Friday, February 6, 2009

The Holon of AscensionA Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Keny on January 28, 2009

The Holon of AscensionA Hathor Planetary Message through Tom KenyonJanuary 28, 2009 You are about to enter into a highly volatile period, full ofextraordinary potential, yet fraught with hazards. In March of last year we indicated that your earth's magneticfield was experiencing perturbations and a morphing, orchanging of its configuration. Your science has nowdiscovered that this is, in fact, a reality. In its most simple terms, there is a breach in themagnetosphere, which surrounds earth, protecting it fromsolar winds. Such a breach is a naturally occurring cycle,but the breadth and magnitude of this opening is quite large.It is allowing, and will allow, large volumes of plasma fromthe sun to enter. This will increase magnetic storms,disruptions of telecommunications, disruptions inbio-electric circuitry (such as human nervous systems), andclimate change. The results of this breach and the increasedcharging of the magnetosphere will increase over the nextseveral years. Our focus in this communication is not upon the negativeimpacts of this breach, but upon the positive effects itopens for those who are ready. Your subtle energy body, which was known as the KA by ancientEgyptians and called the etheric body by Yogis, is highlysensitive to, and affected by, solar plasma. An increase inthe flow and quality of solar streams increases the vibratoryrate of the KA body. This is a very beneficial and auspiciousopportunity for those who are consciously participating intheir ascension process. Let us be precise by what we mean bythe term ascension, because it has many differentconnotations and ways of being viewed. By ascension we simply mean a movement upward inconsciousness. You do not "go" anywhere. You do not "leave"anywhere. But your perspective, your perception, is radicallyaltered. You begin to see through the maya, or the illusionof this world, which is created through the dance ofsubatomic particles and into a configuration of what you callmatter. Through the ascension process you realize that youare the creator of your experience of that which you call"the world." It does not mean that you leave this world, butit does mean that you have transcended it--while still beinga part of it--for you see through the lens of perception thatlife is a movie that you are projecting. One could say that you are at a crossroads. As the solarstreams enter into your magnetosphere, the KA bodies of allhumans will increase in vibration. But for some, this willlead to disturbances and dissolution, while for others itwill lead to ascension--a movement upward in consciousness. This communication is specifically for those individuals whohave chosen the upward spiral. Your challenge in these timesis to allow the activation of your KA body to move youupward, even as many around you seem to be spiralingdownward. It is, essentially, a question of vibration, joinedwith expectation and belief. It is the union of these threethat births the creative impulse for a new destiny. What do we mean by this? It takes tremendous energy to transcend or transmute anegative condition or a limitation that has been placed uponone. You have been collectively hypnotized into a view ofreality that is fixed, confined, limiting, and nothing shortof imprisonment. When one sees through the lies and themanipulations, the old world does not look the same and yetthe perception of the lies does not free one from them. Theyhave a life of their own and a tendency to continue. It takesnew energy--an increased vibratory rate--to overcome thelethargy and inertia that are intrinsic to your culturallimitations. This is the gift of the solar streams--the solarplasma that is flowing and will flow in greater quantitiesinto your magnetosphere--for they will increase the vibratoryrate of your KA body. But here is the "cross-hair", shall we say, in "the sight" ofyour destiny. For those of you who accept, or at least arebeginning to see through the lies of limitation that havebeen imposed upon you and have made a choice to move upwardinto the ascension process, this activation of the KA body isa beautiful, exquisite miracle to behold, for your life willbe graced with the power to transcend your own limitations inways that have not been available to you before. It shall beas if the cosmos itself is joining you in the dance of yourfreedom. But for those who do not choose to live upward inconsciousness--who choose to remain imprisoned by thelimitations, who seek to blame others for their misfortune,who choose to find scapegoats for their lack of happiness,for those who insist upon living the old world ofconflict--this increased vibration of their KA body will notbe a blessing; it will be experienced as a curse. Becausethey will have to work very hard to keep things the way theyare. The fabric of your old realities is being unwound at the sametime that new realities are being woven. This is, indeed, anodd state. And what we wish to convey most clearly is thatyou have the innate power and ability to weave new realitiesfor yourself, new freedoms of mind and spirit, regardless ofwhat is happening around you. From our perspective, we see this situation escalating overthe next several years, and we would characterize it as adual state in which many of you will ascend, meaning movingupward, while others will move into dissolution, a fallingapart. This is, essentially, based upon a personal choice. This is a very important point, to us, and we wish to conveyit with as much clarity as possible. Each of you has theresponse-ability to choose the thoughts and the creations youdesire. Some of you will choose freedom--because you cannotstand being contained any longer--the lies are simply toogreat a burden to perpetuate. Others of you will chooseimprisonment--for the fear of freedom and the responsibilityfor personal choice is too much to bear. This is a split in the road of evolution. As your realities simultaneously dissolve and re-createthemselves, and by that we refer to the economic challengesyou are facing, and the ecological and social challenges youare facing some of you may experience very difficult times.But never lose sight of the fact that you are the creator ofyour life, and you can re-create it at any moment, regardlessof the circumstances. Those who manipulate you do so throughfear and perpetuation of cultural limitations--the beliefthat your life is dependent upon certain external factors. What you will discover in the ascension process is that theseexternal factors are actually projections from your owndeepest consciousness. They are flickers on a movie screen,and you can change them in mind-bending quickness when youchange them from the source rather than the effect, and thesource is your very mind itself. The mystery of how thisoccurs reveals itself to you in the ascension process, asnaturally as an orchid opening its blossoms. It is imbeddedin nature itself, and this knowledge is self-revealing as youenter the path upward. We have said in previouscommunications that one of the keys is what you callappreciation or gratitude. These states of emotion are asignature and an expression of the creative powers youpossess. What we mean by this will be clear to you as youmove into the ascension process. In future communications we intend to discuss theinterdimensional physics of appreciation and how it affectsyour external reality. But in this communication we wish togive you a tool we feel will assist you in this period overthe next several years, as the solar streams enter themagnetosphere and begin to stimulate your KA bodies. There are a few fundamental points we wish to impart beforewe give the technique. The first fundamental is that you must have made the choiceto move upward in consciousness for this technique to work.The intention by which you hold your KA imparts the outcome. The second point is that you need to be in the emotionalstate of appreciation when you do this method, becauseappreciation is the signature for this kind of creation. The third point is that this is based upon a connectionbetween the KA--your etheric body--and a higher aspect ofyourself, dimensionally speaking, that was known as the BA bythe ancient Egyptians. The BA resides in a place ofconsciousness that is outside time and space, as youconstruct it. It's entry point is at a place above the head where yourhands would meet were you to raise your hands together andtouch them above your head. This interdimensional aspect ofyour self, the BA, is highly receptive to appreciation. Andit is from the BA that you receive the energetic thatstrengthens the KA and prepares it for the influx of thesolar streams. We call this method the Holon of Ascension. Like the twoprevious Holons we have given, the Holon of Balance and theHolon of Healing, it is based upon a specific geometric form.Geometry compels energy and specific geometries compel energyto flow in specific ways. This particular Holon is based upon a disc. It is much like atop, if you played with such toys as a child. You placeyourself inside this disc. The top of the disc correspondswith the location of the BA, where your two hands would touchwere you to extend them above your head. The lower part ofthe disc is the base of your spine if you were to sitcross-legged. If you do this standing or sitting in a chair,then your feet would be at the base of the disc. The centerline that goes through the top of the head, through yourbody, and through the perineum is the central axis of thedisc. In your imagination, you spin the disc around the centralaxis. For most people the natural direction would be to spinit to the right, but it can be to the left--which ever feelsright to you is the correct direction. The size or diameterof the disc is immaterial. You can make it as large or assmall as you wish. The color of the disc also does notmatter, but if you are a visual person, then we suggestexperimenting with making the disc white. This movement ofthe disc in the imaginal world... the world of yourimagination...creates a vortex. Once you start the disc to spin, your attention goes to theBA above your head and you send appreciation to the BA--thefeeling of appreciation. There will be response of some kindfrom the celestial soul, the BA. At this point you move your awareness to the base of yourspine, to the root chakra, as this is the ground that pullsthe celestial energy into the KA body. Then, for the nextfive to ten minutes, you simply reside inside the disc,allowing it to spin with your awareness at your BA and at thebase of your spine. There will be a flow of energy from theBA into the physical body and down to the base of the spine.At times it will be a very light sensation. At other times itwill be like a laser light or a column of fire or a stream.It may take many forms. And as this energy descends from the BA into the base of thespine, it radiates into the KA body, energizing it. You cando this as many times as you wish. We suggest at least once aday. There is a caution: if you practice this too often, orfor too long a period of time, you can experience a healingreaction. This is caused by the celestial energies flowingfrom the KA into the physical organs of the body and causingthem to release negativity, toxins and other negativematerial that constrains their life force. As the KA bodybecomes more energized over a period of time, it will be ableto incorporate the solarized particles from the solar streamand this will greatly accelerate your ascension. This is thebasic method. And as we suggested, once a day, five to tenminutes is all that is required, so long as your intention isclearly to move upward in consciousness. We now wish to turn our attention to planetary service and toan energetic release we are calling The Great Triad. The first weekend of April (April 3-5, 2009) we arecalling a gathering in Seattle, Washington in which we willutilize the Holon we have just discussed and in connectionwith the three sound temples that we established physicallyin New Mexico, Costa Rica and Nepal. The union of these threeshall be for the purpose of increasing the light ofillumination. Before this event, some time in mid-March, we will releaseanother posting, another Planetary Message, with instructionsfor those who are not able to join us physically in Seattle.These instructions will allow those persons who cannot joinus physically, to join us energetically and participate inthis action of planetary service. From the standpoint of the Egyptian mythos and initiatoryknowledge, your civilization is in the Initiation of theAnmit, which is essentially a passage from the pursuit ofpower, into love, and the higher realizations that come fromthe higher chakras. It is a struggle between those who wishto perpetuate a world of conflict, as a stage whereby theycan attain and sustain power, and those who wish to live alife of cooperation--understanding that all life isinterconnected. The purpose of this gathering shall be two-fold: to impart agreater mastery of the Holon we have discussed and how toutilize the solar streams for personal ascension; and torelease into the earth's emotional atmosphere a spiritualillumination that will benefit all life and add to the sideof the scale that leads to cooperation over conflict. View this message online: Copyright 2009 Tom Kenyon All Rights ReservedYou may share this Hathor message and my comments with othersin any media you wish so long as you do not alter its contentsin any way, do not charge for it and include this copyright notice. Website: | Contact: office@... ___________________________________________________ Tom's Observations Regarding the Holon of Ascension View Tom's observations online: On March 24, 2008, The Hathors released a planetary messageentitled Earth's Magnetic Field, in which they said that theearth's magnetic field was going through a perturbation andmorphing (see the Hathor Archives for original posting). In December 2008, NASA announced that the ThemisProject had detected a massive breach in the earth's magneticfield, and that in the near future this would allow largeamounts of solar plasma to enter the earth's magnetosphere.The magnetosphere protects earth from solar storms and thesolar wind (plasma). But with the breach, scientists predictan increase in magnetic storms over the next few years. Suchstorms often impact telecommunications, which should prove tobe "interesting" for a culture increasingly dependent uponsuch forms of communication (including the internet). To seethe NASA report yourself, just go and typethe word Themis in the search window. When that page comesup, you can click on Mission News. I personally breathe a sign of relief when science validatessomething the Hathors have given, and I must say it seems tohappen with remarkable frequency. There are several things I find of interest in this currentmessage. The most prominent is the statement by the Hathorsthat the increase of plasma in the magnetosphere willincrease the vibratory rate of the KA body. With this type of information, we are, of course, leavingscience far behind us and entering a world of perception Ipersonally call, "woo-woo." By woo-woo, I mean non-ordinaryperception (especially of the psychic variety). Personally, Ithink it is possible to accommodate both logic and woo-woo,as long as we keep our wits about us and the edges betweenthem crisp. Thus whenever possible, I like to draw a clearline in the sand between what is science and what is woo-woo.And we are definitely over the line with this latest message. The KA The KA body was known and utilized by ancient Egyptianalchemists. It is sometimes called the etheric twin andsometimes the spiritual double. It has the same size andshape as your physical body (called the Khat by the ancientEgyptians), but it is an energy-body. It is not made of fleshand blood, but is, instead, well, made up of energy, ormostly energy. If the KA has any mass at all, it would seemto have very little. I have been experimenting with the KA inmeditative states for over two decades now, and it seems topossess a host of interesting abilities. Some of theseabilities are due to its inherent nature, in that it appearsto obey the laws of quantum mechanics and not Newtonianphysics. This opens a door to a fascinating array ofnon-ordinary phenomena. Ascension According to the ancient Egyptian alchemical knowledge (as Iinterpret and understand it), the KA is crucial to the processof ascension. As the Hathors make clear in their message,ascension is about a movement upward in consciousness--anexpansion of awareness. It is not about leaving the world orgoing anywhere. When one is in the process of ascension one isboth living in, and transcending the world at the same time. Ascension vs. Dissolution Another point I found of importance is the idea that we areentering a period of both potential ascension and/or potentialdissolution simultaneously. The strain of moving beyond ourculturally imprinted limitations can often be downrightexhausting for many of us. And the news is increasingly full ofstories about people who have flipped out, to use a good sixtiesterm. Today as I write this, I read an account of a man and wifewho both lost their jobs and, as a result, decided to killthemselves and their five children. I fear that such mental instability will be on the rise, andthe Hathors urge us to realize that we have both the innateability and the response-ability to live upward (ascension),even if those around us are breaking apart (dissolution). The Holon of Ascension The fundamental tool or inner technology the Hathors areoffering us in this message is a specific type of Holon thatstrengthens the KA to withstand the mounting energeticpressures and to assist us through the ascension process. For those who are new to the idea of Holons, I would stronglysuggest you go to our website click on the messages dealing withboth the Holon of Balance and the Holon of Healing. These twogeometric forms are highly beneficial and quite easy to utilize. The Holon of Ascension is a little more complicated affairthan the other two Holons given by the Hathors. This isbecause it coordinates the creation of an imagined geometry,in tandem with an emotional state (appreciation), and thedirection of an energetic flow within the KA. As the saying goes--a picture is worth a thousand words--sothe first thing I would like to share with you is a littledrawing of the geometry and a point-by-point description ofthe process. The Geometry Do realize that I am retarded when it comes to artistic ability,so do your best to transcend my personal limitations when itcomes to drawing things. Nevertheless, you will note in the diagram below that there isa human figure (you) sitting inside a disc. You will see twodotted lines that go up from the shoulders to a point above thehead (the BA point). The dotted lines represent your arms if youwere to extend your hands above your head. Where your handswould touch is the location of the BA point. This is also,you will note, the top of the disc. [ To view image: ] In this diagram, the figure is sitting cross-legged, whichmeans that your rump will be at the bottom of the disc.Please note that there is no requirement to sit cross-leggedwhen doing this. If sitting in a chair is more comfortable, thenthe base of the disc would be at your feet. This would also betrue if you chose to do the Holon standing up. The size of the disc is personal preference. You can have ashort stubby one or an elongated, elegant one. Personally, Imake the radius of my disc about 25 feet in diameter, givingit a total diameter of 50 feet across. I also imagine it tobe a luminescent white color, but there is no need to make itany particular color, or even to see it in your mind at all.Just sense this disc in whatever ways feel natural to you.Looking at the disc from above or from below, it would, ofcourse, appear as a circle. After you establish the disc in your imagination, start tospin it around the central axis (which passes through thecrown at the top of your head, through the center of yourbody and out the perineum--a point midway between yourgenitals and your anus). I usually spin mine in a clockwisedirection and change it from time to time for variety sake.Most people, according to the Hathors, will naturally spin itclockwise. But spin the disc in the direction that feelsright to you. This spinning motion sets up an energeticvortex in the subtle realms and facilitates the movement ofcelestial energies from the BA into the KA. Once you have a sense that the imagined disc is spinning, youare ready for the next step. Move your attention to the BA point (above your head at thetop of the disc). Direct feelings of appreciation orgratitude to the BA, as this opens the gate for the flow ofcelestial energies. It is the actual feeling of appreciationor gratitude, not the thought of appreciation that activatesthe flow from the BA. As you continue to send appreciation/gratitude to the BA, youwill sense a downward movement of energy from the BA inresponse. It could take a few moments for this response tooccur or longer, if you are new to sensing subtle energies.But eventually you will feel a response from the BA to yourdirected appreciation. When this occurs, move your attentionto the base of the spine. Energy follows awareness. As you move your awareness to thebase of your spine, the flow of celestial energy from the BAwill move down to the root chakra where it is grounded intothe KA. At this point, all you do is to rest inside thespinning disc while keeping your awareness at the BA pointabove your head and the root chakra at the base of yourspine. Allow yourself to sense and feel the movement ofcelestial energy into your root and from there out into yourKA body. When your mind wanders, just bring your attentionback to the spinning disc and the connection between the BAand your root. If your attention wanders off too long, theflow of energy will stop. If this happens, just re-sendfeelings of appreciation up to the BA, as you did when youstarted. As the flow starts up again, keep your attention onthe BA, your root, and the spinning disc. The Flow As the flow of celestial energy from the BA to the root chakraproceeds, it is important to realize that it is this flow thatis feeding the KA body. The root chakra is used to anchor theenergy, but the energy, itself, moves in various formsthroughout the KA strengthening, revitalizing and raising thevibratory rate of the KA body. My personal experience of this flow from the BA into the rootchakra takes many different forms at different times,depending upon--I think--the state of my own energy systemand my mood at the time I actually do the meditation. Sometimes the flow is very gentle, barely perceptible. Atother times it is like an intense laser beam of light pulsingenergy from the BA into my root and then throughout my entireKA body. Sometimes it takes the form of a swirling pillar ofetheric fire that funnels down from my BA into the root andpulses energy and light throughout the KA from the column offire itself. And at times, it is a stream of liquid-goldlight that moves down from the BA. In all cases, there aredistinct physical sensations of intensification, but invarying degrees. I suspect that each person practicing thiswill have his or her own variations of experience. I do find, incredibly, that five to ten minutes, as theHathors suggest, is all that is needed to charge my KA body.And there are, at times, wonderful experiences of thecelestial energy over-flowing from the KA into my physicalbody (the KHAT). When this happens, I feel that life force isbeing imparted to my physical organs. I have also experimented with extending the meditation timeup to twenty-minutes as of this writing, and I can reportthat I sometimes experience a cleansing reaction aboutfifteen minutes into it--just as the Hathors discussed. Thisisn't always the case, but often enough that I feel I shouldmention it. I imagine that this type of reaction would occurat different times for different people based upon manyfactors, so I am not implying, in any way, that you willexperience a cleansing reaction during the meditation if youextend it beyond ten minutes--just reporting that I sometimesdo. Such reactions are a result of spiritual and/or physicaldetoxification, since, in this model of energy, certain typesof thoughts and emotions have toxic qualities. And if theincoming high-vibratory energy of the BA is brought into theKA body long enough, it will cause the body to begin releasingthese types of toxic elements. Such releases are notdangerous, but they can be difficult to contend with sincethey could include such things as nausea, headaches, otherbodily aches, and a sudden unexpected flood of mental and/oremotional garbage. My suggestion to those undertaking this remarkable Holon isto find your comfort zone. Start with five minutes. See whathappens. Then slowly increase the time. For you overachievers and obsessive-types (me included),remember that this Holon is not a marathon. Doing more doesnot necessarily give you greater results. The goal is tocharge the KA body, not fry its ass. So be temperate.Moderation is not the same as mediocrity in this case. As youcontinue to work with the Holon, you will find your naturalcomfort zone emerging. Perhaps it will be more than tenminutes, or perhaps less. Whatever it is, entering into thismeditation once a day will bring you highly beneficialresults. Using Music I have experimented with this Holon both in silence and whilelistening to psychoacoustic music designed to deepen alteredstates. There are times when I honestly prefer to do themeditation in pure silence, without any auditory input. It is nice to feel the energies moving within the KA andpsychically hear the internal sounds they generate withoutoutside "interference." At other times, I find listening topsychoacoustic music very supportive, and it often intensifiesthe experience. For me it is a matter of mood. Do I want silenceor do I want to ride the waves of psychoacoustic sound toamplify the experience? If you choose to experiment with music,I suggest you listen to something that makes you feel relaxedand turns your awareness inward. Since I know many people will ask me what my preference is,here it is. If I choose music, I like listening to "Lightship"or "Infinite Pool" while engaging this Holon. They intensifythe experience the most. I have also found "Wave Form" and "WaveForm II" to be supportive of the experience in a more gentleway. Final Thoughts If the Hathors are correct that increased plasma activity in themagnetosphere will charge and activate our KA bodies, then weare in for a heck of a ride in the coming years. Despite theimmense challenges facing us on so many fronts, this time isalso an immense opportunity--an opportunity for unprecedentedspiritual evolution. I stand facing the future with bothtrepidation and a sense of excitement, the likes of which I havenever seen before. May your chosen path through these times leadyou upward, and may your days be filled with a great light, agreat life and great laughter. Tom Kenyon Note: The Hathors will be giving an adjunct message sometimearound the second week of March with instructions for thosewho wish to participate in The Great Triad from a distance.If you received this email directly from us, you willautomatically receive the email notification in March. If you received this message from some one else, and wish toreceive the second email, go to our website and subscribe: We do not share names and addresses with any one else. Copyright 2009 Tom Kenyon All Rights ReservedYou may share this Hathor message and my comments with othersin any media you wish so long as you do not alter its contentsin any way, do not charge for it and include this copyright notice. Music links: Contact: office@...