‘LEMURIAN SEED’ Crystals from Quantum
All crystals are composed of a special type of matter. They are solid with an internal arrangement of atoms and molecules. Like all "living" things, crystals are "born" from a seed and undergo a deep growth process. Many believe that a crystal is alive only during its growth and formation period. When complete it leaves behind a solid body containing the essence of its inner expression. Although its "life" ends after the crystal stops growing, its spirit or over soul remains accessible within the geometric form it created, and this is available for our use.
Lemurian Seed Crystals are believed to be a gift to the earth from the far off reaches of the Universe brought to earth during the time of ancient Lemurian. The Hall Of Records of Lemuria is held within the striations and cloudy formations of these crystals. Instead of being shiny, they appear frosted and matte like. The consciousness of Lemuria has never left, and has been kept alive within the crystalline seeded records. Lemurian crystals create an interstellar connection between earth and the center of the galaxy. They contain & transmit messages of equality and radiant love from ancient to advanced civilizations
These beauties are unpolished raw and natural just as they were found. They are sure of themselves and have no fore thought of being misused by anything or anyone. As soon as one holds them they begin their work in an effortless fashion that both calms and lifts the spirit. They ask you to go to the place of creating and see your life as you so desire it deep in your heart. And let that heart dream be set free by the soft pristine beauty of these Lemurian Seed Crystals.
Lemurians can be used to open and cleanse all chakras and meridians. They open and expand the Heart chakra. Once open and cleared, the energy of the chakras and meridians can allow one to make timely transformational changes in their life. These Crystals are a blend of "down-to-earth" energy, mystical realms of the past, other presents, and other futures. The energy in Lemurian crystals multiplies and focuses the overall energy of Quartz many times. They contain & transmit messages of equality and unconditional love from ancient advanced civilizations
If you hold a Lemurian Quartz in your right hand while you walk around and encircle something (a person, an object, your house, etc) it will create a circle of light protection. These crystals will be attracted to people who will actively assist in bringing through the anchoring energies that will aid the planet in these times. to be posted on web page soon.