Finding the Courage
by Jennifer Hoffman
When we view life as a celebration we discover our gifts, passion and purpose and learn to live through them. Otherwise, we live our life in hopefulness and anticipation of future joy and fulfillment. One path takes courage, the other requires that we live in acceptance of the 'safe' reality we have and never question whether something else is available. We always choose what is right and best for us but if we can find the courage to look beyond our perceived limitations we open ourselves to the possibility of living through our gifts and passion with a much different experience of life.
Each of us believes that we are limited in our ability to live a joyful and fulfilling life. The limitations may be expressed through our beliefs, actions or inability to act, our childhood experiences, life traumas, memories, emotional DNA imprints and retained messages. Then we confirm our limitations by sabotaging ourselves, choosing people and situations that we know will not be successful, preventing our movement and ensuring that we stay in our safe space.
The path of fulfillment, joy and passion requires courage to take the first step. And we must be willing to separate from tradition, to follow our own path, to release all that we have learned and experienced from our soul group, face every limiting belief and fear that we have and move forward anyway. We must be willing to stand alone with our convictions and ignore the well meaning advice of every person who wants to protect us from potential failure by reminding us of the futility of our dreams.
Where does the courage to transform come from and how do we find it? Using our gifts, living our passion and purpose all have an exponential effect that expands with each experience. When our desire for joy is greater than our fear of expressing our passion and gifts, we will find the courage to celebrate ourselves and live a life that expresses the wonder of who we are. It takes a commitment to our self expression and with practice each step forward can become another opportunity to celebrate who we are. Then we can have a life that we celebrate because it reflects our highest self, energies and intentions.
Article Copyright ©2009 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.
About the author
Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel. Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel. Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services is available at her websites, or email for information. *
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Finding the Courage
Kuthumi: The Time is Now!
Kuthumi: The Time is Now!
Channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff
April 27, 2009
Beloved Ones,
We come forth this day to speak to you about the great events that are now taking place upon the Earth, within the Earth and around the Earth. Know that much is coming forth within the next few days, there will be much truth coming to the surface. There will be great revelations that will put the people of the Earth into a tailspin. We of the Great White Brotherhood speak to you now about the great need for each Lightworker to stay centered and to dedicate themselves in the next while to consistently and persistently keep anchoring your Light into the Earth so that the Earth remains in stability and relative peace and harmony. Know that the times are upon us, the times of great change, the times of the implementation of these changes. This is what we have been working for, for so long and it is now upon us, Dear Ones.
Many of you have been struggling to adjust to the high intensity of the New Energies that are coming down upon the Earth at this time. It has been very difficult for you to rise above so that you are in tune and in harmony with these energies. Many of you have been experiencing great heaviness of Soul and this is the cleansing and the bringing forth of the Divine Feminine energy, the Divine Feminine power. This will continue in the days ahead. This will bring forth many things that have been hidden. This will bring forth the Goddess energies upon the Earth plane, within the Earth herself as the Lady Gaia.
Know that the time of the Divine Goddess energy is upon us. It is an energy that is translated into action and so there will be much taking place upon the Earth plane, that which once was hidden, will become fully in the public knowledge. As it has been doing to each Lightworker in the clearing of each of you of that which needed to be cleared, that was not in harmony and resonating with this Divine Goddess energy, so now this energy is radiating forth into the world, upon the world stage in mass consciousness. This will continue, and we, the Great White Brotherhood, ask each of you who have been heeding our Calls and answering our Calls, to anchor the Light that never fails into the Earth in the days ahead. We, of the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Great White Brotherhood are relying on you, the Earth Team members to assist us in this great endeavour.
Know, Dear Ones, that there is a Light at the end of this tunnel.
Kuthumi for the Great White Brotherhood
©2009 Marlene Swetlishoff
Distributing this message in other forums, etc. is encouraged, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and website: NEW! Weekly Messages from Hilarion: Subscribe to Free Monthly Newsletter and receive a Full Numerology Report. Details: *
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
"Blue Star Speaks"
"Blue Star Speaks"
" The Celestial Chronicles #14"
"How do I know if I am evolving?"
"How do I know if I am "staying in the flow"
during the present changes?"
Ok, you all have been made aware of the necessary changes that the
Earth Star planet is undergoing and will continue to undergo. Well,
you should all be…unless you missed God’s billboard! Look, there isn’t
anyone on the planet who is not struggling now. We, David and I, are
struggling just as much as you are. You see just because we have known
well in advance of all that is transpiring now, does not protect us
from the same economic onslaught you are all confronting as well. The
difference is we were prepared to deal with it by accepting the fact
that it was going to happen and there would be no other options except
preparing for these times. Knowing that something will happen with
absolute certainty does assist us in maintaining our emotional
stability when things unfold. So often the bugaboos of doubt,
insecurity and fear, play havoc with a person’s emotional and
Spiritual state when an individual is striving to the best of their
ability to be a part of the Great Change. You are each a part of this
change in the practical everyday world. No, it is not easy and it will
be more difficult as the years pass. However, for every action there
is a reaction, in other words, “as the mind moves forward in spite of
what you may think of as intimidating odds, your Spirit IS evolving
whether you know it or not. As the mind goes forward, so do you. You
need to understand that if your intellect has been holding sway over
your personality for an extended period of time, it (the intellect)
begins to feel “threatened,” it fears for its very existence because
you are changing your thought patterns and philosophies.
So if you now understand “why” at certain times you may feel doubtful,
first reassure the intellect that it is well-loved and thank it for
its assistance. Secondly, tell the intellect that you have freely
chosen to allow Soul Voice to be in the forefront of your thoughts,
your mind, your life. This is a very simple but POWERFUL solution to
quelling the intellect and reassuring your own Soul Voice. See,
nothing fancy or complicated here, so please do not try to make it
become complicated. No yoga required. Ask yourself if you feel
differently about Spiritual and planetary issues than you once did; do
you see things in different ways now; do you accept the
incontrovertible fact that you cannot change another person, that you
can only change yourself? Do you yet really understand what love is,
if so, can you yet love yourself without condition?
Can you yet accept the fact that realities beyond the practical
everyday patterns and routines are the true primary realties, the ones
that birth the “new” you in every waking moment? Can you accept that
much must continue here in the way of severe weather patterns, an
acceleration of the numbers of people passing over from physical life
and the fact that your beliefs will not win you a popularity contest?
Are you willing to live for your beliefs? Are you willing to live your
beliefs? All these questions and statements from me are relative to
your personal evolvement and the reactions of the collective
evolvement impacting upon this planet that we all dearly love. Nothing
you do or say is insignificant. Everything carries its own magnetic
energy and will attract the same energy. You know you are evolving if:
you feel differently about issues that you and your friends/families
used to accept as truths, yet you now see the illusions and they may
not. Are you noticing a special “sensitivity” to sound, light, and/or
the energies of other people? Are you watching other people running
around engulfed with terrible fear about the state of the world and
ALL planetary economic conditions, while you yourself feel a bit
isolated because you know these things must take place, and the other
people do not know this? Do you sometimes wonder how it is possible
that you can have moments of feeling serene and tranquil in the face
of all this madness? If so it is because you are in “the eye of the
storm.” This vantage point allows you the freedom of watching
everything running amuck all around you while you are still holding
your ground.
You yourselves would have great difficulty explaining to those who are
not on the same thought-mind-Soul level as you are, how you can with
such great certainty feel assured that all this will pass and the
NESARA movement will teach of a better way in a better life. You
cannot teach those who live in fear. You cannot teach those who do not
want to know. You cannot teach those whose fears of not having their
security blanket is tantamount to them of “not having a life.” YOU,
however should never stop learning. Yes, it means you will have to
leave others behind, BUT if they do not want to evolve with you then
they will have to evolve by themselves or not evolve at all. This is
not only everyone’s free expression, it is also what the NESARA wave
does. She challenges people to challenge themselves: She challenges
their belief systems, their Soul determination to succeed by riding
the NESARA Wave, their abilities to just say no to invasive energies
projected upon them by invasive people. She sees the good in all and
yet she knows that all that is good must now ripen to a thicker, more
lush, healthier version of themselves. NESARA is the great MOTHER; it
is she who assists in deciding what needs changed here on this planet.
It is she who has long awaited her timeline to enter here. It is she
who is the true voice of We the People. All the true NESARIANS need to
step forward and bathe themselves in her glory, rebirth in her
glorious wake, for she is here for you, one and all.
As each person moves forward into a different type of continuum now,
many physical and non-physical things can occur. Does your hair hurt?
I do mean this, if it has not happened yet, it will! The crown chakra
moves energy all through the upper part of the head, as this occurs
your hair can/will hurt in varying degrees. Do noise distortions,
traffic, people talking, telephones ringing and even small noises seem
magnified to you? It is because they are. Does light sometimes seem to
be a glaring screen that is painful, sometimes do you notice that your
“memory lapses” are increasing? Your eyes are merely readjusting and
realigning with the new light and this can take some time to become
used to. Wear sunglasses, polarized are best. Are you experiencing…yet…
bouts of extremely low energy, sudden and sometimes prolonged
tiredness and just plain old inertia? This type of apathy and all
which it entails are a part of evolution. Isn’t evolution just
wonderful! Ok, you may have to write that statement 100 times so you
can begin to laugh at all these physical anomalies. But, it is part of
the journey to the destination you may know about. If you do not know
yet, you will when it is time for you to know about it. So, “What is
it about Change you don’t understand?” This is a part of evolution
that no one has told you about. Because the very essence of the Earth
Star planet is moving progressively and aggressively forward, the
frequencies, the vibrations of this world must also move forward in
aggressive fashion. Understand that the term “aggressive” simply means
to move at a more accelerated pace allowing no one and no-thing to
impede your progress. Trust me, NESARA is not and WILL not allow it
There is so little time left for Earth to complete her new cycle that
she cannot simply slow down and allow you to catch up with her. YOU
must run, levitate or do anything else required in order to not break
your stride. Simply “believing” is not enough, taking right actions
and assuming personal reasonability for all your actions is a MUST.
People do not realize that Earth is watching everyone! She KNOWS her
own. She no longer accepts what is not in her best interest. I advise
you each to remember this! Trust, believe and BE the courageous Soul
you really are. THAT is how to “stay in the flow.” No matter how alone
or isolated you may at times feel, as God has stated many, many times,
“I will be on your shoulder very much.”
"In the beginning of the beginning I watched as my earth star cousins
raced madly in ever continuing larger circles of displaced realities.
Each was consumed by the need for survival, but only of physical
survival. I watched as the many cavorted while the few were shunned
who knew of true life. I say to all of you now here in this "now"
moment of true life with a passion, a zest for the
KNOWN, creating perfection in all that you do and say. Realize that
YOU are each a unique Being, that YOU are GOD in physical expression."
©1997/2009 -
All information may be reprinted with copyright notice and
link back to visibly displayed.
Atlantis, 2012 & the Age of Revealing
Atlantis, 2012 & the Age of Revealing
In the following decade of this new millennium the human race is
destined to finally discover the facts about its true origins and
destiny. As part of this discovery we have to address the
overwhelmingly important question of how the phenomena of evil came
into the world and into the consciousness of the Earth's human
inhabitants. This is a question which should be on the mind of every
living man and woman. It has been with us for millennia and it will be
with the children of the future if we do not come upon the answer now.
We have left the question of evil in the hands of theologians and
scientists for too long. This was surely a mistake for as the casualty
statistics clearly testify the institutions of religion and science
have been the worst purveyors of evil that this planet has ever had to
endure. After centuries of prevarication and criminality we can no
longer afford to look to these edifices to answer the all-important
conundrum of evil.
But if we turn from religion and science, in this regard, does it mean
that we are left in a void? Is there, perhaps, another answer to how
the phenomenon of evil came into being? I believe that the answer lies
in the ancient records of our forefathers and in the myths and legends
of the pre- and post-diluvian epochs, that speak of the visitation of
the "gods" or "angels."
In the past the orthodox enclaves of religion and science have
outwardly paid little heed to tantalizing ancient legends coming from
all over the planet which have as central motifs references to
advanced prehistoric civilizations. Entrapped within their
unsustainable Darwinian dogmas concerning human origins and ancestry,
behind fictitious data concerning the geological fossil record and
behind personal myopia concerning our perfumed garden Earth and the
cosmos we all inhabit, mainstream academes have seen fit to habitually
relegate the subject of Atlantis and prediluvian history to the realm
of pseudo-science and arcane novelty. Ignored or sequestered are the
30,000 surviving texts that describe continents where culturally
superior societies dwelt and once experienced the total destruction of
their world about 13,000 years ago.
Scientists have had to frequently admit that predictions and
suppositions from laypersons have been proven uncannily valid time and
time again. What were they to make of the fact that 175 years prior to
it being proven, the 18th century author, politician, and theologian,
Johnathon Swift, knew of the existence of Martian satellites,
including their distance from Mars and periods of rotation? What do we
make of Russian scientist Dr. L. Shklovsky when he announced, in 1959,
that the two moons circling Mars are artificial satellites that were
put into orbit by a civilization occupying the red planet long ago.
What of Immanuel Velikovsky's exact knowledge of the anti-clockwise
orbit of Venus, its exact temperature, and the fact that it was the
most recent body to our solar system, all subsequently proven true?
What are we to make of the anomalous artifacts which constantly defy
categorization and even fly directly in the face of established
paradigms? What of the "Crystal Skull," the "Star-Child" skull, the
Aztec Calendar, the temple at Baalbeck, the Xian Pyramid, the Piri
Reis map of 1513, and the sandal prints in rock dating 500 million
years of age? What can be made of the strange notosphilia of certain
animals? Lemmings, eels, birds, and even butterflies that have been
seen to circle around a certain spot in the middle of the Atlantic
Ocean clearly attempting to negotiate some non-existent land mass or
descend to rest? What does it mean when coral is brought to the
surface from depths of 3,000 feet to show striations that could only
have been formed in an atmospheric environment? Before the modern
scientist becomes indignant and seeks to regale us, we ask an
explanation as to how it was that Aulukya, the Indian philosopher,
could assert the existence of a miniature solar system within the
atom, how he could identify the principles of molecular construction
and transformation, as well as the theory of relativity 2800 years
prior to Einstein? Why do we read in the Mahabharata of the existence
of thermo-nuclear weaponry capable of extinguishing hundreds of
thousands of people by their heat and glare, and which could only be
used by one side in retaliation for the adversary using their versions
first? Why is fused glass found in profusion beneath the sands of
Iraqi plains. Why are radioactive tektites and isotopes found all over
the Dead Sea basin at the very location posited for the ancient cities
of Sodom and Gomorrah? What are we to make of the glassware discovered
in Syria by Dr. R. V. Dolphin that were constructed in temperatures of
6,000 degrees Celsius, just 2,000 degrees less than the temperature of
the sun?
Fortunately, there are those few from within the academic enclaves who
cannot be silenced and who are willing to look again at the array of
unexplained data. Certain free-thinking men and women of science are
filled with awe and curiosity when mysterious ruins turn up in the
depths of the Andes or from beneath fathoms of water in Japan, when
some new intricately designed artifacts or even modern hominoid
skeletons emerge from strata dating back 60 million years and more.
Paleontologist Michael Cremo, for instance, writes in his monumental
revisionist work Forbidden Archaeology of crafted artifacts discovered
in strata as old as 2.5 Billion years which have shapes and
compositions that the hominoids of the time could not have produced.
And in the monumental work from the 90s called When the Earth Nearly
Died, scientists Alain and Delair, finally give us the science that
proves beyond doubt that the Earth was indeed visited by a recent
catastrophe and pole shift and that not one but five continents sank
beneath the waves of a frightful deluge that extinguished almost all
the flora and fauna on the surface of the planet. Why is it that we
have not heard worldwide debate on this book and its findings which
serve to vindicate not only thousands of lambasted freethinkers and
scholars, but innumerable indigenous legends? Why is there silence
over Robert Milton¹s recent classic Shattering the Myths of Darwinism
which refutes with formidable arguments the theories of Evolution and
Uniformitarianism, etc?
Many a modern scientist has expressed a belief that a thermo-nuclear
holocaust occurred in ancient times. Commenting on the Mahabharata,
top physicist Fredrick Soddy wrote in his book Interpretation of
Can we not read in them some justification for the belief that
some forgotten race of men attained not only the knowledge that we
have so recently won, but also that power that is not yet ours? I
believe that there have been civilizations in the past that were
familiar with atomic energy and that by misusing it they were totally
At Rochester University, when Robert Oppenheimer was asked if the
discharge of his Atomic bomb was the first such event, he answered
publicly: Well yes, in modern times, of course. Does he know something
we don't? Do the Bible and hundreds of other scriptures and myths
contain information about ancient wars on this planet:
The Lord also thundered in the heavens, and the Highest gave his
voice; hailstones and coals of fire. Yea, he sent out his arrows, and
scattered them; and he shot out lightenings, and discomfited them -
Psalms 18:13
A fire goeth before Him, and burneth up His enemies round about
Him - Psalms 97:3
The day of the Lord is cometh as a thief in the night; in the
which the heavens shall pass with a great noise, and the elements
shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are
therein shall be be burned - 2 Peter 3:10
Many writers and commentators speak about the strange beings that
existed in pre-diluvian times, and who were certainly involved in the
tribulations that were later attributed to purely supernatural
And on Earth shall be monsters, a generation of dragons of men and
likewise of serpents - Clement (Apocalyptic Fragment)
Atlantis race became a nation of evil magiciansŠthe giants and
magicians and all flesh died and every man - Madame Helena Blavatsky
There were the giants famous from the beginning, that were of so
great stature, and so expert in war. But they were destroyed, because
they had no wisdom, and perished through their own foolishness - Book
of Baruch 3:24
If our planet, and our forefathers, did indeed experience such
tempestuous upheavals then not only are anomalies, of the type
mentioned earlier, explained but we can also assume that within our
existing subliminal racial memories such events remain as engrammatic
encodations. Cannot our various fears and phobias, therefore, have
physiological rather than psychological causes? Why do we really
experience fear of the dark, of certain insects and noises, of
enclosed places, of water and storms, and so on? And, again, what
about the mysterious image of the serpent which is so revered and
feared by the world¹s nations?
How many of us, with the philosophers, have wondered why our
intellectual and technological expertise and advancement is so far
ahead of our emotional, psychological and spiritual natures? I believe
that all the answers to these questions can be found by a reading of
the bequeathed works of our ancestors. Looking to and studying the
works of our ancestors, however, should not be an idle or frivolous
endeavor. It should be undertaken with the detail and method expected
of the professed scientist, with the reverence and moral sensibility
expected of the professed theologian and, most of all, with the
passion to find out why it is that we inhabit the moral climate we do,
why we go from the sublime heights to the demonic depths. For it may
be that it will not only be the ancients who experienced tribulation
and ruin in their times, but it may soon be ourselves experiencing the
same. For, it has been said that those who do not learn from the past
are doomed to repeat it.
Now, in regards ancient anomalies and ancient prophecies, we cannot
help but specifically wonder at the predictions gleaned from the Maya
Calendar of the Long Count, which stipulated the 13 year "Age of
Reckoning" (between 1996 and 2012) in which mankind's inner
constitution would be made apparent, and the end-date year 2012 when
history itself would end. Though different scholars each have a
specific take on the meaning of this prophecy, I personally believe
that it is not as much a prophecy, in the traditional sense, but a
simple statement of a pre-known end-game being orchestrated in ancient
times by the Atlanteans progenitors (giants or gods) of "Adamic Man,"
those who have shaped the whole of history, ancient and modern, and
who are leading humanity to a point when their "revelation" will take
place, one that may not include their erstwhile servants on the lower
tiers of the hierarchic pyramid. That the political events of our
present times are centered in the Middle East, the birthplace of our
unsustainable post-diluvian empires, is suggestive and even alarming
to those who have made a close study of alternative history, and who
sense a more malign force operating behind the saber-rattling of the
Right and Left, the victims and avengers, the "cops" and "robbers" and
"made-for-media," orchestrated chaos. Will 2012 be the end of the
world, or only of the world as we know it? Certainly, time seems to be
speeding up and the economic, political, religious and sociological
idioms which we have taken for granted for millennia and which we have
labored so hard to create, do seem to be morphing and even
degenerating into something anti-human and anti-nature. As T. S. Eliot
wrote in his poem "The Four Quartets," the ending is in our beginning,
and as such, I believe, that in the next 10 years the intelligent
within mankind will have no alternative but to look to their own true
beginnings in order to know what lies ahead and what to do when we
arrive at the Maya "zero-hour." (Dec 21 2012). Now, for some, looking
ahead causes enormous trepidation, while for others it brings calm. In
either case, the major prophecies and scriptures, when taken together,
make a fascinating archive for debate. It is up to the individual (as
always) to bring sense to their content. Are they the ravings of
escapists? Are they the epiphenomena of mental derangement? Are they
flights of creative fancy? Or, are they accurate, if edited, excerpts
from the final chapter of the great book of history, transmitted to us
by those privy, in one way or another, to the machinations of
mankind's and history's creators and controllers? Are they
exhortations from the brothers and sisters of humanity who have,
through the ages, walked very near to us, and wept bitter tears for
our sorry predicament, our endemic ignorance and existential
The author J. R. R. Tolkien caused some confusion when he emphatically
assured readers that his masterpiece "The Lord of the Rings" was NOT
and allegory. It is not an allegory, and neither is the Book of
History. There is very little that is fictional in either, except to
those minds who have, as yet, not learned how to tell fact from
fiction. The next ten years will encapsulate millennia of experience,
for it is not that time is "speeding up" but that the hands of the
inner clock of consciousness are slowing down. Something within us is
applying the breaks, and we are each and all going to very soon know
for sure whether we are heading for the shining summits of Olympus or
the gloom of the precipice of Hades, and whether Sir Francis Bacon's
utopian, hierarchical and high-tech "New Atlantis," which so many
visionaries, inventors, tyrants and tycoons, have lived, labored and
slaughtered to build, may fall into the oceans as did the old one, so
many ages ago.
For more information on this subject, see our Atlantis Book page
Your Present Moment is Holographic to All Incarnations
Your Present Moment is Holographic to All Incarnations
DL Zeta
Your present life is holographic in nature. A single life is to the
arc of lifetimes as a drop of water is to the ocean. There is much you
can learn about your past and future life selves by developing
awareness of the parts of your self that play a dominant role in your
current life. At any given time, according to your current needs and
life circumstances, an "aspect" of your higher self is informing and
advising your present-moment self. Many are not aware when these
changeovers in spiritual advisers take place, but they are often aware
when a sudden "change of heart" or change in direction takes place in
their lives.
If your present consciousness is deeply entrenched with your current
identity, these changeovers in spiritual guidance can be dramatic. Any
resistance to change slows spiritual progress. Over time, one of two
scenarios takes place in a given life. In one scenario, the conscious
mind expands its spiritual awareness to embrace these changeovers,
which paves the way for spiritual growth and communion. In the second
scenario, the conscious mind becomes increasingly resistant to
spiritual evolution. In this instance, the soul begins to "phase out"
the incarnation by slowly cutting off the flow of life force to the
body. Sometimes an individual faced with a life-threatening illness
awakens to the need for spiritual growth and begins progressing again.
At this point, the soul often chooses to "re-instate" life force to
the incarnation. This is when remissions and "miracles" occur.
Embracing "Changeovers" in Spiritual Guidance
To be able to fulfill your spiritual purpose, it's important to set
welcome and embrace each new aspect of your "self" you encounter. A
new aspects arrives on the horizon of your awareness to guide and
assist you to your next stage of growth. You can begin a dialog with
each new guiding entity to learn more about it. Often it is possible
to learn if this is a past or future self where it resides in time.
These advising selves are aspects of your inner spiritual community
for your present life, just as your past and future life selves
represent the spiritual community of your soul. Each life mirrors all
other lifetimes and contains within it the possibility for inner
communion and homecoming.
Excerpt from Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing
and Transformation by DL Zeta
For more information, visit
Sunday, April 26, 2009
A Wesak Council of 12 Message: The Path of Enlightenment
A Wesak Council of 12 Message: The Path of Enlightenment
through Selacia
Everyone wants to be happy. This desire is a major driving force on the planet. It's normal to seek pleasure and to avoid pain. It appears easier to feel happy when one is cushioned from the pressures of everyday life. This view is based on a false notion associating joy with external factors. Humans are conditioned to believe that if only certain things or people were different, they could be joyful.
This is a trick of the mind, habituated to believe that happiness comes from something outside the self. In fact, joy has more to do with how a person responds to life events than the events themselves. What really matters is how the person perceives their situation and whether they can find satisfaction with present circumstances. This is the key when living in a world of changing conditions.
A World of Changing Conditions
The only thing for certain is that things will change. This applies to all external conditions, including the weather. The blue sky will be replaced by clouds. After a rain, there may be a rainbow, but only for a while. The starry night is transformed into a bright day lit by the sun. Trees covered by multicolored fall leaves become bare in the winter.
You may be happy with a brand new car, especially in the first year of driving it around town. The new model likely has more features than your last one, is free of dents, and has that "new car" smell. What happens when the "new car" smell fades and you notice the first dent after returning to a parking lot? Are you still happy with the car? How about next year when you learn that newer models have fancy convenient options not available with your car? Still happy?
When you are dissatisfied with something you suffer. The suffering can be related to a car that's no longer new, a disharmonious relationship, or your own body as it ages. The beings that walked the path of enlightenment before you were faced with similar sorts of sufferings in their time.
Cultivating Joy in the Midst of Challenges
Like the enlightened masters of long ago, you can also learn to cultivate joy in the midst of challenges. You can discover how to transform adversity into the seeds of enlightenment. It is not an easy path, but if you will steadfastly commit yourself to your spiritual awakening, the rewards are beyond any earthly treasure. When you feel discouraged or overwhelmed, remember that enlightenment is actually encoded in your human DNA.
As you continue the journey of rediscovering your Divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings.
We are The Council of 12
Copyright 2009 by Selacia * All Rights Reserved
Selacia: A channel for The Council of 12, is internationally known for her work in the inspirational/ transformation field. In her book, The Golden Edge, readers are provided with guideposts and cutting-edge tools for moving out of fear and into joy and wholeness. She provides private sessions (in person and long distance by phone) to clients all around the world: channeling, DNA healing, DNA activation, animal communication, animal healing, astrology. An experienced healer, she offers DNA intuitive healing sessions that incorporate the Council of 12's energetics, healing energies and wisdom. Also included in the DNA clearings are rose quartz heart-shaped and obelisk-shaped crystals, energetically infused by The Council of 12 to accelerate and integrate the DNA work. The Council of 12 has selected a number of rose quartz and other crystals for their work through Selacia. Each one of them is infused with the Council's high-vibrational energies and healing. In 2000, she brought the Council of 12's wisdom to the UNSRC's Society for Enlightenment and Transformation at the United Nations. She offers ongoing teachings and workshops in DNA intuitive healing and other modalities. A monthly free introductory evening seminar is offered in the Los Angeles area. Regular circles of healing/evenings of channeling are offered with The Council of 12, including the annual Wesak celebration. If you would like to facilitate a workshop, order a copy of her book with personal message from The Council of 12, or to schedule a private session, contact Selacia in Santa Monica, CA. USA at: Tel: 310.915.2884, Fax: 310.664.6093, E-mail: Web site: *
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Focus on Appreciation Instead of Depreciation
Focus on Appreciation Instead of Depreciation
as received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
I am Pleiadian of origin. I am feminine of nature and I am love as are you. My energy, my light and my truth is needed at this time and at this place. You will feel my presence as I touch you for you all are contained within my heart as we speak light to light, heart to heart, and truth to truth.
It is important for you as humans to see the beauty in your life, in your day, and in your physical being. You spill so much life force being angry at the way you look the way your life has been, and the cards that you have been dealt. You look at each other with pointed thoughts and sharp words. Your eyes go green and your heart grows cold as you view another who has obtained a little more light, a little more beauty, and a little more prosperity - not because they were born with it, but because they have the gift and ability to see those beautiful qualities in others.
The only way to claim your beauty, your wealth, your health, and your love is to see it in others. For the world mirrors your own reflection. If you do not feel worthy and prosperous, you see that in your own reflection. It is important to address and see the magic of someone winning your lottery games. Congratulate them energetically and send them love as they have energetically earned this monetary gift. See your stock market balancing itself rising in value. See the true energetic value of your home and your car.
Do not focus on depreciation but instead focus on appreciation. Allow what you have ownership of to gain value through you. You receive value when you see the value of others. You gain your beauty when you see the beauty of others. You gain wealth when you rejoice in the good fortune of others. For their good fortune means that your good fortune is right around the next corner, the next thought. Every minute of every day you too shall be blessed if you quietly bless others.
When you see others around you falling deeply in love you too have the opportunity to fall in love or gain love in a marriage that has been sinking in despair. The world reflects your every thought. If you are attracting those who are down in the dumps, sad and desperate, look at your own vibration and make some corrections. Change the way you see the world and you will change yourself. Compliment others on their beauty. The inhabitants of Earth have stopped complimenting each other, honoring each other and it shows in earth's aura.
Gain entrance to the kingdom of light through valuing everything on earth. Value your light and your life and the monumental creation that you are. You are a singular creation of the house of light. The Creator has never created another species like you. That is why you are given charge over the angels, because you are grand in preparation. You are grand in thought and the heart's desires of the Creator are placed within your body mind and spirit.
Everything the earth experiences you experience as well. You often feel so small and paralyzed, with fear. You feel like ants and the cosmic aardvark is out to get you. Look at the great quest that the ants are upon. They keep many of you running around pulling your hair out as you battle them day after day season after season. They outwit you time after time. Do you see how Something so small in mass can make a difference if they join together in one thought and intent. Your destiny is greater than any other creation upon earth.
It is time to prepare your heart to receive more love. A love that is so deep and so big that the sky is jealous for it has never seen such vastness. The palpitations within your heart are the breaking down the walls as the light proclaims "Set my people free. Set my love free. Let my light shine. It is time to Take down all walls and all separations, and let your light shine." On this eve I have gathered you into my heart and now we are one again.
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan | PO box 217 | Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 | Spiritual Tools for Accelerated Transformation | | *
A Message from Archangel Michael
A Message from Archangel Michael
Channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff
April 19, 2009
Beloved Ones,
I come this day to speak to you about the current energies, the intense energies that are downpouring upon the Earth at this time and we see that many of you are struggling in these energies. What is happening is that what is required for each of you is simply to rest and drink lots of water to help move the energies through, for water is a conductor of electromagnetic energies.
Many of you are finding the re-emergence of an old pattern that has existed in the past, the pattern of 'others' appearing in your life with their negativity and problems. This is a part of the new energies, Dear Ones. Try to send these people love and distance yourself from them, for you are no longer responsible for transmuting their energies. This is something that they have to take on the responsibility for, themselves. Many people who were not able to face themselves, to be truthful with themselves, to work upon themselves before, are finding it now extremely difficult.
The most important thing that you could do for people such as this is to pray and to raise your own Light. Continue and do not be swayed from standing in your Light, from your daily observance of your disciplines, for this is one of the great distractions that could take you away from your Light practice and so it is very important, Dear Ones, that you realize this and detach yourself from these people and these energies, for the best way that you could help all is by raising your Light, which in turn, raises the Light frequency of the Earth and mass consciousness, ultimately. This is what we observe from the Higher planes at this time, for Lightworkers especially, it is a testing time but if you simply observe and acknowledge that this is what is occurring and let it pass through you, it should not be so difficult.
As the days continue, this will intensify even more so it is very important that you find and use methods to increase and raise your frequency level so that you go through the changes that are occurring with grace and ease, for when you are 'in tune' with the new energies and the new frequencies, what occurs is a harmonious flow of peace and harmony and even joy. We realize how challenging this can be for a lot of you, who are seeing your own loved ones who have not had the strength within themselves to face themselves and to work upon themselves. We see and understand how difficult this is, but know that at this time in the Earth's history, each one, each Human Being, each Soul who is here upon the Earth must stand and go within and find their own strength, for each came to the Earth determined to do just that and these seeming difficulties are another opportunity for them to this time find that strength, that place of peace within themselves which is of course, their God Self, and start a communication.
We understand your concerns and the compassion that you have, and that it will not profit any of you to lose yourselves in their difficulties, for you know that nothing can be done for them. It is very important that each of you work your plans each and every day and keep your energies high, as high as you can make them, each and every day. That is the greatest service that each of you can do for the Divine Plan at this time. Maintain your own high frequencies and maintain your own center. Go within and connect with your Higher Self and your God Self.
Be at peace.
I AM Archangel Michael
©2009 Marlene Swetlishoff
Distributing this message in other forums, etc. is encouraged, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and website: NEW! Weekly Messages from Hilarion: Subscribe to Free Monthly Newsletter and receive a Full Numerology Report. Details: *
Friday, April 24, 2009
Atlantis, 2012 & the Age of Revealing
Atlantis, 2012 & the Age of Revealing
check out this list of ascension symptoms
The Ascension Process
Some of the emotional, mental and physical symptoms you could be feeling include disorientation when you get up in the morning seeing everything as ?unfamiliar.
* Crying for no specific reason.
* Emotional clearing.
* Not enjoying or being interested in some of the things you have always liked before.
* Not liking the same foods that you have enjoyed all your life.
* A feeling of disconnect from your work (3D Job). You can?t quite wrap your mind around why you are still doing it since it hold no meaning or fulfilment for you. You know there is something else.
* Feeling a disconnect with friends or relatives, no longer feeling anything in common with them and seeing no purpose in continuing the relationship.
* Very low tolerance for anything that is not serving you such as relationships, jobs, living conditions, etc.
* Feeling very present. Fully in the moment. Really grounded in the NOW.
* Larger awareness.
This is just the short list of what is happening to all of us symptom wise as our DNA shifts and the encodements are being activated in our DNA.
We are already enlightened beings we just don't remember that we are. This is because we don't remember who we really are.
We are divine spiritual beings who come directly from the Source, God.
Now, knowing this, you might be wondering why we don't seem to have the endless flow of everything we want including joy and happiness.
The secret is in your already knowingness (in your already knowing this); and what I mean by that is what has been programmed by society, including from family, must be let go of. No, that doesn't mean you have to drop your family and friends. It means, rather, that you need to see yourself anew. Drop the Karmic Drama that you've developed over many lifetimes. Then what is allowed is your authentic self. You might be surprised by who you really are.
It is not that hard to do. We know that something is karmic when it charges us with a very dramatic feeling that propels us into relationships, jobs even when we know they are not the road we want to walk down.
Why.......are we still playing this game of karma, still absorbed in some very old, outdated issues that are like grooves in a record. Have you ever wondered why you get the same type of boss every job. Think about the grooves on a record being stuck, playing something over, and over again.
Isn't it time to get out of that old groove and into the creational life you were meant to live?
You can do this quite easily. Just choose it.
Don't choose the old ways of going along with what is in front of you. If you don't like it, change it.
Spoken: I now unhook from any and all karma, in any and all space, time and dimensions in all my fragments. As you say this feel that you are no longer hooked into the wheel of karma; rather, you are free to create.
Now that you have taken this big step you will need to think, feel, say and do in accordance with divine will. Because you really are that divine will. You are a projection, your own projection, in this program of Earth Game and your divine nature is the real you. So the second step to this process is the reconnecting to spirit, your soul self.
Many philosophers have said that there is only one us. We are all fragments split from the Source God. This means that we are all the same being anywhere in the universe and that we are all part of God (or we are God).
Think about it.
What we see in front of us is ourselves playing different roles, different parts in the Earth Program Play. Pretty funny actually.
It really makes sense why some people have said to me that they feel like puppets. Well, they didn't know that they were their own puppet master.
When you incarnate on the earth plane you pick your parents, your general life rules, your issues to cover in the life time.
Each time you get angry at anyone in your family about something that happened when you were growing up, just take a chill pill because they are your special teachers. Look at what you learned from the situation. Maybe self-reliance, patience, resilience, getting over being too sensitive, etc. So now as an adult you have the tools to function with your Gifts. When you hear the saying ?ĺyour greatest challenge is your greatest gift.?Ĺ This is what it means.
When you go out into life as an adult and you still find difficulties within yourself - these are your greatest strengths. Let them work for you and stop fighting them, stop being afraid.
Let go of the struggle and drama and just see yourself differently, as a Spiritual Divine Being.
You have read what all the great masters who have taught on earth have said "all is within you."
You are already enlightened and the Kingdom of God is within your own heart the same place where the Holy Gail resides. A little off subject but still interesting is the Holy Grail. At some level we know this is important to us but we have not been able to remember it exactly why.
The Di Vinchi Code comes along in a timely way to remind us about the sacred feminine and the Holy Grail.
Symbolically the Di Vinchi Code is saying that each of us has the masculine and feminine within us and the divine feminine in our hearts is the Holy Grail.
Chose to enjoy your life in a new and free way from this day forward.
So Be It.
Valerie Phillips
The Phoenix Ascended Newsletter
E-Mail Jim Langman at
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Moving Into Position
Moving Into Position
April 22, 2009
Back in March, we had some beautiful warm weather here in New Mexico at 7,000 feet. It was if winter had decided to be short and brief, and the sun was out early. But then, very surprisingly, we had a day of snow! And then a warm few days, and then some days in the 30's, and then a snowy day, and then a warm day, and then a day of snow. It was as if the weather could not decide which way to go.a new beginning (spring), or back to winter. And this is how our new beginnings are unfolding as well. With a start, a stutter, and with sporadic instances of arrival and departure, we may wonder what in the world is going on.
Things are finally beginning to take distinct direction, with the assistance of some powerful newly arriving energies. These energies are pushing and moving now in an intense way, and all for good reason. We needed a good thrust forward, to enable us to begin our anchoring in process, and thus, energies arrived for us to create this severe and intense "push."
Like a bulldozer moving the heaviest and deepest layers, we are now being placed into our rightful positions, even though it may feel otherwise. When energy moves in this way, with a rightful intent, it can at times feel as though chaos has ensued, as if nothing is making sense anymore, as if much of everything has gone haywire and out of control, and we may even become emotional, feel like crying, and panic that things have most certainly gone caput. But I can assure you, this is not the case.
Come June, we will be fully anchored in, and this latest occurrence of strange energies is simply doing its job in placing us where we need to be. Things are being re-arranged now.moved here and thing goes out and another moves in to take its place, so that things can very soon be right where they need to be.
We are most certainly being protected, as being placed in our true and rightful positions keeps us in a wonderful alignment with our highest and truest selves, and with all of the cosmos as well.
Since January, I have been holding the space for my daughter and grandchildren.spending great amounts of time at their home and helping as much as possible while they settle in. And now, my daughter's husband will be joining them, as he is now ready to leave North Carolina and begin a very new life in New Mexico. Sam and his entire family have lived in a small town in North Carolina their entire lives. This is a huge change for him, and we honestly did not know if he would come. He did not believe that this would be possible, and was not ready and willing to make such a drastic change. He recently came for a visit, the very minute he was able, and is now finishing up preparations for his journey here. He is so very excited! And what a changed man he is!
I am now moving out of that space and will now be more fully ensconced and ready to be completely present in my very new space.all in divine and perfect order. For me, it is an absolute miracle that my family is now near-by, after ten years of painful separation, and a significant miracle that Sam has now joined us. We have never seen him more dedicated or motivated! And even though I have feelings at times, of a bit of loss in regard to my space there, I am much more thrilled to have a larger family now present with one new member. And I know as well, that my very new space and new life are arriving too, or I would not have been released as I was.
This re-arranging process has also placed a hold on some things, as re-calibrating always does. So then, some things may have appeared to have suddenly stopped, but what is occurring is that they are "waiting" for things to settle out before they resume once again. And this is particularly true in regard to sources of income for some of us. But just hold on, because when things begin flowing again, in their true and rightful positions, we will feel more content, at peace, and more secure than ever before.
We are balancing out in many ways as well. As was mentioned in the last WINGS post, group energy or working as a team is balancing itself out in regard to personal energy moving more forward or pulling back more. Meaning that many will meet in the middle now, making equal contributions as a whole. Almost as if the earth is moving a bit on its axis (not my area of expertise, so maybe it is!), things are in a real process now of settling in and creating a much needed balance in order to keep things as steady as possible.
Communication is up front as well, as good communication is vitally necessary in times to come, if we are to work together as a team in all ways. In days past, when communication was not present, it could be very noticeable and extremely uncomfortable, as non-communication vibrates very low and we are now vibrating very high.
These are exciting times indeed, as so much is now being moved into position for our very new beginnings in a very new reality. Even when things may appear to be going awry, they are actually right on track, as the invisible hand of our souls and of the universe is choreographing things for us, without us even needing to try. Doors will open to places where we need to be, other doors will close, and things that needed tending to will now be placed immediately in our faces, as we can no longer delay in wrapping up, in making changes, or in dealing with the inevitable.
At the same time, as always, it can feel very uncomfortable being in the lower vibrating energies of the old world. The old world is now very much an illusion, and thus, many still residing there can appear zombie-like, going through motions without passion or caring, like puppets or manikins living in energies that no longer exist. Other scenarios present involve more intense energies, but they are energies that do not feel good to us, are aggressive, heavy, and grossly out of touch or dis-connected from any higher ways of living, being, or of Source itself. These energies do not yet realize that we are all connected, and are not very aware of anything much around them.
It can greatly help to lay low now, to stay close to home, to stay in our personal sanctuaries until things settle out. Lower vibrating energies can throw us off balance, out of sync, can make us feel vulnerable, and even shut us down. Being in the old reality is more challenging now than ever before, because we are absolutely more removed from it than ever before. Our new beds are being made now..they are waiting for us.we will be there soon in the comfort of fluffy down comforters and angel wing pillows.
This current time of great movement and juxtapositioning is a great gift. We are simply juggling around now in regard to where we need to be. If we can let go and allow our souls to align us without effort, to trust that things are right where they need to be, and to know and trust that we are being taken care of in all ways, perhaps then we can breathe a little easier, connect more fully to this new and higher vibrating reality that is now unfolding for us, and know that our new "home" is right around the corner.
With much love and gratitude,
* * P.O. Box 386, Ramah, New Mexico, 87321 USA *
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Ooooooh Wheeeeee! New Energy Arrives!
Ooooooh Wheeeeee! New Energy Arrives!
April 16, 2009
Massive blasts of energy are arriving now, pushing us ever closer to
our very new beginnings. If you are one who is highly sensitive, you
may be experiencing heart palpitations, difficulty breathing, anxiety,
fear, and an over-all shakiness inside.
When these bursts of energy arrive, and we rarely have them anymore,
they serve to shake things up, move a lot of energy, and push much to
the surface. Auto accidents, personal accidents, feelings of being
rattled, and great insecurities are other common symptoms that derive
from great energy movement. And almost always when we make great
change within, allergy symptoms and sinus headaches can appear for
many as we are now vibrating vastly different from our outside
circumstances, and this causes the resistance that at times can create
allergies and sinus headaches.
As we near these very new beginnings, and near we are as we poise
ourselves with one foot in the air, hovering over the landing of our
very first step on a very new shore, we must be ready in every way.
Anything within us that is not in alignment with new and higher ways
of living and being, is now in the process of getting into alignment
as we must meet the necessary requirements for our very new residency.
“Insecurities” are the earmark of this latest energy surge. When we
are dangling in mid-air, before we reach that shore, we may feel
insecure as well, as there is nothing yet to hold onto, to anchor
into, or to land upon. But add to this a big energy surge, and the
insecurities can feel tenfold.
Feeling suddenly insecure and afraid, again, as we are still poised in
mid-air as well as having much pushing of old energies flying around
within and without, can bring about strange and unsettling feelings
indeed. We may suddenly change our plans abruptly, and now choose to
grasp for an immediate fix in regard to something that will bring us
some kind of security or shore. Or, we may make a new decision that
involves giving us more of a long-term fix, or we may even hook up
with anyone or everyone in order to find some kind of support and
community for the time being. But that is not what is really going on
here, because when we do indeed connect again, after leaving and
disconnecting from so much of the old, we will be enmeshed with very
new and much more permanent and long-lasting connections than ever
before. And they will feel glorious indeed.
When the energies begin moving like this, so much is moved out, that
darkness can be flying around everywhere as well, and this does not
help much when we may want to calm down. I just arrived at my
daughter’s house for a visit of several days, and tonight we are
moving the children’s beds into another bedroom, as Simeon says it is
just too freaky sleeping by the window next to the street, as the
window is “creeping” him out!
When darkness is moving around, it can make those of us who are
sensitive feel jumpy, jittery, scared, and unnerved as well. And
intense feelings of vulnerability are always present, even more so
when so much density has departed in these new and higher vibrating
realities we now find ourselves operating within.
These newly arriving energies are encouraging us to come together as
well. Teamwork and unity are stars on the very near horizon. Thus, we
are now being encouraged through this latest shift to examine within
ourselves what needs adjusting in regard to unity and teamwork. Are
you one who usually does it all, takes care of everything, and is very
weary of doing so? Do others rarely help? Or are you one who likes to
sit back and allow others to pull the load, perhaps not seeing that
you need to participate more? Are you tired of being alone?
Has this latest energy shift rattled enough cages so that many are now
willing to come together and share the burdens? Have you found your
team, the souls you have chosen to allow into your sacred space, or
perhaps feel oh so strongly that new arrivals are on the very near
This new shift in energy is doing all of that and more. It is
preparing us for all we have ever wanted, for new and divine
connections, and for happiness beyond our dreams. If we have been
standing back in any way, we will now be encouraged to come together,
as this is the beginning of our very new beginnings.
There is so much joy and change on the very near horizon…Ooooooh
wheee! It is a sight to see!
During most of the month of March, things had finally settled down
enough for me, that I was able to write the new mini-ebook (only two
or three more pages to go!), and to also process, process, and
process. I had so many aha’s that month, preparing me for letting go
of holding all that energy for the planet for so long, that it was one
amazing moment after another. And this is true for all of us.
If you are one who did not have the time or opportunity to do this
yet, then this newly arriving energy that just came in with such a bog
wallop, will do that for you, all by itself. It has moved so much
energy, that even if you are indeed ready for your very new beginning,
it might make you feel like you are having some kind of breakdown
anyway! We are really preparing now in regard to aligning ourselves
for what is ahead. Before we can move forward, then, anything that may
be holding us back will need to be addressed. And this is, as always,
simply a part of the process.
With a baby blowing raspberries in my ear and tugging at my cheek, it
is time to go for now….until next time… Wheeeee! Are you ready?
With much love and gratitude,
Friday, April 17, 2009
The Pleiadian Light through Hannah Beaconsfield
Channeled February 2009
For several decades you have been feeling changes in time. It has
seemed to you that time is “speeding up” or that there is not as much
time in a day as there was before. The reverse also seems to be
happening and the forward flow feels like a very slow crawl.
Time is not changing, you are. You are changing your perceptions on
many levels, and your reality is beginning to wobble. The wobble is
being felt as a speeding up or a slowing down of linear time. You are
beginning to take on the experience of a more unified reality.
As your perceptions are expanding with the altering effects of
ascension energy, the ways you sense and read time are changing, too.
You are aware, metaphysically, that time is considered an illusion and
that there is only the “eternal now.” However, you live in the
present, plan for the future, and view the past on a line of time.
This has been the simplest way for you to handle the multidimensional
nature of time, with your brain. Your brain is constrained by your
level of development, based on the DNA patterns available to you.
Time has been an adjustment that allowed your limited hardware to
process information in a way that could be read and understood at your
current level of development. Like a ball of string, the only way you
can really access the nature of all the string is by unraveling it and
viewing it a length at a time.
There are other world cultures that have expanded to a partial use of
linear time and a partial perception of unified time like the
Pleiadian level of development from which we are contacting you. Our
energy, as the Pleiadian Light, represents the integration of the
totality of the Pleiadian cosmic experience. However, we are
communicating through a frame of our culture that would be comparable
to the next level of your development. This way we can address your
particular problems and adjustments and give you guidance to ascend
with ease and grace.
How will you read time on your next level of development as Earth
humans? (Your animals are already closer than you are in ascended
perceptions of time. Their linear time is bound to natural phenomena
and was never given artificial forms of demarcation or linguistic
definition for communal reference.) The level of expansion humans are
approaching will have you sensing time as a many-layered energy ball
that surrounds you.
We will use the symbol of the onion because of its design of neatly
nestled layers. Even though the onion-of-time does not have the clear
demarcations of the vegetable layers, it serves as a good symbol to
help you picture unified time while you are still living a linear path
from past to future.
When you are meditating and seeking information about past realities
or future probabilities, we suggest that you hold the intent and
visual imagery of expanding your consciousness to the desired level of
the temporal energy that is around you. You may ask for visions and
information from that dimension of time to come into your mind. The
temporal energy around you also includes simultaneous and parallel
realities that are expansions of or influences on the data you are
To help with the expansion and immersion into a more unified model of
time, you could designate different colors or some other imaginative
symbolism to represent past, present, future, simultaneous, and
parallel, and then visualize them “onioned” around you. Instead of
projecting ahead to tap the future, you expand to merge with the
future that surrounds you.
This exercise is just one of many designed to assist you in
accommodating the changes that are part of your ascension to a new
level of cosmic consciousness. Your Earth human culture is a limb on
our family tree, and as a loving family we wish to support your growth
and ease your transitions. Be at peace. We are here.
© Hannah Beaconsfield 2009
Master Kuthumi through Lynette Leckie-Clark
I greet you once more in love, unity and Oneness of al that is, and
that which has been. As I come forward to you now, I bring with me the
Will of God the Creator, and His Blessing of Light to you. Be still a
moment and connect to the Light, feel it as it enters your energy
field, and travels through your crown chakra, down through the Pineal
gland, making it’s way down to further open and feed your Higher
Heart, connected to your Soul. For it is here, at the core of your
being that the connection, the sacred awareness of Mother, Father God
essence resides within you.
This Divine energy, which pulsates and now demands acknowledgement,
through your Soul, to connect back, to remember your true core, your
beginning, where you were truly born. It is time my friends, in this
magical year 2009, to remember. This year, translating to the number
11, a sacred number, which carries the vibrational energies for your
spiritual development this year. Through the Light particles
penetrating your being, activating your higher power centers, pulling
you up higher in vibration, you will desire to understand more of your
Soul knowledge – your purpose, your own unique path, your Soul and
it’s journey of your past and what is to be.
Indeed the planetary energies this year are propelling mankind forward
to his sacred home, to fully experience and be with the Creator
energy. Many of you will begin to awaken, to seek new knowledge and
understanding of your journey. It will be a year of connection to your
Higher Heart energy, to feeling your way to the completion of each
daily experience.
You are now in a time of connecting to this feeling center. It is what
we and our cosmic brothers have been preparing you for over a number
of years. The energies have intensified through your previous ten
years. You have felt this. Outwardly all of you have seen change, in
your personal worlds, your outer world, and in other lands. I have
spoken of these changes many times in my teachings to assist you.
Now here you are at the beginning of a New Year, a new cycle, a
powerful and a very significant crossroad. In my previous teaching I
spoke of this very crossroad, now I explain further. As I have said,
many are and will be questioning their role, their purpose, trying to
understand all that is. Why, when, how, what for? I say to you that I
have spoken much on all that you ask, as have other Light Beings. Yet
still you persist in this old mentality of thinking. It is time now to
connect to the heart center, the feeling center, the home of your
soul. For your Soul does not think – no – it feels. And it is able to
feel all, both the positive and negative emotions. I can tell you
where there is too much negativity around you, the Soul will withdraw.
This will leave you feeling empty – void of emotion and feelings. The
Soul is not present you see, and so you are temporarily in a Soul
vacuum until the Soul returns and awareness of feelings resume.
So it is that you are at a Soul crossroad. Where will you step? Will
you remain as you are thinking – again the mind energy – that you will
be safe as you are. You feel in the comfort zone with no desire to
change so you choose to remain in the same ‘place.’
Or will you step across onto the new path which leads to experiencing
a New Earth, a Divinity of pure joy and delight where unconditional
love resides?
What do you choose? You have the power to refuse, though as more time
passes it will require much more third dimensional energy to remain
where you are now. The crossroad is before each of you. It is time to
be still, to listen within. Really listen. Listen to your heart
through your Higher Self. The old ways you have experienced through so
many incarnations are crumbling. The ways of control through fear,
greed and humiliation of another are eroding very quickly. In those
who operate – even in the slightest manner – from any of these traits,
the changes on Earth and in your lives will create even more fear as
you vainly try to hold on to the old familiar energies. The new path
is upon you. Stop, consider let go of old ways which no longer serve
And so, 2009 will also be a year of challenges. The Divine energy
through the Light particles which penetrate your very being, awakening
your Soul Light, will draw you upward to new heights of inner peace
and joy. Many have not experienced the depth of pure joy available to
you through the Light. It will depend on the degree of Light you have
already integrated into your being, which will decide on how great
your own challenges will be. Remember the Light is your protector and
your weapon. There is no other weapon –no.
In times of despair, immerse yourself in the Light particles, you will
be uplifted. In times of verbal attack from another, do not lower
yourself to a third dimensional energy level, rather send them Light
merged with love. Immerse them in that energy – and yourself. For only
the Light has the power to dissolve all negativity, to transmute, to
soften, to heal. Many act in negative manner through fear. So I remind
you to use the power of the Light through any challenge presented to
you to experience. Remember the power of the Light is your birthright.
As you proceed through your coming year, there are many signposts
being sent to you through the Cosmic energies. However the greatest
will be on the 9 th September 2009.
On this day the infinity of Cosmic Light particles will be very
strong, invoking the deepest spiritual connection for all. It will be
a magnificent time. A time for all to drink their full of the Light
particles to complete the transformation of the DNA through your very
cells. Water will be the carrier. We call it a Cosmic Birth, a birth
of Divine Light within through Christ consciousness and unconditional
love. We await this great day of celebration and birthing. I Kuthumi
will speak more of this as this day in your time grows closer.
In preparation I give you two further dates of integration in
Divinity. The first will be on the 11th day of January 2009. Again you
will notice the sacred numerology of the number 11. This is the first
Cosmic doorway of preparation to further integrating your Soul Light –
the first doorway into the new creation of acceptance.
The second power dates I give you are the months of June and July.
Both are significant for your Divine development. June being another
time of important preparation and integration, for in July another
doorway of connection opens. You see, you must be prepared
energetically to enable you to withstand the new energies.
There is a third date near the end of this magnificent year which is
the eleventh day of November 2009 – again the vibration of the number
11, which contains much Divine power. This date is a doorway to uphold
you in Divine strength and peace through the new Cosmic birth.
Of course, since this is a pivotal year in your Soul awakening, many
other dates will also hold significant energies to empower you in
infinite Light energies. As always I will guide you through each step,
along with my brothers and sisters of the Great White Brotherhood. We
come to you, a few at a time, so our own Light does not blind you. As
in all things you must be prepared to experience great Light and high
vibrational energies. So my friends, you begin to see why I say you
are at a crossroad. Your shield and your armour are contained in your
Soul Light. The more Light you carry, the brighter and stronger your
Soul Light.
Now you will recall at the beginning of the previous year, 2008, I
gave you warning of what was to come, particularly with your financial
systems. You are now experiencing this. I can tell you that the
world’s financial upheaval is not yet complete. You are still
experiencing the illusion of money. There is an air of false financial
expectation being created. I say illusion because that is how those in
control of your financial markets are holding you through fear. They
still seek to control you through this creation of money and of course
I say to you to simplify your lives. Release this fear of financial
lack which is overpowering many. Simplify your lives. This will be a
challenge for many throughout this year. Look to what you need and
what you want. There is a vast difference. I urge you to simplify your
I wish to say to all of you that you are now entering mew times, a new
path of awareness and experiences. As I have said you are experiencing
great transformational times. I wish to remind you and I urge all to
listen – to truly listen – that this is a time to group together. To
help one another, to work together in tending the soil to grow your
food. To form communities in new ways of living together, of helping
one another in unconditional love.
It will be important to help one another emotionally as some will find
these further transitional times easier than others. It is not a time
to return to the ego self and to think of yourself as greater than
another – no. It is a time to work together, sharing your knowledge
and compassion with others freely.
We have spoken often of Oneness, of your connection to Oneness. I say
to you, how can you experience this great Oneness if you cannot work
together, if you cannot live together? Understand this does not need
to be in one large house, no, houses can be separate, yet aligned to
another with simple needs and unconditional love. This is before you.
And so, you are at a crossroad of choice. I ask, what do you choose to
create for your future?
I leave you in love and healing energies as you prepare for the cycle
of your New Year.
Master Kuthumi
Copyright © 2003 Rev Lynette Leckie-Clark - All Rights Reserved
You are welcome to share with a friend but Not for sale in any form
Master Kuthumi through Lynette Leckie-Clark
I greet you once more in love, unity and Oneness of al that is, and
that which has been. As I come forward to you now, I bring with me the
Will of God the Creator, and His Blessing of Light to you. Be still a
moment and connect to the Light, feel it as it enters your energy
field, and travels through your crown chakra, down through the Pineal
gland, making it’s way down to further open and feed your Higher
Heart, connected to your Soul. For it is here, at the core of your
being that the connection, the sacred awareness of Mother, Father God
essence resides within you.
This Divine energy, which pulsates and now demands acknowledgement,
through your Soul, to connect back, to remember your true core, your
beginning, where you were truly born. It is time my friends, in this
magical year 2009, to remember. This year, translating to the number
11, a sacred number, which carries the vibrational energies for your
spiritual development this year. Through the Light particles
penetrating your being, activating your higher power centers, pulling
you up higher in vibration, you will desire to understand more of your
Soul knowledge – your purpose, your own unique path, your Soul and
it’s journey of your past and what is to be.
Indeed the planetary energies this year are propelling mankind forward
to his sacred home, to fully experience and be with the Creator
energy. Many of you will begin to awaken, to seek new knowledge and
understanding of your journey. It will be a year of connection to your
Higher Heart energy, to feeling your way to the completion of each
daily experience.
You are now in a time of connecting to this feeling center. It is what
we and our cosmic brothers have been preparing you for over a number
of years. The energies have intensified through your previous ten
years. You have felt this. Outwardly all of you have seen change, in
your personal worlds, your outer world, and in other lands. I have
spoken of these changes many times in my teachings to assist you.
Now here you are at the beginning of a New Year, a new cycle, a
powerful and a very significant crossroad. In my previous teaching I
spoke of this very crossroad, now I explain further. As I have said,
many are and will be questioning their role, their purpose, trying to
understand all that is. Why, when, how, what for? I say to you that I
have spoken much on all that you ask, as have other Light Beings. Yet
still you persist in this old mentality of thinking. It is time now to
connect to the heart center, the feeling center, the home of your
soul. For your Soul does not think – no – it feels. And it is able to
feel all, both the positive and negative emotions. I can tell you
where there is too much negativity around you, the Soul will withdraw.
This will leave you feeling empty – void of emotion and feelings. The
Soul is not present you see, and so you are temporarily in a Soul
vacuum until the Soul returns and awareness of feelings resume.
So it is that you are at a Soul crossroad. Where will you step? Will
you remain as you are thinking – again the mind energy – that you will
be safe as you are. You feel in the comfort zone with no desire to
change so you choose to remain in the same ‘place.’
Or will you step across onto the new path which leads to experiencing
a New Earth, a Divinity of pure joy and delight where unconditional
love resides?
What do you choose? You have the power to refuse, though as more time
passes it will require much more third dimensional energy to remain
where you are now. The crossroad is before each of you. It is time to
be still, to listen within. Really listen. Listen to your heart
through your Higher Self. The old ways you have experienced through so
many incarnations are crumbling. The ways of control through fear,
greed and humiliation of another are eroding very quickly. In those
who operate – even in the slightest manner – from any of these traits,
the changes on Earth and in your lives will create even more fear as
you vainly try to hold on to the old familiar energies. The new path
is upon you. Stop, consider let go of old ways which no longer serve
And so, 2009 will also be a year of challenges. The Divine energy
through the Light particles which penetrate your very being, awakening
your Soul Light, will draw you upward to new heights of inner peace
and joy. Many have not experienced the depth of pure joy available to
you through the Light. It will depend on the degree of Light you have
already integrated into your being, which will decide on how great
your own challenges will be. Remember the Light is your protector and
your weapon. There is no other weapon –no.
In times of despair, immerse yourself in the Light particles, you will
be uplifted. In times of verbal attack from another, do not lower
yourself to a third dimensional energy level, rather send them Light
merged with love. Immerse them in that energy – and yourself. For only
the Light has the power to dissolve all negativity, to transmute, to
soften, to heal. Many act in negative manner through fear. So I remind
you to use the power of the Light through any challenge presented to
you to experience. Remember the power of the Light is your birthright.
As you proceed through your coming year, there are many signposts
being sent to you through the Cosmic energies. However the greatest
will be on the 9 th September 2009.
On this day the infinity of Cosmic Light particles will be very
strong, invoking the deepest spiritual connection for all. It will be
a magnificent time. A time for all to drink their full of the Light
particles to complete the transformation of the DNA through your very
cells. Water will be the carrier. We call it a Cosmic Birth, a birth
of Divine Light within through Christ consciousness and unconditional
love. We await this great day of celebration and birthing. I Kuthumi
will speak more of this as this day in your time grows closer.
In preparation I give you two further dates of integration in
Divinity. The first will be on the 11th day of January 2009. Again you
will notice the sacred numerology of the number 11. This is the first
Cosmic doorway of preparation to further integrating your Soul Light –
the first doorway into the new creation of acceptance.
The second power dates I give you are the months of June and July.
Both are significant for your Divine development. June being another
time of important preparation and integration, for in July another
doorway of connection opens. You see, you must be prepared
energetically to enable you to withstand the new energies.
There is a third date near the end of this magnificent year which is
the eleventh day of November 2009 – again the vibration of the number
11, which contains much Divine power. This date is a doorway to uphold
you in Divine strength and peace through the new Cosmic birth.
Of course, since this is a pivotal year in your Soul awakening, many
other dates will also hold significant energies to empower you in
infinite Light energies. As always I will guide you through each step,
along with my brothers and sisters of the Great White Brotherhood. We
come to you, a few at a time, so our own Light does not blind you. As
in all things you must be prepared to experience great Light and high
vibrational energies. So my friends, you begin to see why I say you
are at a crossroad. Your shield and your armour are contained in your
Soul Light. The more Light you carry, the brighter and stronger your
Soul Light.
Now you will recall at the beginning of the previous year, 2008, I
gave you warning of what was to come, particularly with your financial
systems. You are now experiencing this. I can tell you that the
world’s financial upheaval is not yet complete. You are still
experiencing the illusion of money. There is an air of false financial
expectation being created. I say illusion because that is how those in
control of your financial markets are holding you through fear. They
still seek to control you through this creation of money and of course
I say to you to simplify your lives. Release this fear of financial
lack which is overpowering many. Simplify your lives. This will be a
challenge for many throughout this year. Look to what you need and
what you want. There is a vast difference. I urge you to simplify your
I wish to say to all of you that you are now entering mew times, a new
path of awareness and experiences. As I have said you are experiencing
great transformational times. I wish to remind you and I urge all to
listen – to truly listen – that this is a time to group together. To
help one another, to work together in tending the soil to grow your
food. To form communities in new ways of living together, of helping
one another in unconditional love.
It will be important to help one another emotionally as some will find
these further transitional times easier than others. It is not a time
to return to the ego self and to think of yourself as greater than
another – no. It is a time to work together, sharing your knowledge
and compassion with others freely.
We have spoken often of Oneness, of your connection to Oneness. I say
to you, how can you experience this great Oneness if you cannot work
together, if you cannot live together? Understand this does not need
to be in one large house, no, houses can be separate, yet aligned to
another with simple needs and unconditional love. This is before you.
And so, you are at a crossroad of choice. I ask, what do you choose to
create for your future?
I leave you in love and healing energies as you prepare for the cycle
of your New Year.
Master Kuthumi
Copyright © 2003 Rev Lynette Leckie-Clark - All Rights Reserved
You are welcome to share with a friend but Not for sale in any form
SaLuSa: Ascension does not come without the upliftment of Self
SaLuSa: Ascension does not come without the upliftment of Self
Dear Ones, we tend to focus on the spiritual aspects of your evolution, because they are so important to your upliftment and opportunity to ascend as this cycle ends. However, there is not a day that passes by when you are not confronted by some challenges, that are part of your progress to a better understanding of Self. You may eventually rise up with a physical body that has become crystalline, but meantime it is still a great responsibility to keep it in good health and fitness. It is a wonderful creation that you have proved can be capable of overcoming the most difficult challenges. Through many lifetimes on Earth, you have experienced near starvation, serious illness or injuries yet overcome them. For sporting reasons you have pushed your body to extreme limits to see how far you can go, and it seems that it is almost indestructible. Man's inexhaustible quest for self-power and knowledge seems to be insatiable, but it is part of the learning process.
To some degree how you treat yourself is how you tend to treat others, and clearly self-respect needs to be learnt. All in all, the love of self is important but not to the extent that it is to the detriment or abuse of others. However, many a problem has arisen over the so-called "respect" demanded by those who are ego centred. In the eyes of those who have already ascended no soul is looked upon as superior to another, but recognition is given to those who have a highly developed consciousness. Neither therefore, are any souls looked down upon, as all are considered equal. On Earth you measure status by wealth, power, or title but none have any value away from it. You might ask how you assess yourself, and if you are on a spiritual path it is by the level of your spiritual consciousness and perhaps even more importantly, how you apply it in your everyday life.
Many people are mired in their problems which are often self perpetuated. They seem weighed down with an unproportionate amount of worries, and find little satisfaction or comfort in life. It may sound easy to say that you should try to let go of what does not serve you any longer, but while you hold on to grievances, disappointments and lack in your life you perpetuate those very conditions. Some simple problems remain for want of knowing the answers, but others are carried around as you continue to believe you are a victim of all that constitutes bad luck. We have stated a number of times that you draw things to yourself, mainly by thoughts and actions. Whilst it is also true Karma plays a part, it is by no means responsible for all of the difficulties in life.
If you seem to spend more time chasing your tail try to slow down and make allowance for time to seek the cause of your problems, and see where you can adopt a different approach and release them. Personal problems are no doubt high on your list, and where these involve family or friends decide to change your mindset to one of allowance and forgiveness. It will serve you well to look for answers to your problems, as if you are one who at the same time aspires to ascend these will have first to be cleared. It follows that when you reach a certain level of attainment, you will have found the answers within and will know that you have overcome them. Ascension does not come without the upliftment of Self, and once you place yourself on that path you will draw upon more spiritual help.
We of the Galactic Federation continually send our love to you, and we simply see beautiful and brave souls bouncing about in the sea of consciousness, often adrift without any particular sense of direction. In your present period of experience that it is not at all surprising, as you are bombarded by so much negativity as the dark try to make a last stand. It is whilst in this mix of Light and dark you need to know where you wish to head for, rather than be tossed around without any direction in your life. Set your sights on Ascension and be determined to set a course that leads you to it. Focus on the positive around you, and let your beliefs become your way of lighting up the path ahead. When you can do this you become quickly uplifted as you are drawn towards the Light. Like attracts like and soon your life will settle into a more peaceful routine free from the worries of yesterday.
Mankind is so near to achieving remarkable success in the quest for positive changes. In most countries you are learning of unrest, and it is because of the awakening consciousness of the people. You no longer desire to be at the mercy of those who dictate how your lives are led. You have glimpsed the future and felt the joy of happiness and freedom, and know that it is yours to rightfully claim. To that end we and our allies are determined to help you bring that about as soon as possible. The stage is now set for the last act to be played out and it is going to plan, in spite of the interference from the dark. No matter how it looks to you at any time, be assured that events have now really taken off, and out of the gloom the Light is gaining in brilliance and permeating your Earth. Remember, Mother Earth is affected by what happens on her surface, and looks to you for help in making good centuries of damage and abuse. That will not fall on your shoulders alone because as we have repeatedly informed you, we are to be a team that tackles the problems together.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and wish more of you could share our understanding and knowledge about you and your planet. You have been on Earth for many cycles, and mostly during the Lemurian/Atlantean epoch. They have covered thousands upon thousands of years; giving you both high and low points but each have had times of high spiritual advancement. The experiences remain in your subconsciousness even today, and are responsible for many of your attitudes and response to challenges in your life. Spiritual advancement is always ongoing, and indeed what else may you expect to take from your experiences. In the near future you will be able to visit the past, and see "first hand" exactly what it was like to live in those ancient times.
We and other sources of information have been with you for quite a long period. It is extremely pleasing for us to find how so many of you have sought out our messages, that carry our energy signature of Love and Light.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
Monday, April 13, 2009
The Mystery of What Will Be
The Mystery of What Will Be
by Quado & Carrie Hart
April 5, 2009
The amazing thing about what is truly new is that the promise is yet to be revealed. The startling thing about what is original is that the outcome, by definition, cannot be predicted and known until it moves into the present moment. And the wondrous thing about true change is that the trail of the past is all that can be seen and the future remains veiled in obscurity, moment by moment.
And yet, even as we yearn for the new, the original and for true change, we continue to ask: What will happen? Will I be all right? Will my dreams come true?
And the answer is that these answers can only come if what that is transpiring is an aspect of old and familiar and if the so-called change is merely a new face on an old way of being.
To welcome change, you must let go of your illusions and let be. To fully embrace the new, you must embrace it moment by moment, as the little red spout becomes a green stem, then becomes a tight little green bud and slowly unfurls. You can come back day after day asking: Will it be red? Will it be gold? Or you can glory in the spring day that envelops you as you stand outside, you can look to the wonders of the bird that flies overhead, you can take the hand of the loved one that stands beside you, and simply move into the moment and all that is, all while glancing occasionally at the rose bud, enjoying its slow progression into becomingness.
But what of plans? What of that celebration party for the opening of the roses? Should it be themed in red or in gold? And when should the invitations be issued?
There are new ways to live in the new ways of being. If you sit quietly and listen to the bids, listen to the grass as it grows, watch the clouds floating across a sky alive with moving particles of light, allow a spreading tree to envelop you with its loving energy, you will find the answer: that every moment is a celebration of being and becoming and that the red and the gold, while different, are both welcome into the world of wonder and beauty, and that the mystery of what will be reveals itself in its own time.
wish you love and peace,
* Private Sessions *
I continue to offer private sessions--and am amazed at the results. I am in awe, not only of the greatness within each of you, but of your dazzling uniqueness. I treasure being invited up into your sacred space, so that your soul self may unfold to share its purpose and pour loving and powerful energy down into your body.
Many of you are rightly sensing that these turbulent times have opened doors. If you are wondering if you are at the right door and if this is the right moment to walk through, please go to and sign up for a private session so that we may look through the door together.
I would like to announce my new website structure: contains everything related to spiritual messages and meditations. * contains everything related to music, poetry and my one-woman show. * is unchanged. *
I hope that you will be patient and understanding as I work the kinks out in the websites. I also hope you will visit the new and take a look around, especially the new eCard page, which I hope you will make use of for Valentine's Day. I have combined photography, poetry and music to give you a very unique and special way to express your love. I will be adding new items there every few days through January, so please check back often. *