Summary for October:
This is written for Eastern time zone, please adjust for your own locality.
In October the planetary influences lighten up for a month or so, giving us a much needed break before the excitement begins in November as Saturn (restriction and challenge) moves into position to form a challenging square to Pluto (death, rebirth and transformation).
Jupiter will be changing direction this month to move forward again.Jupiter is the planet of opportunity and luck, and when it travels retrograde that luck is harder to spot. Jupiter also encourages our growth and understanding and helps to give our lives meaning, and it will be virtually stationary throughout the month of October as it prepares for its change of direction on the 13th.
There is a lack of fire energy right now; none of the planets are in a fire sign and Mars, the planet of fire, is in watery Cancer. Fire is the element that inspires and motivates us to take action, so without that driving force we tend to be more grounded, more practical and less able to put our plans into motion. This is more of a time of feelings and ideas, and any actions that we take may be slower to manifest than we would like. This is not always a bad thing and may mean that there is more perfection to our actions as they have been motivated by a more thorough thought process.
This perfection is shown by a strong Virgo influence at the beginning of the month. Virgo is the sign of discrimination, it seeks perfection through evaluating all of the options at hand. This Virgo influence may have created some frustration over the past few weeks as everything under our consideration needs to be filtered through a sieve of possibilities, but a perfect experience cannot be rushed.
We will get a few days of relief from this painstaking process in the first few days of October beginning on October 1 with a Mercury/Mars dance that will light the spark of creative juices and inspirational forces, ready to be unleashed at the Full Moon.
The Full Moon on the 4th is in the sign of Aries, with the Sun in Libra. At the Full Moon the Sun and the Moon are opposite each other in the sky, appearing to be of equal size through the miracle of the mystery of planetary science. Normally the Sun's quality of consciousness and ego overcomes the light of the Moon and subsumes the instinctive emotions, but at the Full Moon the Earth blocks that light and the Moon is revealed in her full glory. Full Moons are times to allow the truth of our inner selves to shine as the Ego takes a back seat for once.
The Aries Full Moon brings the power of fire in its purest form into our consciousness for the few days, as Aries is the sign of courage, self-defense, inspiration, leadership, and dominance. Even the least fiery of us will have access during this Full Moon to the bravery and assertiveness that Aries inspires. The mind is extremely active now, ready and willing to take in new data and new information to help inspire change. If you have been feeling blocked and unable to take action, this is your opportunity to break through those barriers.
Still, Ceres forms a square to the lunar nodes which represent our evolutionary direction, suggesting that we are not attending to the matters of caring for body and soul in a way that is sufficient for our soul's growth. The Full Moon will illuminate any area in our life where this has potential for future problems.
After the Full Moon things settle down for a couple of days, and on the 8th we get back down to business. This is a reality check that helps to stabilize us and get our feet back on the ground. It is tempting now to feel some negativity or depression as we feel ourselves being pulled back to earth, but this is all a matter of attitude. Recognizing the need for periods of retraction helps to keep us from allowing frustration to control our experience.
The following day, on the 9th, relationships become more important. A Uranus influence seeks to inspire us to break free of restrictions and outmoded patterns that limit our experiences, and when he starts working on our relationships we often try to resist his pressure for change. This can be an exhilarating process, however, if we allow ourselves to recognize that we only need to change the things that aren't working and we can hold onto the rest.
Mercury enters Libra on the 9th as well, so for a few weeks the attention of the mind is turned to matters of balance and harmony. Mercury in Libra likes to consider all points of view and this therefore is a very beneficial time for negotiations of all kinds. That Uranian influence helps to bring in new ideas that facilitate the processes under consideration.
A conjunction of Mars to the South Node suggests that for a few days our energy and drive will be rooted in the past in ways that may not be so helpful for us. The South Node represents the past - traits and characteristics that are familiar but which hold us back. Anger or resentment can lurk in the subconscious where it creates negative behavior patterns and with Mars on the South Node now these patterns can become more visible and therefore easier to deal with.
On the 10th we have a combination othat can signify power struggles and arguments, but it can also provide an opportunity for us to hone our skills and surrender something that we did not realize we were ready to let go of.
Ceres enters Scorpio on October 12. In Libra, Ceres has shed light on the necessity to forge alliances in order to nurture and care for the people in our life and enhance our experiences. As Ceres enters Scorpio it will be difficult to treat these alliances superficially. Ceres in Scorpio demands that the Truth be told before dinner is served; there is a necessity to dig deep into the realm of the subconscious and reveal that which is hidden. Ceres will be in Scorpio until December of this year.
Also on the 12th-13th it becomes easier to express ou needs and desires clearly and directly.
Jupiter turns direct on October 13th (see introductory paragraphs). Venus is active for a day or two, stimulating interaction between people and encouraging more responsibility in relationships. We may find ourselves in situations where our illusions about people bump up against cold hard reality but this is just a temporary effect.
The Venus influence is even stronger on the 14th when it enters Libra, the sign which it rules and which shares its emphasis on peace and harmony. Venus in Libra brings an increased interest in social events and achieving balance in all things. That could be a bit difficult though for a day or two with a challenging square on the 15th that intensifies our relationships and creates the potential for the more negative emotions to arise.
That darkness won't last long though, with a nice aspect on the 16th which opens the doorway to creativity and an idealistic sense of wonder and connection to spirit. That same day Mars leaves emotional Cancer for the robust sign of Leo, bringing in some positive fire energy.
The New Moon in Libra takes place at 1:33 am Eastern time on October 18, beginning the new lunar cycle seeking the balance and beauty that Libra desires. At its best, Libra would like the world to be filled with beauty and happy people loving each other with perfect balance and harmony. And there is the potential for a cascade of beautiful and soulful healing energy that clears the way for the new beginning of the New Moon.
However, the New Moon (the conjunction of the Sun and Moon) forms a square to the lunar nodes, suggesting that we will be tested. How much are you giving up to have peace in your life, and where is better balance needed?
There is tremendous potential here for healing the past and healing relationships with others, but it is clear that attention must be paid to the Self here as well. Then the power of the New Moon can operate fully and unenumbered to empower and protect.
The mental forces intervene on the 20th, expanding the mind and creating awareness of new possibilities. This expansion continues into the 23rd. Tthe mind is wide open, ready to receive the lessons that come from the soul. Chiron isn't concerned with worldly matters; instead he teaches the way to reunite with the Spirit within.
That healing process is intensified by the entry of the Sun into Scorpio on the 23rd, beginning the descent into the darkness of winter. We may encounter some mental resistance to the Chironic process of healing. If this occurs there is likely valuable information that is being presented if we remain aware.
On the 24th we are able to harness the power and sharp focus of Pluto in a conscious and enlightened manner. Another aspect facilitates creativity and the imagination as well as our spiritual expression as Neptune opens the higher centers of the mind.
Mercury enters Scorpio on the 28th, at which time there will be three planets in Scorpio. Scorpio is the sign associated with darkness as it is ruled by Pluto, the lord of the underworld of the emotional realms. Scorpio fearlessly faces the darkness of our own psyche, and gains strength from Truth.
Over the next few days The Sun and Ceres will illuminate what is needed in order to feel fully at ease and cared for. At the same time a Venus/Juptier aspect brings optimism and a sense of well-being into all of our interpersonal relationships. These are the two "benefics," and for a day or so when they are in a harmonious balance with each other life is full of beauty and love.
Tension may increase somewhat on the 29th with an aspect which can create restlessness and a desire for change. Saturn enters Libra that same day. Watch for an article to be posted on my website soon about Saturn's entry into Libra, but for the next two and a half years Saturn will turn its attention to the realm of relationships, justice, marriage and beauty.
Chiron changes direction on October 31st, moving forward once again and encouraging progress in the realms of healing and soul retrieval. Chiron and Neptune are still working together to open the portals of our mind so that the essence of who we are can emerge through the clouds of personality and ego.
Venus interacts with Chiron that day as well, facilitating the sharing of love and spiritual truth between people, and the Sun and Ceres help us to see what is really important in our lives, and how we can become truly comfortable in this incarnation as a child of the Earth.
Once Saturn is in Libra it will be in a square to Pluto, and there could be difficult times ahead. October's events will be very helpful in paving the way so that when the challenge comes we will be ready for it.
You may have noticed that I've changed the name slightly of this planetary report. There are now quite a few other reports by astrologers called Skywatch, and I wanted to distinguish this one from the others. Thanks to those of you who voted in the poll on my blog which helped me to make a final decision. I wanted to include the word "illuminations" somewhere, because we don't just watch the planets - they illuminate our lives, providing light and wisdom every day.
October gives us a bit of a breather, and I suggest you take advantage of it. The planetary configurations get a bit intense beginning in November, so this is a good time to get healthy and strong so that you will be well-prepared in the event of a storm.
Some news from me:
Visioncrafting: A Self-Guided Journey is finally finished! I've posted some images of pages in the book on my website so you can get a feel for what it's like. It will soon be available on Amazon, but for now you can order it online here.
Next I'll be working diligently to complete the first in my astrology book series!
Here's the October schedule for Astrological Musings Radio, although show topics are subject to change to accommodate events in the news:
October 4: No show, I'll be out of town
October 11: All about Chiron
October 18: Visioncrafting!
October 25: Saturn in Libra
Now on to Skywatch:
The complete Skywatch article can be found on my website, and you can read it here. This email contains an abridged simplification that is easier to understand and read, but you will find the complete details, along with the list of planetary events for the month, in the online version.
Usual housekeeping stuff:
If you are new to astrology, you might want to start here for basic explanations of the concepts we'll be discussing here. Please feel free to forward this article to anyone who might be interested. If this article has been forwarded to you, please visit my website to sign up for your own subscription! You can unsubscribe any time by following the instructions at the bottom of this email. And, of course, if you would like to schedule a personal consultation please email me directly or visit my website for more information.