Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Archangel Gabriel: The Creation of an Evolved Heart

Archangel Gabriel: The Creation of an Evolved Heart
Received by Shanta Gabriel on July 15, 2011

The seeds of enlightened potential exist within each human heart. Just as an acorn holds the potential of a great oak tree and the tomato seed demonstrates the blueprint of its exquisite fruit, the human evolutionary essence exists within you. It awaits the permission and commitment of your being to evolve into the true greatness of its divine potential, your most expansive, illuminated Self. Within all beings is the potential for higher consciousness as a new awakening presence that will uplift the earth and all humanity.

You have a self that is vitally connected to the earth where you live and grow, as well as a more expansive, illuminated Self with higher frequency energies, enabling you to tap into greater awareness and Divine consciousness. This is the evolution of the soul, as humans and a greater force working for the evolution of the earth, merge into union.

The awakening occurring now on the planet is being inspired by Divine waves of evolutionary energy. Your heart is being called because there is a blue print encoded within your cells that responds and is awakened by the waves of this Divine Light. To grow and evolve as a species, as well as to work with the life force of the earth, is a part of the human design. There is similar information about this coming from many people, yet all beings have been impulsed from the same Universal Source.

The invitation to join in community with others comes from the deep longing of your soul to merge with the Divine, and share this gift. This merging is not an out of body experience, nor is it a transition into the death of the body. This joining is an impulse to be in union with your most Divine, Eternal Self, that which holds the Light of God within, around, and through you.

Your desire for this merging seeks to create, within your own life and body, a fullness that allows the potential encoded within you to be realized. This is an individual practice, which develops a deep receiving capacity, somewhat like an intuition muscle. Once this receiving channel is functioning the inner resources become an evolving force that allows you to know, deep within yourself, your own guidance. You then have access to the inner wisdom and the creative solutions active in the universe.

When practiced, this inner knowing becomes instantaneous, and you find yourself performing from a greater sense of wholeness and attunement with this inner resource. These Light activated channels are intended to receive from the highest source of Divine Wisdom that you can achieve. They become more expansive with grounded practice.

This grounding mechanism is very important since the life force inherent in all of Nature awaits your invitation to merge with you, thus increasing your personal vitality centers. The deeper your roots can spread, the more capable you become of integrating the energy frequencies that can spark the evolutionary encoding embedded within your cells. You will be able to use the information entering on these waves of Divine energy to enhance your daily life. As you allow your spiritual self to merge with your most authentic natural self as one entity to guide and direct you, you can become a fully functioning, evolved human. Your natural impulses become highly refined as your energy centers are cleared and vibrate at their highest potential. Thought, word and deed become unified through this merging within the self with the Divine.

Imagine an earth filled with human beings who were able to access their inner divinity in a way that created harmony within themselves and with others. When the new earth is spoken about, peace comes from the evolved heart of each person connected to the highest source energy. The fully evolved human is not a far away myth, but involves a committed heart to your own joyous merging with your most Divine Self. This awakening is contagious because joy and harmony breed more of the same, as the frequencies of evolution pass from heart to heart all over the earth. Keep this dream alive, and bring your commitment to a life served from your highest being, an evolved heart, joining with others in harmony and peace, to create an Earth that thrives.

And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel * For Archangel Gabriel *

(c)2011 Shanta Gabriel is an inspired teacher, healer and the author of "The Gabriel Messages." This volume of compassionate wisdom for the 21st Century from Archangel Gabriel, is personal as well as practical, and provides clear suggestions for emotional and spiritual balance. Shanta's new book, Messages from Archangel Gabriel on Divine Light is now being offered as a free E-Book download on her website. * Shanta posts regular messages on her blog, * Shanta also leads an experiential seven month Archangel Study Program. For more information about this powerful soul's journey, her private sessions or workshops, visit *

The Arcturians: Many Changes are About to Occur

The Arcturians: Many Changes are About to Occur
Channeled by Marilyn Raffaelle
July 24, 2011

We of the Arcturian Group come today to tell you of the many changes taking place on your planet. You see so much chaos, but you do not see the light that is bursting forth from within the chaos. We see the pockets of shadow now beginning to integrate the light frequencies that you are sending and holding. Many are awakening and are also adding their new light consciousness to the shadow. We do not say dark, evil, or use these type of terms because all darkness is simply the absence of light and these words carry an energy that adds to the shadow. That is why we tell you to send light to people and areas that seem to be dark. Every spark of light will brighten the shadow until the shadow is no more. You see, this is how evolution takes place. Everything is in movement toward a consciousness of Light. All is Light, shadow is simply the unawareness of this. Because of free will, this can be a chosen state of consciousness, however for most it is simply that until now they have not been spiritually ready for this understanding.

Many changes are about to occur. Many of your political game players are beginning to awaken to the childishness of their self serving behaviors. We see them starting to question within themselves, and this is the first step in their understanding that they were chosen to serve others and not themselves. So many of them have played these games for so long that they believe this is how it is done. This self serving will end as more and more light enters into your planet. In your quiet centered moments visualize these elected people awakening. Visualize your government working together for the good of all and not just a select few. Send them light. Your visualizations help to bring it about, for you are creators. However it is important that you do not visualize according to your personal concepts; visualizing that which would serve only you and yours based in a belief system of duality. This is a trap that many fall into especially those of organized religions who are taught that they know what is best for everyone according to their limited beliefs. This is how the dark arts started. It was the selfish misuse of energy and visualization by those that understood energy but worked with it from an unevolved state of consciousness and interpreted it as a means of self serving.

Visualizing must be done from a place of Universal Love; that is, Light flowing from a consciousness of One--with its only intention that of manifesting what is highest and best for all, otherwise you play the same game as those living in the shadow.

There is much coming dear ones, this next month will bring events and experiences that reflect the game playing of those who would keep you in bondage; events that represent the death throes of that which is finished but refuses to die. Keep to your Center always, and in spite of what you may see or hear, know that you can never be separate from that which you are. You are witnessing the birth pangs of a new world consciousness and the weakening struggles of those who believe they have the power to prevent it and who in their ignorance, continue to present self serving agendas of fear to the world. Remember it is always your choice as to whether or not you accept fear ideas. Hold to your center of truth in spite of any and all appearances, knowing that in your true essence you are Divine now and forever; always one with Source.

You are doing a fine job of it, we do not mean to say you are not, but simply wish to reiterate that when you find yourselves in the midst of intense temptation to go back into old energy, stop, take a breath, and center. Say to yourselves in that second of centering; "I and the Father are one" using whatever words speak to your truth. This is enough to center and shift you out of the lower resonance presenting itself. Hold on, do not be afraid, and just keep walking the walk of truth. As changes take place on your planet, many are going into fear, a fear of the unknown which in turn rules and prevents them from moving forward, forcing them to stay in what is old and finished regardless of how uncomfortable. It is your job as light workers to bring comfort and light to those who live from fear, but only if these dear ones are open to it for every individual has free will and is permitted to live in fear if that is their choice.

There will be and are now, many who reach out silently or verbally; those who are ready to understand more of what is going on. This is where you as Lightworkers can step in either with words or suggestions (seeds planted) to new understandings which in turn activate their evolutionary journey from fear and into enlightenment. You, the awakened ones are like the head of the arrow dear ones, experiencing the friction heat of being ahead of the game and no longer playing by the old "rules." You represent a consciousness the majority has not yet attained and therefore does not understand and so out of fear, those not yet spiritually awakened lash out at evolved spiritual truth with ridicule and anger -- the crucifixion of the Christ (Light). It is terrifying for the unevolved to even consider that their foundational belief structure may be crumbling. Truth represents a threat to all they have known and believed on all levels -- government, churches, and God. However, very soon you will be opening your arms to the many who are quickly awakening, now ready for that which you have to share with them.

Your tool boxes are full dear ones; you have experienced so much. Those of you who have had every possible thing happen in your lives have said to yourselves; "What more could possibly happen that hasn't already happened to me?" You will see now how you have been blessed instead of cursed. You have earned the position of Lightworker, able to assist any and all who are drawn to your energy for help and teaching. Your tool box is full to the top with experience, and you no longer fear anything. You simply reach into your spiritual tool box and say; "Yes, I know all about that, dear one." You become grateful for each and every experience of this and other lifetimes, no matter how horrific or wonderful, for the puzzle is beginning to come together magnificently and the pieces are starting to form a picture not even imagined.

We love you dear ones. Keep on keeping on, for it won't be long before you see that your inner work is manifesting in higher and truer manifestations of Light. Much is indeed happening although you are not yet fully aware of it.

We are in love, the Arcturian Group.

Marilyn Raffaelle

I live in beautiful northern Michigan close to Sleeping Bear National Park and have been on a spiritual journey my entire life.

I began meditating and searching more deeply in the late 60s. and after many side journeys was led to and began working with the mystical principles presented in Joel S. Goldsmith's "Infinite Way" material. These deeply mystical teachings moved me into an increasingly intense desire to more deeply understand and bring together in practice the many world teachings, modalities of healing, and myths. This in turn led to a series of intense inner shifts (not all so pleasant) and an ability to communicate with my guides and other Teachers of Light.

I have studied many healing modalities and work as a channel for personal readings but my main interest and focus is to help others awaken into a deeper realization of their innate perfection and reasons for being here.

I was asked by the Arcturians who are my guides, to start a web site which would allow them get their messages of Love and Light out to the world at this very important time. ** * *

Sirian Council of Light: At The Point Of No Return

Sirian Council of Light: At The Point Of No Return
As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

We are all at a Point of No Return as one that passes through the pastures of their life seeking refuse from a world of upheaval. Not looking back yearning only for what the future shall bring in the hidden dialogue of destiny. We sit at this place of less resistance as the time doors open to experience themselves in a new longitude and latitude of placement.

What was once sought is now freed into expression of self and purpose. Truths that were once hidden where the human eyes could not see now unwrap themselves in the schematics and the lands of the new time dialogue. Energies that went un-harnessed from past experiences now entrain upon themselves. Duality of purpose seeks a partner as each person of Earth dances around and around within their head, their heart and the choices of their life.

Time passages announce opportunities that have been dormant. This expansiveness cannot be bridled or harnessed, but only ridden in a free form expression. Hold on tight to all you once dreamt was possible. You are asked to embrace the solitude of your thoughts and allow them to be birthed into a phoenix probability. All the fires and the transformations and transmutations one has endured has burnt away the drowse of the limitations of being human and living upon Earth. Dancing in the arms of one's own dreams allows one to unfold into perfect petal proportion.

As the sands of time slide through the entrances and exits of all that is sacred, seen and unseen, humanity's future is unveiled as it is viewed thru a spectrum of possibility that has not existed up until this time. As each person walks forward in their life, there is a set of footprints, an energetic path that they announce and leave in the world. The energies of the angels on high come to lift you into a place that you will not fall or falter or stump yourself on the path of humanity's ignorance. The angels on high allow you to come to a birthing point where you are no longer restless in flight, allowing you safe passage in the air and on water.

Time asks you not to give up on what lives in your heart and your dreams. The Universe has placed within you a seed that cannot wither, nor falter, nor be sewn under. The Universe has placed in you a dormant imprint, an energetic encoding that asks to be seen under the microscopic lens of your heart.

Earth and all her inhabitants are at a point of no return that demands that every thought be clear and concise in its out put. No more random ravings and musings by people that wallow in fear. No more allowances for the mistakes by those in power as they look for ways to polish their own metals that are so tarnished by their previous choices.

Every individual upon Earth has the opportunity to ask for divine assistance, for divine acknowledgment, for divine intervention. Many allow themselves to be washed about in a tidal pool as the waves come pushing them about as they try to cling to the slippery sides of their life. Each thought that humanity has is more powerful and important than the thought before. In each thought the wisdom has increased exponentially from the limited perception of moments before. Every interaction with every person gives to you food for thought to be digested in your own discretion.

Move your heart and your energies up to a safe place where one can see the totality of the choices as they are currently displayed. Those that wear a higher light, will be asked to go beyond what they deem safe and suitable for their experiences. What this means is that you will be given instructions that will ask you to fly, move mountains, and dance through time and space. You will be given instructions from the Universe within the patter of your heart beat that asks you to surpass anything you thought you could possibly accomplish. You will be asked to become the legions of light that only know themselves as such, the legions of God that have no fear and the legions of heart that hold humanity within the very palms of their hands.

So many of Earth have chosen not to change, not to move forward, not to believe and not to trust even their own council. So many of Earth have given up, have not seen their absentee landlord, God, in many moons, have not felt the presence of the angels, have not seen the manifestations of miracles as they once displayed themselves.

A great purging occurs on all of Earth as the heart heaves a deep sigh. There is nothing to do but float during this time period. Choices cannot be seen in a clear light. Many will panic and the monetary system of earth will show that. It is up to each and every one of you to hold high your contract of light, above the watermarks of life. This too shall pass but the days and the nights will seem a year long each.

Often times these cellular biological upheavals of the human heart are necessary to dig down into another shaft of light. It does not bring us joy to mention these words to you. It does not make us feel bigger or shinier to say this but we prepare you for storms to come. Some of these will be physical storms, others political storms, others emotional and personal storms. Through all of this deluge be true to yourselves; be true to what you perceive as God and truth and light. Do not falter but continue walking forward for there is an end and beginning to all storms. We are the Sirian Council of Light. You who are the chosen ones must now choose for yourselves. What matters in your world? We leave.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan| PO box 217| Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217| | |

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Edge of Success

The Edge of Success
As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Each and everyday you are given pebbles of worry. Whether real or illusionary they land in your body as solid granules of confusion and pain. They sit heavy and you feel less buoyant and denser. Everyday you go forth and you collect more of these pebbles of worry and confusion allowing them to collect in the body anchoring you like a rusty anchor on a sunken pirate's ship. You blindly walk through the passageways of your life entering each door, and each situation without joy only an anxiety.

You were all given programs as a child to grow up and become responsible for your actions, your world, your bills etc. In that residue of responsibility you have been stifled, choking on what you are supposed to do, gasping for fresh air and a second chance. You walk through your mind thinking about an injustice that was done to you, a fear that was given to you, and a word that cut you to the quick. You sit abreast the merry go round of these past injustices changing horses but never getting off the emotional ride. You walk slowly through the maze of reflections trying to figure out why someone said this, why someone did this, why you have not found your true purpose. The mirror effect is amplified by all those in your life. They give to you reference points, beginnings and endings, to monitor the temperature of your learning's. Humanity has sat and licked their wounds not allowing that area of hurt to be healed. Continually focusing on and licking the injustices that one wears as a badge of courage.

Earth is starving for nourishment. Humanity does not always eat from the table of heavenly giving's, They often eat from earthly misgivings. As you come into the understanding that your soul is starving for what truly gives it joy, there will be an awakening. The neuro pathways of your brain have many round-abouts and dead-ends. When you have an insightful thought, an electrical impulse is felt in your brain. Light Energy runs through your body for a moment. Adrenaline spurts in the blood and then the passion waits on your next move your next thought like a contemplative chess player. How many times in your existence have you given up on an idea, an invention, and a love? Your brain has a file cabinet of disappointments. You keep a second biological file of these same failures in your heart. Everything and everyone that ever disappointed or hurt you is kept spinning around in the neural synapses of the brain. You base all of your future experiences on these past inquisitions. You reference the places that you have failed and the places where you were hurt never to enter again.

Each of you tends to sabotage yourself. It is this continual sabotaging that keeps you, running in circles chasing your tail. The 'edge of success' is often booby-trapped for humans. At the very edge of success, there is a field of illusions where any little doubt or fear can grow much quicker like a weed that feeds off the nutrients in the soul. Many times people do not want to succeed because if they succeeded then the next step has to be failure so they skip the middle step and go straight to the gated community of failure.

In these financially astringent times ahead we need to put our petal to the karmic metal and go full speed ahead driving out of the gated community of failure crashing down the fences that have kept us comfortably 'less than.' Times are tough energetically and we are being asked to try harder to make ends meet, to try harder to succeed to try harder to vault over the hurdles of the limitations that now visit us on a daily basis. As the world and the economics of the modern day force you to feel like you do not have enough know in your heart of hearts that God/aka Universe is your unfailing paramount and perfect supply. The Universe does experience lack neither should its creations.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan| PO box 217| Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217| | |

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


by Laura Goldman Weinberg

I AM the Sounds of creation. In the trees, in the birds, in the flowers, in the grass, in others' eyes, and in others' words, I AM found.

Each essence vibrates with its own sound-making it distinct from other forms. But within the diversity of sounds is the sound of Oneness-the sound of all creation and no creation-the sound of the universal I AM as it rings through all of life.

Listen and you will know the essence of yourself. Listen to Me and know who you are. Listen.

Light And Love

I AM the Light and the Love. I glow in all creation. My Light is One Light-pure golden-white Light-brighter and more brilliant than any earthly light.

My Rays shine through all things. Look at your neighbor. Look at your friend. Look at your family. Do you not see Me shining? Do you not recognize Me?

I AM the purest Essence in all of life. I AM Love-total, unconditional, ever-flowing, unbounded Love.

Once you knew. Once you were expanded and whole as you radiated My Light for all to see. Once you knew the Truth within yourself.

Remember now as I call forth this memory buried deep inside you. Remember now the Light and the Love that enveloped you. Remember the pure Love that wrapped you in its blanket of warmth and security.

I still AM. Wake up and know that I AM still loving you always-forever and ever. Know-know that I AM here. I have never and will never abandon you. How could I? We are One-One Essence flowing in and out of all things. I AM constantly with you-forever and ever.

You can never separate Us. You can only forget the Truth of your Being. But that does not change Me. I AM the unchangeable. I AM always and forever.

There need never be a void or emptiness in your life. If there is, you are looking in the wrong direction. Look within and know that I AM. I AM the Love you miss. I AM the Love you feel. I AM the love you have forgotten. I AM the Love you remember. I just AM.

Let Me fill you. Open yourself to receive the Truth of your Being. Open yourself and know that I AM.

How To Find Me

First and foremost, be still. Be still and know that I AM. Let your thoughts settle down. Let your feelings be calm. Let your body relax. And just Be. Be in the quiet within you.

There are many techniques for relaxation. There are many forms of meditation. You may gravitate to one form or another, depending upon the tendencies of your body and what you draw to yourself in your environment. Whether you use any of these techniques or not, find the space within yourself where there is peace and quiet.

Close yourself off in a room where you will not be bothered by outside distractions. Turn off the phone. Do not answer the door. Do whatever you need to do in order not to be disturbed. Then sit quietly in readiness and talk with Me. Yes, talk with Me within yourself. Ask for Me to make Myself known to you. Ask for My Guidance in your life. Ask for what you need. Then wait. Wait and listen. Feel My Presence begin to stir within you. Hear My Words as they bubble up inside. Listen for any guidance I might send your way. Listen. Wait and listen.

If you are not aware of My Response, My Stirrings, the first time you ask, do not give up. It is not that I do not answer. It is that you do not hear. There may still be a veil of illusion separating Us. You may find yourself trying to control the thoughts in your mind. If this happens, let it go and try again another time. But know-know-that I AM always there. I always, always answer. I AM constantly speaking in and through all things-always, always, always.

One day you may be able to hear Me. But even if you don't, do not worry. Speak to Me anyway. Ask for My Guidance to be made clear to you. I speak in many ways. I may send a friend to tell you or show you something, and lo and behold, there you will find the answer you were seeking. Or there may be a knock on your door and you will be guided in some way as a result of your asking for My Guidance. Or the phone may ring or you may see something in the newspaper or you may have a dream or you may just wake up in the morning with an inner knowing. Whatever form it might take, do not be concerned. I work through all things. If you cannot hear Me within you, I will send you messages in some other form. Only know-truly know to the depths of your Being-that I AM-and I will always be.

I have never and will never abandon you. You have created separation from Me in your awareness. I AM always-whether or not you recognize Me.

So turn to Me, speak to Me, and I will answer in a variety of ways. Be open to life. Trust in Me and you will begin to see Me working in every moment.

Maybe one day you will realize that I have always been working through your life-one thing leading to another-drawing you closer and closer to Me. Sometimes the things that seem to draw you the furthest away from Me really bring you the closest-like an alcoholic who hits rock bottom and finally cries for My Help, or someone who goes financially broke and finally cries out to Me. But you do not need to hit rock bottom nor do you need to go broke to find Me.

Turn to Me now. Stop what you are doing and know Me to Be. The more you take time for Me, the more you will know Me. My Awareness will grow within you until finally you will know Me completely in every part of your life. So be still. Be still in mind and body. Be still in your awareness. And listen to the stillness within you speak.

Remember, even if you never hear Me speaking within you, trust that I AM. I AM One with the whole universe. I AM One with you. Know that I AM with you always. Then together We will create anew.

From "The I AM Speaks" * Copyright © 2011, Laura Goldman Weinberg *

Laura Goldman Weinberg is multi-talented and multi-creative. She is a poet, songwriter, artist, writer, lover of dance, and a Laughter Yoga leader. Her art, songs, and writings are universal, recognizing the oneness everywhere. She has won poetry awards, a songwriter contest, published a song with Unity Church, and has shown and sold her art. Laura is continually creating in order to inspire and uplift the world. Through her many works, she expresses the joys of life and prays for the peace and unity of all.

Laura Weinberg * 641-472-1856 * * *

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

And So It Continues...

And So It Continues...
by Sarah-Jane Grace
July 8, 2011

As the intense and somewhat profound cosmic twists and turns continue, it seems that many of us are facing some of our biggest challenges. We are being taken within on one hand but being thrown challenges by our external world on the other. In some ways life feels tiring and very pedestrian, but deep within, the transformation and awakening continues as we become more alive, more aware and more awake. This inner/outer pull is exhausting, and it is confusing.

So, how can we remain calm and centred within, but deal with the ensuing chaos all around? Well, someone special to me said that we need to be like the Whirling Dervishes; still and focused within despite the intense activity without. We will find ourselves able to cope with whatever happens around us. We can be busy and calm at the same time. It all comes down to focus, belief and to intent.

With so many planets retrograde, and with Uranus and Ceres both joining this inner circle during July, it seems that we truly need to focus on reclaiming that quiet space within. It is from this quiet space that we can re-connect to the core of our Beings and reclaim our sense of Self. It is also time to reclaim our space; both within and without!

Our relationships move onto centre stage now; in particular, the relationship that we have with ourselves. It is time to find our inner voice, to celebrate our gifts and to begin to feel truly alive. Despite the challenges, the emotional intensity and the discombobulation, it seems clear that we need to stand firm, like buoys on stormy seas. We need to use our faith and belief to trust that our needs will be taken care of and to trust that we are strong enough to ride out the storm. The more we can tap into, and use, that huge well of strength that lies within each of us, the more we can bring into our lives to create positive change and transformation.

In many ways, this is a time for amalgamating, for resting, and for 'being;' but at the same time, the need to be 'doing' is inescapable. Therefore, balance is so important. We cannot have being without doing; doing without being. That would be like day without night, or yin without yang...

With such a strong focus on our inner landscape, we need to ensure that we tend the garden within. As well as weeding, planting new seeds and tending the land with love and tenderness, we need to find space for rest and reflection. This could be an arbour or a cushion under an oak tree, but somewhere within where we can find comfort, true nourishment and love. We all have a focus to make the world a better place, but this needs to be within each of us as well as all around. Unless we are whole and complete within, how can we love, nurture and tend to others?

We need to learn to truly love ourselves, to honour ourselves and to respect ourselves. These words are bandied about freely, but do we truly and honestly love, honour and respect ourselves? How many of us beat ourselves up every single day for not being good enough, not being paid enough, for eating that bar of chocolate, for thinking we look fat and ugly? Thought so, this has to stop now!

Alexander Pope once wrote 'To err is human, to forgive is Divine;' we should remember that we are all Divine, we carry a Divine spark within, and we are all part of the One. It is time to forgive ourselves now and to change our inner dialogues towards a more life enhancing positivity.

As the planets continue to weave their magic web, we need to stand firm and strong, and to realise that, in so many ways, we are the masters of our own destiny. We do shape our own lives through our thoughts, our actions, and through the state of our inner landscapes. If we have a weed-ridden mess within, how on earth are we to have any sense of clarity or vision? At the same time, with such chaos within, it becomes hard to take responsibility for our choices, to feel inspired, to be empowered or to use the power of our intent, because we have no inner space to do this from.

We really need to focus within now, to have a de-clutter, to re-shape our thoughts, to understand that our thoughts shape our lives, and to believe in the power of positive thought.

Intent is a word so often used, but perhaps not truly understood. Intention is an unbending knowing, not a glimmer of hope or a 'well, that would be nice'; intention has power, it has strength. Intention makes things happen. This is not about ego, it is simply about knowing that we can shape our lives way and beyond what we think possible.

So, it seems clear that we have choices to make, gardens to tend and intentions to create. Whilst this is in so many ways a challenging time, it is also a time to re-write the rule book, to start afresh and to become truly empowered. We can remain lost in the chaos if we choose, or we can stand strong and resolute, and transform our lives from the inside out...

Copyright © 2006-2011 Sarah-Jane Grace. All Rights Reserved. You are encouraged to share articles as long as copyright and contact information are always included. Thank you for your courtesy. Sarah-Jane Grace *

SaLuSa: You Are About to Make a Quantum Leap Into the Future

SaLuSa: You Are About to Make a Quantum Leap Into the Future
July 11, 2011

As promised the cobwebs of deceit and falsehood are gradually being cleared away, and each day the revelations grow. They show how the authorities have been corrupted, and the necessity to remove all of those involved. If you are ever to establish an honest and trustworthy establishment, it is obviously necessary to replace each person with those that are known to be right for the times you are in. Many of you have been groomed for such an occasion, and if you are not already working for the Light your time will soon come. We invite everyone to help in whatever way they can, even if only to send out Love and Light. Your contribution does not have to be special, as long as it comes from the heart and soul. As the Collective of Humanity you are in fact doing enormously well, and so the energy continues to grow exponentially.

We see that people are no longer afraid of talking their truth, and confidence grows as each day takes you nearer to the commencement of a series of major events. As you must realize the waiting has to stop sooner or later, as the pressure upon the dark Ones is creating opportunities for our allies to move on. There comes a time when people have to bow down to the conditions around them, and concede that they no longer hold the power. Our desire is to signal the start of disclosure, so that the truth can be released as to the presence of our spacecraft, and then logically the personnel who operate them. You also need to be aware of the many contacts we have made, with both your political and military representatives for peaceful reasons. There will be many questions asked when it is revealed how many times we have attempted to bring world peace into being.

Making contact with you is a most natural development as part of your growth. You have long participated in conquering Space, and it is now time to meet your Space family. You cannot in fact venture any further than you do now, as there is no way that you will be allowed to take your weaponry outside of your Earths atmosphere. Enlightened Man will be able to do so, and indeed you shall join us in outer space. Our craft are not just for transporting us around, but are self contained for distant travels even to other Universes. Some of them have already been stationed near your Earth for about 50 years. We come and go at our leisure in smaller craft intended to travel in your atmosphere, and these are the ones you most frequently see.

You are about to make a quantum leap into the future, and we are here to ensure it is a success. By now you should have a pretty good idea what it entails, but nevertheless we know it will still surprise you. Your rapid rise from out of the darkness into the Light is by no means complete, but all of the time you work on your own enlightenment you are accelerating the changes. Peace and contentment can be experienced by some individuals, but the goal is to lift up everyone in preparation for Ascension. Many paths lead to it, and they allow for each individuals own vision of how it will manifest. It does not matter what you believe now, except that you are ready for the great day when all will be played out as told you.

The confidence of the dark Ones is fading fast as they can no longer command the obedience of their minions. Some are awakening to the Light within and making dramatic changes in their lives. That is not unexpected as many have been forced to work with them, and often there seems to be no way out. That is all changing and our allies are taking advantage of any weakness in the ability of the dark Ones to control their future. The great societies that the dark Ones have infiltrated will identify them and they will be discharged of their responsibilities. In this respect your United Nations is no exception. Secrecy cannot be maintained under our watchful eye, and there are literally no hiding places that we are unaware of. In fact there are none that are impregnable, and we have the means to remove those individuals that continue to be a danger to the population. Once the Divine Plan commences there will be much activity in many places of authority such as the Pentagon.

We ourselves sometimes tire of the continual bickering that goes on between your political parties. There will be none of that in future as there will be a different system that makes for quick decisions in the best interests of everyone. There will be no hidden agendas, and all dealings will be made known so that people can have full knowledge of what is happening. We do not indulge in politics but have our Councils that are truly representative of all opinions. We have total trust in their enlightened decisions because there is no question of self-interest being involved. Your political systems are corrupt and even ignore your own Laws and Statutes. They had to fail, as they would in any event have imploded upon themselves. It could have been so different but you did not have sufficient people of the Light, to maintain the levels you needed for a fair and just society.

However, you have learnt a lot from being in duality, and it has strengthened your ability to withstand the negative energies. If you had not, it is doubtful that you could have reversed the trends towards self-destruction. Now you have the promise of changes that will provide a new life, which by comparison to your present one will be nothing short of heavenly and blissful. Peace is settling upon Earth regardless of what you think, and the days of wars are almost over. Your fears are therefore being answered, and you can concentrate on the happy future that is rising up before you.

Mother Earth quietly continues with her own cleansing, which is far from complete. Some major changes are being held back, and best allowed to proceed when we are with you and can openly monitor and control them. There is not as some believe the intent to destroy parts of the Earth, with the consequent death of many people. It is quite the opposite, and our endeavors will ensure that only those who arranged to leave the Earth before Ascension will do so.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased once more to have had the opportunity to enlighten you as to our present activities.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey

I receive my messages from SaLuSa telepathically, he is speaking for the Galactic Federation. I have never had the advantage of being able to have a relationship where I can ask questions. I sit down at a specific time to make contact and then I get images or what I call 'packages" of images or words which I translate straight away onto the computer. Since March, 2004 I have been in contact with beings from the Galactic Federation. *

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Arcturians: Your Light is Permeating the Darkness

The Arcturians: Your Light is Permeating the Darkness
Channeled by Marilyn Raffaelle
July 10, 2011

We of the Arcturian Group wish to say that you are all doing a fine job in your awakening. It is apparent to all who see the earth energy, that light is rapidly taking over the denser areas of darkness. It does not seem to be that way, we know. You hear so much from your news media that speaks only of darkness and discouragement, but believe us when we say your light is permeating the darkness like never before. You are becoming a planet of Light.

The discouraging events that so many have experienced and are still experiencing, are a necessary part of shifting man into new ways of seeing and understanding life. You see, it is through the "disasters" that those who would not otherwise awaken to the truth about living and oneness, are now awakening. Before these mutual experiences, there were "others," those simply thought of as strangers. Strangers with perhaps strange customs, strange beliefs, strange clothing, strange foods--but now because they suffer just as you, they have become neighbors you see? This is the evolutionary movement into a consciousness of oneness from the old energy of separation.

We say to you that much is about to occur on your earth--much that will seem to be frightening if you are not prepared. Understand that those who insist upon staying in darkness, believing whatever they are told by those to whom they have given their power, will experience the coming changes from a place of much fear. It is those of you who are awakened that will then begin your work of assisting them if they are open to it. You will become the teachers, helping many to understand what is taking place with the arrival of those dear ones from other places who wish only to help you in your personal and planetary ascension. Many will not believe, choosing instead to hold on to the decaying remains of a consciousness that is leaving. However, this is their choice.

No blame is ever assigned to those who choose to evolve at a slower pace. No blame is ever given from on high, for all are moving toward a realization of oneness, some are simply choosing to delay a bit. As free will beings, you are free to do whatever you choose, even if the choice you make is to delay your awakening as long as possible. You see, dear ones, all is changing like it or not. What we are saying is that you will be the teachers and the healers for those who will experience the shifting energies through a state of great fear. These are those dear ones who are ready to evolve, but have chosen to remain asleep in what they already know believing they already have all the answers.

The criteria for ascension is having evolved through time into a consciousness of oneness. There are many who have no interest in what is taking place on the planet, or even in spiritual matters but who have attained a consciousness of oneness. These are the ones who will be very confused by coming events that they have not prepared for. These souls you will guide and protect with your awareness.

This is going to be a time of great rejoicing for the many who have not had much to rejoice about up to this time. Just be patient dear ones, all is proceeding forward according to plan. You only hear about the negative events, because that is what the news media wishes you to hear, however, there are many events of great love and rejoicing taking place that you never hear about. We see mankind opening their hearts to love, and leaving behind that sense of separation that has divided the world for so long.

You are doing a fine job but it is important that you stop watching and listening to everything that is put out there for your consumption. Be aware of current events, but do not get so involved that you add your precious energy to them. Remember, you are creators and as planetary and personal energy becomes more and more refined, and as the veils thin, you create more and more quickly. Be very conscious of what you are choosing to create.

Send light to all who struggle, seeing them as beings of light and who are doing that which seems right for them do do, even if it is often misguided. Those who are seriously hoping for the fall of mankind, will be dealt with. They simply cannot survive in the higher frequencies of light now pouring onto the planet.

We say to you; Rejoice dear ones, for you are doing a fine job of it, and we are with you always.

In love, we are The Arcturian Group

Marilyn Raffaelle

I live in beautiful northern Michigan close to Sleeping Bear National Park and have been on a spiritual journey my entire life.

I began meditating and searching more deeply in the late 60s. and after many side journeys was led to and began working with the mystical principles presented in Joel S. Goldsmith's "Infinite Way" material. These deeply mystical teachings moved me into an increasingly intense desire to more deeply understand and bring together in practice the many world teachings, modalities of healing, and myths. This in turn led to a series of intense inner shifts (not all so pleasant) and an ability to communicate with my guides and other Teachers of Light.

I have studied many healing modalities and work as a channel for personal readings but my main interest and focus is to help others awaken into a deeper realization of their innate perfection and reasons for being here.

I was asked by the Arcturians who are my guides, to start a web site which would allow them get their messages of Love and Light out to the world at this very important time. ** * *

Hilarion's Weekly Message: July 10 -17, 2011

Hilarion's Weekly Message: July 10 -17, 2011
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff

Beloved Ones,

As the frequency of the new energies increases in intensity, many people upon the Planet are feeling various emotions, ranging from great joy to great sorrows, regrets and feelings of loss and pain. These feelings are not only those that have been deeply held within each Soul since early childhood. Beloved Ones, these feelings are all part of the collective consciousness or rather, unconsciousness, that has been gathered as a field of energy that surrounds the Planet. This is held to the Planet as a vibrational field that has kept Humanity imprisoned within this field for millennia.

As the months continue, your Light is working to dismantle this field of energy and the more that you all unite in deliberate focus, the greater the impact upon this field is made. The most powerful of days occurs on November 11, 2011 and this will be an exceptional opportunity to shatter that field of energy and set Humanity free from the oppression of this limiting field of thoughtforms that have kept all upon this World in a constant state of oppositional forces from within that have been extremely difficult to transcend.

By your united willingness to add your Light and energy during these times for the remainder of this year of 2011, you are being the change that you have wished to see in the World. It is time, Dear Ones, the time is Now. Make every minute count for the Divine within you. Choose to create blessings of Love and healing to each member of your immediate family and to your greater Family who are manifest upon the Earth in these challenging and transforming times, never before experienced in this way. Each moment contains vast universes of possibilities, for the higher dimensions are now superimposed with the lower and there is a gamut of seeming chaos at work.

It only means the Light has come and as it sweeps the atmosphere of your World, inner changes are occurring within the hearts and souls of Humanity in all corners of the Planet. These changes are initially felt as intensely difficult, especially for those who are not used to processing and observing their inner dynamics such as our more seasoned Lightworkers. It is a very difficult process to be willing to honestly look within and see the parts of oneself that are not anchored in the Divine and then be willing to do the work to make the course corrections that need to be made in order to align further with the Divine within.

You, our Beloved Lightworkers and Awakened Ones, have been in this process unrelentingly and continuously for most of your lives. All that you have endured in your personal lives which has always seemed as though you were swimming against the current in its impact, has now brought you to this point and here you are, co-creating a new World and a new way of Being. From this point on, depending on your choices, your efforts will become easier and more filled with feelings of joy, of grace and ease within. For you are One with the Angelic realm, One with All That Is and your work now moves forward into achieving greater wholeness from within and consequently, greater achievements will be made in the overall higher perspective of this World and out into the Universes.

Keep your anchor in the Divine, Dear Ones, and if you find yourselves taking a step backwards at times, be immediately forgiving of your humanness as you transform within your physical bodies, your mental bodies, your emotional bodies, for it is all a learning and expanding experience and you are all greatly admired for your bravery, resoluteness and courage. Remember that you are each loved beyond measure and that you are much needed during these changing times.

Until next week.

I AM Hilarion

©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

Distributing this message in other forums, etc. is encouraged, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and website: Weekly Messages from Hilarion * Angelic Gems of Light Messages * To Subscribe Details at: *

Integrating the Levels of Self and the Love Frequency

Integrating the Levels of Self and the Love Frequency
by Joe Weaver

Hello all,

If you have read some of my past posts you might have seen the repeated statements about being and living the love frequency. There are always more ways to comprehend these words and understand the meaning of being love in more of an expanded way. It is always the same message but with a different twist. The more we allow ourselves to look at things in different ways without judgment the easier it is to comprehend it's deeper meaning.

The easiest way to go about expanding our knowledge of the true workings of the Universe if through our own heart. By getting to know more about ourselves we get to know the truth of what truly is.

There are as many ways to perceive the levels of Self as there are levels within Creation. The understanding of what the Self is varies for each person because every person has integrated a different level of understanding of what the "Self" is. When a person hears the word Self, they may only relate this meaning to the physical Self. While to others the word Self may be viewed as the soul that exists within the vehicle of the physical body; or even the everlasting Self of the I AM that creates the soul to experience physical reality. You may even view the Self as being a formless collective consciousness that encompasses many physical embodiments. So there are many ways to "perceive" the reality of Self. It is the physical knowingness of Self and it's relation to it's reality. With each of the 12 main levels that relate to our physical body and DNA are corresponding chakras and Light bodies that house our levels of perceptual awareness. Each level of Self has it's own perceptual view of reality and comprehension of it's connection with the reality for which it exists. For each level the Self awareness is expanded the more knowledge of the Universal Self of All One the person is able to understand. The levels of comprehending the Self continues to expand if the soul of the person initiates this expansion of knowledge. With each level of the mental states of processing that are released the expanded knowledge of Self is given the space to be integrated.

When the lower mental perspectives of our consciousness hears the words "release." It usually creates fearful emotions and thoughts because it thinks it is going to loose something. This is because these levels of consciousness cannot comprehend what the knowledge of the expanded Self truly means. These lower levels of Self will "think" it knows what the expanded levels of thought are and will relate all this to being some sort of beliefs. It will "think" it has to "believe" in order to understand and the thought of having to release itself to something viewed outside of itself will create feelings of fear. It may perceive these thoughts of having to release itself as the end of the world and that it may loose what it has worked so hard to obtain. It will say, how am I supposed to live and work in a society if I let go of my ways of thinking? By letting go of all this processing I might just become a vegetable and will not be able to do anything. The truth is with each level of expanded awareness of Self that is integrated your intelligence grows. Your abilities for multi-tasking, problem solving, intuitive awareness and so on are expanded. So these notions related to loss are all tied to inner fears. With each level our conscious awareness expands we begin to see that there is nothing to fear. All is only more expanded awareness and connection with all that is, which includes the Earth, all the people/souls that exist on the Earth, beings from other planets, and all the elements that make up the Universes and beyond. The only thing that limits this expansion of knowledge is the holding onto the thoughts, fears, and beliefs that limit this knowledge from being integrated. So when you hear someone say everything is One, literally they may have knowledge of their connection with being All One and again I will say no beliefs are needed to understand this. When someone says they believe something it is like signing a contract. It is a contract that blinds them from experiencing the truth beyond the belief. I have to thank my friend Hari Baba for passing along this comparison with a belief and a contract. It is really a good way to put it. Beliefs are Self created illusions, they exist as long as you believe they are true. When you learn something new, the old belief is no longer the truth. So why not just let go of all the illusions/beliefs and free yourself! If you want to believe in something believe in your own love and knowingness of your connection with All One.

I want to be clear in saying that not one level of our conscious being is better than another. Nor is a person that has expanded their awareness to their full everlasting knowledge is any better than another person. These views of one being better than another come from our ego consciousness. All is part of the whole and all is a part of the One. In most cases the more someone gets to know more of their expanded Self the more they want to assist others in awakening to these realizations. It is only the ones that hold onto their egos that say they know everything and want people to follow them. Wake up and follow your own Self!

Having separation or fear of something else that exists within the Universe only creates more separation and un-knowingness. In order to expand our consciousness to beyond duality, duality has to be released. This includes releasing the fears and separation from the dark levels of your own Self. In order to know yourself in Unity consciousness the levels of conscious perception that views itself as separate from something else has to be let go of. This process of letting go allows the expanded knowledge to descend within your perceived consciousness. For example how could you expect a full glass of red juice to be filled up with a different color juice? You could view each level of our conscious being as different colors of juice. With each one being a higher frequency of love and awareness, which encompasses all the others. In order for the expanded level of our colored knowledge juice to come into the physical glass. The juice that exists within the glass has to be emptied. So by keeping your conscious clear of barriers such as fearful patterns and separation from the All One Self. You allow the expanded Self to be poured into your perceptual living awareness. You might of heard other statements similar to this before such as become an open vessel and you will be filled with knowledge. When we allow space to exist it fills up with energy and energy contains information and knowledge. When we hold onto one way of seeing how reality is, we are holding onto one level of our conscious juice; which does not allow our true Divine levels of Self from being acknowledged.

No matter what level of awareness a person obtains through their conscious perception it only encompasses the others. Nothing is lost and nothing really goes away. All is just an expanded view or reflection of the other levels. So when we focus and live the love of the purple juice for example we begin to vibrate at the frequency of this level of Self. If we think we can spend a few hours a week being the purple juice and the rest of the time living the frequency of the red juice. What do you think your glass will be filled up with? It's not a part time job. Living the love of Unity consciousness beyond duality means "living" it. This allows this level of frequency and knowledge to descend and ground within your physical body.

Loving all and serving all is only loving and serving another level of your own Self. What level of conscious awareness we obtain in this life lies within our willingness to get to know more of our own Self of All One. If you fill your physical being up with so much love that it is overflowing into your daily life, what is there to fear about darkness? You will be full of overflowing Light! Fill and overflow your glass with more and more love without conditions. The expanded knowledge of your existence beyond the illusion will be allowed to integrate.

I would like to now talk a little bit about ascension and how it plays into all these levels of Self. Every physical soul on Earth has already ascended to a certain level or it would not of been able to descend into it's existing body. Ascension and descension is a natural process of Creation. So now as we enter the new age of Aquarius everything within this Universe is ascending into it's expanded form. It is an opportunity that many have waited for many lifetimes to ascend into a higher/expanded level of Creation/Self. It is the time of conscious choice to expand the level of knowledge of Self. There is nothing to wait for, everything is already here and everyone has all the tools for expanded their knowledge of Self. The willingness and degree of focus is up to each individual. As the Universe continues to fill up with higher frequency love juice, each person has the choice to clear the space for it to come into. It is all a very simple process. Open yourself to be One with the changes at hand. Fill yourself up with your own Light by opening your heart to your own Divine I AM Self. Do what aligns with your heart, not what your mind of fear and separation tells you. The power of the Universe lies within all people. Follow no one but yourself.

To give you some different ways to perceive the information I have written in this post. You could change out the word "Self" with God or with any other word you wish. It doesn't really matter what word you use as long it is comprehended that you are already it. All is already One and we are it. We are individual sparks coming off of one flame. Here to experience and learn more about ourselves. If you wish to learn more about yourself. Then open your heart to your own I AM Self by saying I AM That I AM, and live the love in the harmony of your own knowingness.

"Through our own expansion of love we assist all. There is nothing to believe, open your heart and experience the truth for yourself."

Shamballa ON to all that are open to receive. . . .

Love and peace to all,
Sent to you by Joe Weaver of *

Thursday, July 7, 2011

July 2011 Monthly Visions:

July 2011 Monthly Visions:
You are your New (True) Self - Act Accordingly
by Dana Mrkich
July 1, 2011

Welcome to the Solar Eclipse in Cancer today, the third of a super powerful, mega-shifting eclipse series! Right about now you are likely feeling very clear around where you are still under-estimating, under-valuing and under-caring for yourself. If you aren't sure that you're very clear at all, take a look around at the kinds of things that have been going on in your life these past few weeks, including this week. The energies are being quite ruthless in getting the message across.

If you are trying to hold onto old 'not good enough,' 'I can't do it on my own,' 'I'm not worthy' patterns, if you are doing the 'poor me,' if you are putting the needs of others ahead of your own authentic soul needs, then your own fabulous soul is not hesitating to give you a little (or big) slap! This can come as a physical body manifestation - a pain in the neck, burning your fingers or other body part accidentally or tripping over something - or a plan backfires or some situation has quite the unpleasant outcome. It is the universe lovingly yet very clearly shouting to you, hellooooo, remove yourself from this situation, or remove those old issues from your new (true) self, they are not serving you any more at all. Your soul is not taking a back seat anymore, and any attempt on your part to squish yourself back into the back seat, or into someone else's driver's seat for that matter, is not going to have a happy outcome!

Why the ruthlessness? Well it is sometimes not comfortable to be true to our authentic self because it comes with 'what will people think?' . . . 'am I going to upset someone?' . . . 'what if I fail?' and numerous other doubt-ridden and guilt-ridden beliefs. So, there comes a time when our soul has to make it more uncomfortable to stay in our false self, than it is for us to be true to our authentic self. It's a bit of tough love, all for a good cause. Sometimes it takes that ouchy moment to realise that we've been ignoring our authentic needs, or even to simply realise what those needs are! With this eclipse in Cancer it's all about acknowledging your needs and acknowledging your value. Just like we sometimes need a wake up call to realise our needs, we very often need one to realise our value!! Do you realise how far you've come? Do you realise what you have to offer? Do you realise that you are not who you were 5 or 10 or 20 years ago or even 1 year ago? Do you realise that you are More than you realise?

Certain situations you may have tolerated for years, are suddenly no longer tolerable for one minute more. Old patterns stemming from childhood wounds that you perhaps have taken 30 years to overcome may have flared up again this week, if only for a few minutes or hours or days, to double check: are you over this? Have you resolved this? Of course you have! We just wanted to make sure you knew! Congratulations! Now what are you doing with your new (true) self?

Aahh, this is the question of the day. What are you doing with your new (true) self? Really what we're asking here is, do you realise yet 100% that you Are your new (true) self and are you acting accordingly?

When we have spent years with a certain self-perception, interestingly enough we often continue to live life with the cloak of that self-perception over us influencing us, even long after we have technically dealt with the cloak! This is why sometimes our external reality doesn't yet match who we feel ourselves to be, and we can't work out why because we know we've done all the work! We may have dealt with our self-value issues for years, and figure we are surely over it by now! Meanwhile we are still living with situations, or attracting scenarios, that don't exactly match our 'healthy self-value' idea of ourselves. It isn't that you haven't dealt with the issues properly, it may just be that you simply forgot to 'act accordingly'! Your energy has shifted, but your physical self is still hanging out on the old movie set! In that case, it is not about having another healing session or doing more inner work, it is more about literally, physically moving and taking action. This might mean literally moving house, leaving a partner or job, saying no next time your same ole same ole pattern shows up in a person or invitation, taking the next step with your business that you have been too scared to take, booking that trip.

This Solar Eclipse in Cancer is highlighting our boundaries, or lack of. If a pattern shows up in your face again it doesn't necessarily mean 'Oh no I must not have dealt with that properly yet!' A pattern always shows up one last time, in a big way, for you to confront it once and for all, and say 'NO!". No to being used, no to being steamrolled over, no to accepting less than you are worth, no to forgetting who you really are and Yes to your Self!! The word No can often be the most powerful final full stop to a lifetime pattern that has well and truly served it's purpose. In saying No to what is no longer true for you, you say Yes to your authentic self and path, and that opens up doors you have long been dreaming of.

You can have a million healings, but at the end of the day for what purpose? Yes we all want to achieve higher states of self-awareness and inner peace, but again, for what purpose? If it was just about enlightenment for enlightenment's sake, we could have stayed in some higher realm vibration and been nothing but light! We are here on Earth to take an amazing evolutionary step, to step into our authentic selves consciously, and then consciously create our reality here in the physical. Self-awareness is all well and good (and necessary) but at a certain point we have to ask ourselves are we putting all this self-awareness into practice? Are we embodying it in our daily lives? Are we using it to create a greater, more expansive reality for ourselves and contributing to the greater reality of humanity?

Take a look around your life. How do you feel about all the aspects of your life? Health? Relationships? Work? Finances? Family? Friends? Home? Does your experience of these aspects match who you truly feel yourself to be? This doesn't mean you need a million dollars sitting in the bank. We can have a poverty mentality with millions, or a wealth mentality with one dollar. We can be living in a 10 bedroom mansion and feel miserable. We can live in a small log cabin feeling happy as Larry. This question isn't asking have you created a super fabulous life that would look great on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, it is asking have you created a super fabulous life that feels great to you?

Over these past few weeks you have hopefully emerged with a much greater realisation around where you have still been holding on to old ancestral and cellular stories about yourself, that are just not true for you! You may have resolved your abundance issues that came from your Depression-era grandparents, yet are still scraping together your pennies when bills come in, because part of your energy is still acting as if you have that cloak on! If this is the case, one or more areas of your life will be showing you this very clearly. Look at that area, close your eyes and imagine how you would ideally like it to look. Next, ask to be shown: what do I need to do right now to let that in/create that? Part of the answer may be inner-related, which is fine. Yet if so, ask again: what is the action step I am avoiding? Why am I avoiding it? When you get your answer, confront it. Is it really true for you? If your answer is lack or fear or doubt related, it certainly is not true on your most authentic level. Know that. Is it part of an old cloak/belief? What if you acted like it just wasn't true? What would you do? What freedom would that give you?

For those who are on my Facebook page, you would have read the following Lunar Eclipse message there, but it is worth repeating here: "What illusion has been holding you back from Freedom? A belief you are not worthy, not powerful or not abundant? Today let go of the "not" that has become the "knot" blocking the flow of who you really are. Today it's less about acting as if you are already worthy, powerful and abundant, and more about letting go of acting as if you are not!"

That Lunar Eclipse was so powerful because it was in alignment with the Galactic Centre, and it is our Earth's and Sun's alignment with the Galactic Centre that is triggering our major evolutionary Shift. So, the message of it is relevant not only for that day, but generally relevant for this entire time period as we move into the next 18 months or so. The current Eclipse series highlighted this message from several different angles, supporting us in a heightened and accelerated way to finally, really truly get this.

This is greater than a once in a lifetime opportunity - it is a once in 26,000 year opportunity to use the Galactic Centre energies as a force propelling us to become self-aware, conscious creators on the magnificent physical plane of Planet Earth. Turn your light on to full, because having it on dim is so old reality:)

(c) Dana Mrkich 2011. Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited, and the URL is included. *

Polaris: July 2011-The Fire Within

Polaris: July 2011-The Fire Within
Channeled by Karen Murphy

All year you have been preparing for what is to emerge from deep within you this month. This is the month that you connect with the True You, the fire deep within, the source of power and strength that is inside you and always has been. This is the month that you begin to manifest your True Self, showing yourself and the world the beauty, the perfection, the exquisite imperfect humanity that is you. This is the month you become more of yourself than you ever have been before. This is the month you draw on the power of The Fire Within.

What is The Fire Within? Inside each of us is the kernel, the source, the seed that is the potential we possess to become our sacred destiny. The Fire Within is the source of unlimited power that ignites that seed into being, gives it life and infuses it with infinite energy and passion. The Fire Within is our personal awakening tool, the becoming of our life's potential. Igniting The Fire Within makes us stronger. More self aware. Healthier in our bodies. More heart centered. More connected to all life and to the infinite universe.

Go there now. Sit quietly and go deep inside yourself, to the place that is so familiar to you, so much a part of you, so beautiful. Go to that place within yourself and rest. Feel how it infuses you now, gives you hope, makes you cry from longing, fills you with energy and the knowingness that you can accomplish what you came here in this life to do. Fill yourself with that feeling, expand now into your Being, and know that this is the time to emerge from your chrysalis and become the beautiful butterfly you have always known yourself to be. Ignite your Fire Within and watch it bloom into being. Let it lift you, expand you, and inspire you. Breathe your Fire into your heart, into your belly. Breathe it down into the Earth and up into the starry heavens. Breathe your Fire and feel your cells sparkle, become alive, and dance. Breathe your Fire out to those whom you love, in ever expanding circles, eventually to encompass the Earth and all her inhabitants. Breathe your Fire down deep into your soul.

What To Expect This Month


Just as you might suspect from igniting your Fire Within, this month is likely to bring quantum leaps to many on a personal level. Now is the time, then, to examine and identify what it is that you want. What part of yourself, the True You, emerges this month? You get to choose. What manner of Awesome do you desire to bring forth into the light cast by The Fire Within? Spend some time now in determining what part of your Self will arise to be lit and loved this month.

Fire burns brightly. Use this energy to ignite your passion. What lights you up? Use this time to work on your hearts' desire and unlock your Sacred Destiny. Remember the things that make you happy and do them. Is it ice cream? Indulge yourself. Is it conscious movement? Then dance away. Do you love poetry, art, archaeology? Spend time this month devoted to the things that make you happy. To fail to do so is to invite stagnation, repression, and an inward burning rather than an outward lighting-up. Indulging your desires brings you in closer connection with your Sacred Destiny.

Dreams are important this month, as they have much to tell you. If you do not already do so, consider creating a dream journal. Use the full moon time also to dream when awake, setting intentions and visioning your path onward from here.

Affirmation: I AM the power of my heart's desire.


With all the learning, growing and evolving taking place on a personal level this month relationships can suffer a shakeup. Understand that this tendency is temporary for most. Allowing space for change within relationships is healthy and leads to further interpersonal growth and understanding. Stepping within, going deep into your heart and igniting The Fire Within will have an overall positive effect on the relationships in your life, as you will bring more of Yourself out to play. Remembering that everyone with whom you are in contact with is also going through a similar process will help you develop and maintain a sense of empathy and understanding. In other words, it is probably not about you! But if it is, continue looking inside and again focus on your heart, your Sacred Destiny, your inner fire.

Relationships severed during this time will tend to come to a natural close. Relationships begun now will have a greater chance for longevity. Family-of-origin relationships will tend to ride more smoothly this month, with old patterns beginning to come to resolution or release. Allow whatever is not needed to waft away with the ash of your personal Fire Within.

Affirmation: I AM immersing my Heart into all my relationships and I am feeling the richness that results.


Communities begin a new focus this month. A each individual's passion ignites, so too does the collective consciousness, thereby bringing the glimmering beginnings of a new way of interacting as communities into being. While it may take time to see this on an individual level, know that all actions taken now in community are important in developing this overall changing dynamic, which will be more heart-centered and more focused on common goals and aspirations than in the past. You may find yourself abandoning communities that no longer seem to fit the True You, and seeking new ones that give you deeper connection and a more heart-centered approach. There is a great deal of magnetism in this evolving communities, and it is helpful to be open to the possibility that you will find the community you need now and that needs you.

Affirmation: I AM willing to step into the community role that supports my Fire Within.

Global Politics

Politics take a back seat to internal work this month, but that does not mean that plenty is not happening below the surface. Back-door deals, power shifts, backstabbing and name-calling will be the most visible outward signs of change that will erupt more noticeably in the future.

Interestingly, at the same time, politics as a whole takes a big step into a more heart-centered approach this month -- in stark contrast to the outward signs described above, unlikely partnerships can be formed this month that lead to increased harmonious dealings among previously unfriendly countries.

Affirmation: I AM the heartbeat of a new political paradigm.

Earth Changes

Paralleling the emergence of The Fire Within from deep within your own being will be the emergence of deep fires from within the planet. Look for rumblings and sighings to manifest as earthquake activity (potentially in New Zealand, Chile, and along the Pacific Northwest coasts of Alaska and British Columbia) and volcanic activity (Hawaii, the Cascades, Peru). The fires now waning on the surface of the planet are making way for the manifestation of the planet's Sacred Destiny, one which you are very much a part of. Use this time to vision the planet of your dreams. Connect to the heartbeat of Gaia and ask her about her desires. Use this time also to lend strength to the global visioning process now taking place.

Affirmation: I AM able to move mountains.

Global Spiritual Changes

Connecting more deeply to your own Fire Within helps ignite the passions of those around you, spreading - like wildfire - in ever-expanding circles around you. Doing your personal work, you help make room for the global consciousness to expand, grow, and evolve. Globally, this month many changes take place including the spontaneous "awakenings" or "enlightenment" of a relatively large number of individuals. This is caused by the increase of personal vibration that results from a closer connection to Source, to The Fire Within, and to Sacred Destiny. Urgent messages from various sources suggest that action is needed to continue the planet's spiritual evolution, but I believe that our greatest change results from our attention and acceptance of Who We Are, thus inviting the power of our True Selves into greater being.

Affirmation: I AM willing to bring my Fire Within into being.

Polaris is a being of energy * *

SaLuSa: You Are The Ones Who Are Creating Your Own Reality

SaLuSa: You Are The Ones Who Are Creating Your Own Reality
July 4, 2011

Collectively there is nothing that you cannot do, but you have been split by various dogmas and beliefs that have seen you separate into many different groups. The continuing wars and confrontations have made enemies amongst people where none previously existed, and deliberately perpetuated by the dark Ones. Perhaps the biggest obstacles to integration have been religious beliefs, because they also have provided the basis for "them and us" for thousands of years. You will find that fear is at the root of most differences, and historically speaking in the end people do not remember how it came about. Because of re-incarnation you have lived through these periods, and somewhere deep down the result of those experiences still live with you. You have been continually trying to balance them out, and success lies in the fact that you will have experienced both sides of the problems. At heart your desire is to understand them and find a way of dealing with them to reach a peaceful conclusion.

There has never been a better time than now to achieve it, and you will find that the different races on Earth are basically seeking a loving relationship with each other. Forget the rantings and ravings of those few who wish to perpetuate the old ways, as their influence no longer carries the power that it once had. The energy for peace is now most powerful, and through the Law of Attraction has drawn help from the higher Beings that are Masters of the different rays that are projected to Earth, and enable you to become a greater Being of Light than you were previously. By anchoring the rays on Earth you have created a powerful grid that is lifting you up out of the lower energies.

You therefore have what is necessary to fully bring the Light into manifestation, and it will create the harmony and balance that you seek. You and millions of other Lightworkers are changing the vibrations on Earth, and that can only lead to a greater concentration of that powerful energy. The dark Ones will attempt to break it up, but that can only be achieved if you allow it to be so. So concentrate your focus on the Light, and continue to hold fast to your vision of the golden future. Soon the truth of who you really are and your purpose for being on Earth will be known. That will bring people together as the Oneness in which you exist will become apparent. How else could it be Dear Ones, as you all come from the same Source? You are the One Family held in the arms of the All-Loving Supreme Creator.

It is you who are paving the way to Ascension, and it can be as easy or difficult as you make it. We of course along with many other Beings are helping the whole process, and nothing can stop it from manifesting. As we so often tell you, you are the ones who are creating your own reality. Think upon it for a moment, and in that event why would you create a scenario full of disaster death and destruction? It is true that ancient prophesies paint such a picture, and even today psychics pick up on it. However, it will not manifest unless it is given the energy to empower it. It is true that the Earth must be cleansed and that physical changes will take place, but they will not be of the scale to destroy large areas. We monitor such changes and we use our technologies to lessen the impact upon you. If you are disturbed by recent happenings, bear in mind that the dark Ones have been behind most occurrences. We can only fully engage them when we are able to work openly with you, and can put a complete stop to their activities.

The Galactic Federation is charged with keeping peace in the Universe, and is of such a size that it is equal to the task. Only a part of our force is presently stationed around Earth, and totally adequate for the upliftment of you and Mother Earth. You may be assured that if you have chosen to ascend, and are ready when the end time comes you will complete the process. It is far too late for the dark Ones to have any impact upon you, and they are being forced to retreat and allow the Divine Plan to be fulfilled. Is it not ironical that it is they who now experience fear about their future, knowing that they will be called upon to answer for their crimes against Humanity. Justice is coupled with love and understanding, and is not a tool for revenge as every person still has the potential to grow into the Light.

We know that regardless of how much information is given you as to your true selves, there will still be souls who do not feel ready to move into the new energies. That is fine by us and their needs will be given as much attention as any others, as all will find that they end up in exactly the right level for their present stage of evolution. Remember that it in the same way as you are given free choice, everyone in your family and circle of friends have exactly the same options. It is not therefore your place to try and force another soul to do your bidding, or chastise them for choosing differently to yourself. As it happens most families come together because they are on a similar vibration, so many will go forward as one.

We want to be more active with you all, but for the time being must wait for the correct opportunity to be officially recognized and welcomed to Earth. Our allies push forward for the announcement that will allow us to do so, and we know it is getting nearer than ever. Be patient as we assure you the wait will have been well worthwhile. Matters in your world will progress at a remarkable pace, particularly when the necessary governmental changes have gone through. Meantime attend to your own needs where Ascension is concerned, as in the long run that is the most important issue for you. You have a little work to do, and as you say, "walk your talk" as the time has long passed where you need to hide behind your beliefs. Live now as you would when all souls have been brought together, and recognize themselves in each other. You are One, so how else could it be?

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and becoming more excited at the thought of First Contact, that will follow the announcement of disclosure. It will be a most enjoyable period in your lives, and we can almost feel the relief and joy. How could it be any other way when you are to meet your real families from way out in Space? You were Galactic Beings prior to coming to Earth, and will be again as you lift up your vibrations to the higher levels.

Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey

I receive my messages from SaLuSa telepathically, he is speaking for the Galactic Federation. I have never had the advantage of being able to have a relationship where I can ask questions. I sit down at a specific time to make contact and then I get images or what I call 'packages" of images or words which I translate straight away onto the computer. Since March, 2004 I have been in contact with beings from the Galactic Federation. *

Monday, July 4, 2011

Hilarion's Weekly Message: July 3-10, 2011

Hilarion's Weekly Message: July 3-10, 2011
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff

Beloved Ones,

The accumulated energies of the past month will continue to lift each of you into higher levels of consciousness as you go about your daily activities. There will continue to be an ongoing integration process as the Light encodements and attunements are given to you by your God sanctioned Guides as your physical body is deemed ready. It is important that this proceed at a level of safety, grace and ease. Know that we are ever with you as you walk upon your Path and if you remember to ask us each day, we are more than happy and willing to give you our utmost assistance during these changing times.

This is a time to honor yourselves, to listen to the still, small voice within you, for in truth, this voice is becoming much clearer and more direct as you follow the dictates of your heart and become more fully attuned to your Authentic Self. Be always in integrity with your highest principles and concentrate only on that which you wish to see manifest within your lives. Anything that does not resonate with your Holy Christ Self is now leaving as quickly as you allow it. All you must do is recognize when these come up for review and intend and command that they leave your energetic field never to return. Always ask that what has left is immediately replaced with the Highest Christ Consciousness that you are able to assimilate in your moment of Now. You are still in the beginning stages of bringing in your Higher aspects and this will translate in different ways for each of you, for you are each unique and myriad in your personal journeys.

Spiritual growth occurs as a spiral dance and there will be times when this is intensely felt as resistance upon your Path. This is a sign that what is required from within you is a heartfelt surrender of "not my will, Father/Mother God, but thine be done in and through me," and requires faith that you are being led as gently as possible upon the Path that you chose to experience at this time of immense changes. For most of you have done this work before and what is gradually coming through now is remembrance of your unique qualities, skills, talents and gifts that will break through into your consciousness as you assimilate the sacred geometries that are now flooding the etheric airwaves.

Our advice as previously given is to spend as much time as possible out of doors in Nature, absorbing the Sun's rays when possible for at least 10 or 15 minutes each day, for the Sun has many encodements and messages for you. Follow the dictates of your body elemental, rest as needed and allow your Being to flow with the new energies and insights as they come in. Trust in this process knowing that you are taking the final steps to greater consciousness and integration of the Ascension energies as they come forth. Keep focused on your daily disciplines to ensure that this process comes through you and manifests within you in relative ease and grace.

If you find yourselves becoming discouraged by the energy patterns that still arise from within you, remember to just allow yourselves to feel what you feel, voice it, and then be done with it, then turn to a creative pursuit such as writing a poem or story, painting, songwriting, reading a book or whatever it is that you feel joyful in the doing of, for in this way you are aligning with that which feels good and uplifting to your spirit and you will find that the previous moments of discouragement have dissipated and that you feel renewed and invigorated. Also recognize that sometimes, the greatest help for you is to retire early to bed and get extra sleep so that you awaken the next morning with greater equilibrium. In all things what is very important is to know yourself so that you can fulfill your own needs as they arise for your acknowledgment. You have all the answers within you, Beloved Ones. Take the time to listen.

Arising within you in the days to come will be greater feelings of joy, happiness, fulfillment, peace and a sense of the incredible possibilities that exist for you. You will experience many moments of wonder and delight, of increased awareness and clarity, with many revelations and insights that will help you to complete your cleansing and purification process.

Until next week.
I AM Hilarion

©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

Distributing this message in other forums, etc. is encouraged, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and website: Weekly Messages from Hilarion * Angelic Gems of Light Messages * To Subscribe Details at: *

Sunday, July 3, 2011

New Earth Rising: The Solar Eclipse of July 1st by Celia Fenn July 2011

New Earth Rising: The Solar Eclipse of July 1st
by Celia Fenn
July 1, 2011

The Awakening "Rose Lines" and the North/South Flows on the Global Grids

I am sure that you will all agree that the energies have been exciting but pretty difficult in this last month as we have passed through the first Solar Eclipse, and then the Total Lunar Eclipse. Now we approach the culminating eclipse of this series, the Partial Solar Eclipse on the 1st of July.

The Re-activation of the Stonehenge and Giza complexes were incredible alignments for the Planet, but this Eclipse coming up will be something of a "grand finale" to this series of Eclipses. falls in the Energy of the Goddess, the Divine Feminine. will be visible only in the far Southern regions of Antarctica, in line with Southern Africa, as you can see from this map that I borrowed from

In the New Earth Grid System, the power flows from South to North and from North to South. The Flow that is known as the "Rose Line" flow or the Divine Feminine Flow/Goddess Flow or current, moves from the Southern Pole area of Antarctica and northwards along the meridian lines that are called the "Rose Lines".

The most active of these "Rose Lines" at the moment is the South/North and North/South flow through the Americas...from Antarctica and up through Tierra del Fuego and Patagonia and then along the Andes, through Central America and up through the Rockies to the Northern Polar Circle. This is the territory of the Eagle and the Condor, and as they unite to fulfil the prophecies of the end times, we are experiencing huge Transformation on the Planet.

At this Eclipse, the energy will activate a new Flow of the Rose Line...up from Antarctica and through Southern Africa and North through the Middle East and into Europe and north to the Northern area of Finland and Russia. This Flow of Divine Feminine energy on the Grids will also create a powerful surge of Spiritual Kundalini energy in this part of the Globe.

Antarctica is the crystalline white land, it is the equivalent of the Pineal Gland in the Human Body, and it receives the Light Codes from the Galactic Center in their purest and most powerful form. These Codes enter the grids and are sent to those points that are like the pituitary glands, and these points send them to the entire Planetary Body. These "Rose Nodes" as I call them, are Tierra del Fuego and Patagonia including Chile and Argentina, Southern Africa and New Zealand, Tasmania and Australia. These areas are "coming online" to be the Light Connection points for the Divine Feminine Light Code energy as it transmits from the Galactic Center.

For me, this will be an exciting time. I will be welcoming this Grid Activation from Cape Town...probably the closest land point to the Eclipse activations! In August, I will be travelling north to Finland and up into Lapland, about as far north as it is possible to go within the territory of this new Rose Line Grid Flow. I will "flow" with the energies and celebrate with all that I meet!

But, you may ask, what is the deeper meaning of this activation and the eclipse. Firstly, it will activate new Spiritual energies deep into the Earth in the areas of Africa, Europe and the Middle East, bringing energies of "awakening" to these areas. The Sacred Rose and the Grail Codes that are associated with Yeshua, Mary Magdalene and the Cosmic Christ energy will be fully activated. In addition, the Indigenous peoples of the Regions will feel the energy of Rebirthing and the North and the South are joined into Oneness in the Flow of the Rose Energy.

This process has been under way for some time in South and North America, where I have had the privilege to work and do ceremonies. The highlight for me was in 2008 when I led a Full Moon Ceremony working with the Jaguar Goddess with 200 people at Iguazu Falls on the Argentine/Brazil border...all part of this powerful activation of the Flows of the North and South and the meeting of the Eagle and the Condor according to the prophecies.

At this point, it is good to remember that the point of the Prophecies is the healing of the Earth and the re-establishment of "right relationship" and balance with Nature. At this time of the Solar Eclipse on the 1st of July, these are the issues that will be highlighted and emphasized....coming into Right Relationship.....with ourselves, with our fellow humans and with the Planet and all who live on her. It is the time to seek Harmony and Truth and the Light that flows on the Rose Lines!

To celebrate this moment, I offer you a beautiful experience...a film that was made by a modern day Shaman and Filmaker who lives in Bogota, Colombia. His name is Luis Condor Mejia and his film speaks of the energies of this Transformation. It is called "Prophecy : The Last Message" and it is in two parts:

Prophecy Part 1 - *

Prophecy Part 2 - *

© 2006-11 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global - You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author. *

New Earth Rising: The Solar Eclipse of July 1st by Celia Fenn July 2011

New Earth Rising: The Solar Eclipse of July 1st
by Celia Fenn
July 1, 2011

The Awakening "Rose Lines" and the North/South Flows on the Global Grids

I am sure that you will all agree that the energies have been exciting but pretty difficult in this last month as we have passed through the first Solar Eclipse, and then the Total Lunar Eclipse. Now we approach the culminating eclipse of this series, the Partial Solar Eclipse on the 1st of July.

The Re-activation of the Stonehenge and Giza complexes were incredible alignments for the Planet, but this Eclipse coming up will be something of a "grand finale" to this series of Eclipses. falls in the Energy of the Goddess, the Divine Feminine. will be visible only in the far Southern regions of Antarctica, in line with Southern Africa, as you can see from this map that I borrowed from

In the New Earth Grid System, the power flows from South to North and from North to South. The Flow that is known as the "Rose Line" flow or the Divine Feminine Flow/Goddess Flow or current, moves from the Southern Pole area of Antarctica and northwards along the meridian lines that are called the "Rose Lines".

The most active of these "Rose Lines" at the moment is the South/North and North/South flow through the Americas...from Antarctica and up through Tierra del Fuego and Patagonia and then along the Andes, through Central America and up through the Rockies to the Northern Polar Circle. This is the territory of the Eagle and the Condor, and as they unite to fulfil the prophecies of the end times, we are experiencing huge Transformation on the Planet.

At this Eclipse, the energy will activate a new Flow of the Rose Line...up from Antarctica and through Southern Africa and North through the Middle East and into Europe and north to the Northern area of Finland and Russia. This Flow of Divine Feminine energy on the Grids will also create a powerful surge of Spiritual Kundalini energy in this part of the Globe.

Antarctica is the crystalline white land, it is the equivalent of the Pineal Gland in the Human Body, and it receives the Light Codes from the Galactic Center in their purest and most powerful form. These Codes enter the grids and are sent to those points that are like the pituitary glands, and these points send them to the entire Planetary Body. These "Rose Nodes" as I call them, are Tierra del Fuego and Patagonia including Chile and Argentina, Southern Africa and New Zealand, Tasmania and Australia. These areas are "coming online" to be the Light Connection points for the Divine Feminine Light Code energy as it transmits from the Galactic Center.

For me, this will be an exciting time. I will be welcoming this Grid Activation from Cape Town...probably the closest land point to the Eclipse activations! In August, I will be travelling north to Finland and up into Lapland, about as far north as it is possible to go within the territory of this new Rose Line Grid Flow. I will "flow" with the energies and celebrate with all that I meet!

But, you may ask, what is the deeper meaning of this activation and the eclipse. Firstly, it will activate new Spiritual energies deep into the Earth in the areas of Africa, Europe and the Middle East, bringing energies of "awakening" to these areas. The Sacred Rose and the Grail Codes that are associated with Yeshua, Mary Magdalene and the Cosmic Christ energy will be fully activated. In addition, the Indigenous peoples of the Regions will feel the energy of Rebirthing and the North and the South are joined into Oneness in the Flow of the Rose Energy.

This process has been under way for some time in South and North America, where I have had the privilege to work and do ceremonies. The highlight for me was in 2008 when I led a Full Moon Ceremony working with the Jaguar Goddess with 200 people at Iguazu Falls on the Argentine/Brazil border...all part of this powerful activation of the Flows of the North and South and the meeting of the Eagle and the Condor according to the prophecies.

At this point, it is good to remember that the point of the Prophecies is the healing of the Earth and the re-establishment of "right relationship" and balance with Nature. At this time of the Solar Eclipse on the 1st of July, these are the issues that will be highlighted and emphasized....coming into Right Relationship.....with ourselves, with our fellow humans and with the Planet and all who live on her. It is the time to seek Harmony and Truth and the Light that flows on the Rose Lines!

To celebrate this moment, I offer you a beautiful experience...a film that was made by a modern day Shaman and Filmaker who lives in Bogota, Colombia. His name is Luis Condor Mejia and his film speaks of the energies of this Transformation. It is called "Prophecy : The Last Message" and it is in two parts:

Prophecy Part 1 - *

Prophecy Part 2 - *

© 2006-11 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global - You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author. *