Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Archangel Michael: The Hidden Messages of the Ages -

Archangel Michael: The Hidden Secret of the Ages Transmitted Through Ronna Herman * LM-6-2012 * ========================================== Beloved masters, every sentient Soul must follow his/her own particular destiny, a specially designed path that leads to illumination and reintegration with his/her Divine Self. The lessons you are learning and perfecting will be your contribution to the whole. Within these seemingly painful experiences are the jewels of wisdom you will need to fulfill your particular segment of the grand design. So do not judge yourself or your progress by that of other people. Do not gaze on others in awe or with envy at the talents and gifts they have mastered and manifested, for within you are treasures just as great awaiting discovery. You are deep in the midst of discovering a truth that has eluded humanity for hundreds of thousands of years, a secret that has been deeply hidden in the illusionary reality of the third- / fourth-dimensional world of existence: The truth about the nature of true love, what it is and what it is not. Love is not just a sensation of the physical emotions, the intense desire to own or possess another in order to feel a sense of wholeness. True love is not the thrill of conquest or obtaining what seems to be "a great prize" at the time, which often ends up being a great burden instead. Love as an external focus, exterior to you, will always bring a sense of vulnerability, for the ego-desire body will constantly seek validation from someone or something. Love is neither Self-sacrifice nor victimhood, where you give away so much of yourself that you no longer have an identity of your own. Love is not enabling those around you to dishonor you and abuse you as they reinforce your own projections of unworthiness. How can you expect anyone else to treat you with respect and love if you are not willing to set boundaries and send clear messages of love, acceptance and worthiness for yourself, as well as for others? You must remove the etheric barriers or filters you have placed around your heart and emotions if you are to be able to receive and radiate the higher frequencies of heart/Soul love. You must confront your fears about losing those you love, and let go of the disappointments and betrayals of the past, which often manifest as a fear of intimacy or of making a commitment to another. As you learn to believe in and trust yourself, you will develop a fundamental trust in others, and others will place their faith and trust in you, for trust begets trust. The limiting, crippling thought forms of self-sacrifice, martyrdom and suffering and the denial of the beauty and perfection of your physical vehicle must end. It is time to re-evaluate, release or transmute all of the destructive thought patterns you have taken as your truth or allowed others to force upon you for so many past lifetimes. Pause a moment and answer these questions truthfully: do you identify who you are exclusively as a physical Being and then through constant self-judgment, focus primarily on your imperfections? Do you habitually compare yourself with others as you fight an ongoing inward battle, which ultimately assures failure and validation of your distorted point of view? A great majority of people have a love/hate relationship with themselves, which keeps them constantly frustrated and mired in self-inflicted misery. You must be aware that the Path of Soul Illumination creates a dramatic upheaval in both your inner and outer realities. You must endeavor to rise above the discordant dramas in your everyday life as you diligently strive to return to harmony any imbalanced and challenging relationships. It will take time and patience; however, when you learn to function from within your Sacred Heart center, while attuned to your Sacred Mind, you will gradually develop a heartfelt sensitivity and serenity along with purity in thought and actions. We tell you that there are multitudes of brave Souls in this world who are well on their way to Self-mastery. They are the honored disciples on the Path who will one day become the Ascended Masters of the future, fifth-dimensional planet Earth. We know you are wondering why you are being subjected to so many tests and negative situations. We tell you, brave Souls, you are in the midst of an intense initiation/transformation process that must be experienced in order to attain the higher levels of consciousness-not as a punishment, but as a means to once and for all release or transmute all the impacted, stagnant energy that has kept you enslaved in a greatly limited, chaotic environment. Many of you have been on the path of initiation for many lifetimes, and you are ready for the next giant step in consciousness. When you first step onto the probationary path of ascension, the personality/ego becomes aware of the Soul's nudgings and the battle for supremacy begins. Soul Fire or the invigorating, higher vibrational patterns begin to burn off the negative energy that rises to the surface to be addressed. The fires of purification eventually become the Light of Illumination as the process is repeated over and over until the multiple facets of the Higher Self begin to merge with the Soul and the process of ascension speeds up dramatically. Remember, every thought or statement you make has a specific range of vibrational frequencies. If you repeat a statement often enough, it becomes firmly implanted within your subconscious mind as a part of your truth. It matters not if the frequency patterns are of a high or low vibration or whether they are true or false. Over time, your subconscious mind will integrate them into your "memory bank of established beliefs." Criticism can be a positive thing as long as it is not permitted to become destructive (expressed with malice or with a desire to hurt). There are times when criticism is an expression of fact-when it is a neutral recognition of limitation. However, please be careful of value judgments. Remember to use your free will wisely-you always have the right to accept or decline a judgment statement. The energies of love from the vantage point of an en-Lighten-ed Soul are totally different than the energies from those who are still playing the distorted game of duality or "me versus you." You must first open to the love and wisdom of your Soul. As the love grows within your Solar Heart Center, a magical thing takes place; slowly the portal to your Sacred Heart opens and the Sacred Love stored there begins to flow throughout your physical vessel, especially throughout the chakra system. You begin to realize that you are a Divine Spark of our Father/Mother God, and you are worthy of love and respect as well as all the joy, beauty and bounty of Creation. Love projected outward from the Sacred Heart Core results in a constant flow of Self-assurance and Self-acceptance. A person centered within his/her Sacred Heart is always striving to incorporate and project more of the blissful feeling of unity and harmony. This is a precious feeling, which becomes an intrinsic part of your Being once you have gained access to the River of Light / Love / Life and you have a steady flow of Creator Light into and through your Sacred Heart. Before you can establish a satisfying, loving relationship with others, you must relearn how to respect and love yourself. You must begin to focus on what is right about you instead of what is wrong. Begin to listen to the whispering, intuitive voice of your Soul Self (which will grow louder as you acknowledge its wisdom) as it gives you encouragement, insight and awareness of your vast potential. We are speaking not of egotistical love, but of a deep abiding feeling of worthiness and Self-confidence as you begin the process of reestablishing contact with the many facets of your wise and loving Higher Self. Divine love is the Essence of our Father/Mother God, and it flows forth in great streams of White Fire Light filled with unlimited potential in its never-ending desire to experience more of Itself. The Adamantine Particles of Creator Light pour forth from the heart core of the Supreme Creator to us via the Father/Mother God of this universe. It is a blessed gift to be used by all Creation at all levels, from the highest, most powerful, to the lowest, most diminished. It is your birthright to bring forth your own unique self-expression, through loving co-creation in harmony with the Divine Blueprint, which is always in perfect accordance with the grand design of the Creator. How much of your Divinity have you embodied? How loving are your creations, my brave friends? What kind of temple have you created for your Soul? Your spirituality is becoming "up close and personal" as you clear the major distortions in your world-at-large. You are learning that your connection with our Father/Mother God is also a very personal relationship. In fact, you are discovering that you have a facet of God Essence within your Sacred Heart Core. When you are in an "interactive relationship of learning," depending on the stage of en-Lighten-ment of both parties, you are either sharing conditional love of the ego-desire body or the Sacred Love of the Soul. There is an attachment process going on in both types of relationships. You are either in a relationship whereby you have allowed energy cords to be attached to your Solar Power center, and you have also sent forth energy cords to the other person (which results in a push-pull dance created by imbalanced frequency patterns). Or, if you are centered within your Sacred Heart and you are using the wisdom of your Sacred Mind, you will have allotted a share of your Adamantine Particles of Light (God Particles) to the relationship, which totally changes the dynamic interplay between you. Truth and integrity must be the foundation of any relationship you establish in the future. Your Soul Self will accept nothing less, for compatible vibrational frequencies will be an intrinsic barometer of validation in any close relationship. First you must accept who you are, as you are at the present time, and you must strive to become the very best person you can possibly be through self-examination of your attitudes, beliefs, habits and weaknesses. You must learn that the foundation of a lasting relationship with others is to first establish a deep loving acceptance of your Self, exactly the way you are at the moment. Remember our words of the past: "you must love the Self you are at the present, while you are striving to become the Self you desire to be." You must first focus on your capacity to "embody love," whereby you strive to become more loving and lovable until, eventually, you realize that "you are love personified," and you do not need anyone else to validate that truth for you. As you tap into your own Sacred Heart and that wellspring of Sacred Love within your own Divine God Spark, you will remember that there is a never-ending supply of Love/Light available to you, for it is your Divine Heritage. You will reside outside the normal, mass-consciousness state of reality when you attain spiritual illumination, which results in a Lightness of heart, mind and emotions. In order to receive and send love, you must remove the filters of protection you placed over your Solar Power Center many ages ago so you could not be hurt by others. You must allow the mighty Three-fold Flame to burst forth and open the portal to your Sacred Heart to receive love. Love is a powerful, natural state of Being. The pure, Sacred Love of Spirit is an emotion that cannot be distorted by conditions or actions. Love has many different qualities and feelings, such as the exquisite, romantic love between mates, the tender, protective love of a parent, and the trusting love of a child. Love is the language of Spirit, and it is the only way to communicate with our Mother/Father God. The love of the Creator and our Mother / Father God is all-encompassing and never-ending. Pain and suffering are a result of denying the love that you are. When you are firmly centered within your Sacred heart, you will transcend all major discord. When you are living your truth, you will be Self-confident, and you will always strive to interact with others in a positive, truthful manner. And so we implore you, beloveds, throw open the portal to your Sacred Heart so that you may be filled to overflowing with the Divine Elixir of Life. The gift of Eternal Life awaits you. Know that we are ever near to guide, inspire and protect you. I AM Archangel Michael. Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Star*Quest* 6005 Clear Creek Drive, Reno, NV 89502 USA * Phone/fax: 775-856-3654 * Email: RonnaStar@earthlink.net * I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of AA Michael * Copy freely and share * For Archangel Michael's books, tapes and information on courses given through this Channel please visit: www.RonnaStar.com *

Friday, May 25, 2012

Metatron Channel Greetings All ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet you this moment in Unconditional Love ! Dear Ones, that you term the Ascension can be defined as the transition to Crystalline dimensional expansion. Masters, 2012 is just the beginning, for the crystalline energy is amazingly robust and effusively dynamic. This benevolent energy is indeed a force of omnipotent ubiquity that has not been seen on the planet in many millennia. It is a powerful combination of telluric, hyper-dimensional and cosmic forces that are capable of shaking the earth and opening dimensions. It is also capable of up shifting your frequency. All of these are in fact occurring, and exponentially so, as there are dynamics of crysto-magnetic physics at play that are beyond your current scientific comprehension. The final completions of the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas are extremely important to the Crystalline Transition of the Earth. And the crystalline transition is tantamount to the 2012 Ascension. On the 12-12-12 the Crystallization of the planet will complete. Sacred Contacts That is one of several reasons why so many of you will be drawn to Arkansas for the final Triple Date Portal gathering, the 12-12-12. For those of the Atlantean Law of One, the completion is part of a sacred oath that the Crystalline Energy will one day return...and never again be allowed to fall into the wrong hands. Presence in the Crystal Vortex for many is a soul contract, and many of the Law of One will feel & answer that call. We will also tell you that several of the featured speakers at the 12-12-12 including John Van Auken, Graham Hancock, Dr Semir Osmanagich, Tyberonn and John Jenkins were highly esteemed senior members of the Atlantean scientist priest, the Atla-Ra of the Law of One. All of their presence will add an immediately recognizable energy of sacred 'reunion', and that will be sensed and felt among all of the Atlanteans of the spiritual Law of One. And indeed several of these will be meeting for the first time, and will share the cognition very deeply. All who gather will feel a sense of exuberance, the magical knowing that what was promised millennia ago, will finally occur....the re-emergence of the Crystalline Energy. Arkansas Was an Atlantean Colony Just as the Magnetic Master, Kryon channeled a decade ago, evidence of Atlantis is indeed in Arkansas. Arkansas, because of its crystal deposits was logically and absolutely an Atlantean colony. Crystals were seeded, programmed and coded. There remains in the vast chasms below the surface of Arkansas, ancient structures of the Atlantean era. Some of which remain inhabited by the 'blue-skinned' race. Although the incredible crystals beneath the lands of Arkansas have been dormant for over 14,000 years, we tell you that they are awakening...and within the next 3 to 4 decades, Arkansas will be globally recognized for its unusual and brilliant crystalline energy. Many Master souls of the Atla-Ra and indeed Masters of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance will purposefully choose to reincarnate in the Crystal Vortex, and in fact have begun doing so now. These are the Crystal Children, and Arkansas and Brazil are drawing them in the thousands. They will innately understand the importance of these two regions, and will thrive within, and play leading roles in the appropriate utilization of these potent energies of the Arkansas and Brazilian Crystal Vortexes. By the 23rd century, magnificent Crystalline Temples will have been built around the Crysto-Sun Disc of Pinnacle Mountain, and the Temple Crystal locations of Mount Maga, Wilhelmina and Eureka Springs. And while 3 centuries may seem a long time to you, it is present and will manifest within a flash from your nonlinear aspect. So accordingly the activity of the Crystal Vortex is surging . This will increase throughout 2012 and continue through 2038. Arkansas is emerging as one of the most important and powerful vortexial portals on the planet. It is the northern hemisphere source of the Crytsalline field. Arkansas is not only the largest singular deposit of natural quartz crystal in the world; indeed it contains a unique quality of crystals, coded to awaken at this time, coded with the energy of the 'Law of One'. In 2012 and forward the crystals will begin emitting a frequency that Sound Fields- Crytsalline Standing Wave Long ago the ancient Mystery Schools of Atlantis contained a section of the Atla-Ra that programmed crystals with light & sound frequencies. The Crystals emitted a hertzian vibration field that were extremely beneficial. These were used for balancing the human field, enhancing health, healing dis-ease, and for awaken into higher dimension. Some were also able to and open an inter-dimensional channel to other 'worlds' and especially to the Divine Self. In 2012, the Master Poseidon Temple Crystals are initiating a pulsed hertzian field that is capable of living 'form'. This tangible energy interacts by induction with the human aura, and produces something of an altered state. The benevolent effect is akin to deep chanting, but understand that the waves produced are conscious, living, through the crystalline 'conscious spirit' of sound and light. The living energy is similar to that of an elemental field, but of higher resonace. It is more accurately defined as the consciousness of crystalline color and sound. It is projected from the 'living' crystals, you see....an aspect emanation of the crystals themselves. It is indeed the eventual recognition of this field that will motivate the construction of the Crystal Temples. The effect is myriad and prolific, and will powerfully influence the inner self, the higher emotions , higher harmonics of humanity within its energy reach. It is occurring now, and will progress from the 12-12-12 over the next seven years, forming a standing wave. This energy is Atlantean Atla-Ra technology and still exists in some of you ancient Temples in Egypt, Peru, Central America, Java, Cambodia and in Newgrange in Ireland. All of your ancient Pyramids built to Phi, contained in their original construct such standing waves within specific and relatively narrow hertz bands. The Crytsal Bowl Effect In a very real sense, the triangulated within oval vortex of the Arkansas crystalline field, will become what you term, a crystal bowl. Within the bowl will be similar, somewhat fixed hertzian wave- range, yet varying pitches or notes. The differing 'keys' determined by the indigenous mineralogical energies. For example the area of Magnet Cove, will have a differing tonal resonance that that of Crater of Diamonds, or the Radium Waters. The same will occur in 2012 around the Crystals of Sound and Regeneration in Brazil, in Bahia and Minas Gerais, respectively. The crystalline standing wave will in time axialtonally join Arkansas to Brazil, and then envelope, bathe the planet. The effect will be the lessening of the 'arc-swing' of duality, by bridging right & left the hemispheres of the brain. The standing wave, when combined with meditation, moves through the prefrontal cortex of the brain, stimulates the pineal, and takes one into higher consciousness. There have always been certain places on the planet that became recognized as sacred. Stone Circles, Temples, Pyramids and Cathedrals were placed in these areas by the ancients. In the last two decades, your academics have been involved in studying ancient monuments, and have credible evidence that certain ancient monumental structures around the Earth have several common features. One of the most compelling is around standing waves. We tell you many of the structures were planned architecturally and designed acoustically to enable specific sound waves and frequencies that effect your energy field. These can indeed stimulate the pineal in humans of sufficient light-quotient and thus enhance multi-dimensional experience. We tell you that it is not simply the structures; indeed the structures are dependent to a large degree on the vector of placement and the mineralogy of the site. In fact, identical structures built in differing location will have different tonal frequencies, if the geological matrix, latitudinal placement and mineralogy differ significantly. The 144 Grid Completes on 12-12-12 In 2012, on the 12-12-12, the Crystalline Grid completes. The 12 dimensional fields join, with the dimensions 5-12 in crystalline format. As such all crystals on the planet amplify and harmonize. Those of you that work with Phi Crystals will be able to sense a great and greater leap within their energy resonance. Utilization of the Phi Crystal into thought amplification will remarkably increase. The quartz deposits in Arkansas begin in the area of Little Rock and extend in a massive western curve for over 170 miles, with a width of 35-40 miles. Arkansas also contains unique combinations of magnetic minerals, radium charged aquifers and a diamond deposit, which work synergistically with the quartz. Because of this blend of energies, the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas is the most powerful in terms of the potency and utility of its vortexial-portal field. This is why the Atlanteans were especially attracted to the area, and why the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance still retain underground bases in the area. It is rapidly completing, and is on path to soon become the Trigger of the Ascension. Crystal Caves Masters, beneath the surface of the central region of Arkansas rest enormous beds of exquisite crystals the size and beauty of which are visually stunning. Some of these quartz points are over 40 meters in length, seeded by the early Atlanteans. There are crystal caves beneath Arkansas that are esthetically mesmerizing exuding symmetry and inner light that is sublime. These 'Master Crystals' are beyond the reach of your mining concerns, and that is purposed. These crystal entities are very ancient and have been in a dormant mode for millennia. They were programmed with specialized attributes by the Sirians & Atlanteans, and are now in joyous modes of re-activation. These awakenings are releasing efficacious dynamics and energies that spawn unusual phenomena as they reboot, none of which will be malevolent, quite the contrary. Indeed they are a gift of immaculate proportion and intricate value. An Omnipotent & Benevolent Power Source Dear Ones, we again tell you that Crystalline Energy is an omnipotent power source that has implications far beyond humanities current understanding. Crystalline structure is formed by an essence of frequencial light resonance that is multidimensional and coherent, existing in matter and antimatter. It is the Metatronic divine template that sources all creation manifestation, and forms the very matrixial composition of every plane of existence. It is the enzyme of reality transduction and the vitality spring of the Divine Thought that forms the Cosmos itself. Crystals are great receivers and transmitters and a strong communication network occurs between Master Crystals and indeed Crystal Vortex-Portals. The two most powerful Crystal Vortexes on the planet are indeed Arkansas and Brazil. As such the connection of the Arkansas vortexial portal to the Brazil vortexial portal is extremely important in the Ascension and global crystal network. Two Master Temple Crystals are located in Brazil, in Bahia and Minas Gerais. The former is Atlantean seed, the latter LeMurian seed crystal. The energies of both are maintained and reactivated in Brazil and connected to the 'Law of One' Crystals in Arkansas. Keep in mind that while LeMuria is acknowledged as a civilization of great spirituality, there were thousands of years in which Atlantis harbored far greater frequency and enhanced levels of spiritual mastery that greatly exceeded that of LeMuria. Atlantis fractured into a polarized society before its demise, but many of the most important crystals were protected, uncontaminated and stored before they fell into misuse and destruction. The greater of these are stored in Arkansas and Brazil. The Platinum Crystal & the Golden Sun-Disc The intricate rebooting of the Crystal Vortex is nearing consummate integration, but will not be fully completed, fully networked in a global aspect until the 12-12-12. . On the 11-11-11 the Platinum Crystal was activated, it set forth an enormous crysto-wave pulse that intertwined with the energies of the Blue Crystal of Knowledge and the Emerald Crystal of Healing...both located by design in the Arkansas Crystal fields, by the Atlanteans of the Law of One. These energies will then trigger into Global span, on the 12-12-12 the Crysto-Golden Sun Disc located beneath sacred Pinnacle Mountain near Little Rock. The Sun Disc activation is a significant event that will be felt across the Earth and Indeed the Cosmos. The Crysto Golden Sun Disc was put in place by the Sirians in alignment with 11 other locations across the planet. It originally weaved the energies of the areas of the Arkansas Crystal Vortex, the crystalline, the magnetic and the radioactive living waters. In addition to the Sun-Disc, there were Pyramidal Structures used to refine the energies of the vortex. The complexes of the Toltec Pyramidal Mounds (near Little Rock, Arkansas) were the last constructs of these and still remain visible today. The end result was a complex energy generator stream capable of myriad benevolent function. The capabilities varied from energy feeds to the Atlantean hyper tunnel system, the Crystalline Satellite (Second Moon of Atlantis) as well as feeding refined energies to the crystal poser system that powered Atlantis. The vortex was essentially de-energized in its true function after the demise of Atlantis. It has in the past decade been prepared for its activation, or rather re-activation. The sacred codes for the reprogramming are within the Akashic Field, the Crystalline Paradigm, within the sacred conscious library of MAX, the 13th Crystal Skull of the Pleiadean-Sirian Alliance. MAX will indeed be in the Crystal Vortex for the final re-programming on the 12-12-12. Spiritual Emergence in Crysto-Magnetics The new emerging Crystal Vortex of Arkansas will be far more powerful and serve a different function than it did in the Atlantean era. This is because the Atlanteans placed the aforementioned three Temple-Crystals in Arkansas before the tsunamis inundated Poseida. The purpose and potency of these Temple-Crystals have created resonance that is far more 'spiritual' in aspect and effect. The addition of these three to the huge natural crystals will add their succinctly specialized conscious programming's of knowledge, wisdom, healing and multidimensional awareness. And while their sheer natural attributes are quite capable of shaking the grounds and bending the space- time continuum far more powerfully than the famed Fire Crystal beneath the Sargasso Sea in the area of Bimini, their regulation into refinement via the Sun Disc and Pyramidal controls will insure that they are kept in optimal benevolent purpose and balance. It is the magnetics of this location in Arkansas, in fact, that has held these crystal energies in balance. That is why the Atla-Ra specifically selected this area in Arkansas for their storage, and seeding. You have no idea of the energy these are capable of generating. You see it is the use of magnetic energies along with etheric light, light above and below the visible spectrum, light you refer to as ultra violet & gamma that is used to both subdue and amplify crystals. An etheric gateway has existed over this area for the past 20,000 years, and a gateway of high frequency light is able to be focused into this area. This capability is sharpening. Tunnels & Electrum Gold A vast network of hyper dimensional tunnels networks the areas below central and NW Arkansas. These lead to enormous chasms and crystal caves. Some of these are still in dynamic utility. The ability to detect these tunnels & chasms will not be within your scientific capabilities for many more decades. And that is because they exist in what may be termed intra-space within a frequency of parallel hyper-dimensionality. Yet those humans of sufficient light quotient indeed can sense them, and indeed their energies do intermingle with and code the natural beds of quartz in Arkansas. But there is still more to the energy. A very rare form of the noble metal gold is present at deeper levels within the beds of quartz crystals below Arkansas. It is a form of unique, crystalline electrum. Much of this rare form of gold electrum was mined and exported from your earth. The deposits in Arkansas were not. These have been purposely guarded and protected in order to serve a great and greater purpose in the unique properties of the Crystal Vortex. Your geologists are well aware that gold often occurs in crystallized quartz, but have not as yet explored the unique fields, uses and energy that octahedronal crystalline gold electrum provides. The Great Atlantean Temple Crystals placed below the lands of Arkansas are actually an alloy conglomerate of quartz, silver and gold. These were manifested through Arcturian technology. The frequency of crystalline electrum gold is capable of combining with specific types of high frequency quartz to enable the 'bending & molding' of dimensional fields through an electro-alchemical process that transforms atomic structure. Dimensional access tunnels were often created in this methodology by the Atlanteans to create wormholes or dimensional tunnels within the Earth's mantle that could be accessed at a higher frequency. Many of these hyper dimensional tunnels were laid into place along the flows of existing leylines of natural telluric currents that flow on the Earth. Tectonic shifts have damaged many, but not all of these. Some of these were simply deactivated. There are higher dimensional beings, from the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance and the benevolent Ashtar Command Legion that have been given the task of protecting, repairing & recoding many of these currents, dimensional tunnels and crystals over the past three decades. Some of you such as the channel, work with them, and is why you are heavily drawn to be in this energy Ley lines and great crystals were de-energized at periods when the people of Earth went into the periods of consciousness decline, in the sad wake of Atlantis. This was done without damage to the crystals. The reactivation process of portals, crystals and hyper dimensional matrixes has been taking place since 1987, and will continue over the next year through 2012, when it will be completed. The Law of One You're very atomic structures are composed of perfectly aligned geometries, crystalline geometries, knitted into place with the thread of electro-magnetics. Electricity and magnetics are components of light. Your spectrum of visible light is but a candle in comparison to the magnificent geometric light of the higher spectrum. The crystalline aspect of Arkansas is not limited to the quartz. The energy of Arkansas is on higher dimension that of a multidimensional octahedron that has formed itself to the levels of the ninth through the twelfth dimensional fields. The energy is transformed from the hexagonal of quartz to the octahedron of gold quartz and diamond. Diamonds project both an octahedronal and dodecahedronal geometry, and the kimberlitic volcanic pipes in Arkansas that yield the energy of diamond, transform the cube to the octahedron. The hexahedron cubic is enclosed in the octahedron. The quartz Crystals of Arkansas are imbedded with the energy and wisdom of what is referred to as the Atlantean Law of One. The Master Crystals placed there have frequencially transferred this vibration to the quartz indigenous to the area, and as we have explained, the Masters Crystals contained a higher dimensional alloy of gold conglomerate that has been received energetically by some of the natural occurring beds. The crystals from the McEarl mine carry this unique harmonic. These are especially potent. All crystals are alive, in a real sense, and have an ordered consciousness, and self-awareness, but each carries unique and specific blueprint patterns. This pattern is greatly varied according to the geology and astrological energies of the vector. Therefore seemingly identical gems and crystals can be quite different in their energetic projections according to the location in which they occur. Tri-Helix Vortex The Arkansas vortex is quite unusual in its movement. Most vortexes in the northern hemisphere of your planet spin in either ovaline or circular counter-clockwise flows. The crystal vortex of Arkansas has a very unique, very specialized ' to and fro' vortexial motion. Moving approximately one-third of its circumference counterclockwise, and then rapidly reversing back in clockwise motion. This occurs in 3 separate arcs of 120 degrees. The forward and backward shift of this vortex is most unique, and is purposed in generating greater upward thrust of the crysto-magno-hydro energies. The energy of Arkansas has three succinct telluric forces that contribute to its tri-helixed field. These are the magnetic, centered in Talimena Ridge, Crystalline apexed in Mount Ida and the radium hydro- energy centered in Eureka Springs. These make up the 3 discreet arc- gyros, which are regulated and tri-helixed through the Pyramids below Toltec Mounds and coded in the Sun Disc below Pinnacle Mountain in Little Rock. The unique pattern of the vortex generates the energy into incredible thrusts with both a receiving and transmitting manifold. The geology of the area is extremely unique, more so than even your geologists recognize, and is precisely why the Atlanteans colonized and developed the area. It is why there are underground bases of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance in the area. The area is a rare mineralogical collation of natural quartz crystals, diamonds and magnetic lode stone. Pyramids to coordinate the natural projections of these energies and intricately intertwine their energies have existed in Arkansas for over 25,000 years. Remnants of the last 'surface' pyramid still exist in Toltec Mounds (State Park) just south of Little Rock. The Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance have maintained an enormous sub terranean Pyramid below the Toltec Mounds since Atlantean times. It is among the reasons so many crafts are sensed over the Crystal Vortex. Three such bases are in the Arkansas area. Last year, on the Triple-Date-Portal of the 11-11-11 the last of the thee Atlantean Temple Crystals, the Platinum Crystal of Interdimensional Communication activated from its long dormancy and joined with the Emerald Crystal and Blue Crystal of Knowledge to finalize the combined components of the NEW ARK Crystal Vortex. The three Atlantean Wisdom & Healing Crystals that once beamed magnificent light and celestial energy in the Temple of Healing, the Temple of One and the Temple of Knowledge on Poseida were placed in dimensional lock in the Atlantean Crystal Fields of Arkansas. The first of these was awakened in 2008, the second in 2009. In 2012 these further activate and align with the awakened Temple Crystals held in Brazil, Mount Shasta, and Lake Titicaca. The Platinum Crystal is a nurturing (feminine) energy of the Platinum Ray and facilitates balance between dimensions and energy sources. It provides an optimal communicative reception between what may be termed inter and intra consciousness planes. It also serves to form a cohesive interface between the duality planes and the integral planes. It lessens the arc of duality. Final Transition Process On the 12-12-12 the Crystal Vortex will be surged into Global function. This will be triggered by a Cosmic Force generated through the 144-Grid, initiating an activating pulse from the Emerald Crystal beneath Mount Maga in Arkansas. The Platinum Crystal will then instantaneously reboot into flow with the 3 telluric energies (radium waters, crystals & Magnetics) and the two other Master Temple Crystals, the Emerald Crystal of Healing and the Blue Crystal of Knowledge. This will immediately send a communicative wave pulse to the Golden Crysto-Sun Disc and a recoding will occur that will be fed to the Toltec Pyramid regulators. For the first time in 20,000 years, the vortex will be regionally complete. Masters, truly all that remains in 2012 is the Globalization of the Crystal Network with the 12-12-12 activations of the Bimini Fire Crystal, and the Crystal of Thoth below Lake Titicaca. This will incur the final rebooting of the 144-Crystalline Grid and the 12 Golden Sun Discs. The trigger will be the 12-12-12, in the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas. ...the rebooting will finalize on the 12-21-12. And we tell you without the 12-12-12 there would not be a 12-21-12. Closing The graduation of your planet, that termed the Ascension, is in effect the critical-mass that will allow for the conversion of this Earths receival capacity template from, in your vernacular, analog to digital, from black & white to color. An incredible transformation is only a breath away, literally. The Crystalline Conversion thru the antennae of the 144-Crystalline Grid is about to vastly increase the earth's dimensional reception from 3d to 12d and beyond. It is akin to your television changing from the archaic antennae to satellite reception. It is the Crystalline Age, the wind beneath the wings of the Ascension. The fulcrum apexial points are the Cosmic Triggers and the Triple Date Portals. But release the fear Dear Ones, this time of the Ascension, in this New Crystalline Era, the mega power crystals will not be taken from you and misused as occurred in the sad demise of Atlantis. Indeed they will never again be used for any purpose other than the highest good. Be assured of this! It is a sacred oath that will indeed be kept. For you are the family of the Law of One returning to keep this promise. It is why so many of you are drawn to the completion in the Crystal Vortex, for indeed many of you feeling the call were among the revered Scientist Priest of the Law of One, the Atla-Ra, that relocated the Temple Crystals . While many of you have carried guilt for the loss of control of the crystals, it was indeed the deceptions of the Sons of Belial, the militaristic Aryans of Atlantis that schemed and took the controls from Poseida that led to the destructive forces and deluge. The guilt some of you carried for millennia, and yet carry today indeed is misaligned. It is time to release this. The clarion call is beckoning. You of the 'Law of One' took an oath that the Master Crystals would never again be misused, that you would not allow them to fall into the wrong hands. Dear Ones, it is a promise kept. Their sacredness and benevolent purpose has manifested. You have waited a long, very long time for this completion. It is a contract nearing fulfillment, and you are to be commended. Indeed you made this happen! The Crystalline Transition, the heralded Ascension will occur. It is happening now! I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths. You are beloved! And so it is The above channel is copyrighted to www.Earth-Keeper.com Posting on websites is permitted with requested permission,credits and reference to website. Publishing only with expressed permission. For due authorization & permssions please email Anne at EK Admin via Tyberonn@hotmail.com

Metatron Channel

Greetings All ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet you this moment in Unconditional Love !

Dear Ones, that you term the Ascension can be defined as the transition to Crystalline dimensional expansion.

Masters, 2012 is just the beginning, for the crystalline energy is amazingly robust and effusively dynamic. This benevolent energy is indeed a force of omnipotent ubiquity that has not been seen on the planet in many millennia. It is a powerful combination of telluric, hyper-dimensional and cosmic forces that are capable of shaking the earth and opening dimensions. It is also capable of up shifting your frequency. All of these are in fact occurring, and exponentially so, as there are dynamics of crysto-magnetic physics at play that are beyond your current scientific comprehension.

The final completions of the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas are extremely important to the Crystalline Transition of the Earth. And the crystalline transition is tantamount to the 2012 Ascension. On the 12-12-12 the Crystallization of the planet will complete.

Sacred Contacts

That is one of several reasons why so many of you will be drawn to Arkansas for the final Triple Date Portal gathering, the 12-12-12. For those of the Atlantean Law of One, the completion is part of a sacred oath that the Crystalline Energy will one day return...and never again be allowed to fall into the wrong hands. Presence in the Crystal Vortex for many is a soul contract, and many of the Law of One will feel & answer that call. We will also tell you that several of the featured speakers at the 12-12-12 including John Van Auken, Graham Hancock, Dr Semir Osmanagich, Tyberonn and John Jenkins were highly esteemed senior members of the Atlantean scientist priest, the Atla-Ra of the Law of One.

All of their presence will add an immediately recognizable energy of sacred 'reunion', and that will be sensed and felt among all of the Atlanteans of the spiritual Law of One. And indeed several of these will be meeting for the first time, and will share the cognition very deeply. All who gather will feel a sense of exuberance, the magical knowing that what was promised millennia ago, will finally occur....the re-emergence of the Crystalline Energy.

Arkansas Was an Atlantean Colony

Just as the Magnetic Master, Kryon channeled a decade ago, evidence of Atlantis is indeed in Arkansas. Arkansas, because of its crystal deposits was logically and absolutely an Atlantean colony. Crystals were seeded, programmed and coded. There remains in the vast chasms below the surface of Arkansas, ancient structures of the Atlantean era. Some of which remain inhabited by the 'blue-skinned' race.

Although the incredible crystals beneath the lands of Arkansas have been dormant for over 14,000 years, we tell you that they are awakening...and within the next 3 to 4 decades, Arkansas will be globally recognized for its unusual and brilliant crystalline energy. Many Master souls of the Atla-Ra and indeed Masters of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance will purposefully choose to reincarnate in the Crystal Vortex, and in fact have begun doing so now.

These are the Crystal Children, and Arkansas and Brazil are drawing them in the thousands. They will innately understand the importance of these two regions, and will thrive within, and play leading roles in the appropriate utilization of these potent energies of the Arkansas and Brazilian Crystal Vortexes. By the 23rd century, magnificent Crystalline Temples will have been built around the Crysto-Sun Disc of Pinnacle Mountain, and the Temple Crystal locations of Mount Maga, Wilhelmina and Eureka Springs. And while 3 centuries may seem a long time to you, it is present and will manifest within a flash from your nonlinear aspect.

So accordingly the activity of the Crystal Vortex is surging .

This will increase throughout 2012 and continue through 2038.

Arkansas is emerging as one of the most important and powerful vortexial portals on the planet. It is the northern hemisphere source of the Crytsalline field. Arkansas is not only the largest singular deposit of natural quartz crystal in the world; indeed it contains a unique quality of crystals, coded to awaken at this time, coded with the energy of the 'Law of One'. In 2012 and forward the crystals will begin emitting a frequency that

Sound Fields- Crytsalline Standing Wave

Long ago the ancient Mystery Schools of Atlantis contained a section of the Atla-Ra that programmed crystals with light & sound frequencies. The Crystals emitted a hertzian vibration field that were extremely beneficial. These were used for balancing the human field, enhancing health, healing dis-ease, and for awaken into higher dimension. Some were also able to and open an inter-dimensional channel to other 'worlds' and especially to the Divine Self.

In 2012, the Master Poseidon Temple Crystals are initiating a pulsed hertzian field that is capable of living 'form'. This tangible energy interacts by induction with the human aura, and produces something of an altered state. The benevolent effect is akin to deep chanting, but understand that the waves produced are conscious, living, through the crystalline 'conscious spirit' of sound and light. The living energy is similar to that of an elemental field, but of higher resonace. It is more accurately defined as the consciousness of crystalline color and sound. It is projected from the 'living' crystals, you see....an aspect emanation of the crystals themselves.

It is indeed the eventual recognition of this field that will motivate the construction of the Crystal Temples. The effect is myriad and prolific, and will powerfully influence the inner self, the higher emotions , higher harmonics of humanity within its energy reach. It is occurring now, and will progress from the 12-12-12 over the next seven years, forming a standing wave.

This energy is Atlantean Atla-Ra technology and still exists in some of you ancient Temples in Egypt, Peru, Central America, Java, Cambodia and in Newgrange in Ireland. All of your ancient Pyramids built to Phi, contained in their original construct such standing waves within specific and relatively narrow hertz bands.

The Crytsal Bowl Effect

In a very real sense, the triangulated within oval vortex of the Arkansas crystalline field, will become what you term, a crystal bowl. Within the bowl will be similar, somewhat fixed hertzian wave- range, yet varying pitches or notes. The differing 'keys' determined by the indigenous mineralogical energies. For example the area of Magnet Cove, will have a differing tonal resonance that that of Crater of Diamonds, or the Radium Waters.

The same will occur in 2012 around the Crystals of Sound and Regeneration in Brazil, in Bahia and Minas Gerais, respectively.

The crystalline standing wave will in time axialtonally join Arkansas to Brazil, and then envelope, bathe the planet. The effect will be the lessening of the 'arc-swing' of duality, by bridging right & left the hemispheres of the brain. The standing wave, when combined with meditation, moves through the prefrontal cortex of the brain, stimulates the pineal, and takes one into higher consciousness.

There have always been certain places on the planet that became recognized as sacred. Stone Circles, Temples, Pyramids and Cathedrals were placed in these areas by the ancients. In the last two decades, your academics have been involved in studying ancient monuments, and have credible evidence that certain ancient monumental structures around the Earth have several common features. One of the most compelling is around standing waves. We tell you many of the structures were planned architecturally and designed acoustically to enable specific sound waves and frequencies that effect your energy field. These can indeed stimulate the pineal in humans of sufficient light-quotient and thus enhance multi-dimensional experience. We tell you that it is not simply the structures; indeed the structures are dependent to a large degree on the vector of placement and the mineralogy of the site. In fact, identical structures built in differing location will have different tonal frequencies, if the geological matrix, latitudinal placement and mineralogy differ significantly.

The 144 Grid Completes on 12-12-12

In 2012, on the 12-12-12, the Crystalline Grid completes. The 12 dimensional fields join, with the dimensions 5-12 in crystalline format. As such all crystals on the planet amplify and harmonize.

Those of you that work with Phi Crystals will be able to sense a great and greater leap within their energy resonance. Utilization of the Phi Crystal into thought amplification will remarkably increase.

The quartz deposits in Arkansas begin in the area of Little Rock and extend in a massive western curve for over 170 miles, with a width of 35-40 miles.

Arkansas also contains unique combinations of magnetic minerals, radium charged aquifers and a diamond deposit, which work synergistically with the quartz. Because of this blend of energies, the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas is the most powerful in terms of the potency and utility of its vortexial-portal field. This is why the Atlanteans were especially attracted to the area, and why the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance still retain underground bases in the area. It is rapidly completing, and is on path to soon become the Trigger of the Ascension.

Crystal Caves

Masters, beneath the surface of the central region of Arkansas rest enormous beds of exquisite crystals the size and beauty of which are visually stunning. Some of these quartz points are over 40 meters in length, seeded by the early Atlanteans. There are crystal caves beneath Arkansas that are esthetically mesmerizing exuding symmetry and inner light that is sublime. These 'Master Crystals' are beyond the reach of your mining concerns, and that is purposed. These crystal entities are very ancient and have been in a dormant mode for millennia. They were programmed with specialized attributes by the Sirians & Atlanteans, and are now in joyous modes of re-activation. These awakenings are releasing efficacious dynamics and energies that spawn unusual phenomena as they reboot, none of which will be malevolent, quite the contrary. Indeed they are a gift of immaculate proportion and intricate value.

An Omnipotent & Benevolent Power Source

Dear Ones, we again tell you that Crystalline Energy is an omnipotent power source that has implications far beyond humanities current understanding. Crystalline structure is formed by an essence of frequencial light resonance that is multidimensional and coherent, existing in matter and antimatter. It is the Metatronic divine template that sources all creation manifestation, and forms the very matrixial composition of every plane of existence. It is the enzyme of reality transduction and the vitality spring of the Divine Thought that forms the Cosmos itself.

Crystals are great receivers and transmitters and a strong communication network occurs between Master Crystals and indeed Crystal Vortex-Portals. The two most powerful Crystal Vortexes on the planet are indeed Arkansas and Brazil. As such the connection of the Arkansas vortexial portal to the Brazil vortexial portal is extremely important in the Ascension and global crystal network.

Two Master Temple Crystals are located in Brazil, in Bahia and Minas Gerais. The former is Atlantean seed, the latter LeMurian seed crystal. The energies of both are maintained and reactivated in Brazil and connected to the 'Law of One' Crystals in Arkansas. Keep in mind that while LeMuria is acknowledged as a civilization of great spirituality, there were thousands of years in which Atlantis harbored far greater frequency and enhanced levels of spiritual mastery that greatly exceeded that of LeMuria. Atlantis fractured into a polarized society before its demise, but many of the most important crystals were protected, uncontaminated and stored before they fell into misuse and destruction. The greater of these are stored in Arkansas and Brazil.

The Platinum Crystal & the Golden Sun-Disc

The intricate rebooting of the Crystal Vortex is nearing consummate integration, but will not be fully completed, fully networked in a global aspect until the 12-12-12. .

On the 11-11-11 the Platinum Crystal was activated, it set forth an enormous crysto-wave pulse that intertwined with the energies of the Blue Crystal of Knowledge and the Emerald Crystal of Healing...both located by design in the Arkansas Crystal fields, by the Atlanteans of the Law of One. These energies will then trigger into Global span, on the 12-12-12 the Crysto-Golden Sun Disc located beneath sacred Pinnacle Mountain near Little Rock.

The Sun Disc activation is a significant event that will be felt across the Earth and Indeed the Cosmos. The Crysto Golden Sun Disc was put in place by the Sirians in alignment with 11 other locations across the planet. It originally weaved the energies of the areas of the Arkansas Crystal Vortex, the crystalline, the magnetic and the radioactive living waters. In addition to the Sun-Disc, there were Pyramidal Structures used to refine the energies of the vortex.

The complexes of the Toltec Pyramidal Mounds (near Little Rock, Arkansas) were the last constructs of these and still remain visible today. The end result was a complex energy generator stream capable of myriad benevolent function.

The capabilities varied from energy feeds to the Atlantean hyper tunnel system, the Crystalline Satellite (Second Moon of Atlantis) as well as feeding refined energies to the crystal poser system that powered Atlantis. The vortex was essentially de-energized in its true function after the demise of Atlantis.

It has in the past decade been prepared for its activation, or rather re-activation. The sacred codes for the reprogramming are within the Akashic Field, the Crystalline Paradigm, within the sacred conscious library of MAX, the 13th Crystal Skull of the Pleiadean-Sirian Alliance. MAX will indeed be in the Crystal Vortex for the final re-programming on the 12-12-12.

Spiritual Emergence in Crysto-Magnetics

The new emerging Crystal Vortex of Arkansas will be far more powerful and serve a different function than it did in the Atlantean era. This is because the Atlanteans placed the aforementioned three Temple-Crystals in Arkansas before the tsunamis inundated Poseida. The purpose and potency of these Temple-Crystals have created resonance that is far more 'spiritual' in aspect and effect. The addition of these three to the huge natural crystals will add their succinctly specialized conscious programming's of knowledge, wisdom, healing and multidimensional awareness. And while their sheer natural attributes are quite capable of shaking the grounds and bending the space- time continuum far more powerfully than the famed Fire Crystal beneath the Sargasso Sea in the area of Bimini, their regulation into refinement via the Sun Disc and Pyramidal controls will insure that they are kept in optimal benevolent purpose and balance.

It is the magnetics of this location in Arkansas, in fact, that has held these crystal energies in balance. That is why the Atla-Ra specifically selected this area in Arkansas for their storage, and seeding. You have no idea of the energy these are capable of generating. You see it is the use of magnetic energies along with etheric light, light above and below the visible spectrum, light you refer to as ultra violet & gamma that is used to both subdue and amplify crystals. An etheric gateway has existed over this area for the past 20,000 years, and a gateway of high frequency light is able to be focused into this area. This capability is sharpening.

Tunnels & Electrum Gold

A vast network of hyper dimensional tunnels networks the areas below central and NW Arkansas. These lead to enormous chasms and crystal caves. Some of these are still in dynamic utility. The ability to detect these tunnels & chasms will not be within your scientific capabilities for many more decades. And that is because they exist in what may be termed intra-space within a frequency of parallel hyper-dimensionality. Yet those humans of sufficient light quotient indeed can sense them, and indeed their energies do intermingle with and code the natural beds of quartz in Arkansas.

But there is still more to the energy. A very rare form of the noble metal gold is present at deeper levels within the beds of quartz crystals below Arkansas. It is a form of unique, crystalline electrum. Much of this rare form of gold electrum was mined and exported from your earth. The deposits in Arkansas were not. These have been purposely guarded and protected in order to serve a great and greater purpose in the unique properties of the Crystal Vortex. Your geologists are well aware that gold often occurs in crystallized quartz, but have not as yet explored the unique fields, uses and energy that octahedronal crystalline gold electrum provides.

The Great Atlantean Temple Crystals placed below the lands of Arkansas are actually an alloy conglomerate of quartz, silver and gold. These were manifested through Arcturian technology. The frequency of crystalline electrum gold is capable of combining with specific types of high frequency quartz to enable the 'bending & molding' of dimensional fields through an electro-alchemical process that transforms atomic structure. Dimensional access tunnels were often created in this methodology by the Atlanteans to create wormholes or dimensional tunnels within the Earth's mantle that could be accessed at a higher frequency.

Many of these hyper dimensional tunnels were laid into place along the flows of existing leylines of natural telluric currents that flow on the Earth. Tectonic shifts have damaged many, but not all of these. Some of these were simply deactivated. There are higher dimensional beings, from the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance and the benevolent Ashtar Command Legion that have been given the task of protecting, repairing & recoding many of these currents, dimensional tunnels and crystals over the past three decades. Some of you such as the channel, work with them, and is why you are heavily drawn to be in this energy

Ley lines and great crystals were de-energized at periods when the people of Earth went into the periods of consciousness decline, in the sad wake of Atlantis. This was done without damage to the crystals. The reactivation process of portals, crystals and hyper dimensional matrixes has been taking place since 1987, and will continue over the next year through 2012, when it will be completed.

The Law of One

You're very atomic structures are composed of perfectly aligned geometries, crystalline geometries, knitted into place with the thread of electro-magnetics. Electricity and magnetics are components of light. Your spectrum of visible light is but a candle in comparison to the magnificent geometric light of the higher spectrum. The crystalline aspect of Arkansas is not limited to the quartz. The energy of Arkansas is on higher dimension that of a multidimensional octahedron that has formed itself to the levels of the ninth through the twelfth dimensional fields. The energy is transformed from the hexagonal of quartz to the octahedron of gold quartz and diamond. Diamonds project both an octahedronal and dodecahedronal geometry, and the kimberlitic volcanic pipes in Arkansas that yield the energy of diamond, transform the cube to the octahedron. The hexahedron cubic is enclosed in the octahedron. The quartz Crystals of Arkansas are imbedded with the energy and wisdom of what is referred to as the Atlantean Law of One.

The Master Crystals placed there have frequencially transferred this vibration to the quartz indigenous to the area, and as we have explained, the Masters Crystals contained a higher dimensional alloy of gold conglomerate that has been received energetically by some of the natural occurring beds. The crystals from the McEarl mine carry this unique harmonic. These are especially potent. All crystals are alive, in a real sense, and have an ordered consciousness, and self-awareness, but each carries unique and specific blueprint patterns. This pattern is greatly varied according to the geology and astrological energies of the vector. Therefore seemingly identical gems and crystals can be quite different in their energetic projections according to the location in which they occur.

Tri-Helix Vortex

The Arkansas vortex is quite unusual in its movement. Most vortexes in the northern hemisphere of your planet spin in either ovaline or circular counter-clockwise flows. The crystal vortex of Arkansas has a very unique, very specialized ' to and fro' vortexial motion. Moving approximately one-third of its circumference counterclockwise, and then rapidly reversing back in clockwise motion. This occurs in 3 separate arcs of 120 degrees. The forward and backward shift of this vortex is most unique, and is purposed in generating greater upward thrust of the crysto-magno-hydro energies. The energy of Arkansas has three succinct telluric forces that contribute to its tri-helixed field. These are the magnetic, centered in Talimena Ridge, Crystalline apexed in Mount Ida and the radium hydro- energy centered in Eureka Springs. These make up the 3 discreet arc- gyros, which are regulated and tri-helixed through the Pyramids below Toltec Mounds and coded in the Sun Disc below Pinnacle Mountain in Little Rock. The unique pattern of the vortex generates the energy into incredible thrusts with both a receiving and transmitting manifold.

The geology of the area is extremely unique, more so than even your geologists recognize, and is precisely why the Atlanteans colonized and developed the area. It is why there are underground bases of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance in the area. The area is a rare mineralogical collation of natural quartz crystals, diamonds and magnetic lode stone. Pyramids to coordinate the natural projections of these energies and intricately intertwine their energies have existed in Arkansas for over 25,000 years. Remnants of the last 'surface' pyramid still exist in Toltec Mounds (State Park) just south of Little Rock. The Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance have maintained an enormous sub terranean Pyramid below the Toltec Mounds since Atlantean times. It is among the reasons so many crafts are sensed over the Crystal Vortex. Three such bases are in the Arkansas area.

Last year, on the Triple-Date-Portal of the 11-11-11 the last of the thee Atlantean Temple Crystals, the Platinum Crystal of Interdimensional Communication activated from its long dormancy and joined with the Emerald Crystal and Blue Crystal of Knowledge to finalize the combined components of the NEW ARK Crystal Vortex. The three Atlantean Wisdom & Healing Crystals that once beamed magnificent light and celestial energy in the Temple of Healing, the Temple of One and the Temple of Knowledge on Poseida were placed in dimensional lock in the Atlantean Crystal Fields of Arkansas. The first of these was awakened in 2008, the second in 2009. In 2012 these further activate and align with the awakened Temple Crystals held in Brazil, Mount Shasta, and Lake Titicaca.

The Platinum Crystal is a nurturing (feminine) energy of the Platinum Ray and facilitates balance between dimensions and energy sources. It provides an optimal communicative reception between what may be termed inter and intra consciousness planes. It also serves to form a cohesive interface between the duality planes and the integral planes. It lessens the arc of duality.

Final Transition Process

On the 12-12-12 the Crystal Vortex will be surged into Global function. This will be triggered by a Cosmic Force generated through the 144-Grid, initiating an activating pulse from the Emerald Crystal beneath Mount Maga in Arkansas. The Platinum Crystal will then instantaneously reboot into flow with the 3 telluric energies (radium waters, crystals & Magnetics) and the two other Master Temple Crystals, the Emerald Crystal of Healing and the Blue Crystal of Knowledge. This will immediately send a communicative wave pulse to the Golden Crysto-Sun Disc and a recoding will occur that will be fed to the Toltec Pyramid regulators. For the first time in 20,000 years, the vortex will be regionally complete.

Masters, truly all that remains in 2012 is the Globalization of the Crystal Network with the 12-12-12 activations of the Bimini Fire Crystal, and the Crystal of Thoth below Lake Titicaca. This will incur the final rebooting of the 144-Crystalline Grid and the 12 Golden Sun Discs. The trigger will be the 12-12-12, in the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas. ...the rebooting will finalize on the 12-21-12.

And we tell you without the 12-12-12 there would not be a 12-21-12.


The graduation of your planet, that termed the Ascension, is in effect the critical-mass that will allow for the conversion of this Earths receival capacity template from, in your vernacular, analog to digital, from black & white to color. An incredible transformation is only a breath away, literally. The Crystalline Conversion thru the antennae of the 144-Crystalline Grid is about to vastly increase the earth's dimensional reception from 3d to 12d and beyond. It is akin to your television changing from the archaic antennae to satellite reception. It is the Crystalline Age, the wind beneath the wings of the Ascension. The fulcrum apexial points are the Cosmic Triggers and the Triple Date Portals.

But release the fear Dear Ones, this time of the Ascension, in this New Crystalline Era, the mega power crystals will not be taken from you and misused as occurred in the sad demise of Atlantis. Indeed they will never again be used for any purpose other than the highest good. Be assured of this! It is a sacred oath that will indeed be kept. For you are the family of the Law of One returning to keep this promise. It is why so many of you are drawn to the completion in the Crystal Vortex, for indeed many of you feeling the call were among the revered Scientist Priest of the Law of One, the Atla-Ra, that relocated the Temple Crystals .

While many of you have carried guilt for the loss of control of the crystals, it was indeed the deceptions of the Sons of Belial, the militaristic Aryans of Atlantis that schemed and took the controls from Poseida that led to the destructive forces and deluge. The guilt some of you carried for millennia, and yet carry today indeed is misaligned. It is time to release this. The clarion call is beckoning.

You of the 'Law of One' took an oath that the Master Crystals would never again be misused, that you would not allow them to fall into the wrong hands. Dear Ones, it is a promise kept. Their sacredness and benevolent purpose has manifested. You have waited a long, very long time for this completion. It is a contract nearing fulfillment, and you are to be commended. Indeed you made this happen! The Crystalline Transition, the heralded Ascension will occur. It is happening now!

I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths. You are beloved!

And so it is

The above channel is copyrighted to www.Earth-Keeper.com Posting on websites is permitted with requested permission,credits and reference to website. Publishing only with expressed permission. For due authorization & permssions please email Anne at EK Admin via Tyberonn@hotmail.com

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Pleiadian Council of Light: Floating Between Matter and Anti-Matter

Pleiadian Council of Light: Floating Between Matter and Anti-Matter

As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


Welcome dear ones, we are the Pleiadian Council of Light, we come forth and wrap our arms of light around you. Yes, dear ones we know we have left you by the wayside, yes dear ones we hear the cries in your heart. We stand back as we watch our dear children of the stars battle what is thick, dark, and chaotic. We stand along side the battlefields of your life as great generals of light that seek to know they have taught their soldiers well. The generals themselves do not walk onto the battlefield but stand aloft ready to lead and instruct. We are above in the crescents of light and you are down in the valley of the shadow of life.

We watch your hopes leap from the cliffs as we ourselves bear the brunt of what you are feeling - the pain and despair. The engine of divine intervention has not set flight as of yet. We ask you to hold tight Dear ones, to what you know is truth. You hold a seed of hope and light that can never dim. It is in this place that you must seek refuge from the daily regiments and entrapping of self-pity. It is in this place that you will find peace. It is in this tiny point of original light that we can align with you taking you to a new level of love.

As your humanness grows more giant-like in all of its frailties, you will begin to cast a bigger shadow. Every doubt, every fear, every point of escape within your consciousness casts a very long shadow. You feed what is dark by your fears allowing yourself to become a victim over and over again, reveling in that point. You grow heavy as unleavened bread with each word of negativity. It is you, dear one, that cast this shadow and it is you, dear ones, that must retract that darkness and not let it blind your light.

You stand at a threshold of molecular decomposition that announces to you that you no longer spin in the same direction that you have in the past. You no longer spin in truth as you have and you no longer spin in belief as you once did. As you stand in this entry casting a very long shadow of doubt you come to a point of decompression, like a balloon that spins out of control, you stand in between here and there. You exist between matter and anti-matter.

You try heartily to hold on to who you once were. Your humanness is despondent for it feels as it has lost control of the good ship of lollipops that it once sailed upon. You feel as if life tricks you into a corner painting yourself into a place that is triangular and fan like of shape. Once you believed with all of your heart and soul that you could manifest and create whatever you desired. Once you believed so much deeper than the well-spring of your belief at this point of life. You have given up, The sound of that giving up beckons its self. A shot in the dark is what we ask of you. Just point and shoot toward the movement in the dark night of the soul. You must believe with all of your vibrations that nothing can destroy what you know yourself to be.

You have allowed the dark mistress of life to slap you into a place of compliance. You have allowed matter to own you. The very molecules of your light discuss your future. Every aspect of your being, both positive and negative, resembles a battery being charged. Imagine that you are storing light like a solar device and you have a positive charge or you have a negative charge. Imagine every thought of your 186,000 second day you are positively charging or negatively charging the solar battery of your life. You are in a place in between here and there, a place of pretend, a place that sculpts itself from your positive or negative charge to every thought and situation.

The energy of time wraps around you in a 'not.' The feeling of life is an ever-changing illusion. They seem real to the touch and they seem real to the taste but they are not. Your humanness is looking for a way out of present dilemmas. We ask you to step outside of yourself and at the same time step into the very deep chasm of self. See the beauty that you are, the master that you are, the being of light that you are deep within.

You must gather you if you are to walk into the creational fullness of your life. Each and every day you wake up worrying about what the day bring. Worrying about yesterdays backwash. You are a pro-creator and activist in your life. You are not standing by the sidelines cheering someone else on. You are the person behind the curtain with ruby slippers on battling those flying monkeys. Yes, life beats at your door like a hungry wolf. Yes, life breaks through your protection. Yes, life is thick and sticks to the bottom of your soul.

You are light and you can be nothing but light - the layers of self you wear as winter clothing on the hottest day do not benefit you. The misery of others that beckons you down the rabbit hole, dear Alice, is part of the release and karmic procedure you have signed up for while on Earth. The people in your life that trip you up, that snare you, that trap you are those that you are karmically in-debt to, on multiple levels.

Many come upon the doorway of your heart scratching as a hungry bear in the night. You stand in the center of this cabin feeling as if any minute you'll be devoured by the very thing that comes to claim you. It is at this point of complete desolation that you must breathe and enter your God Light, the original cell of God that lives within you. It is only in this place that your star brethren, your light brethren, the masters can enter and assist you. When you are in a place of fear the door to you is barred and locked. The star beings twinkle for you every night but you do not see it and feel it because the day has left you in a hardened place.

Please dear ones go to this place of light, this single entrance to the God within. Just be there for a moment, feel all those that believe in you, feel all those that love you, feel all those that are part of you on every level of DNA. You have never been forsaken, nor have never been abandoned. We stand by you and believe in you even when you do not believe in yourself. Everything has lent itself to the now - every incarnation, every word, every love, every hate. You are at the Apex of your Light. Instead of drowning in the sorrows of others, stand united with all levels of your light and with all aspects of those that support you in light. When you hear of another's sadness, do not drown as you rescue them, but stand in a higher place to assist them.

You are so loved beyond time and beyond space. You have been well seeded for this time. You will be the saving grace by your belief and so it is. We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO box 217
Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Solar Annular Eclipse - 20th May 2012

Solar Annular Eclipse - 20th May 2012

Global Planetary Alignments with Sacred Sites

by Marcus Mason


This is an Annular Eclipse, which means that the Moon is positioned further away from the Earth than at a Total Eclipse, so it does not completely obscure the Sun, but leaves a ring (annulus) of sunlight visible around the Moon's dark disk. According to NASA's Fred Espenak, "annular eclipses have a special charm all their own. During an annular eclipse, sunbeams turn into little rings of light. The best place to see this is on the sun-dappled ground beneath a leafy tree. Hundreds of circular shadows can be found there.

It seems that Solar Eclipses have a profound effect on the Earth's subtle energy grids and ley lines. All powerful events that occur on Earth leave energetic memory imprints in the Earth's energy grids. These can become amplified and perpetuated by the energy flow through the grids, which is fed by the movements of the Sun, Moon and planets overhead. Powerful negative imprints, such as war, misuse of power or emotional trauma can block or damage the energy flow in a particular region of the planet, causing the energy to become distorted.

Eclipses provides opportunities to release This is a bit like deleting an old computer programme, loading a new one, and then re-booting the system. Annular Eclipses have a very subtle effect on the energy grids, releasing, transforming and healing the etheric energy 'blueprint' that can enable new spiritual archetypes to emerge into collective consciousness. These negative energy imprints and enable new, positive patterns to become encoded into the Earth grids. The path of the Annular Eclipse on 20th May will intersect the Plumed Serpent - Great Male Dragon line at two locations - Mount Fuji in Japan and Mount Shasta in California. Adak Island is the pivotal point, lying almost exactly midway between these two sacred mountains, and is the nearest land to the point of maximum eclipse. The eclipse on 20th May is a South Node eclipse, which will release the energetic 'thought-forms' and patriarchal archetypes of at least the last 5,125¼ years, and probably the last 25,626 years of the Galactic Great Year. The Eclipse will release negative imprints left from the mis-aligned expression of male power in the Pacific Ocean grids, and along the entire length of the Plumed Serpent - Great Male Dragon line, as it encircles the Earth. So, it will affect the consciousness of the whole planet.

As the eclipse releases these old patterns, held within the grids, it will bring the possibility for seeding a new expression of male power that is fully aligned with the heart and the spiritual will, and so enable collective healing at a personal and global level. This marks the beginning of a whole new paradigm of consciousness.

The Pleiades - seeding the new consciousness

The significance of this Eclipse is further enhanced by the exact conjunction of the Sun and Moon with the Pleiades. To the Maya, the Pleiades represent the handful of maize seeds from which the original humans were born. These seeds are symbolically re-planted in the Earth at the beginning of each new 'Sun' cycle of 5,125¼ years. (Five Sun cycles complete one full processional cycle of 25,626 years). While the old patriarchal patterns of the last 5125¼ years are being released by the Eclipse, hidden behind the eclipsing Sun, the Pleiades will be planting the seeds of the new consciousness that will begin to birth the new 5125¼ year cycle, that begins after 21st December 2012, as the Solstice Sun emerges from the centre of the Galactic Equator, which the Maya perceived as the 'womb of Creation.'

This Eclipse marks the 'point of no return' on our journey towards the December Solstice 2012. The more we are each able to release emotional attachments, thoughts and ideologies that hold us back from experiencing full conscious awareness of our connection with the Oneness of all Life, the smoother the transition will be for us. The May Eclipse brings a golden opportunity to create Right Relations in all aspects of our lives and stand fully in the power of who we truly are and what we truly believe.

About Me

Marcus Mason

I have practised and taught Soul~Purpose Astrology for over 25 years in England, and since 1999, in Ireland, Belgium and USA. I am also an Acupuncturist, and apply my knowledge of these two traditions to work with Sacred Earth Energies. I have facilitated workshops, meditations, ceremonies and Sacred Journeys to ancient sites in the UK, Ireland, Europe, South Africa, Alaska and Hawaii. * www.heavenandearthastrology.blogspot.com/ *

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