>08 JANUARY 2007
>This information may be shared with other sources on strict conditions that
>no information is altered or deleted or used for monetary gain, and the
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>To find out more about Michelle & The Lightweaver please visit
>Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. You
>will energetically be linked with the Channeling being and a similar
>process facilitated with you. It is not exactly the same as being in the
>presence of the channeling Master, however the effects are just as
>powerful. Do not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given to
>the participants in the channeling. You will be taken through a similar one
>in accordance with your Divine Plan, Timing & Purpose.
>I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to greet
>each of you upon this day and to bring unto you the blessings of
>transformation, transmutation, transcendence and illumination.
>Greetings, Beloved Ones and it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts
>that we may gather with you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the
>heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.
>Beloved ones, welcome to 2007, the year you shall come to know as "The Big
>Let Go". 2007 offers you some of your most powerful opportunities in terms
>of spiritual illumination, unconditional love of self and others and the
>emergence of the true understanding of humanitarian consciousness.
>Throughout your life time, you have been faced with choices, ones that lead
>you down a pathway resulting in specific experiences and spaces of
>learning. In 2007, you will be shown clearly how past paradigm ways of
>thinking have inhibited your power of choice. It is a time of truly
>understanding the motivation behind your choices and the inner chatter that
>takes place prior to one making a choice. Next time you find yourself in a
>situation having to choose be aware of the dialogue that unfolds inside of
>your head prior to the decision being made. You will notice that during
>that dialogue taking place it is not you alone conveying information. It is
>your mother, your father, your siblings and any other authority figures
>that have influenced your life up until this point, contributing to the
>motivations behind your decisions.
>2007 is about stepping fully into the authentic power of choice as well as
>stepping into the power of authentic choice. Many people are being faced
>with profound change in their life. For many it is traumatic change,
>however the changes are vital and are a very important part of how things
>are changing. The past seven years have been a build up to the Big Let Go
>process currently unfolding. All of you have worked with various aspects of
>the formative years of your childhood. The formative years are the first
>seven years of your life. Over the past seven years you have had to deal
>with the programs you adopted and held within the seven chakras affecting
>your physical body and reality. You have had to entertain the many aspects
>of other people in your life which express themselves through the programs
>you adopted during your formative years. You now have the opportunity to
>completely restructure the foundation of your formative years and work with
>anchoring the authentic foundation of the True Self. What this means is,
>most important and foremost upon your list of priorities, is being brutally
>honest with yourself.
>In order to be authentic, in order to reclaim your authentic self and to
>live an authentic life, you need to quit living in denial. Skirting issues,
>beating around the bush and making excuses for your sad lot in life has
>come to an end. 2007 is the gateway into your authentic universe, the world
>where the TRUE YOU exists and has been waiting for you all along to come
>forward and to embrace it. See 2007 as your year of profound healing. When
>one undergoes healing one is in a position to let go and when one is ready
>to let go healing takes place. Right now, all you are required to do is
>make the choice to allow;" the Big Let Go" to merge completely with you on
>all levels so that you are able to recognize the authentic aspects of
>yourself by agreeing to acknowledge what you have been in denial about. For
>some people the denial may be very subtle issues, for others it may be very
>blatant issues. Every area of your life is calling for your attention. It
>is calling for you to be completely transparent so as to be able to
>holistically trans-parent yourself.
>Rejoice in knowing this is the year where you bid your parents farewell, by
>this we mean all their issues and all of the programming they was instilled
>with you and that causes any kind of limitation in your life. This will be
>released. Bid farewell to all of those authority figures that impacted upon
>your reality in a debilitating way and bid farewell to every other soul
>that has contributed to your journey that no longer serves a purpose. It is
>right to say that everything up until this point has been for a reason, but
>now everything has changed and has been changing and from the year 1999 you
>have been grooming yourself for this very powerful year of change. You will
>witness the power of magic, miracles and manifestation that comes about as
>a result of your willingness to surrender, to let go and to be carried
>gracefully upon the Sacred River of Life that shall lead you into the
>tranquil waters of your truth and into the abundant valley of knowledge,
>wisdom and power that you have been searching for most of your life.
>The Cosmic Hierarchy is present with you today. They are bringing
>information that will help you better understand the velocity of the
>energies currently being integrated, as well as a greater understanding of
>the volatility of the energies that you are experiencing.
>Firstly, every three months, all of you will undergo a cosmic clearing
>within your DNA. The cosmic clearing will result in a shifting of energetic
>paradigms that have been held within your DNA serving various purposes.
>This energy will be updated every three months so to speak, resulting in
>new energies being at your disposal every three months so as to continue
>upon the pathway you have chosen.
>Every month your Cosmic Guides will take you in your light body into the
>Temples of Shamballa where you will stand before the Great White
>Brotherhood and have the opportunity to refer to various aspects of the
>grander picture of your akashic template and make changes accordingly. This
>will result in accelerated changes in the entire make up of your being and
>your life. This accelerated change is a part of anchoring all the new
>Ascension Tools that the Archangels are bringing. There are twenty seven,
>to be specific, which the Archangels will be bringing to humanity in the
>not too distant future. The twenty seven Keys of Ascension includes all
>aspects of life and in 2007 you will come to recognize how important
>physical life is, in terms of completing the Ascension Initiations.
>The energy of; "the Big Let Go" will reveal to you many of the distorted
>perceptions you have had regarding spirituality; being spiritual, living
>the so-called esoteric way of life. In the past we have said that your
>government will undergo immense change and the people of various nations
>will rise to reclaim lost power. These changes apply to the esoteric world.
>The Cosmic Vibrations coming in from the 11th Universe is emitting a wave
>of particles which will impact on the spiritual community of your world as
>a collective consciousness and focus specifically on esoteric community.
>The reason why this is taking place is because esoteric communities have
>become corrupt in their attitude to spirituality. There has been an immense
>amount of corruption within that particular field. This is the year that we
>will begin sifting out all of the toxic aspects of the esoteric community.
>When we speak of the esoteric community we speak of the entire field
>embodying every single modality of healing, every single aspect of new age,
>self-help, and philosophy, esoteric and whatever labels you choose to give
>The identity that has been created around new age, esotericism, metaphysics
>and so on and so forth has been so severely and negatively distorted that
>it has begun to leak energy at such a rate that it is re-activating some of
>the portals that were shut down between the period of 2002 leading up to
>2005 that were meant to be the end of certain malevolent energies
>influencing the spiritual awakening of humanity. The Cosmic Lords WILL NOT
>ALLOW this to happen. Very recently, I said ignorance is no longer an
>excuse for the way things are unfolding and 2007 will show you the
>difference between innocence and ignorance. There is a very big difference
>and fine line between the two, the same as between judgment and
>discernment. It is up to every single person on the planet over the age of
>twelve years to take full responsibility for self-awareness, for
>self-empowerment and most importantly, being true to the self. Some of you
>may want to laugh in my face and say; "well, what do you suggest we do to
>get this right?" Be honest with yourself. Be authentic. You see beloved
>ones, for so many years and so many cycles the truth has been hidden from
>you. You have accepted that illusion is the lot-in-life that you will have
>to live with. You have been groomed in many areas including genetically and
>thinking that twisting the truth is a necessary part of survival. That no
>longer exists and is a complete distortion of the authentic way of being.
>There is only one way for anyone to live authentically and that's to live
>in truth, to live with integrity and to practice what one preaches.
>Already, humanity has seen how religion has distorted the truth. How many
>in the religious sector have not practiced what they preach? They do not
>stand alone in their so-called sin and it is with a very heavy heart that I
>say the esoteric community has become more corrupt than the Catholic Church
>ever was. This is why we have called forth this energy at this time with
>the gathering of the Cosmic Lords because the end begins today.
>All of you who honor the Pathway of Light, who honor the Laws of Integrity
>and who honor not only your truth, but the truth of everyone else, you are
>being called upon now, more than ever, to practice the Laws of Light, to
>lead by example and to set the record straight so-to-speak! There are many
>people out there who have been seeking the truth, who have stepped into
>various arenas so as to find their truth only to be "burnt" by the
>so-called New Age sector, by the healers, the mediums, the channelers, the
>tarot card readers, the palm readers, etc. It is one big farce and we will
>not allow all of the hard work that the Light workers of the True Pathway
>of Light have done be undone! So, I Lord Kuthumi, with the rest of the
>Great White Brotherhood and the Cosmic Lords of the 11th Universe ask you
>to stand in your truth like never before and practice the Laws of the
>Universe. Do as you will but harm none. By being true to yourself, and by
>this we mean being honest, you begin reversing all of the effects that the
>virus of deception has had on the spiritual world and the communities that
>take advantage of this new age of awakening. They are tarnishing the Golden
>Age because of their fear, because of lust consciousness, poverty, victim
>and conditional love consciousness.
>Beloved ones, it was important that we were completely transparent with you
>regarding where things are at this time regarding the esoteric community.
>And, may I emphasize this, when I say the "esoteric community" I refer to
>absolutely every aspect of the so-called New Age Movement. Because so many
>people have taken advantage lustfully, there are many who were awakening
>who have reverted back to their comatose state because they are
>disillusioned by what the New Age Movement was promising. Therefore; "the
>Big Let Go" encompasses the release of absolutely all avenues of deception,
>all areas of illusion, which is why I said to you at the beginning; it is
>the greatest opportunity of spiritual illumination, unconditional love and
>humanitarian consciousness.
>Every single one of you are being assigned an additional seven guides to
>support this unfolding that will take place over 2007. This is the
>beginning of what will be carried out all the way to 2012. This is a
>massive "spring clean" of note that continues throughout the whole year,
>regardless of the season. Tis the season for clearing, all year round. Let
>us put it that way!
>On a much more positive note, it is important that you bear in mind that
>where you are at now is a very powerful point, because you have the
>knowledge at your disposal of what has taken place. You are in a position
>to re-prioritize your life, to truly scrutinize every aspect of your life
>and to make empowered choices regarding the direction you choose. The
>choices you make also influence the collective consciousness. If you make a
>choice based on the entire past paradigm programming, you are supporting
>the old paradigm that you were programmed with; that it is better to
>distort the truth and to sacrifice ones truth, rather than to be honest and
>cause anyone any pain. You are telling yourself that it is okay for you to
>be in pain, it is okay for you to suffer and to live the illusion in order
>to spare others that pain and suffering. But living in the truth, you are
>not sparing them anything; all you are doing is not feeding their illusion.
>By being honest with yourself and communicating that honesty, you are
>allowing those who are at the receiving end of that truth, the opportunity
>to do likewise. This has a ripple effect throughout the collective
>consciousness because then truth, honesty and integrity become the order of
>the day and you will be astounded by how quickly things change and how
>willingly people will adapt to hearing the truth, seeing the truth and
>living within the truth.
>A number of people are feeling very volatile emotionally because of the
>energies coming forth from the 11th Universe. Today is the day that will
>mark the day for each and every month to come when you will stand before
>the Cosmic Lords and the Great White Brotherhood inside of Shamballa and
>present to them that which you desire most to change in your life. We ask
>all of you to obtain a journal that will be used specifically for your
>communications with the Cosmic Lords and the GWB. In this journal we ask
>you to write all the truths that you are discovering. Write down what you
>realize you have been in denial about. If you are having difficulty
>recognizing what you are in denial about, then we suggest you write down
>everything you are not completely and utterly at peace with in your life,
>and address each issue accordingly. Ask yourself why you are unhappy, what
>is causing the discomfort or unhappiness, what has created the sense of
>lethargy resulting in you not feeling capable of making the small changes
>in your life that may lead to a greater change. The collective gift that
>shall come from your efforts is self-acceptance and unconditional love of
>the self. The spiritual illumination that emerges, as a result, is what
>will motivate you to step completely into the authentic expression of your
>Divine Self. Even though the information is aimed at each of you as
>individuals, it is an energy that is rippled throughout your planet. It is
>a collective process.
>During 2007 you will also manifest yet another level of understanding,
>consciously, the meaning of "we are all one" and that you are a part of
>everything. The wave of particles coming from the 11th universe will
>activate this conscious emergence of the realization of how inter-connected
>everything is.
>Cosmically, you will also be influenced by twelve Cosmic Portals that are
>being activated throughout this year. Six of them will be focused over
>Africa and the remaining six will be scattered across the globe; USA,
>Canada, England, Russia, Spain and Australia. In Africa, they will be in
>Johannesburg, Durban, Cape Town, Namibia, Egypt and a vast pillar of that
>energy will be anchored in Dubai. The energy in Dubai will hold two
>frequencies of the masculine and the feminine. This particular portal will
>bring balance for the collective consciousness of both the God and the
>Goddess. As the year unfolds, we will take you into deeper aspects of what
>is taking place and many of you will physically travel to where these
>activations are taking place. We will keep you updated regarding the time
>lines. We can tell you that in April of this year, the Namibian Cosmic
>portal will be anchored and activated and at the end of January the Cosmic
>Portal for Cape Town will be activated. Lord Maitreya has asked that the
>19th of February be the day that the Cosmic Portal is anchored in
>Johannesburg. The rest will follow shortly.
>These Cosmic Portals will become active portals inside your body. Each of
>these portals will open greater aspects of your consciousness. All of you
>are already experiencing greater activity in your brain waves. We have
>observed millions of people experiencing activity in the brain region and
>that doctors are unable to diagnose the reason for their discomfort as a
>result. Many people are complaining of vertigo, the feeling of their crown
>chakra and their 3rd eye chakra feeling like water. All of this is a part
>of these cosmic waves of particles penetrating your body. You see, a
>particle is not an individual separate entity of its own. Particles are
>aspects of one collective body which replicate themselves. They are the
>same thing, but seen separately. This is a vital part of understanding the
>quantum mechanics taking place inside your body, around your body, inside
>your world and around your world.
>Quantum physics has become yet another buzz word and every Dick, Tom &
>Harriet is talking about Quantum this that or the other. But, Quantum
>Science is a very definite avenue of spirituality, if we can call it this.
>Quantum Physics is the Science of Possibility. Yet there are individuals
>trying to apply Quantum Science without integrity. During this year you
>will have a much grander understanding of the role you play in creating
>your life and what it means to live within a quantum state of active
>consciousness. If you are serious about working with Quantum Science, put
>in the effort to understand the mechanics thereof, so that you can apply it
>authentically. We have seen many people in the new age movement reading a
>paragraph in a book, placing it back on the shelf and claiming to know
>everything about the subject! People pick up buzz words and then claim to
>be the great teachers of what it is they have chosen to attach to,
>regardless. RESPONABILITY is a very important part of living authentically.
>Knowledge is at the disposal of everyone, but a certain level of maturity
>to live according to the laws of the knowledge you are tapping into.
>Ignorance is dangerous. There is no loner any excuse for ignorance, as I
>have said. Your world has come to a point where there is sufficient
>information available to enlighten every single soul on your planet. The
>problem is that a miniscule portion of your world is ready and willing to
>take full responsibility for moving out of ignorance and into empowerment.
>Therefore, once again Beloved Ones, we call to YOU the Enlightened Ones, to
>walk your talk like never before, to live your truth like never before and
>to exude the light of your authentic self like never before. This does not
>mean you will bombard people with your thoughts, your ideas or your
>perceptions of life. You are not asked now to go out into the world and try
>and transform everybody or save the world. All you are being asked to do is
>LEAD BY EXAMPLE. Be the avenue through which Spirit expresses its greatest
>Divinity and the energy that is emitted through you will be so powerful
>that those who are touched by your light will ask you what they need to
>know placing you in the position to share you wisdom and offer counsel, and
>work with them accordingly.
>Now, the Cosmic influences over and above that which we have discussed are
>ones that will also result in the shift of the rate of energy absorbed by
>your body, and the frequencies currently inside of your chakras will
>undergo a profound adaptation. What this means is that the entire
>consciousness of your physiology and your biology will undergo a
>transformation in frequency, and its ability to converse with the
>environment. Your body is a super intelligent mechanism, highly
>sophisticated. But, because such a small part of it has been utilized, all
>the dormant aspects of your body are needing some time to remember their
>original purpose. You can look forward to many of those aspects being
>resuscitated physiologically, biologically and psychologically. The study
>of Quantum Science is a valuable key in assisting your body to deal with
>the physiological changes that will take place. The biological changes that
>you will experience will be easier for you to adapt to with that knowledge,
>because as your knowledge of Quantum Science expands, so you will
>understand exactly what is going on in your body.
>The new Archangels that anchored their energy in 2006 are creating new
>streams of information, as well as streams of communication for all of you
>to tap into. This will amplify your ability to communicate telepathically
>with the various natural aspects of your environment. During this year it
>is vital that you interact with nature as often as is possible, so as to
>maintain the equilibrium of energy within your body. The most valuable
>thing you can do for your physical body during this year is feed it live
>food. Fill your body with water regularly. The entire water system of your
>body is already undergoing change, which is another reason why so many
>people are feeling so volatile because the emotional structure of your body
>is being recreated, recalculated and the recalibrated. Because you are
>primarily made up of water, you need to replenish that which is being
>expended in your daily living. Your body still releases water even if you
>are not very active physically. A minimum of 2L of water per day. Begin
>with at least one of your meals consisting of only living food. As the
>weeks and months unfold we strongly urge you to strive for making your
>meals predominantly live, organic foods. Your body will need this because
>your energies will be of such a fine tunes nature that dense foods will
>leave you feeling heavy, sluggish, fatigued and in general unmotivated.
>This may also result in headaches, sinus and mucous in the body.
>Crystals will play a very important role in maintaining the vibrancy of
>your energy. We suggest that you choose a member of the crystal kingdom to
>work with you on a monthly basis and to interact with this being of
>consciousness and familiarize yourself with its properties so that you can
>work with it. The same applies to working with a member of the animal
>kingdom, which you may recognize as one of your totem animals.
>This year is the marrying of all the aspects of the living world around you
>and within you merging together and creating a fantastic new body of light,
>of expression. A new vehicle that will take you through this life and help
>you to accomplish everything you have set out to do.
>Lord Maitreya is also asking you to focus your attention on the needs of
>the children of your planet - their emotional needs, as well as their
>spiritual needs. When their emotional and spiritual needs are attended to,
>they begin learning how to move out of survival consciousness and begin
>thriving within the environment they co-create with their guardians. More
>and more emphasis will be placed on the necessity of embracing the children
>of your planet in, an energy of innocence, as well as in, an energy of
>abundance. The children of eleven years old and younger will be influenced
>more than the adult human beings by the vibrations coming through this wave
>of particles coming from the 11th universe. They are being propelled into
>the same levels of empowerment that you have chosen to attract for
>yourself. However, the difference is that it will challenge many adults'
>belief systems, their way of doing things and their perceptions of
>children. Children thrive in a loving environment. They thrive when there
>are consistent boundaries set in place; loving, realistic, age appropriate
>Every human being who sires and births a child and every other human being
>whose life purpose it is to interact with children should complete a course
>in soul psychology, prior to committing to taking guardianship over such a
>sacred energy. And, we are implementing this energetically. This means all
>parents, teachers, grand-parents and guardians alike will undergo an
>accelerated course in soul psychology in terms of dealing with the soul of
>the child as well as the soul of the inner child. One thing I would like to
>ask all of you to get used to this year right from the onset is; BRUTAL
>HONESTY, and I promise you, Beloved Ones, I am going to tell it like it is.
>What is the use of living your life in denial? Where is it going to get
>you? Where has it gotten you? This also applies to the process of if
>guarding and nurturing children, and being an example they will follow.
>There are many children who have incarnated to completely obliterate the
>old systems of the old paradigm and this will challenge the adult community
>like never before. Not because adults will have to learn how to deal with
>some of these highly unruly, obnoxious and volatile children, they will
>have to learn what the new way is to win these children over. To win their
>trust, their respect and to win them over in terms of them seeing the power
>inside of you reflected within themselves. Every obnoxious, volatile,
>rebellious, unruly child you have ever met is simply screaming out for
>loving boundaries and focused attention for them and for you. Many times
>children push the boundaries because you are not confident in your own
>boundaries. They will over step the line, they will be unruly, destructive
>and arrogant because you are not paying attention to those aspects inside
>of you vying for your attention, calling to you to pay attention to what
>you need in order to manifest the life that will bring tranquility to
>absolutely every aspect of your environment.
>So, this goes back to what we said at the beginning; if you choose to live
>in denial then expect to live only a fraction of life. Being authentic
>means everything around you will change. The dynamic will become one that
>supports you in every single aspect of life multidimensional. So during the
>year ahead we ask you to look at yourself and to be impeccable in your
>thought, your word and your deed. Use your journal to be honest with
>yourself. Avoid negative people and environments. Granted, you will have
>your days when you will feel a little low, or perhaps one of your friends
>may feel a little low. We are speaking of long term negative environments
>and people who are constantly negative. Focus on everything that reflects
>back to you and that which you seek most to be and to experience.
>Are there any questions we can assist with?
>(Full question inaudible) Asking about the Soul Psychology that Kuthumi
>mentioned earlier
>We will deliver the teachings of Soul Psychology as they are necessary. Be
>open to what manifests in your reality as part of the training so-to-speak.
>The teachings of the Soul Psychology will manifest primarily in each
>person's life as life experiences. You will have first hand experience of
>how it will unfold and it is part and parcel of the energy of 2007. When
>you are faced with a situation and you need to find different ways of
>dealing with it because, consciously, you know that the old way has not
>worked, will not work, what do you need to do differently? The moment you
>ask that question, the new way is given to you and will expressed through
>you, which is why we emphasize that one must accept that to do things in
>the old way will not change one's life. Being honest, choosing to live
>authentically, will bring all the information that is needed. Perhaps you
>could consider 2007 being an advanced initiation into universal self
>-empowerment. Is this clear? Peace and blessing be with you.
>Kuthumi you speak about the seven guides, what dimensions or energies will
>they be bringing for us?
>It will be different for each individual. However there is a collective
>thread. The dimensions that are coming are more those of the higher
>dimensions embodying consciousness of a more expanded consciousness. You
>can anticipate these coming from the 7th dimension and beyond. Over and
>above this you will also have beings coming in from the 11th Universe who
>are responsible for the bringing the new cosmic wave particles which will
>create a new system from which to live and integrate energy. We suggest
>that each of you also set the intention that these new guides reveal to you
>what their purpose is with you, how to recognize them and what you can rely
>on them to do with and for you. Is this clear?
>Why seven guides? Has it got something to do with the seven main chakras?
>It is a yes and also with the energy of 2007 and the rate at which the
>energy is changing, the seven guides hold a specific frequency taken on
>from the numerological vibration of seven, which is very important.
>Question regarding depression
>One of the main reasons why there is such a high level of depression at
>this time is because the soul is weeping as a result of the disconnection
>that has taken place with the authentic self. Most people are living their
>lives motivated by survival and fear. Many people are in outdated
>situations, they are in relationships, jobs and geographic locations that
>are no longer a part of their Divine Plan; systems that have expired and
>because people are still in those systems of old energy they are finding it
>extremely difficult to make the changes. The weight of the illusion becomes
>so intense that depression sets in. This is why the journey of embracing
>the authentic self is such an important one for 2007. Being honest with
>oneself and everyone else is so important. Now, people might say "How can I
>leave this job I despise so much if I have bills to pay?" This is a reality
>which we understand but what is the person doing to change that situation?
>Many people simply accept it as their lot in life and complain incessantly
>about it. The example of the dead-end job would require the person
>acknowledging where they are for now and then being honest about all the
>reasons why they choose to stay where they are and then being honest about
>all the external influences that influence the decision to stay where they
>are. Once that is out in the open, one can begin to make physical changes.
>If an issue is low self-worth and one believes that one does not deserve a
>more stimulating job, or perhaps the person may be in a destructive
>relationship and the relationship leads to the person feeling so bad about
>themselves that they do not believe that they deserve anything better. Do
>you understand where this is going? Do you see how it all links together?
>So, in order to alleviate the depression, begin by being honest with
>Lord Kuthumi, over the past few days I have experienced extreme volatility.
>Sister, this is as a result of all the new energies coming in. The Cosmic
>Vibrations and the Cosmic Lords anchoring their energy on the earth plane
>has created this eruption of emotion. The emotional body is being
>completely reconstructed; the water systems are changing, and because all
>of the energies are being groomed to support this change of being in a
>state denial and moving into the authentic way of being, it is disrupting
>the entire foundation of people's lives. Now, the foundation we are
>referring to is that which was created within the formative years - the
>first 7 years of ones life. Where ever there is a crack in the foundation,
>whatever was placed within that foundation that no longer serves the soul
>is being changed, which is what has been taking place between 1999 and
>2006. Now, 2007 is the next leg of the so-called journey where one is ready
>to create a new foundation, to re-create that which was lost during the
>formative years as a result of external programming, and reclaiming all the
>authentic aspects of the Divine Self and creating THAT as the new
>foundation. As a result, individuals are questioning themselves, uncertain
>about choices that need to be made, decisions that must be made and action
>that must be taken. One minute a person is feeling motivated and the next
>minute they want to take their own life. It is the initial reaction to this
>very high frequency of Cosmic energy that has been sent in to ensure that
>the direction that the new energy is creating will be one that leads
>everyone into the world of their authentic self. The volatility is also the
>aspects of self that are afraid of the unknown, and what these changes will
>result in. "What will one lose?" "What will one have to sacrifice?" "How
>will the changes occur?" But in truth there is no loss, there will be no
>sacrifice and one will simply move into the changes gracefully, because
>that is the way synchronicity works. Part of healing means accepting that
>there are aspects of your life you will not be able to control from the
>perspective of the ego. There comes a time when one must let go and let
>God. This often gives rise to that sense of volatile emotion and feelings,
>of course mind chatter. That is very confusing but do you know what is most
>important? It is the fact that you are aware that your body is undergoing
>change. The fact that you are willing to embrace the change and allow your
>guides to show you what the new direction is. We urge all of you to embrace
>the current changes in that manner, and to trust the unseen sources and
>forces of energy around you and at your disposal.
>Question not very clear, but something to do with not coping with partner
>and children.
>Sister, use the journal we suggested earlier and write down everything you
>are feeling. Many times one realizes when looking at commitments to
>partners and to children that the volatility and the screaming inside is in
>fact the self screaming for the same attention that is being given to the
>husband/partner and the children. Then what happens is, the inner self is,
>in a way, forcing the mother to find time to pay attention to the self. So,
>writing in the journal is, in a way, forcing you to sit down so that you
>can make head and tails of what exactly is irking you; pushing you to the
>edge, making you feel completely helpless and hopeless and help you deal
>with the guilt that you feel inside because of the way you feel towards you
>partner and your children and the resentment that often builds up as a
>result. Then you can take action. Many women have heard us say this and we
>will repeat it. It is vital to nurture yourself as much as you have to
>nurture the rest of your life. We have heard every excuse under the sun,
>believe me. There are many. Perhaps it is a book we should publish but in
>the moment that she (mother) steps into that place of giving to self, the
>sense of relief is indescribable. You do not have to do it every day, aside
>one morning, one afternoon or even one hour in your month that is purely
>dedicated to you. That is the most important gift you can give yourself,
>and the most important physical action you can take right now for yourself.
>You see, the space you are in now, is not a healthy one for you or your
>family, so you have to take a few steps back, and you are going to have to
>"deprive" your children and your partner of some time with you. However,
>the gift is that when you are back in their space you feel refreshed,
>loving, energized and strong, and you can give them quality time.
>What effects will the new energies have on the emotions and economically?
>Brother, the emotional issues are very much about what we have already
>discussed; the depression, the volatility of the emotions and of course
>vulnerability will be a very big part of it too. People feeling that they
>just cannot carry on the way they are is why depression will be an area to
>focus on during 2007. It will, in a way, become the number one emotional
>dis-ease of the modern time, and it will not be limited to females or
>Economically it is going to be as volatile, simply because of people's
>uncertainty regarding themselves and their future. Since 2007 has such a
>focus on stepping into the authentic self; self-worth will be challenged
>like never before. This is vital in order for humanity to emerge as a
>collective body of self-acceptance. Because of people's uncertainty
>regarding their self-worth, they may very well impact upon their financial
>situation as a result, highlighting their beliefs in lack or loss. However
>it can be rapidly salvaged by owning the contribution through ones beliefs
>systems that manifest any kind of lack and limitation, which then becomes a
>new way of being and the person discovers a different motivation for
>improving their life style. This of course impacts on the world
>There will continue to be the uncovering of corruption in government as it
>has been over the past recent years, as well, expanding the type of person
>being brought into positions of governance and ruling. What this means is
>that the nations will call for people with a greater sense of integrity,
>truth and honesty. It will take the demand of what they are delivering to a
>whole new level. There will also be emphasis on finding more natural ways
>of fuelling motor vehicles, etc., as well as greater emphasis on global
>warming. 2007 will be a time where there will be temperatures recorded that
>have never been recorded in your history before. The heat, that is. The
>temperature has increased by at least a half a degree world wide already.
>So that will become quite a big focus, not only for governments around the
>world, but for individuals and communities as well. In a way, it is again
>the drawing together of humanitarian consciousness and the realization that
>all is one. Everything is connected. What you do unto yourself you do unto
>others. Ignorance is destructive! So, people need the education regarding
>the utilization of certain substances in their home, their vehicle, in
>their mind, in their heart, everywhere. It is a collective body healing.
>Humans, world and spirit, every single aspect of life will be addressed.
>Before we end this transmission let us also say to you. Stand strong in
>your truth. Remember your belief systems are perhaps not that of another,
>but if it resonates true to you then stick with it. There will be a lot of
>change in the New Golden Age movement. Therefore, you need to have the
>courage of your convictions and walk tall.
>So it is then, Beloved Ones, that we embrace each of you in the Divine
>Cosmic Light. We embrace you in the fluid energy of the fluid universe and
>deliver unto you a means that will help you understand how you are able to
>manifest the miracles of life; tap into the magic of life and express your
>authentic self in ways you have previously not perceived. Continue to trust
>in the many invisible arms that hold you and know they you are safe, know
>that you are on the right path and deeply loved.
>I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom and I greet and
>bless you in love. Adonai.