Archangel Michael: Energies for March March 11, 07=======================
We come today to tell you that the energies that have come to this planet during the month of March is intended to clear the physical body, making way for a new human. We know that you have felt physical symptoms and we say to you that this will be reinforced during these three months, but after that time you should see a dramatic lessoning of the physical challenges that you witnessed in the past.By then we expect that most of the cells in your physical body should be crystalline. At the beginning of this year for the most part, individuals shared a completion rate of about 40-60% changeover to the new cellular composition. Most of this change will now be completed in this three month period.This comes from the remnant of a collision in the sky that some call a supernova. The first neutrinos came to this planet in 1987 when the collision was first noted, but it is now that the changing energies have reached this planet.This change could not have occurred before now because it is this time frame whereby the necessary building blocks reached Earth. In April and May you will feel different results as other components will reach your planet.We are telling you this beforehand so that you can understand the process. In a previous message, we mentioned that there will be other changes coming to this planet all year long, but they are different energies and will have to do with political changes as those energies will be coming from Source itself.
will discuss those changes in more detail later. For now we wish to work with the energies for these three months, and we invite you to attend our Conference Call which I have called for March 17th. That particular day is being used as there will also be new energies coming from the spring solstice which will add other energies to the remnants from the cosmic material of which we speak.
Therefore we say to you, those who didn't attend last month's conference call will also be assigned my warrior angels as there will be work that you will be asked to complete with them. We believe that the souls who join us on these three conference calls will effect great changes for their souls and for the world in general.
You will be of great service for the planet and for the bases of journeying to the next dimension. This is important planetary service and I thank you for listening and urge you to join the conference call. Blessing in the new light that has finally come to your planet. Blessings in our joy and light that we bring to you the souls who came with me initially. I promised that I would awaken my lightworkers at this time and I have kept my promise. I ask you to consider your promise to me and to yourselves to play your role in achieving world peace.
Archangel Mikael\u003cbr\>\n \u003cbr\>\nYou can sign up for the newsletter at * Or if you receive this too late you can send your email to * Also my other work is available at *
We will discuss those changes in more detail later. For now we wish to work with the energies for these three months, and we invite you to attend our Conference Call which I have called for March 17th. That particular day is being used as there will also be new energies coming from the spring solstice which will add other energies to the remnants from the cosmic material of which we speak.Therefore we say to you, those who didn't attend last month's conference call will also be assigned my warrior angels as there will be work that you will be asked to complete with them. We believe that the souls who join us on these three conference calls will effect great changes for their souls and for the world in general.You will be of great service for the planet and for the bases of journeying to the next dimension. This is important planetary service and I thank you for listening and urge you to join the conference call.Blessing in the new light that has finally come to your planet. Blessings in our joy and light that we bring to you the souls who came with me initially. I promised that I would awaken my lightworkers at this time and I have kept my promise. I ask you to consider your promise to me and to yourselves to play your role in achieving world peace.Archangel MikaelYou can sign up for the newsletter at * Or if you receive this too late you can send your request at * Also my other work is available at *