Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Announcing a special channel with Archangel Uriel to prepare for the 8-8-08 energy portal

Announcing a special channel with Archangel Uriel to prepare for the 8-8-08 energy portal

August is a busy month energetically with two eclipses, the 8-8 portal and a second new moon at the end of the month. So much energy is shifting at this time that we can feel unbalanced, ungrounded and not sure of what to do next. Our emotional bodies are being purged and we are moving between dimensions. The energy flow comes in waves and we can feel up one minute and down the next. And we are struggling to hold the new energy while anchoring our own.

We came here to do this, we know we are awakening to our divine potential and the information provided by the angelic realms is available to us to help us through these energetic shifts as we move closer to bringing heaven on earth.

Archangel Uriel has asked me to do a special channel to prepare us for the 8-8-08 portal opening. This will be hosted on Blog Talk Radio and you may call into the show to ask questions or email questions that I will answer on the show.

This special channel will be at 8:00PM US Central time on

August 7, 2008.

You are invited to call into the show at 718-664-6504 to ask questions. The chat feature will also be available.

Join me and Archangel Uriel for this informational hour to prepare for the 8-8-08 energy portal.

Many blessings,

Jennifer and Archangel Uriel

Uriel Heals
3505 NE Lacewood Court
Lee's Summit, Missouri 64064

Uriel Heals | 3505 NE Lacewood Court | Lee's Summit | MO | 64064