AWAKE to Your Divine NatureMelchizedek through Dawn Fleming
The past month was a busy time for me. I spent most of June in Marylandproviding Egyptian Healing Rod presentations, taking clients and usingthe rods in giving attunements. The intense use of the rods on a dailybasis continues to open me up to deeper realms of truth more easilyand also aligns me with the Higher source of the Universal Presence ofDivine Love.The information that follows flowed through after meditating whileholding the rods. During the meditation I felt a strong presence of anAscended Master which happened to be Melchizedek. The message wasreceived on May 15, 2008.You are walking through a portal that humanity is calling 2012. Thegates to this portal are already opening within you. Many of you arefeeling the pull to align with this transforming energy. You may notunderstand what is happening to you at this time, especially sincemany of you have just recently begun to awaken to your spiritual nature.This portal is an opening in your universe that brings forth fifth andsixth realm dimensional energies that will bring forth a new era onearth. Earth is being transformed and realigned and attuned to higherfrequencies. Have you felt the rumbling lately as our earth goesthrough a realignment process? The entire process, both earth’s andhumanity’s will be complete by 2017. Humanity will also appeardifferent – more luminous. Current destructive patterns will not existin this new field of energy.Many are obsessing or feeling something stirring within regarding2012. The intellect is trying to relate what is going on energeticallyand physically with something or some event in the outer – identifiedby the year 2012 when many suspect something ominous will occur.I will tell you the energy shift around 2012 is already happening andongoing increases and adjustments have been occurring over the pastseveral years. The push is occurring on a massive level to gethumanity to wake up! The restlessness, anxiety, and feeling as if youare called to do something - to give back, to make a difference, toheal yourself are all the result of this portal opening and theintensification of the energy to support your process as well as theplanet’s process of moving through this portal into a new sphere andway of life.The portal is an opening up of the higher realms of ascension energyto earth and all its inhabitants. It is opening gates within gates ofyour own energetic makeup which have remained locked and closed overthe millennium due to ignorance and the refusal to align with yourDivine template. This shift is not exclusive to certain individuals.It is an opportunity offered to humanity. It is a collective eventwhere each person will have the opportunity to choose on some level towalk through this portal.Oh, you ask, what do I need to do get ready for this opening?AWAKE! It is time to awaken to your Divine nature. To be that which iscalling you to be your highest potential. It is time to find thatascended Presence within and to birth it fully into all areas of yourlife.You must TRUST your inner knowing. TRUST your guidance. The AscendedKingdom is trying to make this transition as easy as possible for you.They are anchoring energies, rewiring your energy makeup, shifting thepatterns of light around you and modulating the various grids thatsustain life on your planet to assist you with this intense expansion.With all this assistance, you continue to try to see with your eyesclosed.I could go on forever on these two topics, but for now I will justgive you these to work with. The Ascended Masters do love you so much and want you to be fullyprepared for the upcoming shifts that will be more intense and requiremore of your Divine self – more of you shining Light- to be anchored andactivated, ready for the transition and transformation that will occuras your own gates open as humanity moves through the opened portal.The world that you see and experience will be filled with such ahigher frequency. Life will be joy-filled and humanity will worktogether. You will revel in the victory of your fully empoweredperfected bodies, minds (Divine minds), and your luminous spirit thatwill be revealed to all.That is all for now my beautiful children. Listen within for youranswers. Heaven awaits your awakening. In service to the Light. MelchizedekMay God’s Light and Love shower you always,Dawn Fleming