Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Post Shift

Post Shift

Welcome, dear friends and Lightworkers! You asked for change, you
asked for Divine Assistance, you asked for enlightenment, you asked
for remembrance – and now everything is in place and simply awaits
your acceptance. It is truly a joyous day!

We know that most of you have felt this shift. Where? In your Sacred
Heart Center, of course. For many years now the great teachings have
encouraged humanity to meditate and learn the way to this sacred site
that exists within the energy bodies of all of you. If you have taken
the time and learned the way, we honor and celebrate your preparedness
for what has newly opened in your world.

If you have not yet found your way and you are beginning to feel like
you missed the boat – simply let that go. There is always another boat.

So, rather than delay your awakening any longer, we have some
suggestions to facilitate your efforts.

1) Fall in love. Do you remember how you felt the first time you fell
in love – truly and completely smitten and focused love? That is what
we are suggesting. The difference is that we are suggesting that you
fall in love with that same intensity with your own inner being.

Most humans are not aware that the state of fervent love that
epitomizes the beginning of a romance is how you are meant to feel
about your inner being and that this state of exuberance and
infatuation is meant to continue vibrantly and perpetually.

And if you feel that you have tried and it didn’t work, we assure you
that it did work – to the full degree of love that you gave the program!

And this inward directed love is also the most direct path to your own
guidance, guides and so much more! At one point the channel asked
Sarrinn if she were the channel’s inner being. Sarrinn’s answer was,
‘Yes, I am that… and so much more. My heart connects with yours and at
that connection, I am your inner being. And my heart is the doorway to
more of who I am and more of All That Is. My heart is the connection
and welcomes your love and your presence whenever you focus and intend.’

2) Meditate. No amount of meditation is wasted. And whatever way you
meditate is the correct way – it is your way. As you slide into the
inner peace that confirms you are successfully meditating, look for
the energy of sanctuary which lives forever within you all. If you are
very logical, simply go to your heart chakra and then lift into the
space which coincides with your thymus gland – your Sacred Heart
Center is there.

If your talent is to feel energy, reach your senses out to find the
source of your love, the music of your soul, the pulsing love that is
part of all life. It feels like the true source of a great river –
your Sacred Heart Center is there.

Or, ride your favorite music, the rhythm of your breath, the alignment
of mantras or affirmations, the hypnotic motion of your body’s
movement – ride the energy of what works for you. Meditate!

3) Understand Balance. Imagine that your energies work like a teeter
totter. Especially any energies which you believe have opposite or
mirror partnerships. Examples of what we mean by that are:
Female/male; lifting/grounding; positive/negative; right/wrong.

Now consider how much of the time a teeter totter spends in perfect,
contented balance. Not much! And if it sat in perfect contented
balance the entire time anyone rode on it, what would be the point?
The spiritual concept of balancing is meant to be a dynamic, ever
changing flow.

As soon as you believe that perfect and constant balance is the reward
of successful effort, judgment of imbalance kicks in, such as the
judgment that someone is too left brained, too ungrounded, too
negative, too rich, too successful or even too positive.

What if it’s not about being ‘in balance’ but about ‘balancing’? What
if you enjoy the dance with all its flows between? Do you see how this
one shift reduces judgment?

4) Harmony. You will experience harmony in your life when you align
your mind and your heart. Why? Harmony is a tool of sorts which allows
communication between head and heart. This communication accesses true

Think about it. When you are in a purely intellectual flow, how easy
or difficult is it to access your emotions and how well do you pay
attention to the messages of your inner being? Intellect loves logic
and debate. Intellect also tends to override or even ignore the
messages of the emotions, heart or inner being. Have you ever been in
a conversation with someone when they were fully in their intellect
and you were fully in your heart? Chances are, in that experience you
felt the lack of positive communication quite intensely.

Likewise, when you are centered in the loving energies of your heart,
are you well grounded? Is your intellect engaged and ready to
participate in the day to day logic of your reality?

Imagine harmony flowing between your mind and your heart. The psychic
lemniscate (the figure eight symbolizing infinity and positive magic)
of the magician illustrates the perfect flow that allows the mind and
the heart to work as partners rather than adversaries.

How to begin? From the moment where you are, recognize the tool, head
or heart, which is needed to be here now successfully. Are you engaged
in an activity (like driving or balancing your bank statement) which
would benefit from a dominantly intellectual focus? Are you trying to
make a decision which defies logic and thus would benefit from clear
emotional communication? As you center in your present moment it will
be quite simple to enjoy the harmony of moving from your mind’s
observations and conclusions to your heart’s lovingly intuitive
guidance and back again.

5) Remembrance. Do you still have memories of experiences that you
have not forgiven? Then do so now! Forgiveness – perpetual forgiveness
– is the key to freedom! To give yourself the gift of loving
remembrance is exquisite! And after all, everything is God. If you
hold onto past hurts, you cannot experience the unity of Source as
fully as you desire. As you forgive the past you open to those past
experiences being God, too. Soon there is nothing in your life that is
without purpose.

Does this mean that all your life memories will suddenly be happy and
joyful? No. But it does mean that they will no longer feed you
negativity or affect your present day potential.

6) Future Self. You all have a future self who ‘gets it’ – every
single one of you! That future self remembers and loves you deeply.
Interestingly, your future self lives a very multi-dimensional life
and also understands that there is no such thing as time as you
presently observe it. This is important to you because it means that
your multi-dimensional, timeless future self is available to you today
– now!

Do you want access to the wisdom and potential of the future? Are you
ready to be a full, mindful partner with your fully awake, aware and
enlightened self? If so, meditate, center yourself in your Sacred
Heart Center, invite your future self to join you there, invite them
to work with or even to blend with you now. As you and your future
self blend, take note of the new energies, ideas, frequencies
available to you. Be aware that this alignment is one of the tools
intended for this post-shift era.

7) No time. Are you ready to relegate your traditional concepts of
time to the status of ‘organizer’? Are you ready to let time be the
pure motion that it is? Why is this important? Because in no-time you
have access to all of creation. In no-time scripts and contracts can
be rewritten. In no-time you can step through the doorway that
separates your reality from the All. In no-time, you can only live in
the moment – the point of pure creation - since no other moment exists.

8) The Divine Feminine. As you awaken to the truth that you now live
in a post-shift world, notice what changes have resulted from all this
work! For instance, time has become a tool of freedom rather than a
constriction; reality is being manifested consciously and with pure
intent; critical mass has achieved harmlessness; telepathy and
intuition have opened to most; and your world has shifted to the
loving and compassionate energies of the Divine Feminine.

If you doubt this changing of the guard and wonder what a new
matriarchal alignment would inspire, probably the most obvious effect
is the worldwide movement to ‘live green’. This flows from new depths
of compassion and expanded interest in guaranteeing that the world
will still be around and healthy for future generations.

We suggest that you spend some time simply contemplating the
ramifications of those concepts presented here which speak most
directly to your heart. Which ones fill you with yearning for the
successful enjoyment of that paradigm? And even more than all that –
contemplate who the Divine Feminine – The Goddess – is to you. As you
think of her, open your heart and allow yourself to feel the pure and
truly unconditional love that has waited so patiently to be noticed
and welcomed.

Your success in this post-shift era will transpire in direct
proportion to the love you give it. We suggest you give it a lot…


Sarrinn and The Ancients

© 2008 Daniele DeVoe

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