Sunday, January 25, 2009

From Mind to Heart: A Great Time of Transcendence

From Mind to Heart: A Great Time of Transcendence
by Carol Lynn Fitzpatrick

Wall of Light

In our monthly Living the Miracle sessions, I am often called to walk people through a series of dates. The purpose of doing so is to sense where we are, in consciousness, then to clear any distortion that may be felt in the body.

It was only a week ago as of this writing, that we did just that. The dates were Jan. 20, 21, 22, 23, Jan. 23 at or around 3:00 p.m., and 24. Then we jumped to Aug. 13, 2009. I can't speak for others, but I connected to Jan. 23rd, and with that connection poured forth feelings with images flashing before my eyes. I have been feeling many of the dates in between as well. April offers up a great time of joyous chaos that finds it's way into a deepened peace within the same energy pattern that pushes us to go deeply inward. But starting as early as June 2009, we're back in it again: water, water, everywhere water.

Back to the social / governance theme, by that time, humanity will have recognized that we can no longer afford to squabble over petty differences and move into a global alliance as a race of nations. The time of nation building will have come to a close because what comes before that time is an event that everyone, everywhere experiences all at one. This signal event sends a clear signal that separation is no longer possible, warranted or desired.

What brings us to this conclusion? An event that occurs in mid- to late January 2009. What are the date sequences for this event? What keeps coming up on my internal radar screen is Jan. 20 - 24, which has absolutely nothing to do with the US inauguration.

What IS occuring, not to discount the jubilation of ushering in a new US President into office, is a great wall of white light. THAT IS THE EVENT that changes everything--absolutely everything about how we create from that moment forward. The date that rang true for me was Jan. 23, at or around 3:00 p.m. That's when I felt the internal shift inside of me.

This wave of energy is going to turn North to South, and Inside to Outside. Your horizon line about your life, your place in the world, your outer relationship to life will invert: Become a polar opposite. The little distortions of life will become mountains of chaos without the allowing of love to fully flow into your life. The key is to stay firmly rooted in the witness mode and to disengage from any emotional warfare that you might be experiencing with yourself.

Emotional warfare is often projected outward onto someone or something else, but now is not the time to play the blame or shame game. Now is the time to get quiet, and go within to listen without the interference of the mind. Now is the time to fully open to what is yours to BE, as you continually listen to what yours is to DO.

This new wave of energy represents the very center of what I have come to call "purity of heart," which will support us as we go deep inside to reside within the stillness that is guiding us home to a new way of being in the world. As you remain in the stillness, just watch AND experience as Miracles happen all around you, and within you. Like the call to come come without having to go anywhere, there you will be!

Carol Lynn Fitzpatrick

Carol Lynn Fitzpatrick is an avid spiriitual activist. She uses her gift to help others understand what is beyond the fives senses; to help people to see clearer pictures of their lives, and to understand what role they have chosen to play in service to humanity at this critical time. She is clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient. It is her role as a translator for the Guides, angels and other light beings who are here to share their wisdom that brings her the greatest joy in service to others.

The precurser for her work began in 1989, when she began unravelling the mysteries of a transformation that took her deep into the mystical realms of the Divine. Her prophetic teachings are rooted in the practical application of modern-day life, and have taken form as mentoring, inspired writings, articles, workshops, and energetic healing. She is the author of Fear Not My Child: Emerging from the spiral of fear and A Call to Remember: Follow Your Heart, Change the World . She is also the author of a monthly e-communique called Light Streamings, and has written many articles on the subject of spiritual transformation.

Fitzpatrick co-founded Arayu (pronounced ah-ra-u) with Mark Torgeson in 2003, an organization dedicated to oneness consciousness. Through the work of Arayu, Fitzpatrick mentors people who are working to bring about radical change to the face of our human family. Her platform of teaching new paradigm leaders how to live in the flow of joy has evolved from a grassroots wake-up call into an international following.

Carol resides in Fredericksburg, Virginia, and is the mother of two grown children.

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