 21 days following the class. To hear the playback, dial (641) 715-3439 and use the same passcode (547948# ). Please note that the above phone numbers are not toll-free.

**If you have any questions, email us at http://us.f543.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=union1111@yahoo.com.
Kerrie O'Connor, LLChttp://www.kerrieoconnor.com/

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Opening Of The 2007 Lions Gate / Following Fire The Grid

The Opening Of The 2007 Lions Gate / Following Fire The Grid
Dearest Lightworkers, after the powerful energies of the Solstice on the 21st of June, the energies continue to intensify as you move towards the opening of the Lion’s Gate for 2007, which takes place from the 26th of July to the 12th of August.
As you know, dearest ones, this is the moment when the Earth begins her new cycle of spiritual evolution. It is what we would term the planetary “New Year” celebration. At this time, the Sun aligns with Sirius in the early morning sky in the Northern hemisphere, an event that the ancient Egyptians knew as the “helical rising" of the star Sirius. The Earth’s “two suns” align in the sky, signifying the opening of the Sirius stargate, as powerful evolutionary energies and codes are transmitted to the Blue Star Earth from the Blue Star Sun or Sirius.
But, dearest Lightworkers, here in 2007, not only are you commencing a new annual cycle, as indicated by the opening of the stargate, you are also entering into that new cycle of time that will take you into that moment that the Mayans called “Cosmogenesis” , or the creation of a new Cosmic Day. This is scheduled to occur in 2012, according to the Mayan calendar, and its “galactic” time-keeping.
At this present point, you are entering a new cycle of nine years that will complete in 2016. By that time, you will have experienced the Cosmogenesis, or what we would call the Co-Creation of a New Cosmic Day, with Source and Spirit.
Yes, beloved ones, it is not only Earth that is moving towards a cycle of rebirth and renewal, it is also the Galaxy and the Cosmos itself. Your work, though, as inhabitants or children of Earth, is to awaken to your true work as Co-Creators, and to be ready to co-create the New Earth with Source. That is what you are here for; the choices that you make now will determine what you will create with Source. It is time to release all illusions and to start creating from absolute truth and light.
Know, dearest ones, that as the light intensifies in your galaxy and on your earth, only creations of light and unconditional love will take root and survive. All that is based in fear and exploitation will be revealed for what it is and rejected by those who seek peace, love and joy in their lives.
Dearest souls, what a gift this is, for the first time, you, humanity, as human angels, are privileged to co-create with Spirit. What you choose and what you create at this time will lay the foundations for the New Cycle and the New Earth. So, we cannot stress enough – NOW is the time to choose life, love, peace, joy and beauty. Now is the moment to affirm Who You Are and to create from that essence. The Earth awaits your choices, you are the creators. We in the Angelic realms are here to support your choices and your creations. We rejoice when we see the positive and loving choices that you are making in your work as co-creators of the New Earth.
So, in this month of July, as you enter into the new energies, we see many of you guided to certain places and rituals of love. Many have chosen the 7th of July as the time to honor the energies of the 07 07 07 and the opening of new stargates in the Earth’s galactic “re-connection” process. Others have chosen the 17th of July as their moment for global re-connection, as they have been led by their inner guidance. We ask you to honor these moments, as they are preparations for the powerful energies of Cosmogenesis and Renewal that will pour through the Lion’s Gate in late July and early August.
Creating in Perfect Balance and through Sacred UnionDearest Ones, in June you honored the Divine Feminine and the energies of the Triple Goddess. In July, and into August, the Divine Feminine comes forward to meet with her Divine counterpart, the Divine Masculine, to create the perfect “fire” or “sacred flame”, known as the “Twin Flame”. This is signified in the skies of your world by the Sacred Union of the two energies at the heliacal rising of Sirius, for Sirius represents the energies of Isis, the Great Mother, and the Sun represents the Male energy of Ra-Herakuti- Osiris. In their Sacred Union, is the perfect balance of Passion and Creativity to co-create with Spirit.And, as you move into the sun sign of Leo, the Goddess manifests as a Fire Goddess, passionate, warm, sensual, the perfect forge for the ultimate transformation of Cosmogenesis.
Dearest Lightworkers, the energies will be intense, electric, passionate, turbulent, creative! Stay in your center of Light and Peace, and stay Calm and Serene. Walk your path with Grace and Dignity and Unconditional Love.
Everything is changing and rebirthing on very deep levels. The elementals are making passionate love as they rebirth themselves at sub-atomic and deep levels. Dearest Ones, you are not the beings that you were ten years ago. You are different, the Earth is different. You are lighter and brighter, you are the Human Angels who are re-birthing a New Earth and a New Society. Flow with the energies of Peace, Joy and Love.
New Work and New Contracts and the “Fourth Wave”Dearest Lightworkers, most of you have completed your “contracts” for the pre-cosmogenesis period. You are now moving to take up new contracts and new work for which you have been trained and prepared.For many of you, this will involve entering into soulmate unions, and working as a “team” and within a “Sacred Union” or relationship. These loving and creative and passionate energies will be an integral part of how you experience the New Earth and the new energies in this period leading up to the moment of Cosmogenesis.
So, for many of you, it is the moment to step into your full potential and allow the world to see who you really are. It is time to express your power and to allow your light to be seen. As the Lion’s Gate energy pours through to the Earth, there will be a mass awakening that we will call the “Fourth Wave”.
Those of the “Fourth Wave” are not Lightworker family as you are, but are “ordinary” people who will suddenly awaken to who they are, and will seek for the Lightworker family to assist them, and will seek to become one with the Lightworker family at this time. They will be disoriented and anxious at what will be happening to them as the energy accelerates events in their lives. Dearest Lightworker family, it will be your work to assist them by shining your light and living your truth, to show them that humans can be balanced and abundant in the new energies.
You have been trained and prepared for this time over many lifetimes, and many thousands of years. Now is the time of Awakening. Now is the time of Creation.
It is the time of Cosmogenesis – a New Reality and a New Cosmic Birth.
The Energies in July The Sun will be in Cancer, a water sign, until the 23rd of July, when it moves into the fire sign of Leo. So, the gentle and nurturing energy of Cancer will give way to the fiery passion of Leo at the Lion’s Gate.The New Moon will be in Cancer on the 14th of July. A water moon is peaceful, gentle, loving and deep. The Moon is in its own house here, and so represents an optimum moment for planting seeds of feminine love and joy, and for celebrating the love and power of the Goddess within.
The Full Moon on the 30th of July will be in Aquarius, with the Sun in Leo. The Aquarius Full Moon, at the time of the Lion’s Gate, carries the full energy of the New Age. This is a powerful time. Respect these energies and honor them in meditation and rituals of light.
Mercury will be retrograde until the 9th of July, providing time for reflection and meditation, before moving forward once again into the powerful new energies.
Jupiter and Pluto are both retrograde in Sagittarius, and the Galactic center is at 26 degrees of Sagittarius. These planetary alignments are providing the galactic power that is the engine of these deep changes and transformations.
Dearest ones, the New Day is here. We wish you well as you create the New Earth. For, this is your destiny, and it is time to awaken and to express Who You Are. For you Are Children of the Stars. You are the Divine Essence in Human Form. You are Powerful Creators.
You Are.
Now is the Time!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Fire The Grid Videos from Shelley Yates

I only had to listen to the first video to know that Shelley Yates is a great soul, who has spent her tragic life for this particular important moment in time. I was absolutely rivetted to her message, and every word carried an energy that told me that this dear soul is so honest and loving. She was clearly inspired, and I have not been so excited for a long time at the message she gave. It was dynamic and powerful with a clear instruction as to what each individual can do to "Fire the Grid"We are in the time that we can exercise our own power to determine the future of Mankind. So many times our friends in Spirit/Space have told us of the power of thought, partcularly when many souls come together in a common cause.The 17th July will be our day, and the first of many when we shall take back our sovereignty, our dignity and freedom.In Love and Light. Mike.If for any reason you cannot open these videos, visit Shelley's website on www.firethegrid.org Shelly Yates videos on "You Tube"8 Parts:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqUAluDvuU4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVhVCsv56kghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsqOZUmaECY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzrPCGP60As http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66zQg0v_gn4http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_6ajmdt39A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWtJncxNeLI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWtJncxNeLI

Friday, July 13, 2007

Fire the Grid Global Repatterning Proxy Group FREE

Fire the Grid Global Repatterning Proxy Group July 17, 2007
facilitated by Elizabeth Tobin, JD Certified Resonance Repatterning® Practitioner
On July 17, 2007 we have a cosmic opportunity to reset Mother Earth with a bio-electric SURGE OF LOVE from humanity.
To aid in this magnificent endeavor I am facilitating a Free Global Repatterning Proxy Group and I invite you to join in.
There is no charge for this Fire the Grid Global Repatterning. If you would like to give something in return to balance the energy of this exchange you may make a donation to www.CommonPassion.org or pay it forward in some other way that speaks to your heart.
Register For the Fire the Grid Repatterning at www.megaHRgroups.com

Dear Friends,
As you may already know, July 17, 2007 is a cosmic opportunity of monumental proportions. I am offering a Free Fire the Grid Global Repatterning to help us fire up our energy to reboot Mother Earth’s and our own individual grids.
If you haven’t heard of Fire the Grid, below is some information from Patricia Cota-Robles about this magnificent opportunity. Also, I highly recommend watching Shelley Yates’s video on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqUAluDvuU4 You can also visit Shelley’s website at www.FiretheGrid.com

Elizabeth Tobin, JD
Certified Resonance Repatterning® Practitioner
P.O. Box 215
Boston, MA 02131

A COSMIC OPPORTUNITY - JULY 17, 2007 - 11:11 A.M. GMTIntroduction by Patricia Diane Cota-Robleshttp://www.eraofpeace.org Precious Hearts, since the dawn of this year we have been discussing the fact that our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven issued the fiat that 2007 will be a year of monumental change. As incredible activities of Light unfold day by day, we can see the tangible manifestation of this Divine Plan. These activities of Light are preparing Humanity and the Earth for our Ascension into the 5th Dimensional Realms of Infinite Perfection. Now, on July 17, 2007, we are bei! ng presented with a Cosmic Opportunity that is unprecedented in our lifetime. Because of the myriad activities of Light that have taken place over the past several decades, Humanity is finally in a position to fire the grid that will unite the Divinity within every man, woman and child on this sweet Earth. This grid will also reconnect Humanity directly with our Source, All That Is. This grid has been a fragmented shadow of its original potential for aeons of time. This situation has prevented Humanity from being able to clearly perceive the Oneness of Humanity or to hear the still small voice within. Consequently, our communication with the Realms of Illumined Truth and our Father-Mother God have been very, very limited. Why July 17, 2007? Well, the Beings of Light have an expression, "Cosmic Moments come and Cosmic Moments go."! ; They say that if Humanity misses these Cosmic Moments, it may be tho usands of years before the opportunity will be presented again.July 17, 2007, is a Cosmic Moment. On this sacred and holy day, there will be a surge of Creation Energy from the very Heart of our Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent Father-Mother God that will blaze through the whole of Creation. This All-Powerful Light will raise the energy, vibration and consciousness of every facet of Life that was ever breathed forth from the Heart of God. Through the unified intention of the collective consciousness of Lightworkers around the world, this awesome Creation Energy will also fire the grid and rewire the short circuits and fragments that have caused our self-inflicted separation from God, as well as from each other.This facet of the Divine Plan is being revealed to Humanity by Shelley Yates, her website is www.firethegrid.org . Please read her story with an open heart and mind. We have all been preparing for this Cosmic Moment for millennia. At long last, our time is at hand. This amazing story by Shelley Yates tells about a miracle that happened to her and her small son. The miracle revealed an opportunity for Humanity that will create an unstoppable shift for Planet Earth and all her Life. Read this information carefully, take it into your heart of hearts, and share it far and wide. Know that YOU are the Hands of God now made manifest in the physical world of form.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

New Earth Rising : Cosmogenesis and the Lion’s Gate of 2007

New Earth Rising : Cosmogenesis and the Lion’s Gate of 2007
The Energies for July 2007
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn
http://www.starchildglobal.com/"Lions Gate" by Margit Muehlbauer of Germany
Dearest Lightworkers, after the powerful energies of the Solstice on the 21st of June, the energies continue to intensify as you move towards the opening of the Lion’s Gate for 2007, which takes place from the 26th of July to the 12th of August.
As you know, dearest ones, this is the moment when the Earth begins her new cycle of spiritual evolution. It is what we would term the planetary “New Year” celebration. At this time, the Sun aligns with Sirius in the early morning sky in the Northern hemisphere, an event that the ancient Egyptians knew as the “helical rising" of the star Sirius. The Earth’s “two suns” align in the sky, signifying the opening of the Sirius stargate, as powerful evolutionary energies and codes are transmitted to the Blue Star Earth from the Blue Star Sun or Sirius.
But, dearest Lightworkers, here in 2007, not only are you commencing a new annual cycle, as indicated by the opening of the stargate, you are also entering into that new cycle of time that will take you into that moment that the Mayans called “Cosmogenesis”, or the creation of a new Cosmic Day. This is scheduled to occur in 2012, according to the Mayan calendar, and its “galactic” time-keeping.
At this present point, you are entering a new cycle of nine years that will complete in 2016. By that time, you will have experienced the Cosmogenesis, or what we would call the Co-Creation of a New Cosmic Day, with Source and Spirit.
Yes, beloved ones, it is not only Earth that is moving towards a cycle of rebirth and renewal, it is also the Galaxy and the Cosmos itself. Your work, though, as inhabitants or children of Earth, is to awaken to your true work as Co-Creators, and to be ready to co-create the New Earth with Source. That is what you are here for; the choices that you make now will determine what you will create with Source. It is time to release all illusions and to start creating from absolute truth and light.
Know, dearest ones, that as the light intensifies in your galaxy and on your earth, only creations of light and unconditional love will take root and survive. All that is based in fear and exploitation will be revealed for what it is and rejected by those who seek peace, love and joy in their lives.
Dearest souls, what a gift this is, for the first time, you, humanity, as human angels, are privileged to co-create with Spirit. What you choose and what you create at this time will lay the foundations for the New Cycle and the New Earth. So, we cannot stress enough – NOW is the time to choose life, love, peace, joy and beauty. Now is the moment to affirm Who You Are and to create from that essence. The Earth awaits your choices, you are the creators. We in the Angelic realms are here to support your choices and your creations. We rejoice when we see the positive and loving choices that you are making in your work as co-creators of the New Earth.
So, in this month of July, as you enter into the new energies, we see many of you guided to certain places and rituals of love. Many have chosen the 7th of July as the time to honor the energies of the 07 07 07 and the opening of new stargates in the Earth’s galactic “re-connection” process. Others have chosen the 17th of July as their moment for global re-connection, as they have been led by their inner guidance. We ask you to honor these moments, as they are preparations for the powerful energies of Cosmogenesis and Renewal that will pour through the Lion’s Gate in late July and early August.
Creating in Perfect Balance and through Sacred UnionDearest Ones, in June you honored the Divine Feminine and the energies of the Triple Goddess. In July, and into August, the Divine Feminine comes forward to meet with her Divine counterpart, the Divine Masculine, to create the perfect “fire” or “sacred flame”, known as the “Twin Flame”. This is signified in the skies of your world by the Sacred Union of the two energies at the heliacal rising of Sirius, for Sirius represents the energies of Isis, the Great Mother, and the Sun represents the Male energy of Ra-Herakuti-Osiris. In their Sacred Union, is the perfect balance of Passion and Creativity to co-create with Spirit.
And, as you move into the sun sign of Leo, the Goddess manifests as a Fire Goddess, passionate, warm, sensual, the perfect forge for the ultimate transformation of Cosmogenesis.
Dearest Lightworkers, the energies will be intense, electric, passionate, turbulent, creative! Stay in your center of Light and Peace, and stay Calm and Serene. Walk your path with Grace and Dignity and Unconditional Love.
Everything is changing and rebirthing on very deep levels. The elementals are making passionate love as they rebirth themselves at sub-atomic and deep levels. Dearest Ones, you are not the beings that you were ten years ago. You are different, the Earth is different. You are lighter and brighter, you are the Human Angels who are re-birthing a New Earth and a New Society. Flow with the energies of Peace, Joy and Love.
New Work and New Contracts and the “Fourth Wave”Dearest Lightworkers, most of you have completed your “contracts” for the pre-cosmogenesis period. You are now moving to take up new contracts and new work for which you have been trained and prepared.
For many of you, this will involve entering into soulmate unions, and working as a “team” and within a “Sacred Union” or relationship. These loving and creative and passionate energies will be an integral part of how you experience the New Earth and the new energies in this period leading up to the moment of Cosmogenesis.
So, for many of you, it is the moment to step into your full potential and allow the world to see who you really are. It is time to express your power and to allow your light to be seen. As the Lion’s Gate energy pours through to the Earth, there will be a mass awakening that we will call the “Fourth Wave”.
Those of the “Fourth Wave” are not Lightworker family as you are, but are “ordinary” people who will suddenly awaken to who they are, and will seek for the Lightworker family to assist them, and will seek to become one with the Lightworker family at this time. They will be disoriented and anxious at what will be happening to them as the energy accelerates events in their lives. Dearest Lightworker family, it will be your work to assist them by shining your light and living your truth, to show them that humans can be balanced and abundant in the new energies.
You have been trained and prepared for this time over many lifetimes, and many thousands of years. Now is the time of Awakening. Now is the time of Creation.
It is the time of Cosmogenesis – a New Reality and a New Cosmic Birth.
The Energies in JulyThe Sun will be in Cancer, a water sign, until the 23rd of July, when it moves into the fire sign of Leo. So, the gentle and nurturing energy of Cancer will give way to the fiery passion of Leo at the Lion’s Gate.
The New Moon will be in Cancer on the 14th of July. A water moon is peaceful, gentle, loving and deep. The Moon is in its own house here, and so represents an optimum moment for planting seeds of feminine love and joy, and for celebrating the love and power of the Goddess within.
The Full Moon on the 30th of July will be in Aquarius, with the Sun in Leo. The Aquarius Full Moon, at the time of the Lion’s Gate, carries the full energy of the New Age. This is a powerful time. Respect these energies and honor them in meditation and rituals of light.
Mercury will be retrograde until the 9th of July, providing time for reflection and meditation, before moving forward once again into the powerful new energies.
Jupiter and Pluto are both retrograde in Sagittarius, and the Galactic center is at 26 degrees of Sagittarius. These planetary alignments are providing the galactic power that is the engine of these deep changes and transformations.
Dearest ones, the New Day is here. We wish you well as you create the New Earth. For, this is your destiny, and it is time to awaken and to express Who You Are. For you Are Children of the Stars. You are the Divine Essence in Human Form. You are Powerful Creators.
You Are.
Now is the Time!
© 2007-8 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

The Energies For July 2007

July 2007.As we prepare to move into July 2007 we have noticed that during the last days of June we went through another huge detoxification/releasing process. Many of us have had inexplicable itchy skin etc. Be grateful, because this is all that needs to be coming to the surface to be released and it is just one of the ways that our physical body is finding to release the old. Recently we are noticing an increased vibration in different parts of the body, especially the lower chakra's and the legs flowing down and out through the feet chakra.If you are experiencing this know that you are not only being assisted to ground YOURSELF fully, but you are also acting as a portal for the energies coming in and also your creations are taking form through these vibrations, you are transferring them into Mother Earth. Remember, she is as much a part of us as everything upon her. Lovingly sharing this energy with her is helping ground the energies, integrate them and so raising the vibration of all that reside upon her. Merge with her heart as you are doing this and you may well see her smile lovingly back at you. We do! Also, many of you will be noticing an increase in the messages from numbers, your clocks etc. Yet again the 11.11 or 1.11 seems to be popping up everywhere. We love the way our guides and angels whisper in our ear to look at these signs. They are there to let you know to be alert, that new experiences are opening up for you. Enjoy them. If there are other numbers that are showing up regularly, you might want to visit Doreen Virtues site. What ever you do this coming month do it with all your heart and full of passion, it will deliver the results you desire..While wondering what we were going to write about for this energy update, other than of course the major upcoming events several things were placed on our path. As we move through this energy report we will share them with you as we received them. The MAIN TOPIC for July is undeniably about FREEDOM.A day before sitting down to write this report I received a link to a movie and as always I was curious, so I watched it. The Movie is called "ZEITGEIST". We are not going to give you the link to the film yet because we know a lot of you are impatient and would go directly to the link. (huh? Why Not? We hear you all saying in indignation. chuckle, just kidding.) We first went to the movie that is hosted through Google which takes a few minutes of talking before the images actually start to appear, so please be patient if you watch that version. We didn't give you the links straight away because we felt to need to warn those of a delicate disposition. There are many images inside this movie that are to say the least very disturbing. There is information inside this film that if you are of a religious disposition it might well shake the foundations of your beliefs. If you trust and believe in your governments, then at the very least it will raise doubts in your minds. If you trust the financial corporations? Then it throws a completely different light/dark on those too.After watching this movie, we sat for a while and felt what effect it had had on us? We must admit it had us held in a depressed state of being for a while. Even though we have heard everything before, the way this is portrayed goes to the very core of your being. We had to wonder for a while whether perhaps the very people who seek to control us might have actually created this movie? In truth, it would not surprise us as they have come to a place that they feel they are untouchable and all powerful. Does it really matter? We feel that the purpose of this movie is to place potentials in front of us whereby as always we may choose to believe what we desire to believe This in its self fits our message for July: "FREEDOM" Freedom to choose from the heart/love instead of the mind/ego or fear.YOU are free to choose. Just as we have taken space and time to share this movie with you, we ask you to use your own discernment and share it forward if you feel your friends and lists should at least have the personal choice of knowing and making new choices.We will provide you with the links to the movies at the end of our energy report for very obvious reasons.You could be forgiven for asking yourself why we would begin our July energy report with such a powerful thought provoking movie. Well, now that we have had a few hours to absorb what the movie did to us, we are making the choice from a conscious state of knowing and you who are reading this message are at that same or similar place. We realized that this movie is all about the human state of being that we are now choosing consciously to rise above. It is the perfect personification of DUALITY in all its ugly forms. Please don't misinterpret our message here as duality has served its purpose in humanities evolution and humanity still has the free will choice whether to remain in it or step above it. We are ever more convinced that our convictions and many of our previous messages relating to "TRIALITY" consciousness are/were the right choices for us.You see! We can also choose to remain in duality consciousness with all of its entrapments, fears, illusions and limitations, or we can choose to work in Triality consciousness where there are no limitations on what we can do or create. Add to that we know that this kind of project is supported in wondrous, magical ways by our friends/family in other dimensions. So we can say with a heartfelt YES, that it is for Triality evolution where our choices lay.Over the years we have worked with and run an online community that we had created for the purpose of soul evolution. We felt at a certain point that it was time to bring it out into the physical world. It is for this reason that we are now being guided to take the first tentative steps in creating what we are being asked to give the name: "Centers for Triality Evolution". In the past few weeks we have created a pdf file that will give everyone a glimpse of the intentions of these centers.http://www.twinflames-twinsouls.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=101It is our desire to have a combined, natural and alternative methods, inner and outer wellness. Essentially we desire to create a space where everything that may be required for all levels of healing/growth can be found under the one roof. Remember, this is a tentative effort at placing it in the pdf file. It is our wish that others around the world who hold a similar vision will add to what we have placed there. It is our wish that even though you may not desire to be a part of such a center you will add it in to your prayers. We would love you to pass the message on to others so that we may bring it powerfully and fully into focus by the many that these centers are created all around the world.Note: It is our intention that these centers are owned and run by those working in them. It is our hearts desires that they are created all around the world by groups that are fully focused on Triality consciousness, it is our desire to assist in making them visible within the minds eye or the hearts desire. Once that is achieved we can leave it up to the universe to weave the magic.Moving into July there is certainly a huge opportunity to put your/our intentions/desires out to the universe. The 7th of the 7th month in 2007 is another pivotal point in humanities evolution.All that you have transformed and activated within you is being increased on this day. The magnetic/electric, feminine/masculine is being boosted even more and therefore also your Triality consciousness, or in other words your remembering who and what you are. Your God selves. In this increased God self state you will find your creations/manifestations are also speeding up and flowing ever more effortlessly which is great news for those who are focusing on for instance projects like the Centers for Triality Evolution. For those who have not yet remembered your purpose for being here in this incarnation you might well notice that all kinds of feelings, insights etc are coming to the surface for you to take a look at. How to recognize them? They will feel familiar and make you feel good. Focus your thoughts, prayers, meditations on them and allow the universe to work its magic for you. Be aware of the synchronicities that are sure to increase around you. You will find that the more you allow and enjoy these experiences the more powerful they will be. Here again a profound sense of freedom will be felt for in truth you are indeed setting yourself free from the shackles of this 3d illusion. Tip: Merge with the Christ consciousness in your heart, connect to your mighty I AM presence, and ask our beloved Germain to blaze the violet flame through you. This will bring forth the God-self Love sensation, assist your thoughts to be connected to your higher self and purify your thoughts. Anything that flows through will always be for your greater good and the greater good of the ALL.We feel that the 21st of July will also be a significant date. When you add this up it comes back to a 3 or a 1, which is again all the master elements within you. (divine feminine, divine masculine, Triality/god-self) The whole date adds up to a 1 which is always a new beginning and we feel for many of you this date will indeed herald new beginnings. 21 = 2+1=3, and then the whole date = 21-7-2007 = 2+1+7+2+7= 19 = 1+9 = 10, 1+0 = 1 equals new beginnings.During the whole of the month of July you truly are being set free. You will experience freedom. Many are leaving the old behind, those who have been sat on the fence are now being pushed either one way or the other, the hard way or the easy way. Which ever way, trust and know that it is making you take action so that you will have the freedom you desire.Your 4 bodies are increasing their vibrations which in turn is raising the vibrations in your energy fields, raising your vibrations on a cellular/molecular level etc. Remember the saying so above so below? So within, so without? Well this is what is happening. You are drawing heaven to earth, creating and manifesting through love and anchoring them, that what is changing within you is manifesting on the outside. Whether it appears to be good or bad, simply allow it to unfold. The end result is FREEDOM. Freedom from the shackles of the old that has held you back for so long. Enjoy the experience and you will enjoy the transformation, enjoy the transformation and you will enjoy the results.