SaLuSa 6-April-2011
All of a sudden a number of events that you have been anticipating, can be
seen by us to be taking place although you are not gifted with knowing the
outcome. Yes, you know what is being aimed for but the results we seek can
come about in more than one way. So make allowances for changes and know
that in the long run everything will work out as planned. The Middle East
has been a focal point for many years, and has held the key to your future.
It could have easily brought about a situation that would have led to
another world w-r. It has been diverted with our help, by preventing any
small confrontation becoming a major wa- with the use of n-clear w-apons. It
is because we have the d-vine authority to intervene in such circumstances,
that an escalation has not taken place. Following the coming changes in
leadership and g-vernments the whole world will be a safer place, and that
will bring our open contact with you a lot nearer.
We are aware of the frustration felt by many of you that matters seem to
drag on, but in reality they are moving quite quickly and fulfilling the
expectations we have. So to say, you have to put your house in order and
show the desire to complete this cycle by achieving Ascension. It really is
all that matters and the reason for what you are going through. Mother Earth
will of course benefit from your help but could nevertheless make her own
way forward if necessary. We foresee a change in many people's attitudes
once they understand the true purpose of life, as hitherto you have been
going around with your eyes closed. It has not necessarily been your fault,
but you have succumbed to the idea that you are separated from each other
and Go-. Now you are beginning to see how dependent you are on each other,
and that your actions affect everyone else. It explains how you are
collectively responsible for your reality, and makes you realize that you
can also change it.
The Lightworkers lead the way and use their energies to bring more Light to
the Earth. Through their ability to keep calm and focus them wherever they
are required, they have cleared so much of the lower energies that were
clogging the arteries of Mother Earth. The more success they have, the more
easily it will become to totally break the hold the dark Ones have had upon
you. They have now become more disjointed and even desperate as their
power has been seriously weakened, and there is no way back. However
care has to be taken, as at such times they become dangerous as they
seek some way out of their predicament. We have offered such a solution
on many occasions, but it is only now that they see there are not many
options left. They must leave their positions of power and in that they
have no choice. It is the time for those of the Light to take over, and
lead you on the final journey to freedom.
It is a strange situation that you find yourselves in, as you still prepare
for your normal day–to-day living yet know that in the not too distant
future your lives will change quite considerably. Bear in mind that
Ascension is a process that is continually occurring, and does not just stop
because of the end times. The biggest changes will be the ones happening to
you, and already many of you are registering new levels of consciousness.
With such an expansion comes a better realization and understanding of the
power of love, and how it can be used for the good of all. To be at peace
with yourself and one with the world is something wonderful to aim for and
quite achievable.
The experiences you are carrying forward have not been gained without
considerable sacrifices on your part. However that is the reason you came to
Earth, and nowhere else would you have progressed so quickly. Duality was
the ideal playing field to test your ability to live through the challenges
between the Light and dark forces. You have played on both sides to make
your experiences complete, and today you are clearing up any remaining karma
which is why your present life can be quite demanding. So take the last
challenges in your stride, knowing that your karma will be cleared before
you rise up into the higher dimensions.
The most wonderful gifts are about to be bestowed upon you, and come with
the rising up of your consciousness. In time you will become more p-ychic
and your knowledge will know no bounds. You will travel wherever you desire
and become a part of the great family of Space Beings. As a member of the
Galactic Federation you can explore the Universe, and serve other people who
like you at present are seeking their way home to the higher dimensions. The
past and future will have become one, and time will cease to exist as you
now understand it. Little will remain that relates to your third dimensional
experiences, and life will be so different and enjoyable without the chores
that you now endure. Perhaps the most attractive aspect to you at present
would be the thought of having a light-body, one that does not age and
suffers no ills or d-seases. One that you can also change through pure
creative thought that allows you to present yourself as you wish.
You may wonder who would knowingly say no to a new life in the higher
dimensions. Yet some s-uls are unsure of themselves and cling to what they
know, being reluctant to make a commitment at this time. It comes in part
from a lack of understanding, because they cannot perceive what life off
Earth can be like. Certainly at times your Earth life has its pleasant
experiences, but they pale into insignificance compared to what lays ahead
for you. If only you could glimpse it then your worries would seem of so
little concern, plus the fact that your future is assured as nothing can
change your destiny.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased that through various c-annels you at
least have sources of news about Ascension. If left to your media you would
hear little or nothing about it, because the dark Ones do not want you to
know of the opportunity to leave the cycle of duality. They would rather
depict the end as the Armageddon, playing on the d-ath and destruction
associated with it. In fact they planned events to coincide with the
prophecies, to frighten people into believing in the end of the World. Fear
not Dear Ones, as we will ensure that it is as easy as it can be made, and
life will continue according to your freewill and well into the future.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey