Sunday, December 28, 2008

Lord Melchizedek: The Sixth Energy Boost

Lord Melchizedek: The Sixth Energy Boost
Received by Natalie Sian Glasson

Let peace emanate into all of humankind, let peace settle within the mind, emotions and actions of all. Peace is the energy that we send forth now onto the Earth, combined with stillness. Allow the energies of peace and stillness to vibrate in the space around your body, in the air between your physical form and those near you. Allow peace and stillness to ring loud now as joyful bells across the world so that all may understand that the energy of the Creator is anchoring onto the Earth, manifesting as a source of love within all human beings. It is the energy of peace and stillness that is the key focus for the sixth energy boost that is gracing the land. This energy brings to the soul the chance to be quiet and tranquil, to reflect on the past year and to contemplate the future. The sixth ray of light assists in the manifesting of love within the grid work of the Earth as well as within the chakra systems of many. Allow this intense boost of peaceful energy to activate within you, the energies of the five boosts that you have already experienced to settle and integrate into your being and energy systems. Through the power of our peaceful energy you have the opportunity to connect on a deeper level with your soul, your guides and of course the Creator's energy. It is time for you to make space for yourself and to experience peace in its profoundness. Allow the energy of peace and the sixth energy boost to channel and pour into your being throughout the day over this special and unique period between the 25th December until the 1st January. Allow the ascended masters to bring you the blessings of peace and stillness so that you may experience your life with an inner stillness, calmness and balance. This will act as an anchoring, settling, combining and rejuvenating process, allowing all past energy boosts to manifest now in the energy of peace.

It is important that you make use of this peacefully energy, you can ask the ascended masters and their sixth energy boost to assist you with your meditation practises, meditating, sitting peacefully, listening to high vibrational music or reading while invoking the peaceful sixth boost of energy will assist you in anchoring the vibration of peace into your being. If you anchor peace now its energy's will remain with you throughout 2009.

Allow yourself to invoke constantly whatever you are doing but most especially when you are meditating, the sixth peace and stillness energy boost to channel and pour into your being through your crown chakra at the top of your head, flowing throughout your being.

One could say that this is the lull, the period of stillness before the result of the anchoring of the energy boosts of love in 2009.

I am Lord Melchizedek; I come to you now as the universal logos, overseer of the universe and as a Cosmic Christ on behalf of the ascended master community. I am overwhelmed with joy to be able to bring forth the information concerning the sixth energy boost that will soon anchor on the Earth at midnight 24th December. I am greatly honoured to distribute such wonderful information with humanity but I come with a special mission of sharing the thanks and appreciation that comes forth from the ascended masters and many other kingdoms to those who have placed their focus in connecting with the energy boosts, allowing the energy to pour through their beings into the Earth. You have participated in a great service for the Creator and humanity. Without your assistance our energy waves would not be so successful. I must share with you my friends that the anchoring of the six energy boosts of love and eventually peace has been a major triumph, as the energy will assist in the preparations for ascension that many will take on the Earth. The love that has been anchored on to the Earth is only the beginning; it is akin to the unveiling of the era of love which will truly be activated in 2012. Until this year many preparations will be made to assist humanity in embodying love. The era of love is the embodiment of love.

The six energy boosts will combine to create the seventh energy boost which will be anchored on the 2nd January and will continue to pour onto the Earth throughout the entire year of 2009 and beyond. This means that you can always call on the energy of love that extends from the ascended masters', the Creator and the inner planes. The energy of love will always be available for you to access and anchor into your being and reality. Continue to work with the seventh energy boost, allow the love that it emanates to assist in accelerating your spiritual growth process, amplifying the source of love within your being as well as sharing the truth of the Creator with all. This is a constant supportive energy that you can invoke to assist you in manifesting the abundance, reality, dreams and desires that you wish to experience by asking the ascended masters and their loving energy boost to energise your positive thoughts, your loving actions and peaceful emotions. Within the energy of love much wisdom can be found, this is for you to discover and connect with.

We are all so proud of you and wish to share our appreciation and thanks as well as many blessing and love. You are surrounded in protection and love as are the love crystals which are playing a major part in the manifestation of love on the Earth. Continue to act as a beacon of love on the Earth but allow yourself time to accept the peaceful energy that is brought forth from the sixth energy boost. Spend time meditating; you deserve to connect with the sacred energies that are flowing forth to you now. You may call on my assistance to help you do so or you may meditate invoking me to connect with you and channel my energy into your being. When you ask me to channel my light and energy vibration into your being it will assist in the integration of love and peace within your being. Integration, balance, harmony and acceptance are all important now. Allow yourself to experience the sixth energy boost as well as my powerful vibration and light channelling into your being. This is a rejuvenating and healing process that will prepare you for your spiritual development in 2009. Rejoice now in the energy of peace, for you have focused so intently on anchoring the energy of love, allow peace to be your reward, let peace emanate from your being to anchor into the Earth. Together we will create a heaven on the Earth and access the truth of the Creator from your being. Have faith in our guidance, we are here to assist you.

As the energies of 2008 draw to a close we wish to thank you for your devotions to our cause but also to the Wisdom of the Light, which we are using as an anchor for information to manifest on the Earth from the inner planes and sacred souls of many.

Let this be a time of peace that emanates from within your being, allowing you to connect on a deeper level with the source of the Creator's mighty soul.

May the Creator's blessings shine into your heart now and externally.

Lord Melchizedek
On behalf of the Community of Ascended Masters

I wish to offer to you now an invocation that can be used to anchor the new energies of the sixth energy boost and the New Year. You can experience this invocation on the eve of the 24th December or whenever you feel it is appropriate.

Beloved ascended masters of the Creator's kingdom; I call on your positive and loving energies now to pour into my being, reality and soul. Allow me to experience and feel the peaceful loving energy of the sixth energy boost, its power and the devotion that it holds from each soul of the ascended masters concerning the Earth and the Creator.

Ascended masters shower the Earth, humanity and my own reality in the light of peace. Let light shower deep into our souls and hearts so that we may embody and express the purest vibration of peace. I ask that you anchor the energy of peace into my mind so that I may hear the guidance of the Creator and my loving guides within my mind. Please anchor peace into my heart and emotions so that may release all pain and negativity expressing love, joy, bliss and profound happiness. Anchor the energy of peace deep within my soul and enter being so that I may experience the meaning of inner peace, stillness and harmony. Bring a new found balance to my energy systems so that I may embody the Christ consciousness, the ascended masters' consciousness, the selflessness of the angelic kingdom and the purity of the unicorn kingdom. Allow peace to develop from within me ancient wisdom that can also be found within the nature kingdoms. I ask that the energy of peace from the sixth energy boost assist me in becoming unified and integrated with the energy of the Creator, through the embodiment of peace, assist me in discovering the truth.

I wish to bestow my thanks and appreciation on the Creator, the ascended masters, the loving kingdoms of the Creator, my guides and soul for the constant guiding light that you are; the source of inspiration encouragement and assistance in my life now. I honour you with all my heart and ask you to exist as an ever strong pillar of light beside me and within me, guiding me forward into 2009 so that I may achieve spiritual development, enlightenment and illumination throughout the year of 2009. I ask you to assist me in becoming an embodiment of love, a beacon of light and a source of insights and wisdom. Anchor the energies of the Creator deep into my being and soul. May love and light always protect me ensuring I follow the correct path for my soul. Assist me in connecting on a deeper level with my soul and understanding the truth that exists within me. Shower me with blessings, joy, love, light and happiness so that I may share these blessings with others, rejoicing in the love of the Creator within and around us.

Allow me to be open and receptive at all times to the sixth and seventh energy boosts that flow from the community of the Creator.

I am peace, I am love, I am light forever more.

Thank you for everything,
May peace and love guide all on the Earth.

This is the last message of 2008, the weekly messages will resume in the New Year. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas with a New Year filled with blessings from all at Wisdom of the Light. Thank you for your constant support and openness to the messages coming through.

Best wishes and Blessings,
Natalie and Wisdom of the Light Community

Please visit for more information about the changes and the boosts of energy.

Natalie was born in 1984, UK. Over seen by Archangel Michael, she now works as a channel for a vast variety of spiritual beings and Masters in the spiritual hierarchy. Through her website she shares the channelled messages of the Creator's helpers to expand the awareness of humanity and assist in the raise in energy vibration of the planet. She offers a service of channelled readings from Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Unicorns and Fairies.

Free Video Meditation Visit: and view my video page where I am beginning to build a collection of guided meditations. * * The Sacred School of Om Na website * Channelled downloads written and in mp3 to aid the spiritual education of humanity. Visit * For the latest news visit my website