Wednesday, December 27, 2006

What's Up On Planet Earth

Energy Alert===========We are still in the process of re-defining ourselves, and the solstice is assisting. It is supporting us in going deep and excavating any left-over residue energy of un-wanted patterns and denser energies. These energies are not needed for our purified purposes due arrive more fully in March. Part of this process involves appreciating who we are and what we have to offer. At times our gifts come so naturally to us, that we really do not realize who we are. We can offer what no one else can, but don't even realize this. And in this regard, we may not consciously value our own special gifts, talents, and contributions. In addition, we are greatly refining and fine tuning who we are during this time of solstice energy. So then, we may find ourselves in situations now or in the recent past, where we are simply nowhere. We have been removed from our true purpose and place because we are re-structuring and redefining..and most importantly fine tuning our true and rightful purpose and passion. When we return to our places, we will then be much more perfectly poised to bring forth what we are truly and divinely all about. Our special contributions will be much more pure and clear, as they will then assist others as never before. This process is vitally necessary, as it is simply a manifestation of higher vibrating realities. We will crave who we are and greatly want to be it. In the higher realms, things move apart. This is due to the purer energies being present and separating themselves from any energies of non-similarity. Now then, is a great time to ask ourselves what we are truly about, what comes the most naturally to us, what are we the most passionate about, and what we know the most about or want to know the most about. Anything else needs to be left for someone else to fulfill, or will leave this existence. It is not ours to do. This has been on-going for many weeks, but is still occurring to ensure that all of us are on board. When we return to our "grooves," or perfect places of residency and purpose, we will also be vibrating higher due to the solstice supports and the clarity time we have been given these past three months. We will then approach and offer our gifts in a new and different way. This new way involves a much greater appreciation for ourselves and for who we really are. When something has been removed (even if only temporarily), we then get an opportunity to realize how much it has meant to us. And when we are who we are so effortlessly, we may not even know how special we are until our groove or environment is gone (the one that allowed us to be who we are and to express it). Things will return again, only very differently. And we will be different as well. You may have had a dream while sleeping involving water, a loss of all your belongings, moving into a new home or space, and perhaps calling the police as you believe all your possessions have been stolen! This is a manifestation that we are indeed cleansing and leaving all the old baggage behind. When we enter a higher realms reality, we don't get to take any of our old and lower vibrating "stuff" with us, so here we are, with what appears to be nothing. In addition, things may currently feel as though they just are not quite right, and we do not know why. We may not feel that we are in our new grooves yet.we just feel sort of "off." Part of this is due to the waiting for as many souls as possible to be on board when the energy really surges again in March. And part of this is due to the fine tuning process that we are still undergoing. We haven't landed quite yet, but the pieces are coming together. Yes, we will get our groove back, but it will be a better groove than ever before, as we will be much more greatly connected to Source. We will then be able to offer our contribution from a greater soul level. And this brings up another manifestation of higher realms reality... humanitarianism. As we continue with our spiritual evolutionary process, we begin to move more and more into the space of service to humanity. It can arrive as an intense desire to leave all our old manifestations and life behind and dive into the humanitarian realm, or perhaps as an unquenchable need to connect to others. The ascension process serves to purge and spin off so much of what is no longer needed within us. What is then left is a purer self of God energy. And in the higher realms, with that old thrust for survival no longer at the forefront (this will become much more evident after March arrives than it is now), along with the struggle to have our needs met slowly dissipating, we are left with a vehicle of love that needs an outlet. It is not about us is about all of us. Our individual selves are no longer our main focus, as much of who we are is gone or most certainly in the process of departing. Another manifestation of our arrival into a higher vibrating reality, and one that is intensifying greatly now, is the diversity factor. The higher we vibrate, the more we will need to identify our overlap energy and value it. But we will need to identify a higher vibrating overlap energy than simply our differing viewpoints. Currently, and gaining more and more speed, is the intense anger and hatred between differing viewpoints, perceptions, and opinions. This is occurring for the purpose of letting it go so that we can go higher. This arena is getting very intense and uncomfortable, so that we will desire and be willing to embrace something new that feels MUCH BETTER. If we can identify what we ultimately have in common with one who has a vastly differing viewpoint, then we can unite within this overlap. Is it a common emotion of passion, a common level of great caring, a genuine compassion, a desire for wanting change, or perhaps simply a love for all? We usually believe what we do because we ultimately have a desire to help and make a difference. In the lower vibrating realities, great mis-perceptions still abound. We still see things through a denser filter of inaccurate beliefs stemming from our dis-connect or ego selves. We tend to hold so tightly to these beliefs as we have black and white thinking and truly believe that our way is the only way possible.because we believe it to be the highest and best way. Ultimately, then, we are all coming from a higher vibrating space, but manifesting it through these differing areas of diversity that stem from the denser beliefs. Identifying the higher overlap of a higher vibrating purpose or emotion, can unite us once again. And the hatred and anger will intensify until it becomes unbearable enough to create a willingness for unity and change. This is how the polarity reality works. Darkness always serves to spur on a higher way. Perceptions will be a hot topic in times to come, as they are so very instrumental in holding us back, at the core of all of our uncomfortable creations, and basically serve to lock us into a lower vibrating reality. This reality blocks us from unity, trust, self-worth, and much else that vibrates highly. These mis-perceptions are all in our heads and can therefore be changed. Much of what we believe to be true or believe to be how things work is simply an inaccurate belief. We can let these beliefs go. We made them all up. Staying in our creativity, communing with nature, staying out of our heads and in the reality that is really and truly before us (nature, the earth, and the simple pleasures), can greatly help. If we can over-ride these mis-perceptions by trying a different response or behavior, we can start to shake up this old groove. It may feel at first like writing with your left hand when you are a right-hander, but just think about the difference it will make in your life. If we were to ask anyone close to us how we continue to shoot ourselves in the foot, they would most likely be delighted to tell us. And we can then start from there. It may be an eye-opener, or it may not. But at least it will illuminate our own particular mis-perceptions and we can then be free to create something new!Wishing you Heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times.Until next time,Karen

Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Pleiadian Council of Light

The Pleiadian Council of LightWhat You Seek Is Inherent with All ThingsThru Gillian MacBeth-Louthan=================================All energies move forward in a continuum of invisible manifestation. No event is wrong or right that serves the higher creation. This sequestering all thoughts into doorways of right or wrong damages the birth process. One does not nor can not see what the outcome creations are in vibrational change. For all that is expected, births the unexpected. Everything leads to evolution no matter where the path begins. It is by walking upon your own creations that you will understand your dormant abilities.As you walk into the wholeness and the holiness of the expression of who you know yourself to be, you will find that the lines that divide and sever your being begin to fade with time, with wisdom, with love. You will find that the expression of self that you know as the beginning and the ending of this life no longer are divided components. They become streamlined in the natural sense of the word flowing forward naturally. Issuing notice of cleansing of clearing. Issuing awareness of different octaves of knowledge, of wisdom, of strength, of being of young, of old, of was, of will be.Open the gate to the Allness that you have forgotten that you are. Open the gate to all that you keep yourself separated from in thoughts, in fears, in longings, and in your heart's desires. Open the gate that keeps you from a future in which you are totally in health, in love, in joy, in beauty, in youth. For it is only your belief systems that decay the body. It is only your belief systems that keep you from moving forward in leaps and bounds. It is your canyon that seems endless in a sky that seems cloistered. Open the gate and set free all that has once served you so that it can learn to fly, learn to swim, learn to tunnel deep in the earth. Open the gate to everything that your parents, your teachers, and your lovers told you that you could not be, you could not accomplish, you could not experience.Experience the flowing of the trueness of your beginning without end, of your end without beginning. Let go of all self imposed limitations and programs. Let go of all excuses that you have worn as medals, and all procrastination's that you have put on as hip-wader boots moving into the thickness and the thinness of your life experience and your life stream. Un-pot the potential that you have kept sequestered away, not growing roots into the earth but allowing the roots to bind themselves in containers of thoughts that limit you, containers of fears that only grow weeds, and containers of truths that were seeded to you by others.Open to see all that is happening in a single moment in any place in this universe. For you have that ability but you must announce if to yourself in remembrance. 'I can see through space and time, through sky and cloud, through dirt'. 'I can walk upon water, through trees, through stars. I am one with all and thus I can experience birth on a star millions of light years away.' 'I can experience being crystalline in nature and at the same moment be in an ocean and on a moon.' 'I can be fire and ice simultaneously. I can be passion. I can be love. I can feel the sensuousness within all beings, in all places if I choose. I can ask that every droplet of laughter be poured for me as a drink to sup upon.'What you seek is inherent within everything. What is value to you? Is it diamonds? Is it gold? Is it wood? Is it water? It depends on what part of the universe you park. You can beckon to you all things that inherently hold the richness that you desire until you are able to vibrationally manifest that in your own earthen world. The letting go of perimeters, of expectations, of boundaries, of containers, of thought forms frees you up to be it all.Imagine yourself being the earth and feeling the footsteps of all of her people, the flapping of wings of all creatures that fly, the tides in and out, the dishes being done, the baby being fed, the animals pattering across her body, the tears, the angers, the deaths, the births. That is but one planet and her feelings. What about the universe? Are you ready for such expansion? Are you ready to open your arms and your heart and your mind and your eyes to such a placement of totality? Are you ready to become what you are in truth able to be, to conceive, to perceive, to birth, to create, to manifest?When God, the Almighty One, the Source, the Prime Creator desires, that desire is enough to make it available. Your desires have great potential within them. It is one level of the Commandment of Creation; desire, passion, want, need - all of these are descriptions of Creation. God does nothing but desire an outcome and it is made manifest and so it is with you. Watch your world more closely and you will see what we speak is not divided truth, is not diluted truth, but potentialized truth. These abilities are yours for the acknowledgment that is all.Let go of the way you define yourself and allow your soul to re-define you in a way that serves the soul's illumination and soul path. Humanly you have created this vehicle that you sit within now. How many of you love it in totality? Very few. And now the soul is deemed to expand, to re-create, and re-define your lineage of light that you wear as a physical body. We are the Pleiadian Council of Light and we come forth to initiate you into new understandings. Consider yourself potentialized as you scrap your past off of your shoes, unstrap yourself, and run barefoot into your future. We will be there to guide you.Whatever It Is, It's God...There Is Nothing Wrong...There Is Nothing Right.... There Is Nothing To Learn...There Is Nothing To Find...There Is Nothing To Let Go Of. You Are Life And Life Is God And God Is ALL. Nothing Is Outside Of God... Nothing. So Hold Onto That And Be FreeGillian MacBeth-Louthan PO box 217 Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 Spiritual Tools for Accelerated Transformation


ASCENDED MASTER KUTHUMICHANNELING @ WEST KENNET LONG BARROW BURIAL MOUND, AVEBURY AREA, ENGLANDCHANNELED THROUGH MICHELLE ELOFF©09 NOVEMBER 2006This information may be shared with other sources on strict conditionsthat no information is altered or deleted or used for monetary gain,and the source of the information be acknowledged. Thank you toMaryanne Gosling for transcribing this channeling.To find out more about Michelle & The Lightweaver please note that reading this information will have an effect on you.You will energetically be linked with the Channeling being and asimilar process facilitated with you. It is not exactly the same asbeing in the presence of the channeling Master, however the effectsare just as powerful. Do not concern yourself too much regarding timelines given to the participants in the channeling. You will be takenthrough a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan, Timing &Purpose. All Questions & Answers from the session have been left inthe transcript as we have found the answers too have been of greatbenefit to our readers.I Am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom togreet each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings oflaughter, lightness, tranquillity and humility. Greetings, BelovedOnes. And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we maygather with you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heartof Christ and securely upon the hands of God.Beloved Ones, as we gather with each of you at this Sacred Point ofLight, we offer all planetary consciousness the opportunity to Embracethe Divine Aspect of their Christ Self. Much is changing in your worldat an accelerated rate, as most of you are already aware. Thesechanges are for the purpose of giving rise to the Divine Insight ofthe Soul's Voice of Truth leading humanity into a new way of Being.Very recently we have been working earnestly with many Light Workersacross the planet. This process has been one of great importancebecause all Light Workers have been given the opportunity to breakthru the Matrix of old paradigm consciousness. All of this has lead toeach soul choosing this pathway to manifest a gateway thru which topass into the Fluid Universe.Experiencing life from the perspective of fluid consciousness bringsforth a whole new way of being, a new way of living and theopportunities in which to co-create with the Company of Heaven. Livingone's life in accordance with the Laws of the Authentic Truth of Selfis what opens the doorway to new ways of perceiving life. This alsogrants one the opportunity to merge with the aspects of self thatembody the Authentic Divine Truth in accordance with the Universal Lawof Divinity and Truth.To begin with it is vital that all souls understand that Every Soul IsOn Earth Finding Its Way Back To God.Every Soul is Re-Membering that to be At One with God means BeingUnited within the Self. The Ego is a Valuable Teacher and Always WillBe. When one realises the ego's purpose one opens one's heart toaccepting the Divinity of the Dual World and Embracing the Lessons itbrings.Very recently I spoke of the belief systems around Duality. Thedefinition of Duality that you were born into and accepted as beingthe only definition. Polarity is the Existence of Masculine andFeminine. It is not about good and bad, or light and dark. Darkness issimply the Absence of Light, therefore, the Absence of Love.And what we have come to do here today, with all of you present,whether you are a part of this group or not, is to Anchor The Presenceof the True Polarity, the Authentic Essence of the Divine Father Godand the Divine Mother Goddess.You see in order for the world to be at peace within itself, theDivine God and the Divine Goddess must merge and experience SacredUnion so then balance in polarity becomes the order of the new day.This is already evident in the changes happening within the governmentof the United States of America. Balance is coming into Being. TheDemocrats are bringing in the balance so that the Republicans can seethat only one way of power is not the way for all.This also brings in the true understanding that in truth no person hasthe right to judge another's pathway to oneness. Every soul has aunique aspect of the collective authentic truth and those souls willvibrate with that authentic truth and it will be their compass home.As we stand with you in the presence of this site today, we areunravelling many areas of stagnant energy and we are amplifying theareas of Light Energy. This particular site has been used for theactivity of those who follow the pathway of Light as well as those whofollow the pathway of so-called darkness. So here the dualities, as isperceived in the old paradigm, have met and every single one of youpresent here today embodies the light of either the Holy Father or theHoly Mother. Yet you embody both. As you represent the energy ofeither the God or the Goddess you will enter a Seed of Light at thisparticular site which will be linked to many of the other Sacred Sitesacross the planet. The energetic seeds being anchored at this placetoday opens a Golden Age Portal to the Second Universe.The Second Universe is the Doorway into the Fluid World and all of youpresent here today are receiving yet another Tool of Light to take youout of the Fixed Universe of old paradigm identities and showing you away into the Fluid Universe where all is possible.As we create the Ninth Dimensional Buddhic Column of Light at thissacred site, all of you are experiencing the Blessings the NinthDimension offers. In the year 2007 your earth will be blessed withNinth Dimensional Energy. This means the Ninth Dimensional Energy ofSpiritual Illumination, Unconditional Love and HumanitarianConsciousness will sweep through the consciousness of humanitypresenting opportunities for individuals to choose the direction oftheir path.One can choose to follow the path of Love Motivation or FearMotivation. You have already integrated the concept of manifestingAbundance. You are tapping into the quantum field that grants youaccess to worlds of co-creation where everything your soul requirescan be manifested in abundance. However, the trick is this. Are youmanifesting an abundance of negative energy or an abundance ofpositive energy? What you focus on is what you will create. That is avery simple rule of manifestation. It is the Law of Attraction thatall of you have been practising for the duration of your lifetime. Itis nothing new to you. Most of humanity has mastered the process ofattracting their greatest fears to them incurring an abundance ofnegativity in their lives.You are now moving to the other side of the coin, seeing that on theother side of that which has been created up until this point exists.Each of you are a Beacon of that Positive Abundant Light. However, itis NOT your purpose to go out and save the world. You DO NOT have torun after those who have chosen to follow the pathway of fear. ALL YOUNEED DO IS LEAD BY EXAMPLE. LIVE YOUR LIFE TO ITS FULLEST. INDULGEYOURSELF IN THE DIVINITY THAT EXISTS WITHIN THIS CREATION YOU FINDYOURSELF IN.The Earth Plane is the most amazing plane in which to co-create. It isa School where you can Learn the Most Diverse Lessons in any plane ofexistence. In this plane you have come to harness the energies of atrue master. Mastering the material plane is THE most importantinitiation any soul will undergo in the entire evolution of a soul'sconsciousness. In order to master the material plane, Beloved Ones,YOU MUST BE ANCHORED IN YOUR PHYSICAL BODY.Some of you have heard me say this before. But I will repeat itbecause it is very important. Many Light Workers reject the physicalbody; reject the material life, seeing financial wealth as a root ofevil. Seeing living a blissful life as an easy life, one that wouldperhaps distract them from the journey into the spiritual realms.However, being financially wealthy offers you a tool to assist others.It gives you a means to get to many souls that require assistance.Living in Joy and Living Blessfully is your Divine Right. And takenote I said Living Blessfully. So if you allow yourself to receive theBlessings that Spirit offers in every moment, that your Soul attractsto you in every moment, you live a Bliss-full, Bless-full life.This is part of breaking out of the old paradigm where old paradigmconsciousness believed that if you sacrifice your entire life you areconsidered to be saintly. You are considered to be worthy of God'sLove. This is No Longer a part of this new Reality.You see, Beloved Ones, you are having to move away from all the oldparadigm of thinking and creating. You are living in a modern worldbut what has happened is that humanity's consciousness has chosen tocome through you re-creating all the old ways of being, re-hashing allthe old systems. One must grow with the flow.The flow is moving to a new system of co-creation, therefore, youautomatically must move with that flow. When you move into the newflow, you are creating the new energy. You are in alignment with thenew energy, synchronicity manifests and the harmony that comes fromthat synchronicity relieves you of whatever stress you are experiencing.For those of you who were not present with us in Carcassone in France,Mary Magdalene spoke about Trusting the External World, which issymbolic of the father figure, and in other words Father God and theSpirit World, in supporting you, in helping you manifest your needs asmet. Now in order to be in alignment with the external world, you needto be grounded in your physical body.You are on Earth for a Purpose, therefore, ROOT YOURSELF TO MOTHEREARTH. She too is a support system. She too is a system that willNurture you as much as Father Sky Nurtures her body. To be within theplane of Earthly Experience, you need to Merge with all the Elements.You are made up of Water. In fact the majority of your body is water,therefore rmbrace the Water Element. Connect with Mother Ocean, withthe Rivers, the Streams and the Rain. Let it Bless your body with itsLight.You are made up of Minerals. Therefore, connect with the MineralKingdom. Allow the Crystals to assist you. Their light reflectedthrough you and your light reflected through their bodies.You are made up of Matter. Connect with Mother Earth. Acknowledge thatshe matters as much as you matter.Your Inspiration, your Motivation to Live is the element of Fire.Therefore, embrace this element. Allow the Flame of Life in your SolarPlexus and your Heart Chakras to motivate you forward.And the Air that you breathe is the Air Element. Without it you willnot be able to live.So you are a part of every thing. You have natural instincts, ananimal nature. Therefore, speak to Nature. Connect with the AnimalKingdom for they are communicating with you all the time. And withyour consciousness open, with your heart open and your mind open, youwill receive the information they are sharing with you.You see, man has separated himself and herself from the entire body ofconsciousness – the body of life. No man is an island unto himself.And even though you see islands across your planet, little pieces ofland popping up in the ocean, if you dive beneath the water – if yougo into the emotion – you will see that every thing is connectedbeneath the water. Nothing is separate. The only thing that separatesyou is your belief in separation consciousness.And Beloved Ones, that is the definition of polarity you were borninto when you chose to incarnate in this body. And today at this pointwe are changing that. And the way that it will be changed permanentlyis by you making the choice to TRANSFORM POLARITY CONSCIOUSNESS INTO ANEW REALM AND TO LIVE YOUR LIFE MERGED WITH ALL THE ASPECTS THAT MAKEUP LIFE.Life communicates to you in every moment of every day. And this is theopportunity for you to begin a new journey, to experience life in anew way.Therefore, the ninth dimensional Buddhic column we are anchoring heretoday embodies the frequencies of energy we have just spoken to youabout. A Buddhic Column is an Etheric Pillar of Light embodying anEnergy of Intense Light Frequencies that can never be dismantled. Itis the Light of Father God, the Light of the Mother Goddess and allthe fibres of Light within every soul creating the Buddhic Column ofLight harnessed into One Field of Energy. Buddhic Columns can only becreated through the Intention of Pure Light. No Buddhic Column canever be created if Integrity is lacking.So, Beloved Ones, we ask you to gather together, to join hands if itis possible, and let us begin using the Intention of Light to anchorthis Buddhic Column. Every body please join together, whether you arepart of the group physically travelling together or not.Please close your eyes and begin by taking a deep breath in thru yournose exhaling fully through your mouth. Another deep breath in and asyou exhale move your focus to your Heart Chakra, the point in thecentre of your chest and imagine a beautiful light shimmering withinthe core of your heart. With each breath that you take visualise thislight expanding. Now, begin to project the light into the centre ofthis group.We now welcome the presence of the Buddhic Lords and Ladies. Wewelcome the presence of the Cosmic Lords and Ladies and the Council ofLight from the Second Universe. Call upon your personal guides,masters or angels who work with you.Imagine the presence of Light, the pure Unconditional Love growing inintensity, moving beyond the structure of this site, and as this Lightbuilds, try and feel the presence of Love building inside of yourbody. Each breath in and out is an expansion of Light and an expansionof Love.The Cosmic Lords and Ladies, the Universal Council and the BuddhicLords begin activating the Buddhic Column made up of all the fibres ofLight and Love that you are projecting, harnessing the Light and Loveof Father God, of the Mother Goddess and every other Divine Aspect ofNature embodying Light and Love. Use your intention to strengthen thisPillar as it moves all the way down to the core of Mother Earth'sheart as it extends from the core of the Universe.Now feel the presence of this column expanding, enveloping you in itsLight and Love, until this entire site is enveloped in a SacredBuddhic Column of Light which now automatically becomes a portal tothe Second Universe.With the activation of this energy, any work embodying fearmotivation, any thing embodying lust consciousness, povertyconsciousness, victim and conditional love consciousness is nowdissolved and is replaced with Unconditional Love Consciousness,Prosperity and Victory Consciousness and Divine Love Consciousness.We now ask each of you to focus your intention on your Heart chakraagain and to sincerely feel the Light and Love of your co-creativeself and begin to verbalise the words of Light you wish to place inthe Buddhic Column that you firmly believe will help to uplift theenergy and maintain its integrity. Proceed when you are ready. (SilentPause)The Council of Light of the Second Universe now begin manifesting anAscension Spiral in the Centre of the Buddhic Column, which each ofyou will be linked to if it is your personal wish and will. Therefore,if you wish to have your energy linked to the Ascension Spiral of thisSecond Universal Portal, then please give permission to the Lords ofthe Second Universe to make the energy connection. (Pause).While the Energy Links are being made, the Cosmic Lords have asked togive each one of you a Blessing. Therefore, I need to address each ofyou individually. Please will you give your name so that I mayallocate the correct energy vibration to each of you. Please beginwith the person on my left. Personal blessings given.So, Beloved Ones, as we stand within the presence of the SacredBuddhic Column the energy is being extended to Silbury Hill and toAvebury. It is extending to Stonehenge, to the Tor in Glastonbury,Chalice Well and the Abbey. It is being extended out to Newgrange, tothe Sacred Site that was activated in Clonmacnoise not too long ago,through to Egypt, to Africa, the Sacred Sites all over Africa, Canadaand Australia. The energies in Sweden that we have connected to thisparticular process are also being activated. And Lake Geneva is anessential and important part of this process.So as the energies swim out to touch the consciousness of those LightWorkers in the area we speak off, know that we are integrating theLove of the Divine Father and the Divine Mother.Sister Francesca, we wish to thank you for your presence as yourepresent the energies of the United States of America. You arebringing the Light of Phoenix Arizona. You are also embodying theenergy of all the sacred places of the United States of America thathave chosen to be a part of the Light Path. Do you understand this?Inaudible.You see, Beloved Sister, the United States of America has representedthe Ego Centre of the Planet. The United States of America has been avery important template for the planet. They have been ahead of theirtime in Terms of Illumination, Integration and Application of Energyand there was a point where the energies could have turned in anydirection. The Light Workers of America have stood fast in theirintention and you are representing the intention of all the LightWorkers of America at this place, embodying the frequency of theBuddhic Column.Therefore, every single one of you who are here in physical body, youare a representative of the geographic location you come from, and,therefore, anchor that Buddhic Column through your Pranic Tube thatruns along your spinal column, which is emitted through the vibrationsof the chakras linking to the chakras of the planet and extendingforth beyond the membrane of the old paradigm matrix into the fluiduniverse.So Ambassadors of Light, will you go forth seeing the Divinity of thePresence of the Unified Mother-Father God-Goddess at one within you?Please take your hands and place your palm chakras together. Givethanks to that which you have manifested upon this day. (Pause).Give thanks for facilitating the anchoring of the Light that has comeforth today. (Pause).As the Light of Love continues to pulsate forth thru your body, thruyour mind, thru your heart and thru your being, any darkness will betransformed into Light simply by your presence.As you leave this place physically today taking the Light toStonehenge and to where ever else it is you will be travelling KNOWthat you are a Mobile Anchoring Mechanism of the Seeds of the DivineFluid Love of the Second Universe.Give thanks to your personal guides and Masters for being present withyou today. (Pause) And Give thanks to yourself for the choice you madeto be part of this process today. (Pause).Know that those souls who choose to come to this site in the futurewill be Blessed by the Blissful Energies of this Column of Light thathas been anchored today. And that anyone who comes with the intentionof anchoring darkness or ignorance within this site will experience aTransformation into the Light.So it is. Our work is done here. As all of you leave this place knowthat you are whole.I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom, and I greetand belsee you in love. Adonai. Michelle Eloff083 478-6777Founder/Director - The Lightweaver™ & The Lightweaver Children's Fund,Kuthumi's Library of Light™, & The Lightweaver University of QuantumConsciousness™Trance Voice Channel Specializing in Ascension Initiations, AscendedMaster Teachings & Old & New Sacred Site Tours locally & InternationallyFor more info visit

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Rubber Band Consciousness-

Rubber Band Consciousness-Expansion and Contraction Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan==============================We will speak to you about the energy of "poverty consciousness." When you speak to another 'I do not have enough money'-whether it is a fact or fiction, you completely downsize and dilute your money consciousness. Now whether you are making this up as an excuse or it is a truth - it affects the very next amount of money that was coming towards you. That money screeches to a halt, no matter what form it was in. It turns around and goes the other way because you have given it the high sign verbally, that it is not welcome.With each spoken limiting word, you send the frequency of money high-tailing it back into the cosmos. All energies and all particles believe your every word. Your quantum world sees you as God. The molecules of everything see you as God. They view the divine truth of you. As a God-unit, they believe your words, your utterings, and your mutterings. You are commander and chief of all life.If it is a breeze that you want, do not push it away with the words - 'There is no wind.' 'It is so hot.' 'It is so muggy.' Why not invite the wind in? You just sent it high-tailing away by your very decrees. Look at your words about love. 'No one is coming into my life.' 'No one loves me.' 'No one has ever loved me.' 'No one ever will love me.' Why would love enter into such a moat of despair? Why would anything enter into such a toxic park of hopelessness. Every living thing sees you as God. We can not emphasis that enough. It responds by you for you to you. EVERYTHING!!! If you mail a letter and you have a fear that it will not get to its destination then that is exactly what is going to happen. It is going to go land in the elephant graveyard.When children write Santa Claus they know without a doubt that it will reach jolly ole St. Nick. They know it in their heart and Soul. They believe with every cell of their body. Why are you afraid to believe so deeply? If you would just believe like the child that writes to Santa then life would be so easy.Now as far as your money awareness and money consciousness is concerned, you must realize that you have all taken "vows of poverty" in many lifetimes. The reason that you took a vow of poverty to begin with was because you were about to embark into a spiritual field, or a spiritual endeavor. This could have taken the form of a priest, a holy person, a shaman, a nun, a minister or any other form. When you walk into any type of spirituality, automatically all 'vows of poverty' are reactivated and initiated. In many lifetimes you believed that to be Godly, you must be poor, you must do without. You believed that wholeheartedly, and took a vow of poverty to prove that belief.Anytime new levels of Light, of energy, of divine declarations come to earth, you automatically step into the DNA remembrance of your vows of poverty. Every time a new expanded form of awareness comes to humanity -- you stop creating prosperity. You deeply fear that when you walk fully into your spiritual position, that you will not have a cent to your name. You fear you will have to rely upon the good nature of other people to feed you, to clothe you, to give you love offerings or pay penitence.Bringing this to your attention and bringing this to your consciousness is one of the most important steps that we can take with you. By acknowledging this type of thinking, you can then clear it. This is important!!! Please heed these words. You have done great damage to yourselves. You expand, you contract, you expand and then you contract again. Your consciousness is very well equipped to incarnate as a rubber band, because you have practiced so much expansion and contraction. You stretch that rubber band essence of you with great plans of propelling it forward into your world. But it stops - popping you in the head - because you don't let it go. You are afraid. You are afraid to look forward, you are afraid to move from where you are sit in your life, in your relationships, in your jobs, in your judgments. It is time for you to become fearless. Ask for that energy of fearlessness to dance in your veins, to beat in your heart. Decree, "I am fearless.Why do you always think that to move forward you must fail? We have spoken to you before of this. Moving forward feels as failing to you. You feel that you cannot possibly succeed. So of course what do you do? You command the molecules and that is what they create. God speaks - they draw themselves that way. Then you say to others -'I told you so.' 'I knew it wasn't going to happen.' 'I knew.' You did not know you CREATED, such an event. You hold your dreams tightly within your bosom, not letting them breathe, not letting them birth, not letting them out! These dreams are not for self, they are for God and you are holding them hostage within the fort of limited thinking. They are not for you. They are not for self. They are for humanity. They are for your solar system. They are for God, and they are asking to come out. The universe is not asking you to build a pyramid or asking you to walk on water or asking you to build a bridge from here to Europe. The universe is not asking you to do the impossible.You each are laced with 'the possible.' The intricate details and fine lines and fine threads are possible. You are not formatted with impossibilities. It is time to remove the "m" from impossibilities, and replace it with an "n". All things are "IN- POSSIBILITY." Release the 'm' from yourselves and put an 'n' in there. Format your world in-possibilities. It is very important!!! Until you are emptied out of what you hold in your heart to do, you will not be refilled in the 21st century with the creators new dreams for humanity.This will come in different forms for each of you. For some of you, it could come as falling in love, and finally trusting that love. What a terrible job that is to ask you to do. To love someone!!! For some of you it will come in the form of a new job or business that you truly enjoy and love. What a terrible thing it is to ask you to love your job, and earn more money! Anything that lives in your heart can be accomplished. You have to believe it first. Walk into your heart's desire, you cannot procrastinate anymore.You all walk around with blinders on - playing 'pin the tail on the donkey of my life.' You do not know where you are going. You do not know where you have been. You wear the blinders and you try to pin whatever is in front of you, because - since it is there, it must be for me. You trip over yourselves not knowing what you want to be when you grow up. Ultimately what you want to be and what you want to remember is that you come from the heart of the Creator, you are a divine child of God. You have the same abilities as the Creator.You are not a victim on this Earthship. You are each as a compass. A compass has certain directionals. It is time to point yourself in the direction of your heart's desire. Is that so hard for you to see? Cannot you look into your heart and see what it desires? Why are you afraid to allow your heart's desires to be made physical? Are you afraid that your heart will hurt you again? It has done everything for you - it has done nothing against you. Everything has always been for you. You are all in a magnetic flux. You go around and around and around chasing your tail as does that beautiful spotted dog. It is time to stop running around and move forward. It only takes you believing to make it happen -you. But point your compass in any direction and move towards it with your words. Just because you move from situation to situation, or heart to heart, or job to job, or state to state, or fear to fear does not mean you are a bad person. It just means you are confused.Humanity is programmed to think that they should only have one destination, and no variations from that path. If you vary from your path then you are not a responsible person. You are not to be one thing. Is God one thing? No!! God is a multitude of dimensions, universes, star systems, galaxies. Multitudes!! You are a multitude as well, a multi-dimensional being. If you fluctuate in your creation, it is okay. When you beat yourself up for what you think is a mistake, you beat up all of humanity for that mistake, not just you. It is as one little blood cell declaring and decreeing to all of the body -'I am poison.' 'I am bad.' 'I am not a good blood cell.' What is going to happen from that? That little blood cell will draw to it others that are like and of the same nature, eventually forming a tumor of some type or a blood clot of some type. The goodness will not be magnetized towards that kind of decree. So when you decree say out loud -'I am beautiful.' 'I am perfect.' ' I am truly moving towards my heart's desires'. Just those words will move you in the direction of the compass of your heart. Stop beating yourself up.Do you think that God sends himself to his room when he creates something that is not viewed as the highest good,? NO, he views that creation and expands from it. He does not punish himself for what he has done. He does not bring it out everyday to look at it and give himself 20 lashes because of it. He realizes that he created it. It is okay. It is then released, to be formatted into a higher state of being, at the next level of creation. He does not linger in memory lane. If such a thing were to happen to the Creator -- then you would not exist. He would have stopped long before humanity and earth were every birthed. There are many other existences and star systems that have that are a million times worst then you -- even on your very bad days. Understand it is okay. Do not punish yourself for your creations if they appear to fail. They have just outlived their usefulness for the moment. That is all.We will end this talk at this time. We have given you much to chew upon and it is not necessarily pleasant. Understand the effect that you have on all things, not just yourself. When you do not love you, you send that screech, just like that little blood cell did, throughout all of existence. When you renew your vows of poverty, you do it for all of humanity. Understand that you are effecting and affecting everything. You are one drop in an ocean of life. One drop changes the chemical outcome, the chemical balance.Each day when you drop your negative thinking, your denser droppings, shall we call them, into life - you pollute it, not just for you; but you pollute it for everyone you love and everyone that you want to love. Be responsible. Think responsibly. Create responsibly and lovingly. That is the way that you were birthed. You were not thrown together haphazardly. A lot of thought, a lot of love, and a lot of time went into each of you. EACH OF YOU! God specializes in each of his creations. Each is created through the heart of the Creator, because he knows all creation is an outpost of self. It is an extension of selves (little self, higher- self, soul self).Your world -- every part of it, every person in it -is an extension of who you are and how you create. If you don't like the way it looks, if you don't like the backdrop of it, understand that it was your creation and that it is your responsibility to shift it. We will leave. We are the Council of 22, Pleiadian energy that is in alignment with your highest truth, the brightest possibility of your being, and the deepest love of your essence.Gillian MacBeth-Louthan PO box 217 Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 Spiritual Tools for Accelerated Transformation

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Yule, (pronounced EWE-elle) is when the dark half of the year relinquishes to the light half. Starting the next morning at sunrise, the sun climbs just a little higher and stays a little longer in the sky each day. Known as Solstice Night, or the longest night of the year, much celebration was to be had as the ancestors awaited the rebirth of the Oak King, the Sun King, the Giver of Life that warmed the frozen Earth and made her to bear forth from seeds protected through the fall and winter in her womb. Bonfires were lit in the fields, and crops and trees were "wassailed" with toasts of spiced cider. Children were escorted from house to house with gifts of clove spiked apples and oranges which were laid in baskets of evergreen boughs and wheat stalks dusted with flour. The apples and oranges represented the sun, the boughs were symbolic of immortality, the wheat stalks portrayed the harvest, and the flour was accomplishment of triumph, light, and life. Holly, mistletoe, and ivy not only decorated the outside, but also the inside of homes. It was to extend invitation to Nature Sprites to come and join the celebration. A sprig of Holly was kept near the door all year long as a constant invitation for good fortune to pay visit to the residents. The ceremonial Yule log was the highlight of the festival. In accordance to tradition, the log must either have been harvested from the householder's land, or given as a gift... it must never have been bought. Once dragged into the house and placed in the fireplace it was decorated in seasonal greenery, doused with cider or ale, and dusted with flour before set ablaze be a piece of last years log, (held onto for just this purpose). The log would burn throughout the night, then smolder for 12 days after before being ceremonially put out. Ash is the traditional wood of the Yule log. It is the sacred world tree of the Teutons, known as Yggdrasil. An herb of the Sun, Ash brings light into the hearth at the Solstice. A different type of Yule log, and perhaps one more suitable for modern practitioners would be the type that is used as a base to hold three candles. Find a smaller branch of oak or pine, and flatten one side so it sets upright. Drill three holes in the top side to hold red, green, and white (season), green, gold, and black (the Sun God), or white, red, and black (the Great Goddess). Continue to decorate with greenery, red and gold bows, rosebuds, cloves, and dust with flour. Deities of Yule are all Newborn Gods, Sun Gods, Mother Goddesses, and Triple Goddesses. The best known would be the Dagda, and Brighid, the daughter of the Dagda. Brighid taught the smiths the arts of fire tending and the secrets of metal work. Brighid's flame, like the flame of the new light, pierces the darkness of the spirit and mind, while the Dagda's cauldron assures that Nature will always provide for all the children. Symbolism of Yule:Rebirth of the Sun, The longest night of the year, The Winter Solstice, Introspect, Planning for the Future. Symbols of Yule:Yule log, or small Yule log with 3 candles, evergreen boughs or wreaths, holly, mistletoe hung in doorways, gold pillar candles, baskets of clove studded fruit, a simmering pot of wassail, poinsettias, christmas cactus. Herbs of Yule:Bayberry, blessed thistle, evergreen, frankincense holly, laurel, mistletoe, oak, pine, sage, yellow cedar. Foods of Yule:Cookies and caraway cakes soaked in cider, fruits, nuts, pork dishes, turkey, eggnog, ginger tea, spiced cider, wassail, or lamb's wool (ale, sugar, nutmeg, roasted apples). Incense of Yule:Pine, cedar, bayberry, cinnamon. Colors of Yule:Red, green, gold, white, silver, yellow, orange. Stones of Yule:Rubies, bloodstones, garnets, emeralds, diamonds. Activities of Yule:Caroling, wassailing the trees, burning the Yule log, decorating the Yule tree, exchanging of presents, kissing under the mistletoe, honoring Kriss Kringle the Germanic Pagan God of Yule Spellworkings of Yule:Peace, harmony, love, and increased happiness. Deities of Yule:Goddesses-Brighid, Isis, Demeter, Gaea, Diana, The Great Mother. Gods-Apollo, Ra, Odin, Lugh, The Oak King, The Horned One, The Green Man, The Divine Child, Mabon. --Adapted by Akasha Ap Emrys For all her friends and those of like mind-- Copyright © 1997-99 Akasha, Herne and The Celtic Connection Pagan/Wicca: Yule - occurs on the date of the winter solstice. It is also known as Winter Rite, Midwinter, and Alban Arthan. Yule is celebrated on the longest night of the year, and it is seen by many as the time when the sun begins its journey back from the darkness to the fullest light, celebrated at the Summer Solstice. It is the festival of the Sun's rebirth, and a time to honor the winter aspects of the God and Goddess. The festival of Yule was originally celebrated in Norse and Germanic countries, and many Pagans choose to honor those aspects of the God and Goddess at this time of year.

2012 and The Shift

2012 and The Shift by Owen Waters ===============Will the world end in 2012? Not at all. It will, however, mark the dawn of a new era in human progress and development. Like the dawning of a new day, this transition to a new era will seem gradual, not sudden, to those passing through it. However, when future generations look back, 2012 will be seen to have been a pivot point around which humanity turned and headed in a different direction. Many prophecies have indicated a period of chaos and confusion in the years leading up to the Winter Solstice of 2012. This is understandable as the agendas of the old order rush for completion and resolution before the old cycles end. Old issues, suppressed for years, will bubble up to the surface demanding attention and resolution. Once the cycles of the ancient Mayan Calendars reset to zero, the old patterns will end and the way will be clear for new patterns to be established with the energy of the new cycles. In the meantime, the best way to handle difficult times is to be centered and resist the temptation to be drawn into dramas and conflicts, most of which are due to other people working through their "stuff." Being in the now and focusing on what is - not what could be, or shouldn't be, or what might be fear-inducing - provides the key to sanity in a world full of increasing stress. The grand 5,125-year cycle of the Mayan calendars consists of five interwoven cycles. The first cycle breaks the 5,125 years up into 13 parts. Then, there are 20 parts within each of the 13. Then, another 20-part division occurs to produce Mayan 'years,' each of which consist of 18 'months' of 20 days each. On December 21st, 2012, all five of these cycles reset to zero, for the first time in 5,125 calendar years, as the Mayan date The Maya understood and tracked even more cycles than these five - 17 different calendar cycles in all, some of which spanned more than 10 million years. One is the precession of the equinoxes cycle of 25,920 years, which is caused by the slow wobbling of the earth on its axis. This cycle, which was also identified by Plato, is divided into the twelve astrological ages. December 21st, 2012, coincidentally, also marks the exact transition into the 2,160-year Age of Aquarius. Yet another cycle, that of four times the 25,920-year cycle, also resets on that date. The Shift to heart-centered consciousness is a global event which is playing out today. Every year that goes by, more and more people come to understand the new consciousness and shift into that heart-space which is the backbone of the New Reality. The new consciousness will flower in the Age of Aquarius, but it started before that age is due to fully dawn. The new consciousness will expand and spread much more quickly after the Winter Solstice of 2012, but it has already been developing in earnest since the pioneering days of the mid 1960s. So, the timing of The Shift is not strictly cycle-related. It is happening today regardless of any cycles. It is happening because people have reached critical mass in their spiritual evolution and because now is the time for humanity to graduate from the old school of life. The Shift is the spiritual and creative awakening of humanity. This New Reality consciousness opens the door to new vistas of awareness and new levels of creativity. In the dawning New Reality, people follow their hearts to express their inner joy through making their own meaningful contributions towards a better world. We are in the midst of the biggest cultural shift of all times. The Shift to the New Reality is happening today and it is unstoppable. The start of new cosmic time cycles on December 21st, 2012 will be the dawn of a new era where humanity will accelerate towards heart-centered consciousness on a global scale.*If you enjoyed today's article, please forward it to a friend. For more articles, visit: * * Good news! "The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness" is now available in digital e-book form as an instant download. E-books make great study tools, especially when you can copy and paste text to make your own notes as you read the e-book. You can save it to disk and refer to it as often as you like. You can also print from the e-book version of "The Shift." If you prefer, you can print the entire e-book and read it in an armchair. "The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness" e-book is priced at just $9.95 (US$). "The Shift" is available now for instant download at: * * About the author:Owen Waters is an international spiritual teacher who has presented his insights into the New Reality to hundreds of thousands of seekers. In 1963, while growing up in a mystical part of Britain, he encountered his first spiritual awakening. The surprise of this mystical experience was such that his life became focused upon a continuous search for spiritual answers. Almost forty years of study and research followed, along with the development of his inner vision. By the year 2002, like many of the spiritual teachers who are coming forward for The Shift, his realizations began to unfold rapidly. Today, as Editor and cofounder of Infinite Being LLC, he helps people find inspiration, love and creativity through heart-powered consciousness. *

Soul Infusion and DNA Illumination

Soul Infusion and DNA Illumination==========================Ascension is the embodiment of the totality of our soul essence--to infuse our higher vibrational light bodies into our incarnate forms--to incarnate fully and illuminate, and thus to live in quantum or unified galactic awareness (Soul-Source Aware). Ascension is the refinement of the vibrational mode of the body, not leaving the body. The vibrational mode of the body is tuned by the hydrogen atom, which composes the phosphodiester (light-bearing) circuitry or lattice that forms the double-stranded DNA molecule. The hydrogen atom is also the primary component of the intercellular water that makes up our bodies. The structure of this water, or lymph (which means living spring), is determined by the resonance of the hydrogen atom and its bonding angle which organizes water's molecular form.Hydrogen is the Mother Element, the element of the Sun / Soul. The DNA is the "Urn of the Soul." Our soul intelligence, or subtle-energy light-body, expresses through the DNA. The current tuning of the DNA impedes the flow of consciousness, our soul intelligence only trickles through the DNA, not quite lighting it up. Thus, the double-stranded molecule functions in its lower-vibrational reflective mode of shadow and reflection, of bio-logic--the mentalization of life, where we use the reasoning process only comparing opposites to learn. This is why we perceive and experience a world a shadow and reflection--the world of duality. It is also why we continue to experience pain and struggle and live in disharmony, disease, degeneration, and death rather than in radiant health and unified awareness. As the atomic mode of hydrogen is re-tuned, the DNA molecule begins to super-conduct consciousness. When this fully occurs, the DNA illuminates into one radiant spiral of light, which is the DNA's intended functional mode. We no longer experience a world of shadow and reflection but one of radiant light. We no longer function as bio-logical beings, but as unified bio-luminescent beings in galactic awareness (in God consciousness / cosmic consciousness). We realize (in epistemological awareness) rather than mentalize as we become self-realized beings of light in love.NamasteKamiLight House Yoga * Holistic Healing Center * 224 W 4 St & 7 Ave South * Wed Dec 20th * 8-10PM *

Friday, December 15, 2006

Pre-Solstice Ritual Bath

Pre-Solstice Ritual Bath During the Winter Solstice, we often place emphasis on celebrating andsharing this joyous, but often difficult, holiday. For Witches, however, nowmay also serve as a time to attune to a quiet, internal spirituality. Tobegin to do so (with the solstice less than ten days away now), prepare aritual bath with oils of rosemary, pine, and orange. Add a touch ofpatchouli for grounding. Light gold and green candles, and immerse yourselfin watery solitude to refresh your weary holiday spirit. Meditate on thewinter goddess and her lesson of stillness. Find the cool and clean spaceshe offers, free of clutter and activity. It is the season for centering andgrounding ourselves, and for defining who we really are. After the bath,take your journal and write down your goals by candlelight. Contemplate thecoming rebirth, and identify which direction you wish to channel your energyand focus your intentions.By: Karri AllrichSources : GrannyMoon's Morning Feast Archives Remember the ancient ways and keep them sacred! _____

Thursday, December 14, 2006

The One Speaks ~ Lauren

The One Speaks ~ Lauren
Sananda: I am joining the legions for combined and universalintelligence. I speak for the collective, I am in union with allsouls. Regard the text that I send forth as preliminary, if you will.The meaning, or the subject shall follow.sending forth transmissionsof unified thought.."Greetings from the collective"
L: hello
" We speak with you as one, we use our combined force of thought totransmit high levels of frequency through the density of earthphysicality during these especially turbulent times. You may addressus as "The One".
L: Greetings, The One.
"We are especially proud to be in exchange with you today, we aregrateful for your service to the light. We come today to remark on theend days of the year of 2006. We are collectively bringing energythrough this transmission for cellular restructuring and wish tocomment a bit on how this works.
First and foremost, each of you is an energy matrix combined with themany layers of energetic form, each more dense than the one before.The makeup of your cellular activity is one that is performed based onthe consciousness of your higher bodies. This means that as you makechanges in the higher levels so too do you make changes in thephysical. This is process by which you filter consciousness througheach layer of reality until you have effectively completed the changethat wish to see before your earth eyes, so to speak.
Now in the case of cellular restructuring, there is an encodingprocess that is transmitted to each of you via different yet similarmeans. Those of you with conscious awareness of your higherdimensional realities will be affected by those things that youperceive as truth. That truth is discerned by your higher intelligenceat any given time. Regarding transformations, you are indeed beingaffected by each aspect of consciousness that you attach your energyto. That is to say that as you begin to focus upon a thing, you are infact melding with or becoming part of the consciousness of that thing.What we are doing then is programming your DNA with codes of light asyou join energy with this transmission. Why do you suppose that is?
For the purposes of reaching the masses and spreading the infectiousenergy of truth to mankind. This energy that is being transmitted toeach of you is of course contagious. It is a vibratory essence thatcan not be contained and is rubbed off on those who need or require itand it is transmitted accordingly. This contagious stream of energyinfection, if you will, is the subtle way in which spirit walks theearth. It is the non-invasive approach to change and it is the way ofthe future, your future.
Now as we begin to impress upon you the implications of the present,lets begin to look quickly at the past. The past of each of you,regarding your personal development and estranged spirituality at thetime, has quietly , yet profoundly crept up on your present awareness,has it not? We indeed can confirm this to be true.
The subtle layers of spirit that have been working to change yourreality have had powerful and limitless energetic effects on the wholeand these effects are indeed lasting ones. The momentary strife thatyou are experiencing is actually indicative of this growing awarenessand as you progress toward the final days of this earth year of greatshifting, each of you will come to know the suffering as a great andtimely gift of the "present".
These trying days can seem unending and the amount of strife thatsurrounds you can seem overwhelming at times. The collective cry ofhumanity is precisely the oil needed to lubricate the mighty wheels ofchange. This machine, once oiled, can rotate and swirl into the newreality of conscious living that you are intending into your present.The plan is in motion, the cries have been heard by you, thelightbearers, and now the battle cry is far reaching and growing inintensity. The movement of earth is beginning to groan and roar as theshifting takes place in each layer of dimensional reality. "As above,so below".
The moaning of earth and her inhabitants is the great thrust of energythat is tied to our assisting you in your endeavors. As the womb ofcreation labors in rebirth, each of you labors with her, for you areinextricably tied to the body of your great mother. The birth of a newage is tumultuous at best, but the pain of labor is short incomparison to the rewards of lifetime.
Many of you are experiencing this pain personally. Many of you arewalking into the fire armed with spiritual pride and yet again bearthe burdens for the benefit of all. These last days are the mostintensified and turbulent times of your cycle of light work. This toilis the last push from your collective contraction into a new year ofeven greater change. As we connect with the energy of humanity, wefeel this pain somewhat intensely and confirm that each of you aredoing the spiritual work of thousand men.
What then does this upcoming year hold for you at your new level ofawareness? What is it that each of you see for yourself in a tangibleway? We have always said to you that the sky is the limit, but haveyou determined this yet to be true?
My people of earth, this upcoming year holds the energy ofactualization for many of you. This means that as those cycles ofcompletion wrap up the past, you are free to manifest in the presentto create your future in the current linear fashion. You need notdetermine your success by the conformist views of others, but merelyallow for your realitites to blossom from bud to full bloom. You arethe makers, the creators, the visionaries, the warriors of light. Youheld this light for so many who had not the strength. You listeneddutifully while others cried on your shoulders and you wept forhumanity each time the suffering was too much to bear.
Now is your time. Now is the time to make manifest your dreams andcreate the unconditional realities that you will support yourendeavors for mankind. Now is the time to be vigilant in your desiresfor a better world, for now you have the power to create it.
This will not happen overnight, no, but it will be an enjoyableprocess of hard work and unlimited energy for all that you desire. Wehave come collectively to transmit this energy of hope to you so thatyou can bear witness to the transformations within yourselves andconsequently in all.
Now is your season of merriment where tidings of joy abound. Take thisspecial energy to assist you in spreading good cheer, for days oflaughter and peace are inevitable after so much hard work. Soon youwill come to know the lightness of being that we refer to. Each in hisown time, yet collectively as a whole, you advance to higher andhigher levels of consciousness.
We surround you now in anticipation of your glorious victory. We watchas you stretch your new found wings and fly to unprecedented heightsto explore the truth of your existence. Each leap of faith results ina higher altitude of awareness and your wings grow stronger so you canremain in flight longer.
Blessings abound and joyous times ahead for each of your weary souls.Your homecoming is well underway and we are prepared to nurture youwith great gifts of ease, health and abundance for all. Letting gowith faith is all that is required. With great love and respect foryour journey, we are The One.
L: Thank you kindly.WWW.FREEDOMNETWORK888.COM

VAligning yourselves to the NEW GRIDS OF LIGHT

Aligning yourselves to the NEW GRIDS OF LIGHTWe greet all of you with joy and request that you leave behind thetrepidation and fear. The snowball effect of lightworkers has raisedconsciousness beyond measure and all of you are feeling the affectsoftime speeding up. You will notice this in how your physical bodiesrejuvenate and grow. Your hair and nails are an indication of this.Today we speak of the New Grids of Light. The New Grids of Light aretheforerunner and essential part of the earth ascension process. It isnecessary that all align themselves to the New Grids of Light. TheseGrids of Light form a connection between all the Cities of Light. Thealignment process is the releasing of yourselves from the old earthstructures set up for disconnection and aloneness. A set up that youallagreed to. The New Grids of Light are exactly that- Grids of higheralignment. They also represent a connection to the 5th dimensionwhichis your higher awareness and ALL IS ONE from which there is noseparation. As many of you are in the stages of higher selfintegrationand alignment, it cannot be completed until you are fully connectedtothe higher dimensions of this New Earth Grids of Light.The cities of light have come to teach and aid all in this process.Asyou alignyourselves to these New Grids of Light you will not bebombarded with the negativity of the old earthly structures. Manystructures of negativity were put in place over the eonsparticularly bythe darkness. These are no longer necessary and we ask you now todisconnect from these old energy structures that no longer servehumanity. The more you align yourselves to the light, the higher youwill vibrate, and the higher you vibrate the less any negativity willaffect you. This is known. As you vibrate higher you access thehigherlibraries of light and will become more "knowing". As you become more"knowing" within yourselves the less you need to rely on outsidesources. You become each and every one of you sovereign beings,galacticbeings of light and bearers of the light and truth from within.Alignment to the grids of light can be done by placing yourselves inthePyramid structure on top of Table Mountain, or through your nearestcityof Light portal. Merely ask to be placed in the Pyramid structure.Within this Pyramid structure, request the Ascended Masters, yourguideswho are working with you and the beings of light from that City ofLightto aid you in this process. It is a simple request to disconnectyourself and all your bodies, be it physical, mental, emotional,lightand merkaba from all old energy grids and MATRIXES that were set upinthe old earth, including all your soul fragments and through alldimensions and in all directions of time. And re-align yourself fromyour physical, emotional, mental, light and merkaba to the new gridsoflight of NEW EARTH.Do not be surprised if many issues come to light after you have donethis. For as you align yourselves you further begin to clear manyoutstanding issues in your entire body structure. Your ascensionprocessrequires this of you and we also advise that you ask for CrystalChambers of healing within the Cities of Light at your nearest cityoflight. These chambers serve as healing chambers accessibly now forALLon planet earth. So request these chambers, for your needs will bemetwith joy for we are all here to aid you, Masters of Light on yourfinaljourney into the NEW EARTH.We leave you now with much love and joy in our beings for all of youandwe joyfully await the day that we shall be among you.This is Ascended Master Abu Myra.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Abundance flows easily and naturally. Take a look around your yard. There is an Abundance of leaves in my yard. Every spring, there is an Abundance of life budding. It flows so easily in nature and we are a part of nature so it can also flow easily to us. It is only in our toxic thoughts that the Sabatoge Archetype comes to us and tells us we cannot have it. Why, when it is so naturally occuring? We can have it!


Abundance flows easily and naturally. Take a look around your yard. There is an Abundance of leaves in my yard. Every spring, there is an Abundance of life budding. It flows so easily in nature and we are a part of nature so it can also flow easily to us. It is only in our toxic thoughts that the Sabatoge Archetype comes to us and tells us we cannot have it. Why, when it is so naturally occuring? We can have it!

Find an Item Spell

Find an Item SpellDecember 12th, 2006Color of the day: Red Incense of the day: Evergreen This time of the year can be rather hectic with socializing and family gatherings and so on. It's easy now to lose or misplace an item. Use Mercury's energies of clear thinking today for a spell to help you find your lost item. To do this you will need a mirror and a small magnet, two candles�one black, representing loss, and one orange, representing memory�and some patchouli incense. Set up the candles in front of the mirror, and place the magnet in the middle of the mirror. Walk around the room clockwise with the lit incense three times, saying: I invite the elements As I walk around To help my lost item Be soon found. Touch the magnet as you recall when you last saw the item. While the candles are burning, try to find it.By: Emely Flak

Monday, December 11, 2006

Jupiter Security Spell

Jupiter Security Spell Incense of the day: Geranium Thursday is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of stability, authority, and money. This makes Thursday auspicious for spells relating to security or finances. In winter, the conifers remind us of life everlasting. Their green needles bring us hope during the bleak weather. The colors green and gold likewise stand for life and wealth. Carefully pull a few needles from a live evergreen tree. Lay a dollar bill flat and place the needles along the short edge of the bill. Roll it into a tight tube around the needles, then secure it with a rubber band. Say: Evergreen, evergreen, Growing so high, Grant that my money grows Up to the sky. All through the winter Let it endure, Growing toward the Sun Golden and pure. Store the rolled dollar wherever you keep your money�in your purse or wallet, in a coin dish, and so on. By: Elizabeth Barrette

Mistletoe Herb of Solstice

Mistletoe Herb of Solstice A most sacred "herb" of the Druids and ruled the Winter Solstice. Considered to be an all-purpose protective herb. It is Masculine in nature, ruled by the sun and the element Fire. Traditional Uses: 1) Wear around neck (sewn into or put into a white pouch) as a protective amulet. 2) Wear around neck in small spell bottle w/ red cording as Lucky Winter Charm. 3) Sew into white pouch and hang anywhere (house, car) for protective purposes. 4) Sew into red pouch and kiss your love beneath it to keep your love forever. 5) Use in floor wash to attract patrons to a business. Other magical uses: Healing,immortality, love, luck, protection, Renewal, Success, Used by Druids to see beyond the cycle of rebirth. Please NOTE: Mistletoe is Poisonous if the berries are ingested by human or animal. By Barbara MorrisMagical Mistletoe Spell Druids used the magic of mistletoe for festivals throughout the year, including Midsummer and Yule. Evergreens were considered magical because they didn't wither away each year like other plants, making them seem immune from death. Mistletoe also seemed to defy nature by growing in the upper branches of trees rather than on the ground. The Druids called it "all-heal" because of its potent healing properties and its use as a fertility aid. Mistletoe that grew atop oak trees in sacred groves was considered particularly powerful. Call on the magic of this wonderful plant by threading a string of small white Christmas lights through the upper branches of a tree at Yule or at any time of year. By: Sedwin

Aromatherapy Blends

***Sensual Aromatherapy Blend: � 6 drops Ylang Ylang Essential Oil � 4 drops Jasmine Essential Oil � 2 drops Cinnamon Essential Oil

***Stress-Reliever Aromatherapy Blend: � 4 drops Lavender Essential Oil � 4 drops Geranium Essential Oil � 5 drops Marjoram Essential Oil

***Energy Boost Aromatherapy Blend � 6 drops Rosemary Essential Oil � 5 drops Grapefruit Essential Oil � 5 drops Peppermint Essential Oil

Thursday, December 7, 2006

The DNA Strands and Endocrine Glands:

The DNA Strands and Endocrine Glands:Each of the following twelve DNA strands represents one of the twelve aspects of multi-dimensional consciousness. Strand 1: Courage to move ahead and integrate our fearsStrand 2: Ability to focus on something and follow it to completionStrand 3: Maintaining gender balance between male /female powerStrand 4: Balance between our energy field and the physical bodyStrand 5: Living peacefully in a state of acceptanceStrand 6: Strength to stand in one's truth regardless of the outcome
\nStrand 7: Ability to accept both our dark and light sides\nStrand 8: Ability to hold personal boundaries regardless of outcomes\nStrand 9: Ability to accept and live within a diverse community \nStrand 10: Ability to tune into and listen to one\'s soul or higher self\nStrand 11: Power to envision, create and manifest these visions in 3D\nStrand 12: Ability to be accepting, kind and appreciate the value in all things\n\nDebra Robberson \nOur credo:\n"I promise to do all I can for the whole and for the small alike!"\nPlease support the actions of discovering our truth\nPublished book: "All Together Now ..."\n\nAlso on \n \n \n \n Back to top \n \n Reply to sender\n \n \n Reply to group\n \n \n Reply via web post\n \n ",1]
Strand 7: Ability to accept both our dark and light sidesStrand 8: Ability to hold personal boundaries regardless of outcomesStrand 9: Ability to accept and live within a diverse community Strand 10: Ability to tune into and listen to one's soul or higher selfStrand 11: Power to envision, create and manifest these visions in 3DStrand 12: Ability to be accepting, kind and appreciate the value in all things

What's Up On Planet Earth?

Head Colds and Body StiffnessIf you've been feeling like you have a head cold, or even a full bodysinus ache, with stiffness and pressure, you are most likelyparticipating in yet another purging or transmutation process.December brought in some "old" energy, and as lightworkers usuallydo,many are transmuting this denser energy through themselves in orderfor it to be released.Our spiritual evolutionary process involves integrating and embodyingmuch more of the feminine energies. With the holidays at hand, muchofthe feminine is at the forefront.with nurturing, support (giving),andunity energy. In this regard, the old masculine energy is becomingblatantly evident, creating a very low tolerance for it. I am notreferring to men and women here, but simply the old masculine energyverses the new feminine energy.Because we are now vibrating much higher than we have in past holidayseasons, this clash of old masculine energies with new feminineenergies is magnified more than usual. When we have resistance, itcreates allergy symptoms. When we are vibrating higher than oursurrounding energies, this can create a natural and even subconsciousresistance. Thus, sinus pressure, chest congestion, body aches, andstiffness. These symptoms also occur when we are releasing ortransmuting denser energies through ourselves.With the added stresses that the holidays can bring, there is a lotofextra energy flying around out there. If you are one who is unusuallysensitive, and most of us are, it can be easy to feel these flyingenergies. And even if you are not experiencing any extra stress orpressure in your life, being sensitive will allow you to feelstressedor pressured just from outside energies that are not even your own!The holidays can bring in "boxes" and rituals that we are no longerinalignment with. In the higher realms, most everything has to do withsynchronicity, a natural flow, and no time constraints or "haveto's."Because of this, there is again a clash with some of the "old"holidaytraditions. If you are one who loves the holidays, you will mostlikely be in alignment then, with some of their energies and feelbetter than most. For some, you may feel pressured and some of thepleasures may no longer be present. Attitudes and perceptions have agreat influence with alignments.We are now vibrating higher than we were before, so in this regard,experiencing the once a year holidays forces us to "go back" to thelower realms of prior 3D creations and some of them simply no longerfit. This, on top of the clash of the old masculine energies with theintegration of the feminine energies, can cause pressure withinus.physically and emotionally.The Future EnergiesSo what is coming up energetically on the horizon after the holidaysare over? The month of MARCH is going to be huge. MARCH, MARCH,MARCH.Huge. Although March is several months away, we have been preparingfor a month or two now, and will continue to be preparing until itarrives. Much energy will arrive in March. It will be a time ofanother big surge of light. March will be magical. It will contain anavalanche of light energy that will fill our souls and bring ussubstantial amounts of anything and everything.The solstices bring in depth.going deep and purging, releasing, andtransmuting what denser energies are still remaining. This processprepares us for the equinoxes, which usually bring in the forwardmovement that is ready after the purging is complete for a particularstage. And then there are times where the addition of certainplanetary alignments to this scenario greatly magnifies the energiesas they support us in arriving where we are planning to go as well.So then, this detoxing, purging, releasing, and transmuting we arecurrently experiencing is simply preparing us for more light to enterour reality and certainly ourselves. These stages of ascension arenecessary, as we would not want to be creating from an old 3D realitybased perception of things, or from our ego or dis-connect selves.Releasing the denser energies allows us to create from a much moreconnected stance, thereby allowing us to create a much highervibrating reality. We would not want to be creating and receiving somuch when these surges of light arrive, until we are primed andready!Otherwise we might end up creating something that is much moreundesirable when these high vibrating energies arrive.The connections and unusual supports we have been experiencing willcontinue to arrive. We are not necessarily receiving large amounts ofabundance right now in the form of money, but are continuing toreceive the supports and manifestations that are necessary for theimplementations and creations of our storefronts. In this way, whenthis energy surge arrives in March, we will all be good and ready formuch abundance to arrive through these gates of our storefronts.January will bring in much more forward moving energy. It will have amagical feel and things will feel light, airy, and as though much isfalling in our laps. As in past years, there will most likely be anindepth energy alert posted at the beginning of January that willaddress the year of 2007 as a whole, so I won't say much more aboutJanuary just yet.(P.S. If you were one who subscribed to the new e-list and hadtroublewith the confirmation link, please wait awhile and try again. In mostevery case, a future attempt is successful. You may also re-subscribeif you gave up, as e-mail addresses are never duplicated.)

The Energies for December 2006

The Energies for December 2006The Cosmic Fire DanceArchangel Michael through Celia Fenn=============================Dearest Lightworkers, in the month of December there will be a significant increase in the intensity of Light and Love flowing from the Galactic Center, and activating change and evolution throughout the Cosmos. New Light Codes will be transmitted into the Paradise Grids to activate the next cycle of evolution on Planet Earth. The energy of the Divine Feminine, in its Solar form, will energize and activate these changes on your planet.Dearest Lightworkers, you can expect increased luminescence and radiance to pour forth from your Sun, as the Earth spirals into a new cycle. This in turn will accelerate consciousness on the planet to a Higher Octave. We can say, dearest ones, that we expect a significant shift in the Collective Consciousness in this period, beginning with the 12:12 Stargate on the 12th of December, and moving through to the Solstice on the 22nd of December.What will this shift be? Well, we have spoken to you of the Quantum awakening and the shift into new perceptual modes, and so we will say, many of you will reach a level of consciousness in which you will begin to "see," in your waking state, into the Higher Dimensions. You will understand the nature of quantum reality and you will walk in the Dream Time with confidence and trust.And, as you make this shift, you will begin to understand how you create your own reality from within. And you will begin to perceive yourself as a "Galactic Human." For your Galactic Lightbody will be fully connected, and you will become aware of the presence of the Celestial beings who work with you. These beings have always been here, waiting patiently for you to be ready to see them and work with them. For, dearest ones, you will only "see" them with your Heart. Your mind will not accept their presence, as the Collective Consciousness has as yet refused to allow them to exist in the mental framework of reality. But, as you move into a heart-based reality, you will see with the eyes of Love and you will feel and receive the Love that has always been there. it will be a Joyous Reunion as you begin to merge with your Galactic families.
\n\nBut, we can say that this may be a turbulent process. You are pioneers, and you are breaking through consciousness barriers of fear and illusion that are thousands of years old, to be the first to welcome your Celestial families. As your Galactic Lightbodies are infused with the radiant energy from the Galactic Center via Sirius and the Sun, you will accelerate quickly into Galactic Consciousness. You will traverse this "fear zone" of the Collective Consciousness, this man made barrier of fear that has been created to keep you separate and alone and disconnected from your Galactic and Celestial origins and inheritance. As you reconnect, you will need to be fearless and courageous, and accept your Cosmic birthright with Joy. As you move through this "fear zone,\' it will begin to dissipate and break down, allowing many more to awaken to their Celestial origins as true "Starchildren." For, just as all Humans are "Human Angels," all humans are "Starchildren," and have their origins in the Stellar families of the Cosmos.\n\nAs the light increases and the old barriers of fear dissolve, you will once again be ready to unite with your Cosmic families. The Human Family, of whom you are the first representatives, will reach out in Love and Peace, to connect with your Loving and Peaceful relations in the Cosmos.\n\nThe Heart is the Key\n\nAs you journey through the "fear zone," that ancient and crystallized barrier of fear and lies, you will need to be a true Warrior of the Heart. Stay focused in your Heart, and do not allow your mind to spin out into anger and fear. At this time of the year, when people are in any event, often anxious and irritable, it is so important that you "suspend" mental and emotional judgments and live only in the love of the Heart.\n\nMany of you have been trained in these skills in the last year, but now is the time to truly be in your Heart and live from your Heart.\n\nWe will suggest only briefly what you may feel and experience at this time, and then suggest how you may best deal with any symptoms of electromagnetic disturbance or distortion that may arise.",1]
But, we can say that this may be a turbulent process. You are pioneers, and you are breaking through consciousness barriers of fear and illusion that are thousands of years old, to be the first to welcome your Celestial families. As your Galactic Lightbodies are infused with the radiant energy from the Galactic Center via Sirius and the Sun, you will accelerate quickly into Galactic Consciousness. You will traverse this "fear zone" of the Collective Consciousness, this man made barrier of fear that has been created to keep you separate and alone and disconnected from your Galactic and Celestial origins and inheritance. As you reconnect, you will need to be fearless and courageous, and accept your Cosmic birthright with Joy. As you move through this "fear zone,' it will begin to dissipate and break down, allowing many more to awaken to their Celestial origins as true "Starchildren." For, just as all Humans are "Human Angels," all humans are "Starchildren," and have their origins in the Stellar families of the Cosmos.As the light increases and the old barriers of fear dissolve, you will once again be ready to unite with your Cosmic families. The Human Family, of whom you are the first representatives, will reach out in Love and Peace, to connect with your Loving and Peaceful relations in the Cosmos.The Heart is the KeyAs you journey through the "fear zone," that ancient and crystallized barrier of fear and lies, you will need to be a true Warrior of the Heart. Stay focused in your Heart, and do not allow your mind to spin out into anger and fear. At this time of the year, when people are in any event, often anxious and irritable, it is so important that you "suspend" mental and emotional judgments and live only in the love of the Heart.Many of you have been trained in these skills in the last year, but now is the time to truly be in your Heart and live from your Heart.We will suggest only briefly what you may feel and experience at this time, and then suggest how you may best deal with any symptoms of electromagnetic disturbance or distortion that may arise.
\n\nOn the PHYSICAL level, you may feel tired to the point of exhaustion as the energy bodies spin faster in response to the accelerated frequencies of light. You may feel "waves" of energy flowing through your arms and legs, and these feelings may be quite powerful at certain times. You may struggle to sleep at night, and then be very tired during the day, wanting to sleep. So, rest as much as you can. All is Well.\n\nOn the EMOTIONAL level you may feel like you are living on a roller coaster! Up and then down. You may be irritable and quick to flare up. Or you may be depressed and anxious. You may, at times, feel intense fear and anxiety and be afraid to be alone. You may feel like you are going to die, but remember you are traversing an artificial fear zone created of man-made fears and illusions, so just breathe and release. All is Well.\n\nOn the MENTAL level, you may feel as if everything is moving too fast, and you may feel mentally exhausted and near burn-out. This is because in western culture the mind is overactive and over stimulated anyway. An increase in light frequency will further stimulate the mind and exacerbate an already out of balance situation. Relax, breathe, allow things to flow at their own speed and don\'t try to "keep up", you will never be able to. The best response is to "slow down" and just "flow," no resistance, just acceptance. All is Well.\n\nOn the HEART level you may FEEL everything very intensely. Celebrate. You are reconnecting with the Cosmic Heartbeat and feeling the flow of Divine Creative Energy in every cell. In fact, dearest Lightworkers, the more you can be in your Heart energy, the more easily you will cope with the Galactic flows of Light and Love. For, the Celestial energy flows into your Heart Chakra and then flows through your physical being and into the Crystalline Earth Grids known as the Paradise Matrix.\n\nSo, in this time of increased luminescence, flow the energy through your body and into the Grids. you can do this through Intentional Ceremonies of Light and Joy. Use this month to celebrate : sing, dance, play music, play, enjoy your food, have great sex.......allow your physical body to be an instrument for the joy and laughter of your Soul. Share this Joy and Laughter with others. If possible, be out of doors, connect with the Devas and the Nature Spirits and the Fairies! Play in the Cosmos, feel the flows of Love and Light, release all fear.......All is Well and as it Should Be!",1]
On the PHYSICAL level, you may feel tired to the point of exhaustion as the energy bodies spin faster in response to the accelerated frequencies of light. You may feel "waves" of energy flowing through your arms and legs, and these feelings may be quite powerful at certain times. You may struggle to sleep at night, and then be very tired during the day, wanting to sleep. So, rest as much as you can. All is Well.On the EMOTIONAL level you may feel like you are living on a roller coaster! Up and then down. You may be irritable and quick to flare up. Or you may be depressed and anxious. You may, at times, feel intense fear and anxiety and be afraid to be alone. You may feel like you are going to die, but remember you are traversing an artificial fear zone created of man-made fears and illusions, so just breathe and release. All is Well.On the MENTAL level, you may feel as if everything is moving too fast, and you may feel mentally exhausted and near burn-out. This is because in western culture the mind is overactive and over stimulated anyway. An increase in light frequency will further stimulate the mind and exacerbate an already out of balance situation. Relax, breathe, allow things to flow at their own speed and don't try to "keep up", you will never be able to. The best response is to "slow down" and just "flow," no resistance, just acceptance. All is Well.On the HEART level you may FEEL everything very intensely. Celebrate. You are reconnecting with the Cosmic Heartbeat and feeling the flow of Divine Creative Energy in every cell. In fact, dearest Lightworkers, the more you can be in your Heart energy, the more easily you will cope with the Galactic flows of Light and Love. For, the Celestial energy flows into your Heart Chakra and then flows through your physical being and into the Crystalline Earth Grids known as the Paradise Matrix.So, in this time of increased luminescence, flow the energy through your body and into the Grids. you can do this through Intentional Ceremonies of Light and Joy. Use this month to celebrate : sing, dance, play music, play, enjoy your food, have great sex.......allow your physical body to be an instrument for the joy and laughter of your Soul. Share this Joy and Laughter with others. If possible, be out of doors, connect with the Devas and the Nature Spirits and the Fairies! Play in the Cosmos, feel the flows of Love and Light, release all fear.......All is Well and as it Should Be!
\n\nThe Galactic Human is the Light Bridge between the Cosmic energies and the Crystalline Grids of planet Earth. The Paradise Matrix that was activated in March of 2005, under the guidance of Venus, is being "set alight" with the passionate love of the Divine Feminine energy, as Venus dances through the Fire sign of Sagittarius in her role as the Creative and Transformational Solar of Fire Goddess!\n\nThe 12:12 Stargate and the Solstice...and other important dates in December 2006\n\nSagittarius, the ninth house representing Higher Consciousness and Spirituality, is the current "home" of the Galactic Center in relation to the Earth. In December, six of the planets will traverse or be situated in Sagittarius, creating the dynamic energy of Transformation and the waves of radiant light as each planet acts as a prism or accelerator for the Cosmic evolutionary Light Codes that flow from the Galactic Center.\n\nThe Sun will be in Sagittarius until the Solstice on the 22nd of December, when it moves into Capricorn, and Venus will be in Sagittarius until the 11th of December.\n\nThe Full Moon will be on the 5th of December, with the Full Moon in Gemini, the Third house. Gemini brings in the Air or mental energy of the "Twins," and allows us to integrate and reconcile and balance complementary aspects within ourselves. Combined with Venus in Sagittarius, this is an optimum moment for Soulmate Unions to be activated or balanced. The energy of the Solar Divine Feminine will be particularly strong at this time. If you do a Full Moon meditation, it would be advisable to include music and dancing to assist in flowing the strong Fire and Air energies. On the 6th of December, Mars enters into Sagittarius as well....the God and Goddess are united in the Ninth House of Higher Consciousness.\n\nOn the 8th of December, the 12:12 Stargate will begin to open, reaching its climax on the 12th. In this brief window of time, the 6th to the 11th of December, Venus and Mars will both be in Sagittarius, creating balance and bringing in the new Light Codes for Soulmate relationships in Higher Consciousness. The 12:12 energy wave will assist to create a wonderful union and integration, and will allow many to begin working towards the realization of Twin Flame Unions on the Earth Plane. This was the possibility that was laid down in the Earth Crystalline Grids during the Venus Transit and when the Paradise Matrix was activated.",1]
The Galactic Human is the Light Bridge between the Cosmic energies and the Crystalline Grids of planet Earth. The Paradise Matrix that was activated in March of 2005, under the guidance of Venus, is being "set alight" with the passionate love of the Divine Feminine energy, as Venus dances through the Fire sign of Sagittarius in her role as the Creative and Transformational Solar of Fire Goddess!The 12:12 Stargate and the Solstice...and other important dates in December 2006Sagittarius, the ninth house representing Higher Consciousness and Spirituality, is the current "home" of the Galactic Center in relation to the Earth. In December, six of the planets will traverse or be situated in Sagittarius, creating the dynamic energy of Transformation and the waves of radiant light as each planet acts as a prism or accelerator for the Cosmic evolutionary Light Codes that flow from the Galactic Center.The Sun will be in Sagittarius until the Solstice on the 22nd of December, when it moves into Capricorn, and Venus will be in Sagittarius until the 11th of December.The Full Moon will be on the 5th of December, with the Full Moon in Gemini, the Third house. Gemini brings in the Air or mental energy of the "Twins," and allows us to integrate and reconcile and balance complementary aspects within ourselves. Combined with Venus in Sagittarius, this is an optimum moment for Soulmate Unions to be activated or balanced. The energy of the Solar Divine Feminine will be particularly strong at this time. If you do a Full Moon meditation, it would be advisable to include music and dancing to assist in flowing the strong Fire and Air energies. On the 6th of December, Mars enters into Sagittarius as well....the God and Goddess are united in the Ninth House of Higher Consciousness.On the 8th of December, the 12:12 Stargate will begin to open, reaching its climax on the 12th. In this brief window of time, the 6th to the 11th of December, Venus and Mars will both be in Sagittarius, creating balance and bringing in the new Light Codes for Soulmate relationships in Higher Consciousness. The 12:12 energy wave will assist to create a wonderful union and integration, and will allow many to begin working towards the realization of Twin Flame Unions on the Earth Plane. This was the possibility that was laid down in the Earth Crystalline Grids during the Venus Transit and when the Paradise Matrix was activated.
\n\nThe 12:12 Stargate will close by the 16th of December, but this will be followed by the Solstice on the 22nd of December. At this time, the Earth will be at a point of complete balance and harmony, situated at that point of rest and change between midsummer and midwinter. Those who have entered into Cosmic and Planetary Consciousnesss will be able to feel and experience this moment of Total Balance and Joy, and within Soulmate Unions there will be a moment of absolute bliss, as the partners who represent the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies allow themselves to unite in complete balance and total Unconditional Love.\n\nOn the 25th of December, the enlightened followers of the Christ path will celebrate the birth of the Planetary Teacher, Yeshua ben Josef, and his Twin Flame, Mariam, also known as Mary Magdalene. May this day that celebrates the entry of the Higher Crystal or Christed consciousness to the Planet and the activation of the Twin Flame energy on Earth, be celebrated with Joy and Unconditional love. \n\nMay it be a celebration of the Divine Christ Light within each Man and Woman on the Planet and a celebration of the Higher Union of the Christed Divine Masculine and Feminine Energies through Christed Human Beings at this time!\n\nPeace, Grace and Love to You All.\n\n� 2006-7 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global \n\nThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. \n\n\nYou are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.",1]
The 12:12 Stargate will close by the 16th of December, but this will be followed by the Solstice on the 22nd of December. At this time, the Earth will be at a point of complete balance and harmony, situated at that point of rest and change between midsummer and midwinter. Those who have entered into Cosmic and Planetary Consciousnesss will be able to feel and experience this moment of Total Balance and Joy, and within Soulmate Unions there will be a moment of absolute bliss, as the partners who represent the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies allow themselves to unite in complete balance and total Unconditional Love.On the 25th of December, the enlightened followers of the Christ path will celebrate the birth of the Planetary Teacher, Yeshua ben Josef, and his Twin Flame, Mariam, also known as Mary Magdalene. May this day that celebrates the entry of the Higher Crystal or Christed consciousness to the Planet and the activation of the Twin Flame energy on Earth, be celebrated with Joy and Unconditional love. May it be a celebration of the Divine Christ Light within each Man and Woman on the Planet and a celebration of the Higher Union of the Christed Divine Masculine and Feminine Energies through Christed Human Beings at this time!Peace, Grace and Love to You All.� 2006-7 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.
\n\n----------------------------------------------------------\n\nHEAVEN #2203\n\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\nThe Set of Your Sails\nDecember 5, 2006\n\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\n\nGod said: \n\nMake life what you want. How simple is that? You read a hundred books in your search for the secret of life. \n\nThe secret of life is to live it. Not to analyze it. Analyzing life isn\'t living it. Giving yourself merits or demerits is not living it. You don\'t need a report card, beloveds. \n\nBeloveds, you are the secret to life. Certainly, you are the secret to your own life. No one else is. Others will hand you notes, and you are to read them. And yet you are the decider of your own life. You are choosing it every minute. \n\nYou are good at holding others accountable for their lives. You even put some in prison. \n\nYou are accountable to your life in the sense that no one else is. You have the power of your own thoughts. When I say accountable, I am not asking you to evaluate your life, as if you must make columns of it the way an accountant accounts. I am suggesting that you move right along. I am suggesting that you let go of powerlessness. I am suggesting you have great power, and too often you spend it in recitals of complaints, those particular to you, or those about the world in general.\n\nThere has been a proneness to point out all that you denounce. If you do not like the way the world is going, revolve yourself differently. If you don\'t like the way your life is turning, then shift your position. Get up, beloveds.\n\nYou have a choice as to how you color the world. You have all the crayons in your arsenal. If you have been coloring the world glum, you can now color it bright. If you have just left your picture of the world black and white, start coloring now. This is your coloring book. No one else\'s. \n\nIn one sense, you are not personally responsible for everything that occurs. In another sense, you are. But the cure is the same. Start coloring. Every act of yours is coloring your life. Every thought. Every perception. These are the building blocks of your life.",1]