The Healing Power of Spiritual Light
by Owen Waters
The Buddha spent many years trying to understand evil and suffering. He eventually concluded that the only real power in the universe is the Creator and that all else is illusion and therefore has little or no power in comparison.
He then went on to counsel people to adopt the middle way in order to avoid being sucked into illusion and bringing suffering upon themselves. He saw attachment to things of the world as the source of suffering, so he advised people to be a part of the world, yet not attached to it.
His words ring as true today as they did 2,500 years ago; and yet, times have changed. Today's level of popular consciousness is far beyond that of the relatively dark times of 2,500 years ago. Today, detachment is still excellent advice, but we can do so much more now to consciously transform the old ways of darkness.
Physical darkness is the absence of physical light. The darkness itself is not real. It is merely an absence of something that is real. Likewise, spiritual darkness is the absence of spiritual light. Spiritual darkness itself is not real. It is merely an absence of something that is real.
Evil is an illusion because a shadow is not a real thing. Light is the real thing. A shadow is an illusion caused by the absence of light. The only reality, the only real power, is light itself.
Darkness can only exist in hiding from the light. When light shines in, it dissipates the darkness, making it obvious where the real power lies. Evil has no power in itself. It is only a lack of light. The real power is, and always has been, with the light and not with the shadow.
If you sense darkness, add light.
If you sense pain, add the light of healing energy.
If you sense hatred, add the light of love.
If you sense despair, add the light of hope and trust in the goodness of that from which we came and that to which we are returning.
The Nature of Spiritual Light
Spiritual light, in its fundamental form, is the omnipresent consciousness of the Creator. When intertwined with the unconditional love of the Creator and set into motion, it manifests as the universe.
Filters can block spiritual light. Such filters include fear, hatred, judgment, conflict and despair. That which engenders any of these is, therefore, promoting darkness. Darkness in consciousness affects mind, body and spirit.
When spiritual light is channeled through the human mind, it adds to the light of the world. Darkness can be healed through the addition of spiritual light.
While spiritual light is universally available in all frequencies, it has to flow through human consciousness in order to affect the human realm of consciousness. The effectiveness of sending healing spiritual light into an area that needs it is subject to the following two laws.
The Laws of Spiritual Light
1. The transformative ability of spiritual light is proportional to the frequency of the consciousness used to project it.
2. The amount of spiritual light projected is proportional to the degree of openness of the chakra through which it flows.
Spiritual light law number two refers to the chakra face which is in use at the time, and it depends upon the frequency of consciousness in use at the time. You will already be familiar with the nature of the twelve faces of the seven major chakras if you have read my book, "The Shift: the Revolution in Human Consciousness." The chakra faces are gateways of thought. Thoughts come into you from, and go from you out to, the global mind atmosphere. Your frequency of consciousness, at any moment in time, determines which chakra face will be used as the active gateway.
Basically, your chakra system is like a receiving and transmitting radio station, only with frequencies of consciousness. What you do with the consciousness as it flows through you is your contribution to the global mind atmosphere.
Much of Western society today functions, on average, through her of the two solar plexus chakra faces. This is face number five, which is intellectual-active in function and expresses itself through physical achievement.
Heartfelt consciousness is face number six, the lower heart chakra face, which is holistic-receptive in nature and expresses through the consciousness of caring community. Heart-powered consciousness is the upper heart chakra face, which is holistic-active and expresses itself as a sense of responsible freedom.
Your frequency of consciousness can vary from minute to minute. If you are in a healthy state of unconditional love and acceptance, you are functioning in heart-centered consciousness. If you turn on today's television news, however, you will soon be tempted to drop into polarity consciousness. While unconditional love is a function of unity and harmony, polarity consciousness, which was named after the opposite poles of a magnet, generates separation, tension and conflict.
Why People Suffer
We live in a world filled with many kinds of darkness, none of which would exist if people were already following their spiritual hearts instead of the illusion of separation.
This world of illusion is constructed so that people appear to be separate from each other. In reality, we are all one.
This world of illusion is constructed so that we reflect on our memories and plan for tomorrow. In reality, time is an illusion that is manufactured in order for dramas to play out. The only reality is now.
This world of illusion is constructed so that people are orphaned from their spiritual source. In reality, we are that source, looking at that source from an infinite variety of perspectives.
The great treasure of life in a world of freewill is that we eventually learn to stand on our own two feet as self-empowered sparks of that from which we came.
Once upon a 'time,' before time existed, we volunteered to leave our spiritual home and descend into the acute focus which is provided by these dense realms of physicality. After we have worked through the illusions of this theater of life we will become self-empowered spiritual sparks, tempered in the fire of acute experience.
There is a tradition that says that it is hard to complete the cycle of continual rebirth on planet Earth. That idea came into being simply because the time was not yet ripe for The Shift.
The Cosmic Scale of The Shift
Today, the rules are changing. As The Shift unfolds, people are finding themselves faced with imminent transformation into the heart-centered reality that we call the New Reality. The Shift is not confined to planet Earth, nor even to our solar system. It is a transformation which is cosmic in scale. The ethers are alive with an ever-increasing pull which beckons humanity back towards the spiritual home from which we came.
In the cosmic scale of time, today's phase of the New Reality will pass by in the mere blink of an eye. The New Reality, today's emerging heart-centered consciousness, is a link to that which lies beyond. Humanity will spend mere centuries in passing through the current New Reality and completing our adventure in physical existence.
As we master heart-centered consciousness, our physical bodies will become lighter in density. We will work through the joy of reconnection with our spiritual source, eventually leaving physicality behind. The only mystery remaining will be why humanity took so long to reach that place of active harmony and joyful expression.
Then, we will return to our spiritual home, very different than before, and very much wiser than when we originally left.
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About the author:
Owen Waters is an international spiritual teacher who has presented his insights into the New Reality to hundreds of thousands of seekers. In 1963, while growing up in a mystical part of Britain, he encountered his first spiritual awakening. The surprise of this mystical experience was such that his life became focused upon a continuous search for spiritual answers.
Almost forty years of study and research followed, along with the development of his inner vision. By the year 2002, like many of the spiritual teachers who are coming forward for The Shift, his realizations began to unfold rapidly. Today, as Editor and cofounder of Infinite Being LLC, he helps people find inspiration, love and creativity through heart-powered consciousness. *