Tuesday, July 28, 2015

8-8-8 Lion's Gate Portal Preparation - Meg Benedicte

Hello Gaiastar,

During this final week of July there are 6 Planetary Retrogrades occurring… this is rare and significant that we have so many planetary bodies in retrograde motion at once. This triggers us to focus within for deep review, going over old ground and acting meticulous in all of our dealings. The planetary forces are intense and prompting us to wipe the slate clean. Since the June Solstice it has felt like every area of life is being reviewed…and the cosmos are supporting us to clean up our act now.

While Venus transits in the first degrees of Virgo this coming week, we receive support in creating more order in our lives. Venus in Virgo accentuates more nurturing with Nature’s Field of Order in all of us…down to the atomic level. Take some time this week to walk in nature and activate your personal Order Matrix within your Being.

An acceleration and heightening of cosmic energies is building thru August, as we are being whooshed into the 8-8-8 Lion’s Gate portal and the Sept 23rd Equinox Activations. The intense photonic wave infusion from the Galactic Center is bringing a new “wave of evolution”.

We are expecting a frequency shift the week of the Libra Equinox, September 23rd thru 30th. The same time that incoming cosmic energies are predicted to peak on the planet, Pope Francis is scheduled to meet with President Obama that week. There is a significant ‘blip’ on the radar in late September that suggests a massive cosmic energy surge will enter our solar system and transform our human DNA. The higher we increase our frequencies with the Love vibration, the easier the transfiguration will affect us.

We are the Light Bearers who are lifting humanity into 5th density. We are being prepared for these powerful shifts in frequencies by clearing and releasing all attachments to the lower densities of 3D Time Matrix. Join Meg & Manette in the Global Intentions Meditation to prepare for the upcoming 8-8-8 Lion’s Gate Portal Activation - Click HERE

First we move through the rare triple 8 Lion’s Gate Activation on August 8th. During this event a stargate is fully open streaming intense Light waves from the Great Central Sun, through our Sun, The Star Sirius, the Earth Grid Point of the Sphinx and The Great Pyramid of Giza. When the Sun is conjunct Star Sirius it creates a Solar Stargate that pours Solar Star Codes for mastery and ascension directly from Sirius.

This rare 8-8-8 Lion's Gate portal is a pivotal Cosmic Ascension event, as humanity and Gaia are thrust threw the Lion's Gate portal into the higher realms. You may feel like you are being pushed thru the birth canal into a fresh new start. The triple 8 infinity energy represents:   As Above, So Below and Within!  Infinity Figure-8 symbolizes integration, abundance and balancing polarity into harmonious Union. 

During the Lion’s Gate Activation, the 8-8-8 “wave” contains the new Light Codes of the Cosmic Ascension. It may feel like you are being pushed through the eye of the needle during the Lion’s Gate, which is why you can’t take anything from 3D with you. Take this time to let go of all attachments to the physical world. Open your grip and let go! It is vitally important you are open to fully receive these codes, to light up your DNA, to support you to make another quantum shift, furthering your personal growth!

Lovingly, Meg




Friday, July 10, 2015

Crystalline Support by the Crystalline Kingdom - Through Natalie Glasson 7/10/15

Crystalline Support by the Crystalline Kingdom
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 10th July 2015- Original SourceS acred School of Om Na
Shimmering crystalline vibrations are bestowed upon you from the core of our beings; we are the Crystalline Beings from the Crystalline Kingdom on the inner planes. We exist within all that is the Creator in a similar way to the essence of creation; we seek to magnify the Creator while ensuring the greater download of the Creator into all. Our purpose is to demonstrate to you the purity, truth, essence and expansiveness of your sacred existence, while also demonstrating supreme harmony and harmonisation with the Creator. We are
the spirits and essence that download and is embodied within all physical crystals on the Earth.
We, the Crystalline Beings come forth to communicate and connect with you now as our energy signifies a powerful shift in your awakening and the spiritual evolution of humanity. At this time the Crystalline vibration is anchoring to magnify all that you are, hold onto and emanate at this time. It is akin to power being placed behind you to accelerate your physical, emotional, mental bodies and realities. Everything you are becomes
heightened, more available to you and visible. When one exists from a place of pure love, reacting and expressing from this core then our magnification acts as a powerful surge accelerating you into a state of greater harmony with yourself and the Creator. If one does not exist from a space of pure love then our empowerment will cause a deep upheaval of all which doesn’t align with love. Any energy misaligned with love will be brought to the surface to be recognised more fully offering you the option to choose whether you wish
for these energies to be present in your creation of your reality of love. The purest love of your being will also be magnified demonstrating to you the states of sacred bliss you have the ability to maintain and exist as through all aspects of your reality.
This process of crystalline empowerment may create a feeling of unbalance
as you move from states of bliss and love to that of lower vibrational emotions.
Everything within you is coming to the surface, it is your divine purpose to bring all that is the Creator to the surface, to express and expand the vibrations of the Creator. Your reality reminds you of this each day as you move back and forth through an inner and outer reality. One of the purposes of your existence is to align your inner and outer reality so balance, love and harmony of the same frequency are experienced. It is for you to
discover the divine subtle ability to align your inner reality and self with the harmonious energy of the Creator while fully expressing this into your outer reality. You are already aware of this magical process and achieve it with every moment of your reality and yet there is a need for conscious awareness of the process so you can consciously access and consciously express the divine. Rather than accessing a high vibration which
diminishes as you merge it with your reality there is need to empower that vibration so it amplifies in power and frequency as it integrates into your reality. We, the Crystalline Beings are present to support this process encouraging you to live a more consciously Creator attuned reality.
Do not fear nor become disillusioned by the seesaw nature of your emotions, vibration or mind, simply rejoice in the awareness that the Creator is coming to the surface and you are becoming more equipped in bringing the Creator to the surface. It also symbolises that you are remembering your eternal infinity with the Creator consciously bringing forth the Creator for you to view. In many ways you are always projecting the Creator onto
a screen for you to acknowledge and see, akin to painting a portrait of the Creator.  In the past this portrait may have been tainted with lower vibrations and emotions, now you can paint a portrait with truth, accessing supreme frequencies. As you express the Creator so you become the Creator.
It is your purpose to be consciously aware of what has always been present, in order to achieve this you will move through the habits and behaviours with false identities to supreme pools of truth. Enjoy the journey and feelings of imbalance as they will give way to behaviours of the divine. Our magnification will mean that your manifestation skills are doubled in power and your realization enhanced. This may denote that many energies from the inner planes, such as Ascended Masters, Waves of Ascension from the Creator or Cosmic Shifts will wish to connect and co-create with you. Their energies will
flow to you to be merged and transmitted through your being. This is a wonderful gift as it allows you to remember the Creator more fully, be of service and enhance your awareness of the inner planes.
Downloading and co-creating with the inner planes signifies a major step of evolution within your ascension allowing for continued expansion to take place. As you further your co-creation with the inner planes you create yourself as a bridge of light. The more you choose to allow to flow through you from the Creator, the more will be drawn to be downloaded. Thus all that you are expands as you evolve into your divine state. We encourage you to be aware of the energies and beings from the inner planes wishing to co-create with you
and anchor energy through you, know that this is a powerful service you can embody and yet you have the option to accept or decline. When you are consciously aware you are in your power and aligned with your inner guidance.  Know however that these energies are filtered through your soul and always carry an aspect of your soul energy.
The other influence of our magnification is that you will be required to observe more obediently your thoughts and creations as they will manifest with greater speed and vivacity into your reality.
As the Crystalline Kingdom we access the perfection of the Creator demonstrating it can be brought into matter and physical form. This isn’t perfection as you know it, rather the excellence of the Creator. In order to recognise the perfection of the Creator there is a need to shift the perspective of your mind; this can be achieved with our assistance for we can download our Crystalline light into your mind and mental body moving the molecular structure of information within your mind and mental body into harmony to be more easily
accessed. Then you will be able to recognise the thoughts you wish to discard, thus you will create more space and expansion within your mind which allows for the perfection of the Creator to be contemplated.
Please do not be fearful if you feel your mind becoming blank or information within your mind being unavailable to you, this is because space and expansion is being created within your mind so you may recognise the perfection of the Creator with precision. Simply call upon us,
‘Crystalline Beings of love, peace and harmony, I call upon your healing, magnifying and awakening vibrations to download and flow into my mind and mental body. Please assist me in perceiving with greater ease the perfection of the Creator so I may easily acknowledge, express and experience the perfection of the Creator within my being and within my reality. Please also bring healing, awakening and rejuvenation to my entire being. Let it be so.’
Please sit or lie down imagining shimmering multi-coloured crystalline vibrations flowing into your mind, mental body and entire being.Know that you are preparing yourself to live a reality of love, to do so is such a precious experience which has only be experienced by certain individuals upon the Earth. You are preparing yourself to support all of
humanity in living a reality of love. Every step you take in your spiritual evolution enhances the foundation being formed for humanity to ascend as well. The magnificent and potential of your being is endless; you are divine in matter and spirit. We are present to amplify your divinity, to soothe and smooth your journey of accessing your divinity.
Call upon us, let us be present within your reality as our physical and energetic forms, you will notice the impact our expression creates within your reality.
We are one,
The Crystalline Beings

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Energy Update - Activating the Light Body July 2015 - by Matt Kahn

Energy Update - Activating the Light Body July 2015
by Matt Kahn

If your soul is the light of the Universe personified into physical form, then the light body can be understood as the emergence of the soul expressing itself through your senses. It is more so a shift in consciousness than an object to pursue. As your light body activates, it signifies a deeper integration of spirit in form. As this occurs, you become aware of yourself as the light of the Universe experiencing life as a person, instead of a person trying to figure out how to integrate their spirit or activate a light body.



Before I go into the common symptoms that confirm the activation of a light body already in progress, it is important to remember not to objectify this stage of awakening as any form of social status. Let us not imagine those whose light bodies are activated as the "spiritual haves" compared to the "spiritual have-nots" who continue to stumble around in the darkness. It is more insightful, loving, and compassionate to view each person as a unique seed that requires a specific amount of time in order to fully blossom.

Since the light of the Universe is an eternal field of subtle energy, it is essential to remember what light feels like once it has awakened. While there can be waves of ecstasy ebbing and flowing throughout the core of your being, the light body is like a vast ocean holding sacred space for each passing wave as a celestial body of emptiness. Often misdiagnosed as depression or chronic fatigue-like symptoms, light body activation expresses the infinite spacious nature of consciousness that only seems so hopeless, daunting, or heavy to an ego dissolving back into the light of Source. Throughout this process, it may seem as if partnerships or life-long relationships are disappearing, you are unable to find the passion you once felt, you might even be confused by a lack of direction or intuitive knowingness, or be emotionally triggered by the unresolved patterns in others, or perhaps just exhausted by an inability to function without an ego maintaining a false sense of control throughout your life.

This is why confusion, disorientation, frustration, apathy, and loneliness are each vital signs of light body activation in progress. As you make peace with these signs as a confirmation of light body activation already in progress, instead of judging them as symptoms to overcome, your consciousness naturally moves into a timeless dimension that exists within the physical body. Your initial entry into the timeless dimension within you might seem confusing as your perceptions of time begin to melt away. Soon, you will be able to see time as merely an idea throughout your play that cannot burden or imprison you when fully integrated into the timeless dimension of eternal being. This process cannot be rushed, and is not a result of personal doing, but instead, a natural unfolding that occurs as you continue to slow life down and love what arises.

This can also resolve outdated old paradigm spiritual teachings, where the objective was to transcend time or view life as the eternal witness from outside the body. In order to see life from a timeless dimension, it is essential to move toward your experiences, since the more deeply rooted you are in the body, the more spacious, liberated, and fulfilled each moment can be.

The objective isn't to pull back from experiences, but to relax your body and breathe each experience into the core of your being. As you become integrated into the timeless dimension within you, your initial experience of life outside of time might feel like being mysteriously blank. There may not be a sense of who you are, what you're not, or any impulse to do anything in particular. The key throughout this stage of light body activation is relaxation. The more you relax, no matter how odd or indescribable your experiences become, the more quickly your light body becomes activated for the wellbeing of all.



Once rooted in a timeless dimension of eternal being, you are able to guide the physical body that is still existing in the play of time from a higher vibrational and heart-centered perspective of quantum reality. Through the eyes of quantum reality, since everything happens at once, choices are no longer associated with the need to control outcomes, but are acted upon to bring forth your highest consciousness to raise the vibration of your personal play. While it is easy to think that since everything is happening at once in parallel dimensions, you can develop the ability to call any reality to you at will. In truth, when you are fully aware of the simultaneous nature of reality, there is no longer a ravenous hunger insisting how satisfied it would be if only it had control over your play. Instead, the mentality that arises from a fully activated light body is an unwavering sense of faith in knowing that everything is meant to occur at a specific moment in time, whether you work toward earning it or not. Instead of trying to manifest outcomes at exactly the moment they are not meant to exist, a fully activated light body inspires you to use choices in each moment to anchor higher frequencies of consciousness throughout your everyday encounters.

From this higher dimensional perspective, the people, places, and things that come your way are like flashcards created to help you practice bringing forth more conscious responses. This means the actions and behavior of others do not reflect something imbalanced in you, but were created as opportunities to match their unconsciousness with a greater conscious response. When someone complains, we respond with a compliment. When someone judges you, say "thank you". If someone is having a bad day, offer a smile. And, throughout it all, if anything triggers you, take it as a reminder of the perfect moment in time to stop and love your heart more sincerely and deeply than ever before.

The light body is the radiance of your soul that awakens once you have made peace with life's divine plan and relaxed into the emptiness of being. Once emptiness is no longer confused with sadness, grief, guilt, insecurity, or depression, but a gateway into liberated existence, the emptiness of being awakens the light of the Universe within you. Once the light body is fully activated, each person, place, or thing can be welcomed, transmuted and returned to its original form, at the rate in which everything is breathed into your core and breathed back out as blessings for all.

As a way of assisting in the transformation of your journey, I have been given two light body activations for you to repeat out loud, as a way of anchoring fifth dimensional consciousness. For the first time ever, just by repeating the following words that I have been divinely guided to share, you can allow your light body activation to accelerate with peace, ease, grace, and joy.

I invite you to repeat out loud each activation - one at a time. First start by taking 3-5 slow deep breaths to ground your energy field, then repeat activation #1 out loud as naturally and gently as possible. After activation #1 has been spoken, take 3-5 deep breaths to integrate this activation:

Light Body Activation #1: "I allow the nervous system to recalibrate and transform into pure crystalline light as I am now."

To move onto activation #2, start by taking 3-5 slow deep breaths. Repeat activation #2 out loud as naturally and gently as possible. After activation #2 has been spoken, take 3-5 deep breaths for further integration.

Light Body Activation #2: "I welcome the light body, I trust the light body, I am the light body, the light body I am."



You can repeat this process throughout the day, while knowing it isn't a matter of how many times you say it, but how often you provide the necessary amount of space to allow what you activate through your words to be revealed within you. Many will repeat these activations and feel instantaneous shifts, while some may not feel anything at all. It all depends on how sensitive you are to sensing subtle energy, which is much like noticing the most gentle breeze on a warm summer day.

When we put aside any tendency to approach our spiritual journey with desperation, intensity, or aggression, we can harmonize with the light of the Universe and call forth the higher aspects of self that allow each breath to be endless gifts of fulfillment - no matter the situations or circumstances at hand.

May these activations awaken a well-spring of perfection within you, inviting you to slow down the pace of your pursuit, so you may notice the light of divinity dancing as the beauty of form. As always, take your journey one breath at a time, so not to get distracted by long-term spiritual goals, when in fact, the precious nature of this moment has so many gifts for you to receive. With many more energy updates to come, you can rest in knowing that all is well in the Universe, no matter how the growing pains of evolution appear in your world.

As your evolution continues to unfold, the Universe offers you every activation, awakening, and integration necessary to help you remember the journey that is already complete. Even though the completion has already occurred, we are blessed with the opportunity to live out what is already so, as if it's happening for the very first time. No matter how you are meant to blossom in the garden of divinity, may you love yourself more, not less, every step of the way.

Happy activating,
Matt Kahn

P.S. To take this journey even deeper and finally live a life of emotional freedom and energetic peace and harmony within yourself, and with all around you, please join us for an upcoming Soul Gathering, 5-day retreat in the Portland, Oregon area, or our Angel Academies: True Divine Nature Calendar

We look forward to being with you soon. Peace, love & blessings to all ~Julie

© Copyright 2015 True Divine Nature, LLC


Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A Hathor Planetary Message Throught Tom Kenyon - 06/21/2015

A Hathor Planetary Message

 Through Tom Kenyon

In this message we wish to discuss our perspective regarding the nature of angels.
 This has nothing to do with religion. Rather it has to do with interdimensional reality.
 For our purposes we shall divide the topic of angels into three broad categories.
Angels of the Spiritual Realms
 These ephemeral beings are electromagnetic fields of intelligence, some of which have form that is recognizable and some of which do not. These electromagnetic fields of intelligence interact with human beings in unique ways, and the expectations and beliefs of any given human have a lot to do with the nature of the experience. In other words, the belief system of the human being greatly affects what is experienced.
 Angels from the spiritual realms take many different forms and while some of them have energy fields that give the impression that they have wings, many of them do not. 
 These types of angels are created beings. They are force fields of intelligence that are sent out into the ethers, into the cosmos, to do the bidding or to take the action of their creator.
 This creator can take the form of what might be referred to as a god, goddess, demigod or demigoddess, an interdimensional being, an alien intelligence, or even a human being. These types of angels have no free will of their own. They are created for the sole purpose of a particular intention.
 In most cases an angel will continue on its mission with single-mindedness until the energy that created it is no longer able to sustain it. In some very rare instances these angelic beings can gain a level of self-awareness and an ability to make personal choices separate from the being that created them or gave them birth. This is a very rare occurrence, but it does exist.
 Within this category of angels, you have a host of beings with many different intentions.
 The focus of this message is on angels who have a life-affirming and positive intent.
Angels Within
A second category of angels may best be described as electromagnetic fields of intelligence that exist solely within the human body. These are force fields of intelligence created through the emotions and beliefs of the individual human. They are subtle energetic forces that move through the human body in response to beliefs and emotions.
One of the great abilities you possess as a human being is to create angelic forces within your body through the use of positive intent and positive emotion. We will return to this most important topic in a moment.
Alien Intelligences
This third category of angels is not angelic at all, but it is a misinterpretation.
 It occurs when a human being encounters an alien intelligence. This type of encounter can be misinterpreted as having been an interaction with an angel. Many of your spiritual and religious traditions have stories about encounters with angelic beings, or gods/goddesses who were, in truth, simply more advanced alien civilizations.
 Our reason for discussing the topic of angels is two-fold.
Thought, Fear and Change
  The first reason is a practical one having to do with your spiritual survival through the massive changes taking place upon your Earth. In its simplest form we would say that the rapid changes upon your Earth are creating a reflexive fear.
 With few exceptions human beings, by nature, distrust change.  And when there is as much change occurring as is taking place upon your planet this natural fear response escalates, and this releases in your body damaging electromagnetic fields of intelligence.
 So as a counter to this we will discuss the creation of positive consequences within your human biology through the creation of subatomic angelic forms.
   Your sciences of psychoneuroimmunology, or the study of how thought and emotion affect your immune systems—as well as the newly emerging science of epigenetics, which studies how thought and emotion affect your DNA—are increasingly clear on the chemical and molecular agents responsible.
 But we would like to take this a step further by suggesting that you actually create quantum field effects in the universe of your body through the thoughts and feelings you generate.
 It is here that we come to a fork in the road. 
 Due to the escalation of chaotic forces in your world, a growing number of human beings are experiencing increased feelings of fear, anxiety, hostility, and impoverishment. The list goes on, and it would be easy, if you were so inclined, to substantiate your belief that you live in an increasingly dangerous and threatening world.
 On the one hand this is a correct assessment, but if you remain in this island of perceptual reality you will create damaging effects, biologically speaking, within your body.
 The trick, if there is one, is to counter this perception with personal periods of renewal and solace. By this we mean creating ways to release biologically positive consequences through the creation of subatomic angelic forms.
 How this is accomplished is quite complex. But in its simplest form, whenever you create positive thoughts and positive feelings you create biologically positive subatomic angels that move through the universe of your body. These force fields create quantum field effects that switch on positive biological responses thereby reducing the affects of stress.
 In addition to purposefully creating positive thoughts and feelings, we believe a beneficial resource for you can be found in the last sound meditation we gave, called A Bridge between the Worlds.  Simply listening to this sound meditation for twelve minutes, which is how long it lasts, once or twice a day can make a big difference in how you feel. (Note: A link to this sound meditation appears at the end of this message.)

 We feel it is vitally important that you consciously release biologically positive force fields in your body on a regular basis to counteract the escalating madness that is swirling around you.
 We would refer you here to an earlier message called Ecstasy and the Heart, as this information may prove helpful to you.
 Our second reason for discussing the topic of angels is planetary in nature.
 You are collectively passing through a very difficult and dangerous point. The destructive forces upon your planet in terms of religious fanaticism, climate change, corporate greed and manipulation, as well as dire threats to the very foundations of your eco-system are increasing.
 You are now entering, from our perspective, a massive Chaotic Node the likes of which your planet has not seen for some time. If unmitigated, this Chaotic Node could result in the mass extinction of multitudinous life forms including many humans.
 We are therefore calling into action all positive angelic forms from all spiritual traditions, from all life-affirming interdimensional beings, from all alien civilizations of positive intent, and from all human beings who are aligned with our intention.
 We will be creating a nexus point on September 5, 2015. And through a global meditation we will be calling forth these many diverse and life affirming angelic forms into an alliance for the protection of life and its elevation upon this planet.
 Let us be clear what we mean by this.
 If human consciousness elevates itself to a higher level than it is currently manifesting, then it deserves to survive. If it does not elevate itself then humanity, as you know it, will not survive this passage. It is a collective cosmic intelligence test you are now facing on many levels.
 Our creation of this nexus point, around which these positive electromagnetic fields of intelligence can move together as a coherent force, is an unusual proposition.
 This is because the creators of these angels come from many different spiritual, alien and interdimensional sources.  These “angelic beings” rarely interact with each other, and yet we are calling them to the Table of Destiny for the sake of humanity and all life upon this planet.
 This nexus point will occur on September 5, 2015, in the last half hour of an event in Manhattan called In the Company of Angels. The meditation will begin at 5:30PM and end at 6:00PM Eastern Standard Time (US) or 9:30PM – 10:00PM GMT. (For the specific time in your area, you can use an online Time Converter or the World Time Clock.)
 This sound meditation will be recorded and posted on our website after the event, and if this sound piece resonates with you we ask that you listen to it on an on-going basis. In other words this is not a one-time meditation, but it is being created to be a continuous field of coherent energy that you will strengthen every time you listen to it.
 If you are unable to be in New York physically for the workshop and wish to attune yourself to the nexus point that is being formed, we suggest that you listen to A Bridge Between the Worlds during the time frame of the meditation in New York. During this period, place your awareness at your crown chakra at the top of your head. Listen to the meditation three times, and then give yourself at least 30 minutes of rest before moving into outer activity.  (Note: A link to this sound piece appears at the end of this message. Please download this sound piece onto your computer before the event rather than listening to it from our server.)
 If you choose to join us in this nexus point meditation from afar, we welcome you. And know that at this level of consciousness, separation by physical distance is not a constraint.
 The Hathors

 June 21, 2015
Tom’s Thoughts and Observations
   When I originally conceived of In the Company of Angels to be presented as a one-day event in Manhattan, I never imagined that the Hathors would step in and ask for the opportunity to create a world meditation.
 The very next day after receiving this particular message, Judi and I read an article in the Huffington Post about a joint study conducted by Stanford, Princeton and the University of California at Berkeley. The conclusion of the study, which was published in Science Advances, Vol. 1 No. 5 June 5, 2015, was that the Earth’s ecosystem has actually entered a sixth mass extinction phase.
 For those of you who might wish to read the study for yourself, here is a link to the article: http://advances.sciencemag.org/content/1/5/e1400253
  On the heels of this study, a cornucopia of other studies and anecdotal reports all seem to confirm a more rapid deterioration of our ecosystem than was originally thought.
 At a pragmatic level I think it is going to take an all out global effort to slow down the deterioration of our ecosystem, and it is going to require a level of planetary co-operation that is, at this moment, unimaginable.
 As the astrophysicist Carl Sagan once said: “Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.”
 I would say that we have entered an exceptional moment in our planet’s history and it is going to take exceptional solutions if we are to pull through this growing Chaotic Node.
 In all the years I have been channeling the Hathors, I have never known them to be so direct about the possibility of an impending disaster, nor have I seen them undertake such an immense task as creating a nexus point for the co-creation of solutions for humanity and our planet through an angelic alliance.
 This is the stuff of science fiction, mythic heroes and heroines. But from the Hathors’ perspective, the angelic realms are connected to the primordial power of the cosmos—at least from an interdimensional perspective. And so they are calling upon them and us to join together to create a coherency of intent for the purpose of creating a new standard of international cooperation, as well as a new reality where all forms of life upon this planet are recognized as intrinsically interconnected.
  For those of you who feel called to this grand experiment in consciousness but are unable to physically attend the event, I wish to re-iterate something the Hathors said at the very end of this message:

  "If you choose to join us in this nexus point meditation from afar, we welcome you. And know that at this level of consciousness, separation by physical distance is not a constraint.”
 Having facilitated many Hathor world meditations over the years, I can honestly say that they are correct. I say this based on feedback we have received from persons all over the world about what they experienced when they “tuned in” to a global meditation. To say that magic happened for them, wherever they were in the world, would be an understatement.
 For those of you who wish to join us in spirit on Sept 5, 2015, please download the sound meditation A Bridge Between the Worlds rather than listen to it from our server. I make this request because if too many people try to listen to it from our site at the same time, the server will not be able to handle the demand; it will crash, and no one will be able to hear it.
 For those of you tuning into the global meditation from a distance, the Hathors suggest that you listen to the sound meditation (A Bridge Between the Worlds) three times with your awareness at your crown. They also suggest taking thirty minutes or so afterwards to integrate your experience.
 If you have the flexibility to do so, I would allow more time for this integration period since the Hathors indicated that making such deep contact with the angelic realms could profoundly alter awareness, and some persons would do well to take a long nap afterward.
  For more information about the actual event in Manhattan on September 5th called In the Company of Angels, click here.
 To listen to and/or download A Bridge Between the Worlds, click on the link below. It will take you the Listening Agreement page. After you agree to the terms and conditions, you will have unrestricted access to all of the audio files in this section. There are numerous sound meditations, talks and lectures in this section, and all of them are offered to you free of charge for your personal use only.
  Click here to listen to and/or download A Bridge Between the Worlds.
 Note: If you received this message as a forward and would like to receive future Hathor postings directly, go to www.tomkenyon.com and click on Contact.
 ©2015 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved www.tomkenyon.com

 You may make copies of this message and distribute it so long as you do not charge for it, do not alter it in any way and include this entire copyright notice. Please note that the sound meditation, A Bridge Between the Worlds, may not be posted or shared. It is for you personal use only.