Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Soul Transitions Vibe Report March 2009

Soul Transitions Vibe Report March 2009
by Nancy Leilah Ward
March 4, 2009

My collaborators, Many of One wish to speak about the "beam" of life/love force energy:

March is a time for you to open to your inner resource and get on the beam. We speak of the beam as a very real beam of energy. This beam is a wellspring of energy direct from Creator Source and when you vibrate yourself into the beam you are on the 'right track' as it were; the enlivened state of being where you are energized by what you are doing. You learn to follow the energy and stay within the beam. Don't think about it too much! It's more about feeling and being within this energy. You will recognize it by its vibrancy and feeling tone of energizing excitement. This is a true beam of light vibration. It feels childlike and joyful and holds the energies of your truest nature. It is connected to where you direct your focus. It is not about telling the old story over and over. When you direct your focus to denser, heavier energies you move out of the beam. It's ok, you will be moving in and out of it for a while, but as you consciously work with these energies - matching yourself up to the higher vibration (which is always expanding, by the way), you will find yourselves remaining in the beam more and more. This is about stepping up into the unfoldment of the new story that you are creating in every moment. Surrender to not knowing and open to a feeling of delight. Every moment is new!

When you are in the beam you are not alone and you all add energy to it. Each of you has a unique energetic vibration that adds to the joyful frequency. You are moving beyond joy into bliss and *gasp* ecstasy! This is evolution. This is like a stairway to heaven, a focus to travel within, a wormhole to a dimension of joy and prosperity. Get used to not knowing what's going on. Get used to not having to understand everything. The rational mind cannot know the heart of the Creator, but the heart can know the Creator's song.

As you focus more and more on love-loving yourself and finding inner joy-your outer world will change to match the reflection of what you are amplifying. Be mindful of all the people who cross your path or come into your lives even for the briefest of moments. You are meeting yourself over and over again in all you share energy with.

Creating a new life, that is what the energies of March are assisting you with. Some are well on their way in creating their new lives, others are just beginning to feel how deeply the buzz of change is filtering into their lives. Holding onto the past will only cause you pain. Trying to keep things as they were will tear you apart. Trust becomes your lifeboat as you allow the flow to move through your life - trust and spontaneity will bear you up upon the energies of the flowing current of the beam. As you learn to trust in yourself more and more, and learn to trust in the Guidance that comes to you, you will see that you send a beam of light out from your heart and it connects with the larger beam we have been talking about. This helps you to stabilize within the rising energies. The beam from your heart is filled with your heart's desire - it is filled with the energy of what you want your life to feel like. As you listen to yourself, feel the vibration of your heart, and send it out as a beacon of light before you, you will begin to receive ideas and inspiration - promptings from Spirit. Acting on these ideas will open a gateway and help you to fly within the beam. Putting feelings and ideas into action will energize and empower you.

If you feel you do not know what this new vibration feels like for you, or if you do not know where to go or what to do, seek guidance - not only from within but from without as well. There are many practitioners of healing modalities who have been preparing for these times. We speak of energy workers, psychic/intuitive guides and body workers. They are available to assist you in clearing and opening to your deeper soul self. Begin to look outward for who might be the right person to help you - ask your guides to help you find the assistance that would be most beneficial for you at this time.

Visions and experiences from the past are still coming up for release. Even people from the past will be passing through either in person or in thought. You can release the memories from your energetic experience by sending them out of your energy field and then exploding them. This is not to cause harm to the other, it is simply to release the repeating patterns that are rising to the surface. The clearer you become, the more able to ride the beam you will be. Remember to fill yourselves with golden light each time you experience a release of energy that is no longer harmonious with your higher vibration. Fill the spaces that were vacated with golden Creator Source energy.

Call the energy and light from the sun into your pineal gland. Vision this star in the center of your head, radiant. This will help you to navigate and will open up neuro-pathways upon which information and inspiration flows. Allow the sun to permeate your energy field - either in direct sunlight or reflected sunlight. Of course, protect your skin as you deem necessary. The sun is a powerful source of life force energy. Swami Sivananda said, "The pineal gland is the receptor and sender of the subtle vibrations which carry thoughts and psychic phenomena throughout the cosmos. The pineal gland converts brain waves into subtle electrical energy traveling faster than the speed of light."

There will be a surge of powerful high vibrational energy towards the end of the month. The clearing that you are doing will allow you to receive and embody this expansion. It may feel like an earthquake - an inner and outer earthquake.

There is so much assistance for you within and without. Ride the wild energies - have fun - seek like-minded people to share your experiences with. You are not alone. All is well.

Radiant Blessings,
Nancy Leilah Ward and Many of One

To know more about Nancy Leilah Ward please go to * To contact her please use the following email address * *