Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Master Hilarion: Igniting the Passion Within

Master Hilarion: Igniting the Passion Within
Channelled through Natalie Glasson

I extend my greetings to all on the Earth; radiating my energy I ignite a fire within you that burns so brightly and vividly that it rekindles your memories of the ascended masters, your guides, companions and friends on the inner planes who are your family of light. There is so much for you to remember so many links and bonds to be realised, repaired and renewed in order for your greater spiritual growth and the development of humanity. It is important now that each person focuses on realising, repairing and renewing their relationships with the Creator and the many helpers within the Creator's universe, when bonds are rebuilt then a network of light forms and integration with each other and the Creator is so much more achievable. As each individual allows time to connect with and develop their bond and relationship with their spiritual guides and mentors greater light is channelled through their physical body into the Earth. These connections must be kept active so that high vibrations of light may anchor into the individual and wash over the Earth akin to a current of inspiration. With the process of connecting with one's guides and spiritual mentors becoming more commonplace and popular on the Earth, this has resulted in a fifty percent rise in the volume of light now anchoring into the Earth through people achieving this simple task. It is important to realise that every action that you take and make on the Earth influences the Earth's evolution and development tremendously. When you connect with your guides and anchor energies from the inner planes into your being to support and nurture your energy, you are actually adding to the Creator consciousness that is emerging with great intensity on the Earth. You are also supporting the people around you and assisting in healing the area of Earth that you inhabit. There is a tremendous impact that can be made through the process of connection and intention which not only enable your growth but begins to heal and rejuvenate the world, allowing every person to exist with the heart focus rather than the ego focus. We can imagine this process as many street lights igniting all over the world for the first time, bathing the Earth in Creator light that is precious, inspirational and cleansing.

To accept the energy, love and support that your guides share with you is to realise your connections because you are not only linking into the energy of your guides but are aligning yourself to the higher aspects of your soul, including your monad, your ascended master aspects on the inner planes and the Creator's soul, it is like aligning to a great and expansive network of light beings who understand your process of growth and can access the appropriate tools from all over the universe to assist you. You are connecting with your beloved family; the many aspects of the Creator's soul. In order to achieve this please sit peacefully in meditation for a few moments, you may use this invocation to assist you,

'Master Hilarion, I invoke your soul energy and presence into my reality now, please shower me in your love and light so that I may become aware of your presence and your energy working with mine.

Master Hilarion I ask you to activate my energy and align me to my soul, monad and the network of light beings and souls that I am connected with, if this abides by the will of my soul. Please assist me in realising, repairing and renewing my connections, links and bonds with the wonderful positive and loving network of light that my soul extends from and who oversee my spiritual development on the Earth. Allow me to now achieve a pure alignment with my network of light on the inner planes which will lead me to greater integration with the soul of the Creator. I ask that any connections that have been broken unintentionally to be repaired and healed with the powerful light of the Creator, while connections that have been broken with intention to assist the growth of my soul to be bathed in love and understanding.

Master Hilarion please help me to realise, repair and renew my links and bonds with the inner planes and the light of the Creator so that I may empower my being and accelerate my spiritual growth with ease. Let it be.'

Imagine that the appropriate connections are forming on the inner planes, akin to a network of pure light igniting, then imagine this sacred light filled with nurturing and insightful consciousness pouring into your being and soul through your crown chakra at the top of your head. Enjoy this blissful feeling and bathe in the connections and bonds that are being built.

While connections must be realised with the Creator's soul and many aspects, there is a need for humanity to realise, repair and renew their connections with each other. It is not a coincidence that each soul is on the Earth now at this special time of transformation, you are each an aspect of the same soul; the soul of the Creator. This is the strongest bond that links you together it is like a magnet within you encouraging you to rekindle your connections and bonds with others souls as this is a form of integration. When peace emanates from the Earth and hearts of humanity, we on the inner planes will understand that humanity has discovered and recognised the energy of the Creator within each other, allowing integration on a major level to occur. There is no need for you to begin to embrace each person that you meet on the streets but it is the simple process of acknowledgement from within of the Creator energy that each person holds. It is important to honour and respect each other as diverse and wonderful aspects of the Creator's soul, with this intention connections will build, people will be fuelled with the light of the Creator and inspired to create connections for their selves in order to further the network of light that is the truth of the Creator.

You can begin by realising, repairing and renewing your relationships with your family and friend as if you are igniting your connection and enhancing the respectful love and devotion between you. Many people and even family members can detach themselves from your reality as a process of growth for you and them, it is important to respect and honour this wish of the Creator and the will of your soul. I wish for you to focus on realising, repairing and renewing your connection with physical beings on the Earth through the power of meditation and intention. You can imagine the alignment that you have created with the inner planes and the Creator's soul, feeling the energy that flows through your body. Imagine the light that you are receiving extending from your energy as many beams of light connecting with every single person that you love and hold a special friendship with. These beams of light will enter into their beings and realities overseen by the will of the Creator, purifying and repairing their connection with you allowing all negativity or ill feeling of any kind to be dissolved so that the love of the Creator is the energy that links you. You can allow the beams of light to extend further to connect with people that you have met in your past but may not have stayed in contact with, the light will also extend to those who you were negative about in order for healing and peace to be brought about. This may not mean that instantly you will be friends but simply brings peace between you which is the intention of this process. As physical beings on the Earth you can view these connections as spiritual connections which will attract people into your life to inspire your growth and heal unresolved issues so that forgiveness may bind the wounds and feelings of pain that may have occurred. This process will allow you to emanate your light and raise the vibration and consciousness of the Earth, inspiring others to resolve old negative patterns, unite the love of their soul with those who are important in their lives and acknowledge the Creator within all. This can allow awkward relationships or friendships to be soothed so that they flow with greater ease. It is a visualisation that powerfully empowers the integration and unity of humanity with the soul of the Creator. This is a time of tremendous change on the Earth when we reach out and connect with others through beams of light we are assisting those who may be having a difficult time to feel supported, loved and inspired removing any fears so that they can overcome the lessons that their soul has attracted into their reality.

As I stated at the beginning of this communication, it is my mission to ignite the passion within each soul on the Earth so that they may remember their bonds and connections with the many light beings on the inner planes and the Creator, it is my wish also to ignite the passion within you that assists and supports you as you dedicate and devote a greater aspect of your being to the light of the Creator. Now is the time to grow, evolve, discover and progress in order to prepare for the Era of Love in 2012. To remain within and empower old patterns and habits will not benefit your growth, with the divine will of your soul and the Creator I wish to ignite within you the determination, insight, dedication and devotion to your integration with the Creator's soul as this will awaken many new memories, teachings and abilities within you allowing you to feel supported and guided as you exist on the Earth.

'Master Hilarion, please ignite within me the flame of passion that supports my spiritual quest, assisting me in devoting my soul to the Creator and dedicating my existence on the Earth to acting as a beacon of the Creator's mighty soul. Ignite within my soul and heart an orange flame that burns brightly activating all appropriate memories, connections and abilities for me to remember and accept into my reality, helping me to activate a greater passion, will, divine force and devotion to the light of the Creator. Please allow integration to occur on a new level. Let it be.'

Sit peacefully and imagine, sense or acknowledge an orange flame of divine spiritual passion igniting within your soul and heart, allow the flame to burn brightly emanating a glowing hue of light into your body and aura. You may feel yourself being energised with light or being drawn to a certain area in your life where you need to apply greater passion and dedication or a renewal in your energies. Allow me to assist you in igniting the passion and consciousness of your soul to aid your integration with the Creator's soul; I am here to be of assistance as your friend and advisor.

Ignite the spiritual passion within you and open to the light of the Creator's soul.

With blessings and love,
I am Master Hilarion

Best wishes and blessings,

Natalie was born in 1984, UK. Over seen by Archangel Michael, she now works as a channel for a vast variety of spiritual beings and Masters in the spiritual hierarchy. Through her website she shares the channelled messages of the Creator's helpers to expand the awareness of humanity and assist in the raise in energy vibration of the planet. She offers a service of channelled readings from Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Unicorns and Fairies.

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