Thursday, June 25, 2009

Solstice meditation blues

Solstice meditation blues
Arcturius through Sheryl Pederson

A number of people have commented that they felt that something was
missing when they did a Solstice meditation. Some have also been
feeling down and empty since that time. I posed the question, and got
this response ...

I am Arcturius and can offer some insights as to what may have
occurred for you doing the meditation of the Solstice to connect with
the light code energies.

Some of you felt let down because of an expectation that there would
be a dramatic shift in your energy system and there was not. This is
not to say that you did not connect to the energy of the light codes
for you did indeed. What did not happen for most is that the energy
was anchored but not yet fully activated. This will occur at the right
time for each person.

In order for light to fully fill your body, there needs to be a shift
of energy to allow this to happen. For some, this had been
accomplished before this energy was available and for some, this
process is not quite completed. There is no right time for this to
happen, for this is a unique process for each individual according to
your divine blueprint and plan.

The energy shifts are occurring in all who anchored the energy of the
light codes. (which many call Crystalline energy or Christ
consciousness) What did not yet happen is full activation. This will
occur in the coming time as you know it. The changes will mostly be
slow and subtle as not to disrupt your lives in any significant way.

Many during the meditation had a glimpse of "home". You connected to
the light source, the all that is, what you may call God, and you were
unable to stay in this energy and needed to return to earth so to
speak. This disconnect left some feeling empty and alone because for a
few moments you were connected to the expansiveness of who you really
are, divine parts of God, the all that is.

This occurred, but did not continue as most are not quite ready to
have one foot firmly anchored on earth and one foot firmly anchored
consciously to "home". This will come, for this is but a definition of
ascension. Having the ability to be in both places fully at the same
time as you know it.

For some of you, the transformation process is just beginning and you
may have experienced a change of guides so to speak, for those who
will begin working with the light code energy will have beings of
light support you in this work. For some, this meant having a guide
move out of the way to allow this to happen. This can cause the
feelings of great loss as the transition is made. This feeling is but
temporary until you fully attune to the energy of these beings and
begin to conciously work with them.

If you are one of the keys to unlocking the light codes, you will go
through a period of waiting as you assimilate to the transition in
light frequency. There are both active keys and passive keys. The
difference is this. The active keys are contracted carriers of the
light code energy who will have this energy fully anchored into their
energy systems and will have this energy with them at all times.

Those who are passive keys are the ones who work with people in some
sort of healing capacity and can call in this energy to do their
healing work. Most often this will be transferred through healing arts
where touch is involved, but it can also be used with intention and
not touch. They have access to the energy at will but do need to ask
for this to be activated each time it is needed.

And the other group is all of those who will be touched by the energy
for you cannot now be on planet earth and not be affected by this
light code energy for the energy of the crystalline grid, Christ
consciousness is anchored now firmly in your planet's energy system.

So, do not be alarmed or concerned if you did not "feel" what you
expected. Just know that the energy is anchored and is in the process
of being activated. Soon, you will begin to fully feel this in your
energy bodies.

You are all doing wondrous work for the light and we honor the
difficult journeys that you have chosen to take to help all on your

Arcturius, for the Keepers of the Light Codes