Integrating and Igniting the Diamond Ray FlameArchangel Michael through Ronna HermanRonnaStar@earthlink.netBeloved masters, humanity is being nudged and inspired in every waypossible to move forward into the next level of en-lighten-ment. It isimperative that you strive to incorporate, activate and project themaximum amount of Creator light available to you. As it was in thebeginning times on Earth, those of you who are in the process ofreturning to the originally blueprinted way of balanced and harmoniousexistence will gradually have access to the dynamic power andmagnificence of the Supreme Creator's essence.The Earth and humanity are becoming multidimensional bearers of lightas the radiance from the Supreme Creator and our Mother/Father Godpermeates the solar system and the Earth via the Great Central Sun ofthe Milky Way Galaxy. The crystalline grid system bears the encodingsand the divine schematic for your return to multidimensionality, aswell as the divine blueprint for the future of the Earth and humanity.However, it is up to each of you to connect with this grid system viathe great cities of light and to begin to decipher the encodings thatpertain to you, your mission and the specific area you inhabit.During these swiftly changing times, you will find the energy patternsof your new multidimensional nature fluctuating at a wide range offrequencies, for the crystalline grid system is programmed with thehighest vibrational patterns that people in each area can incorporateand anchor to the Earth and themselves. It is a twofold process: Thegrid system will affect humanity through its advanced encodings forthe future, and humanity will affect the grid system as each personanchors the living light from the celestial cities of light.Energy filled with the unmanifested potential from the All That Is andAll There Ever Will Be comes forth from the Omniversal Mind called theSupreme Creator. This energy is limitless and inexhaustible. Energycannot be lost or destroyed: It transforms-evolves ordevolves-according to the intent, desire or action of the cocreator.It manifests into new forms of specific frequency/vibrational patternsdrawn forth from the primal life-force substance sent forth upon theriver of life/love from the Creator and our Mother/Father God.The problem is that most of you have forgotten how to tap into theriver of life/light; however, if you adhere to the universal laws ofmanifestation, you have the ability to bring your visions, dreams anddesires into physical manifestation. You have always been cocreatorson the physical plane-either of joy, peace and plenty or of poverty,suffering and limitation.MOVE BEYOND THE COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS BELIEF STRUCTUREYou must move beyond the collective consciousness belief structure andactively strive for an "attitude adjustment," whereby you consciouslybecome aware and claim that you are a cocreator who is entitled to allthe beauty, bounty and abundance of the universe. Your first prioritymust be to study and integrate the wisdom of the universal laws andhow to work in harmony with the elements of the universe. This is anintegral step toward becoming proficient in what you seek as acocreator in harmony with your divine mission. Manifestation of formis constantly taking place regardless of what you do or don't do; thatis simply what happens by natural law. Hence, by consciously workingin harmony with this process, it will accelerate your progress. Or youmay ignore the law, and your life will be filled with unconscious,ineffectual desires with random, and often chaotic, results.As you expand your awareness, reclaim your self-mastery and reconnectwith the multiple facets of your divine self, you are remembering the"science" of spirituality and the immutable laws that govern humanityand the omniverse, instead of focusing only on the "emotional nature"of spirituality. The greatest gift you can give those around you is tobe a positive example. You must perfect your skills as cocreatorsand manifest within yourselves and your environment all the beauty,abundance, tranquillity and joy you can envision, and then share yourknowledge and gifts with those around you and, ultimately, the world.The beloved Jeshua (through his blessed messenger Glenda Green) hasnamed the first light of creation "adamantine particles."1 He teaches,"These particles are the light of consciousness and the buildingblocks of physical existence. They give flesh to spirit, as well andnourishment and healing to life. Adamantine particles respond tomagnetic attraction, and it is by the pure love within your sacredheart that you command them. Adamantine particles are commanded bylove and only by love."The unmanifested, formless energy of creation is malleable and readyto be shaped into anything you can envision with your minds. Thisultimate source of all abundance that is now being called adamantineparticles or pure primal energy from the heart/mind of the SupremeCreator via our Father/Mother God. The earthly experience for humanitywas to be a wondrous adventure in cocreation, mandated by ourFather/Mother God. Before you descended into the world of form, youwere promised access to the Source of infinite supply; however, youhave forgotten the rules and the formula necessary to access thestorehouse of divine original substance.The Supreme Creator via the river of love/life is sending forth thediamond ray/diamond flame that consists of the fundamental, subatomicparticles to be known as adamantine particles throughout allmanifested creation. The "stream of cosmic consciousness," the "elixirof life," "diamond core essence" and "Christed energy" are alldescriptive terms for adamantine particles.CONTINUE TO CLEAR, REFINE AND EXPAND YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS/CONSCIOUS MINDYou are composed of love; however, you have restricted yourselves fromprojecting the love that you truly are, the love that you are capableof, the love that is intrinsic to your divine nature. Through theinformation that is now coming forth, vistas beyond anything you couldpreviously imagine are opening before you as the Creator's planunfolds in its perfection. You are becoming aware of the magnificenceof what is occurring, and we see you are beginning to believe much ofwhat you have been told over these past years as you integrate thewisdom within your sacred heart/sacred mind and claim it as your owntruth. The process of eliminating the preconditioning of ages past iscomplex, but necessary, as you strive to clear, refine and expand yoursubconscious and conscious minds in order to incorporate the highertruths from your superconscious mind/higher self.Remember, we are now emphasizing the sacred mind/macromind as well asthe sacred heart. Your history-all that you have ever experienced, thewisdom that you have claimed as your own, your lineage, your divinemission-and your future are stored within the upper-dimensional levelsof the brain, above the ascension chakra (which is located at the baseof the skull, the medulla oblongata). Stored there, as well, is theunlimited potential you may choose from, the options and the wealth ofchoices that you have available to you. Have you ever wondered how, in the beginning, you actually formed yourphysical vessel? You drew to you those divine diamond particles oflight from the river of love/life that run through all manifestedcreation from the heart/mind of the Supreme Creator and through ourMother/Father God of this universe, and with the encoded template ofthe perfect Adam/Eve Kadmon body and your cocreative abilities, youcreated your physical vessel, as well as a wondrous variety of othermaterial plane manifestations.Are you ready to make this declaration? "Yes, I am ready to moveforward. I will claim and use this energy for the greatest good ofall. I will be a bearer of the diamond flame particles of life. I willopen my sacred heart and allow myself to be vulnerable, for I know Iam protected. I will accept all of the diamond flame energy that canbe safely integrated within me at this time. I will stay focusedwithin my sacred heart center so that I may project the highest levelof pure love out into the world around me."Beloveds, you cannot gift the diamond flame particles to anyone elsebefore you have gifted them to yourselves. Again we say, you must fillyourselves to overflowing before you gift others with this divineelixir of life. Then you can radiate this essence out into the worldin an infinity breath pattern, which we will be teaching you as yournext step toward self-mastery.You can only be the love that you claim, and you can only project fromyou the love that you are. Therefore, this transformational processmust begin within your sacred heart and your sacred mind-they areinexorably connected, one affects the other. The sacred heart is thepower source, the engine and the fuel that feed the sacred mind sothat the membranes of light that guard your higher consciousness canbe dissolved, thereby giving you access to the cosmic library ofknowledge stored therein.The old teachings are so damaging because you have been taught thatyou are unworthy and to give away your power-subjecting yourselves, orbeing subservient, to others who you thought were more worthy andwiser and had more gifts and abilities than you. You have given awayor rejected the intrinsic God-given power that you were endowed withwhen you came forth into the physical expression. Won't you reclaimthat gift now and begin to use it to the best of your ability for thegreatest good?LIVE IN HARMONY WITH THE UNIVERSAL LAWS TO CLAIM THE ABUNDANCE IN ALLTHINGS"Every person on Earth was made in the Creator's image." What do youthink that means? It has nothing to do with your physical vessel, yourrace, color or religion. It means that you are a spark of the I Ampresence, a facet of divine expression, and each and every person onthis Earth has that spark of divinity within-for without it, she (orhe) would not be alive. And every person has that macrocosmicpotential within her (or him), for each person is a microcosm of theCreator's love/light. And why do you think that diamond core God cellwas placed within your sacred heart? It contains all the virtues,attributes, qualities and aspects of the Creator!And yet for these many past ages, those blessed gifts have beenradiating forth very dimly from the vast majority of humanity.However, you may now fire up your generator of God potential, fueledby love via the integration and projection of the diamond ray/flame ofadamantine particles. As we have stated in the past, knowledge/wisdomoverlaid with love/compassion and focused intent/action create thepower that holds the keys to the universal storehouse of unmanifestedpotential-energy from the heart core of the Creator that is justwaiting for you to mold and manifest anything you can envision on thephysical plane.In order to claim abundance in all things, first you must begin tolive in harmony with the universal laws, as mandated by the Creator ofall. Universal/earthly abundance is available to everyone. This isyour divine birthright; all you have to do is claim it. The invisiblesupply is inexhaustible. Everything on Earth is made from originalprimal life-force substance, out of which the great variety ofphysical matter and form evolves. The beauty and the bounty of theEarth can be replenished and expanded with right thought, right actionand conservation. Right thought, right intention and proper actionharness the power to produce tangible riches from formless substance.The seeming "void" of space is actually teeming with particles of loveand life and unmanifested potential.The love and light force from the Supreme Creator and ourMother/Father God is refracted into prisms of light, rainbow colorscontaining all the virtues, qualities, aspects and potential ofcreation. As cocreators, it is through our thoughts/intention/actionsthat these are molded and manifested into form.How will you use this gift that is beyond compare? What are yourgreatest desires? What will be your legacy to humanity and the world?Reach for the stars, beloveds, for there is no limit to what you canmanifest when your visions are in harmony with spirit. I Am ArchangelMichael. * 1. Adamantine particles were first mentioned by Jesus in LoveWithout End, by Glenda Green; however, the word adamantine has beenaround for thousands of years. There is a Sanskrit word for adamantineand also for adamantine sphere. In English, the word adamantine means"something extremely hard or unyielding," or it could be used todescribe something that is as "hard and brilliant as a diamond."