Monday, August 11, 2008

A Letter from Deepak

A Letter from Deepak

According to the Vedic tradition, there are two characteristics that define a person on the path toward enlightenment: First, you have a sense that worries are disappearing. Things may go wrong, but they don't bother you anymore. Second, in every area of your life, you become aware of a growing number of synchronicities - a word coined by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung to describe the confluence of meaningful coincidences.

Perhaps the phone rings with a call from a long-lost friend you were thinking about at that very moment. Or you keep hearing a certain word or phrase in your reading and conversations. Or you decide to study Japanese, and the next person you meet is an instructor offering a Japanese course in your neighborhood.

Whenever coincidences happen, you can dismiss them as random or pay attention to the valuable clues they contain. You can pay attention and try to hear their messages more clearly. Life's coincidences aren't meaningless occurrences in a chaotic universe: They are clues to discovering your path to fulfillment.

Each of us is connected to the field of infinite intelligence that orchestrates all creation and everything that happens in the universe. By living with an appreciation of coincidences and their messages, you glimpse the interwoven nature of life and realize that the universe is constantly sending you messages in the form of serendipitous events. In fact, you are completely immersed in a web of coincidences that is always guiding you to fulfill your dharma or purpose in life.

At this very instant, your destiny has led you to read these words. The fact that you turned on the computer, opened your email, and are reading this article is a coincidence offering potentially life-transforming opportunities. What circumstances led to this moment? Why are you perusing this article instead of one of countless others out there? What are you beginning to dream about creating in your life?

Awakening to the Field of Pure Potentiality

Realizing that you're connected to a network of coincidences is only the first stage in learning to access the field of pure potentiality. In the second stage, you begin to recognize coincidences while they're happening rather than just in hindsight. From this state of higher consciousness, you're better positioned to take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves.

The more you notice and appreciate coincidences, the more likely they are to appear. And as your awareness expands, you start to understand the way life works . . . how the quantum domain orchestrates the flow of energy, information, and intelligence to manifest your intentions. You'll also discover that you can consciously participate in the creation of your life and achieve the spontaneous fulfillment of all your dreams. This is the miracle of SynchroDestiny. However, it is a miracle we all can experience by focusing both our attention and intention.

To nurture coincidence and become aware of valuable opportunities, you can begin by using a few simple techniques:

When a coincidence happens, don't ignore it. Instead, ask yourself, "What is the message here? What is the significance of this event?" Don't strain for answers: Just ask the question and the answers will come easily. They may arrive as a sudden insight, a chance encounter, a relationship, or in another way. Whatever form the response takes, you'll immediately know that you're receiving an important clue.

Focus on one of your five senses-sight, taste, hearing, touch, smell-for a minute or two each day. Notice as many different aspects of this sense as you can. When a powerful or unusual stimuli draws your attention, focus on it, for this is what you need to look at most closely. As you become more sensitive to your environment, you'll become more aware of the messages coming your way.

Keep a journal of your coincidences. Writing down the coincidences you experience, whether tiny or huge, encourages more of them to unfold. More coincidences provide more clues to guide your actions and more possibilities for fulfillment.

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