Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness Is Here Now

Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness Is Here Now

You are living in a powerful and transformative time when greater
light shines from the heavens onto the Earth plane. This influx of
light is triggering a series of inner shifts and transformations that
will ultimately change the shape, appearance and workings of your
"outer" world. These changes in collective reality usher in a time
when Earth exists primarily in fifth-dimensional frequencies. These
shifts in consciousness have been prophesied by the great seers of
every time frame. This is the essence of the New Earth.

Beings from the Future and the New Earth

It is important to understand these shifts began taking place in the
hearts and minds of many beings over centuries, with the final staging
of consciousness taking shape in the last hundred years. Large
numbers of "beings from the future" began incarnating to the Earth in
the late 1800s. Each decade since that time has seen a greater influx
of beings arriving here to seed consciousness and pave the way for the
New Earth. These beings speak about human rights and respect for all
life and the planet; they advocate equality and unconditional love;
they bring forth understanding of quantum physics and other
innovations that reflect spirit's vast capabilities.

The Rapid Decline of Misaligned Energies

The essence of these beings' role is anchoring greater light on the
Earth to help accelerate the transformations taking place. As Earth's
energetic resonance rises, you will see many aspects of collective
consciousness fall away. Those aspects of reality not aligned with
the new frequencies are simply demagnetized.

This is why you're seeing many institutions, ideas, patterns and ways
of being fall away now. If you examine those energies being phased
out, you will find they contain unholistic frequencies that are not
compatible with the energies of the New Earth.

Stepping into Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness

Your conscious mind may not believe it is possible to access
fifth-dimensional consciousness from your present moment. This old
pattern of thinking "you can't get there from here" has held human
beings in spiritual bondage since time began.

In the beginning, this was by design. In order to experience true
freedom of spirit, it is necessary to experience limitation and
bondage. The collective consciousness has completed this "limitation"
phase of the experiment, and the next phase of unlimited freedom is
now readily accessible.

In order to step into the vast, unlimited nature of your being, it is
necessary to "see-through" the illusion of your enslavement to the way
things have been. This is done by releasing old habits, beliefs,
attitudes and perceptions that tie you into limited ways of being.

The main purpose of Earth changes and the challenging times you are
currently experiencing is to break loose from these old habits and
perceptions, to "stand back" from your present "identity self", and
see yourself through the eyes of spirit. From this unlimited
perspective, you're free to step fully into fifth-dimensional

Signposts of the Great Shift

In coming weeks, we will outline the shape of the transition to the
New Earth. You are seeing a time when third-dimensional energies are
still in place while fifth-dimensional consciousness pulses in the
hearts and minds of many. Even as fifth-dimensional consciousness
moves into full flower, seventh-dimensional consciousness is being
seeded. Some beings have chosen to explore well beyond the seventh
dimension, but this is done with understanding and acceptance of the
changes this manifests in one's physical reality and the greater
levels of responsibility that accompany it.

In coming weeks we will discuss:

One) tuning into the broadcast of the New Earth. As you open to the
shape of upcoming changes, you understand transitions at hand and how
you can help usher in the new time of greater spiritual alignment
known as the Golden Age.

Two) opening to the understanding that you are the next step in the
activation of the new energies on the Earth plane. The new energies
on Earth were seeded lifetimes ago in the hearts and minds of those
who volunteered to anchor them.

Three) barriers to experiencing fifth-dimensional consciousness and
how you can within your present moment choose to clear anything that
blocks your access.

Four) explain the role spiritual guidance plays in accessing
fifth-dimensional consciousness. In a rapidly-changing world, the
only true means of navigating physical reality is spiritual alignment.

Five) accepting and embracing the infinite nature of your being. It is
only when you're willing to embrace your own infinite and powerful
nature that you are able to step past limiting beliefs of scarcity,
victimhood, blame, and illness.

Six) trusting and believing in your highest vision. Even those who
have begun to align themselves with spiritual guidance may feel
challenged when asked to trust and believe in the visions they
receive. Transitioning into fifth-dimensional consciousness requires
a willingness to take a leap within yourself -- to risk loss of
identity, long-held support systems and the comforts of the "known."

Seven) stepping into emotional freedom. When you learn to heal
wounded aspects of your self, you release dense emotions accumulated
throughout lifetimes, freeing energy for the next stage of your
personal growth and evolution.

Eight) activating inner technologies such as telepathy, clairvoyance,
clairaudience, clairsentience and other psychic and intuitive
abilities that allow you to enter a time of clear-seeing. This helps
you to "see-through" the illusion.

Nine) expanding your definition of the present moment. The perception
that your present moment is compartmentalized and shut off from both
past and future limits your ability to access other aspects of your
consciousness. These aspects represent parts of you incarnated
through time. These aspects can help you heal the past, design future
realities and access a wide range of latent skills and abilities.

Ten) understanding incarnational cycles and the role beings from the
future play in transforming your present moment. In accordance with a
being's spiritual path and purpose, they may choose to reincarnate
into what you perceive as either past or future times in relation to
their most recent incarnation. Many beings previously incarnated in
future times have volunteered to incarnate now to help bring about a
great shift in human consciousness.

Eleven) the role of chaos in achieving fifth-dimensional
consciousness. It is important to understand quantum change is
achieved through a process of unraveling past realities while opening
a path for new times on the Earth plane to crystallize.

Twelve) joining together with others to activate the energies of the
New Earth. As you perceive the new energies now manifesting on the
Earth plane, you're able to join together with many beings who share a
common purpose of activating grids put into place long ago.

For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org