Saturday, November 29, 2008

LET YOUR SPIRIT SOAR: The Enhancement Of Your Abilities Is Ocurring Now/ Ashtar's New Year's Message For 2009

The Enhancement of Your Abilities is Occurring Now
Ashtar’s New Year’s Message for 2009

Ashtar: Greetings to you from the invisible worlds. I am Ashtar,
with you for the New Year’s Message.

Sandora: Thank you Ashtar. Welcome!

Ashtar: Thank you very much and I hope you enjoyed the
preliminaries. (It was wonderful!!) We brought on your family and
your gang in Spirit, Sandora, we brought your friends and family
through DeAnna and we brought Ariana’s father, mother and many, many
others that weren’t mentioned plus all the animals from your dad’s
zoo, so I thought I’d better hitch a wagon myself (burst of laughter!)
and I arrived behind a four-horse hitch of palomino horses. (Wow!!)
Real joy and real fun, to lighten you up in a world that has, indeed
become very, very serious. It is time for lightening up.

There is much occurring in the world of negativity and of desperation
at this time. It is well to understand and put some thought into ways
that you can rise above the news articles, Internet blogs and so on.
There are many, many enlightening stories as well and even though yes,
times are tightening, it is a necessity for those of the Light to put
thought into rising above those things. Most definitely stay neutral
and remain balanced.

Keep An Eye On The Skies!

Now I come to you in order to assist you in your preparations for the
year, 2009. It is coming up. First let me say to keep an eye on the
skies because we are definitely within your sight often. It is a joy
for us and it is a joy for you when you see and understand that you
are seeing an Ashtar Command or a Pleiadian ship or a ship from
Archturus and the time will come when you will be able to tell which
is which because we will be very familiar in your skies. It has just
been proven that when people look up with intention they see many more
things. You had a prediction by a dedicated channel who predicted a
large Lightship would be visible over the United States on October 14,
2008. Of course that happened but it wasn’t physical enough for most
of you to see. The thing that did happen was that many of you looked
up and when you did that, you saw what goes on in the skies. There’s
a lot of activity. There is a lot of presence from other worlds. Our
mission is to help.

Systems Are Crumbling

Now that you are coming into the wintertime of 2008 to 2009, you
realize that many of your systems are beginning to crumble and I mean
your large systems such as the medical system, education, economics
and government. We did predict these things would occur many years
ago. How many times have you said in the past, “This has got to
change,” but did you realize how traumatic that change would be? Yes,
most definitely trauma comes with change but it is just a matter of
living through a few months or years until the change has occurred and
then you will be on the other side, right where you wanted to be.
While all of the hubbub of the change is going on you, as
Lightworkers, need to stay balanced and centered, to not pick sides,
to not need to have everything the same as it was but to go with the
flow, as we mentioned in the last year’s New Year’s Message.

Just remember that no matter what is happening that you are heading
towards something very much better. It is never easy to go through
changing times. We understand that.

Endeavor to keep your own world together, in Light and in love, with
your own relationships intact and with your own ways of creating joy
and happiness so that you can provide yourself as an example to others.

Ashtar Talks Compassionately to Those Who Are in Trauma

I must now talk to those of you who have been through extreme trauma
during these changes because so many of you have had this experience
whereby you have lost your home, whereby you have lost your money or
you have lost the people in your life that matter. I want to say to
you that we, in invisible realms, are with you with huge amounts of
compassion. We are surrounding you and endeavoring to make life
easier for you. We are sending you messages that could help. If you
are one of those people who really do not know which way to turn, I
would ask you to please, please tune in with us and we will help. How
do you do that? You need to have a quiet mind. That’s all you need
is a quiet mind. You can achieve it through meditation but you can
also achieve it in parts of your days when you are alone, perhaps on
walks, perhaps when you are doing dishes or having your bath or just
before bed. If you would tune in with us, you don’t need to have a
name, just say “guides of mine” or “I’d like to tune into my guides”.
Just know that we will hear you. Yes, it’s like prayer.

With prayer you ask for what you need. You talk to God. We are the
messengers of God so basically we are the ones you get when you pray.
It does not matter what your religion is and it does not matter how
you tune in but just remember that you do have guardian angels, you do
have personal guides and you have master teachers that are accessible
to your thoughts immediately that you think of them.

A Special Message to People Who Have Lost Their Homes

Now there are some of you who have lost your homes, many of you
actually, because of the economic crisis that you are still within or
because of weather events or fire. To all of you I would want to tell
you that home is where your heart is. Please, dear ones, be of love
and be kind to those in similar situations. Gather together because
this, in a way, is pushing you into community and I guess you might
say that is the point of the whole thing. Community is the support of
one another. It is very, very highly important and it is the thing to
do at this time. If you feel alone, look for somebody else in the
same situation that you are in and you will immediately find a buddy –
somebody to talk to and somebody to help figure things out.

Remember that when you go into Spirit and when you go with the Earth
into the finer dimensions that you will not have the Third Dimensional
amenities that you have now. You are changing from Third Dimension,
where you need to have food, shelter, warmth and water into an area of
the Universe that doesn’t need those things and you’re going there
fairly soon. This is a huge change! That’s what you’re feeling now.
You are feeling the effects of this change.

Loss of Your Job Pushes You Into The Use Of Your Enhanced Abilities

I’d like to talk to those of you who have lost jobs lately and what a
trauma that can be! We totally understand. This is pushing you into
responsibility, the responsibility of supporting yourself and your
loved ones in different ways. This is pushing you into learning how
to manifest what you need in your life. This is pushing you into
using your mind because anything that you want or need that you can
visualize or think about, you can have. You are at that point in your
evolution and in your changes that it might take a few days; it might
take a few weeks but the changes you need to have will manifest for
you. This is also again about working with your guides, so what I
said above about meditation and treasuring your quiet time also
applies to you. The energies are now heightened and you will be able,
if you keep your presence of mind, to manifest that which you need.
Of course it will be on the Third Dimensional level. Keep your mind
of love when you ask for what you need, with a pure heart. The
Universe will open itself for you. The love of all of your guides and
teachers will work miracles to help you. It is in times of
desperation that we are most effective, so call upon us.

Alternative Healing Practitioners are Teachers

For you Lightworkers who are into assisting people with alternative
healing, I would like to mention a few things to you at this time.
Your role on the planet is very important. It is tremendously
important because, with the medical system changing and with people’s
awareness becoming more and more fine-tuned, they realize they are
responsible for their own lives and their own health. You are there
to support people in these new ideas. Yes, these ideas are rather
new. In past times, people often figured it was the doctor’s
responsibility to keep them healthy. In these changing times, it is
your responsibility to keep yourself healthy and please find ways to
do that. Here again, your mind comes into play. Affirmations,
positive mental attitude, pure food and water, exercise, sleep: all
of those are your responsibility and they will help.

You are going into a period of time when your body needs to be strong
enough to accept the raised vibrations so keep that in mind when you
eat and when you are looking after your personal needs. For the
practitioners, know that it’s all up from here. It’s all natural from
here. It’s all healing with hands, touch and mind. This is what
you’re going into. It’s the way of the future. In the far distant
future, it will be up to you to do it all yourself but the way now is
that practitioners assist. There are many, many modalities, many ways
of keeping your body in balance. There are many ways of teaching and
showing people what to do. You, who are practitioners, are teachers
and please accept that as part of your job description. It is
important that people learn how to be responsible for their own lives.

A Message For All The Teachers of Children

Here, I have a big smile on my face because I feel the beautiful love
energy that is coming to your planet through children. Children of
love, children from high vibration are coming now and have been coming
for many years. Those who are called “Crystal Children” by some of
you are now up to ten or twelve years of age and they come to show you
the way of peace, the way of gentle life, the ways of love. Those who
are a little bit older were maybe hard to manage for you teachers.
They were kind of rowdy and out to change the world in their own way
but they did show many of you that change is necessary.

So, dear teachers and principals, professors and everybody else in
the education system, know that we are monitoring the situation very
closely as to the joy level of the children who are coming through the
mothers of the planet, for these children come with their joy intact
and it is the responsibility of the teachers and the parents to keep
that joy flowing through them. In return, they will show you a
different way.

Ashtar Speaks to the Parents of the Children

Thank you for bringing them through. Thank you for being adult
enough to take on the responsibility of being parents, for you are a
large part of the change. These children have been very special
especially in the last thirty to forty years. They have come as part
of the changes and everything is happening in Divine Order as those of
joy and peace are now coming in every part of the planet.

We want you, as parents, to know that your children each have a
guardian angel and other guides to help them in spiritual ways. We
would like to tell you that they will remain innocent, receptive to
Spirit and exuberant with energy to burn if those qualities are not
stressed out of them by life. Please endeavor to allow their joy and
their personalities to develop naturally and Spirit will work wonders
through them and indeed, help you to understand the times in which you
are living.

As parents, I would imagine that you live reasonably close to your
neighbors. It has been rather traditional during the past fifty years
or so for people in cities to not bother the neighbors too much. I
want to put the seed into your mind to change that. I would like for
you to get to know your neighbors better, to bring a sense of
community to your area, perhaps through block parties, perhaps through
garage sales or children’s’ sports. Do what you can to know who you
live near and to be able to call on them at any time. This is an
imperative suggestion for your times. Understand that there may be
situations when you will need to give a stranger a bed or a family a
meal. At those times, please be there for them and treat them as you
would treat your own dear ones.

Changes Are Happening Now In the Medical Professions

I would like to speak with the people in the medical professions that
are practicing on the planet in more traditional ways such as medical
schools, hospitals, medical offices and clinics. There are the
doctors, the nurses and people in related professions. I know that
you are noticing that things are changing and this is so. You have,
alongside of you, an alternative health care system that has grown up
to include chiropractors, people who do massages, reflexology, Reiki
and very many kinds of assistance to the body that seem foreign. You
have noticed also in your own lives as doctors and nurses that people
are asking for more natural ways for them to stay healthy. They are
thinking a lot about preventive medicine.

Understand that the alternative types of practitioners do not want to
take your job away from you. They are only supplementing what it is
that you do when somebody is very ill or needing surgery. That will
not change. You have a role, a very important role. My goal for you
is to work along with those practitioners so that areas of medicine
that could be done in other ways and in other areas could be changed.
Allow some change in your ways of doing things and your lives. For
example, one of Sandora’s suggestions from several years ago was to
have the expectant mothers in a different facility than a hospital,
where they can have their babies in love, joy, peace and harmony, in a
safe place where no people are sick or contagious.

Work in peace and harmony. Know that your patients are depending
upon you. Know that they look up to you. Know that they want some
down-to-earth practical suggestions and they want you to smile. They
will give you one right back.

Natural Laws Are Coming to the Legal System *

I would like to speak now to those in the police forces, judges,
lawyers, prison system employees and similar organizations that uphold
the laws of the land. Despite the fact that the legal systems in most
countries on Earth are meant to assist in keeping law and order on
your planet, they have failed miserably to do so in any long-lasting,
effective way, especially in Third World countries. This system
causes more violence than love. There are kind and humanitarian
methods of dealing with skirmishes, misunderstandings, misdemeanors
and felonies. They have been practiced for years by the native people
in various lands. Many prison systems promote violence just by the
way they are managed and the attitude of the authorities, which
trickles down into the attitude of the employees. We want to show you
more humanitarian ways of treatment that are effective and that
rehabilitate the inmate rather than causing him/her to rebel and
retaliate. This is a huge subject and there are no simple answers,
especially since each country has their own laws, courts and rules.
Some of you are approaching the more cosmic attitude, which is to
settle the karma and once the karma is settled, there will be peace in
the situation.

Revelations Are Coming Forth About the True History of Religion *

Sananda has explained his views about changes to strive for in the
religions of the world and he is pleased that movies and books are
questioning the traditions and teachings that are based upon issues
from the past. As time goes along, the true history of religion and
of your entire planet is being revealed and we are looking forward to
the time when all of the conspiracies of the past have been brought to
light. It goes without saying that the feeling of community that is
generated through Sunday morning church services is a wonderful
enhancement to a person’s existence and also that a sense of belonging
to a respected organization can bring comfort to one’s soul. Nowadays
people are realizing they do not need an intermediary in order to pray
to God and they know that they can personally ask for assistance from
their guardian angels, guides and master teachers. Dear ones, there
is much to be revealed, starting with the largest religious
organization in the world.

Governments Of The Future Will Be Based Upon Intergalactic Models *

Major reform will take place in most of the governing bodies in the
Earth’s countries. That includes the laws, the systems of taxation,
the monetary systems and the means of selecting leaders. A government
for the people, by the people, can be achieved and will be achieved
all the way from Earth to interplanetary worlds. Once the dark cabal
is out of control, you will see that there are honest, competent and
trustworthy candidates stepping up for the top jobs. When people in
government realize and know that the intergalactic system of
government is based upon love, they will comply and emulate that
system. The needs of the people will be met with grace and
understanding. As above/so below will become a reality. The foremost
criteria will be to make sure every citizen of the world lives in
safety, comfort and joy so each one of them will be able to pass along
their love through personal service, along the lines of their interests.

Very Intense System Changes Are Coming in the Next Three or Four Years

Now back to the Lightworkers again, dear ones, I guess I got on my
soapbox there, just a little bit. There are going to be some very
intense changes in the next three or four years and people of all
professions need to prepare themselves through knowledge and through

I am Ashtar. I am sending you love at this time. More will come on
this New Year’s Message. This channel has a rather gravelly throat
and we are going to finish for today. We will continue at another
time. Thank you so much Sandora and DeAnna. Before we close, I would
like to ask if either one of you have any comments.

Sandora: That was wonderful Ashtar; this was superb information that
will be very useful. Thank you.

DeAnna: I just want to say thank you. The New Year’s Message always
has information we can use in our daily lives that will keep us aware.
Thank you for the guide show at the beginning. It was wonderful and
that confirmation and feeling of love just lifts you up and carries
you for weeks, even though we know our guides are always here. I’m
very grateful. Thank you.

Sandora: I’ve sometimes wondered when we go into the finer
dimensions, into the Fifth Dimension, how we won’t need the
necessities of life that we require in the Third dimensional world.
Will our possessions be left behind for others to use?

Ashtar: Oh yes, just the very same as when you make a transition
into the Fourth Dimension through death. You can definitely leave
your things to others. Make out your will.

Sandora: I feel good knowing that. It has come to my mind many times.

Thank you gals. It has been a wonderful afternoon. This is Ashtar
over and out for today.

New Year’s Message Addendum


Treasured Lights, I am Ashtar with you now.

There is a lot occurring in the Heaven Worlds! You know that and
definitely the UFO idea that we are trying to put through to people on
the planet is catching on. In actual fact, we wouldn’t normally come
in small space ships to your planet but we are doing it right now and
we are doing it in waves so that people can get used to seeing
something that’s really strange and different in the sky. We want to
welcome you to the Federation of Galactic States.** There is a high
form of government that is compassionate that includes the galactic
area that you live in, which is the Milky Way Galaxy. Our desire and
our dream is to have Earth as a conscious member so that your
planetary people, even those in Third World countries, know that they
are part of a galactic force that is wonderful and loving.

My dear ones, there is much happening in the world. Know that we are
working very hard to bring a change of government and of economic
systems to each and every country on your planet. You would wonder
why we are making this big change just before you go into the Fifth
Dimension. It is, dear ones, so that peace can reign. You all have
lived your lives knowing that there was war with deaths and injuries
from combat in harmful areas on your planet. You grew up with that
and it is not normal. The normal way of life is to live in peace,
love and joy and to be neighborly with the country next to you and the
country across the ocean.

We want to bring the planet’s energies right up to love so that it is
the first thing you think of in the morning and the last thing you
think of at night before you go to bed the love of the Universe, your
guides, your teachers, those who went before you and those who are
your neighbors. When we get your love quotient up high enough you
will just naturally go with Mother Earth into the Fifth Dimension. So
there are radical things we have to do before that time comes. We
need to settle the duality of the planet, settle the karma of the
planet and introduce new ideas to all your world’s people. It is a
big endeavor that we have been working on for many, many years. The
results are coming to fruition.

Dear ones, you have been told again and again that your vibrations
are raising and that you are striving towards interdimensional living.
One of the benefits of this is a sharpening of your psychic
abilities. If there is anything whatsoever that interests you along
the lines of healing yourself and others, manifestation of things you
want or need or using psychic methods to have your questions answered,
you will find that with practice, with affirmations and with a
positive mental attitude you will be able to achieve your heart’s desire.

I am excited to tell you that I am very close to your planet at all
times and not in my space ship (with a giggle) but simply within the
thoughts and minds of people like you.

I am Ashtar, sending love to each and every one of you, my dear family.

Spoken through Ariana Sheran
October 18, 2008 – Tape #1022A
October 25, 2008 – Tape #1028B

Cloverleaf Connection
138 Sturgeon Drive
Saskatoon, SK Canada S7K 4B3
Web Site:
E-mail: info@...

PRESENT: October 18, 2008: Ariana, DeAnna, Sandora
PRESENT: October 25, 2008: Ariana, Dora, Jerrick, Questor, Sharon



* The systems of law, religion and government were channeled after
the main tape was recorded, as well as the addendum, which came on
another tape.

** Federation of Galactic States were Ashtar’s words. In researching
similar titles I found the Intergalactic Confederation, Universal
Federation and Galactic Federation. Does anybody have updated
information about these titles or any glossary explanations that we
could pass along?

DEFRAGMENTING – The Process of Becoming Whole

DEFRAGMENTING – The Process of Becoming Whole
by Dawn Fleming

In October I went through an uncomfortable week of body aches,
headaches, sinus pressure, and low energy, topped with some light
anxiety. Since I tend to be a very centered and peaceful person, I
attributed the anxiety to helping the planet to transmute the
collective fear on the planet with regard to the financial world as we
watched the stock market dive. The body aches and other sensations
were unexplainable. Each day I would get up and experience a new set
of aches.

While in meditation on the morning of the seventh day, I felt really
good. There was no sinus pressure, no headache and my body felt as if
it were ready to go! As I laid in meditation I saw energy lines
swirling together harmoniously. There were beautiful pearl like energy
bubbles flowing all around my field. My guides explained to me that
what had taken place over that week was what we might call a
defragmentation of my entire field and that many other Lightworkers
were experiencing the same thing. So I sat with this for a few days
exploring the meaning that this held for me and this I will share with

According to Defragmentation is the process of
locating the noncontiguous fragments of data into which a computer
file may be divided as it is stored on a hard disk, and rearranging
the fragments and restoring them into fewer fragments or into the
whole file. Defragmentation reduces data access time and allows
storage to be used more efficiently. Some operating systems
automatically defragments storage periodically; others require that
the user occasionally use a special utility for this purpose.

As we can see that this definition relates to computers; however, it
relates to us as humans. For me the defragmentation was the removal of
energy that was not supporting my path to wholeness and for ascending
to higher levels. Defragmenting was dissolving the energy of those
things that were worthless or unimportant aspects that I was holding
onto. It then rearranged the energy to empower and to support
wholeness (rearranging the fragments and restoring them into fewer
fragments or into the whole file). Thus my whole life runs more
efficiently and aligned with my True – my I AM nature.

After that meditation I could feel a big difference within my being. I
took some to reflect on how I could further this work my looking at
areas of my outer and inner life that I could consciously defragment
myself, especially in times where every outer message entering my
field was one of fear, lack, and lose, i.e. the financial meltdown
along with the political rhetoric. As I looked at each issue, I sat
with each one and held it in a field of light. With each negative
belief, I asked myself “Why am I choosing to hold this? and What is my
truth?” And then I held the issue in the radiant field of Light of
this truth – that I AM One with the Creator. I AM supported by
Creator’s Love and Abundance. I AM the peace that passes understanding.

By standing and working with my Truth, I could feel my whole beingness
embraced in this higher understanding. This process, whether it is
spirit led or you consciously choosing to run your own defragmentation
program, realigns you and lifts you into a place where we are not
bumped, fearful, and impacted by the material world. We can be in the
world but not of it. We can bring our I AM Light into any situation
and support healing and wholeness for the planet. Every time that we
align our internal hard drives (belief system) with Truth, we spin out
those energies that do not support and we strengthen our capacity to
serve and to ascend.

With regard to the financial markets, elections any other issues that
are up for you, remember the energy that you put out about these will
come back to you. These events show each of us what within us still
needs to be healed. It provides us the opportunity to see what keeps
us from experiencing God’s grace and gives us a chance to make the
appropriate changes. Prayer, meditation and embracing the process of
releasing the negative thought patterns will bring you into a field of
peace. We have the innate ability to defragment our field – to release
the patterns of beliefs and the destructive energies that they create
in our field. Although energy work and counseling can assist the
process, it is each person’s responsibility to fully participate in
this journey back to wholeness.

As we move into the holidays and into the new year, I wish you peace
on all levels and may God’s love be your experience! Blessings on your
ascension journey!



Prayer for the New Year

Transform my fear into peace.
Cultivate total peace within me.
Transform my resentment and anger into love.
Embrace me in so much love that I become a loving presence.
Transform the way that I see.
Open my eyes to your Light in all Life on our planet.
It is done!
All from Love, With Love for All

The 7 Jehovian Seals.

The 7 Jehovian Seals.

The 7 Jehovian Seals were placed in the earth¢s Planetary Shield about 200,000 years ago.

They were placed around the same time as the 12 Star Crystal Seals.
The Star Crystal Seals were placed in preparation for the earth¢ s ascension in this time period.
The Jehovian seals were placed to interfere with this process. They ride on the frequency being brought in by releasing the Star Crystal Seals and start distorting these higher frequencies.
Six of the Jehovian Seals have been activated at this time.

The 12 Star Crystal Seals are connected to the 12 Universal Stargate portals and once all of them are activated, they will allow for the axiatonal lines in the Earth¢s Grid to be activated and a merkabah will be built for the earth.

When a Star Crystal Seal and Star Gate portal connect it will allow for higher frequencies to be released into the earth¢s dimension. It allows for a blending within the earth¢s dimensions and connecting above with below.

The distortion created by the Jehovian Seals has damaged out Earth¢s Planetary Shield.
This shield resides on the outer limits of our universe.
At this point in time the shield has been significantly damaged and a new shield has been brought into place just inside of earth¢s planetary shield but it is not activated yet.

Once all 12 portals are opened it will allow for this shield to be activated.

Six of the Jehovian Seals have been activated in the earth¢s planetary shield and in our own physical body since we are connected to the energy of the earth¢s planetary shield.

In the times before the fall, some 200.000 years ago, humans were not dying, they would simply ascend from the density on earth and leave through the Universal Star Gate Portals.
In those days there were 12 angelic human tribes appointed to carry the original Planetary Templar complex.
These Human Angelic Tribes were the guardians of this Planetary Templar complex.
Each tribe was holding one-twelfth of the Emerald Covenant, and each tribe was divided into 12 groups each holding one-twelfth of the one twelfth of the Emerald Covenant.

The Emerald Covenant held the original divine blue print for earth¢s ascension and our ascension. It has the ability to complete all activations that are needed to ascend the earth and the human that choose to ascend with the earth.

For over 11,000 years humans and illuminati were denied the truth and the history of all this.
They have been destroying each other on behalf of the fallen races outside of our universe.

The Sacred teachings of the 12 tribes are hidden among all religions.

So the 12 Star Crystal Seals open us up to a higher frequency, the Jehovian seals are distorting this frequency. Since we have 7 Jehovian seals inside the human body, we are not able to fully integrate the higher frequencies and what we integrate is distorted and out of balance.

The distortion of the frequencies also had its affect on the Planetary Shieldd and created holes that unbalance the energies even more influencing our weather and the tectonic plates of the earth.

The Illuminati have chosen to work with the Zetas instead of the Emerald Covenant nations preventing us from knowing about this and preventing us from doing repairs here from the earth itself.
The Emerald Covenant Nations have been sending in energies that can assist us in balancing the distortions and these energies are being anchored on earth.
The opening of the Star Gate Portals allows for more energies to be sent in at this time.
The Zetas represent several groups that are there only for the sole purpose of controlling the earth and use it for their purposes.

Six of these Jehovian Seals have been activated and are influencing every human being on earth at this time. They prevent us from completely activating our DNA and restore our original Divine Blueprint in the physicals and spiritual bodies.
They will allow for just enough activation to make you feel like you are making progress, but they will prevent full activation.
Since the opening of the Star Gates and the securing of these gates we have been able to receive more energies that are stabilizing the energies in our dimensions.
This allows for a different approach in removing the J-seals ( Jehovian seals) at this time.

We are ahead of schedule so the knowledge on releasing these J-seals in a different and faster way has been given to us. This knowledge is protected under the Seal of Isis, as to not have interference while removing these J-seals from humans at this time.

As you might understand, we cannot remove the J-seals from the earth as we cannot interfere with the process of releasing the Star Crystal Seals, the Jehovian seals are energetically connected to activate when a Star Crystal Seal is released. We can however prevent these seals from affecting us as humans in our ascension process.

The removal of the J-Seals is very delicate and requires more then just removal.
We will be able to explain more about this once all J-seals have been removed.

Once enough humans are without J- Seals, we will be able to start repairing the earth¢s Planetary Shield at this time so we will be able to stabilize the energy in our dimensions which will allow for a more balanced and peaceful road toward the ascension of the earth.
We will also be able to make sure the opening of the 7th J-seal, which is scheduled for 2012, will be having no effect on the earth¢s ascension.


ELOHEIM: Energies Of December 2008

Wow! Eloheim was ON FIRE and ready to go about three hours before the
meeting started. By the time the meeting began they were bursting at
the seams. This meeting was very powerful. In it, they focus on: The
Energies of Thanksgiving, The Energies of the Holidays, The Energies
of December 2008, and The Energies of the year 2009. The entire
meeting was 85 minutes.

There is SO MUCH in this introductory talk that I can't even begin to
find specific sections to quote! It starts off big and gets faster
and faster! I can't imagine trying to shorten this material so I am
going to provide two clips to cover the 17 minutes of information.

These clips contain the unedited beginning of the meeting and includes
their discussion of the energies for the remainder of 2008. The
meeting begins with Barbara playing her didgeridoo and Richard playing
his crystal bowl.

To view the clips, please visit:

REMINDER: We will no longer hold meetings on the first Tuesday of
each month. We continue our meetings in Sonoma every Wednesday night,
but will skip Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. We will hold a meeting
in Martinez on January 11, 2009. For more information, please email

Non-commercial sharing of this message is encouraged. Please include
the entire message with this paragraph. From more Eloheim information
please visit Creative Commons
License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 License.

Message from Archangel Michael

Message from Archangel Michael
December 2008 * LM-12-2008

Transmitted Through Ronna Herman

Beloved masters, there has been a plethora of predictions and theories
about the future of humanity and the Earth. Some of these predictions
have a strong possibility of occurring while others definitely will
not happen. Throughout the many ages, humanity has had an integral
part to play in creating the collective consciousness belief
structure, whereby great dramas, both positive and negative, would be
played out in different countries, between races and cultures, as well
as individually. True, each age has been affected by an overLighting
pre-ordained theme which was appropriate for the time. There were
challenges and opportunities during each era that affected every
living Being on Earth and each decision, whether beneficial or
detrimental, affected the whole. However, nothing or no one can alter
the universal Divine plan except our Father/Mother God. Cycles upon
cycles, personal, planetary, galactic, universal and omniversal cycles
are coming to a completion, and it is as if all Creation is lining up
with the heart core of the Supreme Creator.

To further your understanding with regard to these accelerated times
of change, we will outline for you some of the scenarios that will not
occur in your future, and give you some insight into some of the
changes that are taking place and will occur in the near future. By
doing so, hopefully, we can alleviate some of the unrest and fear that
is rampant on Earth at this time.

There will not be a ‘Galactic rescue team’ who will come to the Earth
in great Light ships and lift the righteous souls off the Earth into
the heavenly realms. Each of you has participated, to one degree or
another, in creating the out-of-balance, dense, restrictive world you
now live in, and each of you must actively take part in the rescue
mission by first rescuing yourselves, and then by assisting in the
process of returning the planet Earth to a healthy state of Being, and
also by eradicating the negative mass consciousness belief patterns of
the past.

How do you accomplish such a monumental task? First of all, by
focusing on your own transformation process of returning to balance
and harmony within the accepted spectrum of Light and shadow so that,
henceforth, you will be radiating uplifting, positive thought patterns
instead of negative, detrimental energy. A critical component for
becoming a Self-master, in order to create a better world for yourself
and others, is to focus on and accomplish the opening of the portal to
your Sacred Heart, thereby allowing the God Particles of Living Light
to flow into and through your physical vessel. You are to take what
you require for personal use, and allow the remainder to flow down
into the Earth and outward into the crystalline grid system around the
Earth. It would also be a benevolent act of great benefit if you were
to allot a portion of the God Particles that you draw forth to the
World Pyramid in the higher fifth dimension to be used for the
greatest good of humanity, the Earth and all Creation.

You, the Light Sentinels, are performing a wonderful service for
humanity and the Earth by becoming purified vessels for the Adamantine
Particles of Creator Light, and by sharing these God Particles with
the Earth and humanity. You, as Light Warriors, are making a
difference as you faithfully stay the course and rise above the
maelstrom of fear and negativity that is rampant on Earth at this
time. The desperation and fear are growing stronger by the hour as the
penetrating refined Light of change collides with those structures
built on the quicksand of greed, created by those with a desire to
dominate and control others.

It is also having a profound effect on those who are steeped in the
illusion of the third/fourth dimensions and who are resistant to
change. The vibrational patterns of refinement and expansion will not
be denied, and as the pressure for change grows stronger, those in
resistance and denial will cry out for assistance. However, there can
be no rescue for these dear souls until they relinquish their selfish
mind-set and begin the process of self-transformation.

As all of you are aware, it is a time when those who have actively
sought love, happiness and self-satisfaction outside themselves, are
seeing their material possessions disappear or become great burdens. A
great multitude of souls born in the most recent generations have
never suffered deprivation or poverty, and immediate
self-gratification has become the norm. Both personal and generational
karma, or cause and effect repercussions due to irresponsible actions,
are now being experienced among a vast majority of souls at this time.
These conditions will worsen over the next few years, and many dear
souls will chose to transcend and continue their journey in another
third/fourth-dimensional world, for they are not ready or willing to
make the necessary changes it would require to return to balance and
harmony both within their inner and outer worlds.

Blessed are those of you who have aligned your will with that of our
Father/Mother God for the greatest good of all. The God power within
must be activated by loving intention or it will remain static,
inactive and non-responsive. The universal laws are immutable;
however, when you align with your godly Self, the riches within the
cosmic storehouse are available in a never-ending supply.

The Earth will not be destroyed through either manmade or natural
forces. It is true that the cleansing of the Earth will continue and
will accelerate in frequency and strength in various places around the
globe. However, those of you who have diligently striven to attain
Self-mastery are much more powerful than any of you realize. You, the
Starseed, who have gained the capability of tapping into the
higher-dimensional frequencies of Light, and have perfected the sacred
breathing and the conscious cocreation techniques are truly making a
difference. Each of you is more powerful than 100,000 souls who are
still functioning within the negative third/fourth-dimensional
environment and only have access to the half-strength primal life
force substance. However, we will state that there is a high
probability that within twenty years of your time, many of the low
coastal areas around the world will be abandoned, for it will become
apparent that it is not feasible or prudent to continue to battle the
elements and try to dominate the land, regardless of how many levies
or artificial barriers are created. It is time to accept the fact that
humanity and the Earth are in the midst of monumental change, and the
only way to tame the elemental forces of nature is to acknowledge the
great Devic kingdom once more, and to strive to work with them to
lesson the catastrophic events that are happening more and more often
during these times of cleansing and restructuring of the Earth. All of
you must bear some of the blame for the sad state the Earth is
presently in, and it behooves all of you to do whatever you can to
help return your home planet to its pristine beauty.

Many of you are feeling a strong impulse to move to another,
supposedly, safer place. Know, dear hearts, that you take your safety,
or your cataclysms, with you. Never forget, those of you who are in
harmony with the ever-changing vibrational patterns of ascension will
always be safe and in the right place at the right time, if you will
stay centered within your Sacred Heart, and allow the Divine Particles
of Life/Light to flow through you, infusing the Crystalline Grid
system with the refined frequencies of Light, thereby creating safe,
sacred places around the Earth and around each of you, as well.The
world will not end in December, 2012. However, the world as you know
it is changing rapidly, day-by-day and by the time 2012 arrives, you
will be living in a vastly different world. The chasms between the
Light and shadowlands will be more pronounced, and the refined Cities
of Light will begin to take form in various sacred places around the
world. These sacred cities will be built in the areas where the
crystalline grids and ley lines intersect, and where the pulsations of
Creator Light are the strongest, and will draw to them those who
resonate to, and are in harmony with the refined vibrational patterns
of a particular City of Light. Those who are still functioning within
the lower imbalanced frequencies will not be comfortable in these
higher-dimensional oases. They may visit briefly, but they will not

The cleansing of the Earth will continue, but by that time, it will be
very apparent where most of the places of safety are and where there
is more cleansing needed. There will still be localized wars and
infighting; however, many of the countries in the world will be
focused on their own people and internal affairs, and how to maintain
a semblance of order during the radical changes that will be taking
place. It is time when each nation, just as each person, should seek
to clean up their own miscreations before pointing a finger at others
in an effort to divert attention from their own inadequacies and failures.

The time is upon you when you must look to the intention and the
integrity of your leaders. It is a time to deny leadership to those
who say "Believe what I say, and pay no attention to what I do." It is
time to demand accountability and honesty of those you choose to
govern in any capacity. You will not gain responsible, enlightened,
benevolent leaders until you demand it and stop allowing yourselves to
be swayed by false promises to ‘save you’ and make your world a better
place. Again, beloveds, you are your own saviors, and until each of
you begins to take responsibility for your own creations and
miscreations, you will continue to be dominated by those whose main
priorities are their own self interests.

Beloved ones, you, the Star Seed, are the Guiding Lights for those who
are attempting to shed the fear and the shackles of the
third/fourth-dimensional illusion. Before you incarnated on Earth for
this pivotal lifetime, you stepped to the fore and agreed to be among
the vanguard, and to become shining examples for others to follow.
Within, you have all the wisdom you will need to fulfill your mission.
As doubts arise, remember, all of your experiences from the past,
whether they were successful or seemingly failures, have given you a
wealth of experience to draw upon. We are endeavoring to help you
remember your magnificence, and to know that what we ask of you, you
have accomplished many times before. We ask you to go into your
Pyramid of Light in the fifth dimension, and sit in the energy of your
Higher Self. What is your passion? What are the deepest yearnings of
your heart? Spirit is whispering to you, and if you answer the call,
magnificent vistas and opportunities beyond your imagining will
emerge, and we will be there to guide and inspire you, as always.

Many of you are experiencing a Divine discontent, as well as many life
changes at this time. Things that used to bring you pleasure no longer
satisfy, and you may have lost any common interest with many of your
friends. That is because your Soul-self is nudging you to move
forward, to expand your vision and take control of your destiny. You
and your enlightened soul brothers and sisters are the builders of the

You are being offered a wonderful opportunity to access the wisdom of
your Higher Self. Through our teachings, we are giving you all the
information you will need to begin to access the wisdom of galactic
consciousness and even beyond, and as you learn to build and use your
Pyramid of Power/Light in the fifth dimension, you will quickly tap
into the galactic Infinity gateway where all the riches of the
universe will be made available to you.. It is your Divine birthright
to live in abundance and prosperity, you have just forgotten. First,
you must realize you are worthy and then as you practice and learn the
necessary skills, those things that you desire in your life will begin
to manifest.

Remember, abundance comes in many forms, so seek an abundance of love,
joy, good health and vitality, as well as all the material things you
require to live a full and comfortable life. As you begin to create
miracle after miracle, those around you will want to know what you are
doing. That is when you should share the techniques, beliefs and
wisdom you have claimed as your own. That is when you will become a
true Self-master. First you will teach by example and through your
actions, and finally through words. Focus on what is right in your
world, and look for the best in those around you, for that is what you
will reinforce. You can change the world around you, one thought at a
time. Remember, you have refined Light-packets of wisdom stored within
your Sacred Mind. Tap into that wisdom and share with your brothers
and sisters on the path. There are many ways to serve and being an
example for others is one of the most effective ways. Create beauty,
peace and harmony in your life, and others will take notice and want
to learn your secret. You, the Star Seed, are the forerunners and
architects of the new Earth. You are needed, beloved ones.

We radiate the eternal love of our Father/Mother God to each of you.
We, the angelic host, are your guardians and protectors. Call on us,
we will answer.

I AM Archangel Michael

Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I
claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of
Archangel Michael.

Higher Light Transmissions

Higher Light Transmissions

Manifesting New!

November 29, 2008

More than ever before you each have an opportunity to make extreme
progress as far as developing your light body and moving to higher
frequencies. So much astral debris has been removed from your
environment and thus assisting to emptying your self of confusion and
the wills of others.

The past 11:11 portal pushed the whole world in to a new area which
brings in new adjustments for all that is of earth, on earth and
within earth. These adjustments help to move even more astral debris
and mis-creations out in to the atmosphere where they are then
recycled as is all energy. This being the state of the material world
and with this infusion of new, each of you has opportunities to be
very creative and change the world you live within. This recycled
energy is becoming form as your new ideas, new systems, new ways of
working, new relationships, and so many new creations.

For as the Earth clears out old outmoded forms and releases the energy
of those creations in to the atmosphere, there is then an abundance of
pure atoms and the very building blocks of all matter. This is an
excellent opportunity to begin some creations in earnest.

Dreams manifest

Dreams about new forms of social systems, perhaps new ways to school
the youth are ripe for creation. With the larger shifts in to 5D
consciousness, there are needs of many going unanswered for the ones
holding the ideas are not feeling supported to implement them. Yet the
way that manifestation works in the higher realms is such that it
calls for a complete adjustment in subtle ways.

First one must be willing to go beyond the old established pathways to
abundance. That is to think that it can only be accomplished through
bank loans. When an idea is of substantial substance and would be a
great support to the many, it collects its parts through the etheric.
As like attracts like the creators of such programs would plan many
parts of the whole to create that magnetic effect. Each part that is
envisioned is blueprinted in the etheric and collects the substances
needed to form it in the material substances.

It is best to work in groups on such projects, and creations for the
minds and hearts of many are needed to move these creations in to
manifest forms. As each person contributes their ideas, parts and
opinions, it is as though an artist hones a piece of marble in to a
visible form, and yet it begins unseen.

Three Basic Steps

In each creation you need to address its basic functions, what the
ethical goals are, and what the outcome needs to be for this idea.

An example of this is the basic functions of a new school idea might
be to provide an environment for students to learn with minimal
teacher guidance through a multi-skills format. This multi-skills
format could utilize many tradtional subjects encountered in present
forms of school and yet they are tackled all at once through
problem-solving, planning of a whole program. The ethical goals could
be simply working well as creative teams through communications,
delegating of tasks and supporting the efforts of all youth within the
group. Outcome could be the completion of such program with everyone
having practice in math, reading, writing and creative problem
solving, positive group interactions and feelings of accomplishment.

When these three basic steps are addressed, there is enough mental
substance that creates a pull to it becoming form. Basic functions,
ethical goals, and projected/desired outcome are vital to creating the
new forms.

Building blocks

Basic functions are defined in all living and non-living forms on
Earth. Without its basic functions defined it cannot come in to matter.

Ethical goals are necessary in order for anything to form in 5D. When
a project is designed for the good of many, and works in harmony with
nature, there is ample support through the etheric realms and the
blueprint is formed of etheric substance and begins to radiate out
allowing collection of the particles needed for matter to form.

Desired outcome assists in the refinement of its basic functions. If
no outcome is desired the program will not gain enough momentum in the
higher realms.

These steps are to also be applied to your personal life. Consider
what is it that you need and then define the three properties well
enough so that the needs materialize.

Manifesting in the Golden Age

For creating in the 5D energies is not like what most are used to.
Thus we see many very creative people stagnant in their life, feeling
a bit lost in how to make something happen. Many of the most creative
souls are in this step of learning new ways to manifest realities. The
old ways no longer work. They do not work and cannot work. If they can
be well defined by the three steps, then people will see them
manifest, while others less defined will struggle or see no movement
to it.

So take these three steps and fill in the blanks, write them down, say
them out loud, discuss them with others, plan the pieces in between
and allow for the universe to respond.

You will still take practical steps to bring the idea, project or
program to fruition and yet while walking towards your goals the
synchronicity will become evidence that it is going to come together.
Some pieces may be outright donated, people step in to roles needed
and there will be a momentum gained as more of it comes together. This
momentum also assists in bringing in complimentary pieces that perhaps
were not perceived in the early stages of dreaming your ideas. Be open
and receptive to your inner promptings.

Fifth dimension brings in the joy of working together on joyful ideas.
Accomplishing them brings in more joy. We just know that you each will
begin to loose all sense of old realties through the joy that these
transitions bring. It is confusing at first; yet try something,
anything in a new way and perhaps this infectious joy will find a
permanent home within you, your friends, associates, townships or

We watch with Joy and enthusiasm for your cherished dreams to come in
to manifestation in this new way of living.

~ Carolyn Thompson & Higher Light Council

© 2008 Synergy Transmissions & Carolyn Thompson - All Rights
Reserved - You are free to post this as long as it remains
unaltered, with author credits and web links included to

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* On a personal note, I have ascended and I am going through an
intergration process. For to stay on Earth in your body there is a
paced process.

Higher Light Transmissions

Higher Light Transmissions

Manifesting New!

November 29, 2008

More than ever before you each have an opportunity to make extreme
progress as far as developing your light body and moving to higher
frequencies. So much astral debris has been removed from your
environment and thus assisting to emptying your self of confusion and
the wills of others.

The past 11:11 portal pushed the whole world in to a new area which
brings in new adjustments for all that is of earth, on earth and
within earth. These adjustments help to move even more astral debris
and mis-creations out in to the atmosphere where they are then
recycled as is all energy. This being the state of the material world
and with this infusion of new, each of you has opportunities to be
very creative and change the world you live within. This recycled
energy is becoming form as your new ideas, new systems, new ways of
working, new relationships, and so many new creations.

For as the Earth clears out old outmoded forms and releases the energy
of those creations in to the atmosphere, there is then an abundance of
pure atoms and the very building blocks of all matter. This is an
excellent opportunity to begin some creations in earnest.

Dreams manifest

Dreams about new forms of social systems, perhaps new ways to school
the youth are ripe for creation. With the larger shifts in to 5D
consciousness, there are needs of many going unanswered for the ones
holding the ideas are not feeling supported to implement them. Yet the
way that manifestation works in the higher realms is such that it
calls for a complete adjustment in subtle ways.

First one must be willing to go beyond the old established pathways to
abundance. That is to think that it can only be accomplished through
bank loans. When an idea is of substantial substance and would be a
great support to the many, it collects its parts through the etheric.
As like attracts like the creators of such programs would plan many
parts of the whole to create that magnetic effect. Each part that is
envisioned is blueprinted in the etheric and collects the substances
needed to form it in the material substances.

It is best to work in groups on such projects, and creations for the
minds and hearts of many are needed to move these creations in to
manifest forms. As each person contributes their ideas, parts and
opinions, it is as though an artist hones a piece of marble in to a
visible form, and yet it begins unseen.

Three Basic Steps

In each creation you need to address its basic functions, what the
ethical goals are, and what the outcome needs to be for this idea.

An example of this is the basic functions of a new school idea might
be to provide an environment for students to learn with minimal
teacher guidance through a multi-skills format. This multi-skills
format could utilize many tradtional subjects encountered in present
forms of school and yet they are tackled all at once through
problem-solving, planning of a whole program. The ethical goals could
be simply working well as creative teams through communications,
delegating of tasks and supporting the efforts of all youth within the
group. Outcome could be the completion of such program with everyone
having practice in math, reading, writing and creative problem
solving, positive group interactions and feelings of accomplishment.

When these three basic steps are addressed, there is enough mental
substance that creates a pull to it becoming form. Basic functions,
ethical goals, and projected/desired outcome are vital to creating the
new forms.

Building blocks

Basic functions are defined in all living and non-living forms on
Earth. Without its basic functions defined it cannot come in to matter.

Ethical goals are necessary in order for anything to form in 5D. When
a project is designed for the good of many, and works in harmony with
nature, there is ample support through the etheric realms and the
blueprint is formed of etheric substance and begins to radiate out
allowing collection of the particles needed for matter to form.

Desired outcome assists in the refinement of its basic functions. If
no outcome is desired the program will not gain enough momentum in the
higher realms.

These steps are to also be applied to your personal life. Consider
what is it that you need and then define the three properties well
enough so that the needs materialize.

Manifesting in the Golden Age

For creating in the 5D energies is not like what most are used to.
Thus we see many very creative people stagnant in their life, feeling
a bit lost in how to make something happen. Many of the most creative
souls are in this step of learning new ways to manifest realities. The
old ways no longer work. They do not work and cannot work. If they can
be well defined by the three steps, then people will see them
manifest, while others less defined will struggle or see no movement
to it.

So take these three steps and fill in the blanks, write them down, say
them out loud, discuss them with others, plan the pieces in between
and allow for the universe to respond.

You will still take practical steps to bring the idea, project or
program to fruition and yet while walking towards your goals the
synchronicity will become evidence that it is going to come together.
Some pieces may be outright donated, people step in to roles needed
and there will be a momentum gained as more of it comes together. This
momentum also assists in bringing in complimentary pieces that perhaps
were not perceived in the early stages of dreaming your ideas. Be open
and receptive to your inner promptings.

Fifth dimension brings in the joy of working together on joyful ideas.
Accomplishing them brings in more joy. We just know that you each will
begin to loose all sense of old realties through the joy that these
transitions bring. It is confusing at first; yet try something,
anything in a new way and perhaps this infectious joy will find a
permanent home within you, your friends, associates, townships or

We watch with Joy and enthusiasm for your cherished dreams to come in
to manifestation in this new way of living.

~ Carolyn Thompson & Higher Light Council

© 2008 Synergy Transmissions & Carolyn Thompson - All Rights
Reserved - You are free to post this as long as it remains
unaltered, with author credits and web links included to

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* On a personal note, I have ascended and I am going through an
intergration process. For to stay on Earth in your body there is a
paced process.

The Reconnections--Trans-Portals: Energy Gates In Space And Time

The Reconnections--
Trans-Portals: Energy Gates in Space and Time

My Dear Friends:

Those keynote events, which recently awakened your planet to faith and to action, have torn away the last veils of denial from the Collective Consciousness. A stone has been thrown into the water, and ripples of pure energy now spread around the globe---ushering in what will eventually become known as The Age of Conscious Choice. Doorways are opening, and magic is afoot! And we are here to explain, in detail, how they work and what they mean. This is no longer a game to be played by just the spiritual elite. What was once a privilege of the chosen few now becomes the heritage of all.

All around you, in every place, there exist Energy Gates---portals in time and space---through which a person can pass to new life and experiences. Some are visible, and some are of the mind and heart. All of them are real. Some portals exist as specific places. Simply to visit these locations is to be transformed. Other portals require energetic "passwords" or "vibratory signatures" to activate them. Still others---those connected to the highest levels of transformation ---require passwords, along with "sponsorship" by an Etheric Guide, so that the unconscious or unprepared can not enter them unaware.

There are many kinds of Trans-Portals. Most are opened through the verbalization of some goal or desire for personal development. In such cases, the INTENT of the traveler becomes a blade that cuts an opening in the Veil which divides the universes. Once a portal is opened, your journey begins. A vortex draws the individual in, and certain "changes" are effected, so that transport to an adjacent universe can occur.


Transformation begins with two elements: disorder and disintegration. When a physical body passes through a portal, it begins to be broken down into basic elements that can be transported easily within the Multiverse. Once a decision is made, this process is usually so rapid that it is barely noticeable. The human mind has a tremendous filtration ability, and has a habit of editing out all knowledge concerning what we are describing here. The mind's power to knit together universes, into a logical sequence, gives a person the impression that reality is one continuous landscape, rather than the infinite collation of alternative possibilities which it can be.

The arrival of disorder ("chaos energy") into any organized structure produces CONFUSION. If you examine this word, you will see that it is composed of "con," which means "against" and "fusion," that which binds physical material together. To become con-fused means to LIFT OFF from your current orientation, in the same way a rocket ship launches, and moves towards something new.

Confusion scrambles the mind. It mixes and mingles old orientations, to clear the way for new ones. Its physical counterpart is CONSUMPTION. When a Trans-Portal is entered, the energy acceleration actually consumes the physical body. Once the traveler arrives at his new destination, the original INTENT manifests, and downsteps itself into an appropriate physical vehicle. We will speak more of consumption later. There are important lessons to be learned there.

Once a person has arrived at a destination point, his mind is free to concoct any number of rationalizations to explain why and how he is there, rather than where he was. Sometimes, it will appear as though he awakens from sleep, only to assume that he must have been dreaming. At other times, he will tell himself that he has experienced "time loss" during a car trip, or while working in the back yard. And in some cases, the shift is so drastic, and the internal weaving of universes so pristine, that the individual never realizes he has moved at all.

You would be quite surprised to know how many fantastic journeys you have taken---only to file them, forget about them, and resume working at some mundane though nothing had happened to you. Rest assured, your "travel photos" are all kept safe and available, waiting for the time when you will review and enjoy them again.......a time that is rapidly approaching, by the way!


What is an Energy Gate? Basically, it is the intersection of desire and opportunity---wherein the signature vibration of a person synchronizes itself with physical conditions to produce a change or an effect. Another expression that has often been used to describe it is "a window of opportunity."

Energy Gates, themselves, can be physical in form, or they can exist merely as states of mind. Once inside, all the rules that existed "over there" seem not to apply to what's happening "here." Passing through Energy Gates, mothers and fathers have transformed themselves, so as to be able to perform super-human powers in order to save their children from harm. Then, having passed back through, these folks were amazed at what "had come over them," and what they had been able to accomplish.

Lovers have faced impossible odds, and overcome great obstacles in order to be together. The activation key is their desire, and their power is nurtured by that for which they would rather die than live without. This is also the sourcing of power for heroes and tyrants alike. Energy knows no moral champion, save the person who is willing to give up anything and everything in order to achieve a goal---to move from where he is to become part of something new. Of an's "solution" may end up being tomorrow's "problem," but that can be dealt with when the time comes.

Some of your most famous and powerful spots on the planet are Energy Gates. For example, your Stonehenge, with its many stone formations that are stacked to symbolize doors and archways. They are inspirational, and they teach that the possibilities which surround you are infinite indeed.

Yesterday's warriors and explorers have left you a rich legacy which you can study and celebrate. However, you must also remember that today is your day. Once you have created your own transformations and miracles, you, too, can put up memorials and stones---leaving a bit of your legacy for those who will come after.


Transport between dimensions can be horizontal (through time), vertical (density to density), or diagonal (variations of both). Whenever a traveler begins a journey, it will always manifest full circle, to return to its point of origin. Stops along the way may be recorded to memory, within an individual life, as though they represented an end. But really, there is no end. Everything moves in a circle. Any appearance of an "end" is illusion, and a powerful illusion it can be! Lessons are learned, and the wheel of life continues to turn.

There are many ancient structures which have served, in days past, as human "Ascension Chambers." One such structure is older than Stonehenge, and exists now in Ireland. It is called Newgrange. Inside, the passageway is rounded at the top. Underneath the main floor is a giant crystal, which energizes and facilitates all who enter to make whatever Multiversal Leaps their hearts desire.

Another Elevator Gateway is well-known as The Great Pyramid in Egypt. Down through history, this particular Trans-Portal has been a favorite access point for Atlanteans (among others) who have done experimentation with time travel and who still use it for comings and goings today.

These famous structures are mere examples of the manifold Elevators that exist all around you. They are famous, filled with tourists, and are protected because of their notoriety. Others are less known, and are points of interest to those among you who are serious about your journeys, and wish not to be disturbed in your process. Gates can be opened, and Gates can be sealed again. It is all a matter of mutual contract between a traveler and the reality context within which he moves.


In high-rise office buildings, you get to ride the elevators for free. They are made of steel and granite, and their destinations consist of floors, stacked systematically, one upon the other. In the Multiverse, the ascension process happens a bit differently. Instead of changing ALTITUDE, a rider in the Multiverse changes ATTITUDE.

As we have detailed in other transmissions, each universe exists somewhat like a filmstrip which passes through a projector at variable speeds (densities). When you change the speed of a filmstrip, the pictures contained thereon will seem to change as well. When a person incarnates, his mind is his projector.....and his entire perceptual universe becomes his screen. As his vibration rises and falls, the images on the screen become light or dark, sinister or playful, all in accordance to the pitch at which his perception is tuned.

Now, Friends....we wish to point out that, at the highest level of knowledge and expression, all interpretations are neutral. In other words, there is room for everything, and everyone has a place at the dinner table. To label something as "good" or "evil" is to place it within a polarity, which stops its expansion. When a person becomes invested in a list of definitions (i..e. when he creates a belief system)....he, too, solidifies....and commits himself to the life process that is playing itself out at that frequency of vibration. There is nothing wrong with this, people do it everyday.


Assuming an attitude of unconditional acceptance, or neutrality becomes an AUTOMATIC ELEVATOR within the Multiverse, enabling any of you to move freely between the various realities that exist within All That Is. To decrease vibration, it is necessary to form a judgment concerning the universe you are inhabiting. The degree of deceleration is correspondent to the intensity and essential inflexibility in the attitude of the observer. The more absolute the judgment, the heavier the reality becomes. If a person believes that something is very, very bad he will live within a context of fear concerning its presence in his reality. If he believes that something is very, very good---he will still live in fear, as he will dread losing it.

Different Polarities---same vibration. Neutrality is the doorway out of any universe. When a person lets go of judgments (self and others), the elevator moves up. When he takes new ones up again, the elevator goes down. If he remains constant, he has the option of getting off and doing business at any "floor" that matches his energy. These are the laws that govern movement within the Multiverse. You have been using them skillfully and constantly from the beginning of your journey here. However, now you have the option of using them consciously to intensify the power of your experience.


If freedom within the Multiverse depends upon Neutrality, you may find it helpful to know some essential facts about how this crucial component is lost and how to find it again.

Whether he realizes it or not, in order to attain and hold himself within an attitude of judgment, each traveler (or projector) carries within him a "scale of evaluation," somewhat like the one being held by the Archetype, Lady Justice. One side of the scale is loaded down with what he believes to be "facts" about the universe in which he exists. On the other scale, "evidence" is accrued to contradict the basic premises which he holds sacred. This basic conflict produces a vibrational momentum which feeds the development of each particular universe.

As the scales shift, the emotions in that universe will shift with them. Drama, intrigue, and outright comedy will frequently be the result. An attractive package to invite a person to stay there, wouldn't you say?

We have emphasized, through our transmissions, that all truth is relative to the context within which it is viewed. Since there are universes, within the Multiverse, that honor each and every belief---the issue of what is "true" or not is dependant entirely on where a person wishes to go, and what experiences he requires to complete his soul's evolution. Therefore, to achieve a state of Neutrality--all a traveler must do is to return to his Scales of Evaluation and rearrange his "facts."

Each universe contains its own intrinsic "evidence" to support the basic premises around which it functions. By introducing "new evidence" to old belief systems, the flow of emotion can turn, bringing the entire vibrational density back to "zero point." Once the attachments are cleared, the traveler is freed to go anywhere (or anywhen) he desires to go.


We spoke earlier about consumption, as a necessary process for trans-porting oneself throughout the Multiverse. Do you know that "consumption" is also a word that has been applied to many disease processes, which have existed down through history?

We began this transmission by outlining how Trans-Portals are formed. We said that it is focused INTENT that cuts an opening in the Veil, and it is DESIRE which draws a person through that portal to be transformed. However, if the transition process becomes interrupted----if a traveler doesn't hurry through and complete his process, some negative consequences can result.

Those conditions which are called "disease," within your society, are produced within your gateways to transformation. The changes have not been completed, that is why there is pain. It matters not what type of disease we are discussing. They are all simply doorways, into which individuals have ventured. For whatever reason, these folks get stuck---halfway in and halfway out---and they become disoriented and hesitate to finish their transition. The specific symptoms of the disease are determined by which parts of the body have been inserted into the portal, and which are held back.

The deterioration or weakening which makes up a disease state comes from the decomposition process which occurs in order to teleport a traveler from "here to there," where he is reformed again. The change is meant to be instantaneous and complete---which it is, if a person fully steps through the portal. But if he hesitates, if the blade on his "scalpel" of decision is dull or halting, he or she can become stuck in the Gate. It is only when he realizes what he is doing, and what he really wants, that the process can be restored, and his journey completed.

At the most basic level, the only "healing" that is ever needed is awareness. We cannot emphasize this enough. The basic adage of "know thyself" is foundational to all growth and attainment. Once a person has achieved that, the next most important lesson is "pay attention to what is happening to you." The final task is to make a decision. Sometimes, refusing to decide is a decision. Do you understand what we are saying? Be conscious rather than unconscious. This is a New Millennium! Make some mistakes now, won't you? It will be allright. Life is a risk. Be willing to play with it a bit.

At the appropriate time, we will come and work with you to formulate your own program of dealing with these issues. You simply need to ask, open, and wait. Do not become attached to a form concerning how all of this will look. Each life itinerary is different. Each manifestation of Reconnection is unique to the individual and to his or her situation. So let it be!

You, as a planet, are only beginning to grasp the enormity of your life's potential. In your own way and in your own timing, you will finally discover that you are truly limitless. When you do, there will be the wondrous joy of RIDING THAT INFINITY, like a surfboard, as well as forming it and shaping it in your hands. But for now, let those hands open to receive again what was yours---knowledge, ability, and the wisdom to integrate and use it to your advantage.

We salute you, and thank you for your kind attention. We are always here.

Channeled by Daniel Jacob

Copyright, 2008, by Daniel Jacob. All Rights Reserved. May be copied and shared, for purposes of personal growth and/or research, so long as the above URL and this copyright are included. All reproduction for profit, by any means, requires the written permission of Reconnections, Inc. *

Who are the Reconnections?

The types of Reconnections I draw to myself will be congruent with the types of energy I need to comfortably integrate the next bits of information or abilities that I require in order to grow and develop. All highly evolved Guides, however, will clearly emphasize that everything and everyone is part of the same one person/thing......and we all are quite connected within that level of self. We are all equals here.

The Reconnections are a Soul Group, made up of many soul fragments, who come and go in our studies, as needed. They describe themselves as "all those parts of the Expanded Self that you had to forget about in order to become human."

Daniel Jacob is a Conscious Channel, Visionary Writer, Bio-Energy Body Worker, and all-around student of life. He is the father of two sons, ages 28 and 32, and lives in the Greater Seattle area of Washington.

Daniel Jacob * RECONNECTIONS, INC. * 826 6th St. S, Ste 100 * Kirkland, Washington, 98033, U.S.A. * * *

Lord Metatron: Earth Changes and Ascension

Lord Metatron: Earth Changes and Ascension

Due to earth changes, will ascension occur during the year 2012?

This is an interesting question. One event does not preclude the other. At this time, both are necessary and have been programmed into the grid system and into the directives which have been connected to the Earth which comes from Source and then through the Galactic Center.

Both of these events have been predicted by the Mayan calendar and also in their symbols which are written on their temples and documented into their art graphics.

Understand that each activity, even though it is connected in some form, really represents individual activities. Earth changes will come about for different reasons than what you call ascension.

Earth changes are happening for several reasons.

Lets us look at these changes from the perspective of required and necessary and then from human activities. Earth changes were and are still being triggered because of the aging plate system around the globe. Just like a farmer who leaves some fields fallow to rejuvenate, and uses some fields for their daily needs, the Earth needs to do this also. Therefore, you can find in your geologic records where this has happened in the past.

There have been land masses which have fallen and some land masses which have risen. Perhaps the best known example of this that is still contained in the human consciousness is the falling of Atlantis beneath the waves. You face this during dream time and sometimes even during meditation as there are still some issues that humans need to clear with regard to this.

The need for the rejuvenation of the plates system can be found in the natural way of the progression of the planet and also because of human consciousness which has aligned along methods that are not in keeping with the health of the planet; therefore, there is a need to sweep away such negativity. These activities have nothing to do with ascension, but rather aligned with the natural force of husbandry.

Some of the Earth changes are very much attached with the coming changes emanating from Galactic Center. In 1999 there was a blast from the sun whereby the usual electron activity considered the solar rain, or solar wind, stopped their activity for three days. In those three days the earth was imprinted with messages and directives that came directly from All-There-Is, or Source, Prime Creator in the center of the cosmos. Those directives were very much connected to the ascension protocol and this did indeed affect the earth changes.

There was a change made in the DNA of humans which triggered all sorts of changes in the human frame, one being changes in the cells themselves moving the electrical charge from being carbon based to light based, or crystalline. This is very necessary for the physical to upgrade all systems in the physical. This blast also changed the very basic fabric connected to the natural world also. So this is an alignment of the natural world as there was also a slight change in the center of the planet in what you call the core. There was a change there also.

The core has a crystal Merkaba and this spins just as yours can do and the spin was slowed down and this allowed for the, what is being called the Still Point to begin its progression of evolving which in turn affects weather and you can see the weather changes have been increasing exponentially.

This slight change in the core has also allowed or perhaps mandated in the natural world to trigger changes in earthquake scenarios and also in volcanism. All of this is necessary for the ascension of the planet and therefore we take the position that what is necessary to progress we will allow to progress, and work on balancing the earth changes and the human being also.

We give directives for balance to the forces in the center of the planet and also the devas of nature and other over lighting guidance in the natural world. For humanity, we give protocols such as the Hara information which is now on the website and also such things as moving into sacred geometric shapes for balance.

You can imagine yourself sitting into the Holon configuration which in effect is two triangles whereby the base of each triangle meets and you imagine yourself sitting in the center. Both of these exercises are very powerful in balancing the human frame and the connection to the brain and ultimately the mind.

These events would happen regardless of where the development of the human spirit would evolve. Some of these activities cannot be changed, but we in the spiritual world of guidance can indeed help to find balance in the changes and we do this.

The stepping up of what you call ascension as we said is very connected to the Mayan Calendar which mentions a time when the planet is in direct alignment with Cosmic Center. This has been given the name of a time frame which occurs in the year 2012.

As you are well aware, the planet will not self destruct at that moment, but it will remain forever changed as at that point of time in December of that year and the 28th day to be precise, a mother will bring forth a child and that child will be a representative from that soul that you understand to be Jesus, or Jeshua.

He comes at that moment to enliven the DNA of all of those souls who carry the DNA from that cosmic couple that you know of as the Cup of the Grail, Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The triggering of this DNA will spark the means for souls to finally ascend along with the planet which is very intimately connected to humanity.

Lord Metatron

Received by Carolyn Evers

Carolyn Evers is a messenger for the spiritual hierarchy. She has written six books and a course, "Journey To The Other Side." Her work encompasses information that she has received from the Spiritual Hierarchy. Carolyn believes that there is a connection between spirituality and science, and she endeavors to incorporate scientific research along with what she receives from spirit. Her work can be found at * * and her contact address is * My latest websites is * * * She also works with the Cherubim Angels and reads from the Universal Akashic Records. She has two radio shows with BBS Radio, The Message and The Messenger. Call in for healings and readings from the Akashic Records * USA Toll Free 1-877-876-5227 * Canada Toll Free 1-888-815-9756 *

Dr. Richard Presser works closely with Carolyn and is the author of "The Coming Golden Age and How to Prepare for it" - * PO Box 1314 * Blackburn North, VIC 3130 * Australia *

Thursday, November 27, 2008



The Pleiadian Light through Hannah Beaconsfield

Channeled September 18, 2008

We are the Pleiadian Light. We greet you with peace and
joy, which are natural states of being for our world

We, like many other world cultures, have outposts in and
around your world at this time. We are here to provide
support for your planetary well-being, as you race toward
the beacon of light and the ladder of ascension that
represent an evolutionary step for your world. This
ascension is the projection for the future that you have
been hearing about for several decades and, in some cases,

You are aware, at the present time, of the high levels of
chaotic breakdown of your patterns and models, a tearing
down to make way for the new. Just about every level of the
structures that support your world’s stability are
crumbling: governments, commerce, international
relationships, education, medicine, cities, families, and an
endless list of other elements that make up your reality.
There is also recognition by your mass subconscious that a
big change is coming. This is an intuitive attunement with
the approaching ascension. It is producing irrational fears
and a surge of greed that is creating economic imbalances.
At times like this, probabilities are shifting so quickly
and so erratically that predicting a future path is
extremely difficult.

The one perspective for the future that we can present with
confidence is that you will definitely ASCEND. You WILL move
to a higher, more benign world culture. No matter what
current erratic events are causing instability, you WILL go
through the predicted transformation.

At the present time, your world is like a giant
kaleidoscope. It has been set in motion and all the pieces
are in the air. You can’t see the details of the new world
pattern yet, not until the pieces fall into place. You can,
however, look at the suspended pieces of reality, make some
determinations, and project some probabilities. If you see a
lot of green pieces in the air, you can feel secure in
projecting there will be some green in your future.

To complicate things further, the evolutionary shift,
symbolized by the turning of the kaleidoscope, includes the
other planets of your solar system and extends to your
galaxy. There is a particular focus on Earth as a linchpin
in the larger galactic shift. Life on Earth has been a
multi-world project. Your planetary culture has been
created, supported, and protected by several different ET

The Earth project has been an experiment in integration,
and INTEGRATION is the key word in this transformational
time. You are on the bridge between polarization and
unification. The path off the bridge leads into a world
consciousness in which all the elements are moving closer
together and blending characteristics. “Unity of All” is
the mantra for the millennium ahead.

This transformation also includes the activation and
integration of latent characteristics that you have been
carrying from your ET sources. We will not project, at this
time, the characteristics that will emerge from other worlds
that have contributed to your genetic makeup, but we’ll
focus on some Pleiadian contributions.

The energies of change that are driving you are activating
ancient genetic material, or what you have called “junk
DNA.” This genetic material simply couldn’t function
until the appropriate vibratory environment was in place to
support it. We will give you some insight as to the
Pleiadian contributions likely to emerge. Understand that
the characteristics will be blending with Earth traits, so
modifications are likely to result.

We, the Pleiadian Light, represent the total unification
and ascension of our world culture to a celestial
light-body. Within our light sphere we contain all the data
of the development of our history, including all probable
and parallel realities. So we will address ourselves to the
period in our history that is on a line of influence with
the next density level into which you are moving.

At that corresponding time, Pleiadians had a full spectrum
of what you call extrasensory skills. These would include
telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, prophesy, and so
forth. These abilities were equal to and integrated with all
other senses. In addition, there was a free flow of generic
life-force energy that was used as an extension of the
individual to affect reality. Energies used in healing,
manifestation, and telekinesis are examples of this natural

The genetic expansion will begin in the brain. Even now the
genetics controlling brain functions, and how they alter
skills and behavior, are being activated. The brain is your
master control center for all functions of the physical body
and their reverberations in your other bodies of
consciousness. Much of what you consider to be your
individual characteristics are hormonal-bound traits. The
balancing of hormones and cerebrochemicals and their effect
on the nervous system contribute to what you consider to be
your character and personality. These aspects of yourself,
in turn, form the basis for the development of your beliefs
as you interact with the world outside yourself.

When you alter the brain with the activation of latent
genetic material, even to the slightest degree, you release
an avalanche of changes to your entire individual unit. The
key to unlocking the latent matter is the change in the
frequencies brought in by the waves of ascension energy.

These changes are already happening to the “first
ascenders” among you. In fact, some of the changes in the
brain will be observable in an MRI scan. They may appear as
anomalous spots that don’t reflect any recognized disease.
We cannot say exactly how the ancient genetic matter that
represents Pleiadian traits will play out when integrated
into the Earth human model. We can only present to you a
picture of the characteristics and skills most likely to be
activated. Some basic overriding traits that define us are
that we are a peaceful, noncompetitive world with a culture
that values creativity and the arts. And these are pieces
that are part of your kaleidoscope scenario; many exciting
possibilities are being tossed in the air.

We will reiterate the one prophecy we can give you
unequivocally: you will ASCEND! No matter how discouraging
it is to watch your world floundering in one chaotic
disaster after another, you WILL cross the transformational
bridge. We assure you that you will neither implode nor
explode in a fiery end. Many angels, interdimensionals, and
ETs surround you now. You are being guided and protected in
every way that does not breach our noninterference code.

If you hold this vision, it will calm your fears. Fear only
acts to block helpful energies. Keep your eye on your bright
new future world and let the chaos play itself out. The
light will not be extinguished and you WILL transform into a
world of peace and harmony much like ours, but with your own
unique characteristics.

©Hannah Beaconsfield 2008

Excerpt from
RIDING THE PHOENIX: Surviving the Global Resurrection
(Revised Edition)

The Pleiadian Light through Hannah Beaconsfield

The growth/aging progression in the human body is based on
the linear temporal experience of Earth at this time. It is
a process that spans time and provides a number of different
circumstance situations that allow the spirit resident
growth opportunities.

Each stage of the physical body’s life evolution has a
basic drama. These dramas provide a variety of characters to
be played in one life time. This is and has been the
advantage of life on Earth. It is a great learning and
growth opportunity. These different life stages each add
their own dimensions of growth opportunity.

When the genetic coding is altered by the light energies of
the ascension of a species, the changes occur first in areas
that are dependent on the highest illusion levels of the
species. A major illusion of Earth life is linear time and
the single life-path concept.

The next evolutionary step for your species involves a
different understanding and use of time. Time will seem to
be contracting or speeding up in its linear expression. More
accurately what is happening is that your consciousness is
expanding to perceive some of the multi-levels of

As these consciousness expansions reverberate to your
physical level, changes or activations take place in the DNA
coding of the physical body. The codes that are altered by
the new “time” concepts are those connected with the
growth/aging progression. When you are thinking in a linear
manner, you conjure up the idea of “rejuvenation.” This
is a concept based on your limited and illusory ideas about

In ET cultures that retain a level of physical density to
their individual bodies and operate within an expanded time
environment the growth progression is contracted and the
period of adult maturity is indefinite. Aging is an option
that may precede the termination of the particular life

The light induced changes, moving into the genetic coding
of your bodies, now address the genes that program your
current progression. At first you will see a seeming
retardation of the aging process in your species. Then more
specific areas will begin to reflect the body’s altered
DNA codes that are expressions of the altered perceptions
and experiences of time.

It is not that your bodies will rejuvenate (that suggests
moving backward in linear time), but that they will
grow/expand to new versions of themselves. These new
versions will have characteristics that you define as being
an age you consider “Earth prime.” With the proper care
and the developing understanding of illness and healing as a
expressions of all the bodies of consciousness working
together, your physical vehicles can potentially live as
long as you need them, to work through, on your world.

©Hannah Beaconsfield 2005


A Guide for Walk-ins, Starseeds, and Lightworkers
Light Technology Publishing
ISBN 0-929385-98-5
Order: 800-450-0985

Surviving the Global Resurrection (Revised Edition)
ISBN 1-4208-1806-6
Order: 888-280-7715
ALSO available as an Ebook from:

New Humor Book
ISBN 987-1-4259-8659-9
Order: 888-280-7715


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