Saturday, March 21, 2009

Surviving the Void

Surviving the Void

As I lay awake at 4am enduring another mid-morning bout of insomnia, I
could faintly hear and see the words that would become today's article
about The Void.

And as the energy of these thoughts were swirling about my head in
that usual humming tone (the one you wish wouldn't arrive until
sunrise), I also couldn't help but to notice that familiar throbbing
tension and soreness in my lower & mid-to-upper back, neck and

Ahhh, I thought..."yet another day in the space of no space."

What is the Void exactly?

Exactly that...a space of nothingness, a stillness from which all
creation is born. In this space there is no movement, no energy to
support forward movement (just barely enough energy to get by), no
real desires to do anything but BE... and sleep & sleep & sleep...
like a newborn.

And as I always say, this is really the point... to BE still while our
physical bodies catch up to our latest shift in consciousness and to
integrate the new levels of light so we can actively switch to and
participate in the upgraded electro-magnet-ic grids now ready to
support us.

If you are experiencing similar pain/stiffness/soreness at the base of
your neck and/or behind your heart (between the shoulder blades) know
that these areas are massive biological portal entries by which our
circuits are being rewired ( to crystalline form) to run on a new
central (holographic) processor.

The occipital portal at the base of the neck is what creates our
ability to have conscious control over our thoughts as we connect to
this new mainframe. Interestingly, the occipital region contains the
brain stem which governs the autonomic nervous system. This system
controls and regulates blood circulation, heart beat, intestinal
detoxification, lymph filtering, and the ability of all organ, bone,
and tissue stem cells to to regenerate.

And because the heart center acts as a mediator between the upper
level (spirit) dimensions and the lower level (physical) dimensions of
manifest form, the portal behind the heart is constantly at work
merging and balancing the ascended biological and spiritual form into
one uniform expression of light.

Likewise, if you are experiencing lower back discomfort/stiffness/
soreness, sciatica-like feelings, numbness, achy knees/hips/joints,
etc... most likely this is due to another level of grounding these new
light codes thru each lower energy center into form.

Each time this happens, we kick up new levels of unresolved emotional
discordance, which may account for those vivid dreams you might be
having that involve childhood scenarios or past unresolved issues
around security in love, etc. As we rapidly incorporate more love into
our lives, this base-level, first/second chakra clearing is being
accomplished at warp speed ...and much of it is happening on the
astral plane while we sleep.

The good news is that the result of all this rewiring will be the
complete integration of our divine blueprints, the harmonization of
spirit and matter ( sacred union, or merging of male/female energies)
and will end in the cocreation of our heartfelt intentions in manifest
form. This ultimately means that we will consciously experience new
beginnings on every level from our health & vitality to building new
communities and everything in between.

But after so many months/years of these vibrational bump-ups, the
waiting & physical discomfort can feel more awful than ever because on
a higher level we know we have graduated, completed the
Council of Light so eloquently stated at the new year...we have been
exonerated from our divine missions of service.

We are so ready to move on and the conflict between our higher level
knowing and our physical experience of constant re-calibrations and
tune-ups can be unbelievably frustrating...but as always, we must wait
for this new energy to ground into physical form (thru our bodies)
each time we ascend to a new level of consciousness.

And yes, we are played out. BUT, (depending on where you are on your
journey into oneness) for many, this process is and has been a full
time "j-o-b" for many years...and most likely, the hardest job we have
ever had. When we look at it this way it is easier to swallow that
giant (sleeping) pill that all but forced us to snooze our way thru
the last three to five years of our lives.

But again, all biting sarcasm aside...the enigma in this puzzling
paradox is that during all of the physical sleeping (or the
overwhelming desire to sleep) over the last few years, we were
actually in the process of waking up! It was when we thought we were
awake... prior to our commitment to awaken... that we were
unquestionably asleep. Ha! Quite a conundrum.

And while we are on the topic of irony, I will also add that each time
we experience an ache or a growing pain, the spiritual realms applaud
and dance in pure joy. Why? Because they know where we are headed, and
unlike our human (li)ability to waver in and out of trust, they are
incessantly cheering us on, urging us to keep our focus on the finish
line while sitting perfectly present in our goo.

And, yes, I will be the first to admit that while swimming in the sea
of insomnia with a 4 year flu and aging twice as fast as the average
human, the last thing I am interested in is watching the dancing light
show of joyous spirits overhead.

But I do, we all do...mainly because it's written in our DNA that our
j o b is to fully experience (& ground) the often-icky process of
awakening while staying continually focused on the outcome. Focused on
what we desire, and not how it will come to be. And deep down beneath
all the misery of releasing a carbon-based vessel steeped in fear,
illusion and lack... we know that our purified temple of divinity and
life of grace awaits us.

So as we sit in this stillness for a bit longer and anticipate the
balancing energies of the equinox soon to arrive on the 20th, and the
fire of the Aries sun to propel us forward again, feel assured that we
are completing some very old business in preparation for some very new

The new timeline is creating a crack in the code which will open many
new doors and avail many new surprises. This coupled with our new-
found ability to love limitlessly and express joy in consistent ways
is already beginning to attract our new lives, the first foundational
pieces of our dreams that we are here to build, to create and to share
with others of like-mind.

And if you are feeling as though you are at the end of your rope, its
because you are! There is really nothing left to hold onto, only the
ability to float, to receive, and to accept all that we have stored up
in our vibrational bank accounts for this very time. And lucky for us
this means that our flow of abundance will be directly proportional to
the level of purified love in our lives.

So BE well, enjoy these days of nothingness, bask in the stillness of
the void and bathe yourself in the light of nourishment knowing that
our next j-o-b in service to the All will be to play with potentials
of j-o-y!

In love,

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article on the condition that the content remains complete and in
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distributed freely. © 2008 Expect Miracles, Inc.