FREE Solstice Dial Event tomorrow, June 21, 2011 at 7 pm Central time*. This will be a very unique event -not just one phone call to listen into, but if you choose, a 10 day email follow-up each day that begins 6-22-2011 and completes on 7-1-2011, the third of 3 eclipses in 31 days.
* (long-distance charges may apply to calls to this #)
I am excited to share with you this powerful activation of the Inner Sun, that began in our recent trip to Peru. My awareness of the "how-to" activate this for ourselves completed in the early hours this morning. I will be offering a channeling from Master Kuthumi, an Inner Sun meditation and instructions on the 10 day email inner-structions, in the free conference call tomorrow. Those of you in the Chicago area are welcome to join me in person at 7 pm tomorrow, at Backstrom Chiropractic in Glen Ellyn, IL. I will be gifting an Aura-Soma Equilibrium bottle #31 to one of my in-person guests at the event. #31 aura-soma is the energy we shared in Peru: a green-gold energy that contains the "Alchemy of the Heart." See below for special sale-price offer on this Aura-Soma Equilibrium!
The dial-in number is provided by Free Conference Call at 218-339-2500. PIN # for the call is 168785#. While I will do my best to record the call for later listening, I have had many instances where the recording function does not work, not because of the call service, but due to the energy we create as a group! So if you are interested being part of this, in connecting with a group energetic INTENT to activate your Inner Sun, be sure to be on the call "live".
For more information about the Solstice Event, the INTENT and the origin of the inspiration which was our recent trip to Peru, see the next section below. Don't miss the pictures of the Light manifestation when we anchored in the incoming solar flare, the largest one observed by NASA in the last 4 years!
UPDATE on Sacred Journey of the Heart: We will be announcing the release date for the much-anticipated film in the next few weeks. We will let you know the first Official Screening date and location as well as how to view it in streaming form from your own home computer! Be sure to sign up for the mailing list in order to be up to date at:
Love and blessings, Ronna
About Arizona Living Light. For full information about services I offer, mission, vision and exciting trips and seminars, visit:
Ronna Prince, Arizona Living Light