Use Universal Laws to Craft Your LifeUlla Jacobswww.hiddenlaws.comullajay@telus.netUniversal laws-do they really exist? What are they? What can they dofor you? Universal law is a set of rules or guidelines established tosupport creation. It works by compatible vibration, a resonance thatseeks to find a similar frequency.Modern science has verified the existence of a unified field thatcontains all knowledge. This energy is comprised of pure intelligence.When I first learned to meditate, the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founderof the transcendational meditation movement, spoke about the viabilityof this unified field. Albert Einstein was also convinced of itsexistence.So how does it affect all of us? With the understanding thateverything in the universe is made up of vibration, in varyingdensities, comes the ability to conceptualize the existence of amagnetic draw. The focus and mindset that we project draws back asimilar energy. In other words, you get what you give. This is thefundamental causation of the law of attraction. Harmonic energiesprovide a magnetic draw of the emitted thoughts, thereby creating aboomerang effect, which finds its way back to the starting point.THE LAW OF ATTRACTION CAN BECOME AN ALLYThe law of attraction has the ability to become an ally, helping tocreate all the visions that you would like to be able to manifest.Remember that to utilize it optimally, it needs to be brought intoimmediate focus; it needs to become prevalent within your sphere ofreality; it needs to already exist.If you seek abundance, become abundant by counting blessings andabolishing lack in any form.If you seek a happy relationship, begin by being a happy person in allyour relationships. Treat people with respect.If you seek a better job, begin by seeing the one you are in as beingwonderful. Then see what happens. Sometimes the circumstances thatmade the old job less desirable will change, or a promotion maypresent itself. A newer, positive outlook has the ability to dispelthe previous negative charge placed on the position.If you do not have a job and would like to attract one, begin byimagining the feeling of being hired. See yourself working for thecompany of your choice or performing work you would like to do. Howdoes it feel? Feelings are the sparkplugs that ignite the thought,bringing it into reality. Picture it clearly. Bring it into yourpresent reality. Only in the present moment will manifestation becomereality. This is due to the fact that the past has gone, and thefuture has not yet arrived. Everything transpires in the Now.A further step is needed to bring the desired effect. Any action mustbe taken toward the goal; the universe needs to know that you areserious. This brings about a release of energy from you and starts theball rolling.The law of cause and effect works on the same principle, magneticallydrawing energy, but the governing and driving force is deeds. This lawof reciprocal action embodies the standard of: "As you sow, so youshall reap."We are given the law of free will to make choices but must be fullyaware of the responsibility of the actions unleashed. Once again,there is a return in kind. Become aware of what gifts you areaccepting and also what gifts you are offering. What messages are yousending to the universe?AWARENESS: THE PRECURSOR TO UNDERSTANDINGAwareness of the law of cause and effect can enable us to see what weare setting into motion and thereby calling back to us. Awareness isthe precursor necessary for understanding these laws and how theywork. With understanding comes the ability to gain further knowledgein order to make changes for the betterment and quality of life.Understanding the principle that propels this law of reciprocal actioncan bring about the desire for receiving only favorable returns. Inorder to accomplish this, we must realize the quality of what isemitted. There is a slang expression of "garbage in, garbage out."When dealing with the law of cause and effect, we need to reverse thisphrase: "garbage out, garbage in."You don't want garbage back? Then don't send it out! The law ofvibration or "one" binds us all to each other and to everything elsein the universe. We breathe the same air, and our bodies function inthe same way-regardless of nationality, race, creed or habitat.Involuntary systems are at work within every body, regulatingheartbeat, digestion and respiration. These functions enable the bodyto be sustained. Pondering upon the intricacy and also the simplicityof the working of the human body caused me to wonder about theinception of it. This was not just a random occurrence; realintelligence was at work here. A life force enters all living thingson a continuous basis until such a time comes when the present journeyends. The law of transition then takes over to ensure a successfultrip back home. We get to shed the costume of this incarnation andspend some time in a debriefing session, evaluating the lessonslearned. Then we get to decide what comes next. Do we need to returninto physicality for further learning, or have we evolved on a soullevel, with the ultimate goal being ascension?Free will and all the other laws of nature apply on the other side ofthe veil, just as they do on Earth. I was made aware of this factrecently, when I tried to contact my deceased father. In physicality,he was always wary about channeling. Assuming that his perspectivemight have changed, now that he was in spirit form, I pushed theissue. He chose to decline contact. When I persisted further,a group of his guides immediately formed a barrier between him and me.Universal law is to be respected by all.What can the knowledge of universal law do for us? Understanding canallow each of us to shape circumstances in daily life. The scope ofthis autonomy is limitless and without boundaries. We have full reignto do and become anything that can be conceptualized. Armed with freewill, the law of life allows us to create any dream and carry it intoreality. Adherence to the laws of nature can bring ease and peace ofmind to anyone and everyone.Every day we are presented with circumstances that allow us theopportunity to do our personal best. Challenges that require some sortof decision or feedback will need to be addressed. This may occur atthe bank, in the grocery store, at work, while visiting with friendsor sitting in traffic. The stage is wide open; the players can beanyone. We get a chance to act in a drama that has been set up as alesson. What will we choose to create out of the experiences? Will wetake the easy way out, or will we allow ourselves to be challenged inorder to grow spiritually? Remember: The lesson will keep reappearinguntil it is learned.Doing our personal best is like taking a spiritual vitamin: nutritionfor the soul. Some interactions are simple and quite rewarding: Asmile from an elderly lady as you hold the door open for her, a wavefrom a motorist as you let him or her in line during rush hour, a"thank you" from a coworker when you do a favor or offer a kind word.Other things occur to really test your level on the kindnessbarometer: Can you forgive someone who just rammed your car? Can youwalk away from a disagreement before it becomes a yelling match? Canyou call someone to apologize when you were in the wrong?LIKE A BOOMERANG, OUR ENERGY RETURNS TO USAs each circumstance presents itself, we get a chance to offer a partof ourselves to the situation. Whether we choose to act or not isgoverned by the law of free will. How we treat others will return backto us as decreed by the law of cause and effect. Just as a boomerangreturns to the original starting point, the energy vibration emittedeventually finds its way home.A business I go into once or twice a week presented me with theopportunity to practice with the flow of positive vibrations. It gaveme a chance to see if it really worked. One of the workers was generally in a bad mood. She treated customers curtly, usually with afrown upon her face. Her entire energy was oppressive and unfriendly;everything was a huge effort. I always disliked being waited on byher, and this of course, ensured that she would be the one I drew.When I became aware of the laws, I decided to see if a kind word wouldhelp.Standing in line, I sent her positive, upbeat vibes. When it came tobe my turn at her wicket, I complimented her on a lapel pin. Shethanked me and smiled, transforming a dour look into a very pleasantface. This lady obviously had problems that troubled her all day.Whenever I see her, I send support her way. She greets me with a smileand often strikes up a conversation. I no longer draw her to be theone to serve me, because I no longer dread the experience. Complainingto the manager about her manner would have just added to her heavyload, not something I was comfortable doing.I'm not going to tell you this sending of energy solved all of herproblems, and everything was "hunky dory." That would be unrealistic.This lady obviously had something going on that was causing a lot ofanxiety, something needing to be resolved, if she were to move beyondthe pain. Her posture and expression alluded to dejection. Choosing tosend her positive energy and offering a kind word produced my desiredresult, which was to create a better working relationship with her. Italso released my anxious energy, directed at her, by not wanting todeal with her. This was a further burden upon a person who wasobviously already carrying far too much baggage. I am grateful for theinsight to no longer contribute to her stress load.Every time I see her now, we exchange a greeting, even if I don'thave actual dealings with her. When she waits on me, we share someinsight or anecdote. The interchanges are all positive and pleasant.EXPERIMENT: REVISE INITIAL REACTIONS FOR POSITIVE RESULTSI am very grateful for having discovered the teachings that allow forthe diffusion of unpleasant situations. I have conducted furtherexperiments since this incident, all with positive results. Theinteraction with others allows us to do our personal best if we sochoose. Each time we do a kind deed, it raises the vibration of theother person involved. Additionally, our own vibration and theuniversal resonance are raised also.It makes me secure in the knowledge that one person can indeed makea difference. We all benefit when negativity is replaced with apositive outlook. Exponentially, this wave has the ability to gainmomentum, as each person joins in. Could this be a way to bring aboutpeace, if enough of us held that thought in our hearts? This is trulyspiritual work, divine cocreation with the one energy that brings lifeto all.There is no greater feeling of freedom than to realize that we eachhave the power to affect the path we travel by carefully monitoringour thoughts and deeds. Success in this endeavor has the effect ofraising not only our own vibration but also the resonance of the Earth.Once carefully guarded by the teachers within mystery schools andtaught to only a few, select people, it is time for this informationto be shared and used for the greatest good. These once-hidden lawsneed to be showcased and examined, so that they may become useful toall people, anywhere and everywhere at any time. No longer should thisinformation reside in old tomes on dusty shelves. Universal laws needto be recognized, understood and utilized. That is the mission. Thatis the objective. That is the goal: each of us attainingselfempowerment, a cocreator with the universe.