Constant energy shifts in recent years brought many
lightworkers through level after level of clearing and transformation.
It’s understandable at times to become overwhelmed, exhausted and even
disappointed when the result of our efforts fails to match our visions.
Gratitude and Appreciation Nurture our Highest Visions
The passage now before us is best navigated with a high degree
of gratitude and appreciation. Central to this is remembering to
celebrate regardless of what is before us. The present moment is a
reflection of our past understandings and our past creations borne of
those understandings. We learn and benefit from the realities we create
in ways impossible to measure or quantify. It is always important to
express gratitude for the efforts of our past selves and the lessons
they brought us. Gratitude is the rich soil that nourishes our visions
for the future and allows them to thrive.
Our Energetic Radiance Transports us to New Timelines
Our creations are imbued with the essence of our thoughts,
beliefs, and actions. These ingredients determine the energy we radiate.
Our energetic radiance will either transport us to timelines where we
experience increasingly radiant frequencies of joy and love or it will
transport us to timelines where we experience increasingly dense and
unpleasant situations.
Regardless of what we have experienced in the past, we can begin
now in the present moment making choices that transport us to
high-vibrational timelines. We can do this right now by choosing to
celebrate…no matter what.
Choosing to Celebrate…No Matter What
Celebrating…no matter what at times involves grasping hold even
of the tiniest sliver of joy that exists within this moment. If we look
for positive signs and omens around us, we will find them. If we open to
others' words of encouragement, we will hear them spoken. Even those
situations that challenge us to our core contain doorways into a
brighter future. When we accept whatever shows up in our life, we're
able to start transforming lower-vibrational situations to the stuff of
our highest visions.
The Practice of Celebrating Triggers Waves of Success
When we make a daily practice of celebrating, we're able over
time to build what appears to be a wave of success. Seeming waves of
success are actually a collection of moments when we activate
high-vibrational timelines through our daily choices to celebrate life.
A wave of success is set in motion in an infinite number of
ways. It can come through the doorway of random acts of kindness,
rescuing abandoned animals, assisting an elderly neighbor, donating your
time or money to a charity, helping a stranger in need, taking steps to
improve your health or developing an intuitive skill that assists
others. The list is endless and only limited by your imagination. Any
time you freely share the gift of your light, anytime you love
unconditionally, anytime you choose to see the silver lining in a
difficult situation, anytime you choose to forgive another who has
caused you pain, you radiate positive energy.
Daily Rituals to Activate Positive Frequencies
It is helpful to create daily rituals to help you tune into
positive frequencies. Celebration rituals can be anything that uplifts
your spirit and helps anchor positive energies to your present moment.
These can include meditation, breathwork, sitting in silence and
gratitude to acknowledge the blessings in your life, journaling, yoga,
t’ai chi, prayer, working with crystals and other energy enhancers,
walks in nature or spending time nurturing animals. Whatever we do daily
that lifts our spirit and nurtures the spark of spirit within us is a
positive ritual.
Radiating Negative Energy Opens us to Negative Thought Viruses and Illness
The alternative to celebrating life is choosing to focus on what
is wrong with the present moment. This can cause one to tune into
negative realities and timelines. Focusing on the negative opens one's
energies to free-floating negative thought viruses that attach
themselves to the energy field. When we radiate negative energy we
become a sending and receiving station for native energies. This creates
the causes of an increasingly downward spiral that transports us to
lower-vibrational timelines where we experience setbacks, obstacles,
illness and other densities.
For example, if you become angry and frustrated at another
person and yell at them, this creates an energy that guarantees some
sort of problem will follow. The energy we radiate always returns to us
like a boomerang in some way. Over time, if we act out against others or
harm others - including animals and the environment - we set up a wave
of problems hurtling in our direction. These waves of negativity anchor
us to a murky bog of low-vibrational realities.
Freeing Ourselves from Enslavement to Specific Outcomes
As long as your happiness is contingent on everything going your
way, you will be a slave to circumstance. A negative response to
unwanted outcomes can activate timelines where unpleasant scenarios
flourish. When you choose to celebrate…no matter what, you free yourself
to levitate above the need for specific outcomes. Paradoxically, when
you become free from needing a specific outcome, you invariably find
yourself transported to positive timelines beyond anything you
previously imagined. When we celebrate life, we open the door for the
universe to bring us outcomes that transport us to timelines aligned
with the frequency of celebration.
Regardless of what we have created in the past, we always hold
the power to transform our circumstances within any moment by choosing
to celebrate the blessing of another moment and another opportunity to
awaken to deeper levels of unconditional love.
Remembering to Celebrate is a Skill
Refrain from judgment if your path to celebration is checkered
with lapses to negativity. We are here to learn and develop skills that
allow us to become the eyes and ears, the hands and feet of spirit on
earth. As we become adept in these skills, we teach them to others.
Within every moment we awaken anew and remember we have the choice to
celebrate rather than fall to deeper densities. Some moments carry
energies that trigger painful awarenesses and we forget to celebrate.
This will always be the case. However, as we develop our skill at
remembering to celebrate, our lapses are shorter-lived and provide
traction for life-affirming choices. The further we move along the path
of celebration, the easier it is to remember to celebrate…no matter