Sunday, December 28, 2008

Planetary/Ascension Reading - December 26, 2008

Planetary/Ascension Reading - December 26, 2008
by Joe and Jen (KA and Royen)

Planetary Reading December 26th, 2008

The World, or planet Earth is now entering into its time of Renewal
and Rebirth. The 3D aspects of what is currently, and over the next 4
years, taking place on the planet may seem "bad," "scary," even like
the end of the world at times, but it's simply the Process we must go
through in order to evolve. But, the Truth is this:

In order for us (the planet) to raise our vibration, transmute all the
illusions and negative energies that we've gathered both collectively
and individually (which is the same as we are all ONE) over many eons
of time, and to bring "Heaven to Earth" by stepping into the 5th
Dimension, we must go through "The Fall."

The Fall may look nasty, but in reality, we're preparing to
self-actualize as a WHOLE. We're preparing to transmute all the
illusions, false belief systems, and man-created false realities. We
are headed toward Unity and Harmony in ALL things; Within and without.
We are "working" our way back to our Natural and Divine state of Being.

The World's deepest fear is/will be death...death of their ways of
life, death of everything they thought was real, death of the planet.
However, this is oh, so, not the case. We are striving for a much more
Loving world and it will do not fear anything. As fear is the
ultimate of all illusions.

As a WHOLE, we are being Enlightened, Awakened...and Remembering. Our
True Wisdom and Spirituality will soon be liberated. We are amidst
combining our masculine and feminine, and all polarity, as polarity is
what we experience on this plane...only. There is no polarity or
contrast on the "Other Side."

This Transition/Ascension does not happen in one fell swoop. It will
happen (and has begun), and will continue over the next 4 years, as no
one could handle this type of Transmutation/Process overnight, so to

Opposites are being blended. Balance and moderation, along with
cooperation among peoples, Nations, Races, Cultures, Ideas, Religions,
etc...will soon be more and more apparent. Sounds beautiful, ha?!
Simply remember, however, that it will take some time, and may seem
like a slow process for some, and a quicker one for others. It's
important to remember that we're all ONE and must go through this
Process as our Higher Selves have already predestined.

The planet is beginning to experience the TRUE meaning of: "The Truth
Shall Set You Free." All things will be illuminated; good and bad. To
many some things may be shocking. Some may refuse to look into the
eyes of Truth. Many things/ideas that we considered "bad" or "evil"
will be seen as the opposite. And, much that's been believed to be
"good," "right," acceptable, or even the "truths" we've been brought
up with, or the ways we SHOULD live our lives, are going to be set
straight; are going to be illuminated as the LIGHT will shine upon all
darkness, which then becomes LIGHT.

Basically, a house NOT built on solid foundations will eventually
collapse...this is taking place on the planet. BUT, the good news is
that it is crumbling in order to rebuild upon a VERY solid foundation.
Many "things," institutions, governments, etc....that (we) rely upon
or believe in, just knowing they'll always be there and remain the
same...are not.

This will be very disturbing and upsetting to many who may feel unable
to "change." Again, remember, everyone has chosen their path prior to
entering this life. Ironically, the Planet desires these changes and
has planned them for a very, very long time. We've all chosen to
participate in our own way during these most amazing of times!

Trust this: Your Higher Self, the True You, knows exactly what's going
on and will guide you...You must listen to your Inner KNOWER, your Heart.

Also, it is SHOWN that we will enter a time of great Healing, Peace
and Hope, once going thru the not-so-much-fun stuff. The future is
very Glorious and Beautiful...we must have faith and trust!

People, the planet, is soon to be going into a time of Deep Inner
Reflection...Again, this takes place both individually and on a
planetary basis, as people will Awaken and Ascend at different times;
in stages, if you will. Soon, many will begin questioning and "going
Inside" for answers. "Inside" is where all Truth and ALL answers lie.

Much inner strength and determination will be required for many, as
this Process is not an easy one. In the end, it's ALL WORTH IT.
However, there are some painful and uncomfortable aspects of this
Transition. After all, (we) are dying and being Reborn...

Many new opportunities will be on the horizon...the world is changing,
and many "positions" in life are changing. People will be Awakening to
their True Selves, and with this comes their True Gifts, Talents,
Creativity and Joy. What one can offer mankind will be discovered and
used to its greatest potential, as we will come together as ONE. So,
look Deep in your Heart....

If something isn't working for you, or isn't coming easily or
naturally, it is not the right path. Don't bang your head against the
wall trying to force anything. What is your True path, or calling, or
"way" will come easily and without struggle.

"Don't make any life decisions based on money." - Royen

We are currently passing thru a period of preparation for the Great
Change. We are passing through a time where Control and Compliance was
not only the norm, but was dictated. We're coming through a period of
time where Governments, Religious institutions, Regimes, military and
public authority figures rule our existence, and determine for us what
is right and wrong. But soon, no more.

Now, like mentioned above, many will resist or "fight" these changes
and necessary Shift. Many believe they can control or manipulate
what's Spiritually and inevitably happening on the planet. They will
go to any length, in vain, including unethical manners of dealings, in
order to try to stop the Shift. The powers that be, if you will, will
not be pleased with the changes. Any selfish so-called "victories"
will be short lived, however.

The Illuminati, or what's left of "darkness," (which is also Light,
but has not been exposed yet) will be greatly disappointed in their
efforts. Many will simply remain "blind" to what's going on. But, the
Fall will take place regardless, so that we can rebuild.

As a whole, the planet is being Spiritually Enlightened. From a Higher
point of view, we have all agreed to suffer and sacrifice somewhat for
the betterment of the WHOLE. You see, we (our True Selves) know that
this (Truly minute) suffering leads to a Miraculous end/Beginning.
Many people throughout the ages from different cultures and religions,
etc....have experienced great suffering, voluntarily, in order to
achieve great Understanding and Enlightenment. This is what many of us
are doing now, we just don't necessarily remember yet.

So, if you're feeling forsaken, forgotten, sacrificed, pain and
suffering, etc...remember, you've volunteered...You're on the Right
Path, You've done nothing wrong, and you're a beautiful Being of Light
that is playing a major part in this Great Shift! You're not alone,
and NEVER forgotten.

And, we will be learning to work together in all our dealings in life,
balancing home, "work," family, friends, living circumstances, ensure harmony, as we are moving into Unity.

And finally, the entire Universes are watching us and are backing us
with great enthusiasm. THEY are proud of us and encouraging our
evolutionary process every step of the way! We have successfully begun
this Great Leap of awareness, and we are well on our way. We have the
choice to make this Growth and Awareness as smooth or as difficult as
we wish. But, none the less, it is taking has begun. All is
in Divine and Perfect Order.

This Planetary Reading is a current and NOW update....I will continue
to keep you posted as deemed necessary. Wishing you ALL Much Love and
Light...along with a Happy and Joyful Holidays!


Joe and Jen

Lord Melchizedek: The Sixth Energy Boost

Lord Melchizedek: The Sixth Energy Boost
Received by Natalie Sian Glasson

Let peace emanate into all of humankind, let peace settle within the mind, emotions and actions of all. Peace is the energy that we send forth now onto the Earth, combined with stillness. Allow the energies of peace and stillness to vibrate in the space around your body, in the air between your physical form and those near you. Allow peace and stillness to ring loud now as joyful bells across the world so that all may understand that the energy of the Creator is anchoring onto the Earth, manifesting as a source of love within all human beings. It is the energy of peace and stillness that is the key focus for the sixth energy boost that is gracing the land. This energy brings to the soul the chance to be quiet and tranquil, to reflect on the past year and to contemplate the future. The sixth ray of light assists in the manifesting of love within the grid work of the Earth as well as within the chakra systems of many. Allow this intense boost of peaceful energy to activate within you, the energies of the five boosts that you have already experienced to settle and integrate into your being and energy systems. Through the power of our peaceful energy you have the opportunity to connect on a deeper level with your soul, your guides and of course the Creator's energy. It is time for you to make space for yourself and to experience peace in its profoundness. Allow the energy of peace and the sixth energy boost to channel and pour into your being throughout the day over this special and unique period between the 25th December until the 1st January. Allow the ascended masters to bring you the blessings of peace and stillness so that you may experience your life with an inner stillness, calmness and balance. This will act as an anchoring, settling, combining and rejuvenating process, allowing all past energy boosts to manifest now in the energy of peace.

It is important that you make use of this peacefully energy, you can ask the ascended masters and their sixth energy boost to assist you with your meditation practises, meditating, sitting peacefully, listening to high vibrational music or reading while invoking the peaceful sixth boost of energy will assist you in anchoring the vibration of peace into your being. If you anchor peace now its energy's will remain with you throughout 2009.

Allow yourself to invoke constantly whatever you are doing but most especially when you are meditating, the sixth peace and stillness energy boost to channel and pour into your being through your crown chakra at the top of your head, flowing throughout your being.

One could say that this is the lull, the period of stillness before the result of the anchoring of the energy boosts of love in 2009.

I am Lord Melchizedek; I come to you now as the universal logos, overseer of the universe and as a Cosmic Christ on behalf of the ascended master community. I am overwhelmed with joy to be able to bring forth the information concerning the sixth energy boost that will soon anchor on the Earth at midnight 24th December. I am greatly honoured to distribute such wonderful information with humanity but I come with a special mission of sharing the thanks and appreciation that comes forth from the ascended masters and many other kingdoms to those who have placed their focus in connecting with the energy boosts, allowing the energy to pour through their beings into the Earth. You have participated in a great service for the Creator and humanity. Without your assistance our energy waves would not be so successful. I must share with you my friends that the anchoring of the six energy boosts of love and eventually peace has been a major triumph, as the energy will assist in the preparations for ascension that many will take on the Earth. The love that has been anchored on to the Earth is only the beginning; it is akin to the unveiling of the era of love which will truly be activated in 2012. Until this year many preparations will be made to assist humanity in embodying love. The era of love is the embodiment of love.

The six energy boosts will combine to create the seventh energy boost which will be anchored on the 2nd January and will continue to pour onto the Earth throughout the entire year of 2009 and beyond. This means that you can always call on the energy of love that extends from the ascended masters', the Creator and the inner planes. The energy of love will always be available for you to access and anchor into your being and reality. Continue to work with the seventh energy boost, allow the love that it emanates to assist in accelerating your spiritual growth process, amplifying the source of love within your being as well as sharing the truth of the Creator with all. This is a constant supportive energy that you can invoke to assist you in manifesting the abundance, reality, dreams and desires that you wish to experience by asking the ascended masters and their loving energy boost to energise your positive thoughts, your loving actions and peaceful emotions. Within the energy of love much wisdom can be found, this is for you to discover and connect with.

We are all so proud of you and wish to share our appreciation and thanks as well as many blessing and love. You are surrounded in protection and love as are the love crystals which are playing a major part in the manifestation of love on the Earth. Continue to act as a beacon of love on the Earth but allow yourself time to accept the peaceful energy that is brought forth from the sixth energy boost. Spend time meditating; you deserve to connect with the sacred energies that are flowing forth to you now. You may call on my assistance to help you do so or you may meditate invoking me to connect with you and channel my energy into your being. When you ask me to channel my light and energy vibration into your being it will assist in the integration of love and peace within your being. Integration, balance, harmony and acceptance are all important now. Allow yourself to experience the sixth energy boost as well as my powerful vibration and light channelling into your being. This is a rejuvenating and healing process that will prepare you for your spiritual development in 2009. Rejoice now in the energy of peace, for you have focused so intently on anchoring the energy of love, allow peace to be your reward, let peace emanate from your being to anchor into the Earth. Together we will create a heaven on the Earth and access the truth of the Creator from your being. Have faith in our guidance, we are here to assist you.

As the energies of 2008 draw to a close we wish to thank you for your devotions to our cause but also to the Wisdom of the Light, which we are using as an anchor for information to manifest on the Earth from the inner planes and sacred souls of many.

Let this be a time of peace that emanates from within your being, allowing you to connect on a deeper level with the source of the Creator's mighty soul.

May the Creator's blessings shine into your heart now and externally.

Lord Melchizedek
On behalf of the Community of Ascended Masters

I wish to offer to you now an invocation that can be used to anchor the new energies of the sixth energy boost and the New Year. You can experience this invocation on the eve of the 24th December or whenever you feel it is appropriate.

Beloved ascended masters of the Creator's kingdom; I call on your positive and loving energies now to pour into my being, reality and soul. Allow me to experience and feel the peaceful loving energy of the sixth energy boost, its power and the devotion that it holds from each soul of the ascended masters concerning the Earth and the Creator.

Ascended masters shower the Earth, humanity and my own reality in the light of peace. Let light shower deep into our souls and hearts so that we may embody and express the purest vibration of peace. I ask that you anchor the energy of peace into my mind so that I may hear the guidance of the Creator and my loving guides within my mind. Please anchor peace into my heart and emotions so that may release all pain and negativity expressing love, joy, bliss and profound happiness. Anchor the energy of peace deep within my soul and enter being so that I may experience the meaning of inner peace, stillness and harmony. Bring a new found balance to my energy systems so that I may embody the Christ consciousness, the ascended masters' consciousness, the selflessness of the angelic kingdom and the purity of the unicorn kingdom. Allow peace to develop from within me ancient wisdom that can also be found within the nature kingdoms. I ask that the energy of peace from the sixth energy boost assist me in becoming unified and integrated with the energy of the Creator, through the embodiment of peace, assist me in discovering the truth.

I wish to bestow my thanks and appreciation on the Creator, the ascended masters, the loving kingdoms of the Creator, my guides and soul for the constant guiding light that you are; the source of inspiration encouragement and assistance in my life now. I honour you with all my heart and ask you to exist as an ever strong pillar of light beside me and within me, guiding me forward into 2009 so that I may achieve spiritual development, enlightenment and illumination throughout the year of 2009. I ask you to assist me in becoming an embodiment of love, a beacon of light and a source of insights and wisdom. Anchor the energies of the Creator deep into my being and soul. May love and light always protect me ensuring I follow the correct path for my soul. Assist me in connecting on a deeper level with my soul and understanding the truth that exists within me. Shower me with blessings, joy, love, light and happiness so that I may share these blessings with others, rejoicing in the love of the Creator within and around us.

Allow me to be open and receptive at all times to the sixth and seventh energy boosts that flow from the community of the Creator.

I am peace, I am love, I am light forever more.

Thank you for everything,
May peace and love guide all on the Earth.

This is the last message of 2008, the weekly messages will resume in the New Year. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas with a New Year filled with blessings from all at Wisdom of the Light. Thank you for your constant support and openness to the messages coming through.

Best wishes and Blessings,
Natalie and Wisdom of the Light Community

Please visit for more information about the changes and the boosts of energy.

Natalie was born in 1984, UK. Over seen by Archangel Michael, she now works as a channel for a vast variety of spiritual beings and Masters in the spiritual hierarchy. Through her website she shares the channelled messages of the Creator's helpers to expand the awareness of humanity and assist in the raise in energy vibration of the planet. She offers a service of channelled readings from Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Unicorns and Fairies.

Free Video Meditation Visit: and view my video page where I am beginning to build a collection of guided meditations. * * The Sacred School of Om Na website * Channelled downloads written and in mp3 to aid the spiritual education of humanity. Visit * For the latest news visit my website

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Diane: You Are Never Alone, Legions of Light Beings

Diane: You Are Never Alone, Legions of Light Beings
Are On Earth, and Near to Earth to Help You

I am Diane from Sirius, and note that as many of you begin to take a break from the daily routine, so a softness and calmness enters your lives, which is so welcome after the hectic period you have recently gone through. It seems as if a whole year of many frustrations and disappointments are suddenly consigned to the past, and no longer impact you as before. I say to you that the energies you are now bringing into focus are the means of your upliftment, and they will continue for quite some time. What you have achieved has been immensely assisted by the opportunities afforded by the Winter Solstice, under the guidance of Archangel Michael. Periodically there is an input of the higher energies such as at this time, and there are sufficient Lightworkers to ground them upon Earth. These benefit each and every one of you, and will increasingly continue to take you in the direction of Ascension.

I acknowledge that for many there is sadness and dismay, and that the upheavals upon Earth have embroiled them in the affects of the financial and economic breakdown. You are not without our greatest sympathy and compassion, and may we assure you that your problems will not be far reaching or long lived. We as you, patiently await the fast approaching time when it is appropriate and in all of our interests, to back changes that put you on course for release of the Abundance program. Much depends on how quick a start your new President can make, and already he has ambitious plans in mind. He is the Man of the moment holding your future in his hands, and we do not mind saying that they are safe hands. You will have your first legally appointed President for many years, and he has the backing of the Light forces. Look to the greater possibilities for stability and a new approach to your worldwide problems, rather than the impending break up of the old ways. They have had their day, and as any other defunct systems they will disappear from sight.

All around the world the people have celebrations that occur over a period of some weeks, and this maintains the momentum that is created by the positive vibrations of love and peace. Forget for a moment that attempts of the dark forces to continue with their intent to create fearful situations. Do not give in to their last ditch attempts to stop the inevitable demise of their empire. Fear is still their weapon of mass destruction of your morale and hope for the future. Fear is the energy that feeds their empowerment over you, and it cannot be so unless you concede to their attempts to make you feel powerless against them. The fact is that you are fully able to deflect the dark energies back to them, by simply standing at all times in your Light. It is your impenetrable protection against them, and you need nothing more than the intent to do so. You are far from helpless as you are often made to feel, and in truth you have the upper hand in these battles.

We observe that more of you are gradually taking back your power, and that can only augur well for the future. You are in the ascendancy and leaving the old energies behind, as they no longer serve you and have indeed held you back. This is not a lone battle as there are legions of Light Beings on Earth, and also near to Earth ensuring that all those of you that can carry the Light are given every opportunity to do so. To ensure completion of God's Divine Plan, many souls have volunteered to assist you make it to the Golden Age that follows Ascension. As you lift up into the higher vibrations so they will come nearer still, and as you allow it will guide you on your pathway of Light.

Dear Ones, let the fate of the Dark Ones no longer concern you, as not one soul can avoid responsibility for their actions. Do not even speculate as to how they will answer for their decimation of the Human Race, and to their lack of love and compassion for their fellow travellers through duality. It is not given to you to know whether they will suffer, or bring punishment upon themselves. All you need to know is that every soul remains a spark of God, and should be respected for the immutable Light that they carry. It will be ignited again on the long road back to the levels of Light they originally came from, and their experiences will eventually leave them highly motivated to serve those who can benefit from them. At a time when so much goodwill is given out extend it as far as possible, to include those who have forsaken their Light to be the motivators of you all so that you may find yours.

No achievement will be as great as reaching a point where you can view every soul as God does, with Unconditional Love. It means dedication to rise above the daily challenges that come at you from all angles, sometimes when you least expect them. Yet even if you fail to succeed every time in deflecting the lower energies, there are lessons you can learn that leave you much stronger than before. You are not expected to reach a state of perfection upon Earth, but a firm intent to do so will carry you on to the higher levels where you will experience completion of exactly that desire. Do not despair if such an achievement seems far away from you at present, as much help will be available as you enter the final stages of your homeward journey.

Once the major influences of the Illuminati are removed from your midst, you will find it easier to express yourself as a Being of Light. The cleansing of Earth allows for the dark energies to be removed, after centuries of polluting the very ground that you walk upon. Mother Earth can handle them but her way is to literally shake them off. That can be largely avoided with your help and you can do this by anchoring the higher energies for her. It would be a loving gesture on your part, paying back some of the karma you have created through the misuse of the wealth of the Earth. Mother Earth has willingly allowed you to use her for your experience and evolution, but it is now payback time. Your loving attention and response to her needs will go a long way to averting what otherwise could be catastrophes resulting from physical changes. However, do not allow this to cause you any distress, as there are precautions in place that we have taken to eliminate the more serious risks.

We of the Galactic Federation would not just stand by without helping you, and our instructions are to ensure you safely reach Ascension. Of that we can assure you of success, and we wish you a peaceful time in which to gather your thoughts and be that All-Loving God that you really are already.

Thank you Diane,
Mike Quinsey

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

SaLuSa 22-December-2008

SaLuSa 22-December-2008

Already you are commenting on how quickly this year has gone, and
indeed you are sensing that it is going twice as fast. If nothing
else, it is a sign that you are moving out of the old paradigm, and
creating a new one that will move you onto the path of Ascension.
Everything is vibrating at a faster rate and as it continues to do so,
it has the effect of breaking down the old lower vibration. It has put
the dark and Light energies face to face, and only that which can
exist in the higher realms can continue to go forward. It means that
the cleansing is well underway, and the more you can detach from the
old ties, the quicker you will benefit from the uplifting energies.

Everyone has the same opportunity as this cycle reaches its end, but
it is more than simply a matter of choice. The idea of Ascension may
sound attractive but unless you have already been moving in that
direction, it suggests that you are unprepared for it. You are
sovereign Beings who have been given a unique and wonderful
opportunity to start another journey, that leads back to the higher
realms. The Creator has not disowned you, and has planned this time of
upliftment as your release from the dark energies. It has been a
tremendous cycle of experience, that has propelled you forward quicker
than you could have done elsewhere. You must progress all of the time
as nothing stands still, but in the higher realms it is much slower.

The Earth has effectively been a school of learning, that has given
you invaluable experience of Spirit in Matter. It has also allowed you
to exercise your freewill to do so in any manner of your choosing. The
most difficult challenge has come from believing that you are
separated from God, and forgetting who you really are. Consequently
you have often lived lives blindly and unaware of your spiritual Self,
and immutable link to God. Darkness has surrounded your soul, and
suppressed your Light until you have identified with the lower
energies. Now you are in a very different period of time as the Light
has returned to Earth. It will continue to increase exponentially,
until it joins up with the incoming energies that are being beamed to you.

The task of returning to the Light is not one that you are expected to
achieve single-handed. Although it is possible for an individual soul
to ascend at any given time. The difference now is that you are
benefiting because of the Divine decree that this Universe shall lift
up, and enter a new area in the Cosmos. Even so as you now understand,
no one is forced to move into the higher realms if they feel that they
are not yet ready to do so. It may mean cutting yourself off from the
many links formed with other souls, but in reality there is no
separation at all. Those Dear Ones who ascend will always be connected
with all other souls, and in remembering them they will link with
their essence wherever they are. Allow for each to follow their chosen
path of evolution, knowing that there will always be a coming together
as you achieve a more expanded consciousness. As you make your way
into the realms of Light you will become more aware of the Oneness of
All That Is.

What you are doing by electing to follow the path of Ascension is to
acknowledge that you are a Light Being, and that your true home is in
the higher dimensions. It is where you came from, and where you are
always destined to return. They are dimensions where by pure thought
you are the Creators of whatever you desire, and where you find
perfection in their manifestation. Already in the present time you are
beginning to find that your powers are returning to you, and it
becomes more important that you are aware of what you are putting your
energy into. Hitherto, you have created through your mass
consciousness, and it has determined the nature of your experiences.
Now it is starting to become a more individual one, where you are
attracting to yourself exactly where you place your energy.

For eons of time Man has been the warrior and has fought for
everything that he has wanted. Fear has promoted an attitude of
defiance and belligerence, and overshadowed the gentleness of the
Light that has been subdued. It has not been helped by the influence
of those outer dark forces that have enslaved Man; although these no
longer continue have the power to enforce their agenda upon him. Now
you are able to release yourselves from the dark influences, as they
are weakened by the growing Light energies that are bringing back
balance. You are so near to the realization that you are taking back
your sovereignty, and before long you will see positive signs of these
changes. The Lighted Ones who have come to Earth for this very reason,
will soon emerge amongst you and will speak in such a way that you
will know that they come in Love and Light.

In the midst of the continuing chaos the dark still try to hold onto
their waning power. However, it is time for them to be replaced by
souls who are in alignment with the new path that is opening up. They
come to show others the way and what is possible if you follow the
Light, and move with love in your heart for all other life. See in
others their Light and encourage them to identify with it, and realize
that they are great and powerful Beings. You have been kept down for
so long you have forgotten who you really are, and your potential to
create your own path of evolution. Now you have the advantage of
finding the truth about yourselves and Humanity. A whole new vista is
opening to reveal your true ability to determine your own future, and
not be enslaved to what the dark forces have thrust upon you for
millennia of time.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that the Galactic Federation
is fully understanding of your present predicament upon Earth. At the
first convenient opportunity we shall announce our intention to come
out openly to meet you. There is a protocol that we will observe, but
have no doubt at all that we will be well received. As you get more
deeply affected by the changes taking place, we see a window of
opportunity opening up that will allow us to bring you the answers to
your predicament. You cannot wait years to re-establish a working plan
that will return stability to you. We shall offer you a quick response
to overcome your problems, and lift you higher than any previous time
in this present cycle. Be ready consciously to greet us and enjoy the
prospect of meeting your Brothers and Sisters from Space, as we are
truly your family.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey.

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Trinity Alignments 2009 and Beyond

Trinity Alignments 2009 and Beyond

Trinity Alignments 2008 -2018

Alignment for the Winter Solstice/Summer Solstice 2008 and New Year 2009.
We welcome you on 12-21-2008. We the Masters Kuthumi and Pallas Athena.

KuthumiPallas Athena
Today is the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the Summer
Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.
On this shift point between lengthening and shortening of light and
dark, we are suggesting that you consciously embrace the Master
Trinity alignments that are occurring now and into the next four year
period through Winter Solstice/Summer Solstice 2012. The alignments
are related to opening doorways at the microcosmic and macrocosmic
levels. The more you are consciously aware of what is occurring, the
greater will be your capacity to flow with the changes rather than
struggle to understand them. This is why we are dedicated to
instructing you about reconnecting to the creation-power of master
numbers/ trinities and the form behind structure.

First of all know, that the trinity is a sacred covenant of connection
from Infinite Being to all expressions of form that emanate from
Infinite Being.

Trinity is the creative connection between: Mother-Father-I AM. When
you feel this in your heart, then integrate it into your mind, your
soul becomes emancipated to creatively express the Will of Infinite
Being. These three things are the creative principles that move in all
manifest form: 1 -Mother, 2 - Father, 3- I AM.

There is an elegance to the Master Plan for humanity and all earth
inhabitants. This Master Plan does not end at 12-21-2012. It goes far
beyond this. What do we call this Master Plan?

Eternal Earth Emancipation

The Vision and energy of this movement has been created today, on
12-21-2008 by visionary artist Jim Rayner. The portals - doorways are
opening from within and without so that Earth is aligning with the
greater cosmos, creating harmony, balance and beauty:

Eternal Earth Emancipation

image used by permision of artist, Jim Rayner:

We will point out to you two aligning dates and times so that you can
see BEYOND 2012:

2012 December Solstice date and Time: 12-21-2012 TIME 11:11 GMT

2018 December Solstice date and Time: 12-21-2018 TIME 22:22 GMT

(Source: God, Times reported by the U.S. Naval Observatory)

You are all aware of the seeding into your reality of the 11:11
alignments. You are seeing this symbol of opening doorways in many
forms. You are also seeing 12:12, a symbol of a larger plan being
worked on or completing. 12:12 is a trinity alignment with the 33
number indicating Mastery of Spiritual Teachings. We want you to
become aware of how powerful these alignments are, by showing you the
overview of the 11:11 AND the 33 progressions through the December
(12) solstices. You will begin noticing alignments moving to 22:22 as
the Plan progresses. Master number alignments enter your consciousness
as a way of indicating Profound Progression. (The numerology of
Profound Progression = 111.)

Below you can see the progression of days based on simple mathematics.
The solstice days move from 7-8-9 and then, because of the precession
of the equinoxes, jump to 11:11. 11:11 is the numerology of both the
2011 December solstice and 2012 December solstice. There are patterns
of alignments occurring on many levels that go beyond simple arithmetic.

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You are aligning into a year of 11:11 on 1-1-2009 or 1-1 (29/11). All
year of 2009 is an 11 year, a profound choice point for all of
humanity. The numerology of the first day of every year gives the
leading energy for the entire year. 1+1+11 = 13. 13 in tarot is the
archetype of Death, signifying a transition from one state of being
into another. The purpose of transition, from a spiritual perspective,
is to experience a shift in consciousness, which then leads to a new
foundation. In this way the 13 becomes 1+3, or 4, the number
indicating foundation and structure.

The choices all people will be making in 2009 are related to creating
a new structure and foundation in a world where the infrastructure is
crumbling. This does not mean a global catastrophe but simply a
movement towards greater harmony. This harmonious alignment occurs by
PEOPLE rebuilding in conscious choice, new ways of connecting and
honoring the greater whole, rather than old institutions which served
personal aggrandizement over the collective good. For example,
religious institutions that hoard wealth rather than share it to
benefit people on a broad scale, will continue to lose membership, and
will continue to be exposed at the structural core to be based on
personalities rather than the Eternal One Soul of Love. Individual and
group spirituality based on the principles of loving, sharing, opening
doorways and opening hearts will continue to grow and expand.

The doorways are continuing to open more and more each day. The timing
and synchronicity of the 12-21-2012 December solstice indicate the
Trinity Alignments that are progressing:

12-21-2012 = 11

Time of the Solstice in GMT 11:11

11:11:11 = 33.

Thirty-three is the Master Spiritual Teacher number, and it is the
Master Number of Healing. The doorways and portals open wide on the
2012 December solstice as an inpouring of light aligns into the Earth
from the Galactic center as well as from the central suns of two
additional galaxies that are aligning on the galactic ecliptic. The
inpouring activates the full expression of the Crystal Grids of
Trinity all throughout earth. (See previous post on Sananda’s Crystal
Grids of Trinity.) Balance and healing occurs on a massive scale,
resulting in Healing of Earth Karma for all who are open to receive.

The Eternal Earth Emancipation image above, outpictures the balance of
Eternal Light and Dark Whole, the Gold of Wisdom and Healing, the Blue
of Divine Will, the Silver of Illumination and trinity coral vectors
of the Light Network of Ascension (111). The inpouring and outflowing
of energy opens each human heart to the Essence of all things, which
is Love. In this way, you will feel and know and see the essence of
each individual just as you feel and know and see your own essence.
There will be no doubt in your heart that you are connected to All.
There will be no more confused thinking that you are alone in the
cosmos. There will be no fear that there is a malevolent force in the
universe. There will be the Truth of Creation pouring into all hearts,
and that is Love. In consciousness, you do not have to wait for this
date. You may do it now, on this Solstice by opening the doorways in
your own heart to connection through the image of Eternal Earth
Emancipation. Gaze at the image and feel your connection to this
Eternal-Internal Beauty.

Beyond this 2012 shift of exponential proportion are further
alignments and connections. For the 6 year period after the December
2012 solstice, (3+3 years) you will be adjusting, attuning and
aligning into this new world. Then again on 12-21-2018, another
alignment of mastery occurs at the December solstice at 22:22 GMT.
Perhaps you can intuit where we are leading?

2018 is the NEXT year of 11. 20+18 = 38. 3+ 8 = 11.

You must understand and incorporate Master numbers to fully appreciate
this alignment.

11: Initiation. Gateway consciousness. Mastery of Spiritual Intuition

22: Integration. Master Architecture of New Foundation

33: Inspiration. Master Spiritual Teacher. Master Healing

44: Incorporation. Master solidification of Structure.

55: Investiture. Christ Consciousness imbued into each human’s

At 22:22 in 2018 (the next year of 11 after 2009), the Master
Spiritual Teacher (33) emerges in each one of you and is made manifest
on earth. 22:22:11 = 55. Investiture of Christ Consciousness.

This is encoded into your cosmic consciousness. This is the profound
progression that you are all aware of. 11:11; 12:12: 33: 22:22: 11:
55: and beyond. You must begin at the beginning and celebrate the
opening of 11:11 doorways. Allow the profound progression to move
through you by conscious choice. In this way, in 2018, you will
experience an even more powerful alignment: A return of The Cosmic Christ.

As I, Kuthumi, lived and taught in Crotona as Pythagoras, I still
uphold the concept of my teachings that there is great value in
understanding number:

1-“Τà όντα εισìν μιμήσει των αριθμων”

2-“ Τà όντα αριθμοì εισíν “.

Translated : 1. The universe exists by the imitation of numbers.

2. All things are numbers.

What we reveal today, is that there are no more secrets. The Master
Plan moves through alignments with Master Numbers.

Enjoy this day of longest dark/longest light. Know that both are
within you, wherever you reside. Know that the alignments that are
occurring are Masterfully planned. You are part of this plan, your
awakening to full Spiritual Mastery is aligning.

You may choose every day to open your hearts to the alignments, to
rejoice at being here now and participating in the Master Plan being
made manifest on earth.

Peace be with you in these times of change.

Masters Kuthumi and Pallas Athena

All rights reserved. Copyright Ronna Prince 2008. You may link to the
article or reproduce it in its entirety with attribution to Ronna
Prince and

The Council of Light: You Are Not Standing Straight In What You Believe

The Council of Light: You Are Not Standing Straight In What You Believe
As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

This past year for all of you has been a year of clearing, of cleansing, of healing, and of letting go. It has been a year of coming full circle into your heart, into your truth, and into the hidden corridors of your mind and of your brain. It has been a year when finally many things have been exposed to you that have always been in front of your eyes, but that you have refused to look at. And now everything stands blatantly in front of you beckoning you forward to walk towards - a thought that no longer serves you, a person that you thought you had let go of, an idea that was not cultivated.

Step by step you are on a playground, a playing field where every point of your virtual reality has now become reality. You must walk softly and slowly as one who walks through mine fields, because emotional explosions come forth at each entrance and exit of each thought that no longer serves you. You are being asked to walk through the mind field of the memory, of the brain, and of the understanding of human capabilities. Letting go of all that you have worshiped in the past. Knocking the icons off the pedestals, as well as the little "g" gods that you have placed far above you.

Do not look to the heads of your world, the heads of your companies and countries as gods. For each and every one of you walks in the wholeness of their own divinity. You are being issued certifications that say you are 100% divinely responsible for all of your creations, everything in the past and everything in the future thru all time and space. You are responsible collectively as a nation, as a planet, and as a people. You are responsible - personally - for every thought. each thought of fear that you have is escorted into a room of fear. Each hate that you have is escorted into a room filled with hate. Each thought of love that you have is escorted into a mansion filled with love. essences of self-doubt, self-loathing, and self-hate are the biggest terrorists that you personally have.

Every single sentence of every single word, of every single thought is being escorted into one doorway or another. You all are participating unanimously on every level as a people, and a planet to create chaos and upheaval or peace and prosperity. Every thing is a mirror reflection of what is going on inside of you.

Creation is amplified. Thought is amplified. Deeds are amplified. Desires are amplified. Dreams are amplified. as you walk thought these mine fields in your thoughts - walk carefully. Examine your thoughts. If you have a thought of anger at another, examine it - look for clues as to why such a thought exists. Ask that it be cleared thru all time and space and lifetimes and bring that clearing into the now. For every thought of poison by air, by plane, by water, by sea, by food gathers with itself. When it gets to a critical mass, it is set free. It then becomes real -- instead of just playing in the fields of the imagination.

You are in the creation fields these outcomes have not been solidified. There are still random creations that are taking place. Your creations are haphazard, they are lopsided, they are a leaning Tower of Pisa. They will hold up but for how long because you create from fear, from limitation, from memopries of the past. it is time for all the people of planet earth to say -- enough, it is enough. No more starving children, no more abused women, and no more war. It is up to you to say no more. I will not receive it. I will not create it. I will not be a part of that re-creation. Re-create your thoughts into a place of seeing peace - no matter what - trust in God. Do you or do you not trust in your Creator? Do you or do you not trust in your God. Your founding fathers brought forth that notion for a very good reason. They put it on the one thing that would always pass through your hands that would always be a part of you - money. So it is time to say to yourself - do I really trust in God? Do I believe that good will win? Do I believe the Light will win? What do you believe? You are not standing straight in what you believe. You are standing on bended knee. Look at the energy of every single word evey single thought. Look at the words that you use in your creations on a daily basis in your prayers. Do not be fooled by what seems to be true as opposed to what is divinely true.

There is a heavenly truth, there is a personal truth, there is a country truth, there is a state truth, there is a city truth, there is a family truth, and there is a group truth. Look how many truths there are, how many levels of truth. How many levels of light do you believe in? How many levels of love do you believe in? Each of you will be pushed forward as a reluctant donkey as you move into more of your light and more heart. For it is sandwiched. There is a movement in light and there is a movement in love, then there is a movement in light and there is a movement in love. Consider it to be a cosmic Oreo. You cannot move into more light unless you move into more love. And you cannot move through more heart unless you have moved in more light. You're light houses divine truth. It houses the potential for peace. It houses the potential for love. And it houses the potential for healing.

Every single person gives you a part of yourself that you have forgotten about. Look at your world that shows you what you have learned and take your clues from it - your personal world, as well as the world that you view externally. All of the clues are there. You need not be Sherlock Holmes to understand what is being taught you, what you have created, and what you are responsible for. you cannot give your power away to the little gods in the form of the government, the president, the emperors, the queens, the princesses, and terrorists -you are responsible for allowing them that position to begin with. Sweep in front of your cosmic porch first. Line up your life. Bring peace into your life and then you will take that peace and will place in the mansion of peace and it will be propagated, it will be broadcast. Create turmoil and that is what is broadcast. Do your part by starting with you first.

We are the Council of Light. Think responsibly, act responsibly, and create responsibly from the heart. Live your light and live your heart and it will be heaven on earth - for that is what it is destined to be. We leave.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan | PO box 217 | Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 | Spiritual Tools for Accelerated Transformation | |

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

SaLuSa: The Light Has Returned to Earth

SaLuSa: The Light Has Returned to Earth

Already you are commenting on how quickly this year has gone, and indeed you are sensing that it is going twice as fast. If nothing else, it is a sign that you are moving out of the old paradigm, and creating a new one that will move you onto the path of Ascension. Everything is vibrating at a faster rate and as it continues to do so, it has the effect of breaking down the old lower vibration. It has put the dark and Light energies face to face, and only that which can exist in the higher realms can continue to go forward. It means that the cleansing is well underway, and the more you can detach from the old ties, the quicker you will benefit from the uplifting energies.

Everyone has the same opportunity as this cycle reaches its end, but it is more than simply a matter of choice. The idea of Ascension may sound attractive but unless you have already been moving in that direction, it suggests that you are unprepared for it. You are sovereign Beings who have been given a unique and wonderful opportunity to start another journey, that leads back to the higher realms. The Creator has not disowned you, and has planned this time of upliftment as your release from the dark energies. It has been a tremendous cycle of experience, that has propelled you forward quicker than you could have done elsewhere. You must progress all of the time as nothing stands still, but in the higher realms it is much slower.

The Earth has effectively been a school of learning, that has given you invaluable experience of Spirit in Matter. It has also allowed you to exercise your freewill to do so in any manner of your choosing. The most difficult challenge has come from believing that you are separated from God, and forgetting who you really are. Consequently you have often lived lives blindly and unaware of your spiritual Self, and immutable link to God. Darkness has surrounded your soul, and suppressed your Light until you have identified with the lower energies. Now you are in a very different period of time as the Light has returned to Earth. It will continue to increase exponentially, until it joins up with the incoming energies that are being beamed to you.

The task of returning to the Light is not one that you are expected to achieve single-handed. Although it is possible for an individual soul to ascend at any given time. The difference now is that you are benefiting because of the Divine decree that this Universe shall lift up, and enter a new area in the Cosmos. Even so as you now understand, no one is forced to move into the higher realms if they feel that they are not yet ready to do so. It may mean cutting yourself off from the many links formed with other souls, but in reality there is no separation at all. Those Dear Ones who ascend will always be connected with all other souls, and in remembering them they will link with their essence wherever they are. Allow for each to follow their chosen path of evolution, knowing that there will always be a coming together as you achieve a more expanded consciousness. As you make your way into the realms of Light you will become more aware of the Oneness of All That Is.

What you are doing by electing to follow the path of Ascension is to acknowledge that you are a Light Being, and that your true home is in the higher dimensions. It is where you came from, and where you are always destined to return. They are dimensions where by pure thought you are the Creators of whatever you desire, and where you find perfection in their manifestation. Already in the present time you are beginning to find that your powers are returning to you, and it becomes more important that you are aware of what you are putting your energy into. Hitherto, you have created through your mass-consciousness, and it has determined the nature of your experiences. Now it is starting to become a more individual one, where you are attracting to yourself exactly where you place your energy.

For eons of time Man has been the warrior and has fought for everything that he has wanted. Fear has promoted an attitude of defiance and belligerence, and overshadowed the gentleness of the Light that has been subdued. It has not been helped by the influence of those outer dark forces that have enslaved Man; although these no longer continue have the power to enforce their agenda upon him. Now you are able to release yourselves from the dark influences, as they are weakened by the growing Light energies that are bringing back balance. You are so near to the realisation that you are taking back your sovereignty, and before long you will see positive signs of these changes. The Lighted Ones who have come to Earth for this very reason, will soon emerge amongst you and will speak in such a way that you will know that they come in Love and Light.

In the midst of the continuing chaos the dark still try to hold onto their waning power. However, it is time for them to be replaced by souls who are in alignment with the new path that is opening up. They come to show others the way and what is possible if you follow the Light, and move with love in your heart for all other life. See in others their Light and encourage them to identify with it, and realise that they are great and powerful Beings. You have been kept down for so long you have forgotten who you really are, and your potential to create your own path of evolution. Now you have the advantage of finding the truth about yourselves and Humanity. A whole new vista is opening to reveal your true ability to determine your own future, and not be enslaved to what the dark forces have thrust upon you for millennia of time.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that the Galactic Federation is fully understanding of your present predicament upon Earth. At the first convenient opportunity we shall announce our intention to come out openly to meet you. There is a protocol that we will observe, but have no doubt at all that we will be well received. As you get more deeply affected by the changes taking place, we see a window of opportunity opening up that will allow us to bring you the answers to your predicament. You cannot wait years to re-establish a working plan that will return stability to you. We shall offer you a quick response to overcome your problems, and lift you higher than any previous time in this present cycle. Be ready consciously to greet us and enjoy the prospect of meeting your Brothers and Sisters from Space, as we are truly your family.

Thank you SaLuSa,

Essay on 2012 / By Matthew

Essay on 2012
by Matthew

Those who have interpreted the year 2012 as the beginning of the end of darkness-never mind the total end of the world!-have misinterpreted its significance. Most simply stated, 2012 heralds Earth's entry into the Golden Age, and between now and then is a time of transition from life as you have known it into life totally in harmony with all of Nature.

Everything in the universe is energy vibrating at one frequency or another, and when Earth was in prime health, in times you know but don't remember, all of her life forms were vibrating harmoniously. When she was near death more than six decades back, there was no harmony whatsoever, no balance of Nature-there was hardly sufficient light to sustain any kind of life, including Earth's own. What is happening now, with the help of stabilizing forces, is the transformation of your world-Earth's rejuvenation and return to balance-reaching completion in 2012.

But that year no longer has the "time absoluteness" it once held in prophecies, and your calendar cannot accurately convey when the major transitional changes will be completed because linear time is disappearing. What you perceive as time passing faster and faster is the effect of the higher energy planes in which you are living now, where everything is accelerating as Earth makes her way into the continuum-or, more accurately, as your consciousness grasps the actuality of timelessness, the reality of eternity and infinity. The faster, or more intensely, the light infuses Earth, the more swiftly your "time" passes as she moves still higher into fourth density vibrations. So, just as in this moment your calendar week is passing in less than half the time of a calendar week a dozen or so years ago, 2012 will be coming increasingly more rapidly than your current calendar can indicate.

Now then, why does that year have historic significance universally? It involves celestial orbiting cycles and their influences on your planet as well as life designs made in total clarity by highly evolved beings who planned Higher Universal-MAN with attributes of spirituality and intelligence that far exceed that in today's Earth population. Opportunities to return to higher densities have been offered in prior cycles and missed, and this time when the energetic alignment is again optimal, advanced civilizations are assisting so Earth's desire to rise to her former vibratory level is assured. What happens on Earth affects the universe, so it is of utmost significance to those advanced civilizations that the dark ages on your home planet be reconciled within the light and you knowledgeably take your rightful place among your universal family.

Along the way there will be many profound changes, changes you can't even imagine, that will transform life as you have known it into life in total harmony with all of Nature worldwide and thusly flow out into the universe. Very little of the wondrous world on your horizon will be rooted in your systems to date-that is precisely WHY you are creating your new world! The goddess vibrations that already are showing effects will continue to bless you as individuals and as a civilization. The negativity that is the root of fear, greed, dishonor and violence will be gone in the Golden Age, and the vibrations of Earth's entirety will be LOVE. Love, which is the same energy as LIGHT but simply expressed differently, is the pure essence of Creator, the ultimate power in the cosmos. This energy is the composition of souls and the key to opening hearts and illumining minds, and it is flowing more abundantly on Earth than ever before. As the darkness continues to fade, love will replace conflict and tyranny with peace and cooperation; love will eliminate the superficial superiority of one group over another; love will enlighten those who regard others as possessions or dispensable and uplift those who have been subjected to living in those conditions. In short, LOVE is the power that is transforming your world.

Although no major strongholds of the darkness will cease abruptly, the transition will be like lightning in comparison to the long ages that violence, inequities, abuses and deceit prevailed. If you could see in parallel motion the pace of the past many centuries, when only intermittent flickers of light broke through the dominant darkness, and the pace of the past few decades of growing light intensity, you would marvel at the swiftness of the changes.

The progressive changes have required and will continue to require the help of extraterrestrials. Almost all of them are unknown to you except as we speak of them and in some cases, their own messages sent forth, yet some of the strongest, most experienced light warriors in this universe are right there among you, working behind the scenes to guide the essential changes so that as many as possible of Earth's residents will accompany her into the higher planes. This is how beloved and significant universally your planet is and how beloved and important YOU are! In keeping with universal law, it is your heartfelt desire for Earth's well being that is your invitation, your request to those civilizations for their help, but your bewilderment about how to heal the pervasive damage humankind has wrought also is part of their divine authorization to assist. You are in charge, however, because it is your homeland and you chose to be there specifically to participate in this process. That's why millions have been inspired to become actively involved or to monetarily support efforts to end violence and environmental destruction.

The first reforms are in governments. Many of the populace who are unaware of the ongoing transformation see governing policies leading to the brink of planetary disaster, and even among lightworkers there are concerns about what will happen in this critical world arena. Not only is it difficult for you to imagine systems dramatically different from what you are accustomed to, but in reforms of the magnitude required, it is realistic to anticipate confusion and foment. Please know that trustworthy souls with spiritual integrity and expertise in the various fields of governing are ready to take the helm and bring order as rapidly as possible as corrupt, tyrannical government leaders are unseated. A great deal of "shuffling" in the United States government will lead to ending its engagement in war and internal and international strife, and the unseating of other self-serving heads of state will end civil wars, genocide and longstanding conflict. Many wise and able leaders in previous Earth lifetimes chose to return to the planet to complete their groundwork for this unique time at hand, and others are members of your "space family"-many are your ancestors-who volunteered to assist during this transitional period. In no way are they here to "take over," but rather they came in response to your thoughts, feelings and actions for peace, fairness and stability in your world. The transformation at hand is your desire and soul level vision-if this were not so, it could not happen. Looking even farther ahead, during the past decade or two some souls have come in with the advanced spiritual clarity and ancient wisdom that will naturally put them in leadership roles.

Because money is the basis not only for commerce, but even more so for concentrating power, the need for economic reforms worldwide is as crucial as changes in national leadership. The economy as reported is more myth than actuality. Only a comparative handful of people know how tenuous and corrupt the global economy is or that international trade and the stock markets are manipulated by the Illuminati, a group of darkly-inclined people who have passed their tight global reins from generation to generation. They have amassed vast fortunes through that control as well as by charging usurious bank loan rates and accruing mammoth amounts from their illegal drugs industry, and they use that money to buy governments; bankrupt countries and exploit their natural resources; keep billions of souls at barely subsistence level; and fund both sides in wars that they precipitate and perpetuate because from wars they derive handsome profits. This cannot continue and it won't. The unconscionably inequitable allocation of money in your world will end. Although I cannot give you finite details of the changeover process, I can give you an overview and assure you that the honest, knowledgeable people who will manage the process will keep disruption at a minimum as they fairly distribute the world's wealth.

The Illuminati's illegally and immorally garnered fortunes will be put into circulation and their exploitation of natural resources worldwide will end. Since that power base is what enabled them to set government and banking policies and own multinational corporations, those corrupt controls also will end. The huge debts of the poorest nations were incurred by their state of desperation, often caused by Illuminati actions and influence; but the loans went to the despots ruling the countries and did not benefit the citizens, so those debts will be annulled and assistance given directly to the people. Many national borders have been set by the victors in war who wanted the natural resources, and that created "have-nots" who formerly were "haves." When the LOVE in souls ends all conflicts, borders no longer will be cause for dispute because all peoples will be "haves."

The coffers of the United States, which is erroneously considered the most fiscally sound nation in the world, have been empty for some time. The national debt, in large part due to the skullduggery of the Illuminati-owned Federal Reserve System and its IRS collection agency, will become manageable when that System is dissolved. The various currencies, especially dollars, have no foundation-daily transactions involving billions of dollars and other currencies are merely information passed from one computer to another and they far exceed the money to back them. The "new" foundation for currencies will be a return to an old one, where precious metals was a set standard for exchange, and "old fashioned" bartering once again will be an excellent way for nations and communities to conduct some business.

The basis for much of your current economy will change considerably and employment will change accordingly, but your greater spiritual clarity and usage of brain capacity in the higher frequencies will enable a joyful transition into fields that support cooperation among nations and harmony with Nature. The wanton destruction of your environment through oil and gas extraction, mining, logging and their resultant pollution will cease and all types of toxins in the atmosphere, soil and water will be eliminated. Forests will be restored to the levels required for the balance of Nature, and the need is great as well to preserve and expand habitats where animals have been reduced to countable numbers, just as the oceans must be returned to health so marine life can flourish instead of disappear. There are plans to achieve those goals as well as keep pristine land areas free of concrete incursions and implement alternative power sources. Technologies known but suppressed and the more advanced technologies that will be introduced by your universal brothers and sisters will clear the pollution and provide renewable energy, new modes of transportation, new types of building materials, and greatly enhanced food production methods. Your hearts will be gladdened at the amazing speed with which these changes will happen!

Natural building products that will come into wide usage along with plants that will be introduced include clay, strong reeds, straw, tropical canes and surface stones, and all will be used in conscious agreement with humankind. While there are countless levels between the lowest and the highest universal intelligence, which you may think of as omniscience, no thing is excluded from the mass consciousness. To be more personal-indeed, to be more correct-substitute "soul" for "thing" and you can see the interrelationship of the totality of this universe. The higher the vibrations of any environment, the higher the levels of comprehension of all life within it, thus just as you are expanding in consciousness, so are all the elements of Nature in your world growing in their varying levels of awareness.

The fast-growing food crops, flowers, cotton and other fiber-producing plants, plants with medicinal aspects, canes and grasses, and all kinds of trees will agree to grow as long as needed to meet your requirements and then transmute their energy into your usage of them. Although much less lumber will be used than currently, the sacred relationship between trees and humankind includes their willingness to be used for decorative parts of building interiors and furniture in the short term, perhaps as long as the next half century. Acknowledge-ment of all these natural sources' importance and consciousness and gratitude for their willingness to give their lives for your use will become inherent in all peoples. Too, you will come to know and treasure the Devic kingdom that is so closely allied with the beauty and thriving of all that you consider Nature.

The allocation of food and other basic life essentials available in the richer countries will be shared on an equitable basis with the poorer countries until a global production order is achieved. Diets will change from meat and seafood to plants as people learn to respect and honor all animal life. The herds of food animals will decrease through the cessation of breeding and natural transition, and as plants become diet staples, any that were harmfully genetically engineered will shed those properties.

Animals in the wild will instinctively know not to overpopulate and those that are carnivorous will turn to the plant kingdom for sustenance. The albinos being born in several animal species have both spiritual and transitional significance. You associate white with peace, and these rarities that are appearing are symbolic of the coming changes in animal nature that will end the predator-prey food chain and restore the peaceable relationship that once existed among all species, including humankind. The instances of unlikely cross-species friendships and even nurturing of the young from one species by mothers of another are more indications of Earth's return to her original paradise self. Still, an extremely important factor in this is the inspiration in many souls to be advocates for the animal kingdom and alleviate their manmade plight.

The cetaceans' spiritual mission, to embody in huge bulk and inhabit your oceans where they absorb and anchor the light beamed to the planet from distant civilizations, soon will have been fulfilled. These whale and dolphin souls, which species-wide are the most highly evolved spiritually and intellectually on your planet, will soar to their original light stations when they leave physically, but they will continue to grace your planet with their love energy.

What are commonly known as "global warming" and "El Nino" are part of Earth's natural processes to return to her original moderate climate everywhere. While she is achieving this, glaciers will melt, the vast deserts will become arable, rain forests will flourish, and variations in temperatures will markedly decrease-ultimately, everyplace in your world will be comfortably habitable. Peoples now living in the coldest or the hottest climates will adapt, but it is unavoidable that the few animal species in the polar regions will disappear and some that live on the fringes will survive by migrating; the affected species instinctively will know not to reproduce or when to move.

Contrary to current count and certainly population projections, your numbers are decreasing and the birth rate will continue to drop but not precipitously. The balance of Nature no longer will require pestilence, so no disease-causing or transmitting factors will be present, and the common use of toxic chemicals and prescription drugs will cease. Medical treatments will drastically change until there no longer is any need for therapies because bodies, which will have a greatly longer lifetime, will become free of all forms of dis-ease. New educational systems and resource materials will reflect factual universal and planetary history, and true spirituality will replace religions in accordance with the truths that will be revealed.

Those are some of the most significant changes underway and ahead, and all will have trickle-down effects that will permeate and uplift every facet of life on Earth. The Golden Age-the "second edition" of the Garden of Eden-will radiate the love, harmony, serenity and beauty of spirit that you, in your remembered awareness of being god and goddess selves, ARE.

Now I shall tell you some of the more "down-to-Earth" features that you can anticipate in that beauteous world. City life will be much more fulfilling for the spirit than it is today due to the demolishing of substandard buildings and restoration of once fine buildings that fell into decay; the addition of many small parks and colorful playgrounds, vegetable and flower gardens, and neighborhood libraries, concerts, museums, and galleries with locally produced art forms; entertainment and recreational centers for all ages and interests; and animals, even those you now consider wild, roaming freely. Also, new transportation modes and a much fairer distribution of wealth will enable city dwellers to frequent the countryside, where a booming business will be "bed-and-breakfast" inns to accommodate the growing desire for those oases of respite from routine activity, and to travel to distant places as well. Still, millions now living in cities may prefer to move to the solitude and restorative energy of familiar rural, forested areas. And, like a new wave of pioneers, some of you will be motivated to relocate to currently uninhabitable places when those start flourishing and beckon the adventuresome, while other souls will choose to live in houseboats on the calm, restful seas.

Architecture will be limited only by imagination and choices, but no building will be ugly or inadequate for its purpose. Geodesic domes will be popular as will fanciful building designs that reflect the light-heartedness that so long has been denied the majority of Earth's peoples. Current and new technologies will produce construction materials similar in strength and appearance to today's concrete, steel, rigid and flexible plastics, and those along with natural products and quality simulations of fine woods will be widely used. So will glass, which will be altered from its present composition, because you will desire to live closer with Nature even when you are indoors.

By unified intent, no litter or eyesore of any kind will exist anywhere. Wherever you live or travel, you will not want the vista marred by the utility poles that now are necessary blights on landscapes. The poles will be removed and where conduits are required, they will be underground; and other energy sources will be direct, without any need for connecting wires. Although telepathy will become a common form of communication, voice-to-voice communion across the miles will be as important as now, but the harmful aspects of the wireless methods you are using will be gone. Expanses of concrete gradually will be removed too, as new transportation modes will change the need for current fuels and highways.

All unjust laws and policies will be struck down and education worldwide will accurately reflect the universal truths. The writing, printing and distribution of textbooks will be done expeditiously in conjunction with computerized lessons, and the souls who are innately prepared to teach will step up to this mission they had chosen.

These and other marvelous lifestyle differences awaiting you are indeed gargantuan changes from life in this moment, yet the greatest transformation you will experience is in humankind, where love and higher consciousness are REcreating "miracles." Like souls on Earth and in Nirvana once again going back and forth between these physical and spirit worlds, travel that was commonplace until third density limitations closed minds to this possibility. Like your transcendence from believing you are lone individuals to knowing your inseparability from all life in this universe, and embracing each other as well as members of extraterrestrial civilizations as the brothers and sisters you all are. Like life without anxiety or conflict as people of all countries and cultures are harmonious, cooperative, helpful, kind, high-spirited and delightfully good-natured.

Now I must tell you as well that the transition from this day to that world will continue to present challenges. To say otherwise would be neither truthful nor prudent as your expectations would not be met, and instead of successfully dealing with challenges-which you are well prepared to do with wisdom and strength of spirit and character or you wouldn't have chosen and been selected to participate!-you could become discouraged as Earth continues apace on her ascension journey.

Wars and other violence, injustices, deception and corruption will continue until that energy set in motion is played out. Although the dark forces, the vast force field of negative thought forms, has left this part of the galaxy, tentacles of that energetic influence remain and are making last ditch efforts to control the most vulnerable souls as well as attack those with the brightest light. Further, the higher frequencies now on the planet are magnifying all human characteristics, and those that are darkly-inclined are showing that intensification through increasing hostility, greed, violence and apathy toward those who are suffering and in desperate need. So, while not all of the dark skirmishes are past, we urge you to be encouraged by each that arises-it means that the vanquishing of the darkness is that much nearer. Rejoice in knowing that its momentum is close to the point of exhaustion because all of you who are living your light are helping to speed it to conclusion.

Controlling the flow of money is the last mundane tool the dark ones have and they will keep it within their grasp as long as they can. The "rotten tap root," so to say, has been loosened and the tendrils are breaking, but until all have been eliminated, economic difficulties will affect many lives. Remember, you have the power to create your own abundance through the law of attraction, and sharing your resources is the best way to bring even more abundance into your life.

Prior to peace and harmony prevailing throughout Earth, many, many souls will leave due to the same causes as now-disease, starvation, injuries in wars and other types of violence, geophysical events-so the population will continue to decrease from those means. As sorrowful as these deaths may seem, the adversity that the souls experience beyond their pre-birth agreements gives them leaps forward in soul growth. They will greet their return to Nirvana knowing that if they choose another Earth lifetime, it will be in the splendor and glory of a revitalized world and the abiding love among its inhabitants.

Geophysical events will continue as Earth's natural and necessary cleansing process. The blatant disregard for human and animal life for millennia past-and still happening on a lamentable scale-caused a massive amount of negativity to accumulate. Although this has been greatly reduced via geophysical events, its remnants, plus what is being generated anew, must be released. It matters not whether this is by natural or manmade occurrences-the ridding of that negativity is what is important. The effects of these events, which will lessen in frequency and severity as Earth keeps ascending, are being diminished to the greatest extent possible by members of your universal family. Their technology cannot prevent all deaths and damage, but it is limiting the death toll and property destruction by leveling out over a wide area the energy releases via earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and is steering the strongest storms to less populated areas.

The record high and low temperatures, droughts and flooding that are part of Earth's transition to her original moderate climate globally will present hardships for a while longer. Gradually some sea level coastlines will become submerged; this need not present anxiety as there will be protective and compensatory measures for any inhabitants of those areas. We are aware of the speculation that Atlantis and Lemuria may rise, but this will not happen. Those large land masses served their civilizations during that era on Earth, but their return is not needed; however, some souls living then have come back to assist in the ongoing consciousness-raising and spiritual renewal within today's populace.

That religions are teaching the "word of God" will be shown in the fullness of the deception that spawned that falsehood, and among the challenges you will encounter are the many individuals who will not believe the truths that will be revealed. Some will do battle, convinced that it is their divine right and duty to defeat the Anti-Christ or the infidels through bloodshed. You will witness the shock, confusion, anger, disillusionment, and yes, very likely fear-the deceivers who made a vengeful God have been masterful for eons-of people whose minds are not totally closed to the revelations. Provide a compassionate safe haven for their questioning and rely on your intuition for the best responses-they will be there when you need them. However, it is not your responsibility to convince them that the foundation of their beliefs-maybe even their very life purpose-is a lie. Rejoice, just as we shall, when your efforts succeed, but please do not feel despondent when they don't. The resistant souls, like all others in the universe, will continue their evolutionary pathways wherever their needs shall best be served, and the eternal and infinite love of Source will under gird their way.

In summary we say to you, our beloved Earth family, know with your entire being that the world of love, peace and harmony you have been co-creating is close at hand. Remembering that you chose to be exactly where you are right now so you could participate in this unprecedented time in the universe will let your hearts be light-filled and your journey a triumphant adventure. Myriad light beings are with you every instant, enfolding you with the love and protection of the Christed light as you usher in Earth's long awaited "2012" Golden Age.

Message from Matthew 12/21/08

Message from Matthew
December 21, 2008

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew, here to tell you that this season of holy days is unlike all that have preceded it. In these last days of one of the most dynamic years in your recorded history, people around the world are welcoming the uplifting sensations and tangible evidence of change. The light within renewed hopes, even convictions that a better world is coming, adds to the abundance Earth is able to provide to all her life forms.

The next year holds forth exciting developments in every sector of your world with both "trickle up" and "trickle down" efforts to make meaningful, lasting changes. Please keep in mind that what is happening is no less than the birthing of a new world, and time is needed for the reform processes to be implemented and work smoothly. Staying steadfast in the light will keep you in balance as one day's news will sound like progress and the next day's seems like a backward step; with balance, you can be an informed observer without being emotionally drawn into media land's peaks-and-valleys reporting.

As in the past, a great deal will be going on behind the scenes. However, for long ages all of the activity was nefarious, designed to keep you captive of the darkness. Now, efforts are being directed into the various transitional stages designed for the betterment of your world. For a short while, widely publicized information will be tip-of-the-iceberg due to insufficient discovery or progress, and other information will be intentionally skewed until control of mainstream media is totally eliminated. And although for some time the Internet will continue to be a more reliable source than most others, it is equally useful to those who still are trying to keep the truth hidden or distorted, so be very discerning in evaluating whether information is credible.

And please give no energy whatsoever to dire-sounding predictions! If you feel even a moment of wavering in that respect, breathe deeply and calmly, close your eyes and envision Earth bathed in golden light. The high vibrations of that vision will lift and steady your energy system. The same principle applies when you change a negative thought to one of positive nature.

As the long era of darkness is ending through the ever-growing thoughts and desires for a world of love, peace and harmony, not everyone can feel like joyfully celebrating these days at hand. We see the grief that wars and other violence, disease, hunger, and loss of homes and employment are causing many families around the world, and we feel the heaviness of their hearts. By no means am I "throwing cold water" on the merriment of those living in kinder circumstances-merriment is good for the soul! Please do not deny yourselves that upliftment, but rather feel thankful and lighthearted-the high vibrations of those sensations not only let your heart sing, but they radiate outward to happily affect all lives you touch. What I do mean to convey is, that of all times of the year, this season is when feelings all along the emotional spectrum are heightened. We rejoice with all who are rejoicing, and to all who are feeling sad or anxious, we say: Take comfort in knowing that as these days pass into the new calendar year, if you allow the ever-increasing light to lift your spirits, it also can strengthen your resolve to deal with your personal situations.

Of primary concern is the global economic crisis, which will deepen as a domino effect from the worsening conditions in the United States. It would be a great injustice to give you false hope that this matter can be quickly remedied-a situation of such pervasiveness cannot be turned around with haste, and it will continue to present hardships to many people. Financial havoc was the intent of the Illuminati, but the outcome will not be what they planned: They expected to add to their vast fortunes by further tightening their control of all banking and commerce, investment avenues and taxation. Instead, they are witnessing the total destruction of their corrupt system that through the centuries spread like a web of barbed wire around the globe. Out of the current whirlwind will emerge an economic system with honest leadership and fair allocation of all the world's resources.

During the transitional phase from the old to the new, some assistance may come through governments at city up through national levels, but it is the cooperative efforts within families, neighborhoods and small communities that will be the most dependable, sustaining and satisfying. We urge you who have the means to do so, share money and space with those who need shelter, fuel, utilities and transportation; and yes, by all means, where weather and topography permit, plant gardens and encourage others to participate in food production cooperative retail outlets as well as trading food for services.

The crucial thing is, stay out of fear! Again, we remind you that when you chose to participate in this momentous time at hand, you welcomed economic collapse as the prerequisite to reform, and you came well prepared emotionally, spiritually and intellectually to successfully manage this interim period. Although you may not realize that your soul level preparation is serving you well, we are seeing it! We are seeing a brighter spirit of sharing and sense of unity than ever before. The economic turmoil has resulted in deeper awareness of blessings and feelings of gratitude; compassion in greater measure for peoples who are deprived of bare necessities and freedoms; sharing with the needy instead of with family and friends who have sufficient; and growing numbers of folks with heartfelt commitments to work toward the well being of all. Every single thought, feeling and deed related to these kinds of activities adds light to the collective consciousness, which in turn benefits all souls on Earth.

It is true that this outpouring of spirit could be attributed to this season of traditional giving, but its radiance is extending beyond yuletides of former years, when there was a return to individual interests after family visits and festivities. We are seeing the strong momentum of the light reaching more and more people, inspiring them to join in the sharing and caretaking. This true spirituality in action-living from the heart-is closing the perceived separation of individuals from each other and from God.

With patience and faith, you will see the glorious changes that in this moment are plans and intentions to create what will become known as Earth's Golden Age. Our vantage point lets us see that world in its full magnificence, and if we could somehow bring all of you here so you could see it too, that would be joyous for us beyond words. The best we can do is use words to describe some of the changes you can look forward to, such as are mentioned in a writing about your year 2012 ["Essay on 2012," December 31, 2007, **See below ].

Moving along to other questions and comments, the combination of misinformation, political preferences and assassination threats have given rise to speculation about the physical safety, motives and "antichrist" character of U.S. president-elect Obama. I can only reiterate what is in previous messages, that he is a highly spiritually evolved soul and an integral part of Earth's Golden Age plan [November 21, 2008 message] and as such, is one of the most protected individuals by the Christed light on your planet. To those who are asking how to feel calm enough to hold your light steady in this tumultuous time in many nations' governments, our best guidance is to simply observe and reserve judgment while developments unfold. Holding fast to your vision of the world you want can ease concerns about "what if.." Not only is the light reaching more individuals each moment and inspiring moves into positive directions, but some officials who appear to be working to nations' detriment are initiating changes that time will show are beneficial.

To those who want proof that extraterrestrial sources are assisting you in the creation of a better world, first I shall put this into a context of what Earth's peoples are doing: demanding truth, not lies; peace not war; health care and higher education for all, not only the rich; expanding efforts to end impoverishment, end exploitation of planetary resources and destruction of the environment and disrespect for human rights. Without decades of intense light-beaming from powerful celestial sources, none of that would be happening. Instead, the dark forces would have continued to control the planet through their puppets whose oppression, lies and violence resulted in fear, ignorance, apathy and spiritual dimness within the masses; and the relentless barrage of negativity would have destroyed Earth. It is not that your universal family's help can be proven only after they alight from their crafts, roll up their sleeves and get to work. Their light and advanced technology started helping you well over sixty years ago when Earth was in death throes-that her planetary body is alive and you are living on it is proof!

Others among you feel that off-planet help is unnecessary, that the populace can muster all the power required to clean up the mess the world's in. We applaud that strong stance to the extent that it is indeed your responsibility to be actively involved! In other lifetimes most of you contributed to the negativity that nearly killed the planet, and you asked to return specifically to help rectify the damage. However, lifting Earth out of the clutches of darkness and ending millennia of bloodshed and greed requires far more power than is available in a world mired in deep third density. Welcome the willing and loving assistance of the civilizations who have that power in light and technology!

About the "harmonic wave" radiating from the universe starting now and continuing, many terms are given to the various construction stages of the light grid and reactivation of energy vortices around Earth. But simply speaking, by whatever designation given these progressive accomplishments, they are the effects of planetary alignment and energy being directed by your thought forms and those of benevolent star nations whose help you invited by your desire for a better world. Because it is your world, it can be no other way than what you wish it to be-but do give credit and thanks to the unseen souls who are helping you create the world of your vision!

I need to backtrack for a moment-Earth's desire to be the world she wants preceded yours. She asked for the assistance of other civilizations so she could leave the darkness of third density, and their immediate and continuous help has assured her ascension into fifth density, where the low frequencies of darkness cannot exist. Now, even though all of you are there because your request to participate in this unprecedented time in the universe was honored; and even if the longevity clause in your soul contract would permit you to physically go along with Earth, you need a "travel ticket." Getting it is as easy as choosing to live in godly ways and opening your minds to the universal truths as they emerge.

"What happened to the fourth dimension?" The more correct word is density, but still there is no mystery here. Usually we speak of Earth ascending into fifth density because that is her destination, but she will travel through fourth on her journey. Because density has two applications, I believe an explanation about this will be helpful. First, density differentiates the energy makeup of the universe, with progressively higher frequencies prevailing in the higher numbered densities-your calculations of distance, like linear time, have nothing whatsoever to do with the reality of the universal continuum. The other application of density refers to the spiritual growth souls have attained. In this moment, the spiritual status of Earth's residents and some who transitioned to the spirit world in the past decade or so, ranges from first density to seventh, according to the conscious choices each is making in this lifetime or made in the immediate past lifetime. First and second densities indicate de-evolution and seventh is the attainment of some souls who came from other star nations to assist you in the spiritual renewal and world transformation underway.

Yes, in fifth density you will have bodies, you won't be "light beings without form." This is an excellent question as it begs clarification of how your current bodies can function along Earth's ascension pathway. Souls that absorb the light, which is constantly available to all, are changing at cellular level from carbon-based third density bodies to crystalline-based bodies that can survive in the higher frequencies. Eons back in your time, darkly-inclined souls altered human DNA to reduce the amount of light in bodies. That allowed them to install patterning for physical weakness, illness, aging, death, and severely decreased capacity for intelligence and spiritual clarity. Those limitations are being reversed by the ever-increasing intensity of light in bodies that are absorbing it. Actually, your "travel ticket" is the absorption of light that comes automatically with living in godly ways.

Please understand that this clarification pertains only to bodies, not to souls. Each infant, whether perfect in form and brain power or with flawed physical make-up or what you call "mental retardation," is born with a lighted soul, or the Christ consciousness, and full awareness of pre-birth choices. That soul level awareness remains in the most severely "mentally retarded;" and in people with healthier brains, the awareness recedes with adaptation to functioning in a dense body and external influences such as parental training, peer pressure, academic and religious teachings and societal philosophies. Spiritual growth is extricating self from external influences and "going within" so messages from the soul can reach consciousness.

This is a good place to address the plaint from an educator, which I have summarized: "Why don't students think, reason and use common sense?" The self-serving unenlightened ones who nevertheless chose the name "Illuminati" control the educational systems and produce textbooks and other teaching materials. They want schools and society to produce automatons who don't ask questions but rather think and perform as taught. Their control extends to providing diversion such as TV programming, advertising, emphasis on sports and elimination of the arts, violent games and raucous "music" contained within handheld instruments, gaming arcades, pornography on the Internet. In combination, these darkly-contrived methods have been successful in "dumbing down" many young people, but along with positive developments in other aspects of your world, this situation is changing too.

Many teachers are "seeing the light" and inspiring students to develop their minds and talents and skills. Souls are being born in bodies with the enhanced DNA of crystalline cellular structure and are rightfully referred to as Crystal Children. Others with increased intellectual capacity, spiritual clarity and aspirations came in the two generations before the Crystals and are known as Indigos. Sadly, in many cases these youngsters were considered abnormal, treated harshly and drugged into submission-once again, through the manipulation of dark ones who convinced unsuspecting counselors and parents that these exceptional children must conform to the "norm." As knowledge about Crystal and Indigo individuals is spreading, some of the older ones are becoming aware of their greater potential and making life changes accordingly; parents are recognizing their young children as gifted and wisely treating them as such; the use of drugs to keep children with extraordinarily active minds in a stupor is lessening; and, indicating awareness of the beneficial influence of fine music, the numbers of youth choirs and orchestras are growing.

Along with our honoring the Crystal and Indigo souls, I want to say as well that labels can keep feelings of separation alive and kicking. Of course names are necessary for identification, but labeling social orders, governing styles, political parties, religions, races, cultures, professional positions and philosophies with the intent to emphasize differences vs. similarities, separateness vs. unity, superiority vs. equality, or competition vs. cooperation is another dark ploy to create divisiveness among you and keep far from your minds that Oneness of All is the universal truth.

Now then, I have been asked to speak about Mother God. Although by your definitions, "mother" is female and "god" is male, the issue isn't about definitions, it's about universal reality. The supreme being of this universe is a god and in some of the other universes is a goddess, but in all cases these beings are androgynous, the balance of feminine and masculine energies. The rulers were selected by Creator/Creation, the source of all energy and thus the life force of everything throughout the cosmos, which contains all the universes. Using the essence of Creator, which is pure light and love, the universal rulers create, and therefore are a composite of, all that is within their respective domains. This includes celestial bodies, civilizations, and everything within the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms, each with a level of consciousness in accordance with the vibrations of its individual elements and the environment. Thus, everything in existence has a level of consciousness, and as the total environment rises into a higher vibratory plane, the consciousness capacity of everything within that environment increases accordingly.

Let me bring this down to Earth. You don't think of rocks or vehicles or any other manufactured items as having a consciousness factor, but when you consider that atoms are the basis of every thing in form, you can see that some level of intelligence, or consciousness, must exist for any change to take place. An acorn growing into an oak tree, crystal formation, erosion, rust, decay, fire, tides-all are conscious processes. Spoon-bending comes from a person's thought that he or she can modify the shape of the spoon. The energy of that directed thought changes the spoon's molecular structure and creates flexibility in its composition as long as the thought remains focused on that intent. The spoon instantly becomes rigid in whatever shape it was when that focus ends. No, no one asked about that, but it is a good example not only of the consciousness of metal, but also the power of thought.

Yes, Mother, I know I digressed considerably from Mother God. Although I was saying that the ruler of this universe is ALL within it, therefore much more than a mother or father, God honors whatever loving concept one holds and answers to whatever name one wishes to use.

Changes in the appearance of the moon are due to the higher vibrations in the energy around Earth and within the individuals who notice the difference.

The deaths, injuries and property destruction in Mumbai, India, were the work of the Illuminati-controlled faction of the CIA. Known as "black ops," that event and others similar to it, as well as lesser destructive efforts by zealous individuals, come under Creator's "free will" cosmic law that the rulers of all universes are bound to obey. However, by honoring Earth's free will to never again experience any terrorist activity like "9/11," God has authorized extraterrestrial intervention to prevent all such attempts, and they have successfully done so more than a dozen times since September 11, 2001, including the neutralizing of manmade viruses that were intended to create pandemics.

The evenly distributed energy of the pyramids permits the flow of energy from inner Earth out into the atmosphere and its return to the planet, like the cycle of expansion and contraction of breathing keeps your bodies alive. These structures are a province of third density worlds because they help maintain planetary life, whereas the vibrations in higher planes keep the energy flowing without external assistance. However, as part of energy's "building blocks," pyramidal shapes in solid or ephemeral usage are aspects of what you call sacred geometry, and people who are sensitive to energy fluctuations are especially drawn to pyramids and objects in that form.

I welcome being asked what artists' role is during this time of transition. Recording it for posterity! True artists-painters, sculptors, poets, composers, musicians-express what is in the soul. Their creations flow from within rather than coming as a projection of calculated studies, and as such, their productions are expressions from the heart rather than the mind. Persons who have" tin ears" or are "all thumbs" yet are profoundly emotionally moved by art are responding to cellular memory of lifetimes as an artist. Civilizations more advanced than yours would not consider that everything your "experts" call "art" deserves that distinction. A unique idea or perhaps even a successful spoof, but surely without the beauty that comes with the exuberance of the heart. In time, when admiration of art will be with finer discrimination in consonance with the higher vibrations, ugliness in forms and sounds will be seen as examples of the diverse moods and attitudes of their era.

The importance of music's effects on your energy systems and psyches cannot be stated too strongly. The vibrations of music traditionally associated with Christmas time-especially orchestral arrangements and choruses, the "Nutcracker Suite" and carols-touch the "strings of the heart." Music of more recent origin that also is popular in this season lacks those high vibrations, but nevertheless can let people feel happy. And a great deal of current music genres, most particularly the jarring effects of "heavy metal," prevents the smooth flow of energy that is required for balance.

We have chosen to conclude this message by speaking about other aspects of Christmas. While you may perceive the reduced commercial emphasis as further hurting the economy, actually it is a great gift to humankind. It has gifted you with the golden opportunity to share from the heart, to reach untapped inner strength, to see blessings that formerly were taken for granted. Yet, in these days of Christians honoring the birth of Jesus the Christ, an even greater gift to all humankind and Earth herself is the blossoming spirituality that is transcending religious differences. Nothing more so than religious beliefs have denied the Christ consciousness within every soul and prevented your knowing the truth: You are gods and goddesses, inseparable parts of the ruler of this universe and every other soul within it. Let these gifts and the power of love light up your life.

Now, with the blessings of the universe and our unconditional love, we join you in bidding farewell to 2008 and greeting 2009 with hope, optimism and the vision of Earth's Golden Age.