Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Solstice Gateway May 21, 2016 - Meg Benedicte

On Saturday, May 21st the Full Moon in fiery Sagittarius joins hotheaded Mars retrograde on the border of Scorpio underworld. This Full Moon highlights any conflict-ridden, battle zone memories from the past – especially volatile family or work environments. Don’t be surprised if past patterns (past lives karma) are triggered for healing/clearing.  There is additional ‘closure-conclusion’ energy during this transit that you can work with.

The June Solstice arrives on June 20th with a rare 2nd Full Moon in Sagittarius. Take advantage of the heightened energies between these full moons to resolve any issues. Twice a year the Solstice alignments open a gateway to the Great Central Sun for powerful photonic Light infusions to accelerate your human ascension. The Solstice Gateway provides a profound opportunity to quantum leap to the next level of your spiritual growth and mastery.

As you continue to collapse and decompose the corrupted human hybrid genetic ancestry, your Soul is gradually awakening your multi-dimensional ‘junk’ DNA into a crystalline framework. You are building a new body hologram that lives on Light! This would normally take many lifetimes to achieve. But now you have the chance to step outside of the limits of 4D Time and speed through the progressive steps into full Light Body activation.

Every moment you are given the choice! Do you ground into your Soul’s hologram or remain in the human matrix of 3D. Once the fire of your Kundalini has been ignited in the first chakra and rooted to Gaia’s 5D Light Grid, your abilities increase to:
1. balance and master your ego emotions
2. direct your thoughts in positive ways
3. unlock the portal of your heart center for unconditional love – bridge to 5D

With this upgrade, you can pull in a greatly expanded spectrum of Multidimensional Light/information. The coming June Solstice acts as a Gateway to higher realities, initiating another Ascension upgrade into safer holograms of Soul Family support. We are inching our way up and out of the enslavement Matrix. Align with your divine Soul truth and let go of any debilitating human family dynamics. You do everyone a greater service by stepping out of the Matrix and anchor Light consciousness into your energy field and in your daily life.

I will be broadcasting new Ascension Activations this Wednesday, May 18th and Full Moon Global Intentions on Saturday, May 21st. Step into the Quantum Vortex with other Starseeds actively working their Ascension blueprint. Register at: https://newearthcentral.com/?p=12515

Lovingly, Meg Benedicte

Saturday, May 14, 2016

e human genetic code, patterns and programs that hold you in 3D

Since March, the Ascension Firstwavers have been processing the powerful Eclipse-Equinox upgrades. The intense cosmic photonic infusion is shaking loose the old, out-dated ancestrial patterns, programs and limitations, so that we can burst forward onto our new Ascension timeline. During this retrograde reset, many are discovering where the enslavement Matrix still has a hold, especially where the ego tries to hold onto 3D.

This can be very challenging, especially for Starseeds, as the human psyche tries to hold onto the birth family, while the Soul ignites the DNA of the galactic family lineage. In order to ascend into embodying the Soul bloodline, all traces of the distorted Matrix must be eliminated. This includes the human genetic code, patterns and programs that hold you in 3D.

Scientific researchers have concluded that 97% of human genetic code is not useless junk DNA, but actually responds to high frequency patterns in Light. They believe that junk DNA acts like a multi-dimensional computer that attracts bits of light information and passes it on to our consciousness. This interdimensional passage of information is called “hyper-radiance communication.”

When Light is introduced into the body thru meditation and intentioned visualization, the DNA is capable of receiving the subatomic light particles from the “super hologram” of the quantum field. Researchers discovered that living chromosomes function just like holographic computers and the junk DNA serve as data storage and communication.

Clearly, 97% of your DNA reacts strongly to resonant high-frequency Light language. Research reveals that humans are basically receivers floating in a sea of frequencies of light patterns. It all comes down to what you focus on and the choices you make. Where you focus your attention and what you choose to perceive, will determine the reality you select from the infinite holographic possibilities.

When you add in daily Quantum Access meditation, you enhance the magnitude of possible futures available to you. Acting as a human radio receiver, the incoming light information will instruct the junk DNA, process thru your holographic right brain and project that selected reality into the physical world. The more Light and Soul Presence you embody, the more world realities are accessible to you.

I will be broadcasting new Ascension Activations this Wednesday, May 18th. Step into the Quantum Vortex with other Starseeds actively working their Ascension blueprint. Register at: https://newearthcentral.com/?p=12515

Lovingly, Meg Benedicte