October brought in some very new connections for some, and although things began to pick up a bit, the temperature was still not right for jumping in. It was hoped that the time would be ripe, as many of our ducks were now in a row, but as with much of everything, with personal choice involved, things can only progress according to where they are.
In many areas on the planet now, it suddenly becomes cold and nature pulls back thinking it is time. Then all of the sudden it is warm once again, and nature wants to bloom! Very confusing indeed. And this is how it is with the energies. It can be difficult to know what will come next, as any normal patterns have seemingly changed.
In this way, at higher levels we are being asked to wait a bit longer, to pull back, to stay out of the mainstream, and to sit tight until the masses are indeed ready for our services and assists. The natural inclination of the masses is to want things to be “fixed,” to want some stability, and at times to want to go back to the familiar and to restore as much as possible. But this cannot be.
So until enough are ready to let go and embrace something very new, to become aware of their brothers and sisters that surround them, and to support each other as a team, another big and substantial shake-up will indeed occur.
Going into the masses now, before the time is right, will result in some fairly unpleasant scenarios. Much of the time we will feel invisible, invalidated, not heard, diminished, dis-respected, and basically as if we do not even exist. Lower vibrating energies cannot “see” higher vibrating energies, similar to angels existing in the non-physical plane, and this is what will indeed occur when we attempt to jump back into old energy. It will be enough to make one want to flee and never return.
So then, we can know that our needs will be met while we “wait.” It can be a good time to enjoy ourselves and do fun things and simply laugh and play, as always.
The re-connecting process has been a long one. Many are having strange dreams and unusual visitations in their sleep. Hearing sounds, feeling a presence, and so forth are symptoms that another dimension is indeed now merging with us.
Coughing spells, intestinal distress, heart palpitations, and insomnia are also signs of preparation for the new as we release more of the older and denser energies within us. One interesting symptom of ascension is the inability to spell things correctly or write an appropriate sentence. It can be common to superimpose letters as well. As one with a history of perfect spelling and grammar, this has been an interesting experience for me, and has grown increasingly worse. I choose to believe that the message is what is truly important and have really let go of the perfection of it all, so I don’t bother with an editor as well. It simply does not matter anymore and is a place I can no longer go.
This ties in as well with that old familiar memory loss when trying to have a conversation. We are moving into states where energy is all there is. Little details do not matter at this stage. It is the feeling and the energy of anything that is all that is left.
How in the world do we survive when our brains no longer function? We just do. There is a higher part of us, or our souls, who navigate through it all. We are simply losing much of our old 3D selves.
By trusting that our process is being divinely guided, and thus, allowing ourselves to leave the old behind and move forward into a very new space, will always place us in alignment with where we need to be.
If we can know that what is occurring on the outside has nothing to do with us, separate from the process of the fall as much as possible, and stay in our personal sanctuaries, then we can rest assured that our connection to something new and more aligned with Source and our true authentic selves will be ensured.