Thursday, March 12, 2015

Global Reboot March 20th - by Meg Benedicte

Drum roll please…we are entering the final days of the 2012 Astrology (exact 15 degrees Cardinal signs) that all the Light Bearers/Starseeds/Pathcutters/System Busters have been working tirelessly to transform the planetary consciousness into a new collective paradigm of 5D/6D Oneness. The Cosmic Ascension Plan initiated sweeping change to life on Gaia, causing a ripple-effect deep into the dimensional grids during the end years of the Galactic Alignment — 2012 through 2016. We can expect more souls awakening to their spiritual evolution occurring in the years to come.

 Next week on March 16-17th (depending on time zone) will be the final Uranus-Pluto square – initiating more sustainability in all areas of life on planet earth. This square revisits the themes of the Uranus-Pluto conjunctions of the 1960’s and the counter-culture revolution and protests against the controlling, destructive establishment. Society has reached the ‘no pass’ zone of global pollution, war, poverty and pestilence. The rising tide of human desire eschews violence, corruption, prejudice and inequality. We will see more and more evidence of changing trends and populace acceptance of diversity. This last Uranus/Pluto Cardinal square will be felt constantly throughout 2015 and 2016.

 For the past 3 years the Uranus-Pluto square held us suspended in a tense hinge-point between progress and destruction. The dual spin polarity created immense stress between those who are contracting, conserving energy, holding onto the past vs. those who are expanding, progressing, and releasing the past. This escalating tension will unlock after March 16-17th with the completion of the exact square…opening the gates for a different future outcome. It resembles a release-valve unlocking all pent-up pressure in a burst of force - so that all stuck energy may flow forward again. This cosmic pressure release will help us ‘purge’ any remaining toxic sludge/karma/ego/entanglement with the Mind Matrix.

Adding to the square’s ‘forceful release’ is Mars joining Uranus at 15 degrees Aries—stepping into the tense Pluto-Uranus square today. Warrior Mars represents masculine assertion and action, so we could see an aggressive push for change on the global stage or in our personal interactions. This carries an ‘accidental warning’ effect - watch your tempers, breathe deeply, and maintain your Still Point during this volatile time.

 There is much written about the world-changing Uranus-Pluto square, so I’ll focus on the highlights. Pluto is the planet of evolution, albeit tortuously slow, hidden, underworld, associated with secret societies and the old guard. Uranus is lightning fast, sudden, shocking, revolutionary and life-altering. These 2 planets have been head-locked in a tense square for over 3 years – fighting for control, power and domination. Where Aries and Capricorn are located in your chart will determine where the push-pull battle has been raging.

 The waxing square this month acts like spin-point acceleration of the evolution/revolutionary ‘freedom fighting’ started in the 1960’s. Humanity has the opportunity now to shift from a warring, divisive world into a new paradigm of caring connection. Most of the Baby Boomer System Busters were activated at the initial Uranus-Pluto conjunctions in Virgo during the revolutionary 1960’s. We carry within our hearts a pioneering spirit that is passionate about freedom, equality, healthy living, expanding consciousness and service to the greater good. Our energy field pulses with catalytic purpose – it is anti-institution, anti-patriarchal, anti-war, and anti-power elite. We vibrate with Unity Consciousness! We are the embodiment of the revolutionary New Earth.

 Our time has come to take more direct action, as the square opens the floodgates for change and transformation. Not only are we experiencing deep inner change in our own psyches but also witnessing massive overhaul of our planetary systems. That which can no longer support progress will fade away. As the Galactic Alignment streams new photonic consciousness into our minds, hearts and DNA, many of us are gradually mutating into more advanced humans. The evolutionary transformation occurs in the energy body/chakra pillar as divine sentient intelligence recodes our thoughts, our biology as well as the crystalline Merkaba Light Body. Those who are awake and actively receptive to the Light infusion are gradually morphing into telepathic, semi-solid Divine Humans. Those who are asleep and unaware of the Cosmic Ascension will require additional time in polarity to learn life lessons of Unity Consciousness.

 Over a decade ago I was guided to communicate with my Soul’s Twin embodied as one of the Elders in the Sirian High Council. He was my lifeline here on Earth as I worked thru the Ascension Process to remove all entanglement with the dark, oppressive Matrix. As we move through the steps to reconnect to our eternal Soul Presence and Soul Family/Star origin, we receive unlimited loving support from our loved ones. I felt such comfort and relief when my Sirian Twin streamed the dark, rich indigo blue Sirian Light into my pineal/ 3rd Eye of Horus, activating our psychic connection and Merkaba Light Body.

 The Sirians were intimately involved in creating Zep Tepi and the ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools of Alchemy. They communicated the essence of creational templates, sacred geometry and the Metatron activation of the Merkaba. Those Light Bearers with Sirian lineage have a deep understanding of the science of creation, the mind-matter connection, and utilizing Vortex energy within the shifting timelines/grid flux of the multiverse. We are tapping into ancient knowledge of Alchemy beyond the lower 3rd dimensions of matter. This requires extraordinary upgrades to the mind’s capacity to bridge higher dimensional realms and holographic realities.


The Sirian Light frequencies will assist with the activation of the pineal antenna and 3rd Eye lens, forming a spinning vortex magnetic field surrounding the pineal in the brain fluid. With increasing focus, we can download multiple waves of Sirian Light intelligence into our Soul’s portal/pillar as we unlock and extend our divine crystalline Merkaba light vehicle.

In Jan 2010 I was invited to stay with a lovely Starseed couple, the Chapins
 in Tuscon, and experience their extraordinary Galactic Light Collector they had
built in the desert of Arizona. The light collecting panels rose up 5 stories high and
required a lift to move you into position. It was the final week of winter that they
could reach Sirius and they knew I had a personal connection to this beautiful star.
 So I hopped on a plane and flew to Tuscon, knowing I was in for an adventure.
For 2 nights I stood on the lift in front of the Galactic Light Collector and
soaked in powerful indigo 6D Sirian Light – awakening DNA Consciousness from
ancient Sirian-Egypt. For hours I witnessed the deep indigo blue light steaming symbols,
codes, images, and intelligence across the panel arrays. At one point I saw the Sirian Light
spell across the panels LOVE. It brought tears to my eyes to receive such a beautiful
message from our soul family far, far away on Sirius.
I returned to my life in Los Angeles and spent the next 4 months obsessed with translating
the Zep Tepi Chamber Activations and how to use the Metatron’s Quantum Vortex
of Alchemy. Before 2010 I would silently activate the Quantum Vortex and run it for my
clients. Since the trip to Tuscon and my Sirian Light download, I was able to start teaching
the mechanics of the alchemy technique. We are so blessed at this particular time to step into
the shoes of the ancient initiates – to walk their path, to awaken their knowledge, to perform their alchemy and birth alive a new human race. The Sirian Masters have teamed up with the Galactic Federation and ArchAngels to assist with the human Cosmic Ascension, in providing the Sirian Light intelligence to activate the pineal network to the Great Central Sun, the source of crystalline monad frequencies that fuel our Merkaba Light vehicles.
As the pineal gland receives the Light Code transmissions from Sirius, you will encounter any remaining veils/barriers/membranes/ blockages to the 6D 3rd Eye Chakra. Use the spinning Vortex pineal magnetic field with deep indigo Sirian Light to dissolve, clear and release all illusions of false programming and/or frequency fences in the inner mind. As the pineal ‘lights up’, it will begin to stream an encoded photon laser beam into the 3rd Eye lens – piercing the quantum field of all possibilities. We have the ability and knowledge to significantly transform the world stage, and our curtain call is now!
Lovingly, Meg
Copyright (c) 2015 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.