Thursday, March 28, 2013

Beyond Letting Go by Matt Kahn

Beyond Letting Go by Matt Kahn

The willingness to let go of the past doesn’t necessarily resolve it. Therefore, as a soul traversing the adventures of space and time, it is essential to explore the innocent heartfelt grace of what it truly means to resolve the past. As this occurs, you may acknowledge everything in reality as a vital key to your greatest transformation, as the light of consciousness playing in form. So often, I hear from many innocent heart-centered seekers who tell me: “I let it go but it didn’t work. It keeps coming back.” This leads many to feel spiritually incapable and can often lead to feeling like a failure, if without the insights that reveal the exact purpose of letting go and how it is merely one step in awakening the bliss of true spiritual redemption. It is very common for a teaching such as “let it go” to be blown way out of proportion. Once a teaching reaches mass consciousness, it is typically overlooked as a piece of a puzzle and instead, misperceived as a new religion to adopt and repeat to others.

Would you dare look into the eyes of someone who has been abused, betrayed, or abandoned and so callously bark at them to “drop their story” and let it go? My hope is that you cringe at the very suggestion, which acknowledges your willingness to no longer avoid the circumstances of your life’s journey, but to learn how to approach it in a more loving way.

While there are many who have found great relief in letting things go, it is because the thing you’re letting go is a fixation, fascination, or obsession with the past. While it can feel quite relieving to let go of an obsession with the past, it doesn’t guarantee the past has been resolved or healed in any way. Certainly denying the validity of experiences by calling it an illusion doesn’t work either. This is why a healing of journey blossoms to the surface throughout your life. A healing journey is not a block or a barrier to your destiny of awakening, but an essential key in unlocking the secrets of the soul, where the willingness to heal accesses the recognition of your true eternal nature. If anything in your reality seems stuck on repeat, it is a reminder that while you may have let go of obsessing over the past, it has yet to be healed and resolved in consciousness.

The way in which the past is healed and returned home to the light of resolution is by learning how to honor it. To imagine the gift of your past or what some refer to as “your story” was only created to offer you something to let go, judge, or deny is a sign of spiritual immaturity. In reality, every single moment in time acts as a sacred gift of experience that assists you in fulfilling the destiny of awakening. Yet, whenever you attempt to fast track your path by thinking everything can just be let go and discarded as irrelevant distractions to something bigger, you are unable to truly open the doorway of life’s most profound realization or access the experiences your willing to deny the gift of life in order to discover.
Suffice it say, you’ll let the past go and no longer find yourself gift-wrapped in the pitfalls of a personal story once it is honored as a vital step in your soul’s journey and resolved with loving-kindness and compassion.

Resolving the past is acknowledging the present moment as a celebration of a series of past experiences that you’ve undoubtedly survived. The fact that you’ve survived all that you endured from the past acts a signal that you are ready to heal it. Healing your past isn’t a matter of trying to throw things away, but learning how to change your relationship with whatever arises. Whether arising as a thought or feeling, you can allow yourself to step to the forefront of your deepest healing journey, simply by saying to yourself, “Given the past you’ve experienced, you have a right to feel this way.” In doing so, every thought and feeling is wholeheartedly embraced and honored with the gift of significance.

To embrace it using this very specific phrase is to acknowledge the fact that it occurred for an important reason. Whenever an experience is not honored as an important step on your road of spiritual redemption, you may find yourself lost in victimhood and out of alignment with your highest destiny by denying how you feel.
Many believe letting things go frees them from victimhood. In reality, you are freed from victimhood whenever you embrace the courage of true heart felt acceptance by acknowledging how you feel. Even if you don’t like how you feel or wish it felt differently, it is an opportunity to stop and say to yourself: “Given the past you’ve experienced, you have a right to feel this way.” When this statement is offered to everything arising in your experience, you shall see for yourself how miraculously your life begins to blossom, as the willingness to honor the past allows the human condition to be transformed for the liberation of all.

This also frees you from the pitfalls of the spiritual ego, where every emotional reaction, physical contraction, or barrage of thoughts is imagined like a rambunctious dog jumping onto the dinner table and ruining the harvest of your long-awaited spiritual experience. Instead, you may see how there are truly no blocks or barriers to your destiny of awakening. It may just be the case of noticing how often you pursue waking up in attempt to escape, avoid, or deny the healing journey that unfolds with purity and perfection, at the rate in which you honor the past you were born to survive.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Power of the Word by Archangel Zadkiel - Channelled through Natalie Glasson

The Power of the Word by Archangel Zadkiel
  Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 25-03-13-

Love, Peace, Transformation and Truth are the vibrations that I bring forth through my angelic presence to surround your entire being.  I am here with you in this moment to share the angelic vibration of transformation from the seventh ray of light, anchoring these high vibrations as seeds of consciousness into your mind and understanding. I wish to encourage you to focus more fully upon your language and the words that you express from your being into your reality.

I am an Archangel, holding the angelic vibration of selfless and unconditional love; I am also the embodiment of the seventh ray of light overseen by Lady Portia. The seventh ray of light of a violet colour is assisting and fuelling the ascension process on the Earth and for all of humanity. The seventh ray of light holds vibrations to aid and support the new era that has dawned on the Earth. Enlightenment, transformation, magic and awakening are some of the qualities represented by the seventh ray of light. As I channel the energy of the seventh ray of light into your being to support all processes of spiritual transformation and awakening I wish to encourage a new perspective to dawn to accelerate you forward in experiencing greater union with yourself and the Creator. Please allow yourself to open up to the violet light as you breath its essence deep into your being so that the light may support you in the most appropriate way. As the violet light merges more fully with your being I wish to share with you my consciousness.

It is my focus to bring your attention to the words that you express on a daily basis. The words that you think in your mind, say out loud or sing have a vibration which pulsates like a wave through your physical body and entire energetic bodies. These words however they are expressed have a powerful influence upon your being. Your body and energetic bodies are constantly vibrating, as light enters into your being the vibration of your body and energetic bodies quickens in speed becoming a purer vibration more aligned with the Creator. If you then produce negative words in your mind or out loud this can have a lowering effect upon your energetic vibration. As a light worker you may always be focusing upon healing yourself, anchoring more light and calling upon divine assistance to serve your ascension but if you then express words with a lower vibration you are always encouraging an unstable energy vibration which will not support your spiritual growth. Your words have a powerful influence upon your being because this aspect of your being is connected to your ability of creating and co creating with the Creator.  Your words have the ability to shape your reality and even your physical body.

In order to gain a secure and steadily enhancing vibration there is a need to observe the words that you choose to use out loud and within your mind on a daily bases, not only the words but the tone and manner in which you express them to others.  It is time I believe to detox your thoughts and vocabulary so that you may bring greater volumes of light and love into your being through the process of thinking and speaking. It is important that each expression of any form from your being is deeply loving to yourself and to others. Allow yourself to think in patterns of love and to speak with not only immense love flowing from your heart but each word carefully chosen by you to be of the highest vibration of love.

You may be wondering how to understand whether a word holds a negative vibration or a positive loving vibration. In truth all words and expressions hold the vibration of the Creator and are therefore of a loving vibration but over time humanity has placed emphasis on words interpreting them as negative or positive, therefore creating a vibrational perspective for each. While these perspectives created by generations could be healed and cleansed it is far easier to focus upon your own spiritual growth and to ensure that negative words and vibrations are eliminated from your being. Remember that a thought that is only a second in your mind can stay in your auric field eternally unless it is cleansed or released.  As you allow yourself to open your heart chakra, imagining that you are breathing in and out through your heart chakra while also allowing words of love or neutral vibrations to be expressed in your mind and through your voice then you will always be maintaining and developing your energetic vibration.

When I speak of negative words I am focusing upon words that create a negative, judgmental, fearful or destructive tone. Such words and even judgements of self and others can be common place and seen as a way of expression but in truth it is possible to express whatever you wish with the vibration of love and truth. The more that love is expressed with the mind and through the voice into communication then humanity will notice the manifestation of greater volumes of love on the Earth. In order to achieve love within the mind and through the voice there is simply a need of first observing your thoughts and observing the vibration and tone of what you are creating, holding in your mind and expressing through your voice. Then allow yourself to love yourself unconditionally free from judgement, understanding or realising how you can change your wording, language or tone to hold a higher quicker vibration. It is important not to limit your expression, this may feel as if it is the case to begin with but you will be embarking on a beautiful and new way of expressing yourself while also healing old negative habits of mental judgement or abuse to yourself or others.

With the focus of your words holding power within your vibration, physical being and reality, I wish to introduce you to a chamber upon the inner planes within the seventh ray of light ashram which holds the power of magnification. It is the Seventh Ray Chamber of Magnification. Many Ascended Masters and light beings visit this chamber in order to gain a magnification of their energies, healing or whatever they may be focusing upon at that time. I wish to encourage you to visit the Chamber of Magnification during meditation, I advise you to speak words of loving vibrations whether single words or sentences while existing within this chamber in order to magnify the vibration of the words so you may truly feel, see and sense how they truly influence your being. Not only will you allow yourself to experience the vibrations of the words but you will also heighten your energy vibration and manifest the vibration of the words more fully into your being and reality. It is a wonderful experience to enhance your understanding of the vibrations of words but it can also be a tool that allows and assists you in magnifying energies within your being in order to aid manifestation. For example, if you have something that you wish to manifest within your being or reality you can visit the chamber and speak the words in your mind or out loud that you already have what you wish to manifest, focusing on key words that denote qualities you wish to embody in order to manifest your desire. This would then enhance the strength of your manifestation allowing you to experience and anchor all that you wish to manifest into your physical body so that you become the vibration and therefore project it into your reality for you to experience fully.

Simply allow yourself to sit peacefully, as you focus on your breathing entering into a deep state of meditation.

Say out loud or internally, 'I call upon the loving vibration, support and presence of Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Portia to draw close to my being, sharing and anchoring your love, angelic and seventh ray energies into my being.'

Imagine, sense or acknowledge our light surrounding you as you breathe deeply.

Say out loud or internally, 'I ask Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Portia to transport me to the Chamber of Magnification in the Seventh Ray Ashram, thank you.'

Imagine, acknowledge or sense your presence within the chamber, it is important to breathe in the energies of the chamber realising that every aspect of your being including your thoughts will be magnified.

With your attention upon your thoughts allow yourself to express clear, precise words of a high vibrations or sentences that hold the essence of that which you wish to manifest.

(You may find it valuable for your first visit to write down some words that you wish to use in the chamber or to choose one word that you will focus upon for your time within the chamber.)

Simply focus on breathing in the energy of magnification to fill your entire being while you focus on observing the influence of your words upon your energy vibration, physical and energetic bodies.

This is a wonderful place to experiment and to observe the influence of different words upon your energy vibration.

When you wish to leave the chamber simply ask Lady Portia and I to transport and ground you back into your physical reality.

Let your words be a power within your ascension process.

With Angelic Love,
Archangel Zadkiel

Monday, March 25, 2013

Recalibrating to the New Earth

by Patricia Cota-Robles

Miracles are happening and everything is moving forward at warp speed. This includes wonderful positive changes associated with the New Earth as well as the intensified purging of the residue of negative patterns from the obsolete old Earth. It is vital that we all remember "WHERE OUR ATTENTION IS, THERE WE ARE." Whatever we are focusing on with our thoughts and feelings we are empowering and sustaining in our lives. So PLEASE stay focused on the Light and what you want to cocreate in your life experience. Move away from fear and into happiness and Love. This is a conscious choice you can make moment by moment.

It is time for all of us to fulfill our purpose and reason for being. We each have the innate ability to hold the sacred space for Humanity's recalibration into the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. That is why we volunteered to embody on Earth during this auspicious time.

When I say "WE" I am referring to YOU and every awakening person on Earth. Eventually, this will involve every man, woman, and child, but until the masses complete their awakening process, you and I and Lightworkers around the world have the critical responsibility of being our brother's and sister's keeper. After all, WE ARE ONE.

Nothing is happening by accident. Your I AM Presence magnetized this information into your sphere of awareness because this information is meant for YOU. Please go within to the Divinity of your heart, and ask your I AM Presence to reveal to you your specific part in this phase of the unfolding Divine Plan. Your Light and Love are needed NOW!

Please read the following information with an open heart and an open mind. Then listen to your heart and see how you are being guided to add to the Light of the world during this life-transforming opportunity. Many of you are familiar with some of the following information, but we have thousands of new people who have signed up for our newsletter. It is important for all of us to have this background, so we can comprehend the magnitude of the activity of Light our Father-Mother and the Beings of Light are asking us to accomplish.

Once again, our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are sending a Clarion Call to YOU and all embodied Lightworkers. We are being called to participate in a global activity of Light that will fulfill the greatest need of the hour for Humanity and Planet Earth. We have each been preparing for this moment for lifetimes and we already have within us everything we need to succeed. We have the skill, the wisdom, the courage, and the strength to succeed God Victoriously. Now the Company of Heaven is hoping we also have the WILLINGNESS to respond to the inner guidance of our I AM Presence.

We have God Victoriously passed through the Shift of the Ages and this precious Planet has at long last reclaimed her rightful place in our Solar System. This is a position we have not been able to achieve since our fall from Grace millions of years ago. The miracle in all of this is that not only the Earth, but ALL Life evolving upon her was able to accomplish this mighty feat.

We have successfully Ascended through two dimensional shifts. We moved up the Spiral of Evolution from the 3rd Dimension through the 4th Dimension and into the initial frequencies of the 5th Dimension. This was a unique experiment that had never been attempted in any system of worlds. Never had a Planet that had fallen to the depths of separation and duality the Earth was experiencing been given the opportunity to move through two dimensional shifts in such a short period of time.

Because this had never been done before, no one knew if we would succeed. The belief was that there would probably be some people who would make the choice to move into the Light, but the general consensus was that millions of people would not awaken in time to make that decision and would have to be left behind. This belief was based on the incredibly slow progress Humanity had made over aeons of time. To the amazement of everyone, however, WE DID SUCCEED!

Where Do We Go From Here?

Each and every Child of God evolving on this Planet is now in position to cocreate with our God Parents the next phase of our journey back to the Heart of our Father-Mother God. This will be a unique process for every one of us, but the Company of Heaven has assured us that as we cocreate the patterns of perfection for the 5th-Dimensional New Earth, we will experience a glorious adventure beyond our wildest imagination. These precious Beings of Light have set in motion a Divine Plan that will help all of us accomplish this at a greatly accelerated pace.

The 5th Dimension is a frequency of Light that transcends separation and duality. Within this higher frequency of vibration the gross mutations of disease, poverty, hunger, war, greed, hatred, or pain and suffering of any kind cannot be sustained. The 5th Dimension is a timeless, spaceless frequency of God's Infinite Light and Perfection. It is the frequency that we have always known as the Heavenly Realms. Now with the Shift of the Ages God Victoriously accomplished, the Heavenly Realms have Ascended up the Spiral of Evolution into the 6th-Dimensional Realms of Light.

Within the 5th Dimension, Divine Love and the consciousness of Oneness and Reverence for Life are the ONLY reality. The Sons and Daughters of God abiding in the 5th Dimension are destined to cocreate experiences that enhance life with every thought, word, action, feeling, and belief we express. We will cocreate win-win situations for everybody as we perpetually focus on Love, Light, and the highest good for ALL concerned.

This may sound too good to be true, but actually it does not even begin to describe the wonders and joyous things we will be cocreating once we ACCEPT that the New Earth has been Birthed, and we daily and hourly live out of that profound Truth.

With the Birth of the New Earth we have moved into a Higher Order of Being. Love is the Order of the New Day on Planet Earth. This is not just a lofty platitude or wishful thinking. This is the reality of the New Earth we are now living upon. A supreme consciousness of Love is filtering into the heart and mind of every person on the planet. The masses of Humanity will soon begin to "see with new eyes and hear with new ears."

Daily and hourly keep this inner knowing in your heart and mind.Pay attention to the Loving experiences manifesting all around you. You will be amazed at the things that are happening within Humanity that reflect a new consciousness of Love, Oneness, and Reverence for ALL Life. Pay attention. Focus ONLY on what you want to cocreate on the New Earth through Love and Reverence for ALL Life.

Throughout 2013, 2014, and 2015 the Company of Heaven will guide us through amazing opportunities that will accelerate the process of our tangible manifestation of the New Earth. All we have to do is ask. Those patterns of perfection exist right here, right now. These are wondrous times. Stay focused; this is the beginning of our glorious New Reality.

The Divine Plan

The Company of Heaven is asking Lightworkers to gather within the portal of the most powerful frequencies of our Father-Mother God's Transfiguring Divine Love on Earth. This portal is in the foothills of Tucson, Arizona. Together we will form a mighty transformer through which the Light of God will flow to accelerate the process of tangibly manifesting the patterns of perfection for the New Earth in the physical world of form.

We have Birthed the New Earth in the 5th-Dimensional Realms of CAUSE, and now the patterns of perfection for the New Earth are pulsating in, through, and around the mental and emotional strata of Earth. What we must understand, however, is that in order for these glorious patterns to manifest in the physical plane, they must be drawn through the Divinity within the Heart Flames of people abiding on Earth.

We can do this individually and accomplish the process little by little, but if we come together within the most powerful Portal of Divine Love on Earth and collectively anchor the patterns for the New Earth through our unified Heart Flames, the Company of Heaven said we will cocreate a quantum shift that will exponentially move this process forward by leaps and bounds.

It is critical that Lightworkers from around the world be physically present for this facet of the unfolding Divine Plan. Together we will form the transformer that will magnetize the patterns of perfection for our Newly Birthed Earth through our Heart Flames into the physical world of form. All of the Lightworkers who have been prepared to serve in this wondrous way on behalf of Humanity and all Life on this sweet Earth will know who they are through the inner promptings of their heart. Listen to your heart, and Trust your inner guidance. YOU ARE BEING CALLED TO A HIGHER SERVICE ON BEHALF OF HUMANITY AND ALL LIFE EVOLVING ON THIS SWEET EARTH.

In addition to those who are inspired to be physically present, there will be Lightworkers who will join in consciousness from points of Light around the world. These Lightworkers will project the Light flowing through their Heart Flames into the Portal of Light where the Lightworkers are physically gathered in Tucson, Arizona. Thus our unified efforts will expand a thousand times a thousandfold.

Listen to your I AM Presence. Know that every Lightworker will be in his or her right and perfect place. Respond to whatever your I AM Presence is guiding you to do. We must Trust and KNOW that if we are being guided to be physically present within the Portal of Transfiguring Divine Love, then our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven will assist us in paving the way. This is true whether we need assistance with time, energy, or money to accomplish this facet of our Divine Mission.

The vehicle that will be used for this gathering of Lightworkers is the 27th Annual World Congress on Illumination. This event will take placeAugust 10-15, 2013. We will gather at the beautiful Loews Ventana Canyon Resort in Tucson, Arizona. This exquisite resort exists within the heart of the Portal of Transfiguring Divine Love. All of the information you will need to participate in this wondrous opportunity is available on our website. Here is the link:

(If this link does not work please copy and paste or type it in your browser.)

God Bless YOU, for your willingness to be the Open Door that will secure the patterns of perfection for the New Earth in the physical plane. This is our New Beginning. It is the beginning of the Renaissance of Divine Love Humanity is destined to cocreate in the physical world of form as we live, move, breathe, and act out of this new reality. Let's do this together.

The 27th Annual World Congress On Illumination
August 10-15, 2013, Tucson, Arizona

The World Congress will begin with the Opening Ceremonies on
Saturday, August 10th at 7:30 p.m. and conclude with
the Closing Ceremonies on Thursday, August 15th by 2:00 p.m.

This sacred conclave will be a celestial experience for everyone involved. Each day, as we successfully fulfill one phase of the Divine Plan, the Spiritual Hierarchy will reveal the next phase of the plan to us. As we sojourn through the various activities of Light, under the Divine Guidance of our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven, our mission will be victoriously accomplished.

This event will take place at Loews Ventana Canyon Resort, which is nestled in the unique beauty and the nurturing, healing environment of the southwestern desert in Tucson, Arizona. The resort is surrounded by lush desert vegetation and towering two to three-hundred-year-old saguaro cacti. These expressions of the Elemental Kingdom stand as mighty sentinels while anchoring the Light of God into the Earth.

When you enter this portal of Light, you will experience the awesome radiance of the Flame of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation and the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love. As this Sacred Fire bathes your Being, you will be blessed with the familiar feeling of coming home.

The World Congress On Illumination is truly a life-transforming event that will provide you with the opportunity to meet old friends from around the world with whom you have been serving for aeons of time. Fellow Lightworkers will join hearts with you and support you in your monumental service to the Light.

The Divine Plan we are being called to fulfill will be accomplished through myriad activities of Light. We will be joined at inner levels by the Solar Logos from Suns beyond Suns, the entire Company of Heaven, the God Selves of ALL Humanity, the Divine Intelligence that directs the Elemental Kingdom, the Mighty Elohim, and the Legions of Angels throughout Infinity.

The entire Universe is supporting us in this wondrous endeavor. The Beings of Light have been given permission to assist us in miraculous ways, but the Lightworkers on Earth are the predominant force bringing this Divine Plan into physical manifestation.

Our responsibility is enormous, but as we join our hearts together, we have the absolute ability to succeed God Victoriously.

Just for a moment, go within to the Divinity of your Heart Flame, and experience the overwhelming Gratitude and Love pouring forth from the Legions of Light in the Heavenly Realms. Feel the deep appreciation they are sending to you for your willingness to serve Humanity during this critical moment in the evolution of this sweet Earth. We are blessed beyond measure to be able to assist all Life evolving on Earth in this wondrous way.

Hotel Accommodations and Registration Fees

This wonderful resort is giving us a great package rate that includes a beautiful room with two double beds and two delightful meals a day. One meal will be a substantial breakfast, and the other meal will be either lunch or dinner, depending on our planned activities. The package rate includes all taxes and gratuity. As a special gift, the hotel is allowing us to have up to four people in a room.


Your Room for Five Nights
Two Delightful Meals a Day
All Taxes & Gratuity and
Your Registration Fee for the World Congress On Illumination

Your WCI Registration Fee includes ALL of the activities at the World Congress: Speakers' Presentations, Meditations, Music Concerts, Dance Presentations, Social Events, and all other Group Activities.

We are offering a discount of$150.00 for those who register by April 1, 2013. We are also offering a discount of $100.00 for those who register by May 1, 2013, and a discount of $50.00 for those who register byJune 1, 2013. After June 1, 2013, registration will be full price. Registrations must be paid by July 10, 2013, to ensure your space. After that date, reservations will be accepted on a space-available basis.

(If this link does not work please copy and paste or type it in your browser.)

Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

FAX: 520-751-2981
Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.

©2013 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.

Messages From Meg Benedicte

The intense Ascension Light Codes streaming from the Great Central Sun are flushing up to the surface of our awareness anywhere we are still engaged with the 3D Matrix of Polarity. Wherever we experience discomfort in our lives will highlight where we still have shadow consciousness running in our mind/body. Teetering in the balance point of polarized (positive vortex of lightvs. negative) forces exists all of our distortion patterns and stuck emotional energy - our human reality is a mirror reflection of our internal condition. We literally operate as a human magnet, humming in a certain range of positive/negative frequency vibration thru the Law of Attraction.
Once we realize we are materializing in physical form in direct relation to our inner conditioning, we begin to recognize the impact of our thoughts, intentions and emotions, as they flow into the mix. If all humans are energetic fields, vibrating to a certain frequency of output, our mental and emotional state is directly affecting the manifestation of our environment. And vice versa!
Based on Quantum Mechanics and Einstein’s Unified Field Theory - throughout time every thought, emotion, fear and belief is stored in our cellular structure…evolving into the blueprint that produces our 3rd-Dimensional image in form. The swirling strands of telepathic DNA code are the conveyors of genetic information that determine our entire physical existence; and can be changed! By correcting the intention of our thoughts, choices and desires we can transform the molecular patterning that creates our human experience.
By establishing a balanced still point inside, it is easier to sense whether external energies have a positive or negative resonance to our personal internal frequency vibration. We are capable of perceiving the harmonic range or baentrainmentndwidth with our internal sensory system, just like antennas picking up incoming radio frequency.
We are designed as human radios, tuning in and picking up where the 3D Matrix of separation is blocking our progress, evolution, and ascension. As the strangle-hold of the dark web of clockwise compression unwinds, we have the opportunity to set ourselves free and bridge into the higher realms of quantum living. When we are aware of polarized shadow consciousness, we recognize the discordant presence and actively alter our reality.
Here are some examples of being plugged into the 3D Matrix:
  • Ego self-absorption, feeling victimized, frozen, no voice, no protective boundaries, immature emotional outbursts, feeling helpless/hopeless, letting others bully and take away joy, allowing others to manipulate with guilt or shame, increasing addictive behavior, avoidance techniques, and leaving the body.
  • Overwhelming fears around survival, rejecting or judging money, acting as slave in servitude to others, emotional/energetic attachments to birth family, emotional expectations from birth family to fill emptiness, desire to leave Earth, and yearning for Twin Flame romance.
  • Physical condition of candida/viral/bacterial parasitic infestation, physical pain/lockdown in joints, body tension, hook or lockdown at back of neck/brain stem, sacrum/root/tailbone, clockwise twist in muscle-skeletal, compromised immune system, and energy drain.
Since the planetary shift to higher 5D unity consciousness last December, the Divine Light is pushing to the surface the parasitic human pattern of feeding on others’ Life Force. This pattern is evident in any internal desire to get Kundalini, Light, sexual energy, money, and/or power from others…and is driven by the shadow consciousness of the ego self. It is a pattern of separation, breeding doubt and insecurity in our own innate abilities to source ourselves.
mirror fragmentWhen operating in the 3D Matrix, the ego’s negative thoughts and emotions cloud our clarity and the stresses of the day infringe on our natural ability to sense and intuit what is aligned with the inner truth flowing into our human radio. Our ego mind continues to deconstruct the stream of incoming data from a handicapped position, blind to the powerful influence of intuition, gut instinct and higher universal intelligence.
Our decision making process becomes dominated by the ego mind, which distrusts and dispels anything it cannot verify with the five physical senses. All incoming wisdom from the Higher Self is discarded as suspect and eventually shut off completely. By our very own minds, we have disconnected and separated from the powerful sensory system inherent to all of humanity. etheric
All it takes is one committed decision to turn off the Ego, and open to the Higher, Wiser Self. By using the Mirror Effect, we have a continual stream of incoming data about our current condition…we can determine what is our energetic frequency, the true nature of our essence, the motivating drive and passions in our heart, and the propelling purpose of our Soul’s gifts. With the Mirror Effect we can begin to trust our own magnetism as the direct link to our Truth! The state of our magnetism reveals inner Soul Presence and whatever remaining 3D shadow for clearing. 
If we can’t trust what we magnetize, then who can we trust? Our inner magnetism is our map, our User’s Manual for manifesting our path and purpose. When we tune inward and connect to the wealth of our inner magnetism, we learn to trust in our inherent ability to attract what we need in every given moment. It is the inner journey into our Divine Oneness!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Our Next Destination of Timelessness As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Our Next Destination of Timelessness
As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

As we finally enter our next destination of timelessness, we all seem to be stuck at the stoplight of self, waiting for the light to turn Easter green and give us the thumbs up and green-walking-man.    Holding our breath, our tempers, and our expectations we wait on the sidelines for the cosmos to wave us forward.  Stopping only to hone our desires, our wants and our needs we constantly look for the sign, the sky writing, that says, 'thumbs up, the water is safe come on in, you can now cross the street of your life to the next phase of your journey.'  Eagerly we await Searching our world, our reflections, and our intuitions for the cosmic directional.  Feeling as if our legs are leaden, immovable keeping us in the land of the void, the unformed and uninformed.  A place of no words, no actions, no foresight.  Licking our wounds, feeling like a trapped animal in a place of no escape.  Looking around us at the economy, the government, the world, and seeing that everyone is parked at the stoplight in a long line waiting for a sign. Misery often loves company but there is no comfort in this get together.

Many get tired of waiting and venture out on their own into the void the unknown. coming back torn and tattered and even more confused telling us all of earth is stuck and appears immobile.  Our hearts sink deeper into the pits of our stomach. Who will save us, who will lead us, who will be our messiah our president our commander and chief ?  We feel as if we are held captive within space and time, sitting in the place between breaths, between heartbeats and between thoughts.  The silence is loud; the energy of the soundless void is thunderous.  We stick our fingers in our ears to stop the pain of silence, and as we do we hear a faint, but familiar voice.  A wee voice that says listen to me, I am hear (here) for you.  We strain ourselves listening to the one familiar soothing sound in the void, the voice of our true self, our soul, and our divinity.

The voice continues to say ‘All is invisible and embryonic of state Wait until the tide changes and finally reaches the seashore of your heart’.  Do not rush into dangerous waters, out of boredom, out of fear, out of need.  Wait for life to unveil itself.  Hold onto the seed dreams within your heart.  They will be the fruit of the future.   Lovingly wait until your soul announces to you that the bridge is safe to cross.  Do not use excuses to become lethargic depressed and complacent.  In this place that you temporarily sit, weave the longings of your heart into a vibratory tapestry of sub atomic particles that are destined to find their way into physical form.  Do not sit as a passenger in your life.  Looking at it pass by the window. 

You inhale unfamiliar energies that seem not to fit your life, your body, or your thinking.  Hold tight as you paddle through the breakers of your life to the calm yet powerful waters of the New.  Let go of the fear of falling off of your flat life and being eaten by sea (see) monsters.  Sail fully without fear of failure.  Follow the star chart of your destination with precision and then expect to land on new land that will provide even more than you imagined.

Your waiting within the void is but an elevator ride from one floor of light to another.  In all of life it is but a wink, a blink and a nod.  Now sail on your beautiful boat into your unknown, unformed future. Allow your internal divine compass to innately sail you in the direction of your destiny.

The illusion of stillness seems hauntingly alive, and you fear being devoured by its vastness, as one who sails to the rivers end only to find a great waterfall.  Let go and allow the divinity within you to drive.  It is older and wiser and has driven since the beginning of time.   Allow the true self, the soul, the God within to move you in a direction of completeness.  The void has the ability to extract what is in your heart and assist you in birthing it into manifestation."
Support Where You Receive Your Spiritual Truths

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO Box 217
Dandridge, Tennessee


 as received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

I It is important for you as humans to see the beauty in your life, in your day, and in your body. You spill so much life force being angry at the way you look the way your life has been, and the cards that you have been dealt. You look at each other with pointed thoughts and sharp words. Your eyes go green and your heart grows cold as you view another who has obtained a little more light, a little more beauty, and a little more prosperity – not because they were born with it, but because they have the gift and ability to see those beautiful qualities in others.
The only way to claim your own beauty, wealth,  health, is to see that very quality in others. For the world mirrors your own reflection. If you do not feel worthy and prosperous, you see that in your own reflection. It is important to address and see the magic of someone winning. Congratulate them send them love.  
Do not focus on depreciation but instead focus on appreciation. Allow what you have ownership of to gain value through you. You receive value when you see the value of others. You gain your beauty when you see the beauty of others. You gain wealth when you rejoice in the good fortune of others. For their good fortune means that your good fortune is right around the next corner, the next thought. Every minute of every day you too shall be blessed if you quietly bless others.
When you see others around you falling deeply in love you too have the opportunity to fall in love. The world reflects your every thought. If you are attracting those who are down in the dumps, sad and desperate, look at your own reflection and make some corrections. Change the way you see the world and you will change your self. Compliment others on their beauty. The inhabitants of Earth have stopped complimenting each other, honoring each other and it shows in earth's aura.
Gain entrance to the kingdom of light through valuing everything on earth. Value your light and your life and the monumental creation that you are. You are a singular creation of the house of light. The Creator has never created another species like you. That is why you are given charge over the angels, because you are grand in preparation. You are grand in thought and the heart’s desires of the Creator are placed within your body mind and spirit.
Everything the earth experiences you experience as well. You often feel so small and paralyzed, with fear.  You feel like ants and the cosmic aardvark is out to get you. Look at the great quest that the ants are upon. They keep many of you running around pulling your hair out as you battle them day after day season after season. They outwit you time after time. Do you see how Something so small in mass can make a difference if they join together in one thought and intent. Your destiny is greater than any other creation upon earth. I am Pleiadian of origin and  love as are you.
It is time to prepare your heart to receive more love. A love that is so deep and so big that the sky is jealous for it has never seen such vastness. The palpitations within your heart are the breaking down the walls as the light proclaims "Set my people free. Set my love free. Let my light shine. It is time to Take down all walls and all separations, and let your light shine." On this eve I have gathered you into my heart and now we are one again
Support Where You Receive Your Spiritual Truths

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO Box 217
Dandridge, Tennessee

COSMIC COAGULATION received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
I am the song of Shekinah, that which dwells in the house of radiance. I come on the winds of time to allow you entrance into knowledge that goes beyond self and memory. Within what is known and unknown as the Holy Spirit, there are many dimensional descriptions. There are many doorways, and inter-dimensional truths. Humanity believes that the Holy Spirit is but one being. There is a great-pronounced diversification that lives within the house and dwelling of Holy Spirit.
Each of you holds within you the personal breath of God. You each live within the out-breath of God. God breathed you into existence and the flesh that you are now. With The first breath that a baby takes, the Holy Spirit enters the child in fullness. The Holy Spirit does not dwell within the fetus during gestation.
The Holy Spirit energy is an imprint, an encoding that is held by each individual on their journey through life. On the death of the individual, the last breath, the Holy Spirit is released back to Source. It is a separate and different being than the spirit of the individual, but often when death occurs they leave as a two-fold light. God inhales you back onto and into original light. You all ride the inhale, the wave of contraction back into a point of explosive expansion. As the universe inhales you each and every day a little more and a little more, you are being released of toxins, negativity's, angers, blocks and memories that no longer serve your soul’s evolution and soul’s purpose. When you sleep your spirit exits the body and the physical biological unit is left to fend for itself with the help of a few large angelic beings. The spirit is connected by a chord of light and can always come back during any emergency.
At the time of Easter the Creator will take a very deep breath. Releasing within you several levels of psychic, mental, emotional and physical debris. The universe is cleansing many layers of your being, loosening and redistributing blocks so that can easily be dismissed on the next inhale of the Creator. In other words, all that is solid and dank and dark within you is breathed loving and exquisitely by the prime creator back into itself. The angers that have been keeping you down and stagnant will be lifted.
The reason for the heaviness of self as of late has to do with the many portions of you that have gathered as a depository. They migrate to a magnetic point in your physical body. From this magnetic point, they will exit and be sent to Prime Creator. Not only will this be experienced within the physical body, but it will also be experienced within the planetary body, the planetary emotional body, and the planetary memory body. For Earth herself will be lifted out of the ever clinging memory of the tar pit of death and annihilation that has happened throughout time. The Prime Creator, the Universe will escort this back into original source to be purified recycled and used again.
The Creator is taking the thickness of the energies and birthing new universes.  The atomic structure of light shifts in nature.  With this knowing allow this cosmic coagulation to happen within your body. You may have pains that come and go in the body, in the heart, memories, in the heaviness of all emotion, but it gathers to be birthed anew into a new universe. So the very fabric of your being and all that you have been through time after time as well as all Mother Earth has endured, will be birthed into beautiful cellular structures of baby light and beginning life in another part of God, and you will be part of that.
It takes more molecules to create anger, than it does a joy. It takes more molecules to hold disease than it does to hold love. All that is Holy is light and fluffy with no expiration date.  allow the Creator to breathe you in deeply, Feel yourself being lifted. Allow the out breath to expand your ethers. Letting go of fears. I am SHEKINAH, I leave on the winds of light

Support Where You Receive Your Spiritual Truths

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO Box 217
Dandridge, Tennessee

ALL SEEDS HOLD Heavenly Instructions As received by Gillian MacBeth-Loutha

Heavenly Instructions
As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
The vibration of all that is dormant beauty sheds its heavy winter coat, calling for the world to awaken.  What was hidden within the bark, within the ground, within the seed now demands attention. Spring knows how to birth herself but she seeks the loving touch of a human heart. The insects, the animals, the birds do their part as the warm breezes, and the spring showers set free what is hidden. Within the seed of all life lives a dynamic blueprint for the totality, the complete evolution and the fulfillment of each species. Within a single seed of a great oak lives its fullest potential to become all that it can become. That seed does not contain half of an instruction but contains the entirety of divine instruction to fulfillment the oak trees destiny from birth to death. Within the seed of each human being lives the same instructs, an entire holographic blueprint that houses the unlimited potential of each person. Each human has the ability to fulfill these instructions to their completion or any part thereof. It is a personal choice; it is a divine directive. All life holds the entirety of its potential.
As Spring comes into her peak beauty take time to plant a new idea, a new seed, a new desire, a new dream. knowing without a shadow of a doubt that the seed will come into completion holding the fullness of the bloom. Do not plant anything in your life if you doubt its ability to bloom, whether grass seed, flower seed, or a money-tree. If you doubt its ability to fulfill its potential then do not plant at all.  Plant this seed of hope with an undiluted knowing that it will reach its full potential.
As you move more and more into your co-creator awareness the question arises are you a part time God or a full time human. Do you doubt yourself more hours than you believe in yourself?  As spring comes plant your dreams and hopes in the fertile soil of a deep belief system. Each seed you plant represents a celestial commitment. Plant as a creator, without doubt.

Support Where You Receive Your Spiritual Truths

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO Box 217
Dandridge, Tennessee

Stretched Like Cosmic Handi-Wrap As received By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Stretched Like Cosmic Handi-Wrap
As received By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

As we are forced into new workings of time via the whims and wishes of others, a shift comes to our earthly light structure. We have known for some time that Time itself has been unraveling and is choosing to wrap itself in another direction. Oft times the selfish agenda of humans allows them entrance into something that is truly for their betterment. Like blind mice they search for explanations that can only be felt and never written.

As earth is issued more time to do what it could not get to in regular day, humanity is feeling stretched like handi-wrap. More and more demands are placed on an already unraveled world. Life demands your attention. The time equations and the linear-ness of your time expressions is about to shift in dimensional context.  What this is means to you is such.  You open up time equations that have been dormant up until now.  These are light filled numeric formulas of expansion.  Time is a 360 degree equation of change.  It can be approached from above, from below, from in between or from the past and the future.  Your capabilities are far surpassing what your Earthen imagination has taken to be expanded thinking.  You are opening up portals of self, portals of knowing, and portals of expression that you have never dreamt or that has ever been dreamt by anyone on your Earth could be experienced.

Coming in to your factual self is a dimensional shift as well.  The true spirit of you is multitudes of experience.  You are a multi-universal expression of unending light.  You look at your 3rd dimensional world and see such limited possibilities.  In the next few years you will be experiencing paramount knowledge. this knowledge in all of its exquisiteness and expansiveness is but a minuscule particle of what is available. 

You are now ready to receive as you have never received before.  The receiving will come in dreams and instantaneous knowings.  The receiving will come in encodings that have been long hidden in your DNA.  Every aspect of you, every cell, every hair, every iota is becoming a celestial event.  Every aspect of you walks into fullness.  And in that fullness, you will recognize that it is not enough and reach for even more.  You stretch yourself like cosmic handi-wrap trying to embrace what you know as God.  the God that you search for is within you and has been from the beginning.  The more God knows itself; the more God realizes that he/she does not know itself at all.  The Universe expands through you, for you, and to you; it is continually birthing itself into more just for you.  And yet that more is smart enough to realizes it is less, Which draws it into birthing more.   There is not an end to you.  There is not a beginning to you.  Existence just is! 

Each one of you is more than you can ever comprehend.  To find that remembrance within your system would be to explode your system from humanness and to re-emerge as what you were in the beginning.    The space in between the stars, the planets, is God calling himself back into a new beginning. 

Everyday you are challenged by your beliefs. Everyday you hold tightly to what seems to be reality.  Each time, each minute, each level of information that comes to you, challenges your sanity, challenges your very existence.  You each are continually downloaded and upgraded.  Many Truths are for your ears only your mind only, your heart only.  They may not fit your metaphysical belief system.  We are the Pleiades and we will go at this time.  Honor what comes your way. 

Support Where You Receive Your Spiritual Truths

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO Box 217
Dandridge, Tennessee

MOLECULAR SECOND COMING As received By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

As received By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
I am He who advances on the waves and the workings of wisdom that is shadowed and hidden from the self that sees all. I represent all that is hidden within your thoughts I am Thoth. I come as I see each of you reaching outward to become more, reaching up to longitudes of knowledge. The time that comes between now and the end of this sacred month is a narrowing. You will draw in the moisture of your wisdom like spring as she reaches out for her seed.
Your body and its intricate  energy systems embody a microcosm of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Think of that divine structure and all of its heavenly alignments – how many points of power are still missing in action? Move  deeply into the caverns of your own thoughts. For as the ancient scrolls that hold your Akashic history, you re-write the story of your existence. You compound what has been stretched and sought by the ‘great  I AM within’. You enter into a rendezvous of holy proportion. 
There is the Pit, which dwells below Earth. The Queen’s Chamber, which represents the human heart. The King’s Chamber which represents the third eye, Eye of Ra. The Capstone, the summit, which represents the crown chakra. What about all the other points of power that live invisibly in between these known documented chambers?
At the time of the Holy revivification days, there will be an initiatory step forward an opening of your High Heart, your Christ Heart. It sits waiting at the gland known as the Thymus in your body. It will awaken as directed by an encoded cellular clock. As it awakens, the Chamber of the Sun (Christ chamber in-between Kings and Queens chamber) within the Great Pyramid of Giza will also experience a molecular reorganization . You as children of Light will never miss out on an activation of any sacred sites that are adjoined in preparation awakening.
The point above your human heart awakens from a well-timed sleep and begins to know itself. This  is the place that holds the molecular 'Quantum Christ'. It is the place that initiates a molecular 'Second Coming'.  Within this element is a 'nano-particle of peace'.  You of earth are guardians and keepers of encoded numbers within your human structure. a sacred point, an opening, a chamber that houses wisdom.  Wisdom travels beyond local truth.  These chambers open as a flower that has been too long in bud, it blooms into fullness of beauty and knowledge.
Your dreams of old have fallen off of you like fish scales off the Piscean age.  These beliefs no longer serve who you are becoming. This molecular teaching will awaken and revitalize your light structure. This sequence of movement is creation aligned with vibrations that beckon you into more of your divine nature and ability to fulfill the Quantum Christ within.
Your heart has gathered much debris of your own making and of the global distress that gathers in your thoughts each day. As the Quantum Christ Is Awakened within your high heart and the Chamber of the Son is awakened within the Great Pyramid, you will be lifted above the assembly of earthly confusion. It is from this point that you will be able to dissolve the tears and the fears that have followed you as a shadow. No longer will you sit in the shadow of what could have been. An uplifting will occur. In that lifting you will celebrate the birth of the Quantum Christ within yourself and see from the apex of your light what is possible. I am Thoth keeper of what is to come. 
Support Where You Receive Your Spiritual Truths

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO Box 217
Dandridge, Tennessee

Friday, March 15, 2013

Discovering Your Familiarity With the Creator by Archangel Metatron

Discovering Your Familiarity with the Creator by Archangel Metatron
Channelled through Natalie Glasson -
With empowerment of the soul so we see the dawning of all that is the Creator manifesting as a reality on the Earth for true and sacred experience and confirmation.

It is with the deepest of love that I, Archangel Metatron, step forward to greet you, I share the light of the Creator with you as a friend and a support to assist you in accessing all that is within your being. With the emergence of the soul our connection will enhance as the presence of your soul allows for a clear vision and understanding of the truth. As you acknowledge my energies and sacred power, recognising all that I wish to provide to you from the beloved Creator is that you realise with greater intensity the truth and sacred power of your own being and self. As I come forwarded to unite my energies with yours, my purpose is to demonstrate to you all that you are. Sometimes it is easier to understand yourself more fully when you look in the mirror, otherwise it can be difficult to acknowledge yourself, recognising yourself as you truly are. The Creator provides many mirrors in order to assist you in realising and becoming acquainted with the energies within your being. I ask you, can you connect with my energies, look upon or experience my energies, viewing and understanding yourself in all that I am and present to you?

As you call me to draw close to your being and breathe my light into every cell of your being, it is my wish for you to ask yourself, 'What of myself can I acknowledge and accept as I connect with Archangel Metatron?'  However you perceive my energies these are the qualities of your own being.  This is a most beautiful realisation that can enter the mind but it is truly accepted and understood when it is felt and acknowledged by your heart and entire being. Every master or archangel that crosses your path acts as a mirror for you to accept the divine within your being. Your soul naturally calls forth certain beings of light and even certain people on the Earth to act as mirrors for activating and most importantly realising the divine energies, frequencies and qualities within your being. Every experience in your reality whether on the physical pane, in everyday life, in meditation or in sleep state is a mirror that allows you to understand yourself more fully. Once you truly hold the understanding that to know yourself more fully as a sacred and divine soul on the Earth is to understand and become one with the Creator everything flows with greater ease and perfection. You no longer see challenges but observe beautiful opportunities in your reality to connect more fully with the presence of the Creator within your being, so you are empowering your soul which is an aspect of the Creator.

It is also a beautiful understanding to realise that although you hold an aspect of the Creator within your physical being you know and understand, like friends and family, every single aspect or soul of the Creator as well, because in truth they are all a part of you, they are all an aspect of yourself that you fully comprehend and feel completely familiar with. This realisation allows you to connect with your greater self, the Creator, therefore it is only natural that you see, acknowledge and comprehend yourself more fully by observing and connecting with those that cross your pathway.

Many may say that the Creator is a distant uncomprehendable energy, but it is often that what is closest to you that cannot be seen with clarity. The Creator is so familiar to you that there is sometimes an aspect of your being that cannot comprehend your divine relationship with the Creator , this aspect is often fear which blocks your vision of the truth. When fear is mastered and overcome so the beauty of your being can be seen by yourself. With self-understanding and acceptance you manifest the beauty of the Creator within your reality for you to experience and build upon. It is the practice of experience of the divine Creator which is unfolding upon the Earth in this new phase of ascension. Everything you do, think and accept about yourself and this reality has a powerful meaning and purpose of awakening you to experience your divine self and soul. This can only occur when you allow and give consent to yourself to recognise your familiarity with the Creator.

In many ways through conditioning and illusion you have created an understanding of separation; the most powerful separation is between yourself and the Creator. There is a need for separation to be dissolved as it no longer serves your reality. Separation can be experienced as split or withdrawal; it comes from a place of fear. Once some kind of separation has been experience you can become fearful of more separation and so become stagnant and afraid of consequences of separation, thus creating separation in all areas of your reality because it has become your focus. Even within a physical body there are always opportunities of oneness because everything that you choose to experience flows from within your being. You have the opportunity to experience the deepest loving connection with the Creator within your being. Your physical body and soul are temples for experience and becoming familiar with the Creator. From the experience of the Creator within your being so you create, project and manifest the experience of the Creator in your outside reality. If you experience profound love within your being and recognise your familiarity with the vibration of love then this will first filter into your reality, cleansing and clearing your reality of all that is not of loving vibrations to create love in abundance within your reality and therefore your experiences.

Become familiar within you with all that you wish to experience and create in your reality. Your ability to allow yourself to accept your natural familiarity with the Creator is a powerful tool of awakening, inspiration and empowerment. If you do not see the love of the Creator in your reality then it is first appropriate to seek the love of the Creator within your being, this discovery will allow for you to become familiar once more with the vibration of love, therefore projecting it into your reality. Your projection allows for your physical reality to become a powerful mirror of acknowledging with greater detail and experience, that which is within you. As I stated earlier, it is sometimes hard to contemplate something when it is so close and familiar to you, by projecting it into your reality you are able to observe and realise all that you are.

It is my wish to ask you to focus more fully with awareness and consciousness as to what you are choosing to become familiar with and projecting from within your being each day into your reality. Recognise the people that cross your path, the masters and archangels that come to you. Each of them holds qualities present within your being for you to become aware of. When you become aware of what you are connecting with within your being and projecting naturally through your energy vibration then you can understand the situations, reality and opportunities you experience daily. To alter your reality only needs for you to form that vibration of familiarity within your being, choosing the vibration you project. Thus you empower yourself and co-create a beautiful reality with the Creator or the greater aspect of yourself for you to fully embody and experience in your reality.

Accepting your soul is simply accepting and becoming familiar with a part of the Creator, a part of yourself, there is always more to discover but by realising your oneness, your familiarity and the fact that you are all aspect and every aspect demonstrates to you yourself. You understand with greater clarity the purpose of the Earth. This allows you to feel content, awakening and opening your being and truth up with less restriction and limitations. Truth is after all a feeling of familiarity with the Creator because it is through your contentment and awareness that you dissolve separation allowing divine beauty in all its forms to flow.

With this powerful tool and embodiment you give yourself consent to exist as your power and divine self, from this state you realise that you can no longer be hurt or experience pain, unless you allow yourself to. With familiarity with the Creator forming within you a powerful loving presence manifests which allows for further detachment from the dramas and attachments of the Earthly experience. Everything becomes less of a drama and experience of pain and more of an opportunity to seek within, exploring further your familiarity with the Creator within your being, thus the creation and realisation of the Era of Love manifests and an opportunity to truly experience the divine Creator in a physical reality.

I have one last question which you may wish to contemplate, do you feel you have been experiencing the Creator in a physical reality or have you been experiencing the Earth as a physical influence upon the sacred vibrations within you? Now is the time to realise that your simple choices can alter the reality you experience. The reality you experience is immensely important as it is a reflection of your connection and familiarity with the Creator within your being. Encourage yourself to choose to dissolve separation and fear, the more you let go of your familiarity with fear the greater your experience of the Creator's love and sacred vibrations. You will then notice that fear or experiences of fear are no longer present within your reality because you are no longer projecting them as a familiar energy from within your being.

I recognise my familiarity with the Creator and my soul, I choose to enhance, empower and project my familiarity with the Creator from within.

It is with love that I show myself to you today so that you may see the love within your own being, recognising yourself fully within me.

With Angelic Selfless Love,
I am Archangel Metatron

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mother Mary and the Hearth Chakra of the Earth by Mother Earch

Mother Mary and the Heart Chakra of the Earth by Mother Earth
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 09-03-13-

It is with love that I bless the land you walk upon, blessings your sacred form and expression of life in support for your enactment of the Creator on the Earth. I am Mother Earth and I share with you now through the consciousness of my heart chakra. I am connecting with you from my heart chakra directly to your heart chakra to share and convey in a loving and truthful way born from pure unconditional love for and from the Creator.

I first wish to express my deepest of love and gratitude to each light worker upon the Earth for opening your hearts to the Creator, yourself and the Earth in a more profound way in the past few months. I am here to mirror your beauty and so I have experienced a deep awakening and expansion of my heart chakra. As is the same with your being, my heart chakra was filled with pain and negativity, unable to shine the light of my essence. With time and support from humanity the state of my heart chakra has been altering, so much love has been presented to me in order to create a deep clearing and healing upon many energetic levels. As with your own heart chakra, there always remains aspects to be released, cleansed and healed, the body can direct vibrations for further healing to the heart chakra and so there is always a process of renewal, awakening and understanding occurring within the heart chakra, it is the same for all. Now as is the same for you, my heart is emerging strong and expansive ready to heal and be healed further.  It is now more than ever that power of the most beautiful and loving nature is strongly being projected from the heart chakra. The heart may often be susceptible to pain and may often be in a process of shifting all that is into a greater vibration of love, but the heart chakra is now emerging within all of us and my own body as a powerful gateway for the flow of love, truth and further awakening.

Upon the 8th March 2013 the Goddess vibration was anchored into the new era and phase of ascension on the Earth. The Goddess vibration has been and will continue to be anchored into all aspects of the Earth and its chakra places but it was upon this day that the light beings of the inner planes and some guided light beings of the Earth connected as one gathering to assist with the anchoring of a new Goddess vibration into the heart chakra of my being. At this time on the Earth there is a most beautiful process of renewal and regeneration occurring. The energies and activations of December 2012 truly cracked open my heart chakra allowing much ancient wisdom stored to be released, imparted and returned to humanity and the great ancient souls that walk the Earth. Since this time the Earth and humanity have been becoming accustomed to the new vibrations anchoring from the Creator's soul and emerging from the sacred Creator soul aspect within all, including myself. In many ways there is a need for everything to be realigned in order to access the new vibrations and consciousness being provided. The Goddess vibration has such a profound influence upon my being as for me it holds sacred codes of awakening, manifesting further harmony across my body and the world. The Goddess vibration has already been realigned within my sacral chakra, the peace chakra of my third eye, the truth chakra of my solar plexus and the joy chakra of my root chakra. Within each chakra there are energy pockets of vibrations, akin to mini chakras devoted to the awakening of certain vibrations and qualities of the Creator. The most notable and more complete awakening has and is now taking place within my heart chakra. You may recognise the same for your own being also.

On the 8th March 2013, 22,200 Goddess beings on the inner planes connected their energy vibration to my heart chakra, the Tor of Glastonbury. Surrounding my heart chakra they sang of harmony between ancient consciousness of the Goddess and new vibrational expression of the Goddess on the Earth. Their united voices were like a magical balm to my heart as their voices carried the light and consciousness of Goddess awakening and harmony spiralling into my heart. It was then that the feminine vibration and wisdom long held within my heart chakra began to be carried by a soft pink mist from my heart centre spiralling up in expression and expansion with the focus of connecting with all source and soul aspects of the Creator. It was then that Golden Angelic Beings of the Christ Consciousness  gathered with the energy of grace in support and to hold the energy of regeneration and realignment within my heart chakra. Their presence illuminated the land, allowing for many shadows within the hearts of many beings upon the Earth to be dissolved and dispersed as their souls reached forward to greet the grace, oneness and angelic selfless love provided by the Golden Angelic Beings of the Christ Consciousness.

Imagine your own heart chakra being surrounded by 22,200 Goddess vibrations, beings and qualities and thousands of Golden Angels, you can recognise the beauty of this experience so allow yourself to experience the bliss. In your own sacred space and time you can call forth these sacred beings to encircle you, aligning your own heart to the Goddess vibration for further heart chakra awakening, healing and shifting. As I have you also have the divine right to experience such beautiful regeneration.

It was then that the consciousness of many sacred souls who are keepers and guardians of the Goddess vibration and consciousness transmitted their truth and all that was needed into the Tor and my heart chakra for further awakening and realisation of the Goddess vibration. The soul who incarnated as Mother Mary on the Earth became almost fully present on the Earth, her energy was transmitted so profoundly into the Earth, the Tor and the heart chakra of my being that she became as anchored and present as she can be without a physical body. Not for such a long time have I felt the caressing and comforting energy of Mother Mary so closely connected with my being. I honour and love the gentle vibration that each of you share with my vibration as souls on the Earth but I have worked and connected so closely with Mother Mary as she has been in service on the inner planes healing and safe guarding my energy. To feel her vibration so close to my physical form, was divinely beautiful for me. As Mother Earth I am working with many Masters and light beings and in many ways like you, I have a longing to be as one with the Creator, this is our driving force that supports our devotion to our mission and constant need to discover and express our truth.

Mother Mary became as manifested as possible within the body of Torhannah, a previous aspect of herself still existing within the foundations of the Tor but she also manifested within the centre of my heart ready and willing to be received as an aspect of the Creator's love by all. Mother Mary reawakened and activated the DNA of all to the vibration of unconditional love. The awakening of unconditional love within the DNA of humanity will occur many times in many different forms across the world as you now consciously rejuvenate your entire being to manifest as your sacred divine self and prepare your physical body for the greater acceptance of your Creator self in a fully manifested state of existence  on the Earth.

I have also been guided to share with you that many masters such as Mother Mary will manifest themselves on the Earth at certain sacred shifts, awakening or rejuvenation. They anchor their energy and become as present as they can without a physical body, remaining in their chosen sacred spot on the Earth for a certain short period. Many people may feel guided to be in certain areas of the Earth at certain times in order to receive wisdom, consciousness, energy and love from these semi manifested masters. It is a process guided by the Creator to create a bridge between the Earth and the inner planes, allowing many to achieve an accelerated process of awakening as they merge as one with the Master instantly awakening undiscovered energies, frequency and codes within their being. This process could be named Ascended Master Physical Integration; it is a process that will further inspire many beings to enter into their master selves, while assisting in the embodiment of essential high vibrational frequencies within many on the Earth to be distributed to all. The returning of the Creator and the Ascended Masters on the Earth is dawning, as they semi manifest to impart and awaken essential information within those who are guided to receive and download into their conscious awareness.  It is important to remember that the ascended masters are simply aspects of your soul and so we are all embarking on a beautiful journey of oneness and self-integration.

In these times of integration, oneness and merging of energies it is always important to remember that you may leave behind unneeded aspects of yourself in order to receive and realise new aspects of yourself, this is the process of regeneration and it is what is occurring in this phase of ascension on the Earth.

You may in meditation, call upon my energies to channel into your being the energies of the 8th March 2013 in order to further awaken your being.

It is with love and gratitude that I share my communication with you,

Mother Earth