Sunday, March 1, 2009

Allowing What IS to BE

Friday, February 27, 2009
Allowing What IS to BE

Feeling disoriented? Lost? Floating without an anchor? Confused about
your next steps?

We are between worlds again, connecting to a new time line, and as
always this transition period of nothingness will soon pass.

What is happening on a higher level is we are adjusting, yet again, to
align more closely with what I call the cosmic pulse of creation.
What's interesting is that last year right around this time, the
Andromedans gave us a message regarding The Emergence of the New
Cycles of Time. In it, they said:

Earth is accelerating beyond linear time and new galactic time codes
are altering the holographic fields of perceptual reality. These codes
determine the new time/space reality structure for all upon the planet
and will guide Earth through the emergence of the new cycles of time.

This realignment with the new time matrix is really magnified right
now as we wobble out of linear polarized thinking and delve even
deeper into the realms of cosmic cocreation.

What does this mean?

Well, on a higher dimensional level this means that we have been
unplugged again so we can re-plug into a higher voltage or frequency
of energy. Hence, the floating around aimlessly with a near-inability
to ground or accomplish anything.

On an earthly level, this essentially accounts for the disorientation
you may be feeling, the disconnect from your true self and purpose, or
the physical maladies (flu-like clearing symptoms) that always
accompany these addition to the recent new moon in
Pisces on the 24th which really packed a punch!

The result of this tune-up and rewiring will ultimately be our mastery
over the physical planes...the complete merging and reliance upon the
universal forces of creation in lieu of our separate human (egoic)
will to create results.

This can most acutely be felt right now in our apathy for almost
anything that requires effort or force.

You may suddenly be experiencing a complete inability to do anything
that requires linear (logical) planning...or things that you "would of
done, could be doing, or should do"...and you may even find it
frustrating that your personal will seems to no longer work in your
favor. This is because we are ever-so slowly and methodically entering
into harmonic accord with universal timing, which essentially means
that we need not forcibly will our way any longer.

The introduction of mechanical time served to greatly disconnect us
from the natural rhythms of life and thwarted us from our
intuitively-guided groove. Universal timing suggests we merely take
inspired (& therefore effortless) action, which is not really knowing
when (and how) to act for our highest good, but feeling & sensing the
intuitive dance between action and non-action to attract the highest
and best outcomes.

Our human egoic-will simply requires too much effort here and as we
embrace our new programming, which is continually downloaded from the
electro-magnet-ic grids, we find that our heartfelt desires are met
with much greater ease than by forced intentions.

This is because forced intentions express the energy of want and when
we want for something, we are implying that we are without. It is only
when we deeply realize that cocreation is not about getting what we
think we want, but knowing & feeling that we have it all...while
simultaneously allowing for something better... that we begin to live

Let me give you an example of this in action:

This past month I had been receiving many requests for channeled
readings, so for a short period of time I decided to offer the
services that I had formally discontinued last July.

The result of this choice has been interesting, to say the least,
because I followed my egoic will, which no longer has any leverage in
this new space, instead of allowing what felt right. The discordant
energies created by what I thought I should be doing as opposed to
what was in alignment for me were so amplified that I felt resistance
at every turn.

As a result, my experience has been a complete inability to organize
and schedule these readings as I used to... according to what the old
time/space continuum might deem as "acceptable" timeframes. Instead,
readings that I may have "scheduled" first did not come thru until
last, and vice versa, as well as some that have still not arrived.

Trying to force my will and control the flow of these creative
energies to fit into my "plan" proved to be somewhat disastrous, but
mostly it was an amusing attempt at futility. What was revealed most
poignantly was that small part of me that was still trying to fit my
expanded consciousness into a finite linear mold...just not happening.

The point?

Now is the time to completely surrender to what IS as opposed to what
we think should be.

We are being pushed to a point of letting go like never before and
just as I would like to schedule perfect timing to fit into my
small-minded linear view of events, cocreation cannot be contained.

Each moment in universal timing is a synergistic dance, an unspoken
agreement to honor the macro while creating the micro. A conscious
point in time and space to allow what is to BEcome.

So what will we do without all those schedules, appointments, to-do
lists, and plans that we have been intending for so long? Exactly what
we do with everything else that blocks us from thinking with our
hearts...acquiesce, release the struggle, let go, be present.

And how will we continue to relate to the 3d world? We won't. The 3d
world will begin to relate to us.

I think it was John Lennon who nailed it when he said that life is
what happens when you are busy making plans...

The disconnection between the head & heart, thinking & feeling, is
really the connection between what we think we want and what wants to BE .

Right now we are being stripped of all the plans, timelines, and
willful intentions we laid out for ourselves so we can really play
with the magic of miracles, dance in sync with the universe and become
fully present with the creation of what is instead of what will or can be.

Conscious cocreation is moment to moment, step by step, and aligned
with the universal support of each endeavor we embark upon.

This really just means one thing...following what feels good in every
moment and taking inspired action on only those things that call to you.

The rest is just trusting and allowing.

Oh yea, and ignoring those nagging woulda, coulda, shoulda's.

Shine on!