Sunday, March 1, 2009

Leaving behind ~ the 3rd dimension

Leaving behind ~ the 3rd dimension
courtland ~ LoveLight ~ Rainbow Guidance

Blessings Be to You~
as we Journey forward ...into higher frequencies...that which no
longer is of the highest good, is falling away ... cannot exist! If
you are experiencing losses in and around your spaces, at this time,
you are experiencing moving into the higher realms!
It is no different here on Lightworkers...what you see from others and
"feel" through their posts, are precisely energetic shifts. When some
might feel that there is "dark or evil" here, it is is merely
the difference of energies ...the vibration you carry and emit...and
the vibrations they carry and their posts...and many of us
have come to know those that share what is felt important and of great
knowledge for our does not mean that it is brought with
"darkness or evil", it is where the vibrational thoughts are within
that person...not bad...for in all sharings, thoughts and
posts...whether you agree or disagree perse`, is merely subjective to
your energy! Congruent to those that share in those posts!
All posts ... are important to the person that shares them ... even
those that some might feel are not of the highest is from
that energy that you or anyone for that matter, has the free will, to
either engage or not...any part of that post! and those that add
comment to a post that does NOT resonate with them, are engaging as
much in the lower energy as the one that posts...
should one feel compelled to say something or share is
for the reason of ire or angst that this emotion comes forth...when in
all truths, if we exercised our free will, as that, then NO COMMENT
would SPEAK VOLUMES! We only further the energy of the ones posting
something that is not of the Highest Good...where there is LOVE &
speaking of modalities that no longer serve our WELL BEingness? then
we have no one to fault then ourself for what is displayed.
Engaging LOWER energies, ONLY strengthens LOWER ENERGIES...that which
has NO energy...Ceases to Exist!
as many leave behind lower dimensions, there is a 'crumbling' taking
place in many Lives...we have moved into an arena of sharing this
Journey ~ Humanness/BEingness...we are integrating our human forms
into our BEingness ...our SOULs, our Body Temples taking our new
crystalline formations ... and this can bring many a trial forth for
those that still hover...and I share, HAVE FAITH...TRUST in YOUR SOUL
... YOU are at ALL TIMES, PROTECTED! ... as for the Lower is only a matter of CHANGING YOUR THOUGHTS about your
position or condition that you are in, at any given MOMENT ...present!
That is YOUR POWER...Your PERSONAL Power...
embrace these times, for they are ABSOLUTELY AMAZING ... venture where
no human has travelled ... BE the Soul that you are HERE TO BE...cut
the chords of that which keeps you shackled and binded in spaces that
do not feel PURE JOY...PURE PEACE~ this is where Your SOUL strives to
soar... Let go and FLY ... we are in those times NOW...
if someone shares something that is not of Love, Light, Joy,
Peace...RISE ABOVE...and see the lower vibration, the lower frequency
... all of us Students ... Our Souls KNOW exactly, what makes Us feel
goodness, feel light...feel joy...anything less, is someone else's might ask...isn't this passiveness ... certainly not ...
for if quizzed, our souls KNOW, that which is of a lower frequency ...
Silence is GOLDEN...and Beloveds...we have entered THE GOLDEN AGE ~
Let us practice what it is that we are creating! Leave behind that
which does not "fit" into the higher Universal Law, that
which is of a lower frequency, cannot survive in a Higher
frequency....hmmm ...I take that to mean...adjustments, attunements to
the lower vibration, must take place, prior to rising to a higher
Honour All Souls and their Journeys ... Honour comes by way of silence
and understanding...Allowing a lesson to be learned without
interruption or impedement ... whispers Guidance!
I share my Heart...I share my Soul...I am honoured to share this
sacred space with YOU and Your Soul ... Let us begin with the LOVE of
Great Spirit ~ and from that very thought, that very spark ... CREATE
... SHARE ... EMBRACE ... JOURNEY ~ into the Higher Realms!
from My Heart
to Your Heart
there is