Friday, December 12, 2008

21:12 Second Ascension Wave

21:12 Second Ascension Wave
Michelle Eloff
a message from Kuthumi channeled by Michelle Eloff

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to
greet each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of
new insights, divine clarity, the presence of the sacred will of God
and unconditional love. Greetings beloved ones.

And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather
with each of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heart
of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.

Beloved Lightworkers as we stand in the presence of this powerful
energy of the birthing of a new age of enlightenment we welcome you
into the presence of the highest order of divine love, divine light
and the sacred pathways of illumination that take one into the depths
of truth, the inner dimensions of the heart and to the core of the
inner well of divine wisdom.

We stand together as one entity, one heart, one light, one love, one
breath and one expression of the voice of Mother/Father God. Our
presence and yours is one that combines at this particular time to
move through time and to move through space as we walk into this new
experience of the expression of our Creators.

The Second Ascension Wave is a new lease on life, it is a step up the
rung of the collective ladder of ascension and each of you find
yourself redefining your life purpose, your perspectives and your
understanding of self. This is where you experience the deeper
dimensions of the broader world of your collective self, you move into
the higher dimensions of your higher intelligence, the divine
intellect, which is expressed through the divinity of your soul.

The Second Ascension Wave brings into your life a more tangible
experience of and expression of the inner Father God and the Mother
Goddess. Mary Magdalene has prepared your energy for this day and it
is that we gather together within the sacred Heart Chamber of the
Cosmic Temples of the Sixth Universe of Fluid Love and we embrace each
of you, as you are, present within the divine mansion of our Creator.

Beloved ones you are now ready to observe the higher octave of the
sacred sound of the voice of Mother/Father God. This is a time where
the word of God is expressed on a higher level. By this I mean it is a
voice inside of you that becomes louder, the eyes of God become
clearer, the body of God becomes stronger and as you experience the
greater understanding of what the expression of life is, you will come
to realise that many of the destructive patterns and experiences you
have had up until this point have been necessary in order for you to
embark upon this next level of the journey.

As all of us move into the higher expressions of our collective self
we are faced with new challenges; these challenges are however
opportunities, they are not debilitating experiences that are there to
suck the life-force out of you. This is where you step into another
level of your status as an Ascended Master if I can call it that. This
has absolutely nothing to do with feeding the ego and everything to do
with empowering the spirit within you, taking the nature of the divine
God and the divine Goddess that is inherent within you and expressing
that nature, merging it with the nature of the external world and
creating within that experience the expression as these natures
collaborate and a new way of living comes into being. This is like
starting over, beginning at the beginning once again however, this
beginning is not one where you are left without knowledge, without
power, without wisdom; this is where you move from your “twelve basic
years of education” into a higher standard of “education”. This is
where your Monad comes closer than it has ever before and you receive
directives from this part of you. This becomes the teacher, the part
of you that is communicating directly with you in a way and please
bear in mind this is just a manner of speaking, a description that I
would like to use, that the Monad at times will override the higher
self and communicate directly with you just like sometimes God may
speak directly to you and not go through the Angels, the Archangels,
the Masters, the Gods and the Goddesses etc etc.

It will take time for you to grasp this concept however, as you begin
to understand the many dimensions within this grander Universe of
experience you will understand that the aspects of you that have
eluded you until this point now step into your presence – why? Because
you are ready to deal with these aspects, you have the capacity to
understand this more advanced language, this more advanced technology
that your soul can impart to you. Up until this point you did not have
the capacity to understand that technology. The higher intelligence
that has been estranged up until this point from you is moving into
the realms of your ability to consciously understand these vast
concepts, just like many thousands of years ago there were words that
did not exist in the vocabulary that exist at this current time
therefore, all that time ago certain concepts could not be presented
because there was not words to describe it. It is exactly the same
now; you can now grasp these concepts because you have completed the
initiations that were required to open up those inner dimensions, to
open up the portals inside of your being that could allow access to
those Akashic Records of wisdom and, beloved ones, you now walk
through the Halls of Amenti undergoing a kind of “death” and to be
“reborn” within this new world of higher self awareness, a new concept
of grasping the intelligence of self seeing it as a direct alignment
with the higher intelligence of Father/Mother God, and as that
understanding, that familiarity in fact settles into the heart, not
just held within the intellect, so you will witness the unravelling of
a whole new world of knowledge, experience and interaction with the
higher aspects of yourself.

Now when the Monad interacts with you on such a direct level change is
to be expected. Now some of you might say, “oh for goodness sake
Kuthumi, how much more change?” – well I have news for you there is a
lot more change and the change will never end. It is the change that
reveals to you who you are, what you are made of and it is through
this that the creative aspects of Father God and the Mother Goddess
express itself and form can expand, form can integrate more of that
which is formless and the intelligence, the word that comes from that
intelligence can also find form and the word without form is nothing
for it is simply a formless presence, it must come into some kind of
form in order for it to be expressed and to be fully experienced in
all of its dimensions, in all of its natures.

You know that the physical self is just one aspect of many aspects.
You know that you are a part of the elements, seen and unseen. Now you
move into a cycle where you are renewing and crystallising your
relationship with Mother/Father God in a whole new way. This is a
personal, very profound process of reconnection. The promise of new
life is not limited to the fantasy of experiencing the Utopia, not to
say that that is an unrealistic fantasy, those ideals will come into
being but before anyone can settle into a Utopia of sorts one must be
in alignment with certain very important aspects of the self
therefore, this first cycle of the New Age post this Ascension Wave is
taking you into the very depths of who you are. This new world, this
moving beyond the destructive chaotic projective ego based fear
motivated world is not what will motivate you any longer, you have
moved along that spiral of moving into a space of objectivity where
you perceive life from the aerial perspective, now that you are at
that higher perspective you can see more of yourself and that is the
most important part of this Second Ascension Wave, beloved ones.

At this time there are two hundred and twenty-two million minor
portals that are activating across your world; half of them are
activating within Mother Earth’s body, the other half are above her
body. As these vortices of energy meet so it is that the waves of this
new energy explode into, not implode I am saying explode into for a
purpose, into the etheric field of Mother Earth’s body; this
penetrates the magnetic field of every human being on the Planet and
every other kingdom of life. This wave takes everything in its wake
into this new energy template. Once one is connected with that grid it
is then individual choice as to whether one will go with the flow of
that wave, ride the crest of that wave into this new world, into this
new dimension of self awareness or remain within the old paradigms of
what I described earlier on.

Those who choose to remain within the old paradigm will find that the
challenges, the obstacles and the ego create an intensity that at
times become unbearable. This will become almost unbearable because
there are cracks happening within the energetic field of Mother
Earth’s body. There is a crust over her body at this time, this crust
is like a gargantuan scab on a wound. With this Second Ascension Wave
she is releasing that scab of the wound so that she can receive that
healing balm, so that she can open this wound to the Cosmos and
receive the healing that she is now ready for, that she deserves and
that every single one of you deserve. These wounds that are now
opening to receive the healing go back one hundred and thirty-three
million years in Earth time, which include all parallel and alternate
realities. As these existences come together you will find many layers
will come to the surface; this is not necessarily meaning that you
will be faced with the challenges of unresolved issues of all of this
time, all it means is that the collective wound of this particular
period of time can now be healed, and this particular wound is related
to the loss of power through the abuse of power through money, through
sex, through the manipulation of the elements, through the
manipulation and abuse of nature (the human nature and every other
aspect of nature). This is why it will move through alternate and
parallel realities. This means an accelerated shifting beyond the
destructive consciousness that left people estranged from the Monad
from the time of Lemuria and Atlantis going even further back where
worlds ended, worlds that you have never even heard of before.

Now the energy within the constellation of Bootes as well as
Cassiopeia and within the Andromedan galaxy moves to encircle Mother
Earth’s body. These vibrations permeating Mother Earth’s body brings
with it what we always call Sacred Signatures. Signatures are unique
vibrations of energy placed within a crystalline seal, which is held
within a vortex. Within these vortices are atoms of light, as these
energies come into your energy field it begins to activate that which
is held in darkness so it gets everything moving again; the brighter
the light the greater your chances are of understanding your own
purpose and that which motivates your purpose. When you know what
motivates you, your actions, your decisions, your thoughts and your
words the clarity empowers you, you make informed decisions as well as
being in the position to be able to understand the motivations of
others, and when you can see the motivations of others you are
empowered within that situation to make choices that support the
greater good of the whole.

This is very good news for those of you who have chosen to take full
responsibility for the creation of your life; those of you who have
taken full responsibility to choose what motivates you even in the
face of some of your most challenging moments. It is important that
all of you realise that the energy that you are going to be working
with from the 22nd of December has a completely different signature to
what you have been working with up until this point. The Goddess
energy will be amplified, this does not mean to say that it is the
female energy per se, it is the voice of the sacred wisdom of the
soul, it is where the subconscious undergoes its greatest
transformation of all time for now it is that the subconscious has
moved into this higher level, which means that those beings of higher
intelligence who vibrate at levels that your subconscious has never
vibrated to before can now be reached. This means that you have a
greater chance of transforming the debilitating self-sabotaging
programmes anchored within the subconscious that have constantly
manifested as obstacles and self-defeating ways.

Now these self-defeatist ways will be left in the old paradigm. There
may be times where the patterns re-emerge but this is not there to
prevent you from moving forward, these will always come to the fore to
remind you of where you have come from, what you have achieved and
where you are going. It is also very important for all of you to
understand one thing, because you are moving into this higher realm
of. It is also very important for all of you to understand one thing,
because you are moving into this higher realm of you to understand one
thing because you are moving into this higher realm of experience does
not mean that you adopt a self-righteous holier than thou attitude,
that is absolutely not what this Ascension Wave is all about and it is
absolutely the direction that you are heading in, in terms of how you
will interact with the rest of humanity. This is a place of humility
and the more you move into the realms of humility the less place there
is for those self-righteous holier than thou attitudes and you will
find that people adopting that kind of attitude will see their nether
regions very quickly, I trust you get the picture, yes?

So now as you understand that this moving into the higher realms has
nothing to do with elitist attitudes and everything to do with merging
with the community of the highest order of wisdom and light then you
are understanding the true essence of what this new realm is bringing
to you. As I, Kuthumi, St Germain and Master Jesus move into this more
rapid expression of the divine light you will benefit from it because
our magnetic energies automatically pull you into that realm. Once
again it means that you have a more direct line to Spirit, to the
higher wisdom of your self, of your collective soul therefore, the
voice of the authentic self becomes louder, that voice of God, the
word of God that I spoke of earlier on that becomes louder, this means
less room for excuses, and you know we have been working with this
with all of you for years now, more so the past eighteen to
twenty-four months than ever before.

This is truly an incredible time of celebration for you step out of
the realm of the ego based motivations and you step into a realm of
your Monad therefore, not only are you closer to God but you are
closer to yourself, and even though you are having to operate within a
Three Dimensional World of human beings trying to find themselves,
celebrate the fact that you have found many aspects of yourself and
that what you are about to find will reveal the deeper dimensions of
the Spirit that resides within you and that animates you, which takes
you beyond the human personality and the understanding of what you
are; in other words showing you the deeper dimensions of the being
that you are, not the identity you have adopted for this incarnation,
the identity that your name gives you or your position or your gender
or your financial status, none of that, this is a wealth beyond your
greatest imaginings, this is an investment in your soul that you have
never experienced before and this is something that stays with you for

So, beloved ones, let us now gather our energies as we guide you
through the dimensional portals, through the energy and into the
centre of this Ascension Wave therefore, please close your eyes if you
have not already. Straighten your spine, draw your shoulders slightly
backwards opening your heart chakra. Take a deep breath in through
your nose exhaling through your mouth, take another deep breath in
exhaling through your mouth, relaxing your body.

Imagine a powerful gold and red flame of energy running up and down
your spinal column, this is your life-force; the empowering energy
that has always existed within you. This energy becomes more tangible
now, you become more conscious of it because many veils have fallen,
many outdated beliefs, attitudes and perceptions have been released.
You have already acknowledged aspects of yourself that you never knew
existed and this was not such a long time ago.

I want you now to take a moment to give thanks for every challenge you
have experienced, for every tear you have shed, for every moment of
woe, of grief and of sadness. Give thanks for every dark night of the
soul that you have endured for it is all of those experiences that
have made the cracks in the walls of defence that have burnt through
the veils of illusion and broken down the constructs of ignorance and
revealed to you the inner wisdom, revealed to you the inner tutor,
shown you the higher intelligence of the advanced aspects of your
divine self that have guided you, guarded you and gifted you.

The Earth walk is one of the most challenging any soul can choose to
undertake. It is the most stringent school of learning, it is a place
where the soul is stripped bare, left with nothing but the potential
to gain everything. Your journey into reclaiming the treasures that
exist within love and wisdom that empower you as a spirit, as a being
of light is now before you, not to say that you have not being doing
that already, but now it is a time where you “swim with the big fish”,
you move out of the dam, you have moved along the rivers, the streams,
the lakes and now it is time to enter the vast ocean of life, of
Spirit and you dive deep into the essence of Father/Mother God.

Feel your energy as it moves from the dams along the streams and the
rivers and into the lakes and feel your energy moving into the great
oceans becoming one with the vast body of divine wisdom and love
represented by the seas and the oceans of your Planet.

There are worlds that exist beneath the waters that no one has yet
discovered. There are things that lie in the depths of Mother Earth’s
body hidden by water, protected by water that would blow your mind and
for this reason cannot as yet be discovered but they do exist. You,
precious ones, are now moving into those depths.

I want you now to imagine yourself beginning to move into the deep
water of the ocean, bear in mind that your body can now withstand the
pressure, that you will not be subjected to the effects of the depths
that you will now delve into. Do it gently, pause if you need to.

While you move into these depths there are two hundred and twenty-two
Orca Whales who join you, three hundred and thirty-three bottlenose
dolphins, four hundred and forty-four Humpback Whales, five hundred
and fifty-five Beluga Whales, six hundred and sixty-six Manta Rays.

Breathe in deeply as these beings connect their energy field to yours.
These marine creatures hold within their energy signatures a vibration
so pure, so pristine that it is able to penetrate the densest human
ego motivated and base, ignorant and dark part of self. Feel these
energies penetrating this part of you and you will find now that you
become suspended within the water surrounded by these energies, which
amplify the presence of light that exists within you.

These energy pulsations penetrate all the alternate and parallel
aspects of yourself, the most dark part of yourself, the most evil
deed that you have ever committed in any of your life experiences is
now penetrated by this pristine energy of pure unconditional love,
light, wisdom and intelligence.

Lord Poseidon enters this field of energy and hovers in front of you,
twelve Mermaids accompany him. These beings also begin to emanate
sound vibrations that can only be perceived through the body of water,
this opens the emotional body inside of you and allows those dark
aspects of yourself to be touched and to be penetrated by this love.

One hundred and eleven Seahorses begin dancing around you, their dance
creates another beautiful energy pattern and this pattern is a system
of communication, which is being given to them by your Monad. This is
the first time this pattern is being encoded into your energy field
and this allows the emotional body to move beyond the paradigms of the
old world, specifically the Piscean Age, and as this fluid body of
yours steps into this safe place of knowing that you are being
motivated by this part of you that is one with God a wall of defence
falls away. As this wall drops you are not left fragile and vulnerable
you are left strong, empowered, revitalised, re-energised and
reconnected with this powerful part of you – your Monad.

Take a deep breath in exhaling fully.

I want you now to notice that deep in the depths of this water a light
begins to emerge, a golden light, and all of these marine creatures
around you begin to energetically pull you into the depths of the
water, Lord Poseidon and the Mermaids following you, the Seahorses
still moving around you. As you are taken into the depths you move
deeper and deeper into the realms of your most intelligent self, into
the depths of love that exist beyond the human ego, beyond the human
personality and identity, beyond the human nature into the sacred
energy of you that which exists beyond human form. Beloved ones you
enter a world of exquisite light, a world so filled with the most
profound love and wisdom you have ever experienced that the conscious
mind cannot compute it all in its fullness therefore, just imagine,
indulge in your wildest fantasy of this great fantastic world beneath
the sea and step in and in this world are beings unlike you have ever
seen before, energies that you have never felt before, crystals,
lights, colours and sounds your human self has never experienced
before, and even your imagination cannot experience the full extent of
where you are currently at energetically.

This energy is already being absorbed into your emotional body and
over the next forty-eight hours it will very gently be injected into
the coded energy templates of higher intelligence stored within your
DNA. These worlds have been opened up to you now because you are ready
to move beyond the limitations of the world you have known up until
this point.

Take a deep breath in exhaling fully. As this Second Ascension Wave
brings your emotional body the most profound healing experience of
your lifetime and many other lifetimes, Mother Earth’s body will
undergo the same profound emotional body healing, and this wave washes
through the darkest realms of every living being.

I want you to move through this sacred world beneath the ocean. I,
Kuthumi, accompany you as does St Germain and Master Jesus. Mary
Magdalene, Goddess Guinevierre and Goddess Jezebel are present. We
take you now to a place in the centre of this world. In the centre of
this world is a vortex of golden energy, even though it is a vortex
you are able to stand in the centre without falling in, we accompany
you to the centre of this vortex. All the marine beings are still
present as are the twelve Mermaids, Lord Poseidon and the Seahorses.

As you are held suspended above this vortex close your eyes and begin
feeling a powerful surge of energy coming toward you from the centre
of this vortex penetrating the chakras of the soles of your feet,
coming up your legs and bursting into your base chakra rushing up all
the other chakras and exploding out of your crown chakra.

Take a deep breath in exhaling fully as another rush of this energy
comes up. This will happen two more times.

Emerging from this vortex is an almighty being of wisdom. This being
is filled with such empowering wisdom and light it takes your breath
away. I want you to feel the power of this being, to try and use your
imagination to create some kind of connection with just how powerful
this being is and to allow yourself to completely surrender to that
wisdom and love. This being’s energy moves through your body, around
your body, it moves inside of your body and enfolds you in its essence.

You have earned the right to merge with this powerful, more advanced
and deeper essence of wisdom and love, for it is wisdom and love that
becomes the theme of your life as you step through into the Second
Ascension Wave. It is through wisdom and through love, through love
and through wisdom that you will master the plan that lies before you.
It is through these two energies that you integrate more of the
qualities of the master alchemist and you liberate yourself from the
prison of ignorance.

Take a deep breath in exhaling as you relax your body and be still. As
you are still over this vortex the dolphins and the various species of
whale now begin to sing in their unique voice. As the vibrations of
their sound are emitted a massive shattering begins to take place;
this shattering, beloved ones, is the shattering of a matrix of energy
that has been attached to you for millennia, this shattering of this
particular matrix could only happen now, you had to be fully prepared
for it.

The voices of these mammals send out a message to all the worlds
within the marine world and the worlds that exist beyond the marine
world that you have chosen to walk through the gateway of the Second
Ascension Wave. As the sound of their exquisite voices increases and
amplifies I want you to become aware of a light coming down from above
you as if the Heavens were opening to welcome you. As the light gets
brighter it connects with your crown chakra and moves into your heart
chakra, it creates twelve exquisite spirals in your heart chakra
before it moves down into your base and all the way down to the very
depths of the vortex upon which you are suspended.

Breathe in deeply exhaling fully.

Beloved ones this light now begins to lift you up, it lifts you up
higher and higher. The sound of these sea creatures accompanying you,
Mother/Father God holding you within the sacred essence of where you
are going and where you have come from. Feel your energy moving up
higher and higher as your spirit returns to the stars – the place from
whence you come.

The light completely absorbs you and you find yourself cocooned in a
liquid golden egg; this is the vessel that transports you through the
dimensions of time and space and will place you within the new world
on the other side of the ascension gateway. You will be incubated
within this golden egg for forty-eight hours and then you will step
into this new world, an inner world, that will be reflected back to
you in the external world.

Take a deep breath in and as you exhale. I want you to settle within
the warmth and comfort of this golden egg and to completely surrender
yourself to the power of the wisdom and love that now enfolds you, and
for these forty-eight hours all of us will undergo the initiations of
the Golden Temples that Lord Maitreya, Lord Metatron and Lord
Melchizedek have been preparing for us. The Elohim of All That Is will
oversee this process and your Monad celebrates your return, another
level of your return to innocence, the inner sense of the all-knowing
almighty I Am Presence.

As I continue my transmission I ask you just to remain within this
golden liquid. The ocean creatures continue with their sound, this
sound embodies sacred codes, keys, letters of the ancient sacred
languages that have never been released into the Earth energy field
before. These are being brought into your body first where you will
learn about them, where you will master them through your earthly
experience and then and only then will they be released into the
physical world. These will come through you, these unique codes, these
divine letters, sacred names and keys to freeing the soul from the
prison of ignorance. You have earned this right, your perseverance and
your patience has paid off, you are the ones that bring the Golden Age
into this level of manifestation now. You are the ones holding these
keys and it is through your Earth walk, the journey through the
gauntlet, your walk through the fire, through the density, through the
darkness, through that which is often considered evil that you will
leave your mark, that the imprint of light will consume that darkness
transmuting it, absorbing it where it can be healed and the realms of
darkness that have their right to exist will no longer be a part of
your existence and this, beloved ones, is the onset of what is
considered the two Earths; the separation of these existences in terms
of the consciousness that motivates you, the directives that you
receive from that intelligence that supersedes the human nature, the
earthly identity and the perceptions, beliefs and attitudes and ideas
that you have taken on as a human being identified by your name, your
status, your gender and your life experiences.

As this wave expands beyond all of those earthly things, concepts and
ideas, you discover the new world we have been speaking of and as
worlds separate and new worlds collide (in a positive way) you will
see how the chasm between your old life and your new life grows
greater and greater and it is not about denial, it has nothing to do
with running away from that, all it is, beloved ones, is the distance
between the old and the new growing further and further apart.

This is a great time for Earth’s spiritual history, it is a wonderful
time for the awakening of the human soul and this is one of your
greatest walks to freedom for now you come to a point where you can
truly understand the power that exists within the application of love
and wisdom, wisdom and love, whichever way you choose to see it. You
will also begin to understand that all that is, all that ever was and
all that ever will be is love, and the many facets of its essence.

Over the months that lie before you, you will have great revelations
regarding your inner world and how it plays out in your external
world. You will move further and further away from the dramas of the
old paradigm. At times you may feel rather detached from the old world
as if you are sitting in “Heaven” so to speak looking down upon the
world observing the chaos, the hecticness and the craziness of the
human drama of those souls locked within the game, imprisoned by their
ignorance, then you will see just how empowered you have become. You
will be grateful, truly grateful for your new position so to speak.
Always remember that this position is one of humility not one of the
power to wield your authority on those who at this stage do not know
what you know and do not understand the game of life as you do, for
these new codes come through, you will see that this new position puts
you in a position to serve with love and wisdom and always with a
humble heart.

Beloved ones this is an extraordinary time, the world that you have
stepped into will reveal to you just how extraordinary it is and how
extraordinary you are beyond the human form and you will learn why it
is so important to bring the Monad’s energy into form, into the world
of form through your human form. Much more than that I cannot say,
the concept cannot be understood but you will get it when you see it

And so it is, beloved ones, that we end the transmission at this
point. The energies that you are cocooned in now are of a very high
frequency. Your dreams may be extremely energetic, perhaps very lucid,
some of you you may not remember anything – it doesn’t matter, what is
important is that you have done this and that you are ready for the
next leg of this journey.

My love and my protection are with you, I too along with St Germain
and Master Jesus now walk into the realms of our next level and we too
undergo the cocooning that you are currently experiencing. We will
remain connected to you as always and we welcome you to our world, a
new world and we rejoice with you.

I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom and I greet
and bless you in love. Adonai.

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