Exhausting, Liberating, Personal and Interpersonal…that being the pivoting from one reality to another, embodiment of the Soul, embracing and integrating the pulse and waves of new Frequency Specific Light levels and harnessing Love in ways that defy what we have known on Earth.
Within the daily stellar, solar, soulular, cellular movement and rearrangement of realities, I discovered a deep ongoing stillness and detachment from everything, as would be so between life, death and rebirth. The length and depth of this stillness day after day felt unnatural at the time, as if I ought to be doing something outwardly. Not so. That is old programming and the mind and ego attempting to impose and insert itself into the newly forming. (On Monday I was guided to write this newsletter.)
My Higher Self shared, ‘you (amongst many,) are breaking new ground into a new world/a new frequency field/ a new timeline/ a destiny reset. One doesn’t make that shift and come out of the gate running and filled with what am I going to do. There is stillness as your newness takes its time to adjust, adapt and Be. You (and many,) will be working with a new Cosmic Life Force as one life stream completes and a new Life Stream begins that your toes have barely touched the waters of. Be still and nurture the bond of Unity, Peace and Trust forming more apparently now with your Heart and Soul. Everyone is on their own respective journeys however for the awakened there is a consciousness that knows, All are United in Cause and Purpose.’
2023 was relentless in its demands to level up though entering the 10/10 portal (signifying a new phase of Life,) along with Eclipse Season and a fiery New Moon, there no longer feels to be a relentless energy though energy offering us an enhanced opportunity to explore what remains from the distorted matrix that requires awareness and release without turning it into an ongoing process. We are here to be an active part of the unfolding New Earth where process gives way to Creation of New Life.
In the months between Eclipse season and Solstice more Universal energy will be released into the Earth’s atmosphere creating a stronger vibratory bridge between Heaven and Earth. As well, a more apparent Heavenly new vista forming from within shall reveal more of the ‘proof’ that all things are not only possible, though evident.
I share this blessing that Lauren Gorgo brought through in her latest ‘New Earth Report’. This part is from the Arcturians:
“Dearly beloveds, we gather this day in the name of ALL that IS to usher forth your blessings from on High. These blessings are your birthrights, the unreceived earnings of your many adventures through various lifetimes upon this plane. As you walk forth into the Sacred Season of Harvest we greet you as the Light of your Original Soul, welcoming you Home to your Heaven on Earth. Tis the Season of your comeuppance, dear Starborns. Adonai & praytell.”
There are many blessings around us and uncountable and immeasurable moving parts having their unique effects on each One of Us from above and below though most of all within. We are in the womb of ourselves giving birth though sorting as to what and who shall come with us into New Life and onto Holy ground.
This requires 100% of our unattached attention and non-judgment…only the ability to bear witness to the phenomena occurring from the inside out and follow it’s vibrational lead. None of us knows what lies ahead or how our lives shall be re-arranged though certainty is irrelevant. Clarity, balance, an open heart and instinct are necessary as is increasing the flow of wisdom coming from our Higher Self becoming Our One Self. No separation.
We are our Higher Self. We are our unique Soul. We are our I Am Presence. These are not words, they are the creative force in each one that designed and sustains the Universe.
I recall writing in Commitment to Love something God spoke, “Who I Am is Who You Are. You are powerful beings of Light and of Love with a responsibility to use yourselves properly and reclaim your Heart. Doing so will create the foundation for the global event humanity has always dreamed of…the experience of Heaven on Earth.”
Yeshua shared many times, “The human Soul longs for a reality experience of Joy and Well-Being which only physical life congruent, balanced and clear can give it. And, the physical body longs for an immortality experience which only the Soul can give it.”
Overall, we are synthesizing the Trueness of ourselves in Consciousness and in a human body suit. Daily now, we are aligning and recalibrating to and with strands of New Creation and Revelation. At last we come to the part in this Game called Life that we are able to, without the nefarious other than Light Consciousness interfering, (by the Grace of God and our stability and sustainability of Light,) move forward and upward.
Take a breath Beloveds. No matter where you may Be in this now moment, up, down or in between… a new Creation energy has birthed within this Higher framework of expanded Light. We have access to it Now. However, this is not a race to the finish line, it is preparation meeting opportunity.
This Higher Light Consciousness is pulsing continuous waves of renewal and reconnection for each. Mother Earth, in her newly expanded state of Being, awaits Us All as we complete what was. She happily abides in her Higher State of Peace, Bounty and Beauty awaiting our arrival to finally hold us in Unity.
From the Higher Realms per John Lennon written in Peace at Last: “As we transmit Light through you into the energy field of your race, light codes magnetically sealed within the human cellular structure will be released into the physical tissues. These light codes will remove the illusion of separation that has entranced humanity. As each comprehends their purpose and perfection, the fears that have enslaved them will evaporate within the Light of their own Radiance.”
Be at Peace Beloveds. Be Peace. Let the external world continue to remind us that Peace within and toward one another nurtured by the Light and the Love of God We Are will translate vibratory alterations into the Heart of Humanity. Time is irrelevant. As God has always transmitted to me, ”you do your part and I shall do Mine. Trust.”
With Love, Blessings and always a prayer for Grace to BE upon us All,
Email: maureen@maureenmoss.com
Private Sessions: https://www.maureenmoss.com/private-session
© 2023 Maureen Moss - No part of this transmission including artwork, may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any means without full article, full name and website maureenmoss.com Additionally voice recordings are prohibited by this copyright.