Monday, May 17, 2010

The Tipping Point

The Tipping Point
by Owen Waters

Until today, reaching spiritual consciousness has always been a
challenge for humanity. The stages of human development range from
caveman to cosmic consciousness, starting with six basic stages
followed by six spiritual stages.

Today, humanity at large stands in the latter part of stage five of
the twelve, which is the mental or intellectual development stage.
Meanwhile, every day, people are making the transition into stages six
and seven. The Shift is gaining momentum as more and more people move
into these stages, both of which are heart-centered in nature.

Stage six is the lower heart phase where community and world awareness
awakens and stage seven is the upper heart phase of spiritual
awakening. The doorway to spiritual consciousness is through the
heart, when the person moves from stage six into stage seven.

Centuries ago, in Eastern cultures, spiritual aspirants would have to
dedicate themselves to long hours of daily meditation in order to
reach that stage of spiritual awakening. Then, upon reaching it, they
would become self-motivated to continue along the path of spiritual

Centuries ago, in Western cultures, the entryway into spiritual
development was by adopting religious self-discipline. By limiting the
diversion of selfish pursuits and focusing on deity worship, the
aspirant could eventually become awakened to higher states of
consciousness. Then, upon reaching that stage, they would become self-
motivated to continue along the path of spiritual unfoldment.

Outwardly, the methods of finding spiritual illumination varied from
East to West. The Eastern style was a more direct approach, while the
Western style approached the same attunement with the Divine source
differently. Both approaches required initial faith that the desired
goal would be achieved after much effort.

Bear in mind that, in those days, spiritual seekers were much more in
the minority. Most of the population were still too far from the
spiritual stages of consciousness at that point to be interested in
the possibility of spiritual pursuits.

Today, things are very different. Humanity as a whole stands one short
step from the heart-centered consciousness that will trigger the main
aspect of The Shift once critical mass is achieved. When enough people
join the migration to New Reality consciousness, the tipping point
will be reached and the world will be transformed.

Remember that every step you take to foster heart-centered
consciousness within yourself affects the global mind atmosphere
profoundly. Every time you remind a friend of their spiritual nature,
you help the world move a little closer to that critical mass.

Tipping points are surprisingly easy to achieve. Just 7% of the
population needs to become aware of a new trend, a new fashion or a
new product in order for it to suddenly become a household word that
everyone knows.

Imagine what it will mean for the whole world to pass this tipping
point and suddenly know, understand, and practice seeing life through
a heart-centered view of reality.

Just hold that thought and give it your love and spiritual power.

*If you enjoyed today's article, forward it to a friend! They will
appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Owen Waters is the author of "The Shift: The Revolution in Human
Consciousness," which is available both as a hardcover book and a
downloadable e-book, at: