Magnetizing Your DesiresMichelle Karénmichelekaren@...All references to time are given in Pacific StandardTime (PST).Dearest friends, this month Jupiter will turn retrograde on April 5 at19º 46' Sagittarius, and will remain so until August 6 at 9º 55'Sagittarius. You need to revisit your philosophy of life and standstrong in your integrity. Under this particular retrogradation, onlystrict personal honesty will do. Traveling to other states or distantcountries is also favored, as it is a chance for you to connect with adeeper understanding of other ways of thinking and living. You couldget involved in causes you believe in, and faster than ever see yourintentions manifest into realities. "Man is a creature of reflection,"says Indian wisdom. "He becomes that upon which he reflects." Thatwhich you desire you can magnetize into your life by feeling theemotion of already having or being it.Saturn, which has been retrograde since December 6, 2006 at 25º 04'Leo, will be turning direct again on April 19 at 18º 09' Leo. SinceDecember you have cleared a lot of clutter, your body has gone throughmassive cleansings (influenza, coughs and other uncomfortable yetnecessary purifications) and you have simplified your life andreorganized your priorities. You can now look forward to anacceleration of your evolution within the new structures consciouslydefined.Pluto, which turned retrograde on March 31, will remain so this wholemonth between 28º 57' and 28º 45' Sagittarius, until September 6 at26º 18' Sagittarius. You could be plagued by compulsive, fanaticalopinions, and tend to wish the destruction of anything or anyone whodoesn't hold the same beliefs. It is important to remain in your truthwithout alienating those who have different convictions. In theinternational political scene, some important changes could occur thataffect millions of people. You are being regenerated at a cellularlevel. Much old karma is being transmuted. You could find yourselfthinking in radically purified ways, with a heightened connectionto your higher self. There is a total transformation of yourphilosophical approach to life. As supra-normal abilities unravel moreclearly within yourself, you are becoming the alchemist and magicianof your reality.The Moon this month will be "void of course" (forming no major aspectswith any planet before entering the following sign):. Sunday, 4/1 between 6:37 A.M. and 8:43 A.M. (Moon enters Libra). Tuesday, 4/3 between 7:29 P.M. and 9:36 P.M. (Moon enters Scorpio). Thursday, 4/5 between 7:54 P.M. and Friday, 4/6 at 9:57 A.M. (Moonenters Sagittarius). Sunday, 4/8 between 6:35 P.M. and 8:36 P.M. (Moon enters Capricorn). Wednesday, 4/11 between 2:57 A.M. and 4:23 A.M. (Moon enters Aquarius). Friday, 4/13 between 6:50 A.M. and 8:39 A.M. (Moon enters Pisces). Sunday, 4/15 between 8:02 A.M. and 9:47 A.M. (Moon enters Aries). Tuesday, 4/17 between 7:26 A.M. and 9:11 A.M. (Moon enters Taurus). Wednesday, 4/18 between 7:29 P.M. and Thursday, 4/19 at 8:51 A.M.(Moon enters Gemini). Saturday, 4/21 between 8:51 A.M. and 10:50 A.M. (Moon enters Cancer). Monday, 4/23 between 2:10 A.M. and 4:38 P.M. (Moon enters Leo). Thursday, 4/26 between 0:01 A.M. and 2:24 A.M. (Moon enters Virgo). Saturday, 4/28 between 12:14 P.M. and 2:45 P.M. (Moon enters Libra)We should do our best to plan nothing of importance during thoseperiods of time, as those plans would amount to nothing! I personallyalways mark them in red in my calendar, so that if I have an optionI can choose a not void-of-course time to schedule a given activity.These void of course Moon times are wonderful if used to meditate,focus on your personal life and explore interdimensional spaces.You can plan your activities according to the zodiacal position of theMoon during these times:. The Moon is in Libra from Sunday, 4/1 at 8:43 A.M. until Tuesday,4/3 at 9:36 P.M.; and from Saturday, 4/28 at 2:45 P.M. until Tuesday,May 1 at 3:41 a.m. This time is great for relationships, romance,diplomatic dealings with others, meditation, beauty, decorationand art.. The Moon is in Scorpio from Tuesday, 4/3 at 9:36 P.M. until Friday,4/6 at 9:57 A.M. This is a good time to be alone and rethink yourlife, heal yourself, increase your understanding of power and gaininsights into your motives and those of others. Research and sexualityare also favored.. The Moon is in Sagittarius from Friday, 4/6 at 9:57 A.M. untilSunday, 4/8 at 8:36 P.M. This is a period of high, enthusiasticenergy. It is great for long-distance traveling, philosophy, religion,learning languages, investigating other cultures, higher education,reading, teaching, thinking, attending lectures, gambling (with thewarning of not falling into any excess) and anything related to luck.. The Moon is in Capricorn from Sunday, 4/8 at 8:36 P.M. untilWednesday, 4/11 at 4:23 A.M. This time is excellent for business andany professional pursuit requiring practicality, hard work, long-rangeplans, efficiency, focus and discipline. During this period, the Mooncan stimulate your ambitions, your wish to increase your social statusand your interest in world affairs and elegance (as an external signof personal success).. The Moon is in Aquarius from Wednesday, 4/11 at 4:23 A.M. untilFriday, 4/13 at 8:39 A.M. This period is good for any controversial,offbeat or rebellious activity. It is great for meeting new andunusual people, connecting with large groups of friends, joininghumanitarian causes, walking to the sound of your own drummer,expressing your uniqueness and fighting for freedom. It's wonderfulalso for pop culture, trendy new ideas, far-out concepts,technological inventions, interests in extraterrestrial civilizations,writing or reading science fiction and visionary art.. The Moon is in Pisces from Friday, 4/13 at 8:39 A.M. until Sunday,4/15 at 9:47 A.M. This period is an inspirational few days formeditation, creativity, dreaming, sleeping and channeling. There is atendency to feel a little emotional and rather spaced out.This is a good time to listen to soothing music-particularly musicwith crashing waves in the background-swim, dance, sit by the ocean orreceive or give healing energy work. You should be extra careful withalcohol, drugs and any escapist tendencies.. The Moon is in Aries from Sunday, 4/15 at 9:47 A.M. until Tuesday,4/17 at 9:11 A.M. This is a period of abundant energy (if you feelsluggish, check for repressed anger). It is good for workouts,competitive activities, construction and self-assertion, as well assingles' meetings.. The Moon is in Taurus from Tuesday, 4/17 at 9:11 A.M. untilThursday, 4/19 at 8:51 A.M. This is an excellent time for any matterinvolving money. Paying your bills, claiming what is owed to you andgetting rid of your debts are all favored during this time. Gardening,spending time in the countryside, strolling in the woods and enjoyinga sensuous meal should also be in the picture, as well as giving orreceiving a massage and generally taking pleasure in your physical body.. The Moon is in Gemini from Thursday, 4/19 at 8:51 A.M. untilSaturday, 4/21 at 10:50 A.M. This period is great for sales, teaching,exchanging information, brainstorming, mental work, talking, telephonecalls, letters, crafts, lectures, reading (especially newspapers andmagazines), short trips, visiting relatives, meeting people, laughterand communication in general.. The Moon is in Cancer from Saturday, 4/21 at 10:50 A.M. untilMonday, 4/22 at 4:38 P.M. This time is good for enjoying your home,cooking, entertaining loved ones, sharing meals with your family,playing with children, nurturing the child within, photography,drawing, remembering the past and taking stock of your feelings.. The Moon is in Leo from Monday, 4/22 at 4:38 P.M. until Thursday,4/26 at 2:24 A.M. This is a time when you should feel more outgoing.It is great for anything that draws attention to yourself and flattersyour pride or boosts your ego in a positive manner. It's perfect alsofor parties, entertaining, performing, cultivating connections, drama,romance, fun, sunbathing and enjoying affluent surroundings.. The Moon is in Virgo from Thursday, 4/26 at 2:24 A.M. untilSaturday, 4/28 at 2:45 P.M. This period is excellent for detailed,methodical work. It is perfect for organizing, putting things inorder, getting rid of clutter and finishing things. It's also greatfor health related issues: diets, exercise programs, nutrition ingeneral and self-improvement.Our intentional meditation this month starts on the full moon Monday,April 2 at 10:15 A.M. when you should place outside as many blanksheets of paper as you will have intentions. As long as they are outat that exact time, for convenience they may be left a few hoursbefore until a few hours after. After that exact moment has passed,put them away in a folder until the following new moon on Tuesday,April 17, take out the still blank, full-moon charged sheets of paperand write on each a clear, positive, concise intention. Make surethey are out by 4:36 A.M. You may collect your papers with theirintentions upon waking on April 17. Staple them together, date themand . . . expect a miracle!HIGH-STRUNG ENERGY AND STRANGE ENCOUNTERSSunday, April 1, 2007: Mercury is conjunct Uranus at 11:31 A.M. Thereis the possibility today of unusual exchanges with friends, brothersand sisters and neighbors. Today is excellent for intuitive writing,expressing far-out ideas, inventions and scientific research,electronics, as well as work with astrology and metaphysics ingeneral. This is a day of highstrung energy with unexpected expansionsof consciousness and strange encounters.Monday, April 2, 2007: Venus squares Saturn at 0:02 A.M. This is notthe best day for business. Financial difficulties could be present.Today also is not the best emotionally. There is a feeling ofloneliness and general frustration. Something today could triggersome painful feelings from the past that interfere with the capacityto be fully grateful for your present circumstances. It is best to usethis transit to become clear regarding what you want to experience inyour private life, and expect nothing from your environment.Wednesday, April 4, 2007: Mercury squares Jupiter at 0:17 A.M., Venussquares Neptune at 11:17 A.M., Mars is sextile Pluto at 5:20 P.M.Today could be marked by a certain impracticality and lack of focus.You should be particularly attentive when operating a motor vehicle.There could also be a certain emotional confusion. You could be inlove with love and not see the other as he or she really is. Deceptioncould take place as a result of romantic illusions. Extreme cautionshould be exercised in financial matters, as deceit and betrayal couldoccur. A desire to experience your life in completely new ways couldlead to adventurousness and a powerful need to conquer the unknown.Thursday, April 5, 2007: Jupiter turns retrograde at 6:24 P.M.Friday, April 6, 2007: Mars enters Pisces at 1:51 A.M. until May 15.In the next few weeks, Pisces natives will more easily win the battlesthey're involved in. Your energy is more sensitive to your environmentand considerate of others. You assert yourself with more compassion.There is a need to feel inspired by the causes you support and whatyou stand for. Tantric practices could become more appealing, as wellas any involvement in the arts.A SENSE OF EASE AND FLOWSaturday, April 7, 2007: Mercury is sextile Venus at 9:11 A.M. Yourfeelings are expressed with more clarity, and your thoughts are sharedwith more sensitivity. Today you experience a state of mental calm.This is a wonderful day to plan a gathering with friends, a party or avisit to an art gallery. Exchanges with others are simple andharmonious. There is a sense of ease and flow in artistic creation.Your dedication helps you achieve your ambitions. This is a greattransit for wise purchases or a pleasant trip.Sunday, April 8, 2007: The Sun is trine Saturn at 4:56 A.M. Today isexcellent for new business ventures, sound financial investments andgood judgment in general. Contracts and the handling of legal affairsare favored by this transit. It is excellent also for teaching, anyeducational endeavor involving children, developing your leadershipabilities and improving your career. You could attract the attentionof people in positions of authority, and find that all your hard workand discipline are being rewarded.Monday, April 9, 2007: The Sun is trine Jupiter at 5:07 P.M. Today isperfect for a long-distance trip, philosophy, the law, highereducation and spiritual growth. As long as you exercise your commonsense, financial investments are also favored by this transit. Yourpopularity could also increase, leading to romantic opportunities.Creative expression is enhanced, and artists may get their "bigbreak." You may feel more prosperous, generous and optimistic thanusual. Your self-confidence is increased, helping you in turn toproject a more positive self-image. Under this transit, women may findit easier to relate to men. Rewards for past good deeds are likelyto be reaped today.Tuesday, April 10, 2007: Mercury squares Pluto at 0:23 A.M., Mercuryenters Aries at 4:07 P.M. until April 27. Many of your cherished ideascould be shattered by this transit, leading to enlightening newperceptions. Familiar concepts may have to be revised. Hidden secretscould be revealed by neighbors, brothers or sisters. Beware ofdeliberate distortions of information under this transit. If youexercise extreme caution, signing official documents could prove veryempowering. No matter how badly you might be blackmailed today, it isessential to remain in strict honesty with yourself. The next fewweeks will require direct communication and saying things as you seethem. Your innocence will be your protection.DEEP INSIGHTS TO UNRAVEL SPIRITUAL MYSTERIESThursday, April 19, 2007: The Sun is trine Pluto at 0:34 A.M., Saturnturns direct at 2:26 P.M. This is a wonderful day to take the specificactions that will further your goals. You may feel more courage andenergy to assume a position of leadership. Today deep insightscould lead to the unraveling of spiritual mysteries. Educationalendeavors and anything related to the arts, the law, business and/orpolitics are favored. You could feel inspired to regenerate at veryprofound levels and reform whatever is in your life that is notconducive to your highest growth. Today and for the months to come,you start a whole new relationship with authority, duty andresponsibilities on a completely different level.Friday, April 20, 2007: The Sun enters Taurus at 4:07 A.M. until May21. In the next few weeks, you will feel more grounded and attractedto nature. Gardening could prove quite soothing, and taking walks inthe countryside should be very healing. You might also feel drawn tonurturing your body (healing work, massage), and enjoy dining out.There is a need to slow the pace of your life and find peace in moreharmonious environments.Saturday, April 21, 2007: Mercury is trine Saturn at 0:09 A.M.,Mercury is trine Jupiter at 3:39 P.M. There is seriousness andexpansiveness in your communications today. This is the perfect day towrite, lecture, read, study, attend a conference or invite yourfriends over for some deep yet fun conversation. Today is wonderfulfor starting a new course and developing your skills in a given area.You could be led to travel for your work or to do research. There isa need to know more on a topic that has always been of interest to youbut that you didn't have the opportunity to develop.Sunday, April 22, 2007: Mercury is sextile Neptune at 9:15 P.M., Venussquares Mars at 10:30 P.M. Today is excellent for channeling, as wellas any intuitive transmission of information. Artists will find muchinspiration in this transit and could come up with some of theirbest work. Dreams are also particularly significant and should be paidattention to. There could be some tension between lovers, but nothingthat cannot be resolved through attentively listening to the other'spoint of view without any judgment, in unconditional love.SEEING WITH X-RAY VISIONThursday, April 26, 2007: Mercury is trine Pluto at 10:05 A.M., Venussquares Uranus at 8:19 P.M. You could have deep insights today thatare excellent for scientific or metaphysical research. The ability toliterally see situations and people with x-ray vision could lead tosome startling revelations. You could also experience extrasensoryfaculties. Anything leading to the regeneration of your life on anylevel will be deeply appealing today. Today traveling is veryfavorable to gain empowering insights into aspects of your past (evenpast lives) that are relevant to your present and offer constructiveinformation for creating a more enlightened future. There couldbe unusual encounters today with people who walk to the sound of theirown drummer. If you insist too much on independence and forcing yourwill no matter what, sudden and hurtful breaks in relationships couldoccur.Friday, April 27, 2007: Mercury enters Taurus at 0:16 A.M. until May11, Venus is sextile Saturn at 1:06 P.M. In the weeks to come, youwill think along more practical lines. You might want to know moreabout gardening, and feel drawn to better understand the wisdomof nature. There is a need for mental peace, harmony, silence andgrounding. This is a great day to discuss commitment and become veryrealistic in your relationships. An apparent lack of passion is madeup for by emotional solidity, substance and the desire to build arelationship that will withstand the test of time. It is a great dayto get engaged or renew your commitment. It is excellent also formaking sound financial investments.Saturday, April 28, 2007: Venus opposes Jupiter at 5:43 A.M., Mars isconjunct Uranus at 9:38 P.M. You should be extra careful in financialmatters, as the tendency today is toward overindulgence and a totallack of discrimination. The danger also is present of leaping into arelationship without knowing much about the other person, which couldlead to a rude awakening. Impulsive sex with a near-stranger couldprove self-destructive. It's not the best time for business deals orformulating legal contracts. Your willfulness and insistence on totalindependence could be the cause of abruptly isolating separations.Monday, April 30, 2007: Mars squares Jupiter at 3:21 P.M., Venus istrine Neptune at 6:35 P.M. This is not the best time for seekingemployment, starting a new endeavor, changing jobs or handling legalaffairs. Recklessness and hypocrisy could be present. Overlooking thesmall print could expose you to unnecessary dangers. Any kind ofinvolvement in insurance, taxes, inheritance and/or corporate financeis not advised either. You should do your best to stay away fromobsessive-compulsive religious and/or political ideas. However,tonight is wonderful for a magical date and experiencing the onenessof All That Is. An elusive perfume of divinity could permeate the air,making you remember your spiritual truth.