The Solstice Energies
a message from Meredith Murphy
18 June, 2011
Beginning today--for the three days prior to the Solstice, the Day of the Solstice as well as the three days after the Solstice--we're in a rarefied energy period of fertility and creativity.
There are times in our awakening when our soul is ready to make enormous leaps in consciousness; this is one of those amazing times.
There is an acceleration of energy happening right now, which is initiating a new phase in ascension and making the grounding of your eternal nature in human form, accelerated. There is much more happening within you right now then your mind can even comprehend. Many of us sense this...!
There is a powerful convergence of energetic waves on the Solstice. It is a time when keeping our balance and staying focused are very important as much will be dissolving and awakening simultaneously; and feeling overwhelmed or chaotic is possible without this grounded, centered focus.
There are great opportunities with this alignment coming into focus over the next week. Many people will be awakening and many awakening ones will awaken to new experiences and aspects of being in very significant ways. A lot of change is going to come forth from this energy shift on the Solstice.
The transmission of energies during this Solstice are powerfully fertile. There is a timeless, infinite moment available to you. This energy is emerging within YOU--listen to Spirit flowing within you and allow yourself to follow this, act on your heart's desire, and create. You can cultivate and tap deeply into these powerful days by taking time each day to meditate, to listen to what is emerging within you and to listen to what calls to you and give it life! And as I have been suggesting for a while now, staying focused and grounded is important--after all, we want to ground these vast energies in our human energy system, that's the whole point of being embodied now!
I will share more on the Solstice over the next few days, but I just wanted to kick off this window of creativity and acknowledge what is taking place. Even though we may not logically understand all that is happening, we may still honor and respect the mystery of this beautiful, powerful and important time. I encourage you to to listen deep within yourself, with innocence and appreciation for what is underway and the gift of your own presence in participating--you're truly fabulous!
I feel humble, reverent, truly awed by the gifts coming forth with all this soul-ar light. I am honored and appreciative for the community we share--thank you! It's an amazing time to be having a human experience! I wish you great JOY!
Much love and many blessings,
© 2009-2011, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications
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