In The Recognition Of Completeness There Are No Needs
As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
As you walk forth into the door of completeness, the longing for what you once desired will be changed forever. For in the recognition of completeness there are no needs, there are no desires, there are no wants. All is automatically filled by its corresponding parts of completion. As you sit in all of what you once were and all that you are destined to be, you come to a climatic point of reference. You look back upon your life and you think and ponder, was all of that necessary in order to become who I am naturally? Couldn't I have reached an all-natural state without the stress, the strains, the moans, the pains, and the hurts? The answer that you hear so ponderously in the background of your thinking is No!
You needed to walk the ladder of experience in order to come to the roof of yourself, in order to see over the hills and the dales that you once thought you needed to experience. You enter a place of elegant emptiness. A place where you have completely emptied out of what you thought you were suppose to do who you thought you were to be. It is a place that you do not need to fill with any yearnings. For in the emptiness of all that you are, there is such fullness and a completion that nothing will inhibit your movement forward. It is only by emptying a glass that you experience its full potential. When something is full and complete, the next step is emptying, and then there is a filling, and then another emptying.
Light defines itself in completion as light. Just because you request the light to enter into your life, does not mean it is a holy light or a sacred light. The vibrations of all substance reside with their genetic imprint in the house of light. The light holds the original blueprint of all things that are birthed in all shades of light. Light comes in more shades, then colors. Think about the times you tried to match white to white or black to black, in clothing or in paint. There are thousands of shades of white and there are thousands of depths of black.
On this planet of duality, you are given the task of dissecting the light and dark and gray matter of your life. 2008 has issued a truckload of white lies outlining a gray sometimes dark area. Being a political year many speak with forked tongues whether that is their intent or not. They ride the rails and do not commit verbally to any given ideology.
Humanity tends to stay close to the borders of light and dark, straddling the razor-blade fence of that particular creation. Humanity is now asked to do the cosmic wash and swim through all the dingy whites and dive deep into all the darks, the grays, and the blacks without coming up any whiter or any darker then one originally entered. You are to do not the wash not become the washing factor. In other words, you are to come fully into your experience of life not judging the many shades of white/ light, nor judging the many shades of gray or shadow. Only to Observe the shades and nuances that have always existed, but you have not seen.
Do not look at those who wear the dark cloaks of wolves in a world of sheep as something that is against the light. But look at them closely as they too act out what is needed to explain the earthly experience. As you walk down the aisle of light, you will taste the very purest of light to the very darkest of dank. Each of you as Creational Vortices will become translators of light and black and gray and beige. This translation is not to be made in a finger pointing judgment but in a new awareness and understanding that serves a higher process.
It would be a very bland world if everything were vanilla. The rocky road-ness of your experience of life has served you well. The ups and downs of who you know yourself to be, has brought to you the character lines of your heart. Walking the path of poverty and prosperity has given you both the pauper and the prince's viewpoint and thus has seasoned you well. So stand tall in this Creational Vortex knowing that everything is perfect. Knowing that all rights will wrong themselves and all wrongs will right themselves as you watch the players and the playing become more animated in the next few months. Stand on the chessboard of this experience stretching your self and encompassing all roles.
We are the Council of Light, all shades of light.
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan | PO box 217 | Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 | Spiritual Tools for Accelerated Transformation |