Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Flame of Creation, with love from your Spiritual Friends

Flame of Creation, with love from your Spiritual Friends
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 12/12/10

As individual aspects of the Creator's soul, we draw forth from the spiritual planes to unite our energies in love; we encapsulate the Earth and all of humanity in the love that pulsates through our beings from the mighty soul of the Creator. At this time of your calendar year, where a new beginning is dawning, we strengthen our light around the Earth, holding several wishes for humanity in our energies and consciousness. The power of our united energy amplifies our wishes and we know that the intentions we hold will filter into the hearts and souls of many on the Earth. This is the gift that we offer our friends and loved ones on the Earth, our love, light and sacred wishes for now and the New Year to come.

With our united energy we ignite a flame of hope, love and peace from the purest energy of the Creator's soul. This flame is vast and expansive; it flickers with the most vibrant and the palest multicoloured light. The very essence, life force energy and sacred qualities of the Creator's soul are harnessed within this sacred flame, it is the truth of the Creator so effervescent and active for all to see and connect with. We, your friends and guides on the spiritual planes magnify with our thoughts the strength and presence of the Flame of Creation until it completely encapsulates the Earth in its flickering flames of light. The essence and vibration of this energy is so pure, it anchors the energy of purity from the Creator into the Earth, spreading love, peace and hope as if it is a pulsating paint washing over the Earth. Take a moment to imagine or visualise this process and the presence of the Flame of Creation. The qualities of peace, hope and love are charging into the Earth, so abundant and so magnified are they that you may even see them adopt physical existence on the Earth as glorious nature beings. The world is being painted with love, hope and peace creating a deep healing and most importantly rejuvenation for Mother Nature, Mother Earth and the physical Earth. You may even see in your mind's eye new crystals holding this sacred energy forming on, within and around the Earth. The presence of these qualities is magnificent and transformational to the physical appearance and reality of the Earth.

Hope, love and peace are such simple energies, humanity wishes these qualities for others often absent minded, not contemplating their true meaning or effect. Imagine the feeling of love, to be loved by the Creator, to be loved by every soul on the Earth and the inner planes and to be loved by yourself unconditionally. How would this make you feel? It is important to contemplate this and to truly examine what this would be like to experience. We believe the answer would be magnificent, joyous, content and secure. Well you are already loved in this way and if you could allow yourself to realise and acknowledge this for every moment of the day, how blessed, fulfilled and blissful would you feel?

Now contemplate the energy of hope, if the Creator believed in you wholeheartedly, if you had the support and faith of all of humanity and the inner plane beings and you believed and held faith in yourself completely, how would you feel? Contemplate this for a moment, allow yourself to imagine or to create with your thoughts and emotions how this would feel. You would feel completely supported with the knowledge that everything you did or every action you created would be bathed in love, and success would be your outcome at all times. How wonderful it would be to know that you would exceed and complete all your goals. The energy of hope would carry you forward along your spiritual path, activating from within you the loving courage and confidence that is needed to express and be of service to the light and the Creator.

With the energy or quality of peace you would be able to bring your energies, chakras and bodies back into balance, soothing all frustrations, fears, doubts and limitations to create a greater sense of sacred light and space within and around you. The energy of peace brings your mind into focus assisting it in distinguishing between illusion and truth. When we are able to recognise the truth of the Creator especially in our mind, emotions, feelings and behaviours as well as the actions and reactions of others we are able to create a reality that is pure, simple and deeply loving. We ask that you contemplate the feeling of peace and its numerous effects on your entire being and reality. Visualise yourself embodying and acting as peace during every moment of your day. This doesn't necessary mean that you have to be boring, sit still and speak very little. Even a person creating an energetic sound can be experiencing an overpowering peace within their being at the same time. When we begin to view peace as a balanced, harmonised and continuously flowing energy we realise that peace is needed at all times during our reality on the Earth.

The Flame of Creation that we have formed for you and the Earth now holds all three qualities of light and energy. I am sure that our explanation will allow you to recognise the abundance and magnificence that this flame holds and which it is now anchoring into the Earth, your home and place of learning to support your every step forward. The flame has been named the Flame of Creation because it holds the energy of the Creator but also because with these three sacred qualities creation can illuminate their energies, becoming empowered, enlightened and aligned to the Creator. It is also named because it holds the qualities to allow you to create or build once more your sacred inner energies, soul or God presence. Through the adoption or activation of hope, peace and love within your being you can create the most divine space for your soul and truth to emerge, thus allowing your embodiment and expression of your Creator self.

With an understanding of the Flame of Creation in your mind we wish for you to invoke or ask for the Flame of Creation to surround you completely. Allow yourself to exist within the flame breathing in its energy for as long as you feel is appropriate. Feel the energy of peace, love and hope energising your being. You are loved and supported by the Creator, all of humanity, all of the spiritual plane beings and yourself. The energy of peace positively affects your being in numerous ways. Allow yourself to appreciate and accept this existence, you may like to ask for a symbol or colour of light that represents this existence for you or you may simply remind yourself of the presence of the Flame of Creations encapsulating your being and the Earth. You may feel several loving emotions bubble from within you; this is good, hold onto these they are very healing.

Imagine, sense or acknowledge that what you are experiencing now you give openheartedly with love to every soul on the Earth, you may see new flames forming and surrounding others from the flame that encapsulates you.

Contemplate how you would feel if you knew that every soul was feeling the love, peace and hope that you are feeling now. Acknowledge that Mother Earth is also feeling the love, hope and peace that you are experiencing. This existence for yourself, humanity and the Earth would bring and create such an abundance of happiness, bliss and love with a divine and sacred connection to the Creator. What you are imagining and experiencing now is what we as a collective consciousness are wishing for humanity and every soul on the Earth. You have now accepted deep into your being our wish and have shared it with so many, magnifying the presence and power of our intention, this is such a beautiful service to all.

Finally we ask you to imagine that you, all of humanity and Mother Earth are completely experiencing love, peace and hope, acknowledge the bliss, contentment and unity that emanates from the Earth and then allow yourself to accept a single thought. This thought is that all that you are seeing, visualising, feeling and hoping for is actually true and is in manifestation on the Earth already. How would you feel? Would you truly believe that it is in manifestation completely? When you and a larger percentage of humanity begin to believe this wholeheartedly then the veils of illusion will fall and the truth will be prominent and evident for all to view. Isn't this the process of ascension?

Let our wish rest in your heart as you rest in our hearts.

With love,
Your Spiritual Friends of the Spiritual Planes

May you walk in the love and light always,

Natalie was born in 1984, UK. Over seen by Archangel Michael, she now works as a channel for a vast variety of spiritual beings and Masters in the spiritual hierarchy. Through her website she shares the channelled messages of the Creator's helpers to expand the awareness of humanity and assist in the raise in energy vibration of the planet. She offers a service of channelled readings from Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Unicorns and Fairies.

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