Thursday, December 18, 2014

12/12 and 12/21 Cosmic Gateway - Meg Benedicte

Every year on 12:12 our planet moves into alignment with the Galactic Center at 26 degrees Sagittarius, which opens a portal that reaches full power between 12:12 and 12:21…it acts as the Cosmic Gateway into a higher dimensional Earth. During the Stargate opening an outpouring of Crystalline Light showers down on Earth, infusing our human energetics with sentient Light consciousness.

Also joining the Solstice Stargate was the 6th Uranus-Pluto Square that occurred on December 15th. With Pluto in Capricorn since 2008, we are experiencing a global restructuring of out-dated institutions and systems. An example of this astrology is the financial banking crisis of 2008, which continues to perpetuate unstable investment practices until the system will eventually implode. Mercury is joining Pluto and Venus as the Sun and Moon enter Capricorn on the 12:21 Solstice…with all those planets in Capricorn the energy emphasizes tearing down and initiating new structures.

The Capricorn Solstice and the New Moon occur within 2 hours of each other. This is happening in an earth sign at the start of a new season, exact on a New Moon. The Cosmos have handed us the perfect ‘fresh start’ recipe on December 21st. We are being encouraged to ‘let go’ of our past and create new structures in our lives. Whatever we initiate on 12:21 will ripple out thru the universe into the quantum field of all possibilities. What an amazing occurrence to have both the Capricorn Solstice and New Moon in zero degrees Capricorn on the same day!! It can’t get much better than that to launch a fresh start.

Between now and Sunday’s Capricorn Solstice New Moon, take some time to reflect and reframe the new structures you want to initiate in your life. What will provide security, comfort, and please the inner you? Let it rise up from your heart and set your intentions during the fertile Solstice New Moon energies.

Just 2 days following the 12:21 Solstice we see Saturn moving out of Scorpio where it’s been for the past 2 years, into Sagittarius on Tuesday, December 23rd. During Saturn's stay in Scorpio since 2012 many of you:
Faced life crisis that tested your limits and toughened you up!
Discover your core strength!
Face the truth (about yourself, your finances, your partner, any areas of denial
Take a critical look at your intimate relationships
Re-examined your financial entanglements, sort out taxes, restructure debt
Understand the ways of power / empowerment versus powerlessness / power-dynamics / the abuse of power
Strengthened your deepest bonds, tested your loyalty (and that of others) and dare to trust more
Assess your attitudes to sex (and other murky subjects)
Conquer your deepest fears / darkest demons and master self-control
Deal with fearful, hateful, jealous, controlling or manipulative behavior in yourself or others
Commit to your own truth and purpose no matter what
 The past two years of Saturn in Scorpio helped us:
Recognize how the crises of the past two years have made us stronger
Rejoice in our ability to survive no matter what life throws at us
Reaffirm our commitment to our own path
Accept any life-lessons that are coming to an end...
(read more at: )

So lets take advantage of this amazing time of the year to heal any remaining soul fragments, get free of where our Ego still hooks into the dark Matrix, activate our Soul DNA and crystallize our Light Bodies.

Lovingly, Meg

PS: I've listed one of our popular items from over 100 Holistic Tonics and Body Care Products we offer at the Mt Shasta Quantum Healing Center.

Copyright (c) 2014 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.


12:21 Solstice Stargate Global Mediation Broadcast

The annual year-end Solstice on December 21st marks the final day to enter the Crystal Stargate at Zero Point located at the Great Central Sun in the Galactic Core. The Galactic Core is located at 26-27 degrees Sagittarius and our planet’s alignment each year in Sagittarius reaches full power between 12:12 and 12:21…it acts as the Cosmic Gateway into a higher dimensional Earth. During the Stargate opening an outpouring of Crystalline Light showers down on Earth, infusing our human energetics with sentient Light consciousness.
The 2012 Solstice initiated the 2000 years called the Golden Age of Truth, when our beloved Gaia is shifting from Duality into an eternal NOW of Singularity. For two years we’ve been immersed in Crystalline Light Codes, which awakens a new vibrational pattern of divine intelligence, the Super Consciousness of the Quantum Field.

Join Quantum Healer, Meg Benedicte with other Starseeds and Lightworkers around the world to form ‘One Mind’ on the Solar Return of 12:21 Solstice, united in seeding the New Earth paradigm into the Crystalline Grids and Golden Mean Spirals in all the pyramids/sacred sites.

All Activations/Healings are encoded for all time in the Quantum Vortex, and are effective no matter when you participate. Webcast Registration closes on Sunday, December 21st at 11am Pacific. Doors close at the Quantum Healing Center at 12pm when we go ‘Live’ on the Air.

Date: Sunday, December 21st, 2014

Time: 12pm -1pm Pacific

Registration Fee $10   Register HERE

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Meg Benedicte - New Earth Central

Every year during December our solar system moves into alignment with the Great Central Sun at thenGalactic Core, which is located at 26-27 degrees Sagittarius.  This is the annual Ascension alignment  that occurs between 12:12 and 12:21…it is the Cosmic Gateway into a higher dimensional Earth.12:12 is the sacred day of attunement with all 12 dimensions of our Universe….and ignites the sacred geometry of Union!

12:12 is a universal ascension code that signifies attainment of 12th dimensional divinity. On this day the cosmic portal opens throughout the galaxy for access to higher dimensional realms of consciousness and the activation of all 12 strands of DNA.

By spinning zero-point balance in the Quantum Vortex, all negative and positive forces interact, blend, unite and amplify to eliminate Polarity and create Light Presence in the mind/brain.  When LIGHT is alive and activated in the holographic mind, our visualizations are projected into the quantum field, carrying the light with them. Photon light is the carrier of consciousness, the intelligent information that particulates into physical matter.

Human DNA uses photon light as a feedback system of communication through energy waves which encode and transfer information. During the Solstice Stargate opening between 12:12 through 12:21, the Zero Point Field of our Galactic Center enables molecules to speak to each other non-locally and virtually instantaneously, in oscillating frequencies through entanglement.

Starting this Friday, December 12th on the sacred day of 12:12 we have the rare opportunity to receive a continual stream of Crystalline Photon Light into our energy fields…transferring divine intelligence into our brain, into the micro-crystals in the pineal, into our blood and genetic code, and in our hearts!

Working with Archangel Metatron and Archangel Michael, we will travel to the Great Central Sun to accelerate and activate the crystallization of our human self, so that we can become Divine Humans.

Lovingly, Meg

Copyright (c) 2014 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

12:12 Stargate Global Meditation Broadcast
During the 12:12 Global Meditation we will be preparing our human energy field and the planetary field for the 2nd Solar Return of the Golden Age on the annual Winter Solstice, December 21st. The 12:12 Stargate will open the etheric portal of the multiverse so that we can access the stream of Crystal Light Codes from our Galactic Core.

Join Quantum Healer, Meg Benedicte and other Starseeds and Lightworkers around the world to form ‘One Mind’ on 12:12. Travel to the Great Central Sun in the Galactic Center and activate the crystallization of your human 'light body'!

All Activations/Healings are encoded for all time in the Quantum Vortex, and are effective no matter when you participate. Webcast Registration closes on Friday, December 12th at 11am Pacific. Doors close at the Quantum Healing Center at 12pm when we go ‘Live’ on the Air.

Date: Friday, December 12th, 2014

Time: 12pm - 1pm Pacific

Registration Fee $10  Register HERE


12:21 Solstice Stargate Global Mediation Broadcast

The annual year-end Solstice on December 21st marks the final day to enter the Crystal Stargate at Zero Point located at the Great Central Sun in the Galactic Core. The Galactic Core is located at 26-27 degrees Sagittarius and our planet’s alignment each year in Sagittarius reaches full power between 12:12 and 12:21…it acts as the Cosmic Gateway into a higher dimensional Earth. During the Stargate opening an outpouring of Crystalline Light showers down on Earth, infusing our human energetics with sentient Light consciousness.
The 2012 Solstice initiated the 2000 years called the Golden Age of Truth, when our beloved Gaia is shifting from Duality into an eternal NOW of Singularity. For two years we’ve been immersed in Crystalline Light Codes, which awakens a new vibrational pattern of divine intelligence, the Super Consciousness of the Quantum Field.

Join Quantum Healer, Meg Benedicte with other Starseeds and Lightworkers around the world to form ‘One Mind’ on the Solar Return of 12:21 Solstice, united in seeding the New Earth paradigm into the Crystalline Grids and Golden Mean Spirals in all the pyramids/sacred sites.

All Activations/Healings are encoded for all time in the Quantum Vortex, and are effective no matter when you participate. Webcast Registration closes on Sunday, December 21st at 11am Pacific. Doors close at the Quantum Healing Center at 12pm when we go ‘Live’ on the Air.

Date: Sunday, December 21st, 2014

Time: 12pm -1pm Pacific

Registration Fee $10   Register HERE

Friday, December 5, 2014

Wise Use of December Energies - By Selacia

Wise Use of December Energies
by Selacia  

Blue Banner from Aaron

Between this weekend's full moon and the amplification effect that builds each year at the holidays, most people are feeling a bit more on edge and overloaded. It's like there's a sense of hurry in the air, and to do lists you didn't even know you had appearing out of nowhere!

These effects are obvious, but there's something new about how you may be experiencing them this December.

What's New this December

First, this hasn't been an ordinary or easy year. There have been lighter moments sprinkled throughout, of course, but we're still in the midst of a very challenging cycle of revolutionary change. That long cycle has had some key peak moments in 2014 - like the Grand Cross planetary line-up last April. That alignment further stirred the already-churning momentum of society upheaval as well as an intense desire for big changes in all aspects of how life is lived. Regardless of what country you live in, these themes are an obvious part of the landscape.

Second, December is the month (on the 14th-15th to be exact) when we experience the sixth revolutionary planetary line-up in a series that started in the 1960s and ends March 16-17, 2015. The build-up to mid-December's alignment is already a palpable energy in the air - serving as another planetary wake-up call and catalyzing a diverse set of pro-democracy and honoring-all-life movements.

To be sure, energies of times like this tend to reverberate for a very long time after peak points. What was initiated in the 1960s, for example, continued to unfold for at least a decade. In fact, each decade since the 1960s has experienced an amplified level of societal changes. The 1980s, as an example, is known as a time of cultural waking up, often described as the dawn of a new age.

Your Personal Experience

Each person's experience of these times will be unique. However, each of us consciously on the path of awakening is purposefully here now to play a pivotal role in the Earth's makeover. I often refer to us as divine changemakers, for indeed we are alive now to be at the forefront of this makeover and creating a more loving world.

What's happening is a collective effort, yet each of us has a unique part to play. I believe our destiny as divine changemakers is in fact encoded in our very DNA. Because of this, while sometimes we may want to hide under the covers during turmoil and massive changes, we really can't disappear and forget what we were born to be and do. It's that ingrained in us!

Don't let this responsibility overwhelm you this month. And refuse to let calendar dates and other markers terrorize you. There really is nothing to fear. You were born this time equipped for what you came to do. Sometimes that has meant being guided to teachers and practices that will help you get and stay stable and heart centered - so you can serve in the highest ways. Other times, your being equipped has meant you discovered talents at an early age that you developed into practical and helpful skills - to assist yourself and others.

To create a lighter and more harmonious personal experience with the revolutionary energies of December, consider the following.

Tips for More Harmony

First, remember the big picture about change. It's not a dirty word or an energy you can stop. Your very nature is change, and you have been changing endlessly throughout eternal time. Welcome this natural energy - don't fight it. Resisting the waves of change or trying to ignore them will only make you feel more insecure and less able to skillfully ride the ups-and-downs.

Second, keep in mind that everything has a frequency. This includes emotions and thoughts. Keep yours in the higher octaves by doing what you can to stay positive. The higher your frequency when the big wave of change comes in, the better you can cope. With a high-enough frequency, even the most challenging cycles can become manageable.

Third, be aware of high-energy dates. Next ones include this weekend during the full moon. Set your intention now to connect with the shifts you need to make and the catalysts needed to make them. Then be sure to take time out on the weekend to refuel, connect with spirit's view of your life, and receive new insights about what's blocking your forward movement. Ask for dreams to help you process things, and ask spirit to help you connect with helpful content from your dream time.

Trust that you are resourced beyond measure, and that you exist in a friendly universe teeming with visible and invisible helpers who want you to succeed.

Copyright 2014 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this copyright line and the full article text.