Friday, March 30, 2007

EARTH HOUR - 7.30pm to 8.30pm - Saturday March 31,2007

EARTH HOUR - 7.30pm to 8.30pm - Saturday March 31,2007Earth Hour is a fabulous opportunity for you and your family to do something about climate change. On one night, in one hour, more will be done, more will be demonstrated, and more will be learned than through a hundred 'talk-fests'. And you can help make it happen.What is Earth Hour?It sounds simple, but it is very, very dramatic. At 7.30pm on March 31st 2007, we will be encouraging companies, government departments, individuals and families to turn off their lights for just one hour. If we meet our objectives during the first Earth Hour, the savings in green house gas emissions will be the equivalent of taking 75,000 medium sized cars off the road for one whole year! Now that's something worth doing.Why?The facts are alarmingly clear:* The climate is changing! The 10 hottest years on record have occurred since 1990. In fact 2005 was the hottest year since record keeping began. (Australian Bureau of Meteorology)* Almost 70% of Australia's greenhouse gas emissions come from energy production. (ABS)* More than 95% of the Great Barrier Reef will have been destroyed by 2050 if carbon dioxide emissions aren't reduced. (WWF-International)* One million species worldwide are facing extinction due to climate change. (University of Leeds) But not everybody listens to the facts. Earth Hour is your opportunity to demonstrate how a simple change in our way of life could change, and help save, our planet.The goals of Earth Hour:* Households: Most of us use unnecessary electricity. Appliances on standby, old style light bulbs, lights left on when we're not using them. Earth Hour will help us all to realize just how simply we can make a dramatic impact upon global warming (and our own power bills). We will see it in action.* Companies: We want companies to be involved. If every company in Australia turned off its lights when the buildings weren't in use, and combined it with energy saving technology, we would save between 2 and 4 million tonnes of greenhouse gasses every year.Earth Hour will show companies just how easy that is.* Power Companies: We will be asking power companies to provide special deals for companies and households to switch to Green Power.* To make it an annual event: Out of the 8,766 hours in a year, let's give one back to the earth.What you can do:* Sign up to Earth Hour and Pledge to turn off your lights on March 31st from 7.30pm to 8.30pm by logging onto You will receive all the information you need to make Earth Hour a great success (and to cut your own energy bills in the long term). Pledging is free.* Get off standby: Turn off all the electronic equipment and appliances in your home that are not being used or are on standby. Computers, televisions, stereo equipment, phone chargers, DVD or video* Equipment: you can find out more about this from WWF at* Tell a friend: Spread the word about earth Hour by involving your friends, family, neighbours and workmates. Get them to pledge at and most importantly, turn off the lights at 7.30pm Saturday 31 March 2007.* Another thing you can do before the event is switch to Green Power: Contact your electricity provider today. If all Australians switched to Green Power the saving in CO 2 emissions would be the equivalent of what is pumped out of 40 million cars! That's like taking every car in Australia off the road four times over.* Make it an event. Get the neighbours to switch off their lights and head out into the park for the hour; take some binoculars and look at the stars; sit and talk; explore your backyard by flashlight; have fun with sparklers; or just go for a stroll. Do something non-electric as a family. Make some candles, read by their light; have a picnic-at-dusk; pretend you are camping; have a candlelight dinner.For more info on Earth Hour, check out www.earthhour.orgEARTH HOUR. MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Ker-On: The Light is now the dominant power on Earth

Ker-On: The Light is now the dominant power on Earth===============================================Dear friends, the energies around you are becoming very powerful, and those of you who are sensitive to them will register their effect. They are noticeably more uplifting, and give a sense of lightness and detachment from all around you. They also make for a feeling of serenity and calmness. These are the energies that you need to contain, and carry with you wherever you go and regardless of what you encounter. Those of you who can relate to this state of being are helping uplift the energies of the whole planet. They will continue to grow, and more of you will find yourselves being drawn into a vortex of surging energy that will carry you all of the way to Ascension.The great advancements you are making prove that the Light is now the dominant power on Earth, and it will hasten the advent of the changes so eagerly awaited. It is as we see it, simply a matter of a short time before a succession of changes will manifest. Now these will not all take place on Earth, but they will be part of the Divine Plan to raise the vibrations. It is two-fold, and will additionally ensure that the dark are relieved of their powers to disrupt or stop the future actions.The Light has been steadily eroding the dark energies, and thereby blunts their ability to continue with their original plan. You can expect them to lash out in their anger and frustration, and for a while it will seem chaotic and confused. However, such events are the ideal opportunities for our allies to consolidate their plan. They are integral to First Contact, and will ensure that our subsequent actions are not misconstrued. We have to be seen as not imposing ourselves upon the citizens of Earth.Many of you are aware of our past approaches to people in high places, as until we are acknowledged and allowed a safe reception, we cannot simply arrive unannounced. We can protect ourselves, but we have no desire to enter into confrontation as that is not our way. The right time is approaching quite rapidly, but at this moment we must wait for the appropriate opportunities to present themselves. Divine intervention is reserved as a last resort if all else fails to provide the outcome we seek in a certain time frame.Meantime, we are as ever fully prepared to act at a minutes notice, and if required can immediately stop all activities of a warlike nature. That is not our preference, as we look for a certain level of co-operation so that type of approach is unnecessary. We are Lightworkers and also the Policeman of the Universe, but our operations are more akin to Peace workers that seek to calm troubled waters. Your Earth has for far too long been covered by dark clouds, that have brought misery and unhappiness for millions of people. That must change without further delay, as the dark have had their day.Your minds should be on the outcome of the changes, and the more you focus on them the quicker they shall manifest. Your power of thought is increasing all of the time, and you have a greater part to play than you realise. Do not worry about what has happened in the past, and be assured that you are entering a new period of experience. Let the greater powers bring about justice, and the placing of responsibility for recent events in your history. Some of those involved will certainly serve as an example to others, and tried under your laws. They will however be fair and not manipulated to satisfy those who seek revenge. Remember also that Universal Law is somewhat different to yours, and seeks not to punish but allow those who have erred to atone for what they have done.Your life-to-life experiences have never involved retribution, or required you to suffer for your transgressions. Of your own accord, you have elected to continue your experiences so as to understand the reason for your actions. It is in the realisation and acceptance of what has prompted them, that will enable you to overcome your weaknesses. You never cease progression and growth in spiritual understanding, and the marvellous provision given you by the Spiritual Hierarchy is one of allowing you all Infinity in which to evolve.There is no place you have not been, and no culture or religion that you have not sampled. You are all a wonderful mix of many different people from all ages past. Now you are ready to move on, having learnt the lessons that your earthly existence has provided. Mother Earth will therefore now be allowed to complete her own evolution, and join you in the transition that you know as Ascension.You have no feel or true realisation of what you have achieved, and it is a truly remarkable story of success. That is of course just as well, as otherwise you would be burdened by the weight of responsibility for your previous lives. One day you will be sufficiently prepared to read of the exploits of your previous lives. Some will make you proud, whilst others might bring shame. However, the point is that by this time you will accept your various roles in duality, as part of your rich vein of experience. There is in fact no guilt or condemnation involved, and you carry that experience with you and are all the greater for it.God sees you in all of your purity, and unblemished by your experiences through duality. The Creator sent you out to experience so that through it the Source of All could grow. As you rise up through the dimensions, you will still carry on experiencing but the pace will slow down. You will be more in harmony with all around you, and your margin for error will be considerably less. It would seem to be levels of perfection, but that does not exist in its totality until you return to the Source.Before you reach that stage, you will traverse realms that seem never-ending and reach into infinity. The experiences will be of ever increasing beauty and Light, and harmony that you have by no means reached at this stage. What wonders await you, and the stepping stone is Ascension that comes closer to you by the day.I am Ker-On from Venus, and one who has long risen up to those levels that beckon you. You are greatly loved by all for your service to others. Thank you Ker-On. Mike Quinsey

Magnetizing Your Desires

Magnetizing Your DesiresMichelle Karénmichelekaren@...All references to time are given in Pacific StandardTime (PST).Dearest friends, this month Jupiter will turn retrograde on April 5 at19º 46' Sagittarius, and will remain so until August 6 at 9º 55'Sagittarius. You need to revisit your philosophy of life and standstrong in your integrity. Under this particular retrogradation, onlystrict personal honesty will do. Traveling to other states or distantcountries is also favored, as it is a chance for you to connect with adeeper understanding of other ways of thinking and living. You couldget involved in causes you believe in, and faster than ever see yourintentions manifest into realities. "Man is a creature of reflection,"says Indian wisdom. "He becomes that upon which he reflects." Thatwhich you desire you can magnetize into your life by feeling theemotion of already having or being it.Saturn, which has been retrograde since December 6, 2006 at 25º 04'Leo, will be turning direct again on April 19 at 18º 09' Leo. SinceDecember you have cleared a lot of clutter, your body has gone throughmassive cleansings (influenza, coughs and other uncomfortable yetnecessary purifications) and you have simplified your life andreorganized your priorities. You can now look forward to anacceleration of your evolution within the new structures consciouslydefined.Pluto, which turned retrograde on March 31, will remain so this wholemonth between 28º 57' and 28º 45' Sagittarius, until September 6 at26º 18' Sagittarius. You could be plagued by compulsive, fanaticalopinions, and tend to wish the destruction of anything or anyone whodoesn't hold the same beliefs. It is important to remain in your truthwithout alienating those who have different convictions. In theinternational political scene, some important changes could occur thataffect millions of people. You are being regenerated at a cellularlevel. Much old karma is being transmuted. You could find yourselfthinking in radically purified ways, with a heightened connectionto your higher self. There is a total transformation of yourphilosophical approach to life. As supra-normal abilities unravel moreclearly within yourself, you are becoming the alchemist and magicianof your reality.The Moon this month will be "void of course" (forming no major aspectswith any planet before entering the following sign):. Sunday, 4/1 between 6:37 A.M. and 8:43 A.M. (Moon enters Libra). Tuesday, 4/3 between 7:29 P.M. and 9:36 P.M. (Moon enters Scorpio). Thursday, 4/5 between 7:54 P.M. and Friday, 4/6 at 9:57 A.M. (Moonenters Sagittarius). Sunday, 4/8 between 6:35 P.M. and 8:36 P.M. (Moon enters Capricorn). Wednesday, 4/11 between 2:57 A.M. and 4:23 A.M. (Moon enters Aquarius). Friday, 4/13 between 6:50 A.M. and 8:39 A.M. (Moon enters Pisces). Sunday, 4/15 between 8:02 A.M. and 9:47 A.M. (Moon enters Aries). Tuesday, 4/17 between 7:26 A.M. and 9:11 A.M. (Moon enters Taurus). Wednesday, 4/18 between 7:29 P.M. and Thursday, 4/19 at 8:51 A.M.(Moon enters Gemini). Saturday, 4/21 between 8:51 A.M. and 10:50 A.M. (Moon enters Cancer). Monday, 4/23 between 2:10 A.M. and 4:38 P.M. (Moon enters Leo). Thursday, 4/26 between 0:01 A.M. and 2:24 A.M. (Moon enters Virgo). Saturday, 4/28 between 12:14 P.M. and 2:45 P.M. (Moon enters Libra)We should do our best to plan nothing of importance during thoseperiods of time, as those plans would amount to nothing! I personallyalways mark them in red in my calendar, so that if I have an optionI can choose a not void-of-course time to schedule a given activity.These void of course Moon times are wonderful if used to meditate,focus on your personal life and explore interdimensional spaces.You can plan your activities according to the zodiacal position of theMoon during these times:. The Moon is in Libra from Sunday, 4/1 at 8:43 A.M. until Tuesday,4/3 at 9:36 P.M.; and from Saturday, 4/28 at 2:45 P.M. until Tuesday,May 1 at 3:41 a.m. This time is great for relationships, romance,diplomatic dealings with others, meditation, beauty, decorationand art.. The Moon is in Scorpio from Tuesday, 4/3 at 9:36 P.M. until Friday,4/6 at 9:57 A.M. This is a good time to be alone and rethink yourlife, heal yourself, increase your understanding of power and gaininsights into your motives and those of others. Research and sexualityare also favored.. The Moon is in Sagittarius from Friday, 4/6 at 9:57 A.M. untilSunday, 4/8 at 8:36 P.M. This is a period of high, enthusiasticenergy. It is great for long-distance traveling, philosophy, religion,learning languages, investigating other cultures, higher education,reading, teaching, thinking, attending lectures, gambling (with thewarning of not falling into any excess) and anything related to luck.. The Moon is in Capricorn from Sunday, 4/8 at 8:36 P.M. untilWednesday, 4/11 at 4:23 A.M. This time is excellent for business andany professional pursuit requiring practicality, hard work, long-rangeplans, efficiency, focus and discipline. During this period, the Mooncan stimulate your ambitions, your wish to increase your social statusand your interest in world affairs and elegance (as an external signof personal success).. The Moon is in Aquarius from Wednesday, 4/11 at 4:23 A.M. untilFriday, 4/13 at 8:39 A.M. This period is good for any controversial,offbeat or rebellious activity. It is great for meeting new andunusual people, connecting with large groups of friends, joininghumanitarian causes, walking to the sound of your own drummer,expressing your uniqueness and fighting for freedom. It's wonderfulalso for pop culture, trendy new ideas, far-out concepts,technological inventions, interests in extraterrestrial civilizations,writing or reading science fiction and visionary art.. The Moon is in Pisces from Friday, 4/13 at 8:39 A.M. until Sunday,4/15 at 9:47 A.M. This period is an inspirational few days formeditation, creativity, dreaming, sleeping and channeling. There is atendency to feel a little emotional and rather spaced out.This is a good time to listen to soothing music-particularly musicwith crashing waves in the background-swim, dance, sit by the ocean orreceive or give healing energy work. You should be extra careful withalcohol, drugs and any escapist tendencies.. The Moon is in Aries from Sunday, 4/15 at 9:47 A.M. until Tuesday,4/17 at 9:11 A.M. This is a period of abundant energy (if you feelsluggish, check for repressed anger). It is good for workouts,competitive activities, construction and self-assertion, as well assingles' meetings.. The Moon is in Taurus from Tuesday, 4/17 at 9:11 A.M. untilThursday, 4/19 at 8:51 A.M. This is an excellent time for any matterinvolving money. Paying your bills, claiming what is owed to you andgetting rid of your debts are all favored during this time. Gardening,spending time in the countryside, strolling in the woods and enjoyinga sensuous meal should also be in the picture, as well as giving orreceiving a massage and generally taking pleasure in your physical body.. The Moon is in Gemini from Thursday, 4/19 at 8:51 A.M. untilSaturday, 4/21 at 10:50 A.M. This period is great for sales, teaching,exchanging information, brainstorming, mental work, talking, telephonecalls, letters, crafts, lectures, reading (especially newspapers andmagazines), short trips, visiting relatives, meeting people, laughterand communication in general.. The Moon is in Cancer from Saturday, 4/21 at 10:50 A.M. untilMonday, 4/22 at 4:38 P.M. This time is good for enjoying your home,cooking, entertaining loved ones, sharing meals with your family,playing with children, nurturing the child within, photography,drawing, remembering the past and taking stock of your feelings.. The Moon is in Leo from Monday, 4/22 at 4:38 P.M. until Thursday,4/26 at 2:24 A.M. This is a time when you should feel more outgoing.It is great for anything that draws attention to yourself and flattersyour pride or boosts your ego in a positive manner. It's perfect alsofor parties, entertaining, performing, cultivating connections, drama,romance, fun, sunbathing and enjoying affluent surroundings.. The Moon is in Virgo from Thursday, 4/26 at 2:24 A.M. untilSaturday, 4/28 at 2:45 P.M. This period is excellent for detailed,methodical work. It is perfect for organizing, putting things inorder, getting rid of clutter and finishing things. It's also greatfor health related issues: diets, exercise programs, nutrition ingeneral and self-improvement.Our intentional meditation this month starts on the full moon Monday,April 2 at 10:15 A.M. when you should place outside as many blanksheets of paper as you will have intentions. As long as they are outat that exact time, for convenience they may be left a few hoursbefore until a few hours after. After that exact moment has passed,put them away in a folder until the following new moon on Tuesday,April 17, take out the still blank, full-moon charged sheets of paperand write on each a clear, positive, concise intention. Make surethey are out by 4:36 A.M. You may collect your papers with theirintentions upon waking on April 17. Staple them together, date themand . . . expect a miracle!HIGH-STRUNG ENERGY AND STRANGE ENCOUNTERSSunday, April 1, 2007: Mercury is conjunct Uranus at 11:31 A.M. Thereis the possibility today of unusual exchanges with friends, brothersand sisters and neighbors. Today is excellent for intuitive writing,expressing far-out ideas, inventions and scientific research,electronics, as well as work with astrology and metaphysics ingeneral. This is a day of highstrung energy with unexpected expansionsof consciousness and strange encounters.Monday, April 2, 2007: Venus squares Saturn at 0:02 A.M. This is notthe best day for business. Financial difficulties could be present.Today also is not the best emotionally. There is a feeling ofloneliness and general frustration. Something today could triggersome painful feelings from the past that interfere with the capacityto be fully grateful for your present circumstances. It is best to usethis transit to become clear regarding what you want to experience inyour private life, and expect nothing from your environment.Wednesday, April 4, 2007: Mercury squares Jupiter at 0:17 A.M., Venussquares Neptune at 11:17 A.M., Mars is sextile Pluto at 5:20 P.M.Today could be marked by a certain impracticality and lack of focus.You should be particularly attentive when operating a motor vehicle.There could also be a certain emotional confusion. You could be inlove with love and not see the other as he or she really is. Deceptioncould take place as a result of romantic illusions. Extreme cautionshould be exercised in financial matters, as deceit and betrayal couldoccur. A desire to experience your life in completely new ways couldlead to adventurousness and a powerful need to conquer the unknown.Thursday, April 5, 2007: Jupiter turns retrograde at 6:24 P.M.Friday, April 6, 2007: Mars enters Pisces at 1:51 A.M. until May 15.In the next few weeks, Pisces natives will more easily win the battlesthey're involved in. Your energy is more sensitive to your environmentand considerate of others. You assert yourself with more compassion.There is a need to feel inspired by the causes you support and whatyou stand for. Tantric practices could become more appealing, as wellas any involvement in the arts.A SENSE OF EASE AND FLOWSaturday, April 7, 2007: Mercury is sextile Venus at 9:11 A.M. Yourfeelings are expressed with more clarity, and your thoughts are sharedwith more sensitivity. Today you experience a state of mental calm.This is a wonderful day to plan a gathering with friends, a party or avisit to an art gallery. Exchanges with others are simple andharmonious. There is a sense of ease and flow in artistic creation.Your dedication helps you achieve your ambitions. This is a greattransit for wise purchases or a pleasant trip.Sunday, April 8, 2007: The Sun is trine Saturn at 4:56 A.M. Today isexcellent for new business ventures, sound financial investments andgood judgment in general. Contracts and the handling of legal affairsare favored by this transit. It is excellent also for teaching, anyeducational endeavor involving children, developing your leadershipabilities and improving your career. You could attract the attentionof people in positions of authority, and find that all your hard workand discipline are being rewarded.Monday, April 9, 2007: The Sun is trine Jupiter at 5:07 P.M. Today isperfect for a long-distance trip, philosophy, the law, highereducation and spiritual growth. As long as you exercise your commonsense, financial investments are also favored by this transit. Yourpopularity could also increase, leading to romantic opportunities.Creative expression is enhanced, and artists may get their "bigbreak." You may feel more prosperous, generous and optimistic thanusual. Your self-confidence is increased, helping you in turn toproject a more positive self-image. Under this transit, women may findit easier to relate to men. Rewards for past good deeds are likelyto be reaped today.Tuesday, April 10, 2007: Mercury squares Pluto at 0:23 A.M., Mercuryenters Aries at 4:07 P.M. until April 27. Many of your cherished ideascould be shattered by this transit, leading to enlightening newperceptions. Familiar concepts may have to be revised. Hidden secretscould be revealed by neighbors, brothers or sisters. Beware ofdeliberate distortions of information under this transit. If youexercise extreme caution, signing official documents could prove veryempowering. No matter how badly you might be blackmailed today, it isessential to remain in strict honesty with yourself. The next fewweeks will require direct communication and saying things as you seethem. Your innocence will be your protection.DEEP INSIGHTS TO UNRAVEL SPIRITUAL MYSTERIESThursday, April 19, 2007: The Sun is trine Pluto at 0:34 A.M., Saturnturns direct at 2:26 P.M. This is a wonderful day to take the specificactions that will further your goals. You may feel more courage andenergy to assume a position of leadership. Today deep insightscould lead to the unraveling of spiritual mysteries. Educationalendeavors and anything related to the arts, the law, business and/orpolitics are favored. You could feel inspired to regenerate at veryprofound levels and reform whatever is in your life that is notconducive to your highest growth. Today and for the months to come,you start a whole new relationship with authority, duty andresponsibilities on a completely different level.Friday, April 20, 2007: The Sun enters Taurus at 4:07 A.M. until May21. In the next few weeks, you will feel more grounded and attractedto nature. Gardening could prove quite soothing, and taking walks inthe countryside should be very healing. You might also feel drawn tonurturing your body (healing work, massage), and enjoy dining out.There is a need to slow the pace of your life and find peace in moreharmonious environments.Saturday, April 21, 2007: Mercury is trine Saturn at 0:09 A.M.,Mercury is trine Jupiter at 3:39 P.M. There is seriousness andexpansiveness in your communications today. This is the perfect day towrite, lecture, read, study, attend a conference or invite yourfriends over for some deep yet fun conversation. Today is wonderfulfor starting a new course and developing your skills in a given area.You could be led to travel for your work or to do research. There isa need to know more on a topic that has always been of interest to youbut that you didn't have the opportunity to develop.Sunday, April 22, 2007: Mercury is sextile Neptune at 9:15 P.M., Venussquares Mars at 10:30 P.M. Today is excellent for channeling, as wellas any intuitive transmission of information. Artists will find muchinspiration in this transit and could come up with some of theirbest work. Dreams are also particularly significant and should be paidattention to. There could be some tension between lovers, but nothingthat cannot be resolved through attentively listening to the other'spoint of view without any judgment, in unconditional love.SEEING WITH X-RAY VISIONThursday, April 26, 2007: Mercury is trine Pluto at 10:05 A.M., Venussquares Uranus at 8:19 P.M. You could have deep insights today thatare excellent for scientific or metaphysical research. The ability toliterally see situations and people with x-ray vision could lead tosome startling revelations. You could also experience extrasensoryfaculties. Anything leading to the regeneration of your life on anylevel will be deeply appealing today. Today traveling is veryfavorable to gain empowering insights into aspects of your past (evenpast lives) that are relevant to your present and offer constructiveinformation for creating a more enlightened future. There couldbe unusual encounters today with people who walk to the sound of theirown drummer. If you insist too much on independence and forcing yourwill no matter what, sudden and hurtful breaks in relationships couldoccur.Friday, April 27, 2007: Mercury enters Taurus at 0:16 A.M. until May11, Venus is sextile Saturn at 1:06 P.M. In the weeks to come, youwill think along more practical lines. You might want to know moreabout gardening, and feel drawn to better understand the wisdomof nature. There is a need for mental peace, harmony, silence andgrounding. This is a great day to discuss commitment and become veryrealistic in your relationships. An apparent lack of passion is madeup for by emotional solidity, substance and the desire to build arelationship that will withstand the test of time. It is a great dayto get engaged or renew your commitment. It is excellent also formaking sound financial investments.Saturday, April 28, 2007: Venus opposes Jupiter at 5:43 A.M., Mars isconjunct Uranus at 9:38 P.M. You should be extra careful in financialmatters, as the tendency today is toward overindulgence and a totallack of discrimination. The danger also is present of leaping into arelationship without knowing much about the other person, which couldlead to a rude awakening. Impulsive sex with a near-stranger couldprove self-destructive. It's not the best time for business deals orformulating legal contracts. Your willfulness and insistence on totalindependence could be the cause of abruptly isolating separations.Monday, April 30, 2007: Mars squares Jupiter at 3:21 P.M., Venus istrine Neptune at 6:35 P.M. This is not the best time for seekingemployment, starting a new endeavor, changing jobs or handling legalaffairs. Recklessness and hypocrisy could be present. Overlooking thesmall print could expose you to unnecessary dangers. Any kind ofinvolvement in insurance, taxes, inheritance and/or corporate financeis not advised either. You should do your best to stay away fromobsessive-compulsive religious and/or political ideas. However,tonight is wonderful for a magical date and experiencing the onenessof All That Is. An elusive perfume of divinity could permeate the air,making you remember your spiritual truth.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Swimming in the Sea of Thought

Swimming in the Sea of Thoughtby Gillian MacBeth-Louthan============================We are nameless in form and formless in name. We stand on the edge of your future, scraping ourselves from your past delivering to you components of understanding that are exquisite in nature and birth themselves through you in concentric circles of transformation. We come though the nuances of your thoughts. The space in-between this moment and the next. We issue ourselves to you as fabric that becomes as skin, not something to wear or adorn yourselves with, but something that you are inherent within.The physical body flesh organ is now in the process of pro-creating a stream of axiatonal attuned molecules that will serve as a Teflon type coating to the physical body. This coating has been birthed through a singular cell that is inherent within the encoding of the DNA. This single-celled multi-universe divides and births, divides and births thus presenting you with a luminescent undercoating/over-coating that places itself around your flesh and inside the etheric energy field. This coating holds within it an antibiotic composition that announces to the germs that are created on your world - "Do not enter. Do not cross this threshold of biological being. Do not come forth and spew your venom of mutation upon me." And so it shall be.During this time you have opened neural pathways within your heart and your biological configuration. These pathways only re-introduce you to a sea of thought that lives dormant within your being. Any time that you feel under attack, whether it is another's thought, a germ, a government, etc. You have defense mechanisms inherently encoded within you. It is up to you to go through the files within your cranial cavity and activate encodings that will birth into awareness what it is you need to do in order to avoid these situations, biological or otherwise.It does not matter if it is a weather pattern, a radar frequency, microwaves from a cell tower or a next door neighbor. You are not on this earth to absorb the negativities and the creations of those that wish influence you body, mind or spirit. You have a divine right and divine instructions within you that will allow you to create a vibration to keep such events from entering and upsetting your peace of mind or peace of heart.When you are driving through dramatic weather patterns instead of focusing on the negative situation at hand, focus instead on the thought of a beautiful clear day. Hold over yourself a cosmically created umbrella repelling the disruptive weather pattern instead of magnetizing it. You spray yourselves with sprays that keep the germs and mosquitoes away. This is the same school of thought.Your have an internal natural healing pharmacy that is open 24 hours a day. Ask and have issued through your body any herb that repels, assists or heals. Your body is a biological laboratory that is awaiting your instructions and your directions on how to create. The Teflon coating that we have spoken of is just the first in a series of introductions into this knowledge. Once this thought is anchored on earth, it will become commonplace, and then it will be birthed.You each are gateways, vortexes and doorways that shift the vibration and the frequency of earth. You must be most careful in your pronunciation and your annunciation verbally for you are Gods no longer in swaddling clothes.If you find yourself in traffic congestion, as soon as you entertain that thought, it becomes anchored as your reality. If you would visualize extending your vehicle, as a field of energy that repels objects of steel you will find that no one wants to be close to you. (If this does not work see you vehicle as fluid and pour it into the ocean of traffic and blend with the vibration instead of bucking the system).By not holding the thought of how the limited event is transpiring you can shift the event on a cellular and molecular level into a situation that you would prefer. You will then see your life becoming easier and more fluid. When you are dealing with people that are confrontational and you become rock solid as the Rock of Gibraltar, holding your anger, holding your rightful position, then you become what you do not wish to be vibrationally. When you are around those that are angry, become water like, become fluid. See all structure in your body change to fluid and pour yourself into them. Pour yourself into them and quench the angry fire with a liquid softness. Thus you are not changing your cell vibration into solid rock and immovable functions of thought. You will know as a God without swaddling clothes when to repel and when to become AS.Use the inherent cosmic divine judgment, which lives, within every cell, which is no judgment at all. As you learn to become more fluid, you will understand earth and her cycles, as well as the cycles of other planets and the stars. Blend yourself into becoming one with a particular star and the fluid-ness of your consciousness poured into it. You are on the threshold of so many discoveries when you learn to become nameless in form and formless in name.Gillian MacBeth-Louthan PO box 217 Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 Spiritual Tools for Accelerated Transformation

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What's Up On Planet Earth - 3/26/07

The cosmic events of March, along with other supporting energies, have now propelled us into very new spaces indeed. This immense movement that has just taken place can manifest as follows:

A loss of a sense of place, which is very typical of the ascension process. Usually, the “no sense of place” feeling comes in regular intervals, as we are moved out of one energetic spot and into another. This time, we have literally moved into one totally new role for ourselves, and it can bring great feelings of confusion indeed.

This movement into a new role or purpose is grand and wonderful for sure, but can certainly come with its own set of challenges. This “new role” or individual purpose can feel great as it totally encompasses our next step or most certainly our passion. It is as if all the pieces have finally come together for our next phase and we are here at last, or perhaps we are now poised and completely in a supportive space of gathering new and important information, or even readying and really now truly living in the space of what we will now be bringing forth for the New Planet Earth.

We have been placed here now because we are at a new and completely different place in our evolutionary process. But what are some of the challenges? Being in a new space can feel so good that we no longer desire, and can barely tolerate the old space. Remember our old forms of generating money for ourselves? Do they not feel like somewhere that we no longer belong? Is it not hard to discipline ourselves into going “back” there and continuing with what we used to do? But if we leave that space and quit our old money generating ways, how in the world will we survive? Is our very new purpose able to generate money and support us?

The ascension process is truly brilliant with these types of scenarios. Are you one who experienced a challenging health situation in the past that knocked you out of your old groove and forced you into being a new you? Are you one who lost your job, your old friends and relationships, or moved to another geographical location? Have you ever wondered how you would survive when emotionally and mentally you felt that you had no power and were nowhere indeed?

The ascension process simply will not allow us to end up sleeping in the gutter with no food, shelter, or clothing (unless, of course, you are carrying a strong victim or powerlessness consciousness). When we are really and truly going through this process with all our hearts and souls, we are always supported somehow. It cannot be another way. Riding the wave or energetic flow that arrives for us, even if we do not know how things could possible turn out, always places us in alignment with Source. Following our passion, what feels good, and noticing what is miraculously arriving for us, places us in this effortless flow, but it can take a certain amount of trust. This is why old things need to get so bad, so that we are more than willing to let them go, don’t care anymore, and can then move with more ease into the new space that our souls have intended for us.

Am I suggesting that we all just drop all the old and move right into the new? Well, evolution does not work that way. It is a see-saw type of action, and we usually integrate the new to a full extent before we can drop the old completely. But another scenario is present as well, and it involves living and being behind the scenes, or in a higher realm, while we simultaneously continue on in a much more limited way on the “dimensional border”….I have mentioned this many times before (hope it isn’t getting old).

This recent shift into the new can make us wonder where in the world we now are. Nothing may seem to fit anymore, and we may feel discombobulated indeed. As if being pulled in several different directions, where in the world do we now belong?

When we follow the flow of Source, or our soul plan, we are always taken care of. It was meant to be this way. We will be OK. All our needs will be met. Keeping one foot in the old while we spend more of our time now in the new, is simply how it is meant to be for awhile. But the good news is that the new is coming in like gangbusters, if we allow ourselves to follow the crumbs….the trail of our passion and what we just know at our deepest levels is our next step. Things will literally be handed to us on a silver platter, and this is the indicator that we are on the right track, even if they currently are not bringing us any financial income.

As we are really arriving now in the higher realms, we may also be having experiences with the departed. Dreams involving those who have died, unusual encounters with loved ones who have passed on to the other side, and the like, can become more prevalent than ever before. This is because we are beginning to occupy the same space, or certainly getting closer and closer.

Another recent manifestation of the current energies involves yet another experience of bloating, tension, or otherwise indicators of more higher energy arriving. This manifests as the old familiar pressure and sinus scenario, or even feeling as though you may be having some sort of breakdown. Panic, fear, and anxiety can also be present, as at some level, we know that something has ended and we are going somewhere else, but may not be sure where that is. Darkness and fear are also indicators of the loss of the old and denser energies.

Add to this some unusual occurrences of sleeping for hours and hours at a time, dead out in a coma state, and we may wonder how we are ever going to survive all these erratic, sudden, and bizarre experiences!

Yes, the new is arriving at our feet in a variety of arenas as we have moved forward like never before. Are you ready? Are you ready to accept what is divinely yours? Are you ready for your dreams to come true?

Monday, March 26, 2007

NorthPoint Astrology Journal for March 26 to April 1, 2007

NorthPoint Astrology Journal for March 26 to April 1, 2007Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this weekly NorthPoint Journal basedon planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights toassist you in making the best use of current energies. The informationcontained in the Journal is not intended as prediction. Your ownexperience will be more specifically defined by transits to yourpersonal chart. If you have comments or questions about this Journal, or areinterested in a personal astrology reading, e-mail Pam or call 425-445-3775.Highlighted Aspects This Week: Monday: Neptune semisquare Sun;Thursday: Pluto sesquisquare Venus, Chiron square Venus; Friday:Uranus conjunct North Node; Saturday: Uranus sextile Venus, Plutostations Retrograde, Mars semisquare Sun; Sunday: Mercury conjunctNorth Node, Uranus conjunct MercuryWe can continue to make great strides forward this week. Pluto andUranus, two of the "transpersonal planets," are working to shift usinto higher vibrational gear. Resistance to the process of change, aswe've come to realize, is not only futile, but undercuts the higherpurpose for which we have incarnated. We are in the process of aligning our actions and interactions morecompletely with the intentions of our spirits, and anything less,while perhaps familiar, will feel more and more uncomfortable. Ittakes both courage and trust to embrace change. We tend to stay withthe status quo because it is at least a known quantity. But with Plutoslowing to a standstill this week, and Uranus aligning with the NorthNode, we are likely to find that it takes more effort to stem the tidethan to flow with it. I am reminded of a saying, quoted in Isha Lerner's Inner Child Cards:And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.Certainly this is true for us now, as we are pushed by inner and outercircumstances finally to risk coming into full bloom.The influence of both Pluto and Uranus has been emphasized throughoutthis month, driven by the force of the Lunar Eclipse on March 3 (whichopposed Uranus) and the Solar Eclipse on March 18 (which squaredPluto). These two planets are the ones most associated withtransformational change, and we've definitely been feeling their energies.This year, Pluto is on the final leg of his journey throughSagittarius, which began in 1995-1996. This means that he isespecially focused on his task of clearing and cleaning, so that we'reready for him to move into Capricorn in January 2008. Pluto's work ashe travels through Sagittarius to uproot and discard old laws, beliefsand judgments. This is the foundation for the endings and thebeginnings that are occurring now.As Pluto slows in preparation for turning retrograde (backwards) onSaturday, we are encouraged and assisted in purging from our lives theattitudes and beliefs that have delayed our blossoming. The Sabiansymbol for the degree at which Pluto stations is:A fat boy mowing the lawn of his house on an elegant suburban street.This symbolic image represents that which we are actively purging fromour lives at this time: the unhealthy attitudes that we have becomecomfortable with, and the protections we have placed around ourselves,that have been driving our everyday activities. These beliefs and mindsets may have come into being as a way tomaintain appearances or to help us feel that we are not "to blame" --and yet in holding onto these attitudes and beliefs, we have alsolimited our personal growth and spiritual expansion. It is time to letgo of these negative responses to life events, and to move morecompletely into the perspective of the higher self.The conjunction of Uranus and the North Node supplies another piece ofthe puzzle. The North Node points to our higher path, showing us howto move more fully into our own alignment with Spirit. As the NorthNode and Uranus come together in Pisces, we have major opportunitiesto liberate ourselves from those personality traits that seeminglyhave been holding us hostage.Astrologer Jan Spiller has written an insightful book on the NorthNode, entitled Astrology for the Soul (which I highly recommend forthose who are interested in more information about their spiritualpath). In the chapter on "North Node in Pisces," she offers this listof "tendencies to leave behind": over-critical reactions,overanalysis, obsessive worry, excessive anxiety over making mistakes,inflexibility and exaggerating the importance of details. These are the default modes that we are now being pushed to movebeyond -- and that will tend to cause more and more discomfort if wedo not leave them behind. The good news is that Uranus reigns supremein breaking us free from old ways of being. In his current alignmentwith the North Node, he is opening doors that previously may have feltblocked.To take the place of these negative tendencies, Spiller offers a listof "attributes to develop": being nonjudgmental and compassionate,surrendering anxiety to a Higher Power, freeing the mind throughmeditation and self-reflection, focusing on spiritual solutions,trusting in positive outcomes and welcoming change. The more we candevelop these traits, and learn to make them our default modes, themore fully we can take advantage of the incredible waves of energy nowworking with us.The fact that Mercury is also conjunct the North Node and Uranus nextweekend is a very good omen. Mercury represents our rational thinking,and the workings of the mind in general. While this planetary line-upmay not be the best for those who want life always to go as planned,it is the perfect combination for breaking attachments to old ways ofprocessing information.We are moving away from making decisions based only on fact, andstepping more fully into a world where we are guided more powerfullyby intuition and that unexplained "inner knowing." This change is nota comfortable one for most of us -- after all, it is a physical world,and we have learned to assess our condition based on what we canperceive using our physical senses. Even those of us who already tryto live intuitively usually feel a little unnerved when realitydoesn't play by "the rules."But this kind of uncertainty is exactly what is needed to move us intothose "attributes to develop." When we cannot focus on the details,even just for a day or an hour, we have two choices: we can revert tofear and anxiety, endeavoring to regain control of an uncontrollablesituation, or we can relax, move into a higher perspective, and trustin the as-yet-unseen outcome.We've all have opportunities in the past to play with both types ofreaction, and we know which option feels the best. It does takecourage to allow, but the rewards are many -- and it does get easierwith practice.Blessings to you in these times of change,Pam

Entering the Portal of Consciousness Expansion

Entering the Portal of Consciousness ExpansionOne of the greatest problems on the Earth plane is limited vision. Itis often as if one is trying to navigate a car through a heavyblizzard where there is little or no visibility. There is a reasonfor this. The true lessons of life are understandings gained throughuniting the conscious and subconscious minds. In other words, when asituation occurs in your outer world, you go within to find answers. So in the case of the "blizzard," of low visibility in the outerworld, you turn inward and surrender the steering wheel to your higherself, which safely steers you along the highway of your destiny,easily navigating border crossings to parallel realities, otherdimensions and perceptions beyond the time/space continuum.This form of internal navigation requires an expanded and flexiblevision for what is possible. The most difficult hurdle for those whoare heavily vested on the Earth plane is to expand what they see aspossible for themselves. Understand that whatever you see foryourself is true. If you see yourself as an impoverished victim, thatbecomes your reality. If you see yourself as an infinitely joyful andexpansive work in progress, this becomes your reality. Which realitywould you choose? The pictures you see in your mind become the moviesof your life. We can tell you that every person who is incarnate, however wise oraware, has a vision for their life that can be expanded. Some peopleadopt the pictures they are given in childhood. These are thecollective visions of their family and others in their environment. Some never move beyond these pictures. They may feel this to be veryrestrictive but don't know how to change it, or they may take comfortin knowing what the world expects of them. Others may have difficultyadopting any picture at all. They come into this life and, regardlessof the pictures offered them, they feel they don't fit in. Early inlife, this is seen as a kind of curse or judgment. It is possible,however, that these "square pegs" receive the blessing of being ableto choose their own pictures of what is possible for their life. Itmay be necessary to travel back into the past and heal the wounds ofpast rejection in order to move forward with a new and expanded visionfor the life. While time travel may stretch the envelope of yourcurrent field of possibilities, it is easily within the reach of anopen mind. An open and flexible mind is a prerequisite toconsciousness expansion. All persons at all times are capable ofchoosing new pictures. What we see in your world is there often needs to be a reason or amotivating event for a person to discard old pictures and adopt newones. A person's ability to expand into new pictures is based uponfactors of flexibility. It is the degree to which a person holdstight to these old pictures that they are held back from adopting newand more expanded pictures. This "holding tight" is the spiritualequivalent of physical constipation and with similar results: blocked,restricted flow and a lessening of life force energy leadingeventually toward disease and physical death. Sometimes a person'shigher self and guides help them to bring into a situation thatcreates a motivating factor for change. This change might be in theform of an accident or divorce or illness. This is a way of changingthe perception of the life. The severity of the motivating situationdepends upon the flexibility of the individual and their willingnessto accept change and expansion.The key to being able to perceive a broader range of possibilities isto learn to step into an altered state of reality. We're not talkingabout ingesting substances. These may initially offer a small windowon new possibility, but in the long run, they deaden the senses andcreate barriers to achieving the glimpses they offer. What we'retalking about is entering an altered perspective. There are many waysto do this. It can be as simple as writing a poem, taking time fromyour day to create a work of art or an enhanced living space, goingfor a long walk in nature, making love, traveling to a new place(internally or externally), a day of solitude, a fast where you allowthe body to empty itself of food, camping in nature, attending aworkshop or retreat, spending an entire day in meditation, or going oncreative outings with no goal in mind except to see the world aroundyou from a creative perspective. The entryways or portals to alteredstates are unlimited. They can span an hour, a day, a weekend, orlonger. You might call these "mini vision quests."Once you learn how, you can begin to shift your consciousness at willto an altered state. Within a given moment, you can look at asituation that is before you and see a greater range of possibilities.Inside this altered space, your guides are better able to gentlyguide you to new insights. It may take some practice to learn toshift into this alternate reality, but once you become adept at it,you will be able to shift quickly to examine the broader scope of anysituation that is before you. Each time you travel into alternaterealities, you create greater resonance between alternate realitiesand your daily consciousness. In time, your everyday consciousnesswill become enlightened by this alternate reality to the extent thatyou will not even notice the shift taking place. It will becomeautomatic.It is this adopting of new pictures that is at the root of allprofound change. You cannot step into a reality you don't see yourselfin. It is also why many attempts to force outer change in your worlddo not work. This is why rehabilitation does not take place inprisons. It is a shortsighted vision of a society that removes anindividual from the general population without taking the further stepto assist the person in adopting a new picture for their life. Thisis the true sign of a compassionate society, one that is able to takean awakened approach to dealing with those whose worldview is somehowdistorted, who adopted faulty pictures at some point in life, eitherthrough their environment or as a way of coping with a traumaticsituation. An example of this might be the child who is molested andgoes on to become a predator himself. A compassionate society assistseach person in creating a wholistic vision for their life regardlessof their past circumstances. A visionary society provides thisassistance before it is needed. The key to helping a person change their life lies in offering themnew pictures of what is possible, thereby assisting them in expandingtheir mind. This is true redemption.Once a new picture or vision is in place, it can be expanded byworking with kundalini energy. Practice visualizing unleashing thepowerful energy that rests at the base of the spine. See it travelingup the spine and out through the third eye. Use this powerful energyto enlighten the situation that is before you. Allow yourpossibilities to play on the screen of your inner mind like a movie.Imbue this movie with kundalini, which will brighten and expand it.Always remember to shut off the flow of kundalini energy, move it backdown the spine and lock it in place when you are finished working with it.To further assist you in expanding your field of possibility, we offera glimpse of some capabilities you can choose to access and expand. These are energy healing by going into your own body or another's tosee what is creating a health situation (thoughts and feelings) andremoving them; astral traveling to a natural disaster site to assisttraumatized souls and helping the newly disincarnate find their way;traveling in consciousness to visit a friend on the other side of theworld or in another dimension; creating peace and harmony with anotherthrough dream states; conversing with the spirit of any entity,incarnate or disincarnate; harnessing the forces of the universe forcreation; change the shape, outlook or focus of your earthlyexistence; communicate in consciousness with past life selves, travelto your past to release any strings that are binding you there; travelto your future to discover new portals within the present moment;identify and work with your essential or sacred wound in thislifetime; decode your purpose for this lifetime and receive steps totake in fulfilling it; attune to your past travels between lifetimes;transmute energy that is around you; harmonize your conscious andsubconscious minds and draw to you a partner who represents this innerunion; draw to you anything you desire; read every relationship inyour life to understand and read the energy, including past lifeassociations; recognize and revise soul contracts for this lifetime;travel to the akashic records to read the story of the overall arc oflifetimes and the remaining understandings needed for completion. Youcan ask for and receive high-level guides, and even attend the sessionwith your guides where you were working out the plan for thislifetime. This is only the tip of the iceberg, the first tier ofpossibilities you begin to experience when you learn to expand youreveryday consciousness by accessing alternate realities.Your vision for your life determines everything that happens in yourlife. To expand your possibility and transcend perceived limitations,enter the Portal of Consciousness Expansion by opening the door toyour mind and welcoming the universe of new possibilities that waitson the other side.For more information, contact

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Wild Woodflower

Reese Witherspoon does a great job singing this Anabell Carter classic

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Register now for the Archangel Zadkiel free energy transmission with Judy Satori

Register now for the Archangel Zadkiel free energy transmission with Judy Satori The Archangel Zadkiel Energy Activation Transmission… Preparation for Ascension This activation is freely available to all…it is a gift from God USA date/time: Sunday, 1 April 2007 - 10pm (Eastern) / 9pm (Central) / 8pm (Mountain) / 7pm (Pacific) NZ date/time: Monday, 2 April 2007 - 2pm Other countries: Please click here for time zone converter To register, click here. This Transmission: To access and transmit vibrational frequencies to encode the physical body into the new spectrum of light now ushering forth onto the Earth. This sound and light encodement will be transmitted by the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Archangel Zadkiel on Sunday 1 April (US)/Monday 2 April (New Zealand) through New Zealand vibrational sound healer and channel, Judy Satori. For background information, click here. As part of the Divine Plan it would be appreciated if you would forward this message to all Lightworkers Outcomes: * To enhance cellular metabolism and function * To improve right/left brain synergy for clearer, more effective thinking * Energy circuitry recalibration * Enhancement of conscious reconnection with soul knowledge and experience * Preliminary preparation for biological change as part of the ascension process About the Archangel Zadkiel: The Archangel Zadkiel is the angel of freedom, benevolence and mercy. He is the angel credited with holding back the hand of Abraham to prevent him from sacrificing his son and is often depicted with the Archangel Zophiel following directly behind Michael. The name in Hebrew means, 'Righteous of God'. At this time the Archangel Zadkiel is overshadowing this activation transmission by the Spiritual Hierarchy as part of the Divine Plan to prepare people for the shift to higher consciousness. His loving, benevolent energy is profoundly helpful in allowing us to be in a state of calm amidst disruption and inner turmoil. His energy comes to us on the Seventh Ray, the violet ray of transformation...the transformation of the Earth and her people to higher consciousness. Registration: To register for the live activation, click here. You will receive a confirmation email from Confertel with the phone number and Conference PassCode to join the call. Please print this email. You will need this information to join the call. Please Note: If you cannot join the call at the specified time, an audio link to listen to the activation will be posted to our website at a later date. Judy does however strongly advise people to join the live activation where possible as the time of the activation is significant as guided by spirit. Donations very much appreciated... These activation transmissions are brought to you as part of Judy's contribution to this work. There are significant costs involved in such a broadcast and donations to assist in covering the costs are greatly appreciated as we wish to get this work out to as many people as possible. If you wish to make a donation, click here and enter 'Zadkiel donation' in the 'I am paying for field'. Thank you... Judy Satori and the team. SENT FROM: Satori Empowerment New Zealand Administration Office P: + 64 9 372 9491

Friday, March 23, 2007

Release Bad Habits Spell

Release Bad Habits SpellTo release bad habits today, cook with an onion today. Before beginning,breathe the energy of earth and sky into the knife. As you cut the onion,say to yourself: Here I see into my core and accept myself for all that I am, and I releasethat which no longer serves me. If there are specific habits you want to eliminate, visualize them as youcut the onion. Energize the pan as you did the knife. As you cook the onionsay: Heat of fire, heat of life; Transform these habits before my sight. Visualize your bad habits transforming and see the patterns you preferfilling the onion and other food. Give thanks for the blessings of changeand release as you eat. ~ Kristin Madden

The Circumference of Confusion

The Circumference of ConfusionBy Gillian MacBeth-Louthan============================We come to walk you into the highways and byways of self, of soul, of purpose, and of understanding. We come to take you out of the stall, the place that has encompassed you, the place that has surrounded you, the energy that has kept you from moving forward into higher aspects of self, into higher aspects of knowing, into higher aspects of life. You have allowed yourselves to be bridled, to be saddled, to be ridden in a direction that is energetically created through a mass consciousness. It is this mass consciousness that keeps you turning down the wrong road. You are continually turning to the left of self instead of turning to the right of self. And thus you come back over and over again to your original point. You are chasing the tail of your own stubbornness trying to pin it on every one else.In these energies, you are finding much confusion. It is as a circumcision of the soul. As coverings the coverings of limitation are lifted you still refuse to look at what is. the higher your Truth, the higher your Light, and the higher you Abilities to transcend your humanness into a point of knowing; the more circumference of confusion there is that surrounds you. As you move through the dimensional frequencies of knowing and remembering, understand that in each beginning thought there is an ending thought and who is joined by another beginning thought. There is never a place of complete knowing or complete remembering.You as humans feel that there should be a point of knowing that is beyond all else. A point where you will be comfortable in this truth and you Won't need to strive again. in the concept of creation there are no fences. You cannot place perimeters or fences around Divine Truths for they are continually evolving and birthing themselves moment by moment. Humans have the need to determine perimeters around this ultimate knowing. Each new step that you take into Truth and each new step that you take into the Theory of Creation can only be birthed through the expanded thinking of your own essence.Within your cellular structure are Universes upon Universes; and within those Universes are worlds upon worlds; that circle themselves into a place of nothingness. There are trillions upon trillions of projections of the Father /Mother God. These projections are in the format of humans, blades of grass, granules of sand, and stars in the heavens. Each one of these divine holographic projections can be diced and spliced down to nano particles; and within these particles there will still be more existence. In other words you continue forever. You are a continuation of Creation. Life is a movement forward, and a movement backward that will eventually meet themselves, look at one another, smile, and start the dance again.Many come to a point of great frustration. They do not see the edge of the ocean; the edge of the forest; nor the edge of truth. People need an edge. They yearn for a time limit when it is going to stop or go away a point of completion. We as the Pleiadians hear many cries in the skies from people that feel they have no edge and want to get off the world. "Make it Stop. Make it go away. I want to get off of this ride. I want to leave. I want to undo. I do not want to clear or process anymore. I do not want to Become anymore. I don't want to remember anymore." We assure you that this is not a ride that you can get off. It is as a runaway train of livingness that seeks to know itself. Hang on and enjoy the ride it can be no other way.Gillian MacBeth-Louthan PO box 217 Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 Spiritual Tools for Accelerated Transformation

Archangel Michael 3/17/07

Archangel MichaelMarch 17, 2007======================I am impressed that so many answered my call as I thought that you my light workers had forgotten me and this time to advance peace in the world and the cleansing of your physical for preparation into the next level of advancement.I can see now that you and so many more are finally beginning to awaken to the solemness of this time. I say solemness as this is the moment of change that cannot be turned back. The forces of the cosmos have begun towards liberating the souls on this planet from the forces of control and domination.It is the human mind that will allow you to move forward. It is the mind and the thought process that will allow you to see into the dimensions. There are some of my light workers who can already see into the next dimension very clearly, some intuitively and some not at all.By the end of this year, all must see into the next dimension, and very clearly, as the energies that are coming this year will build the new Adam Kadman and this month in particular will lay the foundation. The foundation is in clearing all the past emotional debris that have been attached to the physical body by means of the subtle body that layers around the physical.It you are not prepared in this manner, you will not be able to cross over the divide which is the line between two dimensions. The dimensions of which I speak are a divide of energy that you call vibration. So this divide is a vibrational divide and it will not be crossed unless the physical is ready to cross.What is in the physical debris is stuck energy from your present lifetime, your many past lifetimes and those forefathers of yours that held the DNA originally that you have inherited. This DNA is a reservoir of emotions also, some positive and some negative.This experience set up by the Elohim, co-creator Gods for this planetary system and galactic spiral that some call your galaxy. If you have read my Earth History, Past Present and Future, you are aware that the game of confrontation from those who are in direct opposition to the light was not intended for this beautiful planet.Part of the game was the interaction between the light and dark and was intended, though we wish to explain that the light and the dark in my terms means those who serve self to advance and those who serve others to advance. Those as we said who are in direct opposition to the light were not intended to live on this surface. My book will tell you that these individuals were in the process of destroying their own planet and were given the opportunity to live here in the belief that they would change their thought process and in turn their actions. This worked for a short period and then they turned towards their warlike actions again.It then became necessary to divide the dimensions so that there can be a wall of separation between the forces that would control and dominate and those who are willing to advance through the weaving of patterns of light and dark. The dark of which I speak are those who serve the light but in a method of value of color printing to form the tapestry of life. They are not your enemies, but rather offer dimension and detail to the creative thrust that was envisioned by the Prime Creator. That part of the plan came from Prime Creator in the center of the Cosmos. Those who are in direct opposition to that path are those of which we speak who will try and usurp the laws of creation and the souls of the Creator. This aberration is in the lower levels of life and is not found in the higher levels of life. The path of spiritual evolution was interfered with by angels who had great power as they could search not only their memory banks, but had access to the manner of creation. I speak here of the methods. In that ability they were able to attempt to harness creation, and fortunately, the spiritual hierarchy were able to keep this great mistake in the lower realms as a check point. We have not been able to eradicate this error; therefore we separate the two forces of intent. Know that your work to be completed will require much effort. There are those who tell you that there is nothing to do other than to be, and I say to you in my authority as Archangel Michael that there is something to do, and that is to clear the physical body and purge all the elements of negativity from it.Unless you do this, you cannot move on to the next dimension as there is a Divine Universal Law in effect that there can be no error created on a lower layer of life to be taken to a higher level of life. No one, and that means even those who reside beyond your planetary sphere, can advance until all their errors on the lower rungs of their experience is corrected.It is of great concern to me because I made a promise to all of my light workers when you followed me into this part of the galaxy to start this new experiment that I would awaken you when it was time to advance beyond this experiment. You probably are aware that this is the ending of one cycle and the beginning of another. When I led you to this dimension, I was aware of the energy that would come here at this time. I mentioned to you that this is the energy from the super nova that exploded and the early remnants and the sight of the explosion reached your planet in 1987. This though, is the time of the vast spray of this energy upon the planet and upon your physical body.This was the time foretold whereby the Eye of Isis would bring forth this energy for the very use of your advancement at this time and in this place. I have mentioned to you earlier that these three months March, April and May is of prime importance to you. This month of March may have seemed difficult for some of my followers in the manner of clearing, but I say to you be patient, this is the beginning of a great advancement for you.I stand here with my sword of truth. Peer into the silence of this dimension and see if you can see either me or my energy. This is an important discipline for you to do now and whenever you can practice this.Presently my warrior angels are accompanied by the Queen of Heaven herself, and Mother Mary along with Mary the Magdala are serving you in a very special manner this moment. They, along with the cherubs that serve them, are presently working with you to help clear your physical body.All that is necessary is for you is to desire to have your physical body cleared of all the past thoughts that were of a negative nature: thoughts such as anger, intolerance; pride, hatred. This is a long list and it is the result of distorted thinking that was prevalent at the time. Suffering of all types must be cleared from your body and the remnants of that suffering must be rooted out also.We begin here. If you later need more work done to complete this, we will ask for another conference call the end of the month. This is important work and we ask you to set aside the time to complete this. This work of clearing the physical is more important than any pursuit of pleasure that you might become involved with. This has to do with your future and I mean that literally.We serve because we love you and we serve because it is the fulfillment of our promise to you. **During the meditation that I will lead after this message, the clearing will begin. This energy is the energy of clearing the physical and it is available to you this month. This will be the easiest time to accomplish this clearing, but we say that for those who haven't done this clearing in this month it will be possible to do this later, but you might need an energy worker who can do this for you. The end result is that you will feel much lighter as there is actually energy that is leaving the cells within your physical body and it has been a burden that you have carried for many years. Know that we are also working on your ancestors that are tied to you through the generic time of your DNA. Call them in to you at this moment so that all might clear and become whole and free of anything that is not of the God light which is a magnificent bright white and golden hues of a brushed gold that shimmers as a heavenly golden lightening.Next month the energies will be different and we will send out information on the purpose for those energies. Let us concentrate on one month at a time. Open your heart to us and know that you are loved as all of you are sparks from All-There-Is and we are dedicated to Source as if our lives depend upon it, as it does. Source is the beginning of all life yours and mine. I have not had my memory banks cut as you have and I remember when I came from the hand of Source. Eventually you will attain this ability yourself, or shall I say, regain your memory. It is a beautiful thing to not only remember but to relive your creation as a soul. I live for that moment when you my light workers can regain this memory. It will be soon as the end of the cycle is upon us all. For me it means moving to another galaxy and I wish for you to remember so that you can go with me.I work for all of you. After these three months of changing energies for the physical body, I will begin a study of instructions for you as to how to work with the new electrons that you will face in the upper reaches of the higher dimensions. The electrons there are similar to what you experience where you are, but they are definitely different. Blessings and honor to you my charges. I took the responsibility for you when we came here, and as one who always keeps their word, I thank you for coming and becoming a part of this.Now take a deep breath and rest in your heart center and feel only joy and love and we will move into the second phase.**I do not have a copy of the meditation it was not included with this you had to be on the conference call to receive it. - IsisReceived by Carolyn EversCarolyn Evers is a messenger for the spiritual hierarchy. She has written six books and a course, Journey To The Other Side. Her work encompasses information that she has received from the Spiritual Hierarchy. Carolyn believes that there is a connection between spirituality and science, and she endeavors to incorporate scientific research along with what she receives from spirit. Her work can be found at * * and her contact address is * * She also works with the Cherubim Angels and reads from the Universal Akashic Records. She has two radio shows with BBS Radio, The Message and The Messenger. Call in for healings and readings from the Akashic Records * 1-877-876-5227

Spiritual Aliveness

Spiritual Aliveness by Owen Waters ================Spiritual aliveness is the result of making your spirituality the day's number one priority. Achieving this is fairly simple - as simple as being aware of one or two secrets of the universe and then setting your intention for each day. Life is an expression of your spiritual self. You are here to gain experience on a grand scale. The small details of daily existence may not seem important, but they are all threads in the grand scheme of the life that you, as your inner self, planned before you were born. It makes sense, therefore, to begin each day by becoming charged with the best supply of life energy available. Then you can make the most of each day's experiences as they unfold. Life energy, or etheric energy, is the main energy transmitted by the Sun. The Sun also radiates physical energy, such as light and heat, but the amount of physical energy pales in comparison to the amount of life-supporting, etheric energy which courses through our bodies. At dawn each day, the Sun brings a great change to your local environment. The swing from darkness to light at dawn causes a turbulence in the ethers as the life energy in the atmosphere reorganizes itself for a day of new activity. Sunrise is the time of nature's awakening. It is the best possible time to recharge yourself for each new day of activity. By beginning your day with a connection to the Sun's energy, you are actually aligning with the natural system of Creation. Infinite Being constantly feeds the universe with life energy in order to maintain all motion in the universe. Infinite Being sends the energy needed to maintain life through the central sun of the universe. From there, it works its way through the central suns of the galaxies and then through the suns of each solar system. Local suns radiates physical energy in addition to life energy. In a world where people's main focus on life comes through their five physical senses, the Sun takes on a great significance. The Sun is the closest thing to Infinite Being within our sight. What better way to start your day, than to breath in the power of this mighty orb as it awakens you and your surroundings to the energy of the new day? Here's how to achieve this, with one simple addition to the Infinite Being Meditation technique: On each in-breath, visualize white light, representing life energy from the Sun, coming into your body via your nostrils. See this white light as filling your entire body every time you inhale. This fills your whole being with extra life energy because air is a carrier medium for etheric energy. Etheric energy is highly responsive to directed mental pressure so, once the air is inside your lungs, the power of your visualization can be used to direct the life energy to fill your entire body. The energy will automatically follow your mental direction. Here is the Infinite Being Meditation technique, revised to include the life energy charging technique: 1. Focus your attention on the slow, even flow of breath as it passes in and out of your nostrils. 2. Visualize each in-breath as white light filling your body. Then, at the top of each in-breath, mentally repeat once the affirmation "I am Infinite Being." 3. On the out-breath, allow your attention to follow the flow of air from your nostrils. To induce an immediate calming effect, slow each out-breath and allow it to take up to twice as long as each in-breath. 4. Hold the breath out of your body, if possible for as long as the out-breath. In this quiet space, don't think, just be. Become quietly aware of thoughts and impressions that may arise from your inner self. The end of each breath cycle thus becomes your personal communion space with your inner being. 5. Return to active intention by starting the breath cycle again at step 1. Start your twenty-minute meditation and charging session each day, ten minutes before dawn. If dawn is at, say, approximately 7:10 am, then you would plan to start your day with meditation from 7:00 - 7:20 am. Reorganize your daily schedule around the most important natural event of the day. The deeper connection to nature is well worth the effort. At least once a week, check when sunrise occurs by referring to the news media, or to weather sites such as Then you can be in tune with the greatest cosmic forces of revitalization that occur each and every day. Make meditation at dawn your number one priority of the day. Then everything that follows will be more energized and more in tune with who you really are. Energetically, the highlight of every day is dawn. It is truly a magical time. *If you enjoyed today's article, please forward it to a friend. For more articles, visit: * * Good news! "The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness" is now available in digital e-book form as an instant download.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Register now for the Archangel Zadkiel free energy transmission with Judy Satori

You are invited to join

The Archangel Zadkiel Energy Activation Transmission…

Preparation for Ascension

This activation is freely available to all…it is a gift from God

USA date/time: Sunday, 1 April 2007 - 10pm (Eastern) / 9pm (Central) / 8pm (Mountain) / 7pm (Pacific)NZ date/time: Monday, 2 April 2007 - 2pm Other countries: Please click here for time zone converter

To register, click here.

This Transmission: To access and transmit vibrational frequencies to encode the physical body into the new spectrum of light now ushering forth onto the Earth.

This sound and light encodement will be transmitted by the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Archangel Zadkiel on Sunday 1 April (US)/Monday 2 April (New Zealand) through New Zealand vibrational sound healer and channel, Judy Satori. For background information, click here.

As part of the Divine Plan it would be appreciated if you would forward this message to all Lightworkers


* To enhance cellular metabolism and function

* To improve right/left brain synergy for clearer, more effective thinking

* Energy circuitry recalibration

* Enhancement of conscious reconnection with soul knowledge and experience

* Preliminary preparation for biological change as part of the ascension process

About the Archangel Zadkiel:The Archangel Zadkiel is the angel of freedom, benevolence and mercy. He is the angel credited with holding back the hand of Abraham to prevent him from sacrificing his son and is often depicted with the Archangel Zophiel following directly behind Michael. The name in Hebrew means, 'Righteous of God'. At this time the Archangel Zadkiel is overshadowing this activation transmission by the Spiritual Hierarchy as part of the Divine Plan to prepare people for the shift to higher consciousness. His loving, benevolent energy is profoundly helpful in allowing us to be in a state of calm amidst disruption and inner turmoil. His energy comes to us on the Seventh Ray, the violet ray of transformation...the transformation of the Earth and her people to higher consciousness.

Registration:To register for the live activation, click here.

You will receive a confirmation email from Confertel with the phone number and Conference PassCode to join the call. Please print this email. You will need this information to join the call.

Please Note: If you cannot join the call at the specified time, an audio link to listen to the activation will be posted to our website at a later date. Judy does however strongly advise people to join the live activation where possible as the time of the activation is significant as guided by spirit.

Donations very much appreciated...These activation transmissions are brought to you as part of Judy's contribution to this work. There are significant costs involved in such a broadcast and donations to assist in covering the costs are greatly appreciated as we wish to get this work out to as many people as possible. If you wish to make a donation, click here and enter 'Zadkiel donation' in the 'I am paying for field'.

Thank you... Judy Satori and the team.

SENT FROM:Satori EmpowermentNew Zealand Administration Office

P: + 64 9 372 9491

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

You Are In The Midst Of A Great Cleansing

St. Germain: Only a few years remaining of this cycle -You are in the midst of a great cleansing==============================================The Earth is small and in some ways insignificant, yet it attracts the attention of so many different groups. Some are from outside of your Galaxy, and you may wonder how they know of you and the grand events that are soon to take place. To use your terminology, good news travels fast and because of the uniqueness of what is to occur with the coming of Ascension, they desire to witness such a wonderful event. It is not just the "seeing" but also the feeling of the energies as they grow and rise up in vibration.Of course your Earth and Solar System can be observed from the outside, and the "lifting up" which will happen in the twinkling of an eye, will be a wonderful spectacle. On the ships that carry those Beings who are interested, they have computers that will record the manner of the energy changes. It is normal to record all happenings so that they can be seen, analysed and permanently recorded for future reference. There are also what you would call Master Computers of immense capacity and advanced technology, which in their own way are of an ultra- superconsciousness. However, as everything exists in the Now, when you reach a certain stage of advancement you will have access to all knowledge. It is only the Supreme Creator that holds all knowledge of What Is, Was and Will Be.At your present level some of you are able to link into higher sources, and this occurs through a connection to your Higher Self. Until your body is restored to a 13 Chakra System, you will not become One with Superconsciousness. You will achieve this level through the changes connected with the Photon Belt energies, that are already moving through your Solar System. You are moving up to a level where you will have become Beings of Light. You will still have form, but be able to change it according to how you wish to be perceived.Your physical body with all of its wonders and drawbacks, particularly in older age has taught you an understanding of Spirit in Matter. As you increase your vibrations, the imperfections will commence to disappear. It does however require a positive approach by you, as you are developing the creative power to determine the condition of your body. In other words, the message that you give to it as regards to its condition will determine how it shall be. Do not invite old age by accepting the traditional idea that there will be a lessening of your abilities due to your age. Believe and confirm that your body is in perfect condition and health, by not accepting or acknowledging its expected deficiencies. There will come a time before the end of this cycle, when you will have this degree of control and creativity.Believe in your developing powers, and place no limitation upon your ability. With full intent your creations will manifest even if the result is delayed. This is very much in line with other abilities that are returning to you. Ones that have largely remained dormant, and will return as you become more in alignment with your true Self. After all, you are much more than you perceive yourself to be at present; it is just that you have forgotten your higher status and the abilities you commanded. They are returning, and you should now begin to notice the changes within Self.My Dear Ones, you are meant to return to the higher realms where you belong, and you will have thoroughly earnt this opportunity after having served your time experiencing duality. You will carry with you the benefits and lessons you have learnt and will be all the greater for it. Your evolution has proceeded at a tremendous pace, and you knew it would be so before you undertook this venture. In the grand scheme of things you are to be congratulated in having moved beyond duality.Every single one of you was a soul that made a decision way back in the mists of time, to experience the lower vibrations knowing that it would take your evolution forward in a way that no other experience could do. However, there is no necessity to retain the details of your journey, as it is the spiritual progress that has resulted from it that is meaningful and will serve you well. There are only a few years remaining of this cycle, and already the negativity and its ability to affect you is diminishing. The dark are being contained to limit the damage to the environment, and are held in check until they can be removed. They know of our existence, and have met us on a number of occasions and rejected our approaches. They cannot however override or alter the dictates of the Creator and the Brotherhoods of Light, and the many Councils that carry out the Creator's bidding. You cry out for help and it is not far away, and soon through the action of the Galactic Federation there shall be immense changes. They will be far reaching, and bring results that will be well beyond your present expectations. All that holds you back and takes away your rights will be removed, and Humanity will be given back its freedom. The erosion of your rights will be halted, and we see great opposition against those who are responsible. You are in the midst of a great cleansing, and of necessity the negativity must be brought out into the open. The result is that you seem to be plunged into chaos, but it will not last too long. Those dark souls who refuse to respect the sovereignty of others will have no place here, and by their choice will leave this Earth in due course of time. There is no question of reprisal or punishment, and they will go their way with blessings of love and understanding. It would be as well if you were also able to support this way of being, by recognising that you are all One. I am St. Germain come again to open up your understanding, and appeal to you to acknowledge the Divine Light in all Souls. Become now the Great Beings you are already, and begin to see life from a higher point of view. Help all others in whatever way you can, and know that any expressions or actions of love are the greatest service you can give to another. Thank you St.Germain! Mike Quinsey

Friday, March 16, 2007

What's Up On Planet Earth - 3/15/07

March 15 brought in another surge of new energies as we continue to prepare and to integrate the New World and the New Reality. What a wild ride of high vibrational energy we have been on! And it continues still.

These higher energies which have been bombarding the planet of late, are creating some interesting manifestations for us physically, emotionally, and in our own unique worlds of reality.

Because these higher vibrating energies are creating hightened states of being, and even hightened states of reality, we can feel as though we are flying higher than ever before. Because we are at a new level, then, anything not at this level can feel downright awful. The gap between the new and higher vibrating energies and the old lower vibrating states of being and living is then much greater. Because of this, we can feel absolutely wonderful one moment and absolutely terrible the next. Our energy can seem to drop in one brief second.

The gap is just too big now, so it is easy then to crash very quickly when we visit or find ourselves experiencing the lower vibrating and denser energies. Like a yo-yo embodying different energy, we can be up and flying one moment, and down and angry…almost raging, the next. Similar to having a near death experience and not wanting to return to our human lives before, having to “go back” can feel dreadful indeed. And the more we begin to embody higher vibrating energies, the more we can become angry as these energies are releasing denser energies on top of everything else. Yet another reason for anger to manifest, as denser energies can easily create anger when they leave us.

The arrival of higher vibrating energies can also create states of not wanting to do anything. The higher realms holds the energy of basking, laughing, enjoying, playing, only doing what we want to when we want to, and simply just being. Anything less no longer fits where we are now residing. Going to a job now, for instance, can take a lot of discipline. It simply does not fit in with a higher realms reality, as does anything requiring discipline. In the higher realms, action stems from inspiration and joy, and not from discipline!

These energies can make us very emotional as well. We can seemingly cry at the drop of a hat. Higher realms reality brings a magnification to everything. We feel much more, and we feel much more deeply. We may find ourselves crying at the sound of a bird singing, at the sight of a sunset, or at the sound of beautiful music. And as these energies are so light filled and magical, and creating beautiful scenarios in our lives, we may find ourselves in continual states of gratitude as well. And gratitude vibrates at the same level as love, as well as creating more and more things to be grateful for as it has a snowball effect.

Experiencing the higher energies always reminds me of the last week of pregnancy when emotions are out of control and we feel as though we are on a roller coaster ride. Maintaining a state of equilibrium can seem to be a challenge. Feeling dazed, out of body, shell shocked, or even having a difficult time focusing or concentrating are common symptoms as well. Exhaustion, feeling drained with a dead battery, and just not quite ourselves comes from integrating these energies within us.

During these times, what we focus on becomes more magnified than ever before, and what we believe and choose to see becomes very real for us. We get more and more of the energies of what we are surrounding ourselves with (in regard to thought and focus)…more and more and more. This is where our power of choice comes into play. Yes, the energies are so very intense now. Wow!

Another interesting manifestation is occurring for some. If you are one who has recently experienced a sudden shock in the form of having to dish out an unusual and unexpected expenditure, you are not alone. Say that you were expecting to pay a fee or bill, but it was considerably more than you were used to, or perhaps seemed to be a lot of money for a particular service and not in your usual arena of price levels. You were just going along, as usual, and suddenly, wham! Here comes a huge bill or charge…much higher than you have normally paid or one that you would not have expected at all. A total surprise and making you feel that your financial situation is getting out of your control…that you do not really fit this situation you have suddenly arrived in….after all, you did not plan to spend this much money, right?

Here is the reason some of us are having this experience: We are at the very, very tail end of existing in an old reality of just making enough money, or manifesting enough to get by. Up until now in our lives, we have been receiving what we may have thought was quite enough, or perhaps maybe what we thought was not nearly enough. Either way, that old reality is about to end. We have been manifesting at a certain level with certain beliefs and limitations, and this way of being is nearly done.

What is on the very near horizon is a state of being where we easily and effortlessly receive all that we need, whenever we need it. There is no stretch. These large expenditures that have recently arrived and seem to be out of our usual bounds of spending habits, are simply here because they will soon be very much in alignment with our new and more vast arena of expenditures. We will easily be able to handle them. We are just not quite in alignment with them yet, but we will be very soon…otherwise, they would not have even appeared in our arena. There are here because we are a match at some level, and this level will be arriving very soon.

March 18th brings in a solar eclipse followed by the equinox on the 21st. These are huge influences in regard to ushering in the new. Yesterday I was out on an ancient site as we were examining a large stone circular calendar in preparation for the equinox alignments. There was an opening in a surrounding wall which the setting sun was in perfect alignment with, along with a portal in the far off mountains. Feeling the energy that poured through this particular spot and opening was extremely powerful, and it wasn’t even the equinox yet. And this is what will occur during our equinox that is soon to arrive.

Powerful energy pouring through an opening and allowing for even more of the higher energies to arrive on the planet. This is the time when we will rapidly move forward…this is the time when we will be basking in an extreme amount of light. All the smaller surges that have arrived in March so far were very instrumental in preparing us to receive these new energies that will propel us forward still.

If you are not particularly feeling any or all of the above, you are most certainly not alone. I have found that it is usually best to just go along, have a life, do what I enjoy, and in this way, I am usually right where I need to be. Some friends and I were having a discussion the other day about the archaeological sites. We were remarking that when individuals are seriously “looking” for artifacts and ancient treasures, they rarely find them. “Looking” for anything, and trying to continually place higher meaning on things only serves to take us out of the space where we are. Yes, higher meaning can at times validate and bring us comfort that all is well, but it is usually best to be residing where we can see the best…which brings us into alignment then with where we currently are.

It seems that when we are simply going along, enjoying ourselves and life, that everything falls into our laps! In this way, we are in alignment with ourselves and this is perfection. So if at times you do not feel that you are fitting in with where others are, it is because you are not supposed to. You are fitting in with where you are, and that is all that matters.

We don’t really need to know what is happening on the planet energetically, or where we are even headed. It can be wonderful just to be where we are now, as we cannot go anywhere until we are where we are! No one is ever missing the boat, because the only boat there is, is the one that each of us is on.

Wishing you Heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times.